THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916 EVENING EDITION. FUOR COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKY, Editor and Tub. DAN B. MALONEY, News Editor Official Pnpcr of Coon Comity Official Taper City of Mnrshfiold. JIU1' AT HOME &' 'jj IT IS romarjtablo how tlio Ilomo Industry Idea is spreading throughout tlio country, and. In fact, throughout tho world. Wien a man Bets up a Btoro In n towii, It benefits ovory hiiinnn bo Ing In that town. Ho may employ but olio man, but this man must Hvo near his storo, buy tlio neces sities and many of tho luxuries of llfo, pay rent, consumo light, pur chaEO clothing and fuel, and, in fact pay at least CO per cent of tho money ho rocolvcs from his goods right "in that town. i Provided this merchant can sup ply you wlh goods of equal vafuo and quality with competitors from other sections, ho certainly deserves your support. Now supposo this merchant buys all bis goods in Oregon. Then tho producer of raw materials gets a Bharo. tlio i transportation man gets Bpmothlng, tho factory cmployo a very largo portion, tho manufacturer a small por pout, tho tax collector IiIb bill, and all turn it back into tlio etnto to bo circulated within tlio state. On tho other hand, if tho money this morchnut sponds for goods goos to an oastorn state, it Is forovor lost tp tho producor, tho drayman, work er, manufacturer, tho Btato and tho town. This, being true, let us buy from our pooplo, from oiiraolves, .lioro at homo, hero in Oregon. For to kcup money lit circulation is llfo, hut to send monoy out of town or out of tho stato Ih to bleed tho town or iitalo to death. Again wo say Uuy nt Homo. AN OHHOONIAN'S JiAMHNT illow I kicked when it was raining' How I kicked when It was wot! Then, again, I kicked nt heat spoils, And It Booms I'm kicking yet. But I think I'vo provocations, (Though 1 do not mean to scold) For tho weather man was cruel When ho sent us snow and cold. If I onco ng'ain got thawed out, You can bet I won't complain If the wontber man will send us Jimt a good old Oregon rain. Orosonlnn. PORT ORFORD WILL GET GUARD STATION CongicsMtiun I law ley Says Donation of Slto Hy Cltl.oim Should Hasten Establishment. Congressman W. C. Hawloy writes from Washington that, Inasmuch as tho pooplo of l'ort Orford havo do nated a Blto for a Coast Guard sta tion thorp seems to bo nothing now standing in tlo way of (securing wliat Is wanted. Ho Bays tho inattor Is again referred to tho Coast Guard Bureau iurt that tho cost Will bo about $12,000, exactly tho snmo amount secured last year for tho Slimlaw station. foot lot adjoining it on tho north. COW PUTS IjIGIITS OUT Carbld'j in Cold Poach Wjjll Takes Hair From Animal's llldo . GOOD FOK SAX FHANCISCO GOLD UHACII, Ore, March3. A milch cow belonging to D. M. Mooro, oi nils piaco, ono uay recently pm. out of commission the lighting plant of tho Gold Beach Hotel. Tho hotol hi boh acotylcno gas, generated In an old abandoned well In tho Iiqtol yard. Tho cow broko through tho plnuklug over tho well, fell 40 feet to tho wa ter, and managed to swim for nil hour, until help could bo summoned. Tho cnrbldo with which tho water was Impregnated removed all tho hair lrom tho anlninl's hide. Till'3 prophets who predicted that Han Francisco would oxpcrlonco a elu nip nftor tho exposition closed Hh gates woro wrong, and tho stato will rojolco thereat. Building permits in January, 1910, woro In oxcoss of thono in January, 1 D 1 5 , and tho cloarlng liotiso receipts for tho wook in Fobruary JiBt ended bIiow $2:1,000,000 In a'dvanco or tho figures for tho Bamo weolcn In Fobruary last year. San Francisco Is entitled to all tho prosperity that is coming to It, and ono of tho reasons why It Is 1rosncrouH Is that Its pooplo nro stand Iiik togothor, nro working to- geiucr, havo laid aalda pottlncBs ilnd oousldoratlou. That was shown by tho hlatory of tho exposition, and tho ora of unity action Is still on. That Is tho sort or spirit that brings results. Wherever It Is maul- NEWS OK COQUILLH Coos Conn)' Scat .News ns Told by Tb3 Unruld ThlH Week W. G. Cloghnrn hnB bought a halt Interest In tho Clark Bakery and will bo associated with Mr. Clark, having chnrgo of tho grocery department, which will bo in ail o a great feature of tho btihdnes8. Ed Lorouz and family havo re turned to this -piaco to reside after spondlug tho winter on u ranch above jMyrtlo Point. Alter Hpoiitiini; nnir a nay on 1110 bank of Cunningham Crook, Dr. Hop- Jcliirt claims Hint fish do not blto. SOME SUGGESTIONS t FOR, CITY BEAUTIFUL t . - V I ODE TO CITY J1EAUTIFUL. w - "A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds. How many weeds?" Times. It's up to you and you and you, To boo this wondrous mnttor thru, Mako your life so full of dcods, Thcro'll not bo room for any weeds. When Mill Sloiight Is grodn with oats, "" There's whero I'll grazo my nanny goats; Twill ho good food for poor old cows That now Just llvo on cedar broiiuo. Whon that Commissioner visits plnccs Whero "heavy Hlldcs" fill up tho spaces, Don't meet him with a gloomy frown Nor throw a brick bat at IiIb crown With smiles to molt a heart of stono That nulsnnco you must quickly i own; Then -whllo ho stands upon tho mat A twisting of IiIb derby hat Just you unfold your llttlo plan To bolp our Indies feel like men: Hero's to Tho Times, tholr promise dutiful, . They'll suro mako "Marshflcld u City Beautiful!" "Dam Fool." MAY FIND DIAMONDS nro making tho oily Itself their first pinny who woro (lulling Sunday iigrood with him. Mm. L. M. Brown, who conducts tho Von do mo lodging house, com menced an action in roplovln In tho county court a fow dayB ago, to ro- I'orllnnd Park Keeper Proposes In Di III Tliero For Precious1 Stones. PORTLAND, Or., March 3. Thnt dopoBlt of diamonds may exist in Mount Tabor park Is tho bollof of C. A. Strickland, an omployoo of tho city park bureau, who camo to tho city hall today and applied for a pormlL from City Park Super intendent Couvlll to sink a shaft 100 root deep in tho northwestern portion of tho park. Traces of carborundum and crystals In matrix which havo tho npponrunco of lla inonds havo been found by Strick land and others. Better Meats That wtf THAT'S WHAT VK OIVH YOL. It Is our constant endeavor In give you the best tho market af fouls anil our largo number of regular patrons ussuro i that wo nro succeeding. If you arc not a regular patron hero, yon had lio'ler arrange to be. It ulll benefit you and benefit lis. All kinds of FHESH MEATS, Smoked Meals and other lines found In a first class Meal Market PHONE I'S YOt'lt OltDEIl J. E. Ford (3b Co. 174 South B'way PHONE K-.7 Union Market RaaHnOTH&wwtts" EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nairn Smith N ' Passentjer and Freight From San Francisco, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, at 3 P. M. 1 FOR COOS BAY S. S. Adeline Smith . Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent Savings depositors If your account has been opened .Si Months and long, or, it has interest credited iWa'rch "1. Bring jn yoir Pass Book.4 . ' -jr.. rmAk ' . ! f & v f V . '- b W ' m t . First National Bank & '! , t .J ' Bay NOME OF THE -$A V E R Marshflcld, Oregon Jl .dJUUMU&3 ScSCFfixmsmh.,3S5ssaazss!iasmm Oldest Hank id Coos County Established 1889 FISIIINO NEAH IIANDON. Hoy Wynut and Chnrlos Paito went to Sovon Mile on Sunday, by tho up rlvor lllnpatch and roturnod In tho ovenliu: on tho trn in o bout. brltiKliiK with them a nooil strlnjT of rish. Thoy both clnlmo to havo cniiKht ono ovor is incnos ioiib, nui wo cannot verify tills hh wo did lioi nee tho fish. Ilandoii Recorder. NEW POSTER IS OUT 1916 Rose Festival Design Advertlceo Scenery of Famous Columbia River Abstract For reliable Abstracts or Title and Information about COOS HAY HEATj ESTATE, bco Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshflcld and Coqulllo City, Oroi;on. fioiirrnl Agents Kast.sldo nntl ScnK'btacUeirH Adililloii, Special attention paid to ussossuioiitH and piiymciit of taxes. IIKNHY SKNOSTACKIJN, Slanancr. FSnagai A EeEiett Bank Mnrslificld, Coos County, OreKon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 IN'IT.KKST PAID ON TIMl-J AND SAVI.VfJS DKI'OSITS Offlconi J. W. HKNNETT, President; .IAS. II. PIiANAnN, Vico ProRldent; It. P. WILLIAMS, CoHhler; Q. P. WINCUKSTEH, Asnlatant Cashier. Flaisagai b Bennett? Bank Ob1 MYHTMI POINT Capital .'''. .'.'.' . . $25,00 Officers J. W. 11KNNKTT, Pro(ildont';'.TAS.''lI. FLANAGAN, Vice Prcdldont; L. M. SUPLKB, Caahlor; L. T. DHMUNT, Assistant Caalilor. BenTOtt Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officcra J. W. HENNKTT, Prosldent; TOM T. HKNNBTT, VIco l'roaldont; AUTIIUll M'KICOWN, Secretarj-; 11KNNLTT SWAN TON, Treasuror. Tho Only Trust Company In tlio Slato, Oulsldo of Portland, Wlilrh Oi(,ranled Under tlio New lmve. tfSniJCzyscaTHCTjaiiTO ;,.irsir'i:'a''J.,'M.r:irjr"'nrJw 'vy-iMs." mv.- "" I WIT JiV'Jg feutod tho city Ih proBperoiiH. Whero-trover poHHeaalon of a pair of hornoa over it Ih laclclm; thero Is a different i.IioIoiikIiik to hor and which woro be- tain to toll. IJiiK held hy 1; If. Suliovv Tor a food ' , bill, lleforo action could Kid far In , fthla case, tho Iioihoh wtro attached I MITU TUC TCA ."'' ll wr't IshuoiI by JiiHtlco Stunloy GRAVEL tMin?.TMr9m-am . I milt itlillilAiimt.l I Mha Oil II tt Jill t Pill I. tlllUIIH'UUlHI IF J iUIDi kJIHIV iKlofonl. of whom Mrfl. Hrown limtKlit ! ..'. . . . t AWD THE TOAST J i tlio lodKluK hoiiRO furiitturo, and Jim 1'' Stanley now hohbi tho reliiH. t (.'OOI r.VKNINO. r.11 .. ,..... .,. KtlUKb WAIUH Ar-lttt . . THIRTEEN YEARS LAPSE Ho Kood to tho deptha of you anil you will illsravar that those who mil round you will bo Kood men to the snnio dpplhs, .MAUTHItHNOIC. Tho llttlo cares that trotted mo, I loqt thorn yestorday Aniout; tho Holds ubovo tho Bon, Anionir tho wliuln nt piny, Amoni; tho lowing of tho lmrilfl, Tho rustling of tho treeB, , A"ion tho bIhrIhk -of tho birds, Tho huiniuliiK of tho bcos; Tho foolah fparo of what mlKlit happen, I cast thorn all away Among tho clovor-aconted grass, Among tho now-mown bay, Among the hushing of tho corn Where drowsy popplea nod, Whero 111 thoughts dlo and good are born, Out in the Holds with tiod. Adapjed. Tlu? Cooa Hay woman who tolls It all doldom clnluiH to l;iow it nil. Consi'Innro Cnusos PuUuowii Parly III licnim-p i iiii.'iii'r' m .'iin. lleiuaVdl, of Salem. 8AI.K.M, Ore., March a. After Kl yoarrf nri "lost"' Mrs. Kato llernardl, wlfo of JoKoph llornardl, aBBlBtant onglneer at tho Btato houso, ro- ....I.....1 .. lla.. ii1aIi mlilnli nlin It till MEl. r vKJ. 3 . HM MT .$ e&r. M IMrr-ti. W.iUftf .;jse . WmmmkiKMM.iU m8&&3&&m Wo nro now prepared to furnish OltAVEL In Any tpiantltlefl trom pllo In our yard or In carload lots, nt following prlcos: From pllo on ground, ?2.?r por yard. canoad Iota, takon from cars, J2.00 por yard. 1 ltetnll Dcpurtiuost. , C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposllo PosMWIco. Phone 11)0. Silki4 mencan rvV mm WIlKim SA VINOS MK SAFI3, Wo will bo glad to assist you in any way so that your taxes may bo paid in tino, Wp.Wish to Servo You. HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE7TO 9 inmi iTTTinmiri-r-mi .mi.Mnwiwimniifi.i KssnssasaarnxMrnasamrxca PAYERS: a;ho Shoriff had Inrormodis that ho will Bund u Btatomont to every tax- , payor, whose addrww ho Iuiowb. uh i.1 Ilia auiount of tholr I:mh, thoio foro ir you will Bond thofio Btateinonts to us, with tho aiuoiiiit of your taeB wo will boo tiioy nro paio aim kcco OT1aawirrrK u record on our book of tho pay- B0EffigESSHEffilSi VMM TKN CUNTS Clly Limits Norlh llruil, .1c nrj CO.MMt'T.VMON nfl (J TICKETS, $1.7.1 ZU .MnrMiricld-Norlli Heud Audi Lino Hare ovory ton uiliiulos from (' a. in., to 'i inldnlKht; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 a. in.; to Km plro threo trips a day. OOHST Ci KINO, Propi. i n out, without any oot to you. Portland's lSKO Hose FcBtivnl poster celved n sliver watcn which sno nan . . . long ago forgotum after giving P I. tbo Hnt v""1-""""" : , Flanagan & BennettBaHK all bono of finding It. Tho wateh to go forth advertising the bwut lo o i wus lost lu a hopyard III yoara ago and nB it waa highly valuod by Mra. llurnardl hh a koopsuko, Bho ndvor tlsod lu tho locnl paporB and of furod a liberal reward for Ita ro turn. Yoatorday tho watch arrivod In good condition and neatly packod in a box, bearing a throo-cont Btnmp but not a aluglo lino to Indicate who had boon carrying It all of tlieso years or whoso coiiRoloneo fglt tho twinge that ciuiRod Ita ro turn o tho rightful owner. 1(10 I'ltlCKS PAID Kvory Coos Hay man gets a lot of wireless messages from his wlfo. Flour may bo high, hut nftor It gota in tho pantry it uooji gqts lower. Tho Coos Hay man who goon lo law may rest assured that his law yer will got Justice. v Tho truo gontlomnn pays, for his woddlng suit boforo ordorlug his d vorco suit. Some Coos Hay mou aro an proiftl Of what they do hh otliora aro of what thoy cap avoid doing. Pot (laud Hiislncss Hllw CIi-ihbi HaiiilB at High Value. POUTLANH, Ore., Maroh 3. Tho northwest coruor of Sixth and Stark Btroeta waa bought this morning by the United Statos National for 27ri,000. The ileal wob closod af tor nil option had been held on tho property for Bovoral months. Pres ident J. C. Atnsworth, of tho United Stales National, Bays that tho pur chase la merely an Investment. 11. and Marcus Wolf received $l7ri,000 for tho lOOxlOO-foot lot on tho coruor, whllo Alex Wagner was paid $100,000 for tho CiOxluO- If gasoline continues Increasing lu prlco It will booh bo oxpoiiBlve enough to be used ao a fasliloiuiblo beverage -i the Columbia river. Tho I'eatlval will W-35B!Bsjo2fiE3aisapt.vwaseS30 be hold Juno 7, 8 and 0. Oponlng day . will witness tho national dedication of f" tho Cpluinbla river highway. Tho poster carrloa tho slogan "For You a Roao In Portland Orowa." Tlio poster waa donated by Fred Q. Cooper, for- mur Oregon boy, now famoiib aa tin artist. Tho design will booh lumg In trananortatlon offices all ovor tho United Statoa. What .to do when Backache comes on "I found immediate rcllrf Jn tlis Htio of Foley Kidney i'Ulu, luivu vauom juouded tliem, aud do not Lsow at (i olnfflo Inutauoo wliou tny I'alltd to glvo ralicj," O. TT. Utmlrum, ji traveling !dpi.ri n. wrluia fruni Aiuirlo. 'tvvun: Mirl liur over i-oukIi and lu all ImuH of woutlior B-lvo mi' .ieto tlio Kirl; and I mirruroil Kuatly. F found rollwf In tlio luo of KoIkj Ivldney l'llls. and boforo tlio tlrnt Itottlo wax ii.hciI, tho i,ila In my bail; hud outlli'ly di..ip pooivd and 1 Iiiim had no tvi'iim-nco of thoo imIiih which frtsMUi'litly amounted to nlmoxt nouralKlc iiroportlons." 'hou Im-kacUo coirnm on, and it icoiiim an If ion can't Htaiul the piln mid iiroMxiiro la your buClc. you will llud (iuIck and t;rtitnful relief ooiueti with tho Ha of Foley Kidney Plllii. They Utoit tho muino of tho patii. onse tho HtllT aelilnc Jolnla and nuiRules, and rlojir the potsoliH out of your uyHtum ly hoijiiiiK jour liiduoya and Ulnddur to normal healthy uotiou. For aalo by Owl Pivaorliitlon Phar macy. Frank 1). Cohan, Central Ave nue Opposltd Oluiudler Hotel. Tele nliotie 74. WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings ' S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Ticasuicr DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo l;opt OP1-JN TO TUB PUHLTO A Tegular Btato llrviuetl undertaker will bo In rbarga PJiono 10.1-J DRY WQOD at Campbell's Wootlyard North Front Street Phono St7-r I T. J. 80A1FH 1C A. II. nonoim Marshflcld & co Kstiiiiatea Furulsliwl Phone 110-H. Mnrshfiold, Oretcoa HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phonft 3171 SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL ' Nut coiil, ton $1.00 Lump coalr (on .... ,$1.rl Or half ton of both, . $1.7.1 U. MUSSON, Prop. Phono 1K-J or leavo orders at lllllyor's Cigar Storo Give , Your Workmen the Best Light - ELECTRIC ' Speed up production, Improve the quality of the work and decrease spoilage and accidents by pVoRer lighting. MAZDA ELECTRIC LIGHTING correctly installedwwill accomplish these purposes EFFICIENTLY AilD ECONOMICALLY. Install Mazda "C" Factorv Liffhtinff Units . MAZDA "C" LAMPS give three;tjmes the light of car- J bon-filament lamps, at no greater cost? . ,s Our lighting experts are at your service for any problem large or small. Call 178. n Power Co. Orego . " o o o t THE LLOYD HOTEL tf llou.elicciiutt AtniliuentH, , Tho IJootns, &S.0O Month. lCU'i Unity and this. Free Paths .Sloeplm; rooms, $110 l. up , THIJ WH1TH IS KINO Of nil HonliiK Machines Now located at 250 Market avo. West. Phono 103-J. Wo bao also got ha bargains In nil hinds of used machines. All luacblnos Bold oi easy payments. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES '. iilMi m 'iiM'i 'jurist ..u .-.U-4&. A. M&kt U -AAji A -M& A Jkkjt