jjM)G ON OTHER PEOPLES TOES WILL NEVER GET YOU VERY EAR Stmos ,-n TUftT DAB A CLEAN WHOLESOME . NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES a PArtn "" nr.jEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS mtxn I "yol, NoJMfjjf; ini is I IE DANGER MICMHKH OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Established 1878 An The Count Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1916 EVENING EDITION. & Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mill Pooh Hay Advertiser. No. 191 RAnue River Townslte Report Bo9d to be Sliding Into Rogue River Today HE IL HIES Residents Become Frightened and Flee to Gold Beach . and Higher Ground HEAVY RAINJS THE CAUSE ...... wi,M f Water Within 1-W I) injmnilflrcu In Likely -Town OhihmI hy MnrLeny ('iniiHtny (Special to Tlio Times) COLD DDACH, Ore, March 0. Uo residents of Wcdderbitrn woro ro-llr frightened when tho billable which tho town Is located begun .ItplBg Into noCi:o Itlvor. Tho Hera which has continued since tjmJiy has so loosened tho noil lUt B ! feared tho entire town may I pushed Into tho river. The ton of Wcdderburn Is Just urosi the Koruo from (lold Hench nd U owned and controlled by tho jleUar Estate Co., of Portland. Setcral employees liavo moved ;t their families to tho McLoay Uitt hlch is located on higher t:oand. The Weddcrbiirn Trading Co's. lore b closed and all biifllncHii Ih impended for the present. If tho iCde continues It will moan a groat ku of property to tlio company ns Ike itore bulldlni, warehouses, poat (tllcemd rfany homes of employees mall he destroyed. Part of tho residents moved their fiDlllet across tho river to (lold Fuch. Eleren Inches of rain has fnllon tilth Is a new record for this conn- ur. An appreciable rlso In Iloguo rlvor U !w expected. II the rain continues tho froahct (III endanger tho cannery of tho TMlerburn company and that of the taborg company which Is located (cur miles up tho river from this !ate. HI 15 HURT COLD MUCH HARDWARE MAX VICTIM OP ACCIDENT IWuigllor(.e Pulls on Hint nmt Scrl jr Injured Ug Wus Formerly Usl'lent of .Mui-hliflcld (Special to Tlio Tlmos) (Special to Tho Tlmos) COLD BEACH, Ore., March (!. r- W. littler, the gcnornl hardwaro ot Gold Deach who formerly rc ,JW In Marshfleld met with a vorj jlW accident whtlo riding after "". on an nttompt to rldo AGAIN RIVERS OP ("OUjI'ILIjH RISES 127 FEET AT myrtle i'oixt today. Train Service. Heyond ('oi'iiillo Ih Impossible. Log Tniln.s Are Hulled Maybe Ktlll Higher. EUGEXE SUFFERS FROM HAD HTOHM tllr AMOfUlfd PriM lo ia nay Tlmn. EUGENE, Ore., March 0, All tho schools In tho city bub pond od today ns a result ot tho rain, snow and floods. Tho lili;ll school and other bullet lugs aro Isolated by water from Amazon Slough. Warm rains of yestorday brought down the biiows from tho mountain tops and today the Coqulllo rlvor Is up 127 foot at Myrtle Point and hIiico Saturday trains havo boon un- ublo to Rot nbovo Coqulllo, It LIMIT DEBATE IN HOUSE VOTE Preparations Completed for Decision on Armed Ship Question Tomorrow RESULT IS IN DDUBT FEW DETAILS GIVEN Bryan Gives Lucheon Today to Congressional Leaders Opposing Pres. Wilson STRONG SPEECHES MADE iMeCuinbcr mid Mann Declare Ameri cans Owe It. to Country Not. to .Ten- pardlo I 'wire by "Joy Hides" on Armed Vessels or HclllgcrL'iits Is A WILSON WANTS PARTY LINKS KEPT OUT tho water Is standing about a foot dcop on tho rails near Johnston's station, between Coqulllo and Myr tle Point nnd that tho flood Is wuBhlng out tho ballustlng. Thin makes It imposslblo to brine tho logging trains 'through from Powqru, though tho camp near thoro has been closed down since Friday night, It Is said. -Sulful Hocaptured Ily Government Mn'l Couii'N Lute Saturday's mall arrived horo yos terday and this mornlng'H train brought tho mall that should have come- yestotdny. This mnkos Coos Hay still ouo day bohlud her ached ulo, though thoro Ih a possibility that tho five o'clock train 'from tho Vulley this evening will mnko up tho Bchcdulo. No word has boon rocolved horo ns to tho rousou of tho delay, though It Is generally understood that thoro havo been heavy biiowh on tho road out of Koaolnirg nnd perhaps BlIdcB again. No Stages Tbronub On account of tho heavy seas that aro batlorlng up on tho soa wall today It was ImpoBslblo for tho Rtagos to not through. Tho Atlas went down to tho lowor bay this morning with hor pasBongora and not until then did they got word thut tho trip north could not bo un dortnlcou. Tho start was mado at flvo o'clock this morn Inc. ' Much Snow Near Sltkum Flvo and ono-half foot of snow was reported at Sltkum yestorday and It was thou fltlll snowing. lllvormon this morning said that Coos Rlvor Is up botwoon sovon and olght foot, but lator In tho day was beginning to fall ngaln. Short on Logs At tho Smith mill It wns stated today that tho Eastsldo mill would probably closo this afternoon on ac count of tho shortago of logs. ttlr AniofUtccl 1'reii tc cow, nay Tlmn.J WASHINGTON, March .0 Prcsldout Wilson appealed di rectly to Hopresentatlvcs Ilon nott and Lonroot, Republican membors of tho IIouso Rules committee, today to consider the armed ship Issuo without partisan bias and assist In got tlng tho vote on tho resolution warning Americans off armed ships. Thoro aro sufficient logs for tho big mill to contlnuo until tomorrow night. i .... Owing to tho flood over tlio rail- ttit n . . . . .... . - . .. Heohanv ... , , roa". shutt ng off tho supply or toga SS Z L80mC T ,,0r808 "o Pow. H la Ukoly that tho toStaS VVn8',U"B,n1,1rea H1b will havo to closo for a tow ....... h!s a,,oml't ,0 f'o lhn- .,... ' Take Linemen Ay For tho second tlmo J. W. nuls and his crow of Western Union linemen Mittvo boon called off tho Job to hasten Into tho Wlllamotto Valloy on cmor-i Ull iji . ! . icii oack on Mr. Littler and wowly bruised one lev. Tho horso " aay for somo three hundred . ana alter a desperate effort Littler mnti'ii.o.l i .1 ...... ... horse and got home. While nv! appear ,0 ,10 brlo. ho ,l ke bedfast for some time. .UI.(I STAMPS T (ill lv l "" iiuiru liVI-J Dr AMDrlalixl Tin In Cona Hy TlmM.I AVASIHNC1T0N, I). 0 March C Tho Hnuso Itules committee today agreed upon and will bring 'Into tho IIouso "tomorrow a special rulo for four hours dobato on the McLomoro resolution warning Americana off armed ships of European belligerents This nrtlon puts the much discussed resolution Into a parliamentary po sition where tho administration lead ers are confidant they can kill It, Dry an Ih llusy Whllo tho rules commlttco was mooting, Hoprcsontatlvo Halloy of Pennsylvania, Invited Senators and representatives to lunch with William J. Dryan, At threo o'clock, about twonty had beon Invited, most of 'whom woro strong advocates of tho vt anting resolution. Among thoso Invited woro Senators Kern and Var daman, and Representatives Dill, of 'Washington, Calaway and Slaydon, ot Texas. Duties of AnicrlcuiiH AVlion tho Sonato convenod, Mc- f Cumber, author of tho pending reso lution of warning, again took occa sion to discuss tho subject. "Tho country, whllo ovor ready to dofond tho rights of cltlzons, doos not want Its citizens to lead us heedlessly Into war. Truo American patriotism de mands that no Amorlcan should by any heodles.. act Jeopardlso tho Na tion's poaco or proclpltato a grave crisis." In tho House when Gardner de clared thoro should bo a clear voto on tho subject announced tho matter have bollovod In lotting tho Itaiuo at tend to Its .own constitutional dutle nnd letting tho President attend to his constitutional duties," ho said. Fool Joy Hldo Tho Houso rosounded with cheors when Mann took tho floor nnd as- palled Amorlcaus who might Involve Mi IN L W Spanish Steamer Goes Down Five Minutes After Striking Rock pn Brazilian Coast One of Worse Sea Disasters in Years Reported From Island of Santos ' WAS PRINCIPE DE ASTURIAS Heport 1-1 :5 WVio Itcscucd ami Hal- unco Aro Still MNsInK Vc.sVl Struck Xcnr Mntrnnco to Han- toH liny Yesterday in AMorlaOl Prnti to Coot Par TlmM. SANTOS, Hrazll, March C Tho Spanish steamer Prlnclpo do Astu rlns, was sunk by striking a rock. She was sont to the bottom In flvo mlnutoB. lOlghty-alx mombora of tho crow and C7 paosengers were brought to Santos by tho French Btcamur Vlga. A Spanish Hteamor is standing by. .MAXY AHK .MISSIXO Heport to Dondon Sayn -I l on Ves sel urn U'KHOimttHl For ttlr Auorlalnl rmi (o Coot Htf Tliiir, LONDON, Mar. C A Lloyd's dis patch from Santos sayH H.'IS pas sougora and 107 membors ot tho crow of tho Prlnclpo do ABturlns aro mlHHlng. Tho steamer waB wrecked yestorday at Sebastian Point, on tho western extremity of tho Island of that name, near tho entrance to Santos Hay. INN T ROUBLE STKAMICR WHICH I'OltMICKIiY I'lilUD TO COOS HAY IX'STORM Hound From l&iglo lMrhoi for Sun Pedro With Lumber Ih DlHinaiitled Off Tatoosh tnr amiij rrm to eoo nr tibim. SBATTLH, March C. A dispatch from Tatoosh says tho Btoamor Thom as L. Wand, bound from Kaglo Har bor for San Todro with lumbor, was (llamnated oft Tatoosh Sunday night. She Is being towed bask to tho Straits by tho atoamer Admiral Dowoy. QUIET REIGNS NEAR VERDUN No Infantry Actions at Scene of Last Week's Battles on the Western Front AN ARTILllRI DUEL Berlin Claims They Captured 1000 Prisoners in Minor Engagements PLAN FOR A NEW DRIVE Iti r-Isli Infantry Makes Minor Attacks Near Ycvmelles Hut llerllu SayH They' Were HepulNed Canon- iuHiik Still ActliV Wf AxuocUtfxl Vttu to Com IK TImn.l LONDON, March 0. Thoro wan no 'nfantry action north of Vordun last night, Paris reported today, but ar tillery actions continued on tho loft bank of tho Mouso and Intermittently In thn section west of Doiiaumont and In Woovro. Horlln states tho day passed moro ipilotly on tho eastern bank of tho Mouso. Nevertheless1, tho Qormans captured yesterday and tho day be fore during minor engagements near ly 1,000 prisoners. Apparently tho Germans aro pro- paring for another concentrated as sault on tho fortress. Near Vormclles tho Hrltlsh Infantry dollvorcd minor Infantry attacks which wero repulsed. Comparatively quiet provallH on tho remainder of tho front. Declares ItusHla Has Suffred fh-enf- vr Los.sf.s Thau All Host of NnWons 'rogctbei' (11 AmocliUd 1'rcn to Coos Da Ttmn.1 BERLIN, March C (Wireless v.'a Sayvlllo.) In an address to tho Itus- biau Duma, M. Tchcldso, Socialist Moputy, oxpresscd himself Is a most licssImlBtlc manner In regard to Rus sia's prospects in tho war. Ho said that tho total Russian cas- ialles aro greater than thoso of all tho other belligerents together, hut ho sld tho losses on tho battleflold aro small compared with tho starved millions ot victims of bud govern ment. Further details of tho speech re ported from Stockholm uuoto Tchol- dbo ns saying that during tho war treason and piracy havo reigned and tho real object of tho entente powers la not liberation of tiuropo from Prus sian militarism but carrying out the policies of Imperialism and tho an-nt-xntion of territory. COL. OUSE HOI PHKS. WILSON'S KXYOY HACK KHO.U TRIP TO KUROPH ItopoftA Direct to Chief Incentive Regarding Affairs l Capitals of the Hclllgcrcuts XO SK1X OF PKACi: IX KUHOPH YKT WKLIi KXOWX HKRR Tbomas L. Wantl .Made Hveral Trips To Coos Hay Tho steamer Thomas L. Wnnd Is qidto woll known horo having mado sev (n AivttM riM to Coot Bit TlmM.J WASHINGTON, March C .Colonel Houbo told Presldont Wilson today that ho found no moro prospects for peaco during his recent visit to IJuropo that ho did on his visit last spring. CZAR'S HEAVY LDSS SOCIALIST MKMHKR OF DUMA DK- LIVKHS PESSIMISTIC 81M3KCII ! IN FAR EAST SKYKHK FIOIITIXO HUTWKKX P.RITISII AND TURKS OX TIGRIS Kiighind Sends Iargo New I'orco to Relief of General Tnvnirl.ud'K I'rco at Kut-lCI-Amarah D Auoclitxl Trru to Coo Da TlmM.) LONDON, March C. An Amster dam dispatch to tho Central News says that slnco February 21 heavy fighting has boon In progress between tho roller forces of Genoral Aylmor on tho Tigris and Turkish troops, ac cording to Constantinople advices Especially sovoro fighting has taken liloco noar tho town of Nnsrl, tho Hrltlsh rocontly moved up a now largo force to proceed to tho relief of Gen eral Townsond at ICut-Kl-Amara. russianTeT raid CLAIMS TO 1IAVU SUNK MAXY TURKISH SHIPS AT THUHIZOXD pnst year, bringing flight from San Francisco and taking lumber soutu ) Bliouitl lie u cieiu vuiu uu SSSSlBDEIIIE SAFE HUE (0 MKtlMt' tTM tr COM nr T1m.l WASHINGTON, Mar. 0. Colono! 13. M. IIouso, who returned yester day after visiting Horlln, London, oral trips to Coos Hay during tho J and Paris as special envoy of Pres ident Wilson, conrorrod Willi tno President this mornlifg. It Is un- dorstood that Colonol Houbo ex pressed great admiration for tho way tho Amorlcan diplomats abroad aro carrying on tholr work. Tells of Fueling ' Col. HousoN told tho Presldont In GKR.MAX SKA HAIDFR RKTURXS j ,letaj about tho Btatoot public Bon- FROM RKMARKAHLK ckuimk uimont In Germany, Franco anu isng- lund and Is understood to havo had Herllu Claims b'lio 8u"lc Fifteen VV- u,uch to say on tho fooling In Gor- Hels and Secured Much Ixt Mine I many In support ot tho submarine Klnil Tluv't Cwir's 'ririH"i l)Htiy ors Did Much Diunngo tit lllatk Son Port (Pj AxodatMl Treaa I Cooa !) TlmM. PKTROGRAD, March C Russian torpedo boat destroyers bombarded Tioblzond, tho Turkish Boaport on the Hlnck Soa and sunk several ships. Turkish batteries replied without puccess. ZEPPELIN ill ON I W Twelve Killed and Thirty-threb Hurt in Last Night's Aerial Bombardment THREE AIR CRAFT Visited Yorkshire, Norfolk. Kent, and Many Other English Cities MUCH DAMAGEDAS DONE About FoWy Hombs Were IDropped by Haldol's and Hlck of Alms' Douses Were Among Places Destroyed I'tIlrt !l,Von, (Dr AnocUlM Prraa to Ooa Da TlmM.J LONDON, Mar. 0. Twelvo per sons woro killed and 33 Injured hi' last night's Zeppelin raid on Eng land. Threo Zeppelins took part tit tho attack. Tho official statement says: "Af ter crossing tho coast, tho airships took vurloiiB courses, and from the devious naturo of their flights, they wero apparently uncertain as to th'olr bearings. Tho area visited Included Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Rut'and, Huittin'gton, Cambridge shtio, Norfolk Essex and ICont. "As far bb known, about forty In nibs woro dropped. Tho mater ial damage consisted of two houses destroyed, ono office, puo public houso, u cafo and several shops do strayed and a block ot almshouses was badly damaged." TO DEPOFRANCIS PRISOXKR FROM COOH, GIYKX COXDITIOXAL PAHOLK gency calls. Yestorday a special train tho country In war by traveling on 'n;;U' was provided tho superintendent nnd armed ships. "I hopo our citizens BERLIN, his row of 11 men. They ,Ioft at never will bo put to tho test of having ""I"" M I ... '.. 1-1.1 i.r.nn..d on inn. fnnl linn III- (iarinail DOTl Sank Engll!.!! Ibittlesblp P Aaaoclatad Vtn lo Cooa Pa TlmM.J March C. Tho Gorman e urrlved yestonlay In a policy. SMALL NATION IN "'ut,.rm,,oCoo,IU,TlniM J lircaTOJJ, Mar. C.- Jjrt held constitutional to- Sin ' Wa8ll"'' ami ,'l!,laW8l.rohlbltlngnd "--uns tradluj Htnnina "Hh IX HOl'SE onco for Eugono to make some ropalrn near thoro caused by tho bad storm of tho last fow days. It Is Bald they j will return tomorrow but this Is not 'certain. At any rate It was expected jtlmt tho lino through to Eugono 4. would bo completed tomorrow, but a una is now an uiipuHstuiiii. '1areilii, llUon M-..H1IKNS MCIISIIIO III. trodurett Today WsuTv h" ' Co- "" T""l C nG,TN' e.. Mar. C- 01 mmui y Ch""an Hay cl of ii. V .C01n'lttee. the sec- i E ihy P''lcnt Wll uwro Congress. Gil TO bnors and a million marks In gold. AUSTRIA CONSIDERS HERSELF PEN to fight because somo fool has In-; Gorman port (said to uo wuuoiiu- volved ub by entering upon a Joy slmvon) aim mm on oou.u i ..- ....i onnra nmi n nilllloii marks In gold. rmo, k - , spectacular career alio AT WAR WITH SAX MARIXO "fho'gentloman from Mnssachu- sunk fifteen enemy merchantmen In- Botts, Mr. Gardnor." salil Mann, "has eluding tho Appam. . charged that tho memboraiup 01 ine suo bibo mm .., -f ""-" I.oubo In this matter has boon acta-..among outers, uiu u-n.'u - Edwanl VU ton a vicuiu. County von Dohna Scjioldlon, Uio. coinmandor received tho Iron cross of tho first class and tho crow Iron crosses of tho second class. CIIAS. M. FORD (JETS THIRTY YEARS IX SIOUX CITY. ID AaocltJ ' Co Br TlH'M.J SIOUX CITY, la., March G. Charles M. Ford, alleged head of a gang of gunmen which terrorized Sioux City for ovor a year, pleaded guilty to tho murder of Roy Morloy, and wus sontoncod to 30 years, He was a formor hotel keopor and pol itician. I atod, first, by partisan reasons, and second, by tho fear of votos at homo. Tho gentleman from Massacnuseiw is ontltlod to speak for hlmsolf, but not for anyone olso on either side of tho Houbo. This la too grave a question for tho patriotic men of this House to bo actuated by tho base motives as suggested by tho gentle man from Massachusetts." CIIIXESE REHELS LOSE Stilfu Times Want Ads ai-o tho ono me dliim which loaches ALL the people. They engage publlii attention every day Always on tho Job. Recaptured Hy Government Troops. IP AmocUUiI Preaa to txwa MJ Tlmto., PEKING. March C Sulfu, in tho southorn part of Szo Chuen prov ince, was recaptured by tho gov ernment troops, ENDS LIFE IX PR1SOX Edith Melber Hangs Herself WHh Red Sho2t at Auburn. U ABWlated l'ra to Co Pa Tlrooa AUUURN, N. Y., March C Edith Melber, serving twonty years for the murder of her flve-yoar-old son Goorgo, who was poisoned In 1911, hanged herself with a bod sheet In tho prison for vonien, Southeoii Republic Now Involved In World War, According to Rome Dispatch rnr Ao-Uta Pra to Cooa Ba Tim.) ROME, March C Austria consid ers herself at war with tho Republic of San Marino Is tho mossago that American Ambassador Penfteld con veyed to tho government of tho small est nation In tho world, which has applied through him to have Its cit izens, interned In Austria, reloused. OLXEY ARNOLD DEAD HIO STEAMER HUNK Mnsumhi Goes to I'ottoni, Hut tho Crow Is Saved D AaaftfUt4 fru to Cooa Par Tlmai.i LONDON, Mar. C Tho British steamor Masuuda, 4H92 tons gross, has boon sunk. Tho ctow wus saved. RIG ITALIAN LOAN War Securities Over-SubscYlbed, Ac conllnj; to Rome. (D AwoclatoJ Treaa to Cooa Da Tlmea J (ROME, Mar. C. Tlio subscrip tions for tho third Italian war loan, stated to bo four billion Lire, totuls sovon billion Lire thus far. Man Servlnr Hento-'co for Robblni; Owl Saloon In Marshfleld, Re lieved by Gov. WIthycombo v (Spoclal to Tho Tlme8.) SALEM, Ore., Mar. C. A con ditional pardon was Issued today by Governor WIthycombo ttl Goorgo Francis, who Is Borvlng a torm Xn the penitentiary for burglary fnm Coos County, In order that h- irltht bo deported. ROHHED OWL SALOON Geo. Francis Sentenced car for Crime In Mnrshflch! Aro Georgo Francis was arrestod and lator convicted on tho charge of robbing tho Owl Saloon on North Front stroot. Tho conviction was about a year "ago last Novomber, and ho was sent to tho stato peni tentiary to Borvo a torm of throe to twonty years. It Is said that Francis Is a nattva of Australia. A short tlmo ago tr was understood that Judgo Coko, who sentenced him, had rocom mended that ho bo pardoned. SAMPSOX IS LAUNCHER Hare your LETTKK beads, bill headB, etc., prtaUd at TUB TIMES office. 1 , IT. S. Counsul General ut Cairo Suc cumbs In Lisbon jnr Aaaoclated Troaa to Tooa Bay Tlmaa.l WASHINGTON, D. C. March C Olnoy Arnold, tho American diplo matic agent and counsul general at Cairo, Egypt, died yestorday In a hos pital at Lisbon, Portugal, Destroyer Named For Late Rear Admlra.I Leaves Wuys. tD Aaovlate4 Freaa lo Cooa Da TlmM. J QUINCY, MaBS. Mar. C Tho de stroyer Samnson. nameii tor mo lato roar admiral, has beon launched. SECRETARY OF WAR NEWTON I). HAKEH, FORMKR CLEVELAND MAYOR, CIIO.SEX NEW SEAMAN'S LAW Mcasuro Affecting Foreign Ships Is Effective. Now. tD AaaoelateJ Preaa to Cooa Da Tlmea. NEW YORK, Mar. C The pro visions of tho La Folletto seaman's law, applicable to foreign vessels, beenma effective Saturday. Clear ance will be rofusod ships not com plying. Has Accepted Appointment and is Ai-runglng AffaJrs for Romovul to Washington Soon ID Aaaoclato4 Treat lo Cova Da TIom.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. C -Nowton D. Dakor. former Mayor of Cloveland, has been selected by Presldont Wilson for Secretary 6f War. Mr. Hakor has accoptod the position and is now arranging his affairs In Clovolanil preparaiuiy to coming to Washington to aBsume his dutloB. Ruker Is II Haker was offered a placo In the cabinet when President Wilson took offlco. but ho declined. Ho Is 44 years old and was born at Martlns burg, W. Va. At tho ago of -25 ho was appointed private secrotary to to ' Postmaster Gonoral Wilson in Cleveland's cabinet. To get GOOD cleaning nnd re pairing, call JAY DOYLE, Ph. 250. Dr. . O. Vaughan, lleutm, Room SO, First Kational Hauk building AVTO RACER WEDS '1T Ao'laloJ Treaa to Cooa Da TlmM. CHICAGO, March C Louis DIb brow, automohilo racor, murrled Harriet May Henry and announced that ho will rotlre from raclus, I 1