.- ft f i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1916 EVENING EDITION. FOUR TTIomrt Hub Dry Goods Company "SMAKT WEAK FOR WOMEN" Corner Hrondwny and Central Avenue. m m GO I ST W HIGH KCIIOOli JUNIORS COM PCTE LAST liVENING. Jesvo Frnnt. and Mary Fu..ono Are Win Flint Place iKiiatlus Chnp- miiii, Velum Hosh, Alternates. Jesso Frnntz nnd Mary Fuzzono woro first plnco winners In tho junior oratorical contest hold last ovonlng In tho Marshflold High School niidltorluni. Ignatius Chap man and Volnia Ross woro second placo wlnnors and chosen nltor natcs. Each of tho four classes Is hold Ing an oratorical contest, soloctlng two first point winners from each class and lator theso orators will moot In competition for tho cham pionship of tho high school nnd also for tho chanco to roprosont Marsh flold In tho oratorical contest f tho state This Is tho second contest hold, tho Freshmen orators having mot two or throo wooks ago. Miss Iloulah Stobno, Instructor In Eng lish nnd Gorman, trained tho frcsn mon orators nnd received consider able commendation for hor work, as did Prof. St. Plorro, last evening for his training of tho Juniors. Tho orntors and tholr subjects woro: "Eulogy to Grant" Charnor Wright. "Arbnces to tho Hon" .Tosslo Moody. "John Ilrown" Jesso Frnntz. "Henry Hudson's First Voyngo" Jack Morchant. "Tho Olrls vs. tho Roys Mont Itaco" Mabel Immol. "Thd Sheriff's Honor" Velma IlOHg. "Voice of tho Violin" Mary Fuz zono. "Kulogy to Onrflold" Ignatius Chapman. "Tho Death of John Domboy" Lillian Cook. "Tho Month of Lafayette" Loroti Movls. Tho Judgos of tho couIcbI last ovonlng woro Tom T. Hcunott. Mrs. William Horsfall and Mrs. CliiWo E. Ash. Mr. M. O. Vaiighnn. MontI"t, Room SO, First National Hank building WE HAVE CUSTOMERS For 10-acro or largor farms. List your proporty with ub for quick nalo. COOS MAY DEVELOPMENT CO., 311 Coko Mldg Marshflold, Pro. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SHOES'." 1 Tho more you know the (llettor Wo Plouso You. Tlie io is n Mcjisoii for Em-IusIio Shoo Stony. MIJGALS, NETTLICTOXS, DOROTHY DOMDS. GORDON' Shoe Store Clhiew oh This Corsets Thcro Is only ono way o truly npiu'cclutc tlio style, romfot't nnd poise of n MODART Comet. And Unit N to hnvo n trial fitting. Soo how yon look nolo how yon fool when you hnvo been fitted with tho proper .MORAHT model. No mnttcr whnt your present prof crenco may ho no mutter how beautiful your figure you owo It to yourself to learn tho greater comfort, grnco and stylo that a JIODAltT will lirhiK'. Let your next, cornet ho n MOM ART, and select it by fitting-room proof. I Phono 301. 'E T W. II. DINHINGEIt AND SISTER MILS. HYDE, P01XT THE WAY. Show What Caio and Thought Can Accomplish Mi Garden Coos Hay's Possibilities. (Second of series of City Beauti ful stories by Clarcnco E. Ash.) GRIN SO Hall avenue, botweon Fourth nnd'RK tlnjt thoy too coopornto wfltli tho Fifth streets, Is n brighter Bpot bo- rc8t of tho Bay cities. causo W. II. Dindlnger and his sls-i tor, Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde, llvo thcro. I Early this year President Hugh Mc A glanco on any sunny .day at tholr Lain, of tho local Chamber of Com woll kept lawn, back yard as "neatjmcrco, had written to tho organlza at a pin," and tho myriad of boautl-jtlon In North Bond asking that tho ful bright-faced flowors explains tho two bodjes cooperate roason. It Is n botuollko placo, an i "it takes money to glvo n colo- cxamplo of what any plnco may bo inn do to look like with caro and at- tcntlon. Nolthor Mr. Dlndlugor nor Mrs. Hydo have waltod for somoono to suggest and prod thorn Into making gardons; they have assumed tho Initiative Tholr placo is ono or tho fow gardon spots of tho city. Can't Miss t'ho Place. In turning tho comer from Fourth onto Hall aventio and going west ward ono Is Immediately struck by tho beauty of tho placo. In front there Is n well kept lnwu, not a largo ono, but a stretch of grass that always looks on a bright day exactly as though someono had Just finished mowing it. This grass stretches along both sides of tho houso, bordored by comont wnlks, UUd nlsa In tho back. A glanco nt tho front porch dis closes half a doon groon painted boxes, generally filled with geran iums nnd also , palms. Thoro nro rosebushes bordering tho walks. On o Bdes aro ., ots o daisies' of,JHimo Brrlty nt th U,vlvor8lly of S r 8 ," , ,i L ' Cl , ! ' eonumny of four on daffodils nnd nasturtiums, accord Ing to tho sonsons. Thoy are all there, though, In their tlmo nnd many moro too. Work nnd Cam Counts. Sweot pens grow in profusion, all colors of tho rainbow nlmost nro tho flpwors, nnd thoro nro hya cinth?, pauslcs, violets nnd Shasta daisies, thu latter hiding nu tin slgutly feuco nt tho back. And not to mention tho dahlia hods of tho back gardon Is to leavo ut half tho description. Thoy nro sonio of tho prottlcst In tho city when In bloom during tho sumnior. Tho gardon Is not largo, but well -tilled nnd gardened. Thoro nro pons, radishes, onions, bonus, boots, cai,MUB0H In fact tho llttlo plot yields many delicious vegotablq dl8hos during tho seasons. Is u Shining Example. I A brief examination of this homo would sliamo tho ordinary houso- holder, Houdliig him homo tu shanio to his woods nnd tho tin cans of his bock yard. What has been dono at this homo i Is no more than what can bo dono anywhoro olso In tho city, Mr. Dln- 1 dinger will tell you that his soil , Is exactly tho samo as It Is In doz ens of otbor yards. It's tho work tho rnro nnd tho thoughtfuluoss that counts, Maybe this is why dur ing tho spring, summer and fall seasons many people como away from his homo with beautiful bo quots. FILE ON LANM GRANT S. A. 1). INitor Still Musy Locating Easterners Tho Eugono Roglator says nppllea tlons to ptirohnso o. & C. grant lands 1n Lnno county wen filed yesterday by tho following, nil of Now York: (Ainu M. Brag, Jonulo E. Androws, fWllllam J. Jurgons, Anna S. Androws, Olary Prag nnd Nolllo 13. Dawson. Tho applications were sent In by ngenls I of S. A D. Pnter noted In laud fraud deals. TD WDHK TOGETHER NORTH MEND AXI) MARSH FIELD PROMISE TO COOPERATE Celcbra'lon Welcoming Coming of Itallroad To Mo in Xnmo of All Coos May Plans Take ShajHS North Mend nnd Mnrshflold are to Jointly colobrato tho coming of tho Willamette Pacific railroad. A letter Just received by Tom T. Uennott, chairman of the local ontcrtalnmont committee, from Socrotnry J. E. Smith, of the North Bond clmmbor, states that n similar commlttco has been appointed thcro to cooperate. This Is headed by M. 13. Everett, chairman. ' The action of tho two bodies hns been toward effecting n settlement ol a question that was drjlitlng dan gerously closo to n rift nnd which, .it ono time, seemed to fortoll tho holding of two separate colebrations. Helps All Coos May "Dut tho railroad Is coming to Coos Pay. It Is not merely for Marsh flold or North Bond; It's for thh vbolo section," wroto Tom T. Uen nott to tho North Doiul, Clmmbor of Cotmuorcc. Tholr appointing of n commlttco of cooperation Indicates tho spirit In which they, as a wholo In North Bond, aro working, said Mr. Monnctt. His first letters stated that tho tlmo had conic for both bodies to bo absolutely candid with each other, that ho was not unmindful of the fact thut It had boon pnrslBtently stated that Marshflold was "butting In" nnd that no ono had n patent on the Idea of a celebration for tho welcoming of tl.o railroad was somothlng that be longed to this entlro community. In j this very connection ho addressed i lot tors to Emniro nnd to Eastsldo aBk- cities Xt'eil to Cooncrnto bratlon," ho said, "and It's going to tako us both to do it." For Naval Display Tom Bennett has sont a letter to Senator Chamborlnln in Washington outlining nil tho big things that nro 'going to hnppou on Coos Bny when tho railroad comes and asking htm to send a gunboat or two and n real "honest-to-goodncss" submnrlno, to aid tho "blow-out" with a "blow-up." SIGNS .MANY CIIATAl'QUAS Miss Mnrjorlo Cowan has returned from Cnltrornln to visit for two weeks Ivlth hor parents, Mr. nnd .Mrs. James C4wnu. Sho Is with tho Elllson Whlto Chataun.ua company nnd has .boon busy In tho south, Blgnlng up now cltlos nnd placing thom on tho jichodulo. Whllo hero last fall Marshflold, Bandon Coqulllo nnd Myr tlo Point woro placed on tho list, tho Chnutuiiqua coming horo possibly In, Juno or July. Miss .Innet Young, who vlsltod horo last fall with Mlssu. Ackormnnj C. H. Hlnman, chnlr Cownn and who was a mombor of tho mnn j0i, Ferguson, Charles Ray- Xho circuit, starting at El Paso, Tox - as, In April. Tho others In tho com- pany nt Prof. A. F. Roddle, of tho Dramatic Department nt Eugeno, a Mr. Fleishman and Ralph W. Ash. They will make tho largor cities on tho routo nnd will not visit Mnrsh flold. FIND PLENTY S TWO AND ONE-HALF FEET LOON LAKE VICINITY. IX All Work There At Standstill Snow Meporlcd In Camps 'At Powers Mut Try to Keep Running. Two and ono-half feet of snow has fallen In tho mountains about Loon Lake, Is tho word brought In by travolors today. This l'las closed down all work In that vlcln Ity. though It Is not as heavy a snow fall as was experienced In that section during tho period of early February, at which tlmo Marshflold had ten Inches of snow. A ir liriwiira ntnlnil Hila mnriilnir p.' ... ... . .... .... ,...u t.i.. it i ..- ... I.. II,.,. .,..., llllll IIIVIU IB I1U DIIUX III UIU lunill of Powors, but soveral Inches in tho logging camps close- by. Ho snld that thoy would nttompt to keep logging through it, hoping that tho fall would Cease. Soveral of tho loggors from tho Blue Rldgo camp woro In town this morning. They Bald thoro has been quite a fall of snow back In tho mountains nnd that tho camp Is closed down. Ml'ELL IS SENTENCED Ill Moseburj,' Man Punished Again frRre ps,lU0 or ou,or loriuer niiiiib oi Silling Lhiiior .Investments during tho last year, hut HOSnnUHG. March 2. Arrestod Instead, havobeon buying diamonds on n chargo which was made against nntl Jowelry." Phlm last September. Hay Inioll on- tared a ploa of guilty In tho Justlco court for selling Honor In violation I " of tho law. Ho was fined f 100 and given :10 days In which to raise tho money. TD BRING AUTOISTS COOS HAY TO LET OUTSIDERS KXOW WE HAVE IIOADS HEME. Wants Shnro of Summer Auto Travel To Advortlso Features of Mlgh- wnj's nnd Scenic Effects. Autolsts of tho state arc to know this year that Coos county Is on tho map nnd Is accesslblo by tho largest and tho smallest of machines. Special efforts nro to bo made to seo that the county nnd Coos Bay this sum mer get tholr Bharo of tho great traffic that annually flows up and down tho Willamette Valley. For lnstanco, tho last Ibsuo of the "Oregon Scenic Highways," Issuod by tho Portlnnd Automobile club, contained a map of tho stato and all sorts of road routes, but tho two roads between Roscburg nnd Coos Bay were loft out ontlroly. In tholr plnco a road was printed from tho Willamette Valloy down tho Rogue Itiver. Loiters nro to bo sent to nil state autolBts telling them of tho roads in hero, and signboards pointing tho way to this section will bo placed on tho Pacific Highway at Hosoburg. Furthermore, Charles Hall has written to President W. C. demons, of tho Portland Automobile club, telling him of his oversight nnd has been promised that tho 19 1C Ibsuo will carry considerable Infor mation regarding tho Coos Bay and Coos county sections. AID BOYS IN PLAY YOUNG MEN OF CITY LIEUTEN ANTS IX CLUII. Take Chargo of Groups 1(1 Volun. tcer For Work Central School Secured For Larger Quarters. Prominent young men of tho city aro taking nn nctlvo art in tho or ganization nnd tho work of tho "Young Americans" club, which hold Its first mooting a week ago. Tho second meeting will bo hold tomor row evening nt 7 o'clock in 'tho basomont of tho Central school, largor quarters than tho Guild Hall, which proved ontlroly too smnll for tho 100 boys that havo Joined. Tho movement was started by tho Progress Club. Last ovonlng sovornl of tho men Interested, mot with Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Pnyno, nt tho Myrtlo Arms, nnd woro nflslgnod to ono of four sections, with n chairman at tho head of each. This will allow tho breaking of tho largo number of boys Into smallor groups, especially .necessary whou trips aro under taken. Tho sections and tho men In thorn follow: Bon Fisher, chnlrman; A. B. G Id- ley, R. H. Coroy nnd 13. H. Cainp- j)0ji; Herbert Bustorud, chairman, ;j00 Williams, Royal NJlos and W. moml nnd Wlllla LByno, clinlrmnn, am Stauff; Fred J. M. Robertson, .i T nraiitl nn,i a. 13. Ash. TO SPEAK DR. 13. S. COXKLIN IS WELL KXOWN PYSCHOLOGIST In HCWl or Department nt Stnt Unl. wrslty May Toll of Interesting Practical ljilratory Work Dr. 13. S. Conklin, hoad of tho Psy chology Department ot tho University of Oregon, who is to speak horo on Monday ovonlng at tho Guild Hall Is ono of tho best known men -In his Hue In tho Northwest. Ho Is a youg man, a most itercstlng spcakor and ono whom nnyono without tho sMght- fest Idea ot psychology can readily understand. ' Ho Is coming horo In tho Interests rot tho extouslon department of tho University. At 10 a, in., Monday, ho will speak to tho students nt the high 'school, at 1 p. m. to tho teachers and ! tit S p. in. to tho general publfc nt ri. i..n.i ii-ii I IU iiuiiii ll. Tnosdny he Is to bo In North Ilond. Dr. Conklin has dono a great deal of practical laboratory work and sonio of tho results nro exceedingly Inter esting. Ho will probably toll about some of theso Monday veiling. MCYIXG DIAMONDS NOW iKiilino Meix-hant Says New Class of In,stincnt.H Pi wall EUGENE, Ore., March 2. -"Tho Eugeno salaried man and tho small Investor have not been Investing' In ' statoment was mao iy betn M-arnway, proprietor or umiways Wewolry storo In this city. Mr. Lara- I t ... A A. l.t. T 'wa "" s siaimuu.u mi h s own , (business miring tuo last twelve months. MONDAY $ X SHIPPING NEWS K LBUHM ARRIVES OFFICERS SURPRISED TO HEAU OF NEW SCHEDULE. flocs Into Effect This Trip Held Off Mar Almost HI Hours My tho Heavy Seas. After spending almost 2 1 hours off the bar, awaiting n chanco to como in, tho steamship KUburn on- tcrcd tho bay from Portland this morning. Sho brought -125 tons of freight nnd much parcol post from Portland, In addition to n good pnnsonger list. Not until thoy arrived hero did Captain Thomas McLollnn or any of tho crew know, that tho steam ship has boon placed on tho buutn ern 'California schedule along with tho Breakwater. They woro very much surprised at tho changa which goes Into effect this trip. Tho vossol sails tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock for San Fran cisco, Santa Barbara, San Pedro nnd San DIogo nnd return. Tho Break water Is duo to arrive hero on Sun day. Honunlco May He Chartered. Tho officers of tho KUburn stato tholr belief that tho big steamship Koanoko, of tho North Pacific com pany, has ben chnrtorcd for a trip to China, nnd it is oxpectod alio will load In San Francisco for tho out ward passage, probably tho first of next wock. Sho has boon on tho run from Portland, to San Francis co, Santa Barbara, San Pedro and San Diogo. Tho steamship Gcorgo W. Elder, niso under charter, Is said to bo bound north ngaln attor a trip to South Amorlca. Tho arrivals today were: G. W. Richardson, Harry V. Hand, Mrs. H. G. Peck, Lou Mnuton, Byron Enoch Conell, Frod Conoll, Mrs. G. F. Robinson, Ellon Schultz, C. N. Sargont, Mrs. Sargent, Ivy Snr gont, Ralph Sargont, John Sullivan, E. P. Rogors, James O'Hare, L. W. Travcr, Norls Jensen, C. B. Pro- Witt, G. 13. Cloy, 13. S. Tuttlo, J. C. Dove, Frank Looksbcr, C. Wlttnor, Dean Mastonbrook, Richard llort lnnd, W. 13. Cook, John Zuppn, Mrs. Zuppa nnd throo children, A. Mc Cnnkoy, Miss A. M. Parkor, Mrs. C. A. Harrington, W. Foto, M. Pop pes, C. II. Colbort. VESSEL MOVEM ENTS. Arrived F. A. KUburn, Portland, 7 a. m, Yollowstono, San Francis co, 7 n. m. Duo Hero ' Wcstorncr, San Francisco, next weok. Hardy, Snn Francisco, Mon day. A. M. Simpson, San Fran cisco, Monday. Nairn Smith, Oakland, Sun day. Duo to Sail F. A. KUburn, San Fran cisco and south, 10 a. in., Fri day. r r .' & X WATERFRONT NEWS X $$ Tho dato of tho sailing of tho steamship Nairn Smith from San Francisco has been changed from today until tomorrow on account of work that Is bolng dono on tho ves sel. Sho has boon In drydock this weok, undergoing her annual In spection. Tho Snn Podro os duo horo soon, to load lumber nt tho Swayuo & Hoyt mill In Nortli Rond. Tho steamship KUburn arrived In this morning about 7 n. in. after bo lng off the bar since to u. in. yes t onlay. Sho will leavo tomorrow 10 a. m. for San Francisco anil the. V Gives a brllll'.nt glossy slilno Hiatal V doe not rub oft or dust off that uniieaU totholron -lliut lasts (our times us lotur as any otlier. I Black Silk Stove Polish H Is In a clais by It -elf. It's more mif.v)iuiloarJt iaue luiu tt ittr Htj , i, j I Tnritnyourpirl r 51 tav,)urtd . -C-, H u jo i iion tn i j it rTjy55fess I thebwipiljlniii mJi'lfivhvlltW m ' nJ. jro r VJiFTr4f(7J hirawara or ptjM ftvL. M K Qcrrtl kn OjR (4 JHk I linil uur fSFftrjlKl n D Thora'a "A V -5?i I ihlaalt "sSsiS , CvcryOrofi" Kfc1! j( c Tuxedo Nights by WalVMason When the day's work's has sunk in the well known West, then 1 stretch my form by the fireside warm, I sit at my case and rest. Then I take my pipe which is mildly ripe, as the pipes of good smokers arc, with a chortling soul then I fill its bowl from my glas3 Tuxedo jar. And I smoke at HHBp joflBbk in the daytime leave their scar, but there's rest at night and a calm delight in my glass Tuxedo jar.'l jtftuKM, bouthorn California Bchcdulo. At 7 n. in. tho steam schoonor Yellowstone, from San Francisco, ar rived In. Sho brought considerable freight and express nnd w'lll load again nt tho North Bond mill for the south. Tho North Bend Mill company re ceived word today that tho San Podro can not como hero for a cargo. Tho fWcstornor Is expected In next weok. ELKS OFFICERS MARSHFI13U) LOMOI3 IIKLD AX. XUAL KLKCTIOX. Thomas M. James Chosen Kxultcd Miller Cieoigo Clooditini nnd Geo. 11. Rot nor Kloctcd. Mnrshflold Lodge of 131kH, No. 11 GO, hold tholr annual election of officers laBt ovonlng. Ono of tho largest attendances that has gath ered at a meeting in a long tlmo was present. Thoro woro only a fow contests. Tho now officers elected woro: Exalted Ruler -Tho;nas U. Jnmos. Estcomed Lending Knight Gcorgo Goodrum. Esteomod L'oyal Knight W. G. Chandlor. Esteemed Lecturing Knight T. S. Harvey. Socrotnry Geo. II. Rotnor. Treasurer W. N. Ekblad. Trustco Frank Horton. Tylor Joo Williams. ' Dolegato to Grand Lodge David Y. Stafford. Allot noto Dr. Goo. 13. Dlx. During tho ovonlng nn amusing skit on A. II. Powors was pulled off, and lator refreshments woro sorvod nnd a social tlmo enjoyed. A number ot visitors woro pros nut from outsldo lodges. Will Aid Show ! Tho lodgo nlso decided to loud thejr nsslstonco to Ed Mcado, who Is puttng on "College Chums," a clover t , comedy nt tho Noblo Theatre, March 14, to rulso funds to publish his book "Doubling Muck." Tho mombors promised to soil a mimbor of tickets for tho affair. Havo your JJ3TTKK heads, bill beads, etc., priutod at THE TIMES office. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L. Houseworth, l'liyslclnn and Hurgeo Office: Irving Mlock. Office hours: 11 to 1U . ui.j a u 1 and 7 to 8 p. m. nt,,,"oncas Offlco lltJ-.lj Res., 14S-L J. M. Wright Phone 188-B MUILDLVO CONTRACTOR, Estimates furulshed on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear nnd Throat Specialist GLASSES FITl'ED Phone 3.10-J. Rooms 200-201 " Irving Block. DR. MATTIE 11. SHAW. Physlclnn and Surgeoa Phone 3.10-J. K G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEER. Room 304 Coke Dldg. Phone 14B-J Residence Phone 3C3-L. W. G. Chandler ARCIIITEOT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Building Marshflold, Oregon. WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo has It at 81. BO and $2 cash per lonil. Garbage reinov. od. Phono 227-J. done, and the good old auni ease, and my trouble flees to the place where dead troubles go; and my worries seem, in my waking dream no longer to have a show. And I say, "In deed, it's a noble weed that drives all the ghosts away, and ' clamps the lid on the cares that skid around through the busy day. The worries and woes and such things as those JUDGE COKE HONORED BY ROSEBURG FRIENDS Muivilifleld Jurist Who Is lluldloK Teim of Court Shown Jinny Social Coiirto-dcs. Tho Hosoburg Hovlow says: J in! go Coko, of Marshflold, who It presiding over the Circuit Court bore, was entertained at dinner San day at tho homo of Attorney and Ml 8. O. P. Coshow. In tho ovonlns, Judge Coko was u guest -of Mr. mil Mrs. Charles A. Mraml, of the Over land Orchards. J ml go Coke, of Marshflcld, who is holding n term of court hero, vai a dinner guest at tho homo ot Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Perkins Saturday ovonlng. Judge' Coke and Mr. Per kins nerved In tho Houso of litp rosuutntlvcB at Salem at tho tame tlmo nnd havo been friends frr many years. Mead tho Adv. today. First National Hank Guaranteed Ranges L THE STERLING RANGE Is without question tho blR'w' quality, tho most satlsfnctery ud liiKostneiirliiK "K "m' , W,J' It In constriictcl particularly for Western fuel, Is iclnforjcd t in wfi out, asbestos lined and rlR . X n Ished. It will Ulvo wWJ2 everyday In tho year: It MJ for joaiH against woarlii wrt. . "J this Is u point you cannot wc I or" look in milking your ransto selection Come in and let us show you Johnson Gulovsen Company QUALITY HOME North Front Street FIRMS"11" jIurwWJ Money to Loan ON Farm Property LIST YQUII FAR1 OU CITY PROPLIITV WITH vs von AVE CAN SEUi IT Coos Bay Development Co. nil Coke Maihflehl. OK?' Mraiich: i2'.V2 Ohl National ManK SiioUane. WhliiBon.