THE COOS BAY TIMES. -MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAROH 3, 1916 EVENING EDITION. WVt Get This Straight jjCONOM Y . in U Clothes does n0t mean paying a low Price5 means paying enough to get ugh value. U Hart Schaffncr & Marx clothes "enough" is $18 or more. Considering what you get in fit, style, quality, anil lona wear, they're the cheapest clothes made. . Woolen MARSHFIELD Mill Store : :: NORTH BEND The home of Hart Schaffncr & Marx clothes Clothes purchased at this store, kept pressed free 1 of charge. 371 W -vU " L I ' ! Cnpjrfglil ITtt Scluirner & Mara The Breakwater Sails for PORTLAND via Astoria MARCH 5. From For Information call Smith' Dock.' 136 L The Breakwater Sails for EUREKA, ' SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO Direct MARCH 10 .. Terminal G. CUSHING, Agent. ira " 9 a nornlng nt 11 o'clock Rev. 0, L. Hall will Bpouk Ut Flagstaff mul In tlio evening Is schodulcd to preach in Sumner. To Hold Klory Hour. Tomorrow morning between 10 and 11 Is story hour for tlio children tit tho Cnrueglo Public library. Mrs. Charles Hall will talk to the chlldron, telling them tho "Undo Heintis" stories. Dnndi Saturday. Tho dance to bo given by tho Alpha Clttb of tho Epis copal church at tho Moose Hall will be Saturday evening lnstcnd of Friday evonlng ns was erroneously an nounced yesterday. To llctiirn Here. D. F." Rahskoiif who moved to Coaulllo a year or so ago and was deputy postmaster thoro for awhile, has leased tho Hay View Rooming House, nbovo Ekblnd's Hardwaro storo, and will move hero soon. Hold Services. Uov. Jt. E. Drown lug nuuounccB that ho will hold Holy Communion Sorvlco at tlio North Bond Episcopal chapel at 8 o'clock Sunday morning. Oil 1 to Vancouver. Tho Hov. L. II. Stolnlioff, well known in this county, has just been called ns pastor of tho First Daptist church at Van couver, Washington. Mr. Stelnltoff Woft hero sovcral months ngo. Ho had been lioro as a Daptist missionary. Autos Collide. Shortly before noon, tho Connor & Hoagland deliv ery truck and the Eastport Jltnoy collided nt Central nud Droadway. Tho jitney Biistnlticd a broken front whcol. Mnrshal Carter said that tho Jltnoy turned on the wrong slda of tho street. Puts Uh lit History. Ex-Sonntor Dinger Hermann, of Rosoburg, writ ing to J. W. Motley, states that n husky section of his new history of tho Pacific Northwest will bo do votod to tho Coos Day country. Ho Is writing for a picturo of tho big North Dond brldgo nnd soma facts regarding it. Will Ploy Tonight. Tlio last 1ms- kothall game of tho Bcasou for tho, bigger navy and nrmy, munition plants for all coasts and a monstrous continental army of citizens, ("Vouiig Americans" Meet. To night nt 7 o'clock Is the time for the mooting of tho "Voting Americans" at tho Central School building for tho second guthoivng of tho organi zation. It Is expected that about 100 boys botweon tho ages of 10 and 1G tyears will bo present. An effort Is now bolng nindo to get a playground at tho corner of Fourth nnd Elrod uvenuo for the Biimmor. Receives Prize E. II. Campboll, I In charge of The Times Job Depart ment, today received a handsome trnvollng kit vhlclt was awarded him as n prlzo in contest conducted My tho Jlitmpshlro Paper company of South Hndlcy Falls, Mass., manufac turers of Old Hampshire Dond and ouo of tho largest paper firms In the country. Tho contost was nation wldo nnd the honor received by Mr. Camp bell is a marked ono. Cninps Arc Cloned. Tlio McUon ald nnd Condron Logging camp in West Mnrsllflqld la shut down. The men uro making repairs on the overhead cable, and tho weathor otherwise would liavo railed a halt. Camp J, on south Coos Hlvct lias been closed for tnrco dnyB now on account of tho snow. Mo word has bcon received today from Powers. A. II. Powers Bald yestordny that thoro Is snow there in tho camps, but that they would run as long ns possible beforo closing. Hccovers I'ln. Through a Tlmos lost ad, Mrs. J. D. Davis of Coos Itlvor today recovered a kcopsako pin which sho lost on tho streets In Marsh Kohl tho other day. It was picked up by "W. J. Robsou of Dolso Addition who brought it to Tho Times office this morning and rcccT.vod $1 rownrd. This is tho socond pin recovered through Times lost ads this week, tho other bolng ono for Mrs. Otis II. Wilson which was found by I). J. Roes who received $1 rownrd also. To Finish Line. To brldgo one of BREVITIES tttttHMt Mnrshflold high school team will bo 'tho Inst gaps in tho nil the way wlro payed tonight In North Dond, This connection over tho Willnmctto Pa closos tho scries of eight, seven of rclflc to Eugene, a crow of wlromcn which linvo been victories. North 'arrived last availing from Qnrdlnor. Dond was defeated by a ono-sldod Today thoy nro busy stringing tho scoro In tho gamo played horo sov- wires for tho Western Union company oral wcoks ago. botweon Mnrshflold and North Dond. Climiilicr of Commerce Ml (Tho worlc ,8 ,n chnrgo of J. Ii. mils. Tonight Is tho tlmo for tho regular Tho other llnomcn who nrrlvod Inst For your Spring Girig hams, Lawns, Silk Poplins, Cotton Poplins, etc. GET THEM AT THE J.C PENNEY CO. STORE THEY HAVE THEM AT A BIG SAVING. Anrnn fl iiirilm r Rp I njvi uiiigiiuino ww A better gingham 7c Dress Gingham I'V&c A better grade 8 1-3c ini. r ri..i innil i''.u uiuss vaiii&nuins iuu a r . r- -!.! nr ..! ...!J- 101- ioc urcss uingnamsi o menus wmu yu ii Chambrics, all shades, 3a inches wido 121oc Mercerized Poplins, 25c value --x. 19c We Lead r? ? cr jZ, Originators Others tftySSuSW6 . of Follow VjmadJEBEE&BOSZSEZP Low Prices Next Door to Postoffice Besides First Class Meats We carry a nice line of . . . PMdcil lamb Tongue Pickled Pig Feat H-Mrt Ms Ears Plckloil Pig SiioiUb MH P0 Norway Herring, Fan lladdlo nnd vnrloim kinds of canned fish. FRESH EGGS, 25 CENTS PER DOZEN. ' IOI.NTIIV SAUSAGE, (IARLIC SAUSAGE AND .SPAN- ISII SAUSAGE, MEXICAN STVLE I MIOHCI Palace Meat Market 'bono -1004, N. I). OSWALD. Cent ml Ave. THE WEATHER REPORT - - III Auocltlrd I'tt cuu. Ear Tlmn. Orogon Ra,':i ia west, fair In east; southorly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATUKH RECORD For tho 21 hours ending nt 4:13 n. mi., March 3, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special gov- urnmont meteorologist: Maximum CO Minimum :is At I: 13 a. in 10 Precipitation .' 1.08 Precipitation Slnco Sept. 1. 1915 . .. CU.17 S Proclpltnllon uaino period ' last year 52.73 Southwest, cloudy. SUNRISE AND SUNSET I-lrlduy t Mnrch 3. Sun rises at G:33 and sots nt 5:52. i I 'I. TUAXSFElt AND JSJ,Wa,s 0' HOUSEHOLD X WWIOIIT AND FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono J:j IlesWeuce Wloll0 VM iej Afe. ,, Wl f BICYCLE TIRES Hiiy Them From Uh, Wo Clini'Ko Xotliliig; to Put Them mi Your WIioi'l ' MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Plans Home. I). I, la planning to oroct n $2,000 homo on his lotu In l'Vrst mldltion and may sturt construction this spring. Rev. Hull monthly mcetliig of tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commerce, Tho com mittees Hint havo boon serving nlnco tho first of tlio year nro cxpoctod to umko their roports, nmong them bo lng tho commlttco on momborshtp. All mombcrs nro oxpoctod to bo pres ent. i Cunip ClofAeil Doun. McDonald nnd Vuughn'B camp nt Sumner Is ,closed down today. Last ovo'nlng just beforo quitting tlmo nu Injector on ono of tho pumptj that supplies tho thrco logging ougliics broko, and It was ImpoBslblo to got any water to thorn. If this had not occurred It Is boliovcd Hint tho snow of today would havo hnltod tho work. Ih Dark In Portland. Tom Rlch- jrtlHon, always n strong booster for I Orogon and well known horo ns ono of tho organlzora of tho Chamber of inninmcrcn. linn returned to tho Roso f ------ - - City from ToxaB whero ho has bcon for moro than n year and It is said that ho may again nssoclnto himself with tho Portland Chambor of Com- Ducklnghnm !m0rco. ovouIiik from Qnrdlnor arc, A. I' Green, A. W. Mlllor, C. R. Johnson, .MiVnnlf Tfnvifn Tnlmin llrirrv I.nn Wliltaol, O. II. McCormlck, Georgo Salmon nnd J. E. Churchill. Jt Is oxnectod that tho ontlro lino will bo lln operation by March 10. O'Cniinell Iaisos. Edillo O'Con noil, Instructor In wrcslllng ut tho .Multnomah Athletic club, Is well Iknown In Coos nud Curry counties for tho matches in which ho has been Interested. In Portland tho othpr night ho was downod In two straight fulls, the first tlmo ho has been to the mat In sovoral yoars. Tho victor wns Walter Mlllor, -who claims tho world's middleweight wrestling chninplonshlp. Ho out--voglied O'Connoll. Tho first match wont to him In ouo hour and olght minutes and tho second in 31 min utes, 38 seconds. O'Connoll did con oldornblo wrestling last year ut tho Port Orford ngnto carnlvul. i:plnliiH Ills Side. E. S, Dallurd cumo boforo Judgo Ponuock today claiming that his family In west Price Bulletin Brponis (with polished handle) 50c and 60c (See our window,) Eggs (fresh ranch), Per Dozen . b -25c Spuds (very good quality), per 100 lbs. $2.45 Remember that we have a full line of Garden Seeds, both' package and. bulk, Seed Potatoes, Field Corn and Swedt Corn. "We Save You Money" GETTING'S CASH GROCERY Phone 394, 130 North Broadway. MRS. S. C. ENDICOTT and dntightor of Dnudon nro guests nt tho J. S. . Lyons homo. CHARLES H. KROEOWR wan nmong tho ont of town visitors hero today from Allegany. MRS. JULIA q. ANDERSON, of LanglolB, enma up last ovonlng for a visit In tho city. CLARENCE ZUMWALT, prominent citizen of Port Orford, cumo up today on a buslnes Btrlp. D. I. M'aEE, of Lungloy nnd Mich aels, loft on tho Kllburu today, returning to San Frnuclsco, SHERIFF ALF JOHNSON cumo over hlfi i I HiS. r ? NPWTODAY I FOIU MALI'' B7 FoldliiK Ciimern aoundhieli rapid symmotrkal Ions, good Hhuttor, flvo doublo plato holders, carrying enso, pxtra heavy tripod, printing frnmo. Outfit Mr $12,50. Lona nlono worth twlco th6 inonoy. It. L. Davidson, NoU'i Dond, Oro. InpoctN OfflccH. Postofflco In-iMnrshfiold bus ulwuyu boon supplied gYTIMESWANTADS Efcrjji(lh Efficiency WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R Tlmns Wnnt Adu tnlnp rnsiilts. spector anllagher Bpont yostorday at Cooston and Is horo today. Do- to Spenk Sunday for0 rotiirnlng to Spokano ho will havo paid a visit to ovary postof flco In this section. Ho said that h.o trip In horo Is only In connection with tho UBiiul inspection vlslta and has nothing to do regarding now mall routings. Wnnt Our Opinion. Tho Morch nnts' Association, of New York, Is taking nn actlvo part In tho piopar odness cnmpalgn and hos submitted sovoral ideas to tho local commercial body. It would hnvo a standing !nrmy of closo to 1,000,000 men, military training In tho schools, a BLANCO The Public Service Hotel hnh Just been thoroughly renovat ed, will bo open to tho public March JM, HMO. Soino of tho features of this old hostelry nro. frco cm ployment bureau, frco sow Ins room, information hullolii nnd kind treat ment. Tho patroimgo of tho public Is bolkited. HLAXCO HOTEL laiJ North Front Street, Murtdificld, Oiejron with food nud did not noed churlty. Coii8tablo Cox mudo n visit to tho tout homo nud found that at tho tlmo tlio wlfo nindo a complaint thoro wns practically nothing to eat In tho liouso nnd neighbors told him that they hud for como tlmo bcon aiding tho family. tJUMa nlMfcJ-f TIME TAHLK WILLAMETTK PAOIPIO MOTOR CAR oble TheateD TO-NIGHT IV m i 0iin a, otW.T, ? htmn liXht ,J'"os,,y "'Kht, very, few pooplo cix out 'eat0 "' CI'0S,VCJ NUT." Tho Flvo-Rcol Gold lloootor Play. ""i- IMt "?l,0'lU,,K il ,0,,,B'-U "ln rocolvIiiB Hcvcrnl requests from M In addition to MoVernl other reels of good pictures. bin . "" This, number contains hovoral events that you m Intei ica lH. 'in... .. ".MLAX HEROMajeMle Comedy. h,a h. this plctn... ',A TWO SHOWS Tho chlldron will LoiVer Floor, i 7 AND I) V. M. AXTIIONV'S ORCHESTRA EVERY NUJHT 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. Leave Marohflold G:45 a.m. 7.45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:60 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. Leave North Dond 7:00 n.m 8:00 , 9:00 a.m 10:15 a.m 11:00 n.m 11:45 a.m 1:15 p,m 2:00 NORTHERN GROWN Seed Potatoes AMERICAN WONDER EARLY ROSE C:55 p.m. North city limits only, 7:30 p.m. Just arrived Buv now be- 3:00 p.m lf0Pe they pre all gbne and off 4:00 p.m ,fhp mnrof. Also a shipment of Red Clover, Alsyke and Timothy. 000S BAY FARMERS' 5:15 p.m 5:55 p.m 7:46 p.m EX- SOUTH COOS DIVER DOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Maihhfleld every day 8 Leaves head of rlvor nt H:lft i). in. STEAMER RAINDOW leaves head of river dally at 7 ii. in. "Leaves Maishflohl ut t! p.m. For charter apply " hoard. HOfHCRS SMITH. Props. CHANGE. Coos Bay Farmers Exchange i'ontrul Avoiuio and Phono 3710 Wutorfront, X PERSONAL MENTION : $$ F. C. ROGERS wns down from Pow ers today for u short Jrlp. F. T. GUERIN caiio up last oveiklng on buslnoss fr.m Lauglnls. WALTER STULL of Aliogany la in 1 tho city having coino down to reglstor. C. It. PECK left on tho morning train for Daudou, for tho Maeloay estate flllSS VERA RODDINS, of Powers, camo In last evening for a visit with frlonds, RALPH DAKER was up from his ranch near SKoro Acres yostofday ou business. R.EXALL KIDNEY REMEDY I'or tho relief of those wise of Klndoy Troiiblo which bland In need of effective treatment, such ns can ho Mioly M-lS-utlmliilNtoreil. Sold HxrliiHlvely hy THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE . , Phono i08 Me Deliver Immediately 'from Coaulllo Cast evening first v.lBlt horo for aomo time. CLAUD H. GILES, well known nt 1 tornoy of Myrtlo Point, wiib among lm vlnllnrH In tlm rltv todav. ED DOLAN Is down from PoworB FOR, RENT Flnt.'Hrd .tt AiuR... nnd Is visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. Phono-Dr. Lcallo, 101 J Hormau SnUthgall, on Catching In- j "7 ot( i FOR 'KENT 11 room IioiihO oil Elitnl. F. P.' NORTON wont to Coaulllo yes-1 Apply 1102 Elrod. i torday to uttond n conforonco of j- ! tho county road supervisors with Phuio, violin nud cello. (IoorK ' tho county court. h. (li1.Kiy, expert temlun-, HOl. N. ''F. W. LANO mid L. A. Johnson of. the .Itlh St., Phono J-HIX. North Coaulllo Rlvor fish hatch- , I cry woro Murahfiold visitors yea (J torday. L pnp DCMT W. C. DRADLEV has roturned 'romj run nuiM I I a trip to Curry county polntB ami i , roports that tho prospects thorolKO,. niINT IIciiiho. (130 South 8tli I.. . . ..nH i . .. aro ior un usuuny kuou xwiv. "J." It, DU1S, AVcstorn Union foreman J l ,.. ni.nrim nt llw i linn work north III l.lHU W. ..U .... . . of Coos Day, accompanied by his wlfo, arrived lust ovenlng from flitrdlnnr. E. J. GALLAGHER, tho new post- office inspect for this district who succeeds Mr. Wood, of Roso burg, reroutly roslgnod, la on tho Day visiting Postmastor MeLnln nnd looking to Improvements in tho sorvlco. " IM. WE1NGARTEN was aboard tho j Flfleld tlio othor day when tho f vessel foundorcd, but ovldontly , Is not afraid of tho sea, for ho loft this morning aboard tho j Kllburu to try his luck onco moro. I G. S. DAVIS, AV. C. Chuso nnd Jesso I D. Clinton, all of Coaulllo, woro business visitors in Mnrshflold to day. A. L. DUTZ, tlmo keopor nt tho C. A. ' Smith mill, arrived homo last ov enlng ' on tho Adollno nftor a month's visit at (Monrovia with Mrs. Diitz Whllg In tho bouHi Mr. Dutz saw W. F. McEldownoy, for merly with tho Roynolds Develop ment company hore. Ho ,'fi Rotting nlong very well. FOR KENT Flvcrooni co'tngo id- contly ronovatod, coruor isnun nnd pianngan, Apply W. B. Cur tis, Phono 150-11. ' Duttcrinllk Ijj Crenm It's lie j Melons Try It nt HarlWrt Dcnvdrjp Inn. i To get GOOD cleaning nnd re pairing, rail JAY DOVM?, Ph. WO. a m , iv ii i " "'" Llhhy Coal, 9n.l ton. Phone 72. St., fivo rooms; apply 7CS South 5th St. FOR KENT About March 15, hotel at Hniisor, furnished, 9 rooms nt and of boat lino and on railroad, $10. See Nod Gnllowny, launch North Star nt noon. FOR KENT Comfortnblo apart inonta for rent, furnlshod, $16.00, flno loeatton. I. S. Kaufman & Co. FOR KENT Furnished two room apt. Heatod, $15.00. Inquire Mutson's Store. FOR RENT Furnished flat, hot and cold water, bath. 853 Third Bt I FOR SALE t' ?' FOR SALIC Fivc-ncro tract, J?:i50J,, phono 390-L. IMPORTED Whli LeRhorns cgK for hatching. Phono 1C-J. FOR SALE 500 ogj; Incubator Phono CJ. FOIl TK.VDI Complete, vell iulp j.ert chicken rnrtch, will trade for Mnrahfield lots. I. S. Knufmaa Co. ' t J