THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1916-EVENlNG EDITION. FIVE Clarke MIlMimer y Central Avenue amnmoiuiece fthenir nim Spring Ope Wednesday Thursday and Friday A most coidiul Invitation Is extend ctl to all ( Inspect (liu Luteal Cre ations In Millinery. itter Meats ? SL it" WHAT AVI-J CHVK YOU. It Is our constant endeavor 11 Vf0 ' ,0 it tlio market lipoids and our large number of ' Inr lmlroiiH nssiuo hi that no nro hiiereedlng. If you aro T. ifcnbr patron hew, you '""I IxjRcr nrrungo (o lie. It HI kncflt ii nn1 benefit us. All kinds of FRESH MEATS, Smolcd Men's n"'1 0,n(' "nCM 'ol,nrt ',l u tivst cUisH Mea( '"'ket PHONE US YOUIl ORDER ' batfe Union Market flOK WW We have a large selection of LIGHTING FIXTURES, In Showers, Bowls and Stand Lamps, at Bargain Prices. We will supply those wishing to make their own dining room domes of Cretonne or Silk with the necessary rrames ami riumys. Electric and Heating Supply Company none :oj :"' xoimi front ht. Wiring Supplies 10, O, Opp?riuun, .Mgr. Repairs BREVITIES To Open Hotel. Mrs. 13. M. John son mid children have returned from Myrtlo Point and will probably re open tho Dotson hotel at Second and Curtis soon. p t - THE WEATHER REPORT (Ilr AMfglilal I'm. in cix nar Tlrart.) OREGON Uncottlod and probably rnln. Southerly winds, fresh to strong near coast. LOCAIj TEMPERATURE RECORD For tlio 21 hours ending nt 1:13 a. m., March 8, by HenJ. Ostllnd, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maxliniini 5:1 Minimum .; At 1:1 3 a. 111 .17 Precipitation on Precipitation since Sojt. 1, l!lfi 07.70 Precipitation Bnnio period lust year n:t. 1 r Wind: Southwest, cloudy. sunrise am) sunset WcilllCMliiy March 8. Sun rises ut 0:21 and sets nt n.r.8. t BORN I IS WDKINS- To Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Adklns at their homo near the North llond-Mnrshflold line, a 10 potmd boy, their fourth child. Ila"ly Hurt. Jerry Doyle, who Injured In tlio Portor mill yontcrdny w:is found to bo suffering from n frni lined pelvis and It Is feared that lc may liavo HiiHtalned lutoriinl In juries, Ilo will bo confined lo Mer cy Hospital for a long time. VJoble TheateD y TO-NIGHT IV Ihnlcl I'nliiimn prcM-ntu tli o world's moNt popular film Mar, Mary Pidkff oird l li KrcJlc-; iilny "RAGS." oiitshliilu'' nil i.e.. ftiinioi Ml rickfonl'H iluirmlorl.atloii or HAGS," tho llltlo i-lilld of Minn', Li n Miprcino triumph ono ofilio rine-t offering In tho ntlre liM..rr ()f luotlon pictures. Tho Mory that mows from lilcr to (curs and fnim teaivs (,. laughter; that touches deep e tcm!tT ioH f the hiinmii liearl, uwnkfiiltiK Iho pmiMt W and the nublcst (.cntlniciits. MlWIXn TONIGHT O.M.Y POSITIVELY XOT REPEATED IwccUy mid a comedy will bo Included In (ho prowim to w, nuking a hlunv. Liwpp nTHiNnY'S, 0RCHESTRA EVERY NIGHT. T?iloor. 5 cts'; Balcony l0 ots.; Children. Sots. ..... ,,(: 1 l(, 11, , .,,! r 1Il() ypnVt ThQ m euMirc. Its M poHciiul play ami ono that you'll never for- Out Arter YolurM. Not content with tho slow maniior In which vot ers have of lato been coming to reg ister, UcglHtrnr J. T. Ilraud this morning was about tho city signing -tip voters. Ilo has now more than 300 on his list. Judgo Pcniiock nlso states tlmt'peoplo aro slow this year In registering. Hoy Is Jnjiucd The flve-ycar-old son of II. M. Davonport, resid ing in Unngor Addition to North Hend, fell while playing and frac tured his thigh bono. 1ck llt-okcu. According to a ro port from Myrtlo Point, Taylor Do I'lent, who Is mayor of Myrtlo Point mill also Ctjos county commissioner, sustained a broken leg as a result or being kicked by a horse. Tho In jury will lay him up for. some time. 1- Poitcr Mill Shut Down. A dearth of logs cnusod the Porter Mill to close down last ovonlng, but It Is oxpoctcd that they will start up again In tlio morning. Tho bad weather of tho past week closed the logging enmps, tints shutting off tho supply of logs. Pupils Illtl W'cil. Krnosl C. I.loyd, formerly of Indopoiulcnco, ICansns, camo lir today from P.oss Inlet where he has Just closed 11 six-months' term of 'school. Ho re ports that Martha Thomson and Kiithcrliio Atkinson woro neither absent nor tardy during tho entire. six months. until about tho tlmo ho was discovered. .Mall Comes Slowly. Coos Day Unall Is still ono day behind Its sched ule, duo to rond troubles bctweon KoBeburg and Myrtlo Point. For tho first tlmo In several days tho papur mail is caught up to date but tho let ter mnll that should have arrived this morning failed to put In an ap pearance. It Is posslblo that It will come on tho evening train from Myr tlo Point. t PERSONAL MENTION t Dlt. J. h. MASSO.V, or Myrtlo Point, was hero today on a professional visit. Dlt. 11. M. SHAW wont to Myrtlo Point this morning on a profes sional trip. MRS. dBOIlUH GKDDIS, of Coal cdo, was among tho shopping vis itors hero today. CIIAHLI3S KBNSIiEU, of storb at Powers Is In business and pleasure. tho Hub today on 1 Portland MxcuihIoi, Tho Port land Journal announces that Port land business men will como to Coos 'Day on tho first train that runs through from Kugcno to tho Umpqun, about April 15, distend of waiting for tho completion or thu Umpqua bridge In August. Tho Mnrshflold Cluun- Kbor of Commorco wanted them to 'wait until the big colcbrntlon but It seems thoy aro going uii.cad with tho earlier duto. L. P. 1JKANST13TTHR left this mprnlng for Coqulllo, looking after his land business. 1 GliOItGM IjAHUSON was a passcn- gor to tho Valley on tho morning train to call 011 tho trndo. Iloats Itcfuxo IlooM. Krom Han don thcro comes a terrible wall. Mon from tl'ero of Into toll a horrible "story. Thoy say that none of tho boats running Into Uandou will ac cept express shipments of liquor from (Coos Day. Also thoy claim this In part accounts for tho fairly largo shipments tlit nrrlvo on Coos nay In tho various ships from the south. Kvory boat In from San Frnnclsco and Eureka enrriod its quota of pro hibition transgressors. j Pioneer Here. J. W. Catching, , tlio well known Catching Iulot plo 'nccr, was horo Tuesday and recalled I that ho had resided In Coos County for forty-four yonrs. Ho has boon a subscriber of Tho Times for many yonrs and In renewing his, subscrip tion today said that ho liked tho pa per bettor evory day. c tiream li rrtfin. "ff. h.,l - -mV " (Mirer HIIV Idml 1.. .....1.... ... i. " "i hit iur Uso fro'cn puddings. Ice Cream, delivered, 51.25 nor nallnn ""J- "'no, day or night RTER' March 10 HJ Al'TO STACK HCIIKIHTIjH To. Portland via Klorenco and IhiKenu 'nun In. v ggJCLE TIRES .'wiinB t i.,lt Tcm JSHFIELD CYHI fry WATERS: 'Punu.l.... T 4 iiumiujl . . . . Wednesday 8 Thursday D . Friday 10 .. Saturday 11 Sunday It! . Monday l.'l ITuosdny 11 ... iWodncsdny IC . Tiiuisilay 10 .. Friday 17 .... Faturday IS ... hunduy in Monday U0 ... Tuesday 21 Wednesday 22 Thursday 211 . Friday 21., Saturday 2G Sunday 2G Monday 27 Tuesday 28 . . Wednesday 29 Thursday 30 Friday 31 ., 'WShfHI. ... . ' V" uaa informc l.eavo .Marshfleld and Florence Wednesday 1 1:00 p.m. Thursday 2 1:15 p.m. Friday 3 1H5 p.m. Saturday l 2; 30 p.m. Sunday C 3:00 p.m. Monday 0 T..00 a.m. r : ;i u n.m. C:ir. a.m. 0:30 u.m. G:30 a.m. G:lfi a.m. 7:30 a.m. 0:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 1.15 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 0:00 a.m. 0:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 7:00 a 111. 7:45 a.m. 0:30 a.m. ..11;00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. t t t t t 1 t 1 t a ItlV (Joes Itown Tralnmon said this morning that they had no dif ficulty gottlng through to Myrtlo Point nnd Powers yestorday. Tho water or tho Coqulllo river con tinues to go down again toward normal, though for soveral diys It was nbovo tho tracks. Men today aro working on tho track, putting back any ballast that might luivo boon washed out from tlio tics. On trips leaving Mnrshflold bo roro 8 a. nt, you should mako Port land same day. On .1, m. trips you should come from Portland to Mnrshflold In ono day. t THE LLOYD HOTEL t Housekeeping ApnHinciitH, 4k Tim llrw.liik. SHOO Month. v ..- ,,.......,, -, ...--.. - lt0iMA..:""UW0"nl "3 that . thn,: ..: ewent to every tax- "eo,,ftlert. there 'UMe lnatlleso statements tjl J lam0U,ltof your taxes ik.j '"w are mi,i ., ... "". tlth0ttt b00,8 ot tho pay- Electricity niul Ons, Freo Ilaths ay cost to you. .Sleeping rooms, $1,50 wk. up n llanait nr ! "'SDPnnpRaMl ' selling coons iiLfunrv i4 Tho bis problem in soiling ilium 1 ,nnT?, r:uABAYTIMPOMfi., .- gottlng the customer Into tno storo. Coos Day Times nils, will liQlp you Qlv0 'vmmf , 7i W W Takes Over Other Wing. N. Moon, proprietor of tho Illanco ho tel, not content with ontlroly re modeling tho mnliwlng of tho woll known Tiostolry, hns now tnkon over tho south wing or the, building nnd this, too, Is being thoroughly reno vatod. Ho Is putting on now paper, new carpets for tho floors, Is paint ing and In evory way fixing up tho building for a good business. He has put a sowing room on tho Bccond floor for tho uso of tho lady guests of tho botol, which is in ad dition to a comfortable parlor al ready equipped. THINK OF THE ENORMOUS PURCHASING POWER THAT THE J. C. PENNEY CO. HAS FOR 125 BUSY STORES! WHO GETS THE BEST OF THE SAVING? THE MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD THAT TRADES AT THE J. C. PENNEY STORES. Children's Rompers, worth half the price more 25c A Bttter One, all new patterns , 49c Little Girl's Play Suit, Coat and Skirt, neatl ytrimmed 98c Little Boy's Waist and Pants, in plain white and colors, worth half the price more 98c Think of it Buying a Ladies' Houso Dress for 49c A Better Grade 79c Ladies' Gingham House Dresses, all new designs; two-in-one collar 98c Double Service House Dress, neatly trimmed 98c Can have these dresses with any dress for 50c more, Embroidery, newest patterns and designs 5c, 6 1 -2c, 7 1 -2c, 8 1 -3c, 10c, 12 1-2c, 15c Examine these goods and be convinced of the SAVING that you can make, at the Originators j penney WoUad LOW Prices 125 Busy Stores Follow Next Door to Postoffice CHARLES HALL loft on tho stage ' this morning for Salem nnd later will go lo Portland on business. O. J. LEMANSKI, of tho Hoyal Theatre, wont over to Coqulllo this morning on a business visit. OTTO .MUETZEL, wiwmlll man ol Lnkesldo, was down today look ing nftor uonio business matters. JASPER YOAKAM, woll ftnown rancher near Coqulllo, was over yestorday and today on cnttlo business. W. U. DOUGLAS enmo bnck on the morning stago from Portland :, whore ho hns been soveral days , on legal business. C. R. PECIC returned this morning from Gardlnor whoro hu wont yes terday to attend a meeting of tho , Port commissioners. Besides First Class Meats We carry a nice line of . . . Pickled Lamb Tonguo Pickled Pig Foot Pickled Pig Ears Pickled Pig Snouts Pickled Tripo Norway Herring Codrish, Finnan Iladdlo and various kinds of cunuod fish. FRESH EGGS, 25 CENTS PER DOZEN. SMOKED COUNTRY SAUSAOE, OARLIO HAUHAOK AMI SPAN' 1SH SAUSAGE, 1EXICA,V .STYLE Palace Meat Market N. I). OSWALD. Phono -lOII-J. Central Ave. nil) DOLAN, who hns boon employed at Powers loft today for suninor. whore ho will go to work in tho McDonald & Vaughn camp. Idi"d Grant Matter. Hugh Mc- jLaln said that ho was In favor of calling n Coos county convention to upass resolutions endorsing souuior IChamborlnln'8 Dill for Bottling mo land grant question. Tho Chambor lalu hill provides to allow tho land rgrnnt holdors $2.50 per aero and hhon dlvldo tho procoeds from tho .siilo of tho land, fortpor cent to tho j county, In which thoy nro located for- ,ty per cent 10 tno scuooi iuiiu mm Iwouty por cent to tho federal gov ernment. Mr. McLatn snys this dis position would bo a groat benefit to 'Coos county. If you want tlio wry latest, "nlltlest" Mitt hat of the mnimhi, como In and iihk t M-o tho "Legion." It has a distinctly original fctylo tlmt every man of good tasto will appreciate. ItS ".Mallo'ry" lmt wlilrli N guaranty for it, high quillty and correct designing. Wo Mioiv tho "legion" in tlio newest .Spring Muules and CTnvenetto' , weatlicr-proui, If yon wish It. Woolen Mill Store Marshfield North Bend Mlfoago Ih Whacked Off ConSta ' bio Cox Is n now victim of tho oxponso 'aoductlons of tho county court. Dur jlng tho last month ho had soveral ..sorvlves of papers to mako for tho rcouuty to points outsldo tho city and jdind to securo conveyances to mako tho trips, Ho sonjt In a bill for mllo fugo, ono amounting to $1.70 and to Jdny rocolvod word from tho county court that It has been rofiiBod. Now Mr. Cox Is wondering how out of 'town sorvlcos aro to bo mado when ijio sociiros only 50 and 75 conts for "tho service and no mlloago included. It. 8. HUSTON, editor and publisher of .tho SIubIiiw Pilot, loft on tho stago this morning, going back to Floronco nftcr soveral days horo on business. LIEUT. It. 0. CO.MAN, or tho U. S. navy, loft on tho stago this morn ing, returning to Maro Islarid after a visit horo in connection with tho wireless station.. DR. E. S. CONKLIN, of Eugono, wont to Mrytlo Point thin morn ing, whoro ho will lecturo to night. Ho will return horo Sat urday and lecturo ut tho high school In tho ovonlng. . F. PARSONS, nn attorney of Moscow, Idaho, nnd old friend! of Dwlght Hodgo, of Marshflold.j arrived yostorday from tho -north and this morning went to Co qulllo on a business trip. J MES MAGEE, JR., who has been following tho son uiiil who has re contly been visiting his parents at Empire, was hero yesterday. Ho will sail on tho Nairn Smith In April with his brother, Capt V. A Mugeo, when tho 'Nairn goes abroad. J t AT THE HOTELS : $ St. L'lMi'cnro Hotel. Mrs, Georgo Geddls, Conlodo; I), Hartshaw, Portland; Mrs. Mary Mll lor, Myrtlo Point; F. Hastings, Ma- ploton; W. C. Jack, Scattlo; U. Uoardmnn and wife Uandou; A. Fullor, Coqulllo; II. Stnndflold, Gar dlnor. Illanco Hotel. G. 13. Mustek, Ditto Ridge; Fred Znchtiry, North Iloinl; Mant Zach ary, North Hand; .lnnics Child, Pow ers; Wullnco Martin Coos River; Jasper Yonkntu, Coqulllo; Russell Hogan, Detroit; Oraco Eckstlno, Portland; Edna Ho wo, Portland. Llojd Hotel. Jack Posolk, Powers; F. C. Rod gers, Powers; T. J. Thrift, 'Coqulllo; 8. II. Johnston, Portland; Low F. Prlco, Sumner; P. L. Horry, Han don; M. D. Morgan, Powers. Chandler. , Goorgo W. Dofoo, Uandou; F. O. Stone, Coqulllo; Otto Muotzol, Lnke sldo; R. C. Wolcknmn. Lnkesldo; L. P. Rrnustottor, Coqulllo; J. L. Mnsson, Myrtlo Point; 15. I. Can tlno. Coqulllo; F. S. Slnglo, Co qulllo; I. Wolfo, San Francisco; E. P. Rogois, Sniij Frnnclsco; II. S. Huston, Floronco; I. 11. Taylor, Seattle; 1). C. nogart, Portland: W. Snyder, Portland; S. C. Van Arml tngo. Portland; Robert T. Dogen, Sonttlo; Junto Colo, Portland; O. J. Gray St. Paul; Joseph Jacobs, San Francisco; II. It. Galthor. Port land; E. 8. Conklln, Eugono; II, P. Putmou, Portland; L. 1). Austin, Portlands William Candlln, Co qulllo; R. G. Coman, U. S. N.5 11. E. Toombs. Portland; Peder E. Ped ofson, Allegany. L. A. LILJEQVIBT, district aUomoy, Is expected In tomorrow from J'ort- , laud and Eugono whoro ho has boon for tho past 10 dayB on' le gal business. E. 1. CANTINE, doputy stnto high way engineer, ciiinu ovor from Co qulllo Inst evonlng mid today wtmi up Coos' river with Stewnrt Ly- ons, vice prosldent for Marshdold In tho Good Roads association. Times want ads brlnfi ruuults. QJOTIC AD t NPW TODAY t i FOR SALIC Ono cow, slv jcniih old; one cow, coming throo yonrs old; both to ho fresh soon. Phono 125-R, nftor 0 p. in. LOST Liidy'H bundling on road, front Hunker Hill. Pfcuso return to Times office. Asleep In Theater. Earl, tho sov- on-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. May of North Mnrshflold ran away Monday ovonlng nnd wont to the moving pleturo'sliQW. Uo got drowsy Saturday, looking nt tho pictures and fell .... nslcop and remained In tho snow-j lionre after tho crowd had left. Ilo, wns not noticed whon the Noblo was I locked up. About H o'clock Dr. Horsfull heard somoono screaming In there and sent for-Managor Mars rtei who found that tho lad was bnd lyfrlghtened. His folks thought that , tho boy had gone out with a relative fail d'.d not start to search for hlra A. GOLDEN loft this morning for Coqulllo to attend to school mat ters. Ho wiib out today.for tho first tlmo nfor a week's slogo or la grlppo. During tho Btorm Inst week ho was taught on tho Co qulllo and suffered from tho oxpo miro to tho cold and rain. WANTED Elderly lady for lions'- koopor. Good homo Tor right party. Phono 171 R. Ilaptlst ladle cooked fopd sale, at Miirnhfleld HiiVdwai-c, I t Anything You Want Keep Your Feet Dry by getting pair of OXLITE HQLEII KIIOKS. Wo guaianteo tlio w.dcs to turn biioiv wnli-rs To lest tlieui out, wo M'H them for . . .8:i.l" Try u pair and walk with dry feet onco, NEW LADIES' SHOES eaino on last boat Patent Leather, Cloth Top lliittou, Plain Toe, Goodyear Wolt Shoes; Price $il.ll.T WANTED Tho good cohh Will pay cash. Apply Herbert Rogers, on Rainbow. THOSE WISHING GOOD ROOM and board, homo cooking, apply L'i) South Hrondway. FOR KALE Ton nrio tract on county road to Huninor; prlco ?150, Sue J. E. Cooluy, Murah Hold, Oro. I Roman Beauty Apples A carload just received from Yakima, Washington Tlieso aro Fancy Grade. Order from vour ui'ocor. All grocer Hauulo Hum. H. W. PAINTER in puro fiesh drugK of the highest grade you call get hero. , Wo handle only rolluMo flrst-clatH goodK. Nothing ivhatevor Is iuIn- lepiescnted. THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono UOH Wo Deliver Inunedlately Dig .Misses' Shoes, Now Lust, Patent Leather, Cloth Top, Mutton, Low Servlceahlo Heel; Piko ftS.ll.l Wo liavo new .shoes ooiuliig on most every bout. Watch oir window for lib. new (.Iiocn ho aro not keeping over hhocs no aro selling (hum. Every Mioo In the house for sale at miiiio prlco. Wo Invito you Into our little Moio lo look ut our shies. FOR RENT Furnished lioiisckeopt lug roouiB. Phono 185-J. C0 Central. J Z FOR RENT J i FOR ItlONT Fiirnlslicd flat, hot and cold water, bath. 853 Third at. $' J FOR SALE t WANTED Will buy note.- secured by flist mortgago liutiu on real proporty. Harry O. Hoy. FOR SALE not) can Incubator Phono CJ. Electric Shoe Store Shoes Repaired While You Wlt H. J. IMMEL. Prop, I IHO South Hrondway FOR SALE Full blood II. R. ogKi for sotting; also day old chicks. C. M. Qtjnnor, Ph. 451-J. -- ' - ' .-. ' FOR SALE Selected Whin Lcghont pggs for Bettings, from good layers W. R. Oxonrlrtor, Pltpno 303x2, Marnhflold. x Mnv Cost " iti ,,v"w AUS this problem. ninn i:-? .. .-..J an uiiiuiencyi '