The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 07, 1916, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    wr7fT l Tt
"WdjpV" -
Everybody is coming to the Hub
to see the new fashions
An Early Exhibition of
Spring Fashions Which
Will Delight All Women
New Suits
New Coats .
New Dresses
New Skirts
New Waists
Distinctive Smart Low Priced.
Hub Dry Goods Company
Corner Ilrundwny and Central Avenue.
Phono 11(11.
G. It. llmtoii HnTM Mnny' Siiuill 1'nr
mcTH Nctel Itcllcf or Will Quit
, Pine. Would J!o Harmful
Mnrkot for tlio produco thoy rnlBO
on tholr small farms la absolutely
TicccsHnry, says Gcorgo L. Hurton,
of South Coob Illvor, In talking of
novoral liomcstcndors of his acquain
tance who aro about on the vorgo of
giving un thlr lands and hiring out
to work again.
Ho thinks that tho cannery propo
sition would savo tho day, providing
tlio concern would tako enro of tho
Vegetables and the borrlos that might
ho ralsod.
J "Thoro aro abodt fifteen that I
know of," ho said, "who aro unablo
to mnko a living now on their places,
;hocauso thoy cannot find a market
-for tholr produce"
Along Coob IMvcr and closa to oth
er sections of tho Day, ho snld, there
aro plonty of dairy farmers who now
soil tholr vegetables and muko out
of thorn mostly plu money. "Hut
It Is tho follows back In tho hills
that ncod tho help right now. If
.thoy can's got tI?o market, thoy'ro
going to leavo tholr places. That's
a loss to tnoniBcivcB ana to tno com
munity. Thoy ccaso being producers
Uind become- consumers."
'' All sortB of berries can bo grown
In soma of tho homestead placet), says
Mr. Iiurton. Ho believes tho can
nery proposition ought to bo pushed
so asto at least open u market for
tho borrlos.
Kay tho Secret In CJootl (ini-dcnlng
J Tliroo Ycnrn Ago I'lnrtj Wiw Un
sightly Spot Hut Not Ho Now
Thrco yoars ago Mr. and Mrs. II.
A. Harris, south Tenth otrcot, moved
(into tholr now bungalow and decided
tliat tho only way to liavo a real Imp- declared
py Home is to liavo soiuo riowors and .in tho rates.
Thei carter FoIIowh Long Dlseiinslon
Will Not CoiiHldcjalilo Monoy
Tor tho Oenefal Fund.
Minus tho cobwebs, shining ro
Bplcndontly In a now coat and
brushed spick and span, tho pltnoy
ordinance, after a year In dark cor
nors and closets, canio to llfo last
night, and such n husky, vigorous
ordliiauco It Is. It throw consterna
tion Into tho ranks of v'ohlcla own
ors of every shapo and description
and automatically started a now
source of rovonuo for tho city,
""llorso drawn buggies and wagons,
whether for pleasure or for busi
ness, "coal oil buggies," nil autos
that snort about tho streets, must
pay to tho gonornl fund nn annual
Jltnoys, such as tho Clorst and
King cars, under tho provision of
tho now mcusuro which, by tho way
Is not yet passed, will pay $11 a
year, motor busses $20 annually and
taxlcabs, tho autos for hlro, $5.00
a yoar.
Owners of autos and men In tho
transfor business woro beforo tho
council to discuss tho proposed
mensuro, tho first draft of which
has been earoftilly worked out by
City Attornoy James T. lira ml.
Thoro was soma discussion but, In
tho main, tho mon ncqucsccsod and
thcro would bo no fight
grcou things growing nbout In tho
ard. They wont to work; today
their homo Is easily ono of tho most
attractive places In tho city.
"LotB of work?" Mrs. Harris was
"Yes," hIio answorcd. "Hard work
too, but It was certainly worth It.
Wo have become bo used to tho flow
on! wo couldn't got along now with
out our garden."
lu'opro .Show rntoroat
Thoro aro sovcral well kept yards
In tho vicinity of tho Harris homo,
"Hut," Interrupted Davo 'Mtisscn,
who does a general doUvory nnd
coal business, "In my vei!; I uocd
six wagons, but can use only thrco
of thorn nt any one time. Thoy aro
all for different things, such as
hauling coal, anothor for lumber,
another for heavy trucking and so
on. Would I need a license on ev
ery ono of tho Blx wagons or only
on thrco?"
"Suro," oxclalmcd Councilman
Harry Kimball.
'If thoro Is an Intelligent ndmlu-
In fact tho pcoplo on that stroot titration of this law," City Attor-
Miihlcnl Program at Xoblo
fti Afternoon
Again tho Mnrshflold public will
have an opportunity to spend Sunday
nftarnoou nt tho Noblo Theatre lis
tening to good music. Thoro will bo
n popular Matinee Concert next Sun
day afternoon at 2:30. An unusually
interesting program hits boon ar
ranged. Thcro will bo jilano and
vocal solos, nnd tho Scandla Malo
Chorus, nornld llunj, conductor, will
also appear on this occasion. Those
taking part In tho concert arc: Miss
'Mary Kruso, Ilonrlk OJordriun, nor
nld Hunt, and tho Scandla Male
Chorus ot 20 voices,
Tho vory popular "Soxtot" from
Donizetti's "Lucia" will bo sung by
Miss Mlldrod Illpley, Mrs. II. 11. Ost
llnd, IlonJ. Ostllnd, Oscar Honulng,
Horbort Hustorud anil Gerald Hunt.
This will undoubtedly prove ono of
tlio most uttractlvo numbors on tlio
In tho yard of tho Harris homo. imn
Thoro nro gladiolus, fuchlas, vor-i Mr MBB0 wntt fairly wall satis-
kbeuuH and carnntlons In profusion fo, nt ,, ,)llt )l0 coul(l not i10j
adding that "It's n hard Job to got
iionr. w. swanton,
(inuluato Clieiulht.
"' Penslar'and Nyal store
for Quality Chemicals.
Swanton Drug Co.
Successor to
i 1 VJ tiw J tArmLj
scorn to take unusual prldu in tholr
In tho first pluco, thoro Is a lawn,
and uullko Homo lawns In Mnrshflold,
it's groon and mowed tho year
around. Tho wullc to tho bungalow
It) lined on olthor sldo with roao
bushes and for months thoy are In
bloom, all sorts of roses. "Keep
thorn trimmed" Is tho secret of suc
cess In growing roses.
Along both fences aro beds of tu
lips and dafforlls. T ho former will
probably bo out In full bloom tho
.Inner part of this month whllo tho
yellow daffodils nro now furnishing
bequots to brlghtou up tho sitting
Vln'cH Add to AltrnclhnPus
, In tho Hiimmortlmn tho homo Is
kept cool by tho vines of Ivy thnt
grow up tho front nnd tho geraniums
In tho porch boxes add n touch of
color that Is all tholr own. (Joranl grow easy and thoy nro among
tho best plants for making n placo
look attractive.
Hut these aro not all tho flowers
noy Hrnnd oxplulnod, " I think thoro
will bo no trouble regarding this
point." Later ho further explained
that "right nlong tho city has mado
a prnctlto of refunding certain li
censes, nu example botng tho money
that Is returned to n merchant who
holds an auction of his own stock
and pays $i,00 under tho ordlnnnco
for such' an auction.
"Hut," ho continued, "It would
ho unlawful to unhook tho license
from ono wagon nnd put It onto
"Thoro will probably bo soma
way, lu such cases, whoro at tho end
of tho llcenso porlod, If you como be-
foro tho council and sowar that you
liavo boon iiBlng only thrco wagons,
tho money collected on tho extra
thrco niny bo returned."
Councilman Ferguson, also lu the
delivery business, declared that it
Is nbsolutoly nccosBiiry for n dray
man to have half a dozen different
sort of rigs for tho conduct of
his business, though ho can only
iibo a small shnro ot them at any
during tho proper seasons.
Vtg,tubl'H u Plenty
And It needs only a glance Into
tho back yard of tils attractive homo'
to soo why tho family has fresh veg
etables n plonty nnd soiuo to spare.
Tho hoII Is woll tilled, tho weeds nro
kept down, fertilizer Is used nnd
.Mrs. Harris Hays slio uover has a bit
of trouble making things grow.
, Strawborrlos grow lu racks; there
nro two kinds of raspberries, also
logan berries, currants, gooso borrlos
and beforo long Hovoral of tho fruit
trees will bo in bearing,
Tho hoo, tho spado and tho rake,
together with a bit of Interest and
care make this yard stand out among
tho many yards of tho city. Thoro
was nothing thoro tliroo years ago,
A Btart was mado and now Mr. and
Mr. Harris aro glad to havo their
friends como and seo them, thoy do
not havo to ninko excuses for the
condition of their yard.
Notice Is hereby given that' tho
uiulerHjKnod has boon duly appoint
ed by the 'Honorable County Court
of Coos County, Oregon, In Mnttors
of Probate, Administrator of tho
ostnto of I). W, Small, deceased.
All persons having claims against
suld estate uro hereby notified to
present fliom to mo nt tho office of
my attorney, Geo. Watklns, lu tho
money back out of tho goucini
fund," and thoro whs a good-natured
laugh, lu fact tho entire discussion
regarding tho vohlclo taxes was ta
ken In n good-nnturod way and with
out hard feeling on olthor sldo.
"Wagon Bcrnpers aro vohlclosj
they nro hauled by teams, will thoy
bo tnxed too?" asked someone who
had beon studiously reading ovor
tho draft ot tho ordliiauco.
"Suro. Hook 'em," fjom Harry
Kimball, though through tho entlro
proceedings ha stood for n liberal
Interpretation of tho ordliiauco,
"That would baldly bo a wlso
policy, 1 believe," was the comment
of City Bnglncor A. 11. Oldloy. "If
you charge tho contractor for tho
uso of his wheel scraper that ho
uses only seldom and for spoclal
work, ho'll simply affix tho cost
to tho property owners, for whom
ho may bo working."
"In such cases It would bo bottor
to remit than to make exceptions,"
suggested Mr. Hrnnd. "To mnko ex
coptlnns to tho rulo tends to make
loopholes In tho law,"
Provision On Autos.
City Recorder Hutlor read further
through tho ordinance nnd camo to
the section Including automobiles.
Written applications for licenses
must bo made out and tho resulting
1, tho boglnnlng of tho fiscal year.
Tho ordlnanco read last evening
suggested tho payment of tho llconso
money soml-nnnunlly, but It will
probably bo changed to nu annual
"If It Isn't," oxplnlncd V. C.
Clomt, of the Gorst and King lines,
"during celebrations' or times of ox
cosslvo trnfflc, otitstdo fellows could
Jump In with tholr enrs, pay a bIx
months' llconso and take tho crenm
of tho business for a few days.
"Of coiirso, if thoro nro cases
whoroln wo can not handlo tho
pcopjo, I think that wo aro not small
enough to try to kcop others out.
Wo onl want protection becauso wo
nro -horo regularly and sorvlng tho
pcoplo tho wholo yenr around."
To Itnlso Hates.
Hut during this discussion, A.'
Hanson, also a drayman, had con
colvcil a brilliant idea, Inasmuch as
It had been suggested thnt 'the
granting of licenses In April would
clutter tbo books.
"I would suggest, gentleman that
you wait until July 1," ho volun
teered, nnd thoro was a roar of
"Ah, my good boy, you'ro hook
ed," exclaimed Councilman Kimball,
and ho howled with delight.
"You bet you hnvo now," ans
worcd Hanson, "but wo'll got ovon
with you. I'll charge you a dollar
to got your trunk hauled, you soo,"
which only added to tho mcrrl-
In cases whoro tho faro of tho
nutos on rogulnr runs is moro than
flvu cents, tho price must bo paint
ed HOiuawhoro on tho car or ad
vertised o ntho car by sign.
Harry Kimball Reports to Council
County Court infuses Itoud Tux
.Money for City Uso
Refusal of tho county court to
spend tho 70 per cent of tho road
tnx within the Mnrshflold district
was under discussion last cvo'nlng
by .tho Council, but action was de
ferred ponding tho ndjourncd meet
ing of tho county commissioners on
March 20.
Harry Kimball roporlcd thnt ho
had presented tho resolution passed
by tho council n week ago to the
county court nnd that thu body had
i refused tho petition.
"Thoy told us they Intended to Im
prove Lockhnrt avenue, tho South
lllrondwny bridge nnd tho forry. Tho
Inst two nro county property," said
I Mr. Kimball.
Road Ik -Now Dangerous
"Woll, they havo a bridge out
Inonr my plnco that has to bo fixed,"
put In Councilman Ferguson. "Thoro
nro slides in tho rond nnd It Is bo
coming dangerous."
Stroot Commissioner Albrocht do
clared thnt unless tho city goes
ahead with tho Improvement of
North Front street thnt very shortly
his crow will havo the. wholo thing
redockod. ,
"Planks nro breaking out thoro
ovory week," ho said, "nnd wo havo
to fix them, putting in now ouos."
It was this movement that was bo
Ing hold up, on tho petition of the
l concerned property owners, n waiting
tho action of tho county court on
tho road tax mnttor. Thoy hnd hoped
to havo a share ot tho road tax monoy
expended on this roadway.
, CohO ApKal('l
City Attorney Hrnnd reported ra
colvlng notlco of tho appeal In tho
"Anna Rusk damage case against tho
city, which is now In tho stato Su
promo court.
"Tho appeal is perfected," ho Bald,
"tho briofH nro filed and all Is in
readiness for tho final argument
Tho council. gave him permission
to go to Salem, taking tho uoccHsnry
stops to dofand tho city.
Trouble for Port
Thoro Is n mnnholo under tho of-
flco of McLnln nnd McLoan on nroad-
fwny that has boon roportod to bo In
'an unsanitary condition, was tho
tatntomont of Street Commissioner Al
dirceht. i
. "That bolongB to tho Port nnd not
to tho city" put In a councilman
Where Fashion
Reigns Supreme
ordinance to coufor with tho owners
of autos and tho mon doing n Jitney
nnd tnxlcah business. Ho' had gonn
ovor tho matter thoroughly with
Mr. Oorst and thoy woro woll ngroed
rognrdlng tho ordinance.
"Mr. Oorst hns, boon vory good In
this .matter," ho said, "and Iioh aided
mo lu many ways."
To Collect I'nrcs.
V. h. Footo bollavnd thoro should
bo n section in tho ordlnnnco allow
ing chauffeurs to turn over to tho
pollco any passongor that refused
to pay his tnxlcnb faro.
"Tho fight of Suiulny botweon
Phil Kmory nnd Hurry Wegor wns
caiiBod ovor this very thing," ho ex-plnlnod.
Hut tho council took tho stand
Hint such a procedure would tend to
ninko thorn a "collection ngoncy,"
nnd took no action on the mnttor.
"How about trailers?" oBked Mr.
This was one feat uro not touchod
in tlio ordlnnnco nnd Mr
Keep Off Ritiiulni; Hoard.
No one will bo allowed on the
running boards.
Auto men taking out licenses
may npopal from tho decision of tho
City Recorder, In coses of diffi
culty, to tho city council.
A chauffeur may bo debarred
from driving on tho streets for a
porlod of ono year If found guilty
or nogllgont motoring. No chauf
feur may bo under 18 yenrs of
City Attorney nrnnd pointed out
thnt soma cltlos havo rogulnr boards
for tho examination of drivers, but
tho opinion wns that MnrBhfltd Is
too small for this, yet, and nlso
that no Inspection of vehicles Is
ncccBFnry. '
Finos for violation of tho ordl
nnnco rnngo from $5.00 up to $100,
with n maximum1 of CO days In Jail.
Mr. Hrnnd oxplnluod that ho had
takon great caro In making out tho I nnd this wns tho vlow tnkon of tho
In our Garment Department
we've provided a feast of fash.'
ion that will charm you with
its variety of colors, fabrics
and designs.
For the frugal housewife, the
fashionable mother, and the
modish daughter, there is am
pie range in our splendid ar
ray of Coats and Suits to in
sure a satisfactory selection;
Feel free' to come and inspect
our offerings try on any of
the models, and examine the
workmanship and quality ol
the fabrics.
All Alterations Frc3 of Charge.
S. S. Jennings KJ
"The Store That Sells the Best For Less."
Oregon I'lilvendty Man to Appcnr
Undcv Auspices of Mother'
and Teachers', Club.
Prof. B. S. Conklln, bond of tho
Unlvorslty of Oregon Psychologies
Depnrtmont, will speak tonight nt
tho North Hcnd high school, under
tho auspices of the Mothers' and
Tenchors' club.
"Tho Psychology of tho Crowd,"
will bo his subject nnd tho lecturo
will 'begin nt 8 o'clock. Ho Is said
to bo a flno speaker. No admission
will bo charged.
Tho first of a Borles ot dances to
"bo given nt Simpson's pavilion will
bo hold next Sunday night, Mnrch 1-'.
Arrnngomois hnvo Jiecn mado
with tho Gorst and King lino for
tho cars to rim to nnd from tho pa
vilion without chnnglng enrs nt North
Hand. Mnrtln'u orchostrn will fur
nish tho music.
A. H. Oldloy said It would not bo
'advlsablo to fill tho bole as It might
become very nocessnry nt somo later
Theatre to Open
C. B. Powors, of tho fire nnd water
cmnmlttca, Htntod that tho body hud
Inspected tho Roynl Thontrn and tho
council agreed to let O. J. Lomanskl
opon up as soon ns. tho provisions
of tho commttteo havo beon compiled
with. This was a matter of putting
tbo wiring tho lamp room .In con
duits and nlso to strengthen tho bal
cony with two strlngorH undornoath.
Vehtry Hoard Tonight mill Service
nt Oai-dlmv mid Kmpiro.
Tho Vestry of Bmiuauuel Parish
will moot this avonlug nt 7:30 at 019
oiflio of Hanuclt & Swanton,
Thcro will bo n servlco In St.
Mury's Mission, Onrdlnor, Friday
evening of this weok.
Thoro wll bo n Borvlco In St,
Hrnnd Luko's Bplscopnl church, Bmplro, to-
said it would nt onco be ndded.
morrow oveulug nt 7:U0.
Ilitnrniln llll.- In llin I'llv nf Mnrull
..w-i.w .. ... ..." - " """ I . . , - ll.
flold. In snld County nnd Stnto, mconses must no cnrrieu on iuu i-
within six months from tho date
of this notice.
Hated this 22nd day of February,
AdinlnUtrntor of tho ostnto of D.
W. Small, decoused.
fFIrs publication February 22,
1010' I..HJ publication Mnrch 21,
hides for which they nro Issued
Licenses may bo revokod In ensos
of cnroless driving and tho dlsro
gnrdlug of tho ordinances.
Kffevtlvo April 1st.
April 1, In all probability, will seo
the ordlnanco lu effect Tho li
censes v bo pro rated until July
Jewelry Store
Has Been
Removed to
78 Central Aveirrae, '
Mr. Bertram will be pleased .'
to have all his former patrons
and the general public to call
and see him in his New Loca
tion. 7 Central Avenue
Phone 1 5 1 -L
II Ml...
To tho Patrons of' tho
Coos liny Croamory:
Dcnr Sirs:
Thoro Beams to bo nu Impression
' vlth Homo of tho patrons of tho Coos
fliny Croamory that tliroo per com
hns been tnkon off tho nmoiiut tholr
milk and cream produced last yenr.
ThlH is not correct. Tho bookkcopor
orroiioously credited each customor
Ihroo per cent mora than ho was on-
titled to rccolvo when tho books
woro oxportod, this mistake wuh dis
covered nnd the error corrected.
Tho Coos Hay Creninery tajcs tho
(Product of Its patrons, makes It Into
'butter nnd choose, or sells tho saino
! to what It considers to tho host ad
vantage of. Its patrons and disposes
of tho product to tho best ndvnntago
of nil concorncd. It thou deducts
from tho gross rocolnts tho expenses
of operation and divides tho bal
ance prorata among tho patrons.
In making up these figures last
year tho error occurred nnd thnt or-
Iror has Hlmply boon corroded, noth
ing hns beon taken from any body
oxcopt nn orror In bookkeoplng corrected.
It wns also uudorstood thnt tho
stockholders in tho croamory for al
lowing tho uso ot tho building in
wrlch tholr monoy wns Invested wns
to bo allowed six per cont por nu
llum on the paid up capital stock, In
addition to tho up-keop of tho cream
ery, which by tho way I urn sorry
o say has not been fulfilled, and
Hint chargo of sr.x per cont was not
mndo tho patrons of tho crouniery
At an cntuuBiasuc meet nc of tin
'two committees appointed bjUt
unninucrs or uonunorco of Mint.
I'flold nnd North Send lipid In Hi
North Rend Chamber ot Commerci
rooms lust evening It wns dtllnllelj
dociuou Hint North Demi nnd Mink
field uulto In n Joint colobratlon 01
'tho nrrlvnl of tbo f rst throati
trnlu on tho now railway. Tit
mutter was thoroughly dlscuised ud
' . .
.11 was tho concoiiHiis of opinion thtt
not only Marsliflold and North Bendt
but .nil tho Hay cities and ill Coot
county bo Invited to Join In a general
jubilation ovor the long cxpecltl
railway connection with tlio ontildt
' Chairman Tom T. Ilonnott of tat
(Mnrshflold committee presided ml
.I. A. Smith of tbo North Hcnd Gus
her of Commorco nctcd ns ocreUri,
I Among the members of tho Nortk
IHond commlttco presont were, M. E.
Kvorltt, chnlrman, 11. O. Kern, t..
iRussoll, Qcorgo Ilazcr, A. K. Morton,
nud B. C. Mnthor. Marshfleld tu
Veprcsonled by Hugh McUIn, ?t
Idont of tho Cliauibor of Commtrci,
Tom T. Hennott. W. A. Held, A. K.
.Peek, A. R. O'llrlon anil M. C. H-
' After Borne discussion It wi
elded thnt n general committee of
thrco mombers bo dhm
rrom each city to coniu
tuto a gonornl commlttco to bin
chargo of tho Joint colobratlon
that thlB commlttco hold lt ""'
mooting on Wednesday, March 15.
ii Mnrshflold nnd nil iuUeqJ
moetlnga bo held nltcriiatclr
Marshfleld and North Hcnd. TM
.h uIfo Instructed to
for with tho various towns In t"
county nnd Invito thorn to J"
tho colobratlon.
Onto of Celebration
It 'was decided that the W "
(.o celebrntlon bo fixe I accord
to tho official nmioiinfncnt '
tlio inuiigiiruwun lt
'trnln eorvlco nnd tbo arrival w
first through train will no i "
day of tho colobratlon.
Tho mooting developed flw w
It of harmony hctwwn the i
,.,i n doslro that tro celobraW
tminilo one of tho bl?sost ana
hold in BouthwcBtoru
. ovor
last year bo that they had tj Jj
of tho company's plant without
chargo wlintsoovor. u
....... i.ia nvnlnnatlon win
'Uio situation clear to ou;lB'
Very Hespccnu. j -j.
Our new quarters are now in the
' Market and Broadway
Next meeting, Thursday, March 9, 8 o'clock
Next Westing, Thursday, March 9, at 8 o'ClocM
members requested to be present.
4 ,,