iTWO THE CfJOS BAY TIMES, HARSHFIgLD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1916 EVENING EDITION. SAVE LITTLE rIEL0 (Continued rrom Pago Ono.) J tn possible). It would roqulro n very powerful tug and with tlio liolo In tlio bottom Homo nrrungcinont for holding the vessel nlioVo water would bo necessary, nolng so deeply Inv 1 ii'd ded in tlio and sonio thought that an effort to pull, the 'vessol off the bench would result only lit pull ing it apart. Othera Wrecked 'J'licro The FlflVhl 3t,ruc.c on, tlio sub B 1L TOM JAMKS UHMoXSTHATKH IN TKNSIVH FAHMIXO Grows1 Vogetohlcs In Hocs, Ono Above- .Mio .Oilier Hcaiitiflc.H Windbreak in Practical Way Tom James Is raising vegetables on tlio wall. Not satisfied with the iitlll life pictures of beautiful gardens, of carrots and rutabagas on platters and all that sort of thing, ho has made a garden Hint very shortly will ylojd him. vegetables for tlio rest of tlio your. And so moro about his hanging garden. "Can't be tild," you say. Hut It linsjjeun mid la. It's mi act uality, lie linn demonstrated that a COOS BAY LU Y MILLS START EER NOTES Mi gorged Jetty in nearly, the, same place i'""0" ,,008( noJ ocd1 "" ont"'0, !m,r where 'tho Mnndnlny struck In 1002 hIoch "' l0 ",!,lt0 'eo l,"S qtrpek nnd romalncd for twenty-four bourn beforo being saved mid also where tlio Unndon some years ago struck. At that time a number of iiinn were aboard ns paHBongera to Mnvshflold whoro thoy woro coming to ntlond n big gathering and t was necessary for tho llfcsavcrs to remove the pas sengers. Tho covo whoro the Unndon went in nftcr getting off tho jetty Is the aamo place where the Ilnndolph lurried over aim wrecked and also where llio Queen wrecked. Caught lly Current Tho Klflcld had been outside sluco 10 o'clock the night boforo. alio had been circling around and after the Brooklyn crossed' IK she turned from tho north and Tipparonliy Blurted, in ovor tho ear. Tliorb Is a strong cross current froth tho" north ' unci this ciuighl'lho yessel and throw her pntp tho Htilfhiorged Jetty. About flvo inlniitcs later she backed off but was carried so that tlio bow struck the end of tho Jolly and sho swung around Into tho cove. Waves dashod ovor tho vessel an high an tho top of tho smokestack. Tho pa8songoru wero nil tnkon off promptly and woro really not In miy danger or losing tholr liven nnd could hnvo remained on tho vomo! until thin morning, hut both passen gers and crow wero niiNloiin to got off. Did Good Work Cnpt. Johnson and his count guard crew wero prompt mid offlclout In tholr work. Tho tnuklo was quickly rigged and ovcryono taken off In tho breeches buoy. It Is suggested by sonio 6f tho ma rluo men that tho reason that tho llrooklyn, kq-L Hivrcly wan becaimo of having a sharper heel mid cutting l:or way through. Tlio Fiflohl lap I'OUTIiANI), Ore, March 1. O. a slinllow boat, built oupoelully for c- HMrUmoyor, asslstnnt cnshler of tuo coiiullln river uud could not with grow At the Rwayno alid Iloyl dock Is a board w.ndbreak to shield tho wharf from the nor'wost winds that blow. Tho leo sldo of this windbreak Is so situated that It goto tho full force of tho sun, coming and going. Thrco llouvs Are tho Gulden Three long and deep boxes woro built nnd nailed to the wall, oun abovo tho other, like tho berths of a Kllhiiru stateroom. In these boxes hnvo been planted tho early varieties of vegetables. Kor Instance, thero are UCO onion plants In ono of tho boxes. Tho ground was woll treated with fertilizers before tho seeds woro planted. Tho radishes are due In. a few days to como above tho surface, then thero will bo beets nnd carrots nnd iib tho seasons chango other 'things nro to ho planted. Vegetables Willi tlio Scnwnm "It's to ho a continual round of plensuro," says Tom .lames, ns ho mixes a hit of lime and bono nnd ni trate of soda for further fertilizing. And what ho lias domonstrnted on tho sldo of a wall is merely no no thing that can bo put to nn actual test In any llttlo garden spot. Ho has CO squaro feet of noli In tho boxes. A plot 10 by 10, and almost anyone has this much back yard and to spare, will ralsu an astonishing amount of vegetables. And If thero Is a woo bit of earth left ovor, ll'a a simple mutter to plant Shasta dulsleB, they grow vory easily, and In fact thorn's a dozen different flowers that-are but little trouble uud will mnko the view from tho bnek porch look "a bliunod night" better than- tho ono of Inst year. ItiritTOX OHKHOX liKADKil liU.MISHIt COMPANIES TimoUGII Ot'T NOHTHWKST ACTIV1!. Idle IUIIIs to llc'itiliie OpeVnlloh.s nnd Seine lo Ituii Xluiit Shifts Jinny Ord-r.'i Coma In. NOQIMAM, Wash., March I. Capitalists of this clly are preparing to open In tlio Wyntweho Valley one of the largest logging operations In this county, nnd already work of Biirvoylng the railway for tho pro ject bus ' been started. Tho com pany, tho Wynoocho Timber com pany, has Just been Incorporated, with Frank II.. Lamb, president; A. V. Callow secretary and treasurer; Gust Carlson, vice-president; Allco K. Lamb nnd 11. 1). Hmcrion. Tho now company has talcn over the valuable timber holdings of tho Lamb Timber company In tho Wy noocho Valley and has nctiulrcd right of way for a railway line. Six miles of railway will bo built at once, to reach froni tho CIioIiuIIb river to tho timber mid will bo extended nn fust as needed. It Is probahlo tho construction of tho lino will ho let by contract nnd the work will bo rushed. The company will Ioho no more llnio than nocossnry In getting nctual logging operations started. Tho company will employ about 200 men at tho start and by next year expects to extend operations mid add at least 100 moro men to Its forco In tho woods. Another big logging development now upder wny by a llotiulam com pany Is (hat of tho National Lumber company, at Codnrvlllo, In tho east end of tho county. This company now Nls engaged In Installing new camps, mid within a short time will hnvo operations under way. This company, when Kb camps aro In full operation, expects to employ about 200 men. j C, whero ho has appeared boforo tho United States Hoard of Engineers In support of tho request from this i section for better bar facilities at Yarpilna Hay. Mr. Pondlolon said that tho tim ber Interests ho represented would only uwalt tho favorable report or such survey to begin preliminary work for tlio erection of up-to-date mills on Yanulna Hay, with a ctpac (ty of 10,000 foot n day, and would also coniniqiico lo build logging roads to lajl tho Slletz timber belt. n i ii'i ' 'i in1 "i r"ir n ii " i Ti'i i ' 1 1 1 1 1 if ii 'iT" 'i i i 'i i phi ii i 1 1 i 'Y i i i i "3J " Pf-"MTI FWMIIIMIMMttMMfJlM;jWIMMMJimillUI.mi.MMIffa'JglltMIUgM -- - - - ' -" 3 U IKKM.r-rirr'rn:i'-Tm?nwr.'r-?rt Jiw.i.- it .r , ji, -. .iffga U ftj -,.)ng a Q To IE tin Xlglit aitd Day. AUMKUHKN, Wash., March I. That the Wilson DrolheiB' mill will openlto dny and night hero aftor March 1, was tho announcement of Manager .lulm Wilson. Ho s?M or ders from South America and au tralla woro piling up fast and fiat I tho mill had inndo ernrnwincnts fori lonnago In which to trannport these I Tho night shift will employ 100 ud-i dltlonal men. Mr. Wilson intiinntcd that the, stcamor Columbia would bo restored ' to tho Abonloon-San Francisco trade. I l.imilnVmun'.s Slatrinenl. I "During tho two nionths and a j half from December 1 to February lfi, such reports ns aro avullablo i chow the mills booked 5 ft per cent' moro orders than thoy had at tho I corresponding Unto Inst year," said A. W. Laird at llio lunibcrnimi'ii ' convention In Portland Thursday, In ' explaining tho plno siluntloiw I M1MTIL El GlltLS MAItTIAI VlfiW ' .MINNESOTA ro-KDS STATU SVI..1 AIHICS OF PHOSPKCTIVK IllSIJi Cottage (,'imvo .Mill Wngo liaised. COTTAOK OIIOVK, Ore., March 1. -Announcement has been tnado that wages at tho .1. II. Chambers mill In this city have been raised 115 conta a day. Mills at KcImi Get. Heady. KHLSO, Wash., March 1, Most of the camps In tho vicinity of Kelso nro rushing construction work and ropalin on tholr logging railways, qSi B Hot J lilt IDS, MA b. Ttlu-t Arnviti With Electric Starter and Electric Lights Four Inch Tires .AV&tsmm s on e;i Tlilnlc Tbry Should lie Fi-oiii $NfIO (o l?H,t)(M per Vojii Sao Vleivn About Habits MINNUAI'OLIS, Feb. 20.- The Minnesota Dally, tho Htudent news paper or tho University or Minnesota, which has asked tho women students Ot tlio Institution tbn iillOHtlnn "llnw much salary mtint ti man receive he- " roro you would consent to mnrry?" today received replies ranging from $800 to $10,000 u year. Most or tho glrlH woro conservative In tholr doinaiulB, however, and tho averago based on dally replies, Is about $1, C00. A largo mnjorlty of tho girls de manded that their futnro husbands bo good dancers, some said thoy must Yellowstone Today r1 F. O. B. Toledo, Ohio Tlic most sensational value of the 1916 season. A enr-com- plets to the1 smallest detail, backed liy the second , '. Largest Factory in the world. EASY TERMS ' SEE IT AT THE GUNNERY. Isaac R. Tower i. ra eeesss Gi 1M- jWf-- Ti' iK-V.'iTT? l?rWVT JL?.!BTSm'iTWirrS II 'i Htund tho curront whi-U otriick her on ontorlng tho ch.mnol. Storm Had. Olio Tho ntorni which followed ycHlor dny nflornoon wan a sovoro ono. Capt. Johnson and sonio of Ills uion wont aboard tho vonsol In order lo Iry nnd save nomo proporty. A ropro' uontatlvo or Tho Times who wont aboard with tho lire Hiivum wan the only ono on llio boat nrtor nho slrand cd oxcoptlng tlio Count Guard mid noeral or the crow. Tho breakotH lilt tho Hieru or tho boat with torririo forco and llio ntrnln tho strongly built vessel wnn undergoing could bo felt by tho shook which imiilo her qylvcr from stem to atom. Water dashed ovor (ho aflcr deck and flowed through the cabin while (lib cngluo room wan tilled with water. Sato Sonio Property Tho compiiHS wa saved hut It wttu nccossafy (o lako It apart. Tho most delicate parts wero put Into a plllnf cano nnd lowered ovor tho Hldo of llio boat ns woro all tho pertiouul ef fects of the crow mid everything that could bo conveniently moved. An It was pourniK down rain llio goods wero piled on tho bench mid protected with cowtIukh which wore talien from tho boat until thoy could bo Jator removed lo wifely. Practic ally nothing was lost by tho paitaen gers nnd crow. Wiecli Protected Capt. .lohusou hud his lino on tho bont after taking off Hiomo on board. Ho put on another lino so tho 11 fu tile Scaudlunvlau-Auierlcau National ltnuk, resigned his ofrico mid prob ably will become Western mmiagor for ex-Senator Hiirton, or Ohio, can dldala for tho Itepubllcnu nonilnn Hon for I'rosldaut. saving Incklo could bo removed. This was dono so (ho vessol would not be abandoned. A camp was made ashore Tor ouo of tho sailors who stood watch all night. Thero was uMotormluntlon on tho start that (hero should bo no looting, Clly Attorney Treadgold Issued an order Immediately aflor the wreck announcing that no one would bo al lowed to take anything away and that tlio fit would litrk up the owners Jn proloctlng Iho property.Tho Teasel In tact wan almoHt on clly proporty., Thero was no attempt or (ho kind madu and It Is not llkoly thorn will Ik; any trouble or that kind. Tho enrtio comlsted mostly or u comilKiimaiit or liny and It Is said that tho on tire cargo Is not more thnti, $1,000. A.'tt.v Xocded Tho rant that the FHiold wrecked bmtauso or striking tho Jatty om pluiHlceM the fact, It iu Hald by llaudou puoplv, that (he need of rebuilding the Jolty on tho south or the oiitrmico Ik groat. Had it not boon thai tho Jolty; was utihmcrHcil tho accident would not hnvo happcrod. From the end or tho bar whoro tho Jetty is lutack there extends about 000 feet or sunken Jetty. BLANCO Tin Phi in Snrvific otc t 111 I'llllll IIJIIII'IIIH Mlllllll .llllll I IIIIV II1IIUI . ". .... - w. - - '1 know the latest stops, and ono went has Jnt. been thoroughly renovut- so far as lo say that uho would mnrry only n man who was a "dreamy dan- no nn to ho ready to start logging cor." Smoking would he permitted ,.,.,. i ,. u,w,., u ,..,u(i.i o..,. oven demanded, hv a laruo nmloritv ifv. it if 1 1 iij nuuu ti frwiicjiiMU .u t ....-.. -----, or tho girls, hut drinking would beipmjnioiii miroau, ireo mihuir nmin, ctl, will bo open to llio public March 1st, 10 1(1. Sonio of (Iu features of tills old hostelry aro, free ent eral of (ho camps have already put on crows and ntnrled work. While others hnvo largo crows working on tho rights of way which woro ilimi agod by tho wlntor storms. Tho Oslrnndor Hallway & TImbor company camp are operating, as Is tho Wisconsin en nip at Midway. West of Kelso, tho Inmnu-Poulsen mid Kurntitn Logging companies tiro rush lug right of wny work and soon will tart actual logging. Doty Lumber Plant to Open, CHHHALIS, Wash., March 1. Tho IJoly Lumber and Shlnglo eoni-! pany will stnrtworklug with a fnlll crow. The new'klln Is Hearing com- nletlou, which will lucreaso tho ci-i paully to 1,000,000 feet por day. .Mills On Vaiiilna Ittiy. NlCWJ'Olfr. Ore.. Mulch I. A special meeting ot tho Newport Com mercial club was called to talk with, F. K. Pondleton. or Kvorott, who has' Just relurned from WashiuBlon, I). prohibited, mid those who advocate card playing say bridge shorild he substituted for poker uud ono girl concedes bur husband ouo night a week for tlio latter game. r. KHOKNrc Mm. Holen Coloman ngod 00 years, has appealed lo tho supremo court from tho decision of tho circuit court granting a dlvorco to John I). Coleman, SO, Tho decreo gavo her $15,000 worth of proporty. Mr. and Mrs. Coloutun wero married three years ago at an old peoples' homo In California. Information bnlleln mid Icluii ti rai ment. Tho palroiiiig.) of tho public In .solicited. ItlANCO IIOTKL jyj Xoitli I'Vont KlVoet, .Maihhllclil, Oregttn QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotol, J Phouo 100-L. I MAIISHFIKM, OltKGON The Breakwater Sajls for PORTLAND via -Astoria INARCH 5. From Smith Dock. The F.A. KILBURN Sails for EUREKA, SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA! LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO Direct MARCH 2. Terminal Guaranteed Ranges W V&iii I II.IIM.MMM11laliW Besides First Class Meats We carry a nice line of . . . Pickled Lamb Tonguo Pickled Pig l-'cot Pickled Pig Kara Pickled Pig Snbula Pickled Trlpo Norway Herring CodHsh, Kin nun Huddle and various kinds of canned fish. SMOKKD COUXTHV SAUSAGK, GAKMC SAUSAGH AXI) HPAX ISII SAUSAGK, .MKXICAX STVLH Palace Meat Market" Si, l. OSWALD. Phono -iOtl-J. Ccn I ml Are. I For information call 136 L. G. CUSHING, Acjcnt. A ...', i .jcai X7Ts A THE STERLING RANGE Give Your Workmen the Best Light - ELECTRIC For . Sale Spcoil up production, improve the quality of the work and decrease spoilage and accidents by proper lighting. MAZDA is without question tho highest' ELECTRIC LIGHTING correctly installed, will accomplish thess i.: purposes -EFFICIENTLY- AND ECONOMICALLY. It 111 ntlktlllll(lil HllKllMlllltMla. f.iu "" ' an iiriiiimiu I Ml I I i II Itll I 1 MM w -mm n m v a a w . install lviazaa L factory Lighting Units MAZDA "C" LAMPS give three times the light of carbon-filament lamps, at no greater cost. Our lighting experts are at your service for any problem large or small. Call 178. Western fuel, Is reinforced Hiioimh out, uhchUs lined and rlghly flu Micd. It will give satisfaction owry day In tho year; It is Insured for jeais against wearing parts, and this is a point jou cannot woll over look In making your ran go .selection. Come in and let us show you Johnson Gulovsen Company o Ql'ALlTV Umili North Front Street FritXISHlNGS Mnrshflold : regon Power Co, STOCK HAXCII Xciir Allegany, mohtly bolioni, good liullt lugs, ISO head cattle, team, fanning tools, fine orchard, de lightful place to live. I'rico 97."(l(. Terms, STOCK OU DAIHV HAXCII Close In, tI(co.s, leant, ged buildings, orchards, tonlM, (ll)O acio.s, (15 of wlilcli Is finest bottom, I'rico $IU,U(. Torn in. DAIHV HAXCIICho in, :i()(l ncres, 175 is hotlor, flnJ hiilhlings, team, Price .yUl.OOU. Terius. HA1HV HAXCH 1. It. depot on place, close Iu, .-;( Hiicr hair Is richest liottnm, fine liulldings, hoth rail and natci' tiaiispoitaHnii, tit head Mock, leant. Prlco $.i:!,nOO. Splcif did terius, with Interest at flvo per cent. FKCIT i:XCII Splendidly located, llliltl li(gaiiicrry vines In full hearing, fine- orchard, fjnu Inillllliigs, 17 ncriw, . UtlO. Tcriu.s. DHVKI.OPJH) COAi .MINI! -Oii Hdo water, fine coal and lots of It. I'rico way down. CHIOKKN HANCil Close in, It) acres, hoiiso. Only $H0l). CII1CKKN HANOli1.- ncics; close In, $ 'l""11 and 15 a inontli, FOlt THADK Wo liavo Not Hi Heinl iiilerty and ranches lo trado for North Dakota properly. Coiho iii nd Invos llgato. Wo hnvo Oklahoihn property (o trado for Coos Hay city or ranch property, CITY l'HOPKHTV North Don'tl or jrarshfleld. Wo have it If you nro looking for bargains and locations. INSUHANCi: Wo carry n full lino of flro inittnuice. KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON ,'--