HBIWPiflgmF "")! THE MOS'BAY TIMES, IARSHFIELD, -OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916 EVENING EDITION. wo , fTr--n-r-w pw -ty-sp " '"'wW The European War g It K u u KW GERMAN SI QIIIKP OF STAFF VOX FALKKN IIAYX'.S KAPII) ltlKt? Former Profllgnto llcr"iucs PIr'ntor of Military Affairs and Keeps Others Away From Kaiser , PAltIS, March 3. Mr. Hcndrlk IltidBon, n noutrnl who lias recently returned to Franco after n prolonged vjlslt In Germany, haB contributed 'a -very interesting artjlclo to tho Parlo Tq'nipB, from which tho subsequent passages aro quoted: !"Gonoral von Fnlkcnhnyn, who was placed nt tho hcrtd of tho groat jjon oral staff when Plolil Marshal von Moltko fell Into dlsgraco Immediately after tho battlo of Mnrjie, Is at tho prcsont hour tho most powerful man In Germany. In regard to his ante cedents, ono knows that von Fulkon liayn, wlillo )a young offjeor, was obliged to glvo up his military career on account of having run scandalous ly into dobt. Ho loft for China, whero ho obtained employment In a com morclai lioiiao. "Whon tho oxpcdlLlon against tho Boxers was organized In 1900, von Fnlkonhayn was perinllted to ro-ontor tho army scrvlco, becauso of his val imblo knowlodgo of tho country In which tho military operations wore conducted. Slnco then ho has rlson steadily in rank, but ho has not boon ablo to nhako oft his previous ropu tntlon. "Maximilian Hai'dun, tho woll known Journalist, was unsparing In his crltkVaniB of General von Fnlk ' enhayn'B selection tm von Moltko's successor. In his publication, tho Ziinkttnft, ho declared It wan 'bad policy to ontrust tho fato of Germany to a gamblor, ovon If ho wcro a good oho at tho gamo.' This bold uttor anco caused tho suppression of tho Stukunft for n wholo week. Hiiyn lfn(Mir II) pilot leil "Von Fnlkonhnyn'u power rests on Tho extraordinary Influcnco ho wields over tho Kaiser, which Is altogether lnoxpllcablo to thoHO lutlmatoly nc (inalnlcd with tho German rulor. 'Our emperor has been hypnotized by this general' nald a prominent Gorman. MIo la a 'victim of tho dominating spell which tho latter linn maiingod to cast over him.' "Doing oxtromely Jonloun of his authority Guueral Ptilkcnhnyu keeps away from tho general hcailqunrte.ru all pornoiiH hu nuspcctn of trying to gain tho conCldonca uf tho Kaiser, Many court officials have on differ ent occasions tried to get an nudluuco with tholr sovereign, only to bo In variably rebuffed by von Fnlkcn hnyn. Sometimes tho refusal l very curt nnd ungracious. In other In Btnnccs diplomacy roqulron thnt somo thinly veiled oxcuso ho given. Tho chief of staff then generally Informs the petitioner that II In Majosty Is Just getting ready to depart for another front, but that ho will grant tho de sired nudlonco on his return to head quarters. This promise, however, Is nover kopi. It Is by imch moauu that Count August Kii Kulonborg, grand nmrshal of tho ImpoiDal court slnco 1890, has been prevented from aeolng Kmporor William for soveral months. Tho Isolation of tho Kaiser In an Im portant factor In tho plans of the militarist party. The ruler dorm not loam any more of tho rail actuation and events than General von Fnlk cuhnyii designs , let, him know. 'William II Is todny actually the pris oner of his own military camarilla." "SPEAR HEAD" AN QLII TIME FMORITE The Mo5f Popular Chew for a Third of a Century PORE, mm, FRUITY-SWEET The man who efcews ccts by far the most wholesome enjoyment and satis faction out of tolM'o, especially if lie chews tltfj tobacco. The rich juices qf tjic Je.if ore retained in good Vh i,r3 Ucticr than in any other form. Tor more t! an it generation Spear Head hat J.rM fir-! place as the favor ite liigli-air.de plug chewing tobacco. This uniqi'c di tinctiou is due solely to the wonderful quality and flavor of Spear Head the richest, mellowest, tastiest chew in the whole world. Spear Head is the choicest of all red Dtiricy, hand-stemmed and made into tncllow-swcct plugs in a perfectly clean, most sanitary factory. Vou can't chew the flavor out of Sjirar Head, because it's a part of the toLacco. That rich, ripe, red Durley tAstc Uecps on pleasing you as long v,$ you Keep on chewing. Chew Spear Head and -you'll be c'icwing the purct and most satisfying tobacco that it's possible to make. In lljc cihi, wrapped in wax paper. FRENCH PAY BIG BOUNTY ON RATS Rodents Carry Disease ami Causo Much Loss .Multiply Rapidly Now Um -Tliclr Fur. Itjr AmocICh1 t'rfu lo Coo nr Time. PARIS, March 3. Hat tails aro now worth a cent each on ono part of tho French bnttlo front. Tho General commanding in that section hns Issued tho following order of Hip dny; "With tho object of in teresting the mon In the destruction of rodents n promluiu at five cen times shall bo paid for each rat dcatroed. Tho premium nball bo paid every ten days, on presentation of thp tsUu of the destroyed animals. Tho rata, bearing crinlii suscgptlblo of spreading dlseuso must not bo handl d, hut Immediately burled, nnd tho tails dono up In paper Impi-eg' tinted wllli tar or petroleum." Tho order resulted In u tremendous slaughter of rats, but wan not oboyed In all Its details. It appears that tho new fashion ot trimming wo mon's gannonln with fur has creat ed an outlet for rats' fur, and the rat-hunting soldiers skin their vic tims before burying thorn, disin fect nnd sterilize tho hides, nnd sell them to the sutlors behind tho front. j It is estimated that the rats havo destroyed millions of francs' worth of provisions sent to tho soldiers by tholr friends and relatives nt homo. An officer at tho front re cently wroto his wlfo that It would bo usoless for hor to sond him any moro provisions, as It wan Impon slhlo to presorvo them from tho rntn, and In no enso had ho any moro than a nlnglo lunch out of all tho cntablcn sent to htm. Somo sur- prlso hns been oppressed Hint several thousand men, turned to rat bun lorn, have been iiunblo to extermi nate thorn. A mathematician hns taken troublo to ralculnto that a yoar'a progeny of a single pair of ruts may easily amount to moro than vino hundred and twenty-two millions, which ho holds In proof Hint only wholesale poisoning or nuffocntlou ran enpo with tho pest. In fact, of all tho different meas ures adopted against them, nnuo hnvo produced tho results obtained by t)io suffocating gall that tho lGormnns viccnslonally iioud toward tho French trenches. Thousands of them were picked up dead In the first Hue of tho trenches after ono of theso gnH attacks. Another statistician lias figured nut that It costs a centime and .a half n day to nourish a rat, and consequently figures tholr depreda tion on Hint basin to amount to forty-four million dollars a year In Franco nlone. ENGLISH WORKERS ARE ENJOYING PROSPERITY lioiidon Claims That Laborers Aro In ItcKci' Klmuirlnt Condition Than In Mirny Venn;. IJr Awoilatr.1 I'fPM In Cihu l)jr Tlmu. LONDON, Mnrch :i. "In forty yearn' " exporlonco, I havo novor known a tlmo when there was so mueh money among tho working eInFsoa," Is tho testimony of a pawn broker doing business In a district of London whuro a large amount of army materials are manufactured. Ills tostlmnny Is supported by tho Jewelers. merehanlH, and variety l.rflcor l,,,,wnl ",0 H""1"1. of tho and moving picture theatren In thoorUl , ,'nic,fU' ,on",B,,l ,upHiy. neighborhood. They nil say tho workers wero never so prosperous, or spout tholr money more freely except that they don't call on tho pawuhrokoiH ns they uued to, In this illstrlut (hero uro (1.000 1 women and girls employed in muni i lion work, nnd they nre the free vpondcrn. Mo8t of thorn nre the wlven of nolillers nnd recolvo sepa intlon ulolwuncea from lho govern ment, which lucroutjca their in comeu. t WATERFRONT NEWS t Shortly before noon Hie BtoamsMp j 'ivilburn got nwiiy for Kuroka iindof thu south to make tho flint run on her new nchedulo Hint takes her to San Diego nnd way points, ( Tho stoniUHhlp Adolluo arrived in uliottt flvo o'eloek last ovonlug niul'ni,or 0I,C0 BltiB "Uto torra flrma I will not sail again until tomorrow. L'liolng delayed horo becauso ono of 4ho electric ernueu broke down Inst ovonlug nnd It was impossible to do much loading. On Sunday tho steamship Dieak iwntor, Captain T. J. Mucgonn, is ox 'pneted in from the south, making hor first trip horo undor tho flag L'of tho North Paolfic Company. j P. S, IX8PF.OTOHK COMINO "' A Portland papor sa: I'lillod Slates Steamboat Inspectors Kdwards i and Wynn havo onto rod tho inspec tion of several vessels at coast har bors this weok. Assistant Inspectors Woldon and Moany being dotnllod to Cooa flay nnd Pandou forSo work. . t SHIPPING NEWS ; Mil COSILY CONTRACT WORK ON 1)11151)012 MICIIIi: TO COST JjUir.HOT.BO. Vulcan Iron Woiks lias lull 'Port Commissioned! Thought He pairs Wc old Me Much Less. Hopnlrlng of the government bar dredge Colonel P. S. Mlohlo, Is to cost $12,807.50, tho bid for the work having Just boon let to the Vulcan Iron Works, of Portland, whero the vessel now Is after spending the win ter at Gray" Harbor nt work. The Port of Cooa Hay commis sioners almost fainted when they heard of the sum. llonry Scug stneken, secretary, said tliat all of them had bcllovod tho work could bo dono for only a fow thousand dollars and Is wondering now ex actly how much tho $70,000 annual appropriation for the d red go is go ing to "hit." Whllo at Grays Harbor, tho Michlo Is Bald to havo madu about $50 n day for tho Port of Cooa Uay. This, too, was tho Bum received for hor during tho tlmo sho was at Kuroka two years ago. Hut oven nt this rato, the Michlo has not earned enough to pay fully for tho ropalrs about to bo mado now, not by sov cral thousand dollnrs, and In nil probability the remainder must conic out ot the annual appropriation. Thoro wcro threo bids for the ropalrlng of tho .Michlo. The sec ond lowest was thai of McAHIstor and Sou, "for $1:1,501.51, whllo the Willamette Iron and Steel Works bid $1 1,150.25. , Tho Mlchlc will undergo repairs nt ouco nnd Is duo back on the Coos Hay bar to comnicnco operations again about April 1. " VKSSICL MOVK.MKNTS Arrived Adeline, Oakland, 5 p. in. Thursday. 4 Hailed Kllburn, south, 1 1 x. tn. Duo Hero llronkwntor, Sinn 'Francisco, ' Sundny. Nann Smith, Oakland, Sun- day. 4 KILBURN SAILS TODAY ON NEW ROUTE SOUTH Vessel HtiutN On New Kclieilulo That Takes In Southern California, Al ternating With llivalcwnter. Tho steamship Kllburn nailed shortly boforo noon today for San Francisco anil Southern California on her new schedule. Sho arrived yestorday from Portland with u illnrgo cargo of frolght. The Departures were. 11. A. IltiHli, W. II. Scott, Mru. Scott, Otto Groko, Mrs. Groko. loa bol Gioko, Honttlo Groke, Mro. M. K. Lcsnuiix, F. It. Jose, Hoy W. Shipley, M. Wolngnrtcn, William Smith, S. A. Schloutzor and D. I. McGeo. TO (JO TO CHINA. Third Orricer Olson, of Kllhiirn, to Make Trip On Ito.inoko to Orient. Third orfcer OwK'tir OIboii, of the steamship Kllburn, snld today that he epectu to go lo China an an Ho nald ho wns anxious to return there, having sailed tho Oriental seas for 12 yearn before coming to tho Pacific coast. Ho Is nn offlcient officer and holds papers allowing him to go us Hklppor of steam ves sels over GOO tons. Ho wns second ",mto nboard lho 8nnttt c,,,,ft nt urn i lino sue wreeKou ouisiuo tuo liar. He lias boon witli tho North Pacific. Steamship company for tho past flvo years. OVI4U SIX MONTHS AT SKA It was away last August that tho French bark Joluvlllo, dipt. Laugo vui, loft Ipswich,- Kngland; this week tho vessel arrived In tho Columbia, a total of 187 days out of tho night to"'1' Tlls Is "bl to bo ono of tho longest voyages in .yenrs of tiny ship to n North Panifle port. Land looked mighty good to tho l(now nnl ll,oy baldly know how to not again. Tim sklppor explained tho de lay whon ho explained tho bottom of tho craft is foul, having curried n long urouiniilntloii of barnacles. Ships with these growths on tholr bottoms cnii novor mnko fast tlmo. Tho record of bolter than six months nt sea, howevor, is by no means tho longest voyngo ovor made. Tho San Francisco waterfront still remombors thu tlmo whon tho last v voyago of tho Amdrlean elltqior slij'jps, tll Aryan, sailed Into tho harbor j bringing 12 rescued sailors trom tho wreck ortlio aorniun ship Agues, lost off Qnpo Horn. Theso men had boon moro thnn olKbt months at sea with out sighting laud. TO DALLAS, RISXAH MAID13NS FORM CIA'll .FOR ASSISTANCE. Prsl"eiit. DecliMCH Maligns Should Choose Men ThCy lime to Look nt. for Hnlaiice of Lives DALLAS Toxas, March .1. .Miss Genls Jones, prominent society girl, nnd prcsldont ot tho Dallas Society Girls Leap .Year Club, In explaining tho object amPpurposo of tho organi zation to n reporter today said: "Tho Leap Year Club Is simply n result of the growing sentiment that girls (l'otild havo, tho right to rhooso the faces they must look nt over tho cof fco cups ovcry morning for the bal ance ot their natural lives. This In Leap Yoar, and the only chanco wc will havo to oxcrclso Hint prlvlloge for tho next four years. Wo don't be lieve In tho barbaroiin custom ot hav ing to go to a dance, or to a thbatre, or to the marriage license bureau with a man simply because he hap pens to osk lift when wo fi alitor should go with some ono oIbo." Tho other offllccrs of the club are Miss Lucy Foy, vice president; Miss Mario Fleming, nccretary-treasiiror.nnd Miss Huth Shulhurne, scrgcant-al-arms. It Is said that slnco tho organi.n- itlon of the club, eligible young mon finvo been exlroniclywnry of secluded cornors and toto-a-teto's. Organiza tion, tho keynote of success in any cu- itorprlso, hns boon utilized by the Dal- ilaa society girls in their effort to ex ploit properly and with tho greatest advantage to themselves the vossl bllltlcs of Leap Year.. Tho Leap lYcar Club In composed of about 20 uiioro or less pretty girls. Tho club ;mndo its debut by giving a Leap Year dance. Tho girls sent out the limitations, mado the dates, sont iflowers to tho young men called for thorn In automobiles, escorted them to ono of tho country clubs, filled the programs, nnd then took them homo again. A section of the club's constitution rends: 'It shall ho the object .of every mniubor of tho Leap Year Club to become engaged through her own offortu during tho year 1910. Mem horshfps In this order signifies the uccoptanco of tho following condition: Thnt no member of this club shall become engaged to any man except nt her own request." Anldo from the 'society glrlB' club dci'ugs, this city will take official cognizance of Leap Year by giving n municipal dauco nt Trinity play park. Tho grls will havo fjill charge of tho affair. Tho propor Leap Year qplrlt will ho fur ther emphasized by the fact tho chaporouen will ho recruited from tho Fathers' Club, an auxiliary to tho park management. LAMAK'S CASH IIP "Wolf of Wnll Street" Appeals to V. S. Supremo Court lllj Aimrclatftl I'rcM ! Om Kajr Tlmm.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnrch 2. The United States Supremo Court Iiiih requested the Federal court of Appeals in New York to send up for rovlow on Its merlin David La mar'n conviction of Impersonating un of titer of Iho lJtiltoiL.Slatoa. Lamar Is known an tho "Wolf of Wnll Street" niul wns Convicted of Impersonating members of Con gress over (hu telephone. NOTICK OF KF.DKMPTIOX OF SPKCIAL I.MPIIOVKMKNT HONDS. Notice Is heroby given that, pur suant to tho provisions of Chapter V of Tltlo XXVI, L. O. L. and lit nccordaueo with Hie tonus nnd con ditions of snld bonds, tho City of Mnrshflold will take up, redeem nnd cancel the special Improvement bonds of said City of .Mnrshflold, Cooa County, Oregon, Ibsued on tho 'first dny or Ortobor, HMO, and num l bored 110 to 101 Inclusive of said , Issue respectively, bonds numborod 110, 100, 151, l.-i2, ir.i. 155, 15G, 158, 15'.) and 100 being each for tho Mini of $500.00 and bond num bered 15:: being for tho sum of $:!2LtiO, bond numborod 157 being for Hie sum of $100.20 nnd bond numbered ltil being for tho bum of $150.00, nnd nil of said bonds bonrlng intoiost at 0 por cent per annum, nnd will on tho next semi annual coupon period of snld bonds, to-wlt: on tho first day of April, 10 Hi, pay to tho propor owners ami holders of said bonds, face valuo of, each thereof with accruod interest to said dato and tho ownurs nnd hold ers of said above desurlbod bonds aro horoby notified to prcsont tho samo for payment aqd cancellation to tho undorslgnod, Troasurer of said City ut'hfs offlco in tho said City of Mnrshflold, Coos County, Oregon, on said dato for payment, cancellation nnd redemption, and nro further notified that interest thereon will ceaso at snld Interest payment period, to-wit; On April 1, 1911. Datod this I!rd day of Miirch. 11MC. G. W. KAUFMAN, Troasurer of tho City of Marsh flold, Coos County, Orogin. GIRLS PROPOSE FEWER LIVES LOST IN AMERICAN MINES "Safety First" Methods Show lll Saving In Human Lhes 'In -American Shafts. tlr Aw html I'lfM lo Com I)' TIiiimi.1 WASHINGTON, Mnrch 3. "Safe ty First" Is beglnnlg to bIiow buIi etanllal lesiilts In llvon saved In tho coal mining Industry, aecordng to a stitrmont mado by Secretary Lane or tho Interior Department. A re port of tho disunities In tho coal mines for the year 1014, mudo by the Durcnu of Mines, nhows thnt: The nctunl number of men killed Is the lowest Ih tho last olght" years. Tito death rato for each 1,000 men om ployed Is the lowest in tho lost sixteen yenrs. The number ot tons of conl pio duced for each miner killed In tho largest In tho ontlro history ot conl mining In tho United Stnte3. Statistics gathered by the liitrciu show Hint moro than tliroc-quartcra of a million of mon wcro employed In coal ultllug Inst year, and thnt ot this number 2,201 wore killed, which Is 190 less than In 1911 anil 521 less than in 10i:t. Tho death rnto for each 1,000 men employed was 2.95, as against 11,22 in tho provious year and :i.7h tho year bo foro that. Thin menus Hint ns n result rif Hie general nafety cam paign that has been proceeding for soveral years, thoro was ono ad ditional man wived In ovcry tour thoiiBnnd, as compared with the previous yenix nnd three moro mon saved In every four thousand an (compared with the year 19 III. There jworo 228,799 tons of coal produced for ovory llfo lost as compared with 20S.073 tons In the previous year. GERMAN COLONIES ARE awwr,,ww,JW'"JwtwiugnwtJwiiww , NtAKLY ALL lAKfclM Otcr 7ilO,0(m Sqiiailj MUrn or PosJ-h. hloiis Hnvo I teen Cnp'iucd by Allies LONDON, March .1. Andre lro nnr Law, secretary for tho colonies utmouueed In thu Hoiiso of Commons todny that 7111), 000 square miles of Piit.iiimi Ij.II.ih.. I.. Aftlift l.ti.l In. tt 1 UUI lllllll ItlllkUl 111 il&l ll.il llt.l, IIViVII I enpturod. Togolaud uurreudored to tho llrlt 1th In August or l!Ml. German Southwest ATrlcn wan captured by the Ilrltlsh In .Inly or last jear. TJ10 capture or tho Kuiiioriiu by French and Itrltlsh Torcos was completed hint weokr In tho remaining Germany colony, German Hast Africa, fighting is still In progress. ! XI IIIIWI.M.MI !! New Line of Curtain Scrims and Draperies ' , arrived direct from Eqst on Kilburn. Latest Styles nnd Patterns, on which we arc able to make a very low price. Curtain .S'ciliu, per y.iril Lie, t!5e, :tOc, :t,'e, loe llenuliriil .Milan Drapery, per yd.ilOe Artii'iiii l)i'ii;ry, .v yd t!5e Kilkalluo, per jil ( 1- l--e fii:.iic Sunfast Drapery, per jtl H5e Come in and let us show this: handsome line before you start i your Spring housecleanintj and' alterations. ' 1 Bunker Hill Dep't Store W. H. Dindinger & Co. Phone 32 Choice Groceries Thnt'a what you got when you trndo hero. ;Wo havo mado a special on doalvor to hant'.!-) homo grown products so for ns possiblo ajul to 'get the choicest of them. It la our policy to try and advance our own community nnd with the aid of your pnt ro nngo, wo lean aO'onipllMi constyaratblo. At tho samo tlmo, you will bo benefitting yourbolf. Your trade will bo appre ciated and you will find that wo fcervo you well. Model Cash Gj grocery Commercial Avo, iienr Front. Phono iaa m Good Tailoring Have purchased a Now Stock of the B2st Imported anri Domestic Suitings, and respectfully invite an in spection of same. . All work done here. Linings and workmanship of tho 1 very best. s ine PRICES from $35.00 to $45.00 A SUIT CASH ONLY Such a suit will outwear several cheap suits and sure ly look better. ' May wc have the pleasure to "show you?" ' Noris Jensen MERCHANT TAILOR. 365 Front Street :: :: :: MARSHFIELD, OREGON i -- .- ", """ LIEDERKR.ANZ CHEESE This Is the cheese Unit Iiiih received tlio official tiidor.temcnl of pr. Wiley for lis puilty nnd vUiolcwoiuencKS. Jt Is iniide In Monroe 'Sew Vcnk, f 1 0111 a new iit'orcs.s. Badger Brand Limburgcr Cheese. Badger Brand Cream Brick Cheese. ' Bluhill's Green Chili Cheese. Bluhill's Plain Cheese. Golden State Roquefort Stylo. ' t Domestic Swiss Cheese. Zig-Za(j Checso. Beaver Brand German Breakfast Cheese A Fine Oregon Product. ' WE CARRY All Kinds of FRESH MEATS AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY DICOl IN AND OKDP.Il VOUlt HPNDAV HOAST TKNDKi:, .IUICV, AND AT A PKICK THAT WILL PLL'ASi: VOU Wo hnvo somo cliolro CIIICKIjta, fryeis nud hteiH't, for Katuiilay. Emterprise Meat Market, notici: or sali: oi.' rzmmzmmmimm UKAIi; HUNT1 PltOPMKXr FOK DIJLINQU sti 1 1 : 1 :t ass i:ssm i :nts. Notlco Is heroby givon that act ing by vlrtuo f a wnivnnl duly IsHiied by tho Kosonl r of tfio City of Mnrshflold. County of Goes, Stnto of Oregon, by onhv of tho Common Council of said city, dated tho 20th day of January, 1 010, to nio directed, roqiilrin 1 m n3 Mar shBl of Bald elty to forihwlth levy upon tho lot and lots and parts of lots and tracts of land upon which assessment was mado under nud pursuant to Ordlnanco No. 008 of said elty for tho deficit In tho as sessment for tho improvement of Klghtht ntrcot north from tho sojijh lino of Hemlock avonuo to tho north lino of North Forndalo nddl Hon and Nnsburg's addition to Mnrshflold, In tho City -at Marsh floid, Coos county, Oregon, and whioh deficit nssessmont then ro mnlncd unpaid, and to soil tho samo in tho manner provided by law, which said proporty Is In said warrant and hereinafter described, I havo, In pursuance of said war rant, lovlod upon, and will, on tho ISth day of March, 101C, at nine o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, at tho Council Chamber door of said City, boing In tho City Hall, Front Btrcot North of said City, offer for salo and soil at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, each of tho following des cribed lots nnd parts of lots, to-wlt: Ollivant & Nasburg The fiootl Uhiisekccpliig Hloro HO.Mi: OF Pl'ltK FOODS Second and Commercial, Marshtlcld Two Telephones, 100 nnd 171 Lotll, block !, deficit assessment ?IG.r!, belonging to Joslo A. Mc Kay, said lot boing situated la Town of Forndalo, Cooa counljr, Oregon, according to tho plat thorc- of on -fllo nud ot record In the office of tho County Clork of Com county, Oregon; lots 1 and 2, block II, deficit assessment $21,S3 and f-'S.II, respectively, being nsscsjed to Minnie Towor and situated la NnshurgH addition to Mnrahfield, according to tho pint thereof on fllo and of record In tho offlco ot lho County Clork of Coos countr, Orogon; also tho undivided 1-6 In terest of Ilonrlolln W. Ferrer, W. 11. Curtis, nnd K. A. Anderson i TrusteeK' undor the last will and t-slnmont ot J. L. Ferrey, deceased, In lots 5, 0 and 7, block 1, North Ferndalo, Coos county, Oregon, ac cording to tho pint thoroot on file nnd of record In the offlco uf th County GJcrk of Coos county, Oro gon, tho said deficit assessment let lod on said undivided 1-G Interest In r.ald lots being as follows: uVgnlnst said Intorost in salt! lot 5 $2.82; against snld lutorcst In saw lot G $2.ri7, and against raid lntr est In said lot 7 2.7I. Dated at Marshflold, C003 countf, Oregon, this 18th day of February, 1010. ' J. W. CAKTKft, Mnrshal of tho CJt' of Mah- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY hi - Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Pliyidelnn Mini Surge Offho:lrvliig lllixk. Offlco hoiim: -II t '- u.l I and 7 to H p. m. Phouea: Office 1-W-JJ ,8"u J. H. Wright pM,, niTiT.Tiivn CONTItAOTOR Bstlmates furnished on reauet Dr. ,H. M. Shaw a KrltlM i;o. ICnr and Throat SpecWW OLASSKS VlTOSa Plniiio UJIO-J, Rooms 200-30 Irving Block. lilt. MATTIK 15. SHAW. Physician and 8urw Phone uaO'J. H. G. Butler CIVIIi ENOINKKU Room 304 Coko DldK. Thonfl 1' Itcsidenco Phone 3oa-u. W. G. Chandler , ARCniTECT Rooms 301 and 302. Coke BuM" Marahfield. Orescon. WOOD GOOD WOOD WIL IdnKo hits it at S1.80 Mj 92 ensh por load. Garbage re" oil. Phono 227-J.