' " m-'P "'t 'p ""-- T SIX 7 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916 EVENING EDITION. .J -Ht- tpr ) r A L Two For One Sale Now In Full Swing THINK OF IT: . Two Stilts of Clothes for the price of one, plus $1.00. Two Overcoats or Raincoats for the price of one, plus $1 or One Suit and one Overcoat both for the price of one, plus $1.00. CHILDREN'S SHOES AT THESE PRICES: $1.0(1 Slides, a( . H(c OOc Shoe., at 70c ijil.i." Shoes, at I !."( $h7. Sfrocs, at . :. . $1.-0 $'JL.lir Shoes, at ' ?'" JjKI.OO Slices, at ( SjSl.:'!) ."t:i.no Shoes, at 9t3.fl.! Odd Pairs and Broken Lines at still larger discounts. " WPHMf) UNI UIU IS FT OUT WETHER I MAMI'S CATCHING DIICS AT HOMIC I'N'I'AHLY TWKIjVK IXCIIKS HAIX OX CATCHING IXIiKT rTlilrtccii-Ycm-OM Hon of .1. W. Catch- lug: Succumbs tn Disease Today Second Son tu Dlo .Tunics Catching the thlrtcon-yonr- told boh of Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. V. Catch ing of Catching Inlet, ilictl at their ilionio this morning of typhoid fovor. Ho hml been III for some tlnio. This is tho eccoihI death recently jfroin tyiihold and it is roportod Mint ftlioBo nro several other eases of thu (dlflonso in this vicinity nnd nppre- . hoiision is folt lest it become more c proValont. This Is tho second son that Mr. nnd rMrs. Catching hnvo lost In tho past (year. Tliolr oldest son was drowned tievoral niontlig ago nnd tho loss of tliolr last son today is a keen blow (to thorn. Mrs. Tom Goodalo of Marshflold Is u slstor of the deceased. I The funeral arrangements hnvo not lbeon mndo. 1'HLL DUHIXG FHHHUAHY Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Four Stores . ' MAHSIIFIKLD :: HAXDOX :: MYHTLi: POINT :: POWKItS MAY GET KINNEY TAXES STRAIGHTENED H ''Vhlgh school debating team will bo :linRTU DCMn MCMAfC sont hero to contest with North Hend NUHIH BEND NEWS 5 Wcn(1 0f Astoria. Tho team will ibo hero Mnrch 10 or 11 and the win- Otto Groko nnd wife loft on tho!'' wii' compote for the Btato chum Kllbiirn today for California where I Pionship. 'they will locate Ilo has g.'ven up tho cigar factory which ho oporntcd lioro for n -long time. Wllllnm Hancock and Miss HUon M. JncobBon wero married by Jimtlco Sinister Tuesday. Paul Jacobson and Mrs. Holman of Uaudou, brother nnd Bister of tho brldo, woro NvltnosBOH. Tho brldo Is tho daughter of. Mr. nnd Mrs. Q. Jacobson of Ten Mllo. John O. Horn has n forco of men i at work building a depot 20 by 40 for tho Southern Pacific noav Cal- 4 $ Ifornla street. V Prof. Kllpatrlck of I'ugeno has wired Prof. Orubbs that tho Albany SOCIAL UALKXDAIl v J'r'dny Thlmblo Club, with Mrs. Fred Kruso 11 North Huml. Mrs. F. A. Tlodgen anil Mrs. A. J. M. HobortHon ontor tain nt illnuor at homo of Mrs. Tlodgen. Mrn. 13. M. Harry entertains nt sewing. Ladles, Art Club, with Mrs. W. 13. Ilongland. County t'ouVt To Consider Matter Again Mnicli 10 Ask For For- mill Petitions From I'm tie. r.'rea1st Precipitation in Twenty-four Hours Was il.K) Inches Many Vletiv Dnyn February weather on Coos Hay fwas extraordinary In many ways. Do- apito tho Btimmcrllko weather that ('prevailed for a good portion of tho time, tho total precipitation for tho month totalled almost twelve Inches. This was duo to n fow extra heavy rains, 3.10 Indies falling In twonty- f,four hours 0110 time. Tho summary 'for tho month ns compiled by I). U. .Ostllnd, local U. S. Weather observor, Is as follows: Mean maximum 52.0. Mean minimum ll.fi. Mean GO. 4. Maximum (Fob. 25) 75. Minimum (Fob. 12) 32. Greatost dally rango 38. Precipitation 11.98. Greatest rainfall in 21 hours (Feb, O3.10. Number of days of .0L .Inches or moro precipitation 15. 'Clear days 13. Cloudy days 1C. TO CHI E AIDS HOME I GARDEN FLOWKHS OIlOW IX PltOFUSIOX IX VAIll) OF .IKXSI'X. Tliero is n possibility that tho Klnnoy tax mattora may bo ad Justed at tho adjourned moetlng of tho Coon county court to he held on March 20. A delegation of rep rosantBtivo3, before tho court on Wednesday, met with no success, i but tho court nskod them to submit formal patulous. ' C. It. Peck represented tho Port of Coos liny; C. 13. Mnybeo, tho city 4,1 nnd hcIiooI board of North llend and '.lolin I). Gobs, for Frank 1). Wnlto. Tboy wanted tho court to lop off tho pcnnltloa and take tho back 4, 'taxes nnd six per cent interest. ICOOS HAY HANGK LIGHTS WILL hi: chaxgkd agaix Inspector 'Wn'rmclc sends out Xotlco That Aids (o Navigation 11 10 Will Ilo Slilftbd Soon Mariners nro urged by Inspector Wnrrnck, of tho Sovontcenth Light house district, to make a note of tho fact that tho Coos Day entrance rango lights nro to bo moved March 15 to structures that havo been ready for n abort tlnio. Tho changes, ho says, aro to bo as follows: Front Light, 315 yards 81 sV00 .MMmm A Air. Cons said tmhiv Hint V. T. 1 4. , Dement Is Mroi.gly In favor of tho Joro08 from lt8 ,rcoo,u 1obU1oi and O movo, that ComnilBsloner Armstrong.10 ' sll0W fr0l ann on ll wlllto said ho might bo favorably ,. 1" 18 foot above tho water nnd 10 dined If tho petitions were present- f'cl nbo tl,c -ro,,,,d! w,,,l B(-,mro cl wlillo .ludgo Watson is decidedly. ' '",' , . A'al,,(,t the movo. I , Ilc,,r Wsht. 1020 yards 117 1-2 preceding, and. to be ahnwn from wlilto frnmowork on tree, 38 feet above water and 19 fcot nbovo ground; wli'to cquaro day mark. -nmawTvmmmmmammKMMTVNnmmwwma.mMMmmmnmM iiiimiiiimii ififwin 1 in imaw 1 ! 1 ! iiiib iihimiibmmiii- JBBBMBBBBWIMMlBMIiyWWKtiaiBBIIlBSB C JaMMHLffft"tiAEMM M""B rfiiV.B i iTT w UT ! 1 4 T-l I B ('I' i- VSSjji 1 M ! 1-il i 1 Tu Mil tT'f C'T' '',1 'I' H('l tvlX'l1 fct. (I?Aa 1JLH L iK HngMnBHnPM2iflVTdKitlK3RtH I vSMMnMoiflttuiCu 2WWHH"fci&',,?fW''iH ""jM"fTMWByjHrri TPpiiiil ic W1 nip iMyT'iFninWWao'n'r'r pGf!?'"iwiiT7PTii yiBn iiiiii I i iui imi vi I m m nK j kvj a BJ rrrrii i j . jb i i il v A v ) i'iT fQ ) I inTl Pt Jil Lv iLriiXl jr a'ALI tft.vJL'll-lg mi LHl'tBA&2JLfiLel? Tfra Ril2riuejHivP T " - 1 ri 1 - 1 11 . 1 - i r--Biii 1 1 1 111 1 rrmm,iimiinmtmimmiMmLJUMmiMmmi.mjL-mMmM-LJJL-m..w I EUGEN E; TAX CASE citv si:ci'm:s ix.iuxctiox STOP HOAHfLKVV. TO Slight Changes Corset stylos f0r ,:. season show a ! changes they 5 HDS1 ,b0l!.t, lWSLW. J.asl -, and , morinl. nr nnn with sliriht nhnnrmc nnri i,.. n ""T'"i: ":' a, uwo H,,u "av me samo lilnH if nnH uinnt tn rlimlintn I .,.. M ..,"?' a"Q your llDuro will be air'St Ym S'lK! Was Once An Uninteresting Hillside Time, Thought ami Work Ac complished Fino KcHtdtM. (Third of a series of "A City illcauttrul" stories, by Clarenco K. Ash.) Sovoral years ago Norls JciiBen walked out onto tho bluff beyond tho end of what is now known as North Second stroct. Ho found himself on a steep Bldohlll and in a vorltablo forest. Hut through tho trees ho dlscovored n wonderful viow of tho bay und right thero ho decided to build him n homo. Ills friends laughed at him, triad to porsuado him that ho never would bo comfortnblo thero and that ho was at tho end of uowhero, with never a chance of "coining out of the brush." Xow Heaps Howard. Hut ho 'wo a determined to build there. Men packed tho lumber up tho hill and a snug, homelike cot tage was built.- Thero wcro, no elec tric lights thero then, nor sowers nud no city wator. Today tho homo Is a vorltablo gardon spot and nil the most modern conveniences of tho city nro his. It would talco only a brlof visit' to tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jon son for 0110 to seo exactly what can! bo dono' toward converting an nl- ...An. Iinnnlnn. l1lnM. .no mb.i1 ,' 1I1UOV JlUJfUIUDD WIIUUIIICBH UUll WUttlU into a garden of beautiful flowers. illoth Mr. and Mrs. Jonson will toll you lt takes work, certainly It takes time and thought nnd caro ,(3 8WK1)K ,.Mj,.s MS...I.F TO I t n nln rill 1 In ! lllnnn ilil.a .. !. it... 1 I iu i.k.uiiiiiioii nivnu viiiiio, uui mill tho roward thoy reap is worth many u.ui. uvur uiy unio iiuu uiuy sponn Aiip.I .o,,,lu f.'nlll.. .. ll,.l..,r I.. ll.nl.. ....!.. A...1 11.. I ..II ,' ' ' " ... ...u.. ,.,.. ....u uiuy win ion )l.llIlki..ovcs somro of Hum you, too, that tho tired business! .. u i.. .... ..... i iiii.-i ..viiiiiiiiiiu wi.v; man nnd tho tired housowlfo nro I -....!.. .11 ., 1 .u ... I VVlinn Trtlm T.f.i.ln1 nn Q....I .! I Hai.nl 11.. -1 . . awuuiur uiBiiuHiiiuiiuu peopio ior nav- " """ " "ii " 'i vumu aimui mo Hiings, mil mtj tlil good looking figure. Rust-TjroofChFsets $lto$3 EVERY CORSET GUARAWTEED.1 The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG ALWAYS BUSY. MARSHFIELD TOO MUCH BOOZE TO PROTECT ill GAMH WAHDH.V DKC'f tlllSOpnl SKASOX TOSIOHIIOWOXSliifii I CUT Ol CHUWIXG TOHACCO. lng spent n bit of tliolr sporo tlnio ',nto tl10 8toro of Loonnrd JohiiBon, Wi-rim Hu.iirs That MM jA nuii nun .miisi no rrottcbil , UiidM. Inderal U loons," Is tho caution of Deputy CazJ H-nIiIciiIk of .Miinliipallty Opposed to I Haying I'or IniproviMiieut of Kurnt HlgliwajH. I Hl'C.HNH, Oro., March 3. A tom porary lujuuotlou was granted by Judge Skipworth In tho circuit court restraining Sheriff J. C. l'arkor from collecting a two-mill road tax levied by tho county count on property located In tho cities of Hugono and 'Sprlngfiold. Tho elty holds Hint tho tnx Is Illegal nnd that tho coun try districts should stand tho oxpouso of road building. Ponding a do- clslon on the merits of the caso tho sheriff will collect two mills from the citizens of tho cities, which it Is claimed by tho tax collector, will cost tho county at lonst $1000, no matter which way tho decision goes. ench day out In tho yard with hoo,Nort" Front Btrcot, Inat night nt! Warden James Tliomng n liiulnih -l t. .4-A- 4 . I fllrilllli m-m I lilt A ltAlat.! ll At A.. -. 7 ilnfiln tin i I ah ..u .. ..uu.iuuiiuii 01 war agiv:n8t tno vlotej pests that Infest tlio lower Uj m tho lakes of tho vicinity. Theo-a season on Bliags begin tomorrow hi will contlnuo until July l. Hut thero aro only a few of Hi loons loft on tho liny, says tlic deputr Those aro of two spee'es, the PaclEe nnd tho Groat Xortlicrn Diver, ul ho wantB thorn to bo saved. Thereto tho caution Is Issued to all hasten. Up Hayuos Inlet tlicre ore liv dreds of tho shags, It Is reportei, ui It is expected that dozens of hnnten (will bo out on tho waters after thin Many today aro talking about trl,i to tho lower bay to work on the tin tnrgots. The order allows them It li tin t. from motor boats. Tho Federal laws protect all Mrt of fowl, but In tho caso of shags u exception Is to be mndo Inasmuch u thoy hnvo been found to bo cillti too many fish. and rako making tho green tiling 'elo8l"B tlm. "olped lilmBolf to a grow. I big cut of chewing tobacco and then l'lowciH Aro Kverywlicro. 'refused to pay for It, Johnson natur- Ono ontcrs their yard from Second u,ly concludod tho man wan drunk. street through n rustic gnto to flnd',ro called Offlcor Hrockmuollor nnd tho walk to tho Iioiibo lined on olth-,lH" urrost was made. This morning or Bldo with dahlias, during thelrf'hindol pleaded guilty to being driinK season. And to tho right, tho loft "l ntcadfostly maintained that tho und In front .of them nro flowors, liHinior ho drank wna glvon him by a profusion of them nnd nil ous. j friend. Thero always sconm to bo Bomothing, Chlof Cartor Interrupted tho pro- blooming in tliolr yard, night now ccodlngs long enough to go to tho thoro Is a great tub of beautiful I oxpreas office and nacortaln that tho hyacinths and daffodils galoro. I friend, John Walko, had rccolvod Anybody Can Do It. yestorday two quarts or rum on tho Anyono enn go out Into tho worst Yellowstone, front or back yard In tho city with1 Ihindol or Sunl, ho gnvo both n rnkn find In n fiitv itilimlna hnvn I UnUlOB. WHS filled STlOO inn! lrlvnn an nppotito, a pllo or trash and cans a cllmco to go to tho woods and and a muchly Improved surround- mako tho amount, promising to ro lugs. I'oBslbly thoro will bo crlti-'t,mi '" !"' Jdgo Hutlcr sonio cisin of this statemont. Good! Try.ot10r day It and find out for yourself. GREAT POSSIBILITIES IN DAIRY FARMING $ t AT THE HOTELS ' Atigu.st Wolf Dcclnrjs Cow In Leader In Prosperity Mixed Kuiiiis Aro li.it. 1TALIAX SIIIH CLICAHHI) Ux Amo( Ulol TrfM (a t'wm IUf Tlmn.l WASHINGTON, H. C, March 3. Tlio Italian liner Napoll which readied New York sovoral days ago with guns mounted nboard, was or dered cleared today titular iiBsurnneo that tho guns would bo used only for defoiislve purposes. We Recommend White River Flour to all our Customers Our patrons who use White River Flour, w?rmly indorse, and we would like to have every housewife try it. Remember and send your next flour ordsr to us. We also have a complete line of the best yeasts, baking powders, spices and seasonings needed in baking. In home baking only ths best ingredients should be used, as the cost is little, if any, more than inferior products cost and the re sults are so different. PHONE US YOUR NEEDS. PHONE 213 Sanitary Food Store SERVICE FIRST. (Formerly Nasburg's Grocery.) mmemsmmmmmm Second and Central Robt. W. Swanton Graduate Chemist. WHITMAN'S CANDIES Wins lier miiIIc, no matter uliero you dine. f you nro looking for tlio HI 'ST, patrouio tho PENSLAR & NYAL STORE for Quality Chemicals. Swanton Drug Co. Successor to J kVlVJ W H "J kl VI H 91 v J n,t .much' 'v11,uTr'': i:o,rtl".",,; c " 1,row" IIS Tintallfiltil f IIP fl..l... u.l.. t t iin, i uiiniiiu, u. w. in uiitiniHou, i on f'lnud; Miss Una Kluiilciitt, Myrtle (Point: Alfrod Johnson. Contilllo: G. Ono of tho cardinal truths ont-JAi. Dctrow, San KranelBco;' C. AV. phuBlzod at tho first Northwcstorn OIutthowH, Dallas; I). Hubbard, Hal Dairy Show and convontlon In . lua; .Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Grant, Dallas; Spokane, February til to 2C, Is thnt'-1- A. Hlnek, Portland; L. A. Johnson, tho world's" greatest economic prob-fCoqullle; Claud II. Giles, Myrtle loin leadH to tho farm, says August Point; I. Wolfe, San Francisco; J. Wolf, In tho March Issue or Western tosonthal, San Francisco; J. A. Lamb Union Mfo Monthly. Grains and Coqitillo; A. Gurflolil, llaiidon; J. A. grasses, hoof, pork nnd poultry nndi,lo,)l,,11B Myrtle point, fruits nnd vogotablos nro tho poll I H, l-awirnco Hotel bulldors, tho homo bulldors, tho!' Mr8' J""1' (1, An,,0,"soni Luuglols; town nnd city bulldors. Moro fooif,-'.'' T a"'ln, I.nnglols; Waltor Stull, stuffs moan factories, moro hay A"K"'y! C. JoIiiihoii, Myrtrj Point; moans llvostock, which, In turn calls fw,1,lum Sauors nnd wife, Powors; ror packing plants; fruits nnd vog- "nn08 Kroogorm, Allegany; mid ntablos demand atorngo houses and iro,u lr,'0 . Hula und wfe, cannorles nnd croamories follow tho ,A' R Or(!0' A- W. Mlllor, C. It. Jnck- boii, I'TiuiK unrriH, jamos Harry, co Dr. 1). O. Vaugliim. Dcntl't, Rom in, I-'irst iNntloiinl Hank nlH m milch cow. Great nreas of land throughout tho Northwest, which onco wont beg- jjng for buyers at from fiO conts to an ncro, nro" now bearing enough foodstuffH to ralso tliolr val uo a hundrod fold. Tho land was always worth n hundred times moro than its Belling price, but not to the man who did not or would net Improve It. Today thoro Is a now order of things the farmer who vWhltsol, O. II. McConuIck, Goorgo Salmon, J. !:. Churchill. Lloyd Hotel J. S. PotorBon, Hmplro; F. Yoim- U:ors, Kiuplro; Miss .Voru .Hobblns, Powora; Jack Pasolk, Powors; John Wliobroy, Myrtlo Point; It. IIempli:il, Coqulllo; F. C. Rogors, Powors. AMONG THE SICK ! wnMed a dozen acres upon one steer. I i2 must hand that land over to tlio Georgo A. Haines was today eon tuodorti dairyman, who builds a fined to his homo, suffering from a Bile with his barn and makes tho hit d support ns many porsons. One of tho world's foromost ag ricultural authorities says; "Mixed farming In this wonder- lmrt of golden opportunities will mean an Increase In nynl popula tion, smaller farms, better boJI, lar ger ncro ylolds, better homes and moro contented people and will bring about a gouoral improvement in ag ricultural, industrial and commercial conditions." HuHcrmilk Irij Cream ft'.s de- .llclous Try it nt SartVs Dewdrop Inn. I. Dr. H. V Kelty, Dentist, 201 Coke Hldjj.i Phone tliiT. MEN'S SPECIALS SATURDAY and MONDAY fiiMlc llmiitl and ArgoM"! llatH, tfU.a.i and $;i.0t) uluM o-th ?'M Ono lot .Men's Hrc-s Shirts l.Oii values " To $1.50 values 98? MotiV I'lannel ShlrlH, with " Itmy or flat i""'"' u Hl.es ?l.!Mlo 1'nll Cut Helnfort' d WoA HhlrlH, cac'i 30c Drohs Shlft.s 7.1cto?I.M ALL HOYS' SI ITS AT liS THAN COST. S-S.Jennings XOIITIC IIKXI. OllKfiOX- sevoro cold. 71 MAItKRT AA'R, J Tlmea Want Ada for results. lies i ay Stafaeiry Blanco Building Front Street Ageimitss riIsomi-Joinies Loose Lc1, Ledgers and Systes ,Vdr .. i -'-'--- -TJfe- -.lM.. ., Jf,,