p FORTUNATE FOR MOSUjEN THAT THEY DON'T HAVE TO PROVE ALL THEY SAY 01 00 Sttra i PAPER THAT 1 BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES MISM11HK OF THK ASSOCIATED l'KKSS KjooL- Established 1878 An Tho Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1916 EVENING EDITION. MffllCT ECU UIE Suggestions for City Beautifal fft MM & Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Cooi liny Advert Iwcr. No. 188 RoSSi0r APK 'U: TTnns Bav. 50UUI riwi" wu ' HUBS GET IT feNsss'Nrl,ork w'Z' , . New naiiiuciu uirx. EW DETAILS ARE GIVEN j. Contains llrli'f Announcement ItriMilllwS Will llo f limnciifo Importance to CiKrtlJny imo "00 Miles i"ng I ne Engineering News, published ,Ktf York City and which is re- Lrdedasthe most rollnblo engineer- in. .il f llm inlllil ri U'lllf'll htBUDicaiiuiii i lu . Irrited hero today contains llio fol- oflnj most Important announce- rttt "California Soutliorii Pnrlflc Co. Inrdcd contract to Twohy IlroB., RWFargo Uulldlng, Portland, for kllroad from Eureka, Calif., to Cooh Ore., 200 miles. Win. Hood, liWent'nccr. Noted February 17." ' The announcement comes us n big inrprlie In ono way and In another h; It bu been anticipated for home tme. Parties familiar with tlio publlcn- !oj ur that they nro suro It Ih not M oa any of tlio rumors which lire been circulated from tlnio to tie. Hail One Contract For many years, Twoliy llros. bavo wa regarded ns tlio regular South ra Pacific contractors In tlio Nortli- rt, dolns much of tlio work with ! exception of the latter part of l Coo$ Ilay-KuRciio lino for that omptnjr. Taohy Dros. had tlio contract for lie lint jlretch of tlio Cooh Ilny-Eu- V line line out of Kimono, IncludliiK p .Votl tunnel. tot now Twohy llros. nro Kottnir padytoconstruct a lino from Grants ua towards Crescent City, Calif. Jlcani Jlmh llcio Tbe completion of tlio Cornd rami M tie- Southern Pacific menus nmvn f Com nay timn nny ot,or tMnK fwrlnr, It of a greater and more mi development than nny other r-t IMTOIl COOS HAY TIMES: H I n, glad that you aro taking up tlio city beautiful campaign -f Certainly nothing Ib ncodctl worse In Muishflold mul North Uciul Tlio pcoplo who Uvo hero grow accu Htoincd to baro stretches and uni kempt yards, and do not rcallzo JtiBt how It looks to thoso coining from other sections whoro grcou lnwnrj, wo II kopt renrcs, und Bonernl "trim nesa" nro coiiBldorod among chlof csHontlnls of homo lire. Our pcoplo would uulto ns roadlly como to require thoso things themselves, If the movonlont only bccanio Bonoral, and got a fair start. It seems to mo that a oplondfd way to mouse Interest In this innt tor would bo to lii'vo It takon up In tlio publiu sclioola. Surely rollilng boloiiBS nioro properly to tlio education of youth than tho liinnlp.ittnit ..r Ltl:o lovo of tlioBo thliiBU which niiiko homo and city attractive. Tho thll- dron could not only have an Influeit co with tho parents in requesting that thoso tilings bo provided for t horn, but they could do a Breat deal of practical work themsotvos. In other places tho children aro taught to cultlvuto flowers, and plant trees, and to consider tho beautifying of tho places where they live its both a' duty and a privlIcKo. Why not hero? Tholr Interest needs only to bo nro used, and it Is mora easily doiin hvlth them than with grown-ups, beca ueo their hablta aro forming, and moy nro more improssionnino. Doubtless ninny other effect Ivo means will be suggested, but It Boomn to ino tho ono I liavo offered will bo productive of much good to wards tho end sought. PUP 110NO PUBLICO. COURT IS ADAMAMTTEDDY NOT TO RUM 5 W COUXTV COMMISSIONERS REFUSE TO MUIK1K OX ROAD (JI'ICSTIOX SEXATOR GORE MAKES SEXSA- TIOXAI, STATEMENT TODAY. Say Money (Vlltfrl'-.Ml in Mnrshflcld Rl.V.rlet to (Jo on ('oqullle Road Mandamus a Piolmhlllty ?wr. Southern Pacific ofttrlnu iinv n.i. Bitted that It woul.l im i,..iit .,.. P bat have hidlcntni nvnn -. y.thatit would not bo dono for 1 jcars. 1'ciilfd liv liiw... 0'r a few weeks ago, Engluoor i . (I cI,arKo ,,f t,, c- tlon nf tin f, i ,, 1m .... . "iiy-iviiKouo . reu a strong tl (fMrl.M.i. .... . . . .... IU01C mm as nuthorltv ; "tcred a strong denial to tho ' nirn nimtml l.i... .. .,.., , """ " niiinoril) i :em.CnM''t tho Coos nay' -'- uui ni iiiA rnni i - . . .tk v vvrtDi rilillj or I in Pacific would to bum on! t"U'K.SC()MPM.;ti:,) U"fIWNlt.tc,.,. .1M . - "" j iiiiii eLiiaThlsAf.er.u,,,,, k.rttoi ,end,"R fon, Murahflohl 'ttllnn , la"a nIl0r0 " Spieled tii- li on" ,(Mln' WwJlr,a.Cklato'l''etod. 1 train f r " ,J0 I'sslblo to .-.. 'riln'rmP0W0rHtn Ht.IT 'C ir,ro,ii,l,ortii iSi enK:r,,e i,irf,c"- iwlcd:l,ul,ol,i8tinitotho ?"Wnoth:.0,01IR 0,10,,1, the . '' 80p,,ro' to com- altcb. ias on Iako Tahko- From .. bI1,yhr?,t"0roa'l crows win flhlrt.:r.KBnal"'InKontl,o -w.es to the lino. '"UiSTUU.v Frlh.ii. . "" - uie ik..,,. ,. . " .'iiiKes Abot Attack HHPOUT Affidavit r. . ""lI..ir wsII?v.;:"Hu,c'TimM., J'UVGTOV T lrT,mM, lerpetroliu ,OIl American lU'konti.a . eonnectlon with twttion7Partniont ma(ie ,tB r Kmphntlcnlly tho Coos county coun ty court has refused to spend 70 per cent of the road funds raised In Marshflold In tho road district which the city comprises. The law states as plainly as any law could stato 'It, say tlio members of the delegation that visited Coqulllo yesterday, pro vides that It should bo spout horo. In all probability tho decided stand rof JiuIbo Watson and CoiiuiijIhhIoii- crs Armstrong anil W. T. Uoniont will result In mandamus proceeding. Law Still Untried Tho law Is now In OroBon. This particular question lias never been carried up to tho supreme court for dcclifou. Attorneys who have In vestigated tho situation contend that tho city Is in the right. Hound to got a definite expression of yes or no from tho county court U delegation of rj'ty officials and pri vate citizens wont before that body yestordny at Coqulllo. M I'rtascutH Council Resolution Harry J. Kimball, on behalf of tho Mnruhfleld city council, presented tho resolution of tho city fathers that tho money should bo spent horo. Oity Attornoy Jnmes T. Hrnnd explained tho exact situation, snld tho law spe cifically states Hint tho Incorporated municipality is a soparato road dis trict and that It should rcccivo 70 porcout of tlio funds collected within it, in this case- between $15,000 and $20,000. Claudo Nasburg spoke, so did C. V. McICulglit, Jens Hniison, It. M. Jennings and John I). Goss AVould Xot Hudgo Tho county court was adamant dn their decision to apply tho money outBldo tlio city, though their plans woro wobbly. ItOOSKVKIiT'S KIH'liKTAUY WITH IIUAWH XAMU IX IliLIXOIS. .Makes Kourtli Wltlulntual or Col. Itoosocl Kniin Prlninry Mlcc- tlon Itnllots In Static. tllr AwiocUlel I'lrm to Cm IU7 Tlmm.) N10W YOltK, March 2. Colonol Hoosevelt's deternilnntlon not to al low tho use of his namo ns a can didate for the presidential nomina tion was emphasized today by the announcement that his secretary has directed tho withdrawal of his name from tho primaries In Illinois. This Is tlio fourth stato that Itooso velt has refused to allow tho use of his inline. liilcia'ji (,'oinnieivo C'linnilNslon Will Hold Mealing Monday to Detenu ino Causes n AuoclttCi Trot lo Cooi lit- Timet. WASHINGTON, 1). C, March 2. Trelght congestion in tho custom ter minals will bo taken up by tho Intor- istato Commerce Commission with representatives of all interests con corned at a public lioarlug Monday. toward fixing up tho Knstsldo forry, a county project, and tho Coal Hani; death lost night In n flro that do Inlet bnjdgo und then swung together PROBE Gllu DELAYS WILL IXVKSTKJATIJ KltKKSHT COXtiKSTIOX IX HAST THREE CREMATED CALIFOHXIA COri'l.K AXD HAIIV TOUXD IIL'ItXKD IX HOl'SIJ Declares Piesident Intliiintcd U. S. My Declaring; War On (Jorinany -Might Ihid llottlltlos. di:mi:s cioitK's statk.mijxt llr Aa-ocltlril Trnii 10 Mt nr TlniN, WASHINGTON, March 1!. Tho following statement was Issued lato today at the Whlto House: "When tho attention ot the Widto IIousu wob called to certain Btato- meats In Senator Goro's speech this afternoon, Prcsl- dent, Wilson authorized an O unqualified denial or any uttcrnnco to which any such meaning could bo attached." IP" Aftn-llo. I'rrM lo Cmi llr Tlmrt.l (WASHINGTON, March 2. -Tlio armed ship Issue suddenly blazed up In tho senate today with; tho most sensational dolmto of the session', In which Senator Gore, doinocrnt, mid author of a resolution lo warn Americana off belligerent vcssols, repcatod what ho characterized ns a report Hint Presldont WIIboii told cortniu congressional leaders that a war botween the United Stntes and Germany "MlBht not bo ungratotul and might result in advancing civ ilization by bringing about tho end ot tho Htiropeun war by mid-sum-mor." Chairman Stone ciuphntlcally do llied the prosldeut ovor oxprosscd nny such scnlliuonl In his hearing. Denies (Iki Iti'poit. Sonntor James domanded to know why Goro hud not sought to con firm tho rbport from tho president. Goro responded that ho hud hopoa tho report was untrue and was giyri to hear it denied. Williams, a democrat, spoko vigorously in sup port or tlio president, us did Lodge, republican. Tho dobnto eudoa witn mit action mid tho senato passod to tho other business, with a prospect or taking up Goro's resolutions at an early hour tomorrow. Will Act Tomorrow. Meanwhile, tho situation In tho holies was unchanged, tho adminis tration londors apparonlly making no headway toward a voto thoro, tho WILSON WILL NOT CHANGE President Declares He Will Not Compromise On Right 1 of Sea Travel. GDNGRESS Declares United States Cannot Consent to Warning Citi zens Off Steamers. MEETS WITH REPUBLICANS Meeting TJils Afternoon With Ho- publican Leaders Kvpcct De cision Hy Congress Within it l'v Days Flood (Jives Views. WIUSOX SAYS WAH MAY I1K ItlWUIl' (II- AinicUtnl I'ra 10 c4 I1T Tlnifi. WASHINGTON, Mnrch 2. Presldont Wilson at n coii feronco with Congress lenders today Is understood to have said that folio wlng4 out tho notes of tho United States, diplomatic relations might bo broken off Wftth nny nation causing tho death of no Amer ican in disregard of interna tional law and that ho had boon informed tho breaking off or diplomatic relations might prcclpltnto war. WILL If TO ' SNE FIFED K. V. Krusc Reports to Owners That Vessel Can Be Eas ily Floated Again. IM 1 1 Ilr Am-kUIcJ I'rrM lo Cooi 111- Tlmci.) WASHINGTON, March 2. Prcsl dent Wilson todny told Chairman iKIood Hint ho would consent to no compromiso on tlio armed ship Issue and desired a direct voto on tho resolution warning Americans off armed ships of tho bolligoront na ttlous. Flood said on his return to tho cnpltol that ho bollovcd that some iresolutlon nccoptnhlo to tho presi dent would bo agreed upon in tho forolgu affairs commltteo today. AnIcs Itcpiibllcau Aid. President Wilson and Republican Lcador Mann, of tho Houso, will discuss tho nttltudo or ropubllcann on tho armed ship Issue at G o'clock this afternoon, at tho President's roquest, Tho President Intends to Officers Near Oxnaid Thing HurglarH Killed Trio and Set Flro to House loiter (n; AuorlilM I'rrM In Cooi Hi; Timn. OXNAIH) .Cnlir., March 2. Petor They first pointed out It would gohl'iirror, ills 19-yonr-old wlfo nnd ton months ohl baby wofo !uirnod to stroyod tholr ranch home. Tho pollco SHOE HITS I TRAIN TWO PKHSOXS IX.H'ltlJD IIV AVA LAXCIIIi Xi:.lt SAPIXIUtO, COLO. to tho point whoro thoy bollovod tliotura working on a theory that rob- most good could bo accomplished byibors killed them and set tho houso putting it on tho road to Coqulllo. afJro. Judgo Watson pointed out that neces sary work on this highway would bo lnipoBslblo without tUls money. Ho told tho dologntion that the present Intention of tho court Is to allow tho money to wait uua,'l next Soptombor whon road districts nro again formed and tack on such an ad dition to Marshflold that will tako in tho Coqulllo rond. In linpnqi'Y Appropriation City Attornoy Brand pointed out to tho court that tho Supremo court gives thorn exclusive jurisdiction whoro thoy shall spoud tho money within tho (titles, but hold that tho converting of tho funds for expendi tures next year would bo nn Improper appropriation of tho funds. No results. Mmifj City Itoad District Thefo woro two sections of tho -brlgjlnal law passed at tho last legls- latum. Tho first stated county courts should, inako ovory city a sep arate road district. This secd'on was place tho Issue squnroly boforo tho houso forolgn affairs commltteo, nf-fitepubllcniiB, In an ofiort to gain tor an oxtondod sosslon, adjourning until tomorrow afternoon without roportlng out any resolution. All lutorost centered on tomorrow's de velopments. "Well, In falrncsB to tho presl- tholr support. Twins to Senate Tho administration forces, raced iwtth delay in tho House, turned today to tho Senato to carry out President Wilson's demand for duront or rcso- Says That Recovery and Re pairs Should Not Cost Over $15,000, and 60 Days. NO ACTION TAKEN SO FAR Capt. llaknian Say.s Propellers Were Stripped and Steam Pipes Hurst Itaiidon Men Disagree With Mr. Kiuso'h Opinion (Spoclnl to Tho Times) HANDON, Ore., March 2. K. V. Kruso or the Kruso & Hanks ship- yard at North Ilend who mndo nn 1n ivcstlgatlon or tho Flflold wrock yes tordny Tor tho owners, tho A. F. lCs tabrook company, lias made n report to the company that the Flfluld 'should bo floated with compnratlvn maso and mndo seaworthy again at a cost of $10,000 to 1G,000. Mr. rKruso rurthor stated that tho rescue of tho Flflold should bo iindortakou at onco mid he figured that tli's nnd tlio necessary repairs should bo no 'compllshcu lusluo or two niontiiB. Mr. Kruso was ono ot the builders of tho Flflold nt North llend. Ho says 'that sho la In good condition dosiV.to ,1110 hammering sho got on tho rocks horo and Hint sho should bo easily haulod to nca from hor present po sition If ndoqiiatu cqiilpmont wao at LlianU. Ilaiidon Men Differ Dnudnn moii who nro famllar with bar and beach conditions dlsngrcu .with Mr. Krnao.. Thoy doclrtro It will bo Imposstblo to haul hor back to sea and that tho only posstblo way to savo hor Is to block hor ,up nnd haul hor overland and launch hor in tho river again. If tho Katabrook company act fa- ,'vorably on Mr, Kruso's report, it Is llkoly that a powerful tug or some wrecking company nt San Francisco will bo scut hero with equipment to nttompt to savo tho ship. Cnpt. llakniaii'N Statement. Capt. Hnkmaii yesterday made his rirst statomont concerning tho wrock. Ho siV.d that whon tho Flflold wns nbrenst of tho oud of tho Biihmorgod Jotty whon ho was coming In about iC:30. a strong current caught tho fBhlp and swung Iter out of her courso nnd sho struck on tho hidden rocks. In tho accident, the propollors woro damaged nnd nn Instant lator steam pipes hurst, leaving the ship helpless. dent," said Stono, "I think I should lutlons wnrnjng Amorlcnns off armed state that tho president novor stntod J'chlPB.of Kuroponii belligerents, to mo or stntod In my lioarlng, that Itovolt of Stono ho bollovod or in nny way outer- Chairman Stono of tho foreign ro tnlnod tho thought, thnt war Ijo-J lutlons commlttoo, announced oponly tweon tho United Statos nnd tho 'from tho floor that ho was not In nc Control powers would bo doslrablo ''cord with tho Presldont on tho Issue, and would result In any good, or',1"'1 proposed that tho Senato tako charging nt Maclie,stcr 111 AiocUt4 rrm to Cooi llr Tlmei i MANCHESTER, Kng., March 2. iTi.n nritUli Btn.imor Snlraoa. 2307 not repealed tho samo day It was passod. tojj8 wh,0 (1lBetiargine oil from Pliil Tho Coos county court then, last Sop- C(,0,' hIa Cllllgilt fro last n'ght. The Jiro is sti'll burning along tho full jongth of the vessel ftombor, made Marshflold a separato road district and apportloneed the funda which, by the way, nro not yet L.niin.i ii. tuta fn ino that from remarks made, Comnvs rw..tu. w....h b" i. . .T' :. ...., l.vn onnmirred commlsa'onera changed tholr minds, isioner uomom. u...u ...- ". on tho advice of District Attorney with them and probably Com nls LllJeqvlst nnd refuse to budge from fsionor Armstrong would Have done this decision. Watson Is Sticker Somo of tho delegation declared Great Slide or Snow! Forces Cats Mrom Tracks of Denver and lllo Ciraiide Railway Illr AiwtUteJ Prw lo Cm Mj Time 1 DENVER, Colo., March 2. Two porsons missing, a number slightly Jiiirt and threo cars doralled wero tho known results- today of a suow sVdo that yesterday struok tho west bound Donver and Itlo Grundo train near Saplnero, Colo. s i f iFTsTi v it x i : "i Oil Tanker Destroyed While Ills- would not bo ungratotul." i "It Is voll Known tliat tho presi dent has n passion for poaco," Intor Jectod Korn, In a tone that Indicat ed a flat donlal or Goro's charges. i Goro declared that nt tho propor itlmo ho would put squarely bofore tho Sonnto tho question ns to fhoth or tho sinking or nn nrmod inorchnnt vosxol by a submarlno would be sur riulent cnuso for war "I Introduced my resolution bernuso I was appre hensive Hint wo wero hoadng to ward war," ho said , "My act wap based on a roport which scorned to tcomo from tho highest authority that Sopatora and mombors of tho Houso in conforonco with tho Presldont jhad rocolved rrom him Jntlmntlons ir not a declaration, that ir Gormany Insisted on her position, tho Unltod Statos would Insist on hers and tk's would result probably In a broach or diplomatic rolatlons and probably would bo rollowod by a stato or war, and a stato or war might not bo evil, Mnlght not bo uusratorul, might end tlio European war by nild-sunimor, and thus might londor n groat sor vdeo to civilization. 1 cannot tortiry to tho truth or tho roport. if tho Senator from Missouri will deny it, that will satlsry mo." "I do not know why tho Sonator llkowlso had It not been for tho do termlned stand which Judge Watson 'look against tho application. adjournment (Instead of another ro cobs and thereby get Into auothor 'legislative delay, relieving tho parlia mentary situation which thus far has hold Gore's resolution from coming tlo a vote. "It has bcon decdod to bring the resolution up for action as soon as possible, but probably (not today," said Senator James, ono of tho administration supporters. "Wo havo got tho votes In tlio Sonnto to smash It." Lodge With Stono Sonntor Stono ut tho outset or his proposal mndo a stntomeiit of the in- Ltornatonnl situation ns ho under stood it. Ho declared It Is his hope that something could bo dono nt ouco to bring tho Presldont and Congress inoro closely In accord on tho Issuo and that ho was framing a Bubstl tuto for all ponding resolutions on tho subject. Sonator Lodgo, ranking Republican , member of tho forolgn relations com mltteo, doclarod ho wns in accord with Stone's dqslro for prompt action, and ho agreed that tho Issuo Is moro important than anything now boforo Congress. Stand of Wilson ' Stono's statement Bald: "Tho Prosl- Ulent's attitude Is this -Ho Bupports u contention tliat noiiigoroin moron- tiuoted mo," said Stono, "I did not'antmen havo tho right to bear arms quoto tho Senator." responded Gore. Jifor defoiiBlvo purposes, but ho doos j'not say, nor do I, and I doubt if Attend Catholic Ladles Card Par-Lanyono does, what constitutes dofon tv nt Mooso hall Thiiifiday nlulit. vslvo purposes. Furthermore, ir a Cards nnd refreshments. .Admls. aorman wurshlp without warning kinii .-. ronta each. Ishould attnek and sink merchantmen flENEWK Paris Reports Violent Bom bardment In Region of Verdun Last Niglit. BUT LITTLE CHANGE Berlin Claims French Sacri ficed larga Number of 1 Men In Attacks. TO RETAKE D0UAM0UNT Kaiser Makes Gains In Woovro Dis trict, Hut; Aro Driven Out of Captured Trenches lly tho lVencli Counter Attacks. HICCOXD FOKT AT VKltDUX DKSTROYFD Ur AMnrlalfH Trrn In t-ima ej TlmN.) LONDON, March 2. An ' Amsterdam dispatch to the ' Central nows says Fort, Vnux H!vo miles Northwoat of Vcr- dun and two miles southeast 4 ot Fort Doiiauinont has bcon destroyed by tho heavy mor- 4 tors, according to nn uucon- 4 firmed Gorman roport, hut 4 the Germans cannot nppronch 4 tho fort ns tho French havo brought heavy artillery to 4 bear on the approaches. 4 Ilj AuuKlitoit 1'rni lo Cooi Dr Timn. LONDON, Mnrch 2. In tho re gion ot Verdun, tho Gonuiuib vio lently boiubnrdod Inst night Lo Mort Houimo, botween Mnlnucourt and Fo urges, as well as threo principal icrosslngs of tho Mouso, Paris an nounces today. Tho beginning ot auothor gunoral assault IsJiidicntQd,.,..,,,.. Horllu statos that tho French bu rlflcod men unsuccessfully In a Counter attack nt Fort Douniimont, which is hold by the Gornians. In tho Woovro district, tho Gor iiinns, nfter an Intonso flro, de livered n spirited attack nt Frcsnos and ponctrotcd French positions but Avoro driven back by counter attacks. Tho situation on tho Frniico-oui-glnu front Is linchnngod. SINK FIVE VESSELS THREIC KXGLISH SMACKS, ITAI IAX SHIP AXD RUSSIAN BTKAMHK IXSUltAXCK IS HIGHER Rules on War Risks Advanced on Account of Submarines 1(1 AuorliM I'rrM lo C Hi; Time. NEW YOltK, March 2. Ratos or war risk Insurance on traiis-Atlantlo stoamors and cargoes advanced today in anticipation of tho enforcement or Gormuny's policy or sinking nrmod liiorchnntshlps without warning. Tho quotations on vessels for tho .Med iterranean Increased frpm 1 to 2 por cent. For English and French ports rrom 1 to t 1-2. Eighteen M"inljrs of Ilint.slun Crow . Droutned nod .Most of Other Crows W-'ro Snfoly landed Pr AwkUIM IVhi to Com tli; Tlm. LONDON, March 2. Tho sinking tat rivo moro vcbsoIb wuh reported to- Lday. Tho crows ot tho threo British snincks woro landed nt Lowostott. Their vessels woro sunk In tho North Sea. The Italian ship Ellsa was also sunk. Tho Russian stenmor Aloxnndor Woutzol, 2838 gross tons, has boon sunk. Eighteen of tho crow wore drowned and elovon rcscuod. CHOOSE IXDIAXA 31 AX (11 AMoclile-l I'rma In Com ll7 TIimm.J WASHINGTON, March 2. ludgu Joseph II. Shea, or Seymour, Indiana, has boon selected by Presldont Wil son as ambassador to Chile, and will bo uomliiutod in tho near future. ttho Prosldeut proposes to consider tho nttack n lawless act. Will Hold t.'crniaiiy "Ho will bo disposed to hold tho Onrman govornniont to a HtiVct ac countability, and If tho German gov ernment persisted, ho would bo tomptod to sovor diplomatic relations and submit tho matter to Congress, which, under tho constitution, Is tho war making body, ir It must coma to this and I must disagree with tho iPresldont and I must dlsugreo with my colloaguos, I must not faco this 'ah a political question. My conscience Is clear. I bollovo If u bolligoront Ivcssol armed, whothor tor doronslvo or orrnsivo purposes, or ir it Is trans- tPorVng war jnatoriai. it Is tho oqulv lont to a war vessol." Is Improved. Mrs. J. T. Harrl gan, who has boen quite 111, Is ro ported much improvod today. SAY RAIDER TAKEN (REPORT HNtiLlSlI HAVE CAP TURED .MOEWE OR HOOX. Report Reaches Hiieuos Aj'ies Thnt (ieriiiau C'oinmeiM'o Dostrojor Is Put Out of Commission. Ilf AuocUlM Vn to Coui Uir TlraM.J DUENOS AYRES, Murch 2. Press dlspatchos rrom Montovldlo say a stoamor arriving rrom Europe In tercepted, near the coast of Ilrazll, a wlrolcss .messago stating that Brit ish cruiBors had captured a Gorman auxiliary irulsor. Thoro Is soma doubt us to tho identity,, ono ver sion saying it is tho raldor Mnewe and auothor It Is tho Hoon, It Is reported to havo boon taken to the Island ot Trinidad. ' !'.! Still Another Report. Tlio American steamor Santa Har bara has arrived at Montevideo, the captain making tho announcement that tho French crulsor that put out from Dakar, South Africa, on countorotl a Gorman raider, tho name not given, and opoued fire. Under the cover of darkness, tho Gomnn ship escaped. It was dam aged, howovor, on tho uppor works.