rr -wvrY m CANT STICK JHE OTHER FMLQW WE BELIEVE IN STICKING TOGETHER PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE.BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS am. A A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL " SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES :mL Qiaos Ism MKM1IKK OP Til 13 ASSOCIATED PIIKHS fol. XXXIX Established J 878 Ah Tho Const Mnll J flANf GOOD i nini 1 II n i tmMU w MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1916 EVENING EDITION. in T STRONG ER innmincGs It Will Respect In t5SBal Law If Allies Do Likewise. IE IBJE D. S. Says Great Britain Has Taken Advamage ui hihwo Stand For Safety. NO PROVISION FOR U-BOATS bfeMdor ion IJcriiMlorrr wij-h Old ' Porte cfXnllciiiHMmlo ii Provls ' on (or Xw I'JWlno ,f Wnrfm-o pcllienf Irllu Mcs.sitgo IttlMtMti TrtM ! Cool TUJ Tlmw.J WASHINGTON', 1). C, March 8. Tie German Ambassador Count von fernitorff today, at tho liiHtrnctlons cl bit government, limulcit to Socro- ttrl Lanllnc ft momornmitim oxpinin bf Id detail dormnny'B position In rrd to armed merchant ships anil He causes leading up to tho dool ilon of the Central Kuropoan pow er! to torpedo without warning, nil irnrd merchantmen of tho onomlon. , White tho contents woro not mndo funic, It Is understood to contain Ue allegation that .Great Hrltnln linn lilenadvantaROof tho contention or lie United Stitcs, that Ainorlcans noit bo aafo on dcfcnslvofy nrniod merchantmen, to havo thoso ships act offensively toward cnoiny oub marines, d'oml If F.nghiud In Tbo German government under ilooj to express a wllllnguccn to op tr.it aubmcrallilcn In accordance with tho Intomntlonal law prevail Injs prior to tho war provided Groat Main docs not violate tho ijaino law. The German government, It In un derstood, concedes thnt nu subma rines are a now ongluo of wnrfnro, tie lnlernatlor.nl law, as nt prosont constituted, makes no provision for their- tis-). The memorandum contonils that tie evldenco npionded to tho Into German announcement proves that Brltlrti ships, armed ostensibly for Wenie. havo licon Instructed to let and havo acted offensively. It reiterates tho declaration that sub wrlne warfaro was bosun by Gor B'Djr In reprisal. It refers to tho long standing Wendihlp between tho United Sutfs and Ocrniany and expresses tie hopo that tho American pcoplo t'll. when familiar with tho oxplnn 'Ions offered, fully appreciate tho PMltlon In which Oornmny rind's "(Jflf a a result of tho lilockatlo. "e text of tlm mnniorandum wna uttr Ba,1 Public nml lh0 contents IZ !un(1 ,0 nRrco wllh tho mi. "wJal reports, AHNO MI'KKKN HAVH Ll'MHP.K IS PICKING Ul OX COAST C A. Smith Company to I'm. Ilont on Hun Wlillu Xnmt is Gone No Logs Mill Clowes Today Thoro is llttlo now in tho lumber Bltuntlon, according to Arno Mo reon, superintendent of thu 0, A. Smith inlllH, who returned this morning on tho Adeline from San Francisco. Ho expects to bo here for tho remainder of tho month. Frolght rates havo gone up be tween $2 and $11 a thousand, lie raid, a fact thnt hail drawn lum ber up In somewhat corresponding amounts, with tho margin of profits going to tho owners of vessels. Season to bo Stronger lint In splto of this tho hiialinwi is good, rc)lrtH Mr. Moreen, ami ho expects this season to bo con siderably HtroiiBor than tio last olio, Hvorywhoro thcro seeniH to bo nu air of .uncertainty. Capitalists havo ready money, but nro shy in inn Icing Investment!), becauso or tho gonoral uncortnlnty of affairs. Much seoius to hinge on tho cens ing or war In Kuropo. Tho end or tho slaughter is expected to causa nn enormous demand Tor lumbar to lio used In rebuilding. Xnuii Is Chattered Mr. Morcou said that it 'Is a cer tainty that tho Nnnn Smith Is char tered Tor a DO-dny period nt n high & Consolidation of Times, Coast Mnll nnd Coos Hny Advertiser. No. 193 TO MAKE THE CITY BEAUTIFUL . , NK FMlKT MUST. MAKH Till: CITIZIIN, DUTIFUL. HOLD LABOR TRUST GERMANS ASK ANYONE bis Ideas on tho subjoct nnd iultu glibly will ho toll what should bo dono rnho up tho yards, clean tho alloys, Plant riowers, paint rences, mid a dozen moro Instructions according lo popular forniuln. Tho Times has boon running a series or City Heautiriil stories. They aro arousing Intorest. lr you would havo further Inspiration take walk past ono of thoso places described nml so how other pcoplo ijo about tho Improvement of their yards. Then -go homo, shed your coat and go to work. General Ideas servo their purposes in gotllng tho general public interested; concrelo ideas, worked out, inako tho well-kept yard. Many of siieb yards, taken In a group, accomplish tbo City IJeaiitirul. lloro follow a row concrete Ideas: Small and attractive flower beds may bo dug up closo to tho houso and parnllollng tbo sides or tbo front. Mako thorn 12 to 18 Inches wide. Spado tho soil well. Half a dozen flowers may bo grown. Nasturtiums, sown In rows in April, should bo thinned two-thirds of an Inch apart. Thoro aro moro thnn fifteen vnrlctlos. l'ut up sticks, to trail thorn over. l'anslcs ntny bo sown In April. Sweat Pens aro Iicoutlfut. "Sow thorn immcdl ately, In tranches. Tho Spencer typo Is by far tho best, being large, frco-bloomliig and moro nrtlstlc. , Trim your rose bushes. Mako them produce flowora Instead of wood. Trim all tho bushes In your yard, Hahlins mako bcautlrul gnrden additions. Tho bulbs or these aro planted lntor, between April 20 and May 20. Thoro aro dozens or varieties. Porch nnd window boxes, painted, add greatly to tho attractiveness of otherwlso very common looking homes. ' Clear tho litter rroin tho back yard. Paint tho woodshed and tho back foncc. Pay as much attention to tho parking In front or your homo n's you do to tho main yanl. Tlieao aro merely a row outlined idens or hundred:) that may bo thought or. Tho faith ful working out or three or four will mako your homo a moro cheorful place and aid wonder fully toward making Marshfloldi n City Ilcautirul. A STU11DOUN CINDHRKLLA. 5. P. OFFER TO I y CONTEST p iur 1 1 n n n a bit tih t,m,:s a.vhmix i blVt Ur briAN I ! ,,,;uT"u!!i,,mi: 'OH CITV CSSKS rato ror China and Japan. Ho said jWoUfJ Jake $10,000,000 In that another vessel will (ako her nu i on nnn nnn . II UP FACTORY MU,,,u",Al.liVHHTIU)VKI nj;S;27,,r",t',,,,,,m,vH"h"fl "M-OOQ !, ,. c.,sinBrall..a , tt'rly Today -Sfr'rAu's'N-Y--Mch8. Crl'r 0f l" Niagara Wo l 21 1 " C0,n"lct0 ,Iclri'- t S ;,hB1, Tho f,, a1,10'1 Mrti! L !" BCVOral P'oslons nCl i Tt ? inf"c,ert ,,a"noa beoniir,0'000, T"'n"agor nt 2 Y 58Uca a f0""c "tnto bS S U' "taJ la ean OFjyARrTR, TAKES OFFICE SOON "te r ,. . loiinei- .Mayor 0f tlcwliiiiil f"EmS',,',0CM,B,'Tta"'' !' Secretary o,e.WhoM 0,ni"ation ?tt8enile,a, "!".?" conHrn,ed "oathjwohewlll tako 01 co tomorrow. Wot la brwjt results. plnco horo on a regular run dui'.ng tho nbEonce. XoimI .Moro lings Tho slx-duy uchcdulu or operations at tho mill lo hindered because suf ficient logs nro not available, owing to bad weather mid freshets. It v.fcs this fact that closed tho main mill "d tho C. A. Smith plant at noiin. today. Tho Kastsldo mill was closed down on Monday noon. Throo trains or logs, with n total or soui'i GOP.OQO aro cxpecieil In Into today and tho main mill at least will open tigi in tomorrow. Hocnuso or (M3- rupled trniu sorvlco this wook, caus ed by tho high wator, there havo been no logs down from Powers ror two or jthreo days. Affairs In Sail Francisco aro go In;; very well, with II, It, Johnson it tho head -or tho company. Ho haii just recently tnkou tho plnco or .March 15 I.nt Ditto for ConnvlhutJoiH School Children In .Special Cluss Many Contribute Cash and $30,000,000 of limber for Grant PROPOSAL TO HOUSE lands In tho Oroeon and California Mr IJloss, or tho creditors commit-Krnnt for $10,000,000 lr released or tho parpotual obligation to transport 'American troops nnd property free too. C. A. Smith Is vory busy In San Says Proposal is to Avoid Fu ture Litigation Over Im mense Donation NO ACTION ,IS TAKEN Wan in Also to lio ltclleied of Pi be Transportation of ('nvr-iiimcut Troops and Property Claims Timber on (.'rant If AmoiUIM Prru lo Coot D7 TlmM.) WASIHNdTOX, I). C, March 8. Tim Southern Pacific Company today 'proposed to rollnaulsh nil claim to Kiiuk.Ibco, and will vory shortly boor c,nrK0 ovor t10 .ca C0Vercd In i.humi' iviiMi, so uwiu ins iiiiuinib'i .tho grant. March 15 marks tho closing or Tho Tliuca campaign ror City Hcautlful liuggcstlous for which prizes nro bo 'lug offarcd; it docs not, howovor, mark tho close or The Times crusndo ! toward making Maroliflold a City Hcautlful. Kvory day brlngB many suggca. tlons to tho offlco, written by people who aro 'taking a keen Intorest to ll ward doing something that will no tually rollovo tho prcsout unkempt situation. . . . Tho suggestion campaign is divide Into two clnssos, tho ono ror th adults and tho other for tho school' children of the city, many of whom I aro submitting contributions. In tho first class for the "grown ups" a sliver medal, suitably in scribed la offered as tho first prlzo, nnd a six mouths subscription to Tho Times for tho second and third host suggestions offorod. Among tho tubool children, tho first prlzo will ito 'A In cash, and tho second nod third prizes, $1.00 onch. - Ah was stated at tho opening or tho trip to Coos Day Is Indefinitely post I mod. Adollno'H Fast Trip. Tho Adeline Smith arrived lu'ron(. Tho proposal wns mndo to tho Houso public lauds commlttoo by J. P. Klalr, gonoral counsol of tho rail- early this morning, after maldiig a Miilek round trip from horo to Oak land, it wns Just eighty-two hours or fourteen hours less thnn four days, from tho tlmo sho loft tho milt dock until sho wan hack loading again. On this trip sho carried 1,718,000 feet or lumber. Cnpt. Olson roportcd that It was llttlo choppy hut not bad at sou. The Adeline will said again ror tho south about midnight tonight. Ho said that tho company was will ing to compromlso In this way to laolil fiituio litigation and that tho road now claims tho right to romovo Ylmlier valued lit upwards ot $30, 000,000 from tho land grant portion or its property. TIBERJAN HERE HKPUKSKNTATIVi: OP MASTHItX HVXIHCATK OX HAV AOAIX O. J. nviiy IrftokliiK After Coos HIV- er Tnu'lh Siiyn Xothing Deriiiito So Par O. J. Gray, or St. Puul,.roprcsonta tlvo of several cupltnlists now In terested, Is horo making furthor no gotiatlons with tho owners of tim ber tracts on Coos river. Mr. Gray had llttlo to say In tho matter. Ho stated tljat at tho present tlmo ovory e'rrort Is boing mndo to sccuro options on tho lands, many or which aro held In small nrlvnto tracts. If proper prices can bo socurod, ho said, tho deal will go through, otherwise, ho felt thoro would ho nothing to it. Aro Separate Concerns. Sir. Gray reiterated the point that tho men ho represents have no un- nection with tho Iiuohner Interests. He oxpects to bo here threo or four days. He said today that tho concern has no aim to taking over any hold ings unless H can got a large tract, Tlme.s AVnnt A"N Oct Results, CONTRACT S GNLD 15 all of tho contributions toward thinking of Marshflold n City Dcau tlfiil will bo placed In tho hands orlorroa YCSlor,jny'H atlnrks loft tho a Jury of threo soloctod from among the men nnd womon of tho city Inter ented In civic dovolopmout nnd they VEBDMTTLE France Anxiously But Confi dently Awaits Outcome of War's Greatest Struggle. DECISIVETY FRIDAY Tomorrow or Next Day Will Probably Determine Way Engagement Will Go. GERMANS' LOSSES HEAVY SKVKKAIj IIIO COUPOItATIOXS IXIHCTHI) IX OHIO United States Steel Corporation nnd Other Charged With Trjlng -to Vk Wages tn Ah.cI.IkI Pru lo Com nr Timed.) YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, March 8. liidirttnentB woro returned today by tho county grand Jury ngnlnst tho United States Stool Corporation and rivo othor stool companies and K. 11. Gary, exccutlvo chairman .of tho United Stntca Steol Corporation. Tho defendants aro charged with having I formed a trust to fix tho wages or common labor In violation ot tho laws or Ohio. Tho other companies Indlctod woro tho Ypungstown Sheet and Tubo Company, tho Itcpubllc Iron nnd Steol Company, tho Youngstown Iron and Steol Compnny, tho Prior Hill StcoJ Company and tho Camoglo Steol Company. Tho Indictments followed a sweop- Jng proho of tho Enst Youngstowu riots. IS T 1 CLAIM VERDUN GAINS Kaiser Hun Hurled t!00,()0() of :i()(),- 00(1 Korea Allowed Agalus .loffio's Stronghold To Hurl .Mass Against French (11 AuotlaUJ I'rru lo Com liar Time.) I PARIS, March 8. Franco awaits anxiously hut confidently tho Issue of today's battlo. Tho Gormnns IIiiib far, at a cost or largo losses, ob tained command ot tho approaches kb tho main French positions boyoud Alio west bnuk or tho Meuso. tiEXATOIt STOXI4 DIJCIiAItKS PHK.H. VII.SOX OPPOSKS IT iHJn ICuM'Ullvo In .Making Siiprt:in( ICffort to Avoid Ilolug Drawn Into Struggle ttlr AiiocUtwl rma to Cm Ilr Tlmu. WASHINGTON, I). C, March 8 Senator Stone doclarcd in tho Sou ,ato today after a conforonco with President Wilson lust night "Thnt so far from the President desiring to Involvo this country In tho European war, his Btipromo wish wns to avoid that calamity." JETTY IS CERTAIN PORT OK U.MPQL'A COMMISSION VOTIiS IjlUOO.OOO IIOXDS Tho real strui'Ulo wll boidu when campaign on February 2G, on March Ul0 (ormnn nWBBCB liurl thomsolvos (agnln on tho lour miles or heights oxtendlng from Iiothlncourt to Cum- battlo undecided. 1 It la known hero thnt tho Germans diet aside 300,000 moil to capture Vor- i win iicciuo mo winner or um in , 0nly aoo.ooo woro employed Isopnrato contests. I yestorday. and tho question Whllo thoro nro ntlll six moro dayB ,, wl0lIl0r tll0 romuliilng troops will boforo tho anil or tho contest Tho',,., . ... k BU,idon descent .Tlmos suggests that the contrlhu- fb, B(jmo Qthm ,mrt of Uu Frolc .lions Do sont in as quioiuy as Im-S,iio dovolopliiB tho oHonslvo sumo. I no mcas inai are uoing ro- RglllMi tho fortrCHH. colved aro vory good; thoy will bo, T,1(J ox,)0ct0ll )alt0 wl rcach Its published and no iloiibUrlll aid con- C,IWX tolllorrow or Kri,ny. Not un uldorably toward arousing onthu-t tn w, ,t ,,0 vomlMo to .lotorin slasm to clean up Hio back yards',. ... w ., ,,.., w, 0 SAMCOFCOgi'lMJ': VALM2Y FAIN .MIIR'S TKMIPIIONH CO. .MADI'3 TaUfii 0'r definitely by Coos and Curry Telephone Company IVJco t !'' I" !?M.)' A contract ror tho purchase or tho Coqulllo Valloy Farmors' Tolophnno Compnny by tho Coos and Curry Tel ephone company was dcHnltoly slgnod yestorday in Coqulllo. Tho price made public is $10,000 and tho local company la to tako chargo April 1. For Hovornl months tho jirojdit Jir.ii boon undor way with tho under standing that as soon ns certain mat- toro woro straightened up that tho calo would bo mil uiroiiB". Charles Hall, president or f"ho Coos and Curry Company, complotod tho deal yesterday arternoon. This new arinmromont w.ll moan ono Instead of two tolephono companies In Co-1 qulllo and surrounding counuj u will greatly improve tne service. and Improvo the homes nnd unsightly spots. EH WAltRIKE TO SPI1K HKRK Thursday night at tho Marshflold f.Chamber of Commerco. Was Poisoned. Kd Giilnan of Curry's harbor shop Is' confined to his home by a severe attack or Pto mnlno nolsoning surrorod Sunday. (lie was considerably hottor today. WOIIKMKX ItKSl'MK CONSTRPC TlOX OF ItAlliROAl) TOHAY. Labor Union nt Anchorage Announc es They Will Rosiiuin Pending Settlement or Wage Question. tm Awocliloa I'rcM to Coo DA7 Tlmo.) SKWARU. Alaska, Mnrch 7. A atrlko or tho mon employed on tho ronbtructlon or tho govorninoiit Alaska railroad endotl yestorday, whon tho fodoral labor union at Anchorago returned to work pond ing a settlement or tho wago controversy. Leg Is llrolicn. Whllo aiding In moving several hales or pulp at tin Ipulp mill tho other day K. Pyhtlla, u F;nnlsli employee, sustalnod a com pound fracture of tho leg when ono . . ... .i v..nAA-M'u Deputy State nisr i..... or Uq bale9 rol,0(, ove,. 0 to,, of n.,n,w. win aauress a wtreuuK him. He was taken to tho Mercy Hospital for nttontlon and In nil prob ability will he lncapaciate-J for six weeks or bo. Illustrated IectuVo on the "Phil ippines" at M. K. Leagtio Hall, Friday evening, 8 o'clock, by Hot. A. S, lllKoy, BOOST HOI TRADE COOS UAV IUSIXKSS MUX'S AH SOCIATIOX APPROVKS PLAX Coos May .M.moy Should ns Far ns Prartlmhlo, lio .SKnit on Coos Hay, With Coos Ray .Men Tho Times has always boon a consistent and persistant booster of homo trado. Tho Tlmos hollovcs that money mado on Coos Hny should, ns far as practicable, bo spout on Coos Hay. On' Saturday of this "wook It is proposed that tho .Merchants will advertise tho advantage or trading at homo nnd Tho Times will got In lino to kcop the dollar at homo. Tho inorehants will genorally Join In this boost campaign. NF.W GKH.MAX ALLIAXCK Hnpsburg Princess to Wed Piinco llorls or ItiilgarlA in, AmocIjIM rr lo Coo Dij TlmM.l HKRL1N, March 8. A marrlago is boing arranged betwoon Prince llorls. oldest son or K.ng Ferdinand or Hulgarla, and PrlncrBS or the louso or Hnirbiirg. LCapt- James Polbemus to Make Out Plans ami SHciricatlons d'ni' tllncr to Ceicbrnto tbo UvdH Two hundred thousand dollars or vjotty Improvomont bonds worn voted lyontordny by tho Port or Unipqun :ommlBslonors In their monthly moot Aug at Gardiner. Tho bonds nro to ho ndvcrtlscd, tho bids tor tho work ,111 list bo let mid it is oxpoctod ac tual construction will start this sum ar.or, according to C. R. Pock, at torney for tho Port, who returned llliomo today. Captain Jninos Polbemus wns rec ommended anil bin sorvlcos have been Accepted to make out tho plans and specifications ror tho work mid all bthor details up to tho beginning ot tactual construction whon mi engineer Will bo socurod to remain on tho Unip qun and tako chnrgo or tho work. Ton days ngo a committee con sisting) or Warron P. 'Rood, I. P. Clirlstlo and O. It, Peck went to Portland and Intorvlowod Colonel ul'ottor, chief or tho local engineers. Tho report or tho committee wnu mado yesterday. Tho stato will bo asked to resorvo tho lauds It owns nt tho mouth or tho Umpqun ror tho purpose or bur- vbor Improvement work. Colonel Pot- tor promlcod that tho survey or tho river's ontranco will bo completed. Captain Polhomus, who iindor- Mtunils tho Umpqun Bltuntlon, con- Hontcd to do all tho work leading up to tho actual construction of a Jetty Tor $350 and his offor was accopted. IWhon work starts another onglneor will bo secured, ono who will bo paid n monthly sulary and remain on tho iob. . ' Commissioner W. P. Rood has or dered tho Port a freo quarry alto ?for tho purpose ofi this Improvomont. Gardiner Is Jubilant ovor mo pass lug or tho $200,000 bonds and tho Chamber or Commerco thoro last ov- milng, holding a moating with tho at- tendance or 50 mombors, votod to uoi jasldo a day ror tho celobratlon or tbo ovent, which In all probabllty will bo bold this month. At tho same tlmo was ta"ken up tho mattor or making a road from Gar diner to tho railroad whero now Is 'situated a station named Drow. An effort will be mndo to change the name of this station to Gardlnor. The county commissioners are said to be 'waiting to see It this station can actually be secured beforq voting any funds for the road. Times want nda orlng results. Berlin Announces Decisive Advances Against Frencb Lines Yesterday BIG BATTLE RAGES Engagement Develops Into One of Greatest in His tory of Warfare MANY PRISONERS TAKEN Paris Hepoils Situation Unchnngwl Kaiser Announces Further Ad vances In Woovro Section French Gain fOf AMIttlttKl Vtrn to CfM tlr Tlm. LONDON, Mar. 8. Tho battlo of Verdun dovolopcd both In Intensity and In extent nil tiny yestorday nnd Is now raging along tho lino from Choppy In Argonno to Frcsnos lu Woovio, idiowlng that tho socond nttack lor tho stronghold is to bo bo mndo on a larger ncalo than thn first. Tho enpturo of tho French posi tions west or tin Meuao on both sides or Forgos Hrnok bolow Iiothln court, on n front throo miles wtdo nnd nearly two mllos tloop, was an nounced today by Ilorlln. The vil lage n or Forgos and RcgnovJIlo on tho heights of Rnthcn and In Cum lores woods woro also taken, in this assault 58 officers, 3277 moil nud ton cannon woro enpturcn. In Woovro, tho French wero di'Iv en out of tho Inst houses they hold In Frcsnos, Ilorlln roports.' Mora thnn 700 prisoners woro mado, Paris sayn tho situation north ot Verdun Is unchanged. No Infantry attacks woro mndo InBt night. In Chnmpagno, tho Fronch recaptured portions or trenches lost Mnrch 0. COUNTY IS TD WIN IIAItl) IIATTLH I? 10.1,000 OF WAGF.I) OVKIt TAX MONKY W. U Douglas Itcturns l'roni PoVt. lami IWls Ctinritlent Coos County nud IPHiks Havo Winning Hnutl On n lack or Jiirlsdlctlon demur Jt lio dofeiidantH In tho two. ensos of tho Monnsha Woodeuwnro Company ngalust Coos County nnd tho First National Hank and tho Flnuagmi mid 1'IlonncU bank hopo to win a favorabU 'decision In few days from tho U. 8. District Court nt Portland. W. U. Douglas, nttoruoy for tho First National Dank, returned this morning from Portland. Ho has boon thoro n wock with District At torney Llljcqvlat nu court business. Ho bollevon that tho defendants will win tholr enso. t Tho Mounshn Woodonwaro Com. pauy nioiitlifvutjo, put uonio $165,000 In escrow, this amount to cover their unpaid taxes anil back ponaltlos during tho tlmo tho question as to their title to the lands Involved nhnll bo ascertained. It Is for tho return of this sum that tho company Jii now contending, tho arguments having been fought out within tho Inst row days .boforn District Judge Robert Ilonu In Portland. Canned Kcato. Goo. ninck or tho Siimnar Hardware this morning started to soldor a bolo In an old gasoline can. Howovor, there Imp- noued to bo a llttlo gasollna In tho run nud whon tho solder Iron bentod R up, thcro was a young explosion, bLucklly there wasn't sufficient gaso- lino in tho can to cause a bad ox plosion, Air. Iilnck escaped Injury. It was reported that several vlndows In tho rear of tho shop woro broken by tho explosion but Mllo Sumner said thnt theso woro broken boiiio tlmo ago. MAYOR GILL WINS HAS RIG LKAIi 1 HHATTLB MA VORA ll'V F.LF.CTIOX nj AMorhtrJ TrrM lo Coo HJ Tlm. SKATTLK, Wash., Mar. 8. Of ficial returns from 217 of tho 277 precincts of Scattlo giro Mayor GUI 3923 majority over Austin E. Grif fiths and Indicate GUI's total ma jority will bo about 5000,