"O t ' PONaTw B ECTORY OfIce bow' 1X iadup,a.i. KM., 14S-L ). M. wngni phono 188., . iwiriiArrrnil grj&zzs. I'dono 330-J. a t B"K KMINKKII "Rcldence Phona 3C3-1, EMOi 301 and 302, Coko BiUldln, MrifcHcW. Oreiton. WOOD-GOOD WOOD ff II. Umbo I'"" u nl S,-r' nnU r, ,'!, .cr loatl. Gailmso rcmov- .1 PliniH 227-.I. pi - mjc 1 1 riYH HUlhL - i llo.iH'ku'p" M""'" " TwpnM)iiHl?H.Oiii(uilli Electricity and (laa. Free baths qwplDK rrtnnn, $1.50 m'c. l ! tijii: tar WlUAMKTTK PA'I CAR Uire UtrtbtleUl (:4Sini. MS .ra. MS .o. ))5 am. IMS am. II St am. ,11:10 pa. Hlpra. SMS pm. Ml p.m. S:C0 pm. (..40 p a. 1:55 pm. North city i!0 pm. IB ((' MOTOR Leavi North Horn) $7:00 ?8V00 9:00 , 10: 15 11:00 i mi: l:ic 2:00 3:00 4:oo r,:ir r:r.ri limits only. 7:40 p.m a.m a.m n.m a.m a.m a.m p.m. p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m" HAVE THE ROOF ' FIXED NOW Sec CORTHELL Phono 3171 THE- COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEUOREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1916 EVENING EDITION. - THREE Fianagarik Domett '"Sank European War News Up To Date Multifield, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEREST PAID OX TIME AM) .SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers-.!. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. 11. FLANAGAN, Vice President; II. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier; 0. P. WINCHESTER Assistant Cashier. ' st ss tt n tt tut tx st tt :t :t u tx Flanagan (& Benraefcb Bank , OP MYRTLE POINT Capital $25,"00 OfflcorB J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. H. FLANAGAN, Vlco Presldcnt; L. M. SUPLEE, Cushlur; L. T. DEMENT, Assistant Cashlor. SUFFER F over s.ftun.ooo'Fiircxcii in TER RITORY' HELD JIV GERMANS. jllgli Pi Ices Prevailing There iintl J Shot-tugo of Food Cause of Much Misery, Despite Keller Work. ,rcKlon of Longwy are nearly all of' them without proper clothing, and the same situation Is said to exist throughout tho occupied regions, It being almost impossible to find clothing nt prices which tho Im poverished population Is able to pay. Poorly nourished and Insufficiently clad, these pcoplo nro tho object of a groat deal of nnxlcty on account of their oxposuro to discaso and epi demics. Supplies sent Into tho roglon for Bennett Trust Company I Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers -J. W. DENNETT, President; TOM T. DENNETT, Vlco PreHldnnt; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; DENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tim Only Trust Company lu I ho Slate, Outside of Portland, Which Oiguiilcd Under tlio New Law. (Dr Aocltt rri to Coot Bj Tlmn.J PARIS, March 1, Two nnd a quar ter million French Inhabitants atilll11 relief of tho population have not boon Interfered with by tho Gorman authorities, but havo reached their destinations through tho efforts of CURE FOR IHIHE0.DL0 SOLDIERS BEST AMERICANS ORGANIZE TO 1X STRUCT PREXCD WOUXDED. romnln In tho territory of tho north and cast occupied by tho Germans. ,They aro divided anion:; tho dif ferent departments as follows: North 1,850,000 Alsups -100,000 r Ardennes M tho American representatives located at Lille, Vnlenclonnes, Vorvlns, Long wy and Charlcvlllo. Tho distribution Is In tho hands :il 8,000, of local committers of French vol- j Pan de Calais 280,000 untcera, under the direction of tho Get Squarely on Top of Your Banking Situation Whether a business man or a man of leisure, you should nevar pay out a dollar unless in the form of a check; there is no come back then, for you have the best possible receipt in an endorsed check re turned from tin bank. Come in and open an ac count with this bank and feel at home. A JJavincjs Account, a Ch coking Account, or Both First National Bank j; Marshficld, HOME OF THE SAVER Oregon i'aiii: ti:.v cr.XTS CII; Limits Xoilh llend, He commutation qn TICKIXS, 91.75 lJ MrMleId-Nirlh Drud Aula Linn Cars erery ten minutes from a. m to 12 midnight; to South Sloush onco n day, lciilngat 11 a. m.; to Em pire tlirco trips a day. fiOUSTJl KINO, Props. T.I.KUFX(A. II. UOIMIINH MarshfipIH PAINT and HH DECORATING CO Estimates Furnished "" Manlirinld. Orco. , SAVE MONEY lf ordering (b0 famous HENRYVILLE COAL ;. Ion .si .,)o JP !, ion w.nt) "'lftonof both ..si .7r, w ' MU8SO.V, lv l.one Kg or kmo orders ljf. .ci.,p storo High Quality Groceries . -Our own Dromot and narticuiar delivery service Ef ficient cleiks beinc out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nann Smith Passenger and Freight S'ROM SAX FKAXCISt'O, TIIL'RSDAV, MARCH S, AT P. M., FOR COOS DAY S. S. Adeline Smith . Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent DRY WOOD nt Campbell's Woodyard North Front Sheet '"oiio :i7i).j II WEmmR,J-0AN m BUILDING CO. Assets $340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings ' ''SS&CO. "Kal Tiwisiiro. DUNHAM UNDERTAIflMrs PARLORS Kill I . I charge EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street Abstracts For reliable Abstracts of Title nnd Information about COOH DAV REAL ESTATE, see Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshfleld nnd CoquHIo City, Oregon. Ooncrnl AkciUh Eastnldo nl SeiiKhtacUen'H Addition. Special attention paid to iiHsosMiiauts and pajment of taxos. IlEXRY SEXC'STACKEX, MumiBor. Phoae 105.J GRAVEL' We are now prepared to furnish ORAVEL In iny juantltiei from pile in our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcou From pllo on ground, fS.Vfi per yard. Canoad lots, taken from car., J2.00 per yard. ReUll Depitrtiimst. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Poet-Offlce. Phoae 100, i.Mosnll ino.000 VlMeURe 80,000 Sommcs 75.000 HjMurno 00,000 oiso an, ooo Voskos 0,000 HlKli Prlcos Pievall. In nil of theso regions, frosh beef is worth $1.25 a pound nnd eggs bring fifteen cents each. Even at theso priors, they mo obtainable with difficulty by thoso who can nfford Hitch costly luxuries. Tho en tiro civilian population, excepting tho Germans who havo immigrated since the occupation began, would suffer lm for tho efforts of tho American Itellef commission lu co operation with relief movements In Spain and Holland, according to Maurice Darrcs, of tho French Acad joniy. Kon wllh tho gonoroiiB aid Of Amorlra and other neutrals, It has I hern necessary to apportion tho j provisions In limited quantities and 'with great caro. 13ach family ro- celves dally a enrd entitling six i and ono-hnlf ounces of flour, ono louueo of rlco, ono and one-half 1 ounces of lard or bacon, one-half .oiuiro of peas or beans, due-fourth .on nro of sugar, one-fourth ounce of ia It nnd one-half ounce of coffee. I Tho avorago Pronch working man Americans. BUTTER FOR BERLIN ONLY BY CARD NOW Quarter or a Pound Allowed to Kach Pei-Mni Weekly Few Hors . Offered for Rule. DKItLIN, March 1. Tho bread card, which Is now over a year old. has been supplemented In Derlln by u similar regulation with respect to thu butter supply. The executive authorities havo decided to limit tho sale of butter to a quarter of a pound for each person weekly, to ho obtained on presentation of the butter card. Ponding tho Introduction of a wJmllnr systoni throughout tho em pire, the authorities cannot oven guurauteo tiiht this amount will bo avullablo for residents of Horlln, al though It Is holiod that tnls will be possible A measuro to Incrcaso the supply of swine lu tho largor municipal cities probably will bo necessary. Only 27 1 swlno wero offered for snlo In tho Derlln market yesterday, and flvo In Hamburg. An official census taken In Doccmbor, showed that there wero more than 20,000,- connumes on tho nvorago of two .000 swlno In (lormany, nnd the ox- poriH nro convinced unit uieio is ACSTUIAXS SAY OLDKIt MKX I1KT- TEIl T1IAX YOUTHS pounds of provisions a day, so that ,1m Is now obliged to live on tho fourth of what ho Is necustomed to. The products of tho soil havo been 'exhausted largely by requisitions for tho Gorman troops. Many Children Suffer. Fifty thoiipnud children lu tho much holding back for speculative purposes. Tho postago on two carloads of catalogues of ono Kastern nail or der Iioiibo distributed from .vilont amounted to $1780. LOST AND FOUND IF you have lost something of value your tirst thought is to advertise :. Then why not; when you LOSE TRADE? Or, better yet, why wait until you have lost it? Advertising is a business building, profit-making for the present and insurance for the future .:. No need to lose trade if you go after it. Do It Now-Advertise Advertise in THE TIMES Let us advise you, if you are not sure just how to begin. Declare United States lias Charity DMit to Pay for Aid Extended America Century Ago. (Or AjaocUtfel rn (a Coot flt, TIuim.i NEW YORK, March 1. Thirty thousand maimed French soldiers are pleading for work, for tho op portunity to bo educated to mako themselves UBctul in the labor world of their country, It Is announced by Mrs. Edmund Lincoln Dnyllcs, chair man for tho United States of a move ment which has just been Inaugurat ed for tho organization of tho Amer ican Committee for Training In S.iltablo Trcdcs tho Maimed Sol diers of France. For theso 110,000 crippled men, according to Mrs. Day lies, an equal number of positions aro bolng hold open by tho employers of Franco, who need theso work ers. Only the training for theso soldlors Is lacking to cnablo then) to learn somo useful pursuit so that thoy can servo In shop nnd factory. "llttlld u bridge that will lend him from thu hospital over Into a nor mal life," Mrs. Dayllcs urges, in discussing the maimed soldier of tho Franc It republic. "Wo havo beon owing Franco through a hundred years for that littlo matter of first aid In our American revolution." The American committee, which lino nutAlitlallnil Imnilmtn pint u nl llin I'lnra Hotel In this city, regards Its task in tho light of "charity to I do away with tho need of charity." It requtics from thrco to six months for ono of theso war dependents to puss through this period of in struction tho length of time neces sary for his tuition deponds on the man and his trado and tho cost of his oducatlon Is only four to five francs a day. Ono hundred dollars would meet tho nvorago of all rases, tho committee ostlmntcs. .Many Ti ailes Taught. Amorlcnns In Franco contributed $20,000 Immediately Upon loirnlng of the organization thcro of a sim ilar committee. Such trades nro taught as basket-making enrpontry, glass work, photography, shoomnk lug, tailoring, Instrument-making. Jwntch-mnklng, tlnwaro work, book keeping, shorthand and typewrit ing. Unless the multitude of em ployable men who aro bolng turned looso from tho hospitals wore takon In clinrgo and tholr normal llfo ar tificially reconstructed, tho commit too In Franco foresaw a now and ovor-lncroaslng dead weight of mis- ory for tho republic. I Tho coinmittco In Franco know of I ono soldlor who, having lost an arm whllo fighting on tho Mnrno, drlftod from shop to shop In search of a chance to support himself and, turned nway because ho knew no j trado which ho could follow with his ono nrm, shot himself. It Is to ( avert such tragedies as theso that I tho American committee, hoadod by Mrs. Dayllcs, Is laboring. Tho mnlmed ones who nro bolng taught trades under tho direction i or the coinmittco In Franco divide I their profits in full, when thoy havo I reached tho stago of production, with i thoso pupils which aro only bogln 'nlng to learn, Comply With Orders Hctr nnd Tko More Caro of Themselves Pr for .Men 0cr lis Wr AMotUleJ rrcu to Coo B7 Tlmn.J VIENNA, March 1. Tho calling to tho colors of men between thcaaes of fifty nnd fifty-five, lias caused tho discussion In tho Austro-Iiungar-lan press of what tho older men havo done In this war. ,. Tho vlow had boon generally-held that tho man of fifty had passed Into old ago, so far as military value-was concerned, but tho war Is said to hAyo proved that this position is unten able. ' It Is admitted that In trades and occupations requiring physical' dex terity, tho mnn over fifty la ant' to bo a failure, though thp well-pre served worker of that ago Js gonoroMy fttlll capablo of great onduranco.". Tho oxperlonco ln flto arruy Js that nion up to thirty aro generally less hardy than men up to fffy. v'ln addition to bolng as yet far from "physically sot." that is, entlroly"))o- yond tho growing stago, the younger nion ofton reduco thqlr endurance and physical vigor, gonorally by In corroct eating. Oldor men nro not 1n tho habit of doing this, it Is as serted. Hut tho young men sin also In othur respects. Ofton thoy are In tllfforcnt to hardships when they should not bo: whllo tho oldor men sco to it that their feet aro always dry and warm, tho venturer soldlnm 'overlook this habitually. With tlO Officers, tlln nlrlnr nnlil. lor is tho favorite Not only docs ho give less tronblo to tho oanltaTy de partment, but his riper mind under stands imdro readily tho mimosas and necessity of military dlsclpllnp. All A tint r Inn mlnnnl urttt ntmn this subject was dUciiBsod said fh'ut oldor troops Hooded little applica tion of discipline, becaiiso tholr nat ural conduct as growh nfon wis ills- rllillnn' In Itmilf llr lin.l Unn . A .llf I'foronco In the fighting- qliallifes of younger and oldor trobps, ha riafd, but Ito himself would always prefer to load men ovar tho ago o'f 'thirty fivo. ' t " Of very young troops, the colonel had a vqry poor opinion. lh (renoh warfnro tholr valuo Was 'not high. Constant roltorntlon of crfmhianiin nnd orders wad tho lot of tlm'offlcar 'At)m uninnimirlnll l..n... t,i,jtjllt ,-.,.. w VU......U..UI-U UUIlft uiuuua, whllo tho officer lu charge of' older I troops could count on havine- orders carrlod out as soon as thoy were given. Tho aid mon, too, foujjh' with mora "sense" Bald tho colopo Thoy did not shout so much, bu dealt out heavier blows, Excepting bono fracturos and very serious Intornal wounds, the old sol dlor gives no more troublo than 'die young ono to the medical Beryle. Authorltios aro of tho' opinion tlwt tho suiallor percentage of sick aino'pg tho oldor troops countorbalanees wholly what littlo surgical difficulty thoy glvo. It Is docarod by tho writer, trt oven after tho war, tho man over 50 lu Europo will occupy a more Import tint position in tho Industrial dud commercial fields than ho has dona In two decades. ALLIES BUY 750,000 HIDES American Concern Ortn Itcconl Cn tract Seam's West for I'jod uctn Xeetled in Ninety Dnys. DENVER, Colo;, March 1. Tho Chicago Hldo, Fur and Wool com pany, at Caspor, "Wyoming, has an nounced tho closing of a contract for sheop polts am boot hides for warring nations in Europo which Ml says Is tho largest over placed In tho westorn homlsphoro, It must dollvor In tho noxt ninety days C00, 000 sheop polts and 250,000 hoof hides, nnd It Is scouring the west In search of tho produrts to fill tho ordor. INCOME TAX $030,000 KUHOPATKIX IX COMMAND Car Sends- Vollenm of Manchuria to Northern Front. IHr Auoi-ltleJ Trr lo Com n) Tlmn.J PRTROQRAD, via Loudon, Mar. 1. Gouoral AIoxol Kuropatklu has boon appointed comniauder-lu-chlef of the Russian armies on the northern front. I Gonoral Kuropatklu, who was com-mnndor-lu-chlof of tlie RubhIhh forces In Manchuria at the beginning of tho Russo-Japaneso War, and was re- i moved In disgrace for tho dofoats, succeeds General Nicholas V. Ruzsky, 1 who was rolloved of tho command on tho Russian northorn front Docombor j 20 last Tho Russian northorn army has boon repelling tho attompt or the Germans to capture Riga, I General Kuropatklu has beon ro ported as holding various commands during tho present war nnd early ibist Octobor ho was appointed chief of tho Russian Gronadlor Corps. IiieraiHo of $10,000 Over Ijut .Yer Shown In Oregon PORTLAND, Oro., March 1,--Orogon will contribute no less (hon $350,000 to the Federal government this year in luconio and corporation taxes, Judlug from tho statements so far rilod with Colonol M. A. Mlllor, Collector of Internal Rev oiiuo. This will bo a gain of $i0, 000 over last year. Tho Rosoburg-Oswogo content plant laid thrco miles of track from Carnos to tho limestone quarry. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this advertisement, enclot. 6 cents to Foley St Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your nira nnd attUremi clearly. You will re ceive In return u trial paokuecoa. talnlng: (1) Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, the standard family remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooplnic cough, tightness and soreness la chest, grlppo and bronchial cough?, (2) Foley Kidney Pills, for overj worked and disordered kidneys sod bladder ailments, pain In sides and back duo to Kidney Trouble, oor muscles, stiff Joints, backache . ami rheumatism, ' a (J) Foley Cathartlo Tablets." wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic Especially comforting- tf stout persons, and a. purgative needed by everybody with sluggish bowels end torpid liver. You can try tljMe, three family remedies for only Sc, For sale by Owl Prescription P&r maty, Frank D, Cohan, Central Ave nue, Oppoaltj Chandler Hotel. Tele phone 74,