i "-r-t-nr.w'w "JStfT" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1916 EVENING EDITION. FIVE Clarke Millinery Central Avenroie amnraoujiiniee ttaeiir ipring Openinj Wednesday Thursday and Friday VHMaMHHHBnHr A most cciidlnl iitvitnt iott Is evlciid ed ( all to Inspect tlio Latest Cre ations in Millinery. H.L Crawford says: -Uk your veil dressed friend a- m the Inlwl l !' "v w,u ,f IC.KUITn.VHIllMKHjou may 1)0 wUutwHh,Ruml ns ,l ,,,okS ...I thai Tim VIKVV guaranteed M,cnlniIntMnrtliniriiHiill." Suits $18 to $40 The FIXUP m$ forth Hcnd Mnrshflcld TAXPAYERS: The Sheriff has Informed us Unit UiIIIkiuI a statement to ovgry tnx njer, ihoJo address ho Iiiiowh, ns 0 the amount of tliolr taxes, thoro (orclf )ou will send tlicso Htutomouts tui llh tlio amount of your tnxca, it till bco Ihoy nra paid mid keep i record on our IjooIcb of tlio pay tut, without any cost to you. Flanagan& BennettBa nk BICYCLE TIRES Hoj TIk-iii From Us. Wo llurgo .Nothing to Put Them on Your WIhvI . MARSHFIELD CYCLERY iREVlTIK t Hiymit of Myrtle point hr.n been elect oil teacher of School District No. C on iHthmim inlet mid will open the term thoro Mnrch 20. Taylor Slglln of tlio tllHtrlct who was hero yester day oald that they wcro almost iiwampcd by applications, thirteen young women having sought tlio po sition. Cooston liisuiirciloii I,. (1. Mocks was horo from Cooston today, llo lias not fully recovered yet from ils long siege of sickness. Ills office building there has been completed and ho expects to flro two or three of his workmen when ho got homo because there was an Insurrection tills lIlOrillllK. tlio llli.ti rnfiiuli,, n work whoro he told Ihom to go. Mull Itf Delayed. Mull ims boon considerably delayed since Saturday because or the hiiowb In the country between Rosobiirg and Myrtle Point. The mall that canio through last ov eiilng wiiB nilnuM tlio papers and ecu oiul class matter and this morning no mall came through nt nil on tlio morning train. Postmaster Hugh MeLaln said thnt ho expects (lt In this evening. Z PERSONAL MENTION ?? V. II. SMITH wns In from his Cooa River ranch today on business. tA. 15. KARDI3LL was horo today from his homo on Coos Itovor. Till') WEATHER ItEPORT Mr AunclMtd I'rcn to Con TMlj Times, Oregon Itiiln in west, un sottlod and probably rain or snowv In cnBt; southerly winds, reaching galo forco near roast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 'I. Hi a. m., March 7, by IlonJ. Ostllnd, special gov ornmont meteorologist: - Maximum f0 Minimum Ill At I: HI a. in i:i Precipitation 18 1015 07.70 Precipitation same period last year 5.'I.15 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. SUNRISE AND SUNSET Tuesday. March 7. Sun rises at G:l!(i and sots at 5.50. : born : $$ ARCHER To Mr. and Mrs. William Archer, nt their homo In Hunker Hill, Monday, Mnrch 0, 1010, a boy of 10 l-u pounds. Tho mother and sou aro doing nicely and tho father, u mechanic nt tlio mill, Is n vory plenBod man. Not After Hard Sin facing Charles Hall of tho Good Itomln Association, said this morning that U. I. Cantlne, deputy stato highway engineer, Is not advocating hard Biir- Xaco roads In Coos county, though no does favor them. Ills work Is moro toward tho securing of per manent lines and grades. Ho is ex pected In Marshflcld somo tlmo to morrow and will go up to Allogany mid later Into tho Ten Mile country boforo returning to Salom. Ilrnko Tho Ribs. (1. W. Kolland. aged S5 years and father of James Kolland, nroso yesterday morning and had gono out Into tho kitchen fWlion ho wuh suddenly seized with an attack of heart ftiluro and fell to tho floor, breaking two ribs. Ho wns thcro Homctlmo boforo Mrs. Kolland hoard him groaning and came to his aid. Today Mr. Kclland Is In bed but Is vory weak. In all probability ho will bo kept In bed many wcoks from tho Injury. F. G. LESLIE was over from Co fiulllo today, again cnlllng on tho trado. ,V. lC. HOOD came down from Coos Klver to look after sonic business today. KAY CIOODIUCII was a business via itor In tho city today from Cooa Illvcr. AUGUST FHIZEEN loft on the iiiorn i ing train for a buMnoss visit in Coqulllo. C. P. COLEMAN, well known rnncbor of tho Toniploton country, was horo today. J. H. PRICE was a pasHonger down on tho Milllcoma this morning from Allegany. JUDGE HALL loft on tho morning train for Coqulllo, called thoro on legal business. GEORGE HOS3, n prominent dairy man of Catching Inlet, was hero today on business. 'Had Resided in Coos County About Twfcuty-flvo Yiii-m Prominent Among .Scotch Residents , Joseph McKlnnon, for twonty-flvo years a resident of Coos Hay mid es pecially well known among tho iScotch people of this section, wns found dying In Ills room in the Hush building at North IJend this morning. 'Hcforo a physician could reach htm, ho succumbed. Mr. McKlnnon was ill for somo tlmo, Buffering from Drlgltt'a disease mid dropsy. Mr. McKlnnon wns born on Goose lltlvor, Prince Edward Island, mid twns 71 yenrs old Soptombcr 1 1, 1015. jtlo had never wed and a brother living on tho old farm on Prlco 13d- Iward lslad, whoro he was 'bom, Is hc only closo rclutlvo surviving. Mr. McKlnnon canio hero from Ya qulnn, Oregon, where ho was a brldgo Inspector, having followed railroad work for years. Ho engaged In ship building most of tho time ho resided here. Ho had a likeable, kindly dispo sition that won him tho friendship of -nil who enmc in contact with him. ill Tho funeral will bo hold nt nine o'clock Thursdny morning. Hqv. Father McDovitt officiating. UAMES DOLLAR, who has been In tho. city on business, returned to his home In Handon. PEDER 13. PI3DI3RSON, who has a farm "car Allegany, was ampng tho visitors hero today. fallSS REOINA MATSON, steno grapher nt tho Hub, loft today on a visit In San Francisco. Dr. I). C. Vmiglmn. Dentin, Hoorti 20, First national Hank building. Dr. Leslie, Osteopath, .Mnr.shfleld To get GOOi tanning mid re pairing, call JAY ROYLE, Pli. 230. 'L E. MOHHISON, promlnont citizen of Springfield, Is hero on the Day looking after business matters. OH. 13. S. CONKLIN arrived on the stage thin morning from Eugono after being thrco days on tho way. UIILLIS SHOUT was In from Ton Mllo today and said that tho bad weatlior had Interfered consider able with thorn. Libby Coal, $n.)0 ton. Phono 71!. In Now Ciixlilia. William Long- staff, formerly of thu MePliemon and Glnsor company, has taken a position as cashier with tho Coos nay, Hoso burg and Eastern railroad. I Coos River Ranch $10 per acre 100 Mm, iiimiding house, ouilmlMlnj-s, Mock, ftniii liu I'lciucnts, urvhnrd and all ln)iruiiinciiiM. l(100.ooA SACHU'ICK IV TKi:.V AT o.VCK. Terms ,1,1 au, "SKI! 1IKII) AlltU'T IT." 10 l'lont St. Mnynr YInIIm Hero. Mayor Mor- rlhon of Sprlngfluld, Oregon, Is spend ing a few dnyH on tho Hay. Ho Is engaged In tho potato business and In said to bo sort of a, tuber king In his homo Boctlou. This Is his first trip to Coos Hay. I G. K. THOTT, a promlnont ranchor and Handon, was a Marshflold business visitor today, looking af ter buslnocs mattorc. ;" : SKUJXo GOODS J,.8 prob,cm ln B1B I ,',d,h Betting tho ciwtomor Time, ad, wm hel y0u uolvo ' "It problem. Uiiiiii I SffiTIMlS WANT ADS (Joes to Lniiipa. Homer King, ono of tho well known loggers who ban '.boon baching t Tnrhcol slnco Hm- ir.ott Plorco closed down his camp , there, linn gono to Lanipa Creole tj i tnko a position In tho Couloguo camp. J Mr. Hlug has been engaged In logging on Coos Hay for many years. l'ost'cfjiH Coutrai'l. Tho contract for remodeling tho Taggart estate building on South Hroadway, con verting it from n rpBldeucu to a bust- iicbs building which will lo ocpu- 'plod by Tom Howard's Jowolry, has been awarded to L. J. Post who will stnrt work at once. (Jo to Inspect Holding. A. 13, Ad olspergor, M.r. Nlchol and C. II. Chnpoy this morning loft for tho South Fork, of tlio Coqulllo whoro thoy will bo for a couple of days In specting tho extonslvo holdings of tho Chanoy estate, Thoy claim that there Is no sale lit progress, Teacher In t'liown. Miss Audrey Joble TheateD TO-NIGHT m i I'ATiip ii GoM ' l ,,,en, AltNOLD DALY i tlio iriiilHIng .Five-Part a "oostep piny ,H TIIIJ MUXAOU OV THU MUTK." muim '",", Ashton Kirk hto'rles. Mr. Daly's Keat heo Krc'!"V ,,rll,lul,t MtVv K"aniiito rpr the o.xcellenco of h . picture tlmt lie is iiiakiiKfir' thu (Juld Kooster lw iat m j ,,Ws'" It rovers the earth Happenings of tho world ,JU-'K ixnr'Tst ou' u,(l ,n VloU11 i'c'Wi' " "ellunco bluleTreel dmniu. Lower ApTHQNY'S ORCHESTRA. EVERY NIGHT. tomI ' 15 cts-; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. ,AUV PICKFODD in "HAGS" her greatest picture HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR DRUG STORE '.Select jour drug Moro with tho Maine care that j on Mdect your doctor. Trade at a drug Moro that pu)H mirro utleiitfou to making a cuMouicr than to unking a miIu. Tradu at (ho drug htoro wheio you can bo sure that joii 1 1 10 getting tho moil and tits loM for jour mon ey. Trado nt tlio drug htoro wlicro you eon "feel at home." Whero you can feel at liberty to make iiso of all tho I'PhOiirces of a real drug htoro peculiarly lias for your help, conven ience and accoiiiuiodallou. It is that kind of a drug htoro mo take pride In run ning. Tho relations bet ween a (linguist and Ids ciiMoiucrs arc akin to those betwevn a doctor mid his patients. The moment a druggist forgets this fad ho ceases to be a real druggist. Wo Maiit you to make uso of all tlio advantages our Heivlco holds out to you, Wo aro always ready to refund your money Mlthout question or quibble on any piurha.se joii iiinko hero that Is not per pjrfoclly xnt iNfactory to you in every rc.speet. "The OW1" Frank l. Cohan THE CENTRAL AVE NUE DRUG STORE. DM 118. A. V. HOWHAY and baby aro hero from San Francisco to visit her aunt, Mrs. L. M. Noble, and other relatives on tho Day. (CIIAHLKS HALL wont to Coqulllo . this morning on telephone bust- i nc8H nnd tomorrow oxpocts to leave for Salem nnd Portland. ;13. A. 1)13 SCIIWHINITZ, superinten dent of construction on tho Slu slaw Jollies has returned homo after a short business visit hero. V. J. Hl'ST left today on the Btcani or Nairn Smith on a business trip to California. Ho expects to bo gono until tho lattor part of tho month. hJAMI3S HOONI3, of Powers, loturned homo today nflor (waiting slnco Saturday to (jot through, bolng do layod becauco of tho flood in tho Ynlloy. MHS CAHL SMi:i)H13HG and llttlo I son, John, of Suniuor, are visiting :' with .Mrs. Smodborg'H parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hlack, on South Fifth strcot. AIiHI3HT AHHOTT, conductor on tho Sniith-Powors lino, spent fow days In Marshflold while opora J tlons woro suspended on account I of tho freshet. ill, S. CIIANI3Y, who arrived horo a i fow days ago from Dotrolt to visit rr ,, .. -.i t. Willi ins urniiigr w. u. vyiuuiu, ium this morning on tho Nana Smith for San Francisco. ' II. n. CO$, a timber fallor at Powora, j has brought hla wlfo to tho city for medical treatmont. Thoy aro staving nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrc William Cox. on NMnth street D D E TO JOSKIMI .M'KINNON St'CCL'MHS AT , NOHTII HKND AFTKU IDIiNFSS THINK OF THE ENORMOUS PURCHASING POWER THAT THE J. C. PENNEY CO. HAS FOR 125 BUSY STORES! WHO GETS THE BEST OF THE SAVING? THE MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD THAT TRADES AT THE J. C. PENNEY STORES. Children's Rompers, worth half tho prico moro 25c A Better One, all new patterns 4c Little Girl's Play Suit, Coat and Skirt, noatl ytrlmmcd 98c Little Bov's Waist nnd Pants, in nlnin whitn and nnlnrs. worth half the price more .-.., 98c fl Think of it Buying a Ladies' House Dress for 49c A Better Grade 79c i . 1 1 . . i - i i ii - ii ii " Lacnes' bingnam nouse uresses, an new designs; two-nl-one collar 98c Double Service House Dress, neatly trimmed 98c Can have these dresses with any dress for 50c moro. Embroidery, no-west patterns and designs 5c, 61 -2c, 71 -2c, 81 -3c, 10c, 121-2c, 15c Examine these goods and be convinced of the SAVING that you can make, at the Originators f D f" i. Wo Lead 0f i ,, k ciiugy ,u.v"w LOW Prices 125 Busy Stores Next Door to Postoffice Others Follow j t PERSONAL MENTION X ? CARL I3GLWHOFF waa among tho visitors hero today from Sumuor. R. DUGQI3, accompanied by Oecnr Graven, loft on tlio morning train j for Heaver 1 1 1)1 whoro thoy will j look at somo farming lnnd in which Mr. Graven may become In ' torcstcd. W. S. I3WARI), who hns been em ployed nt Hradflold's barber shop, leaves op tho Nairn Smith for Los Vegas, Nov., where ho oxpocts to locate and havo Mrs. Ewnrd Join his later. LH3UT. It. G. COM AN, of tho U. S. Navy returned this morning from Handon, on his way back to San ' Franclcco. llo Is hero In the In ' tcrcsts of tho government wlrclcjo station. It M 1 1 S S Millinery upening I MARCH 8th and 9th Every lady on Coos Bay is invited to visit our opening TOMORROW and ALL NEXT WEEK, and see the spring styles and creations in millinery. I have an especially fine showing and will be pleased to have you call and inspect the handsome line of Trimmed Hats, Shapes and Trimmings. Mrs. M. J. Elrod North Front Street M.ARSHHELD Ii INSPECTORS J. J. MI3ANY nnd O. 7.. Weldln, of tho boat 'Inspection Bcrvlco, loft overland today for Portland. Tlioy examined tho boats nt Florence Coos Hay and nt Coqulllo. I MRS. DAISY CODDING and daugh ter, Elizabeth, loft on the Naun Smith today for Hay Point whero tlpio ago. H(T7s roportcd to bo In a rather critical condition. MRS. C. C. LIOllJNKR npd Mrs. Gcorgo Doiibuor loft on tho Nairn Smith today, roturning to San Francisco after coming hero to ut- tond tho golden wedding of their i pnroutB, Mr. and Mrs, .hi Huh Larson, MTU OUT VESSEL (JOTS AWAY WITH FULL J'A.SSI3N(JEIt LIST To Malco Several .Mom Trips llefore Starting on Oriental Charter Seems Sure to (Jo With a full lumber cargo ami 27 nassougors, her complement, tho thoy will join Mr. Codding who Lto.iiiiBlli Nana Smith sailed from wont South for his health a short T0 Smltl' '"""'l" ,,cl " 'or- mg at 10 o clock ror uaiunnu. The vessel Is still to make several trips boforo going on her Oriental i charter nlniut April 1. Capt. Ma- goo says ho Is sure tho vessel Is going and that now thoro would hardly bo any way out for the company. Tim piiBsoiigors leaving op the Nana woro: Geo, Armstrong, W. J. Rust, A. II. NoycB, W. S. 13yard, Mrs. C. C. I.lk'htnori Mrs. Geo. Doubuer. H. 13. HARNEY IIAYD'EN has roturncd vMnlonoy, G. T. Hutledgo, John Lo- nomo rrom liuroKa wnero no woni ;inoly. Loo S. Osburn, Win. .1. Hlako, to visit his slBtor. Ho says tliut j0lin Jolmsoii, II. Kuk. L. It. Wntkor, tho Euroka peoplo aro expecting iR T ii,ui,,H, Yale Glenson. II. S. that everything will bo going full chanoy, Miss Rox Matson, Ellznbolh forco In another thirty days and codding, Mrs. Daisy Codding, O. .1. nro looking for good times. Sovoral Morris. W. Larson, Frank Clark, J. of the mills aro running, two Btcnni jj, Holland, A. W. JoluiBon, Walter schooners aro being built and oo"isantwIcl(. PARADE OF TRADE Commerce clothed In varied garbs passes. In dross pamdo each evening In the advertising of Tho Tlmou. It Is an Intensely human show a show that tolls tho 'story of progress. Have you ever tried TIMES WANT ADS? No matter what you have to sell, trade or rent, Times Want Ads will help you do it. And it docs not cost much. Try it and convince yourself of tho good results. It is oxpected thnt nil the lumbor mills will bo In operation. t AT THE HOTELS t s : t AMONG THE SICK t; Mrs. Hort Crawford is confined to Kijn Portland, 13. A. do Sehwolnltz, CLASSIHE Portland: F. G. Leslie. Coqulllo: Clinrlcs I. Ilockbory, San Francisco; ; South Hroadway Ice Cream Is our hpeclulty. Wo make it ourselves. Wo know it is J'ro and M'holcsoinc. Wo mako any kind to order for parties. Also frotii puddings. Pure Ice Cream, delivered, $1.25 per gallon Wo deliver any tlmo, d.iy or night t " BARTER'S Americanitis ELIXIR. One of tho finest nervo tonics ovor offered tho public. RuHds up norves nnH bloofl. Sold excltiBlvoly by THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phone 21)8 Wo Deliver Immediately her home on 11th stroot on account of illness. Mrs. Fred Hollluter Is Betting u. N. Npwman, Coqulllo, James Dot along vory woll today after hor op-'iur, imndon; .1. C. Currio, Salem; W. oration at Mercy Hospital. 0. Azllng; Portland; O. I. Holt, Uttlo Miss Marlon Gldloy la 111 'Portland; II. A. Hotiteto, Sun Fran wlth the grlppo nnd broncliltis. Iclnco; 13. 13. Morrison, Springfield; i A. Abbott, Powers; W. J. Lund, of'Glenada. St, I.nwvciic Hotel It. Hasting, Gardiner; C. P. Colo nial), Tcmploton; Carl Egeulioff, Sumner; L. Martin, Myrtlo Point; J. Tloono, Powors; Mra. Iioz Goodrich, Coqullle; G. HIsk, Coalodo. .... Lloyd Hotel T. J. Thrift, Coqulllo; If. C. Rod- Lgers, Powers; Jack Pulolk, Powers; J, Dohlondor and wlfo, Coos illvcr; M. C. Kennedy nnd wife, Handon; Japct Shormnu, Hoavor Hill. Ilhinco Hotel J t Mew TODAY . THOSE WISHING GOOD ROO.M and board, homo cooking, nnply --0 Tho convenience and profit I Times Want Ads w'HI o demon- ! st rated by n trial. Times Want Ads aro tlio ono me dium which roaches ALL tho people They engage public attention, every day Alwnj'K on the job. SURSPHIUKnS NOTICE j. Tho Time carrier boys are j Instructed to put tho papers I on tho porch. If tho carrier does j on time, kindly phono tho clr- dilation manager, as this Is the j only way we can determlno j whether or not the carriers aro j i following Instructions. Phono j 133. 4 COOS BAY TIMES WANT APS Low Cost High Efficiency FOR SALF Ton aero tract on county road ty Suiunor: prlco $4fi0. Sbo J. 13. Cooloy, Marsh flold, Oro. FOR RENT Furnished liousekeep. Ing roams, Phono )85-J. C2Q Central. WANTED Employers to apply at Hlanco Hotel. Freo Uibor Agency for their labor, Phpno 41-L. not do this, misses you, or no- I llllllll II IIIMLl gleets getting the paper to you Jolm Lovelyi j,.. u Donald, Rondsport; Frod Fachay, Nprfli HendJ Mnnto Zaclmrj. North Hond; W. IL Stull. Allegany; G. c Rlloy, San Francisco; Hort Dyoi-, Al .logany; Juck Musgrovo, Sumner. l'ia!o, violin and cello. (Jcorgo L. (Jii'goiy, expert teacher, :ill N. ,1th St., Phono JU1.V. J t FOR RENT t FOR RENT Furnished flat, hot and cold water, bath, 803 Third st. J FflR SALF t Dr. I(, I-?. KeUy, Dv.ntUt, Ul t'oko tt9M mug., rnoiin ii-.ii, - I'm i f FOR SALE 000 ogg Incubatw Times Want Ads for roultJ. Phono CJ, ifpwwjWH v