SONG, WAS ONLY LIVING ALOUD; HIS WORK, A SINGING WITH HIS HANDS IIS (Boob Stmrs A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES mm Vol. No. XXXIX ft EK OF EUREKA LINE eastern Announcement of the Contract to Twohy Bros. Causes Discussion. Engineering News of Previous Date Stated Contract To . Be Let ForWork. AROUSES HOPEON THE BAY JIUMRO Chen He'lratcs Tlmt nnmtH iM.Crcsrriit City Project Im JolntM In With Coos Mnj-ICiut'ku Wcrk No I.M't Arranged ror Tho story i!n TIio Times last night from the Unn'.ncerliiB News of Now York City about tho Soiitliorn Pacific awarding tlio contrnct for tho con itructlon of tho Cooa Ilny-Eurokn line to Twohy Brothers 1ms roused much comment hero. The dlstanco given, 200 inllcn, In dicates that tho Grants Pnss-Crcscont City lino on which Twoliy Uros, havo already started construction Ih hooked sp with tho Coos Day-Eureka project. Tie dlstanco from Cooa Hay to Eit rtks, according to tho ItiBt Soiitliorn Pao'flc survey Is gtvon as 170 mllca and the dlstanco from (Iriuits Pasa to Crescent City Is 9b miles, ninklng a total of SCO miles of construction (or which tho Engineering News snya Twohy tiros. Imvo liccn uwurdod tho contract by tho Southern Pacific. Unto H. P. Men It Is stated by Mnrshflcld purtloa that Twohy Jlros. have two former prominent officials with thoin on tho Grants Pass project, both of thorn hating resigned high portions on tho O.W. It. k N., ns tho Southoin Pa cific lines In tho State of Washington ari known, to go to Grants Puss. Ono li Mr. Doscliko, former chlof engineer of the 0. V. It. & N., mid tho othor (i Mr. Mlllor also of tho 0. V. It. & X. Tends d; Confirm It D. h. Ilucklnglinm of Mnrshflold today noted that tho Knglnoorlng News of tho provloiin week contalnod so announcement (lint tho Southurn raclfle would award tho contract for HO miles of railroad north from Ku rds. TVs coupled with tho nnnoiiiirn. t In tho last Isauo which reached "" Jwicrdny tonda to furthor con nm tho accuracy of tho nnnounco Wat of tho award or tho contract... Yeas to Miller W P. Miller, Oooa Iliiy hoad of tho Southern J'aclflo IltorOHt8( Bul(, thll tecould hardly bcllovo tho nnnounco l was correct, he says thoro has Ma no question la W ,mi ,lt that Sou hern Pacific would hull.l tho ni Ink In tho coan road soon but -lid not oxpect It now. .No Depot silo VH Miner said that tho Soiitliorn S.ST.n0t 'Ct ,U,no ""'ll" mite about a new dn.mi i m,..i. fWH n . "hh III ftl 1 fl1. Ho rii M ii. n . ar. i .. " l" ""oiuiB wore e to locating lh0 station in tho clalmoii it,., i ii.. . in. , " prust is. far "1 fr' o lireseu. dopot business III III, M tlmt U,y llftvo not bun Z In nrml r0,U ,,oar ' t0 "" thlnv f IJ "i,lseofior station thoy I, yro,-tHroadwayand 'er n.1 orIe,,,aUyaBrco;1'ion, "" Undo, ""I t0 S"mU t0 rccI aelrfo" Ulk l,iat '" B.... and5t,l0f0r,,"lU '' 0th Il0J. '"eating It on tiro, $ U'er0 ,3 aoinB to con- A A . T T V A A. . MttlntV . 4 hk.iii:u.s WW'WKI TODAY JSmn Argumedo- he de r , OI,"B,UoH of tl10 trieu J aml U lis- zr:T ancr a vb.1,.., "ai a Durango Cltv t a duL"! "00n wording i aUnatch todnv t, .... '"Jit v!no. . " HIU Hilary ;dnettl,,otorso otao1 eonh : Established 1H7H Ah TIio Const Mall PULP DALANCE ON HANI) AT BMITII PLANT TO RETAKEN SOUTH Dig Demand for It nt Higher Prices May Moan Opening of Pulp ' 2MI11 Hero Hefoiu lioiig Tho C. A. Smith Company will ship tho Imlanco of tho pulp on hand horo doiith on tho Adolluo tomorrow and bit tho Nniin noxt w.colc. There rc InalnH something less than 1,000 tons 'of tho pulp on hnnd, part of It being tho first made at tho local plant and being or tho lowest gnulo. It Is Bald that tho demand for pulp la now strong with much higher prices. Somo time ago tho Mataul company bought n consignment horo for shipment to tho Onlcnt nnd It Is presumed that this will go there. With tho Improved conditions on tho market nnd also In tho affalrn of tho C. A. Smith company, It .Is not unlikely that nrrangemento may bo miulo before long to rcsinno op- tarntlons at tho pulp mill, Arno Mercon remained In San Francisco and will probably return on tho next Adollno. C. A., Smith may como up with him If business matters there permit. Ilml Hough Trip Capt. Olcon atatcd that tho Ado llno had ono or tho roughest trips up tills tlmo that alio him had 'n a dong tlmo. Until they reached Cano Mendocino, they bucked a furious northwest gnlo and thoro tho wind swung to a strong southwest blow. Ho had hoped to get out today hut tho delay and nn accldont to ono of tho loading cranes caused them to postpono tho Balling' unt1 tomorrow. TWOHY BROS. BUY MINE NEAR GRANTS PASS big Itallroad, Contractors Reported to Have Paid 1, ffO.OOO IAp Copper Property. WKANTS PASS, Oro., March !l. Tho sale of the Queen or Ilronr.e copper mlno waa conflnned yostsr- day, tho purchnHo prlco bolng llfiO,- 000, tho first payment of $50,000 having been made. Tho proporty belonged to tho Tutta ostnto, or Denver, and tho purchaser Is John HainpHljIre, of Twoliy Uros., and as sociates. This property Is located at Takllmn, 10 miles south of tills city, and la said to bo ono or tho rlcheat copper properties on tho Pa- uiric const. Oro has been hauled tho past year rrom this mlno In auto trucks and shipped rrom this city to tho nmoltor. Tho now owners havo taken possession or tho prop orty and a largo crow will ho put to . work at onco to further dovolop the proporty and get out ore for ship- inont. MUCH HONEY DUE CITV TO STAItT SUIT I'Olt IHCblN gi'UNT PAYMICNTS .Many Pitiperty Ov.'aeiH Kail to Pay Up Interest and Principal fov Street ImpriivViuent lloniN Suit la to ho started at once against tho property ownom or tho city who arc delinquent v,'tli their payments or interest and principal an streot Improvement bonds., City Attorney J. T. II rand saya that many or them aro duo a yoar back and it ia said 'tho Claims amount to betweon $2,000 LV ILL Mind $3,000, ' Tho following (a tho resolution ot ;tho city council: "no it rosolvod, that Hho city uttornoy bo dlrocted and In 'atructed to commouco suit against all proporty ownora who uro dolln- pquont In tho payments or thc,'r In stallments und interest on the unpuld j. riuBtallmonta, where tho owora uavo filed with tho Itecprdor a wrltton ap plication to pay tho cost of Improv ing streots or tho construction of sowora nssossed against tholr prop orty in accordance with tho provisions I of tho Oregon Iaws." ITALY TAK1 STAND s?-? M!:icliaiitiiu'ii will livo de- fensivo Armament IDr AioclatJ Prru to Coo Br TlmM.J r nOMK, aiarch 3. The Italian am bassador nt AYashlugton has been Instructed to notUy tho American government that notwithstanding the German and Austrian decree regard ing the sinking or armed merchat nion, rtallan merchantmen will con- jtinuo to carry armament,, but use 1t only ror defense purposes. Dr. IiOsUo, OsteoiNitli, Marshfleld MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916 SCHOOL W IN EASTSiDE Directors Remove L. S. Wilde As Janitor and His Friends Object. Mrs. John Swanson Elected to Succeed Him, But Wilde Remains At Post. ' HE ASSAULTED CHAIRMAN W. F. llyerly Say WIMo Assaulted Him mill I'hod Abusive bang- icige Wilde's Supporter Hold Mass .Mooting. The Enstsldo 8"hool today hns two school Janitors. Tho school board declares that one of them has boon "fired"; tho opposition declares that ho has not boon. Meanwhile, the nowly elected Janitor, or rothor.'jan Itrcss, Is In a quandary and Marshal McCirlff Is said to ho on hand to sco that sho does not serve. I ,lii-!iM WVttt Itrmitrlit. Tho school board met lust evening, brought charges of assault nnd tho use of Indecent lnnguago against I. a UMI.I,. .... r !. i....,inl.t ' , . , '.: T , , , ' , school, and dlHcliargcd him. A largo delegation of citizens present severe ly criticised tho action of the school board and immediately after Its adjournment, held a mass ntouitiitf. Serve Notice At .Midnight. Resolutions wero drawn up at this later meeting nnd rend to tho mom- bcra of tho achool hoard about mill- night by .Mnrahal McQrlfr. Somo or them were called out or bed to hear tho reading. Troublo Is said to havo Blurted ovor lll Jtmltor iiucatlou when W. I .llyerly, chairman or tho board, went to talk ovor somo mnttora with Mr. Wilde. Thoro wore worda nnd It la charged that Wlldo choked tho chairman. Tho chargos or last evening and tho dlsiulesal wns the result. Mrs. John Swanson wns oloctcd to fill Wlldo's placo at $4G a month. Clalfucd ."S'twni Keller" UhwI Opposition mombors declared thnt It was mi organized attempt to "got" Wilde, that lio had always boon a competent janitor and had done very good work. Thoy clnlmed "stcam rollor" tnctlcs "wero I'sod by tho board In ousting him. Further thoy cloi'mod that Mrs. Swanson knows nothing kihout machluory and will J.iot ho cajiablo or handling tho work at tho school. Ilonnott Swnnton roprescnted Wlldo at the meeting or tho uchool board. Tho following are the resolutions passed at tho meoL'ng hold after tho adjournment or tho school hoard. "To tho School Hoard District No. 10. You aro hereby notified that the caso of accldont or Injury to any pu pil In said school brought about by the incompotont Janitor service, wdll 'result In your bolng hold personally llahlo In a criminal notion ror samo and ir denth should occur you will bo hold ror manslaughter and you endanger tho d'strlct to largo damago suits, and probably tho Inoiiranco pol !l icy will ho cancolled Tim marshal Is requested to read tills notlco tonight, I movo that It is tho sonso or this uiootliiK that tho iibovo bo dcllveroa to Mr. nyoriy, Mrs. Hndloek und M. A. Me Iaggnn. "Tho motion was put by W. C. u'nnvnr nnd seconded bv Frod Ilroolts TWO If "01 JOB Jand voted unanimously by order ofjiforco F. II. Wnlto to pay a commls- tho hoalth board or 'the Eastsldo council.'1 ' Signed J. C. Steokol-und Nols J. Nelson. ' i Tho mombors or tho Eastsldo achool board aro W. F. nyoriy, chalr- fmnn; Mrs. E. Iladlock and M. A. Mc- I.aKBun, clorK. Tiioy ciauu turn uuu Is oustod nnd will not bo retained p by them and ir ho remains they will Ireruso to pay his salary. j 1 r , ) QUEEN MOTHER OF RUMANIA. IS DEAD V JDX Aor lt4 F"M ( TlmM.J HBRLIN. Mar. 3. Wire less via gayvllle.) Dispatch es rrpm nucharest state that that Queen Molhor Ellza both, or Rumania, who was ill with pneumonia, died last night. MEMDER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FIBE DHtMGE S40DD AUXILIARY 'POWER PLANT AT PORTER Ml lib SWEPT RY Rr.AZE Oregon Power Company Suffers Mjc- ond 1ons lit lit Months Sparks Assigned as Cause Flnmea did an estimated damage of $1,000 to tho auxiliary plant or tho Oregon Power company plnnt at tho Portor Mill Inst night. Tho big ?2,000 bolt was entirely destroyed and tho IiiBldo of the building gutted by flro. A heavy southwest wind 'blow a galo at tho lime and only the vat'ant service of the North Honil Tiro dopnrUnont kept tho flro from 'spreading Into tho big Simpson lu'll to which tho auxiliary plant Is at tached. 11. M. Jennings, manager of tho Otogon Powor Company on Cooa Hay, declared this morning that ho is pos Jtlvo thnt tho blazo was not causod by dcfcctlvo wiring nnd asslgna the euuso to sparks from tho rofiiBO burn er or tho mill. HirkH Carried Uy Wind Dan Keating, chlof of tho Mnrsh flcld flro department, said that tho wind blow dlroctly rrom tho Bouth woflt Into the refuse humor and that tho sparks wcro carried high in tho air nnd acattercd down ovor tho mill. 11 Is believed that boiiio or the sparks may luivo entered tho building through nn opon window and stnrled l,, flro ,ll8,(,; It was on tho night or February 2, 1015, that a almllar flro occurred -l 11, n mivlllnrt. ulnnt llln ilnmnun " l"u """J i. ...... ..- n .t.ien boln ottlmatod ot botwesn $ , llAA ..... 1... Ann rr., .. r n... 000 and SO COO. Tho cauao of tluu blazo, howovcr, was assigned to wire rouble. That was on a very stormy night and cauacd considerable ox cllcMont. Switch bittlo Damaged Tho big u'VitchboiuM Inside tlie .i..t 'iu iiiilntiirnd liv fir. llllt. HOIllP- il " ", .Vml dainagod by wat'jr. sabl Mr. j01,ng8, He folt that nono ot tlu. ftnor machluory in tho h Hiding had bcdn hurt. For a tlmo MarshUo il wna In lar!;n6HH Lecnuso or tho fact rower vas lutr.pd ofr until tho linemen of tho Or-von Powor Company co'iM turn tho switch, corner of I'r .til und l'enlloclc, that severs the roiinact'..i with North Honil. This waa u move to protect tho Nromon nnd tho wlromon who vorc, working on tho burning liulldlng. Plant Wh IiiHiired Eighty porcont of tho loss la cov- nrcd by lnsuranco, Bald Mr. JojiiiIiikb. Tho bulluing naa aioou ior yourn wmi out any sign of flro until tho Inst two calls almost within a ycnr'B tlmo. Tho plant hns not boon In active op eration, bolng iiBod only for omor- goncy tasLH. Ab booh as tho alarm was soundol I laliout bIx o'clock Mr. Keating wont nt iinco to tho aceno and uoon ascer tained that a call Tor tho Marshflold flro dopartment would not bo neces snry. Jt Is oxpectod thnt voiy shortly an Innurnnco adjuster will arrive hero to Bcttlo tho matter of Insurance on thu liulldlng and tho equlpmout, FRANK WAITE LOSES $6,000 SUIT IN NORTH Portland Judge Holds That Well I Kmiuli Sutlierlln Capitalist Must 7 Pay Dig Ileal ICMu:j i tiuiiiussiiiii PORTLAND, Oro., March 3. Ib a man's son legally li's nssoclato? F Ho Is, decldod Circuit Judge Gaton- (holn when tho question was prosontod to him in tho courso or a trial ami j'bocuuso or this Met a $0000 roal cs- ,taio comuiiBn.ou uhhui, Attornoy Robort Magulro ropro- bontod tho plnlntiff, tho Groat West ern band Company in tho suit to nlon amounting to approximately $0, 000 Tor tho sale ot 5100 acres noar Rosoburg. I'lio coim'dorntlon was $81,000. Tho dorendant was roprosontod by Attorney John Kollock. , LOGGER STRUCK DY bl.MII DADbY HURT Mr. Jackson, a logger, aged about 25, was brought In rrom Powers to Mercy hospital last night by Dr. Manzor. Ho is Biirrorlng from a fractured skull Biistainod yesterday. Whllo walking through tho woods at ono ot tho camps, a lmb foil and struck lilm. In flicting the Injury. ' It s' said that tho snow, on account or dead limbs, makes tbe?work In tho woods very dangerous now. I ' t. EVENING EDITION. WILSON WIS SENATETOOAY Senators, By Vote of 68 to 14, SustaiiT President in Ger man Negotiations. T Gore's Resolution Laid On Ta ble By Overwhelming Vote -Made It Strong. NEXT ACTION BY HOUSE Senator fioro Wauled Destitution Pro viding Tlmt ir American Is Killed To Do Equivalent to Decla I ration of War (Or AmrlrJ rrom to Coon !lf TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, March 3. illy a voto of GS to It, a much great er majority than they had oxpectod, the ndmnlstrntlon forces In tho Sen ate today tabled Senator (loro's reso lution to warn Americans oft armed ships of tho European belligerents nnd thoroby finally quelled In tho Senato tho agitation which has om barasscd President Wilson In tho submarine negotiations with Ocr mnny. Ooro'o rcsoliiton, a substltuto by iMcCumbor, Republican, and nn at tempt by Ooro to strengthen his orig inal proposal by making tho United States government dcclnro ltsolf for wnr ir a slnglo American cltizon Is killed, nil wero defeated at ono t'me on roll call on motion by Junius, ono of tho administration whips, to tablo them. Tho administration victory In tho Sonnto transfers tho fight t tho House, wuoro Prosdent vvlson a aup portcra are auro ho will win again. 1 Two Questions Up James moved to lay not only. tho Gore warning resolution, hut also 'tho so-called corrected resolution on the tablo. It wns necessary for tho (Senators to express thomsolvca ns to tho warning and on tho question or tho killing or nn Amorlcnu as a busts Ifor war In tho ono voto. For thnt frenson, Gore voted to table bocauso ho did not favor his own substltuto hnd had Introduced II morely to got an expression of tho Senate on tho UHalI0 Chnmhorlaln nnd O'Goruinu wero tho only Democrats who voted against tho administration. Tho twolvo oth- ior nntl-ndmlulstrntlou voteru wero Mtopubllrana. Forty-coven Democrats l)(, twoI1ty.ono Hopubllcnns voted to ri..H.m t., nv . JCIiamlierlaln, Clnpp, Cuinmlns, Fall, Gnllluger, Gronua, Jones, LnFollotto, McCumbor, Nor'rls, O'Gormnn, Slier- (innn, Worlis. Smoot asked to ho ex cused rrom yaUrfg hecnuso ho could not vol octroi t on tho proposltou SECTION I' Kill HAND WHO DOSE TO POSITION RETIRES. Will Do Succeeded Ah Vice-President i f Colorado and Soutlicrii Dy E. S. Roller Todiiy. (Ity Aiiimw Ul, I'm (o Coat Dif TlmM.J DENVER, Colo., March 3. A. D. Parkor rotlrod aB vlco-prosldent or the Colorado and Southern railroad today, ending nn active railroad career that began. 33 years ago as a section hand. lio also relin quished dutloa as president or tho system's subsidiary linns In Texas. Mr. Parkor was aucceoded by E. S. Kollor, who camo to Denvor from Omaha, March 1, 1015, to hocomo general manager of tho Colorado and Southorn. Parker, tho boh or an Episcopalian clorgyman, was born ut Wilming ton, Del., July 20 1859. After receiving dogroes at Racine college, Racluo, Wis., and tho Gen- jeral Etiological seminary In Chlca 4 igo, ho came to Wyoming, whero ho rode the rungo as a "cowpunchor" 'for two years. In 1883 ho begun .his railroad career as a section hand 'with, tho Denver and Rio urauao railroad, buttermilk I(3 Cieam Tc'x de licious Try It nt Salter's Dewdrop Inn, Daiiro Saturday night, Mnrcli J, In KliinalMi hull. Pl'Ut's oirliVtr. AGIS HI NIC ami tbjawaa allowod. VTARKER OUITS JOB I Ik Jl Consolldntlot) of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos Pay Advertiser. IS L COOS DAY EXPEDIENCES TOUCH OF WINTER AGAIN TODAY. March Comes In Llko n Lion Snow mid Cold la Eastern, Northern mid Southern Oregon. WEATHER FORECAST Illy Antoclateil rrt-iw to liwi Vtl TlmM.J . Oregon Rnln In wost and rain or snow east, south- westerly winds reaching n galo forco near coast. WIRES ARE DOWN ' ON DOTH bINES Coos Day hns boon Isolated most or tho day as a result or tho Btorm, tho long (lis- tnnco telephone nnd telegraph lines being down practically nil day. In consequence ot the wlro troublo, Tho TIiiiob received but llttlo or its regular Asso- elated Press nown today. Coos Day Ib today experiencing n touch or real wintry woathor. Snow Iiub hcou railing most or the day but has bcon melting almost as rapidly ns It strikes tho ground. However this afternoon tho streots nro rather slushy, reminding people from tho Mlddlo West and East or tho good old March weather In thoso roglons. For sovernl days, Southern Oro- gon, Eastern Oregon, nnd Nortliorn Oregon havo bcon experiencing weather similar to what Cooa Day Ib getting today. Tho Btorm wan so bad uay nororo ycsioruay in Southern Orogon that all tho tele graph lines wero down in that sec tion. Tho day boforo yesterday thoro was a heavy fall of snow In Hoot! RIvor and vicinity. DelnyH Logging. It Is not bollovod that tho snow will do much damago horo except thnt It will delay logging operations, many or tho camps Hhuttihg down on acocunt or tho Inclement woathor. This will probably interfere with tho C. Ar--Smith company'fl plans to begin tho alx-day schodulo at the mills horo. Tho big mill will not oporato tomorrow, but tho East sldo mill may. DEPUTY SHERIFF bAIRD bEAVEH WITH I. ROSENRERG. Doputy Bhorlff W. C. lJiird yestor- Iviay started from CreBcont City with I. Itosonborg, tho Coqulllo tailor, STORM IS why IE In custody, ncordlng' to Shorlff Alhier, who ban roturuod to a hospital JohiiBou who enmo ovor last ovon- Imr rrom tho county seat, bnlrd had to first go to Salem and then to Sacramento to get tho proper ex tradition pnperu for Rosenborg. Shorirr Johnoon Is hero for tho nurposa of looking nftor somo $800 ,of porBonnl taxoa on tho stock of Itho ProusH Drug company that is Just bolng taken over by J. Loo Drown. Ho Bald this tax la duo tor 11)1 1 mid 11)15 nnd In nil probability will bo adjuutod nil right A letter received by tllo sheriff from E. C. Stanwood, tho Bhorlff at St. llelous, atntod thut Rosen borg lived in Clntskanlo, Oregon, from 1009 to 1911 and waa a mom hor of tho Macaboes lodgo at Pa cific, WtBhlugton. lio puld his duos with chocks drawn on somo Ohio bank and was later dropped for non - paymuni Ol uiiub, inn luiuui iiiua . . . .1 in.. ri.nH ll... ue In Ohio nnd is namod Joseph Rosou- borg. Tho shorirr doos not know how ho worked tho doal or getting inouwy rrom' a Cincinnati bank on a draft. He hellovca thoro Is unother man, all right, of tho buiuo iiamo. Ills record up north was a clear ono. Taxes Como Ln Slowly. Taxes are coming Into tho sher iffs offlco slowly. Tho statements, diowovor, huvo bcon out only u fw days. Thoro Is about $1,0,00 now collected In. ARM bINERS FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN ONLY. (D AMorUtnl Vlttr in tun Par TlmM.J V NEW YORK, March 3. r Tho White Star liner Can- oplo which Balled today lor Italian ports with throo Americans ln tho first cabin will take on armament when Bho arrives ut Gibraltar, it , was announced by the Whlto " Star Lino today. Tho arma- , mont will ho removed when . tho Bhlp again arrives nt Gibraltar, on tho return trip. rm No. 189 Reports Today Indicate They Have Taken Village Near the Fortress. IS French Claim to Have Re pulsed Kaiser's Forces In Some Recent Assaults. LOSSES ARE VERY HEWY Dcrlln Claims 1,000 French Cnpturod ,' and Pn!t-Is Says Dnttleflchls Aro Hfirown With German Dcna Ifcnvy ArURcry Ducln tn AmikUI,1 rrmi to Cooi Dr Tlmvi.1 LONDON, Mnrch 3 Tho Gorman troops elenred tho village or Douait mout nnd pushod their lines to tho west nnd south of tho vlllago end or tho nrmorcd fort yesterday, Dorllti (announced today. Parla said sovoral fruitions endeav ors I:' tho Germans near Doiinumout "wore repulsed, hut conceded that tho Gormnns Bucccoded In roachlng the vlllago of Dounumont whoro the Wlch ting continues with ferocity. The Germans captured 1,000 more vprlsonorB and a ntimbor of heavy gnna. Tho vlllago ot Vnux also was attacked by tho Germans but Mley Lworo checked by French flro and tho Gonuans compollod to retire, klcaving a groat number of Tho hombnrdmout contnluod tth groat Intensity last night in tho Woe- vro district, but tho Fronch hold tho Germnna In chock. Paris saya tho bombardment, and nttacks on tho pnrt of l?io G;rmnjjs Lnorth or Verdun continued nil yes- torday ovonliit; with redoubled tIo louco. WOUNDED FRENCH KObDIKIt TEbLS OF ASSAUbT AT VERDUN Filjiich Placed Mines Und r Iirge ArvN and Exploded Them When Knlscir'H Tixkijis Advanced I II 7 AuacUO'l TrrH lit Coot llr Tlmw, PAR18, March 3. "Wo wero In a front lino trench on the slope ot iCoto du Polvro," Bald a wounded ernp- 'Tho cnptaln nont mo forward to a nmull Bholter i tho open, whoro the electric contact had boon placed which led to a mlno in tho flotd. I crawled to It along a narrow tunnel without inlshap. "Through n silt I looked out on the battlefield as through tho opening In a theatre curtain. I saw tho Gormani ""or long waiting march rorward in good order. Thoy thought from their observation that tho bombardment bad sufficiently devastated our fctrtiiiclics, but thoy wore unable to see iuiui our iiiuii iiiiii Hunt in in uuu "mo malting fresh trouchoB and imlng shell craters. "Tho Germans woro 200 yards from my post when our rifles nnd machine ,guns opoued flro. Thoy woro taken by surprlso and crouched down, When tho ordor was passed along tholr lino l ,,.. lkov ,)0,.ttll to .., ..Tha ' - " ..--.- 'Watch on tho Rhino' and dashed for ward. "My heart boat madly. Thoy wero over tho mlno at last. I touched the button. An Infernal fountain seemed do shoot up, In the midst ot tho mass of men in gray, with a majostlo wli'rl ing of smoko. I saw moil go up bodily ns If from tho orator ot a volcnuo. "The nttack wua stopped. I crawled 'hack to my trench. I barely omorged from (ho tunuol when I folt a burn ing sensation on my shoulder and fainted, Whon I rccoyorcd con- tJclotisuosB I found mysolf in an am- 'Juilance' SHEA IS NAMED, Indlanu Man to Go to Chill In Fletcher's Placo. III AotliM Pru to eu ntf TIuim.J WASHINGTON, March 3. y Josoph II, Shea, of Soy- moiir, Indiana, was nomlnat- ed today by Presidont Wilson as ambassador to Chile, sue- feeding Honry P. Flotcher, appointed ambassador to Mexico City. Uauco Saturday night, Marrh I, In PhinWi Hall, Piatt's eivlti 1 FluTI HARD LOW GERMANS A ) a' Y,,