1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1916 EVENING EDITION. THREE til, Crawford says: .4 r..tftm1 ii .... urll diesseo .W )oor . .... ... ...!. If , ,1,0 MHi'i """ , blMbll jolt "my "u I" huff Jul JO" ..kii:mii OT"' ...... t.'fVI'P L'lllliniltCIMl td,,,a! ,'fer.irllon r.m II." l(iDin,,B Suits $18 to $40 The FIXUP M . MnrshfloHl BffSfe C4? 4 .VcrtlUlW"1 c Cream Ufa mir M3 ""' Wo inalco It ilttV know III- ! nml ibolMonic. fMtlM. AIM ''"" ' " Pure Ice Cream, dellvcretf, $1.25 per gallon ffe dclltcr nny time, day or "Wit BARTER'S SOUTH COOS JtlVKlt bOAT sintvicu launch i:xiiu:ss Icjim Mnrshfleld every day 8.ni. Lcaics licail of river at 3:15 . u. sTiasimt rainbow Imvm licml of rlier dally nt 7 a.m. Lcntcs Mnrshfioid nt S mii. l'or charter apply on board. P.OdT.ltS SMITIf, Props. 4 t ' THE WEATHER REPORT flljr AmocIiUmI J'fcsn to Oku mjr Tlmei. Oregon Rnjn In west, fair In onat; southerly wlmla. LOUAIj TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:10 a. in., March 2. 1by RonJ. Ostlliul, special gov ornment meteorologist: Mnxlmtim CO Mlnlnuim 35 At 4: 13 n. in 40 Precipitation 14 Precipitation Slnca Sopt. 1. 191G 01.39 Precipitation satuo period lust year 52.711 Southwest, cloudy. SUNRISE AM) HUNHIIT Thursday March 2. Sun rises nt 0:31 nml sets at 5: GO. t.t Beautify Your Home n cnty clmlr or nil extra rwllnj; cliaif often adds no mutli tu the npiK'oraiU'o of tlio Jltlng room or imrlor. besides tho acnrniicos, It Increases (lie conifmts of (ho homo. Cuiib In nml let us show you our hi-Ro line. It will boon ho tlnio for (lie 'nR IiouwK'hiiIiik nml you luJ Utter flguio on tlio extra furniture or new plccvs ou will ffl lo nuke tlio changes you drtlre. bunco Friday. Tho Alpha Club of tho Emnnuol EplBcopnl church, which has Just boon organized, will glvo It Lcnp Yo;ir dnnco at tho Mooso hall Friday nlglit. Improves Homo. S. C. Small has u forco of men terracing nml othor wlso Improving tho grounds around tho beautiful now homo of U. R. Chnndlor, on Twelfth Court, south. Catholic' Hocinl Tonight. Tho In dies of tho Mnrshfleld Catholic church nro giving a social card party nt tho Mooso hall tills evening to which tlio public Is Invited. Tho fioclnllLs to ralBO funds for tlio church work. Refreshments will bo Borved rand a gouoral admission will bo charged. lias a flood Word. J. A. Ormnu- Mio Coos Uny country. Ho is citiotod toro as snylng that "tho country traversed by tho now lino brings Into view many miles of eharmlng scenery, beautiful lakes and tempt- iroui iisning places." Relieves .Slluiiilo,, Aboard tho ol owstono this morning when she docked wcro oxnetly 22 monthly liq uor allotments for 22 Individuals of Coos Hay. All of thorn, the packages, wore nicely dono up in plain wrap- lini'R. Til tu n 1 1,. . . "u ""i'1'iy win last somo of tho receivers for the noxt 30 days, and some of thorn It won't, possibly. "Hugs besot olr Materials The redwoqd materials for tho Coos Day Water company's reservoir In North Hcnd arrived this morning on tho Yol lowstono from San Francisco. Thoy .wero shipped by tho Redwood Manu acturers company that has tho con tract for tho building of the reservoir and work lis to bo siartnl n n., ftllO COIlCrcto fnilllilnflnn line, !... comploted. Il'ut Out Sporting issue. The stu dents of tho Mnrshfleld High School nro working on an eight pago issuo or tlio Purple and Gold, their weekly uuuiientton, that will appear noxt 'week. It is to bo dedicated tn tim 'basketball team of the school that Won tho chaniplonshli) of Coos coun- fty. Four pages of tlio issuo will bn 'in pink. It will bo well covered with tho cuts of plnyors and their coach. locntes Here. J. W. Leavens hns arrived hero from Portland to rep resent Mason Elirmnn, of Portland, In Coos and Curry counties. Mr. Leavens has been with tho firm for somo time and hnd Tlio Dalles Hood Ulver territory. Ho Is known to many hero and "Jerry" is bolng warmly welcomed to this territory by tromo of tho traveling men who wero with him In tho Northern ter ritory. 1 To Play Last (.'ante. The bnskot ball team of tho Mnrshfleld High School will piny their last gamo of tho soaBon in North Uond tomorrow ov oning. TIiIb will muko tho eighth contest. Tho past soven have been won and tho 1000 percent of the team stands n fair show of finishing tho season uumurrcd. North Bend hns already Buffered a defeat this aid hint, was looking out for tho other fellow's welfare, when tho polo camo down tho hill, lilt n stump and snapped back, striking Carey's arm. Tho Injury will probably keep him away from work for sev eral days. Ship Doors To Coos Hay. On tho Kllbum todny was a Inrge shipment of doors, bolng brought Into tho Coos Hay territory. They nro manu factured from red fir nml cedar nnd wore made In Portland. Thcro Is tonsldcrablo of this matorlal In Coos rounty. Tho shipment Is on cxnm- 1lo of tho nrtlclcs often shipped In hero which could well bo niado nt home. Tj phold Increasing. Typhoid cases aro on tho Increase. Mrs. K. H. Hodson, of Coos lllvcr, Is down with tho disease. Her two children arc Just through with It and her mother, Mrs. Robert McCnnn, died from tho effects of It a few days mo. In West Marshflold,. Mrs. M. A. Monson is 111 with typhoid. She Is snid to bo gottlng nlong very nice ly. Tho doctor Is using tho Wldnl test on tho llttlo Connor boy in Knstport to find out whether or not he too has typhoid. ROAD MEETING TO BE IN C0QUILLE dy. Bocrotury to John M. Scott, of Xho Southern Pacific, has returned 't,Iir nl lho ,iam,B ot Conch Mlo"' to Portland with n good word for' ''"Bket-shootlng Hive. wtij Hpcmc pror. rc. s. Conklln, of tho psychology department of 1 ' tlio Unlvorslty of Oregon, will do. liver n public nddresa nt Guild Hull Monday oven' 1; at 8 o'clock. Ho wlll speak to the Marshflold High School students tit 10 o'clock Mon day morning and will address tho teachers of tho schools at 4 o'clock In tho nftornoon. Prof. Conklln Is making a tour of tho Coos coun ty towns. To Survey liar. -A survey of tho Coos Day bar, tho first ono In sovoral mouths, Is to bo undortakon within n few days. Capt. James Polhcmiis, liinlor oiiKlncor now In Portland, said Ibeforo leaving that a roport would bo f Going & Harvey Company Nortl Front St, Phone 196 Sunnyval '0 IXTI'llliST ( TAXES iaAiH.u,...130FiPOIltsti "The Owl" was tho First Storo In Coos County to put In a com ploto stock of Squibbs' Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals. And, by so doing, estab lished a higher standard of Prescription Filling This hns boon recognized by phy sicians nnd tho public also 10. R. Stpilbbs bus designat ed "Tho Owl" as "Tho Squlbb's storo" or Mnrsh fleld. Wo deliver Inimodlutoly Phono 74. THE CENTRAL AVE NUE DRUG STORE. l'nink 1). Cohan WALL PAPER See VIER& About It. MAHSIIKIKLD'S POPULAR SUIIURU. Level nnd Cleared. P" : r - .Jitney Swvlco. LQTK $7.1 TO .125. i Your Own Terms. mndo shortly to tho government on- Iglnccrs In Portland. It Is oxpoctod tjmt this survey will bo in chnrgo ui run jiiKiouvi iuiiiuu uiuujinuu, Tho last ono showed botween 28 nnd 3G fcot of wntor through tho channel on tho Coos Hay bar. . buys bottling .Machine. L. W. Trnver, of tho Bradley Candy com pany returned from Portland today wlioro ho wont to purchaso a bot tling mnt'hlno for the concern. It is expected in on tho noxt trip of i tlio Kllburn. Tho machliio will bo used horo for bottling soda pop, fruit Juices nnd various sorts ot soft drinks thnt tho company ex pects to spcolallzo In. Ho says tho borry drinks aro becoming particu larly popular, especially since tho first of tho year. Log Injures Arm. Chester K. Caroy is down from (Allegany to ro- fcolvo niedlcul treatment for his right arm that was badly bruised on Sat urday, when tho small end of a 40-foot polo cracked him Just above tho wrist. Ho was working In tho woods nnd, having a now man to I'laco of fifithcYlug Again Changed To be nt 1 P. M. In City Hull In Coqulllc. The last doflulto placo for tho gathering ot tho good roads men on Saturday Is Conulllc. Tho time is 1 p. in. nt tho City Hall. Word was received today that tho Curry Coun ty Court will bo- unablo to attond this meeting but ex'pect to bo up in another wcok to confer with the Coos County Court regarding road matters. It Is said tho Coos court is to ndjouru on Saturday until March 20 at which tlmo they will definitely decido on whether or not tho $370,- 000 bond Issue will bo placed on tho ballot for the pooplo's opinion nt tho Mny primaries. TIMES STORY BRINGS IMMEDIATE RESULTS Young Wlfo nml Family Today Sup plied With Fond Many Willing to Aid Destitute Family. Fatly this morning tho 'phono In Tho Times offlco was busy bringing In queries regarding tho pitiful cm, ot desertion and destitution that was printed last evening about a young mother and her four chlldron who nro living In a West Marshflold tent and entlroly without food. Tlio response from all parts or tho city was Imnicdlnto nnd en couraging. "Whcro do thoy Hvo7" was always asked, with tho addition, "Wo want to help them." Tho father is said to have even put In ills npoparnnco and to havo gone away ns usual without leaving any money. Kind friends, however, have relieved tho situation nnd the family ngnln has something In tho cupboard. Two grocerymon wore among thoso making Inquiries, say ing thoy wished to send up some thing for tho "kiddles," t AMONG THE SICK t $$ Fred Knight sustained somo rnth cr painful Injuries by a fall from A bicycle. Ho Is n brother of Mrs. K. C. brows, nnd tho Knight family, which was going to movo to a nearby ranch, havo postponed their trip. John Olson, of Kastsldo, Is much better aftor n long illness with a tumor In tho lung. He wob nblo to bo up nnd about tho housa today. A. C. VcBtal was under tho weath er todny, Buffering with nn nttnek of rhcumntlsm. Attend Cntliollc Ladles' Card Par ty nt Mooso hall Thursday night. Cards and refreshments, .Admis sion - rents cncli. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY we Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY oble TheateD -R DRINK SIX GLASSES t AT THE HOTELS X ?$ Chandler Hotel. F. R. Joso, Sun Francisco; Peter Oborle, Portland; P. P. Haines, Manchester; M. Weingnrton, Snn Francisco; A. H. Noycs, San Fran cisco; 13. J. Gallagher, Spokane; Charles T. Hodsky, San Francisco; a. P. Washburn, Portland; A. M. Oakcs, Portland; J. C. Currlo, Port land; P. C. Haword, Portland; F. li. Curtis, Portland; H. P. Russell, .Seattle; P. W. Lang, Hatchery; L. A. Johnson, Hatchery; J. 13. Paul son, Coqulllo. St. Liiwrenco Hotel. Mrs. O. C. Duunlvnn, Coalcdo; J. Dunulvan, Coaledo; J. II. Hoouoy, bluo Ridge; I). F. Roonoy, Bluo Rldgo; R. W. Shipley, Eureka; Rny Nool, nitio Ridge; Ray billard, blue Rldgo; E. P. Slostrcem, Lake Bido; Chester F. Carey, Allegany; William bncklund, Powers; Fred Slioltou, Powers; Ned Lawrenco, Lakeside; Joe 'Noble, Lakeside. Llojd Hotel. R. Homphlll, Coqulllo; C. O. Nott, North Bend; John Whobroy, .Myrtle Point; W. E. Mooro, Coos River; Cnrl Anderson, Norway; M. A. Smith, Curry County; Thomas Sturdjvant, Myrtlo Point. TUESDAY'S ARRIVALS Chandler Hotel Morio Holdeii, Empire; F. A. fSpencor, Myrtlo Point; D. I. Mcdco. Sun Francisco; II. II. "Wood, San Francisco; J. E. West, Portland; Fred Marx, San Francisco; B. Llpp mnn, Portland; J. A. black, Port land; Louis McMullon, Myrtlo Point; Gus Swnnson, Portland; A. J. Mc- t Donald, Everett; C. W. Mead, Port- Head the Adv. today. First. National bank Dr. Leslie, Osteopath, Mnrshfleld AU lpx C j For your Spring Ging hams, Lawns, Silk Poplins, Cotton Poplins, etc. GET THEM AT THE J. C. PENNEY CO. STORE THEY HAVE THEM AT A BIG SAVING. Apron Ginghams 5c A better gingham 7c Dress Gingham 7Mjc A better grade 8 1-3c 12'c Dress Ginghams 10c 15c Dress Ginghams, 32 inches wide 120 Chambrlcs, all shades, 30 inches wide 121oc Mercerized Poplins, 25c value 19c We Lead as? cr , Originators FollOW "jJWLJ MjJtdtMAi&Sr L0W prces Next Door to Postoffice X ftlFW TODAY X $? IMPORTED WhMi Leghorns' eggs for hatching. Phono 1C-J. I'OR SALE Klve-acro tract, f?:W0; phono J'.OO-L FOR RENT House, l.0 South Nth St., five rooms; apply 7C8 South nth St. FOR SALIC d'ond team horses. 1 mnro and 1 colt. 7 and :i yrs. Weight 1500 lb, each; 1 Jorsoy bull, 18 mos, old. Harry Thomas, bunker Hill, P. O. Box 007, .Marsh-fleld. $ X WANTED X WANTED Faint eam' mid 'good fresh milk cow. Phono 339L. Piano, violin mid cello, fieprgo L. (iiligoiy, expert teacher, 5101 X. ."SJIi St., Phono J KIN. OF WATER DAILY land; V. B. Rogers, Portland. i St. liUMroucp Hotel An Interesting Statement by Ono of the Bio Men In the Drug Builnost TO-NIGHT homo 0f '"'"l. Mntu i x"'""""" I,,Mtu,'u ll. Fov Plays, fiulil Rooste W'otopl'a.,, s , Mc,l'teees.---Th0 cream of tho world's output li ,0Uos.oft m,,,K ' -Vow York City nt prices ranging fron cr In om -tWlf IlflH t.A heUfuo 'A"S BEVEXOE." Mutual Masteniieco in four ,raJstlioiif l"1"K"c,iim for tUo fl,u lvn" nt Mio Him. .Por mXM a, C!oncnU v"'". t .Mexico, tho famous 'rebel chlcL 'ATTVs"i!Mn, lttU ",ul "'"oys along tho Rio fJrande. bBcMe('lCKYiPCP. Keystone Comedy, xvith Fatty Ar for "'e full i'!" h!n,,s "" ! f Jft bceno of the film iuid continues ""o will . Y,"Al"iitod Xewspapci- Pictmos that ov- I nu.. :1N0XV'S ORCHESTRA KVERY NlfillT 'onnot, H cts-5 Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts, "E CLosivr v V" y numerous Vequests wo will .repent "''t tin flve-ieel flold Rooster Play. wrone BMHHv jswBkjWhWmw C. S. Wymnn, South Inlet; E. E. Wcavor, Kmplro; J. R. Smith nnd son, Gold neach; G. Jowett, Dolmar, David Lalno, Gardiner; B. Andorson, Coqulllo; W. K. Daggott, Eugeno. Lloyd lbcl Carl Anderson, Norway; R. J. Cot nor, Portland; M. A. Small, Curry C'wiinlv; Thomas Sturdlvant, Myrtle Point; Fred Travors, Beaver Hill; John Whobroy, Myrtle Point; P. M. Modiu, San Francisco. A. E. KIESLINQ of Houston, Tex-as, soys: advi;rtI;S;d letvers j List or pdvoiyisod letters remain- jlug in ths JlnrBliflcld, Oiogon, Post- jofflco for tjio week ondng Foliru- nry 29, 19 10. Porsons calling for "If vou havo n muddy complexion 'the fcamo will pleaso say advertised . .... . ..,.,!. ..,..,! t'lv I . .. .. l .. I. I riHI Pliy 010 eOIll 1U VHVH (UIIBI cullod for: baibonu, Mrs. D. A., burke, Mrs. Mike; Cameron, Mrs. .Mary; Craw ford, Mrs. T. F.; Derby Dr. W. S., (3); Douglas. C. II'.; Edwards, Richard; Nllison, Hans; Ownly, W. A.; Phipps' Mrs. J. II;; ifand j. R.; Sqmmorfl, Mrs. J. L.; Witt, Au gust. ' llUQll M'LAIN, P. M, . tt LOST X LO.i'lj SiinbiusL li, i'uils, iiiiiik) garnet. $1 reward fpr return to Times offlco, $ X FOR RENT $ FOR RENT Five-room coltngo i cetly renovated, corner Ninth nnd Flanagan. Apply W. b. Cur tis, Phono 15C-R. FOR RENT About March 13, hotel at Hausor, furnished, 9 rooms at end of boat lino and on railroad, X PERSONAL MENTION X $..,$ MRS. Q. C. DONNOVAN wns In today from Coalcdo on n shopping tnlp. E. P, SIESTREEM is In tho city today from his homo nt Lake side, SHANNON MITCHELL wns hero from North bond today on busi ness, LOUIS SELL enmo In yesterday from tho Swnyno & Hoyt enmp nt bea ver Hill. ARTHUR PECIC was called over to Coqulllo this morning on legal business. RAY NOEL xvns down today from j bluo Ride, whcro ho works In i tho cmnps. CHARLES HALL loft on tho morn ing train for Coqulllo on telephone business, J. E. PAULSON, well known timber crulsor of Coqulllo, wnB n visitor hero today. W. A. ROBERTS nnd wbo, ot Myrtlo Paint, nro guests nt tho Harold bargolt homo. JAME3 LANDR1TH and Roy Lnn- drlth wero horo from their Coos River ranches todny. GEORGE DOLL left this morning cnllod to Coqulllo to look after somo business matters. NED LAWRENCE nnd Joo Noblo, of Lukosldo, enmo In yostorday and remained over in tho city todny. SUPERVISOR F. A. GOLDEN wns n pnssougor on tho morning train, going to tho Valloy on school busi ness. NOBIS JENSEN arrived homo from Portland this morning on tho Kll burn aftor a business trip to tlio north. L. W. TRAVER camo In on tho Kll burn from Portland todny, having been gouo for sovoral 'days on busi ness. JAMES FERREY nnd wlfo enmo In yostordny from their Isthmus Inlet much to spend a few dnyn In town. O. P. BURNETT, of tho North Pnclflc company, camo back from n hurry up tnlp to Portland, returning on tho Kllburn. MISS GRETCHEN SHERWOOD, of Coqulllo, cmuo over Inst evening to visit for n fow dnyfl with hqr sister, Mrs. L. A. Llljeqvlst. CLAUDE THOMPSON returned via stago last ovonlpg from Portland wlioro ho wns railed on business, On tho return trip ho visited friends In Eugeno. 'M. WEINGARTEN, of San Francisco, nriilvod Inst ovening by way of Bandon, IJo was a pnsscngor on tho wrecked Flflold and hud n groat story to tell his friends. IIo managed to save nil his baggage. n consignment of eggs sent somo time ngo and now havo thorn in tho feeding pooln. rRED MARX is 6ack on tho Bay on ono of his regular trips. Ho was , nhowiug friends a copy ot tho wholesale prtco list of atnplo goods II n 1SC4, when wnr tlmo prices pre vailed, and they nro about thrco times ns high nn tho retail prices of tlio snmo kind of goods today. Thcro hns been a general advanco on merchandise recently. E. S. TUTTLE, of Rnsmusson broth ers nnd Tuttlo of Bniuloii, returned on tho Kllburn nttor n sovcrnl weeks' visit, In Portland nnd Wnba Walla. Ho said thnt J. D. Mills i formerly of tho Gnlllcr Hotel nt bandon, is gottlng along fino nt tho St. Paul hotol in Portland, which will bo gratifying to Mr. Mills' ninny friends iln .this section. CIIA8. b. PRE WITT, advanco agent of tho I'lsk Rubber Company, ar rived horo with a smile nnd a talo of prosperity. Ho says It tho growth ot tlio Flsk business is indicative of general business conditions, ev erything must bo going ahead by leaps nml hounds and from tho amount of Flsk tires that Tlio Gun nery Is selling, ho says that Coos Bay has no reason to complain about lack ot prosperity. Rend the Adv. today. First National bank Dr. II. E. Kelly, Dentist, 'Mi Coko bldg., Phono 11J-,T. $10. Soo Ned Galloway, North Star at noon. launch FOR RENT Comfortable apart ments for rout, furnished, $15.00, flno location. I. S. Kaufman & ROLL GOODMAN xvob down MISS UNA KINNICUTT, of Myrtlo Point, camo ovor this morning on logal business In connection with tho Bottling up of an cstato of, hor aunt, who dlod years ngo In Mnssnchusctts, from Jiihby ConI, $3.00 ton. Phono 72. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Co, FOR RENT, Fiirnlhhcu two room apt. Heated. $15.00, Inqwlro Mirtson's, Store. FOR RENT Furnished flat, hot nnd! cold wntor, bath. 8S3 Third fit. nml iiull oves. vou nro constipated. slx glasses of water dully nnd ono or two Rexall Orderlies nt night will coricct this condition and make you 'lit ns a fiddle.' Rexall Orderlies, in my opinion, nro tho best hixntlvo to bo had, nnd can bo taken by men, women or chlldien." XVn havn tho oxcluilvo Fclllnff rlBlits for tnA BrcSt lixntivo. Trial Mzo. lu crnts Lockhart Parsons Drug Co. THli MEXALL STORE FOR RENT Rooming house over Ekblad's Hardware Storo. Apply' At Ekblad & Son, or call 300. J : FOR SALE X; FOR SALE.--T'm'o' cmvVrind cnlf'foV ,.$70 ir taken before Saturday. R. j ...M, Kjle, South Seienth btroet. . .; FOR SALE 301) egg Incubator Phone OJ. FOR TRADE Complete, u'ell equip- ped chicken ranch, will trado for Mnrshfleld lots. I, S. Knufmau tt Co. Uip South Coos Rlvor Hatehory yesterday. Thoy havo hatched 300 000 Eastern brook trout from REXALL KIDNEY REMEDY For the relief of those cases of Kindoy Trouble which stand lu need of effertho treatment, such as can bo hiifoly seltj-adnilulsteivd. Sold Exclusively bj "THE BUSY G0RNER DRUG STORE Phono son We Deliver Immediately Xotlco lis heroby given that sealed bids will bo received by tho Common Council of tlio City ot Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, until halt past Bovon o'clock P. M., on Monday, tho 13th day of March, 191G, for tho Im provement of thnt portion ot blrcli Avonuo East from the cast lino of Front Strcot North to n pqlnt 70 foot east ot tho oast, lino ot Front Streot North, In tho City of Marshflold, Coos County, Orogon, according to tho plans nnd specifications prepared by 'tho City EiiHlncor nnd on fllo In tho offlco ot tho City Recorder nnd thcro opon to tho Inspection of all porsons. lutorostod thorolu. All bids must bo In necorduueo with tho requirements accompanying said specifications, a, id upon blanks for that purpose which will bo sup plied upon request nt tho offlco of tho City Eiirjliioor. A cortlflcd check of flvo per cent of tlio amount bid must accompany tho bid to bo forfeited to tho said City of Marshflold, In caso tho con tract is awarded tho contractor and 'lio fulls to outer lu n contract with hnld City, nm furnish a suitable bond therefor within ton dnya after boi lug notified so to do, Tho Common Council resorves tho right to reject nny uud all bids. Dntod tills 2nd duy of March. 19113, JOHN W. BUTLER, Rerordor of tho City of MnrphfleliJ, Coos County, Oregon. FOR TRANSFER AND KTOHAGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FREIGHT AND UAGGAHE Cnll FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono i:i Resldenco Plnn,o 1S1-.T Market Ave, nnd Waterfront BICYCLE TIRES buy Tlu'in From L's. Wo (,'liargo Nothing to Put Them on Your Wlio.1 MARSHFIELD CYCLERY WEAVING All kinds a spec laity. Mrs. W. Wl Nason. 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220rR,