The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 06, 1916, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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Two For One Sale
Now In Full Swing
Two Suits of Clothes for the price of ons, plus $1.00.
Two Overcoats or Raincoats for the price of -one, plus $1
One Suit and one Overcoat both for the pries of one,
plus $1.00.
$1.00 Slincs, at . ,
OOr Shoes, nt . .
tjlliMtl KIlOCMf Jit ,...,, ,.,.,,i,,i,.
$1.7." KlrocN, nl
l!.2. Shoos, nt , .
IjUI.OO HliocM, nt . .
!? Shoes, nt . . .
I t t
t IML'
ttttt fllll
a JI(f
Odd Pairs and Broken Lines at still larger discounts.
Mr. nml Mrs. 13ukoiig Crosthwa'to Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs.
A. O. Hogors, Mr. nml Mrs. WIHIb 11.
Konncdy, Mr. and Mrs. I V, Cattor
lln, Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Larawny, Mr.
n twl f tu A I A t1tt1nlimiMi t mi ,1
Mrs. Carl L. Davis, Dr. and Mrs. A.
'L. HoiiBOWortli, Mr. and Mrs. Dornoy
'Kreitzor, Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Pock,
"Mr. and Mrs. John D. (loss, Mr. and
'-'Mrs. I- 13. Hague, Mr. and Mrs. T.
II. .lames, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Thomas,
and .Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Van Dityn.
r 1 1 ys mr n aimn fry ittmmBmmmmmMimwmmmmmmmt
M.U'LKAY 1. STATU PAYS $11,000
Will lucirnso Capacity and Hun In J J
Connection Willi Itogue Diver JJJ
Cannery Pock Closes Deal.
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co.
Four Stores
Last Thursday afternoon the Mill-ne-Wls
Club enjoyed tholr regular
nesslon nt the home of Mrs. 13. A.
Harris who had as special guests
'Mrs. A. I Hassford nnd Mrs. John
Naglo. Hontictstf spring flowors
adorned the parlor where tho ladles
'spent tho aftornoon In fancy work
land social conversation. Late In
the afternoon, the hostess, assisted
hy Mrs. O. V. Urlggs,-served a dnjnty
' luncheon. Tho monibors out dust
"week woro: Mrs. 13. A. Harris, Mrs.
F. II. Drosser, Mrs. Charles Davis,
Mrs. A. 55. Downs Mrs. 13. Kollcy, Mrs.
,W. II Perkins, Mrs. O. W. Hrlggs,
Mrs. W. S. Drown, Mrs. C Ln Chap
, polio, Mrs. John Dashney, Mrs. Mary
"Thompson, and Mrs. W. 13. Hong-
land with whom tho club will moot
again In two weeks.
I31cvcn thousand dollars is tho JI
price -paid by tho MacLeay estato ji
lor tho plant of the Coqulllo Val-
ley Fishermen's Co-operating Can- t
I Inlng company on tho Coqulllo rlv-1
i nr. Tim ilonl wnn mnaiimmnt nn JJ
It. M
l days of tho month. Tho committee
s Monday.
Progress Club, with Mra.
Harry Nasburg. .
Guild, open mooting In
Guild hall.
North Uond Club Auxll-
iary, social afternoon ln club
North Ilond Mothers and
Teachors' Club borbIoii.
. Ladles' Guild ln Oulld,
Pastlmo Club card party
nt lioniu of Mr, and Mrs.
Ilichard Maiuhull.
Slatorhood all day bcshIoh
' at Christian church.
f North Ilond Swodlsli
Lutheran Ladles' Aid with
' " Mrs. Alfred Tyborg.
I). M. C. Club, with Mrs.
Win. Vaughan.
Jolly Dozon Club, with
Mrs. 13. A. Nolson.
North Ilond Methodist La-
dies' Aid, moot in church.
Alort Club, all day ncs-
slou with Mrs. C. 1). Plpor.
A. N. W. Club, with Mrs.
George F. Murch. 4
W. C. T. U. Frances Wit-
lard Program, wth Mrs. 1 13.
Kensington .Club, with
Mrs. A. II. Loud.
Neodlocraft Club, with
Mrs. C. W. Gregory.
Ladles' Art Club, with
. Mrs. Henry Hoeck, In North
Hand, 4
consists of Mrs. J. W. Pcunott, Mrs,
13. K, Jones, Mrs. Dorscy Kreitzor,
Mrs. J. A. MntRon and Mrs. Cole.
Further plans of tho commltteo vlll
bo announced later.
Mrs. F. V. Cnttprlln entertained
nt sewing Inst Saturday afternoon
for Mrs, S. C I3ndlcott of Huudon who
I') tho guest at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Lyons.
on Saturdny at 1! anil on by C
Peck, attorney for tho estato.
The new addition to the MncLeay
rsiaio maKcs tuem now mo largest.
Raliiion canuers In Southwestern
f"l1.rr.l Alltnntlii llln.t 1i..n n I,.
W.VaUH. lllVilll HIU IIU1U U IU1(U aa
plant on tho Hoguo river, one thnt $
lies been In oporntlon for years and
which last season turned out close f
to 11,000 enses of salmon. ti
Tho Coqulllo river company has
a well equipped plant and has boon
In operation for between flvo and
six years. It is expected that Its
capacity will bo materially ln
cronsod. Tho co-oporativo company
is now dissolving.
1. C. Frederick has been presi
dent of tho concern and John Nlel
sou, of Dandon, secretary and gen
oral nwiiugor. Roderick MacLeay
manager of tho MacLeay estate, Is
now lu Portland but Is expected
hero next month whou tho salmon
canning season commences on tho
Hoguo river.
Mrs. Gus Ilorgron of North Ilond
oxteuded her hospitality to the Coos
Club at her homo Thursday uftcr-
guests spent tho tlmo ploasautly In
sowing and chat and late In tho af
tornoon wcro seated at tho luncheon
tables which woro prottlly gracod
with bowls of vlolots. Tho club will
moot ngaln a wook from Thursday
with Mrs. John Hill. Mrs. Horgren's
noon, whou tho name of the rluh
was changed to Klunoy Klub. The Coffelt, nml Mrs. Floyd Coffolt will
Tho Rainbow Club of South Coos
Illvcr was delightfully ontortalncd
on last Thursday nftcrnoon at the
homo of Mrs. 13. 13. Dyor on Daniels
Creek, who was ably assisted by her
daughter, .Mrs. David Hunch. Tho
decorations consisted of buuehos of
daffodils prottlly arranged In con-
splclous nooks nnd corners. At nooni
a sumptuous dinner was served and
this wns followed by an aftornoon
pleasantly spoilt In fancy work and
friendly chat. Tho club will meet
again lu two weeks with Mrs. 13. J.
. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hold enter
tained Informally nt cards last Friday
evening for Mrs. S. C. Kndlcott of
Ilandou who for sovoral days has
heon tho liotiso guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. S Lyons. Tho guests Included
Mrs. I3udlcott, Mr. and Mrs. Lyons,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sullivan, ami Mr.
and Mrs, Frod Gettlus.
Among thoso enjoying tho session
Thursday, woro: Mrs. J. Hoddon, Mra.
Guy Chambors, Mrs. F. Coffelt, Mrs.
Darkloy, Mrs. C. Cuttlp, Mrs. n. Rad
ford, Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs. Cham
bers, Sr., tho Misses Illanchc, Cutllp,
guests wero Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Nols ,s jcsslo Smith, Vlolot Whltq, Itiith
Wolllng, Mrs. William Otis, Mrs. 1 Hodden, Ada Cllnkonboard, HuUi Dy
Thomas Juza, Mrs. Harry Schaaster,
Mrs. John Hill" and Mrs. Iloyd Ar
Tho Young People's Society of the
.Norwegian Lutheran church, oujoyod
a pleasant social evening last Friday
ut Iho church chapol whon thoy wore
ventortalned by Miss Jonnio Johnson
nnd Petor Thorp. Following tho bus;-
'ness bobbIou, tho tlmo wns glvon over
.to social activities and at n lato hour
'iippotlzlng refreshments woro sorved
ito nov, ami Mrs. R. O. Thorp, Misses
JLIIa lierge, Klalo Larson, CoraiMathl-
flcn, Alice Mathison, nnd Messrs. II.
t l'olorson, Oliver Larson.Jelmar Itofs-i
land Rort Ivorson, and Anton Abrn-
A delightful dinner and evening at
cards was given Thursday evening
by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Mcluturff for
u party of friends who Included Mr.
and Mrs. Fred W. Smith, Mrs. IJrros
Torroy Loyland, Misses Una Klnnlcut,
l Until Allen nml Messrs, Owon Dur-
nott, J. T, Rraud, nnd L. G. CiiBhliig.
Tho homo of tho host and hostess
'was nrtlstlcally decorated with daffo
dils and greens, the color schonio of
yellow being well carried out.
4 4
Miss Irono Prouss was hostess last
Friday oveulng at ouo of tho most
succossful social events of tho season,
that of a progrosslvo "500" party.
With tho uso of daffodils and greous,
tho dainty color schonio of yellow and
grcou was carrlod out In tho parlor
dororntlons and tablo favors. Tho
ovenlug playing resultod lu MIbs Ma
bel Iiug winning lady's high score
and to Dr. II. M. Shaw was awardod
the gentleman's trophy.
Roforo tho Borvlng of n dollcious
luncheon tho guests gathered around
tho piano an doujoyed a hearty
"sing" of now nnd old songs. Among
thoso present woro; Dr. nnd Mi's. H,
M. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. D. O, Wolcott,
Mrs. Ollvo K, Drown, Misses Mabel
Lnug, Allco Curtis, Graco Johnson,
Mrs. Harriott Kellogg, nnd Messrs.
John Ferguson, J. T, Rraud, 13d
'Sleolo, Walter Hutlor, and Jnol Mer
chant. Tho hoBtoss was assisted
thtotighout the evening by Mrs. KHz
al.eth Merchant and Miss Helen Mer
chant. 4
for, and the hostesses, Mrs. Dyor and
Mrs. Hunch.
Mr. and Mrs, II. 11. Ostllud enter
tained last Thursday ovonlng for n
few frlonds at an Informal ovonlng
of music and conversation. Number
lg among their guests woro roiuo of
.Murshflcld'o most ardent music lov
ers. At tho closo of a very delight
ful ovonlng, the hostess sorved dainty
refreshments to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Stnufi1, Miss Edna Loulso Larson,
fMIss Inez Johnson, Messrs. Hcurlk
Gjordrum, John Llllus and Gorald
Tucsdny night at tho North Ilend
lllgh School, Prof. Conklln will lec
ture Tho Mothers' und Teachors'
Club Invito all citizens to attend as
th oio will bo much to Interest you.
Music will bo mado by tho Glee
Club nnd Mrs, Coo will slug.
Mrs. Worrol nnd Mrs. Coo will
moko tho welkin ring with melody,
with four hands nt the piano. No
admission will bo charged.
v ,
Last Friday ovenlug, Miss Kttiol
Josepli8on was guest of honor at a
party given In honor of her birthday
by Miss Gwenuodo Tower, tho guests
spending tho hours profitably and
dollghtfully lu sowing and cards, and
at tho closo of the ovonlng, Miss Tow
er sorved u dainty luncheon. Thoso
enjoying the hostess' hospitality wero
Misses Kthol JoBophsou, Ruth Allen,
Gladys Dlmout, Ruth (Cowan, 13va
llauson, and Sarah Kscott
Well Known Hooster of OirKn
ConHt. Makes IIIh First. Trip U
Coos liny Today.
W& f
i ttz ft I. '
"4 ' Vift ?Va. JZMkk j
a it -Ma
SI-1 -t M'B
"It's Simply a Perfect Dress"
"Notice tho room through tho hips, whoro it Is so much needed but
notice, too, thnt tho fit is porfect and it does not look ungainly That
Is duo to tlto clover design of tho garment. Isn't It Just ns stylish as
can bo? , A
Mina Taylor Dresse
It. L. Huston, editor nnd pub
lisher of the Sluslnw Pilot, at Flor
ence, tind ouo of tho best boosters
of tho Oregon const country, Is
here on his Initial visit to Coos
Day. Ho happened to bo n momber
of tho big party which was' mn
roonod nt tho stago dopot on tho
Sluslnw Thursday night and Sat
urday liad to pinch , himself to
keop nwako, having worked nil
night Wednesday on his nnnor. und
secured llttlo or no Hleop Thura-'f
day night. Ho got a few winks
nftnr lli.i 'Omi ti,it nnl" .n T
.B. ..U W. ..lilt .1111
broko up, and awnkencd
Aro noted Tor tholr Btyllsh, yot comfortablo design. They nre sturdy,
becauso of tho whipped waist seams, tho corded buttonholoa nml ttio
iiplendld fabrics In them. Yet thoy aro so stylish that you will not
hesitate to wear thorn on tlio porch, or ovon to run dow.ii to tho '.tore.
Come in and see what a really remarkable
Mina Taylor Dress you can buy here for $1.00
Wo want you to seo theso unusual dtoHson, whether you nro In need
of uny now' giiruionlH now, or not.
cum Jinn; game a.
to find
nlmself stretchod nut on tho wood-
till. mill. " l.l f I.I i.i
i..iu ..mi inn iuui LuiiHiiiurniiiy
hlglior than his head nml his body
soro from tho hnrd Improvised
Howovor ovon that could not do
tract from his smile und good nn-'
turo mid his enthusiasm ovor tho
boom thnt Is about to strike tho'
coast country.
First National Bank Building MARSHFIELD, OREGON
"OALLIXd OX Tin: tradi:'
Won lYoin Slxtli (Jinlo Wednesday
1-1 to it nnd I'Voiu Freshmen 17 to
V.l Thiii'Mlny
Tho Seventh Qrndo baskotlmll
team or tho Mnrshflold schools Is
gloating ovor two victories.
Tho Sovcnth (Ira do defeated tho
Sixth by a scoro of H to 3.
Tho Sovonth Orndo also defeated
tho Freshman team by a scoro of
.17 to 13.
Jack Harry was tlmokcopor and F.
L. Grnnnls roforoo.
Tho llnoups Wednesday woro:
7th grado pos. Oth grado
Ldwln Yako Don Allon
Cronjo Noblo John Dyo
1 Forward
Albort Hassford ......... II. Post
'Kinost Immol Ned Patorson
Perhaps tho most delightful social
event enjoyed by tho Auction Hrldgo
Club this season occurred Saturday
evening when the husbands enter-
'tallied tho club ladles and a niunbor
of extra guests ut a cafeteria supper
Whllo noMefiulto plans liavo been and danoing party in Mooso hall. An
formed, partial arraugomonts have
been mado for n number of social
ovonts by tho commltteo appointed
by tho Mllllconia Club board of di
rectors that met with Mr. J, S. Coko
last Tuesday aftornoon for the pur
poBo of talking ovor tho plan of or
ganizing u ladles' club to which tho
club rooms will bo open on certum
orchestra being engaged for the ov
onlng. Cards wero Indulged in dur
ing tho foro part of tho ovonlng
at which club prlzo was won by
J. S. Lyons nnd guest prize by T, n.
Jnmos. Tho hull presented an es
pecially protty nppearanco with Its
adornment of daffodils and wood-
laud greens. Tho purlvJucluded
Stmt l-'list of Series. Next Sun
day evening will seo tho opening
of tho sorles of daucos ut tho pa
vilion In thu Simpson Park In North
lllds will ho received up to 10
o'clock u. m., March 10th, 191 tl. at
tho offlco of Hon. C. A. Sohlbredo,
LoQkhnrt Hutldlng, Mnishtlold, Ore
gon, for the entire stock of fixtures
and jewelry, etc., of tho bankrupt es
tate of Otis II. Wilson.
F1U3I) K, OKTTINS, Trustoo.
Tho Knoups Thursday wero:
7th grado pos. Freahmon
Cionjo Noblo John Dyo
Kdwin Yako QuartormaBs
Harold Savago Kugono Kolloy
G u aid
Forest Gregg Geo, Schroodor
Albort Hassford H, Carborry
Art HlllBtrom Albort JoluiBon lug of tho hnck, ho said, had almost
'Comes Through Snows of Northern
1 California ami Fad's l.nug Stugo
Tili WMlliout llllnkiiig
j Old Danlol Hoouo, Huffalo Hill and
half a dozen other ploneors and em
plro builders huvo nothing on L. A.
Ilnkor, local roprcsentatlvo of tho
"Folgor coffeo company. Io Is Just
back from nn oxcltlng two wcoks
trip to Crescont City with n talo of
exciting udvouturos, of privation and
Innsmuch ns tho llttlo California
city Is lu his territory, Mr. Ilnkor
has to mnkp a trip thoro onco in u
whllo. Ho wont down through Gold
lleacli and from thoro, vln team ovor
tho summit and down to Crescont
City. To got out of there he took
n stago, or rather started on a stage
Into Grants Pass.
This was during tho heavy snows
In thnt section, lu somo places tho
snowy mantlo was ns much ns nlno
feot deop. Four horses on tho small
hack of a. stago, fussed about foun
dered nnd ofton wont out of sight.
It wns n biting cold trip. Ilnkor
fearful for his anatomy for tho lurch
pulled him to pieces on tho first log
of tho Journey, got out and walkod.
Thoro had been a fros tth Ignoth
before and by carefully watching not
to lot li.a feot slip ho managed to
"mooch" tho last 2L' miles Into
Grants Pass,
Thoro ho honvod a slp,h of relief
and' thought tho terrors of the trip
v.oro ovor. In actuality lie had Just
started. Ho was In tho group of
passongors that took three days get
ting to Coos Hay from Kugono nnu
r.impod overnight In tho llttlo gnrago
at tho mouth of tho Sluslaw whllo
tho w.ld waves roared, tho wind
howlod, tho rnlu and snow came down
and tlto sand pllod In Kieat dunes In
front of tho doorway of tho shack.
bor produced In 1914 In tho North- Ho said next day that thero woro
west was represented by sovon spo- 'four rolnys to got through to Coos
clos Douglas fir, wostorn yollow r'Pny nnd that ho waited In tho rain
pino, redwood, hemlock, cedar, white the snow oach tlmo and when ho ar
plno and larch, covering lu amount vived homo from "calling on tho
7.600,000,000 foot. trudo" Hakor wont to bed and slept
Of tho totuj lumbor cut in tho 'ho clock around, dreaming all tho
flvo North western states for 1911,
Douglas fir contributed four and
thrco-quartor billion feet, or GS per
cent of the total.
Nlnety-threo por cont of tho luin-
LIcuC'iiMiit Coiimn, V. S. X Here
I'ioiii Mate Mnutl Local Con
tractors !lao Cliauco to Hid
Contractors on Coos Hay will
very shortly bti Bont copies of tho
plans and specifications for tho
now government wireless station
to ho situated on Coal Hank inlet.
Lloutonnnt It. G. Conian, U. S.
Navy, urrlvod yesterday from San
Francisco bringing this word. Tho
docd. desplto the fuct It has boeu
tiavellng ubout for months, bneU
und forth, Is not yot up to govern
mental expectations, It must luivu
a chtingo or two mado, showing
that there nro no liens ngalust tho
tho proporty and that tho Marsh
flold Chamber of Commorco Iuib
given but the cue dood to tho laud.
Lieutenant Conian went to Han
don this morning, expecting to tol
ofihouo f i oni thoro to the Capo
Hlanco station regnrdlng somo mnt
tors. Ho oxpocted to mako tho en
tire trip from Muro Island and
bnck In sovon days, and has now
been nlno on tho rond.
Ho said that tho govorumout
wants to got work stnrted as soon
us posslblo. This will probably bo
tlip early aumnior. Local contrnc-
tois will havo tho same clianco of
bidding on tho work as will any
Slutciueiit In ICiiKliKYrlnc
Xol Conwl, He ii)-ty
Line to he llu'lt Utn
Tho Portland Tt'lpsna
"Judge John Twoliy, ol II
HroH. Company, said ob m
tho report of tho KnglneetHi 1
that tho Soutlioro Pacific
awardod tho contract for thi
llay-Hiireka lino to Twlir
that no contract had teeni'M
his coinimny for conitrurtltj
proposod railway line. Ito H
that anv such contract Ml
lot and believes tho matter of
Imr tho lino is not now n
sidoration by the Southem ri
ulthough In his opinion It !
tlinntoly be taken up.
Much Snccuhdloii Here
Tho donlal of the appartatlj
Inlto report has caused macs
ii l,i (Inn linro. TIlO KJl8fr
Nows Is considered lilBhl; rf'-
and that thoy would to r
on the matter is strsnse. '
Bine th.. niiblhatlon l W
-" " . ...i .'
Now York. whcr H ,,f,u ',
,.f Mm PmitliiTIl I'aC.flC COM
reached by 'phono.
Keen AniH'iuueiiiei
nt m
Dr. Imm.Ho, Osteopath, Mni'Mhflelil Tlmo Want Ails fiet Hesnlts.
wh;io of tho rigors of tho deep.
Dr. 1. i:. Kelly, Dentist, 201 Coko
IIMjj., Phono 11-T.
Jilbby Coal, !j?3.00 ton. Phono 72.
II. 1 Clianey, Owner of Coos Conn,
ly Timber Lands, lloio,
H. F. Chunoy arrived hero ovor
lanU from Detroit to visit his
brother. C. II. Chanoy. IJoth tlo
brothers own considerable Coos
county tlmbor nnd aro Interested
with A. K. Adolsporgor In tho A. K.
Adelspqrger Cruising Company. Ho
was accompanied by K. S. Nlchol,
also of Detroit,
Tho paity will visit tho Valley
and look after tho timber on Tlio
south fork of tho Coiiullle river,
expecting to ho thoro a eoupla of
Mr. Chanoy says that ho Is horo
only on a visit. Dotrlot Is a very
busy placo now, ho says, with tho
factories working ovortlmo.
Tho convenience anil profit of
Times Want Ails vlll bo demon
struted by h trial.
Girls '
" ... .. ik. r-i
In rnnnnrllnil Willi Hi '" I
i- .i , Sniitlierit r'llc1
13 lll.ll inv -- lVli
i.l.i la linvn jcsolvoil In " '
unnnrn nil their tlgM
... '.... nfrirlally Il0H
UlC, UU1U1U w..."
tho cotiBtrucnon ;
Bald to bo duo to I" '-:,
.i... 1....1 in collllic rlSl" m :
.' ... ,,-.. n..v..Rueene W
rZr inc diners
"to liviTa m-xn,:" "
.,.r.r i.(3 narcu '
LUS AIM"'" ' ' .., Rit
Htliel Monnotio a -
in t,vn orcanUeil a
,v" ' . . ... here.
to Live ion in -,;"!
member is deterra.- ,
-. vfalnnCC. " " ,
a contury oi :.- w i
duivu w ------ ... pr
the norve to jow.
must subscriuo iu "" ,
......i.. mips- i'l! ..
tno ionuih -ioidV
walk around the .U
beforo hreakfasi , wWJ
beforo eatlnt'- A j,t
fee. ham, bacon '' . pi
tie meat and PW"
distilled waiui. .., iijr?
among flowers, smu. J
singing. Never b- M. h
Ho. Keen lato hour, ,
a nap every afternoou.