The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 29, 1916, EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    """rewogwy"""" Wl
-t t V (
fflooB Sau Stmra
.,.n TUAT '
h. No. XXXIX.
Established 1878
Ah fJho Const Mnll
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll
nml Coos Hay Advertiser.
No. 187
In accordance with Clinptor 275 of
imi fi.nni-nl In vi nf flrnirilii
c i".uyu."""."""" ;., .:.".:"
, amended W innorcr oui 01 wiu
U General Laws of Oregon, which
In jublance as follows: ,
Secilon 1 Four months ntler tno
lie when taxes charged against
,i nrnnor'tr nre delinquent, tho tax
HKtor ehall cnuso to lie published
ice Men wcck lor lour successive
jkUntbe newspaper or newspnp-
i ulecled uy mo county court. 10
IbM county proceedings undor
provisions of Section nuuz or
brd'i Oregon Laws, n notli'o fitnl-
ri description or tlie several pnr-
lii of real property upon which taxes
h dellsquent, th0 amount or taxes,
hi tie name or tho owner, ir snown
bon the lax roll, nnd u statement
Mt fix months after such taxes nro
flloquen' a tax certificate of delln
cacjr will Issue therein as provld-
I br l.i'. Such notice snail lc puu-
kbed for a price not exceeding the
kite prescribed by Section 200:t of
Wrdi Oregon Laws, tho tax coiioc-
trihtll forthwith c.insc to he jtoat-
i copy of tho printed notice In
bur public places In his county for
mnreeki, commencing four niontlis
Vr (he date when such taxes ho
use delinquent, and shall (Ho In
i office of tho county clork of his
only a cony of such notice, with a
irtlflute endorsed thereon sottlnir
irth that such nntlics hnd been
fw In four public places In his
buaty, is hereinbefore provided;
wttt, however, thnt In countlct.
100,000 or more, Inhahltnnts,
It county court of said counties.
Ittlnj for county business, r.hull
fw Mid delinquent tax list to bo
uwuhtd In dally iiowBimnnrs liuv-
it i circulation of moro than 10.-
09 bona tide, sworn nnd nscnrtnlnei!
Brcuhtloi, which nowspapcrs shall
published and circulated In said
vww, uu mac eacu newspaper so
uMubcd flinll bo coniiionsa4.ed nt
f fate Of tWO fMltft nor cnliiitm
m nouparcll tpy0 for each 1.000
iciuai iwina flue nnd ascertain,!
kccral circulation, said rolumm to
not less than two Ini.iu.u ! i .
IroTlded further tim ,i,.viuir,u
l( till ic shall not apply where tho
vun, 01 (lie UXeS HO iltl minimi
ilnit anv unreal nf rmii nmnirii- i
hi than 11.00.
Action 2. Tlin iiml,.f ,. rii......
I' tie tax collector to dm mhIi wi.
b?ii ',h,i ma.nilcr herein provided,
;-... ..... I. ,rtiiuii-.o any tax eortltl-
l 01 lle(lllini-v j.nt cl,,,1l .,..K
rkui,ax.(ollerl"r ,0 ' ImagJ
tii.m?y b?tnlned by any parry
PJrtd b fhn fallnrn i ..I.:. '
lotkt -. i 6iu mien
Section 3. Tho .ui ....!..,.......
Wk dnrl.rtlA . . .I ' """" ' K
nM0 . " '.?. ucu w
thsw.j ,m' "l "'o pouaity
.lM,nsl u' Particular tract
r. .... 'IU'lTiy.
T fcffi1"" '?.' " roar
lit day nf o """n'luent on
-i,,u.M.Ve no1 bfen paid, siieb cuu.
irii j?;r" of t,,n ow"c-8 of
heti,;;n''7 " ns
snown upon
kW.1 IZ ,' ",v nnx'unt of taxes
gainst each parcel
u ro ns
.' Trust Pomjiany.sw.j
i . " ! -.1. SIf 1 1
a .. .
2, tax
, 8 3,
( less
2; tax
" C4 SKI ci.M
n t o ;". "n'i
EL . '-!." l'l
w. mr in a . .,
m A,)
. rM M Alllffnii Vl.w
S- 9. Tp, 'an, sr ,
Homo Trust
..' ' -. ! I... r.
. I II ., n.
p n . " ?
.'' ' 1,i!l
KTp 'Vy Ki NKU
r . . "i "i a . i n v iii
P Volum. V VBK ?. iIOBP
"' roll '(1v h,V. I-. " If. f
. ' v If
It,.. 'v. " 'iU.
IL Ii. .. . .,
P. !3. rd ll;l4 SRW.a.
1-'. tax
fcn ?
-8:,. 8
rv s ! ?7.
-'I. Tp.
f;Tp sirsffVi lh s-M.
J T ii . " i f..iU
LMarrp t.'i ,ax ".15.
KIM, ' ' ' lilliMr i
i, of 'E cor f vi.. : "CK,n 1 3 2 rt.
w.S 13. Tn VU- ft- bi-
8 J. A.Tin a.'3',? t
W nfv.; 'ul t'O
"A . as
it..?"' , llnlK.i. ...,, .. '
4 J
Tp 23.
otice of Delinquent
axes for the Year 1914
1, 1011 tax roll, tax $1.25; Uogln.
132 ft. W'4 Soc. cor. run 8. 1320
ft., run W. GG ft., run N. 1320 ft.,
am E. GG ft. to beg", coin. 2A. M.
13, Tp. 23, SR 13, tnx $1.25.
John Vanhurger, NVi SW'4, SE'4
NWW, SW'4 NE'4 8. II, Ti. 23,
SR' 13, tax $24.25j
O. T. Kills. Lot a, S. 22, Tp.
23, SR 13, tnx $2.50.
Pnsgnolo Crlmlno, WVi NWW. 3".
24. Tp. 23. 811 13. tax $0.00.
""" UUIBIIUIUOI, i IV ft iNW'l.
S. 8,Tp. 2-1, SR 10, tax 921.83; Lot
2, S. 31, Tp. 21, 811 10. lax $30.01.
Pillsbury Lbr. Co., E',i NE'4 S.
S, Tp. 21, SR 11, tax $5.28.
Jess O. Kinney nnd Andrew V.
Camlson, NE'4 NW',, 8. 10, Tp.
24. SR 11, tax $3.12; Lot 5, NEW
SW'4, SE4 NW, S. 18, Tp. 21,
SR 11, tax $14.82.
Ida 11. Mitchell, N'W', 812 ', lot
0, 8. 18, Tp. 24, SR 11. tax $7.54.
Jess O. Kinney and A. V. Carl
son. 8 3-4 A. In S. 13. To. 24.
11, as Jos. ia Vol. 2, Ik. 25. lino
21. of 1014 tax roll, tnx $4.1G.
J. R. Johnston. Lot 3. wit i.i
2, S. 10, Tp. 24, SR 11. tnx $18.33.
Win H T Kri.1 tiiti
awbiUil ilU'tl 1 V Vi .
. 10, Tp. 24, SR 11, t-nx $3
Ida IJ. Mitchell, N! NL'1 S. 10,
Tp. 24, SR 11. tnx $0.24.
Louise Loekhart, S 14 NBU. SW
SWM. S. 20, Ti). 24, SR 11, lax
$31.04: N'B. 8WS. 8. 20. Tii.
24, SR 11. tax $IC.C0: 8B, 8. 20,
Tp. 24. SR 11, tax $10.37.
Claronco A. Mould, Ntf, SB, S.
30, Tp. 24. SR It, tax $r.20; SBVi
8WM, SV4 SB', (loss 3 A.) S.
30, Tp. 21, SR 11, tax $1S.I0.
Hennctt Trust Co.. SW'i NBW,
NWU SB',, 8. 33, Tp. 24, R 11
tnx $0.30.
Axel Ruth, Lot 4, 8. G, Tp. 21, SR
12, tax $1.41.
Oraco II. Fulton. Lot 3. S. G. Tn.
24. SR 12, rax $2.88.
I. O. Peterson Bst., NBVi NB'4,
S'j NB, NV,i 8B'4, 8. 7,' Tp.
24, SR 12, tax $73.20.
Mlnnlo C. Pctonioii, Sti B',,
NK SB'4. S. 7, Tp. 24, SR 12,
tax $8.04; NW'4 SW',4, 8. 8, Tp.
24, SR 12, tax $3.00.
S. S. Williamson. SW'l NVVl',.
S. 10, Tn. 24. R 12. tax $0.ri2.
Unknown Owiipt and iiiiomiplod.
BU SW'i S. 17, Tp. 24, SR 12,
tax $4.00.
Amlrow .M. Chrlutlnnson. V.
NBU, B'j NIWjJ, 8. 18. Tp. 21, SR
12, tax $17.ri0.
J. R. Johnston, SB '4 NBVi.NBtf
8BV4. S. 24, Tp. 24, 8R 12, tax
Radio! Smith, NV N"4,S. 20,
Tp. 24, SR 12, tax $3.12.
Ida 11. Mitchell. Lots 2, 3, 4 and
NB'i SWVi, S. 27, Tp. 24, SR 12,
t-.ix $21.33.
fit... ..1 ... . .. 1. . I. V. , TM 1
uniiriuiiu n. iiiiuii, ij''j irvt,
Oil,. &Y. .....
o v ',i i n vi fx v V ,
8. 27, Tp. 21, SR
IS, WX $10.71.
Mrs. A. B. Runli, 8v
SV4, S. 28, Tp. 24,
Adolph CI . Ruau. S V.
SR 12, tax
SR p,
SBV4. S. 28, To. 21,
l- Clydo Woods. 8WH
S. 20, Tp.
21. SR 12, tax $17.28.
B. Mildred Onmble. SB'
8. 20,
Tp. 24, SU 12, tnx $11.52.
La no County Stuto Savings Dank,
SBVJ SW',i. SW'4 SB , S. 31, Tp.
24, SR 12. tax $7.50: Hog. SW Cor.
Tp, 24, SR 12, run N. GGO ft., rum
B, 330 ft., 8. GGO ft. W. 330 ft. to
Hog., S. 3 Tp. 24, SR 12, tax
Chillies II, lliuoii. 0.7 A. laud In
See. 01, Tp. 21, SR 12, us Des. In
Vol. 2, I'R. 30, lino 12, 1014 tux .roll,
tax $1.80. '
Charles 8. Hoffman, SW'4 8W4,
S. 33, Tp. 24. SR 12, tax $1.44. -
Mrs. A. K. Rnab. NW", NKVi,
S. 33, Tp. 21, SR 12. tax $2.88.
Sarah B. Swift, NEVi NEW, S.
33. Tp. 24, SR 1.2, tnx $2.88; NW'4
NV, S. 34, Tp. 24, SR 12, tax
$ 88
"V. J. llnlrd. Uml. '4 SBVi, S. 3G,
Tn. 24, SR 12. tax $7.28
V! SRL ir"'".Vv H"- Axo1 Kuth, SWW NEW, S. l.imgi; V 7 Tn ' SU l'1 tax
p; . Sit i-5 le,S vJ fA- S. 17,JTp. 24. SR 13, tax $8.88; Lots 1 Sl'W. h. 17, rp. -.,, bit 1-. tax
"" T ;;i'S; "!' 'an12,S. l.Tp. 2I.SR13, taxi2.88. ;1-' vuaviW ?
,Ujlo'i 12 u u' ,nd' Vi 1,oal-1 A. O. Dresser and J. O. YaniloU, J . '"Jft ' S'
'j M 5'ttiJ.1?' Rl.0,)Urco1 S'SKM NEW.NVi SEW. NEW SWW 17,rn- -,:.5llr ' fpt NF"
own Owi; V-?' , and land in Vol. 18. Pg. 541 or N,Avlco"' S?TJYi s ',8 Tn
Wotst, ,3V !' Hont" l)oetl8' S' ! T" -4' Sl1 "' iaXt -r SR ' tax $94 90
Tn i C ' l1, Iso parcel S. iso r.' -" h,t 1"" ulx 'i.u.
Chai i sn v- tax $1 On wT.Li ni..n.. vi.m q rt Tn Harry W. Walker, Hog. NB cor.
. Ti ' i",P',rl,l'. SW,i NW i S umnt i-"' S. IS, Run S. 300 ft., run W. 300
&S &,W?- fV.Vp.feci-.Ntt NWW.,".. rn Oft., 300 ft
V, 1 on"" J '( SWW S. axiri n i a 1 Tn A SJ1 10 Hog. b. 15, lp. -J, alt i-, tX
'. -- oil 1" ,,. ,, , ., - "i mi 71 'T1, " ' "" 1"
13 tux $10.08: SWW SWW. S. 13,
23, ITp. 24. SR 13. tax $2.88: SVi SEW,
S'iSEW SWW, S. 14, Tp.v24, SR 13,
23, i tax $8.04.
John F. Hull, SEW NEW, n,
Vp. 24, SR 13, tax $2. .88.
W. J. Howard. Pa-rcel of lnml In
S. 14. Tn. 24. SR 13. as des. in
i Vol. 2. Pg. 47, lino 23, ot 1914 tax
roil, tax $7.92.
Bugens L. Robinson, Lots 1 anil
2. SEW SWW. S. 15, Tp. 24, SR
13, tax $8.16. ... i
1 John M. Rooluson. WVi NEW, l
'Lots 2 and 3, S. 21, Tp. 24, SR 13,
E. L
22. Tp,
. 9 t3
-.. 1111. X 1.1.. U '111.
. - . n...
'Si BR ia.'tai 10.S6Tlo;& 9i line 37. 1914, tax roll, tax
v, i, a. -, 4,. i,w.i ., v --- .
22, Tp. 24, SR 13, tax $&.&s;
of Orenon. Tldo land front.'
lots 1 2, 3, S. 24, Tp. 21, SR Is,
tax $0.25.
cutis. V. Stnufr, N.
NW'4, S. 28, Tp. 21,
NE'4. Nfc
SR 13, tnx
Uco. W. Uciilo, SWU SB'4, 8.
, Tp. 25. 8R 10, tax $1.45.
J. B. PaulsonMots 0, 10, llrll,
(less timber) S. G, Tp. 25, SR 10.
ins ni.n; i.ot l (Less timber) S.
, Tp. 25, SR 10, tax $2.80.
Jordnn Schnfors, S14 SB VI. NEW
SEW. 8. 8, Tp. 25, SR 10, tax
$0.04; N1WU SW'4, 8. 0. Tp. 25,
an lo, tax $2.80; SV6 NW'4, SW't
NB'4, NB'4 .NW, 8. 0, Tp. 25,
SR 10, tnx $11.57.
uiara i. node, NB'4 NB'4, 8.
ii, xp. 20, sr io. tax $10.20.
Mrs. M. J. Cannlnir. SWV. N'Wt'. .
8. 3, Tp. 25. SR 11. tax $3.12.
C A. Smith Timber Co.. Lot 2.
S. 3. Tp. 25. SR 11. tax $3.12.
Mth. M. .1. Canning, S'. NB'4,
Lot 2. S. 4. Tn. 25. SR 11. in
Hennctt Trust Co.. Lot 13. 14,
(W-tt NWW) . 7, Tp. 25, SR 11,
tax $0.50.
John W. Noah, Lot 0, 8.
25. SR 11, tax $1.20.
IWIIIIam & Bdwnrd Lund,
22, Tp.
Lots 0,
in, li, 12, NW'4 SEW, S.
25. SR 11, tnx $101.40.
23, Tp.
V. K. Rood, Lot C, 8. 23, Tp.
25. SR 11. tnx $5.40.
Homo Trust Co., EU, SW',',, W'.
SEW. 8. 1. Tp. 25, SR 12, tax
$0.21: HW'4 SW'4. S. 1. Tn. 25.
SR 12. Ux $1.50.
C. 8. Hoffman. SV. NEW. S. 3.
i p. sii. hk i', tax ... i,; Nvj SB'4,
u '! 1'.. or OU 111 . ... oo
. ,-... - .. '..'. . ' " - . '
. , li. .!, Oil l, Ul. -.0,1.
Mario Dean, NWW NW',, 8. I,
Tp. 25, 8R 12, lux $12.21.
Ammuud Jobation. BVi Ei W'.4
SB '4 SB4, 8. 5, Tp. 25, SR' 12,
tnx $0.00.
Levi Hunt. Lot. 3, S. 5, Tp. 25,
SR 12. tax $3.00.
8. W. Harmon, S. 5-8 SW'4
NW',, 8. 5, Tp. 25, SR 12, tnx
Chan. A. Dlngmnn. Lot 1. S. 5.
Tp. 25, SR 12, tax $4.80.
Levi Hunt. N. 3-8 SB'4 NB'4,
nlso Pud. ', Metes nnd Hounds, 8. 0,
Tp. 25, 8R 12, tnx $2.40.
Luuo County Stato and Savings
Hank, 28.13 A. In S. G. Tp. 25, SR
12, uh Des. In Vol. 2, Pg. 83, Llnto
17, tnx $10.80; 70 A. In 8. G, Tp.
25, SR 12. ns Des. in Vol. 2, Pg.
83. lino 27 of 1011 tax roll, tax
O. C. SoUicc. Lot 7, 8."C, Tp.
25, SR 12, tnx $7.44.
John P. Thomas. 20 A. in S.'G.
Tp. 25, SR 12, ns Des. In Vol. 2,
Pg. 85, Line 10, 1014 tnx roll, tnx
O. C. Sothor. G.7 A. S. G, Tp.
25, SR 12, nn Des. in Vol. 2, Pg.
87. Iluo 12, 1014 tnx roll, tax $1.08.
La no County State uud Savings
Ilnnk, 1.00 A. in S. 0, Tp. 25, SR
12, ns Des. It Vol. 2, Pg. 87, Lino
20, 1014 tnx roll, tax $1.20; B'j
NW'4 8. 7, Tp. 25, SR 12, tx
E. V. Schrock, E'j NW'4. S. 0,
Tp. 25, SR 12, tax $8.1G.
Rogeno Schrock, WV& NW',, S. 0,
Tp. 25, SR 12, tax $5.70.
Hird I. Mead, Lots 15. 10, S. 10,
Tp. 25, SR 12. tax $7.50; NVi
NEW, ti. 15, Tp. 25, SR 12, tux
C. H. Flitcroft. SE'4 SB'4 8. Jl.
Tp. 25, SR 12, tax $3.00.
C. S. HolTman, NEW S. 12, Tp.
, SR 12, tax $0.24; NIWW 8. 12.
Tp. 25, SR 12, tax $0.24; S,. SEW
S. 12, Tp. 25, SR 12, tax $3.12;
N'j SB'4, BVi SW'4, 8. 12, Tp.
25, SR 12, tax $0.24; NW'4 SW'4.
S. 12, Tp. 25, SJt 12. tax $1.5G.
O. II. Fllleroft. SW'4 SW'4, S.
12. Tp. 25, SR 12, tax $10.40;
NWW NWW. 8. 13, Tp. 25, SR 12,
tax $3.12; NEW NB'4, S. 14, Tp.
25. SR 12. tax $3. GO.
A. S. Halley. S NEW, NVj Sb
W, S. 15, Tp. 25, SR 12. tax $16.50.
Alice R. Walker, SW'4 NWW.
(less pact sold) S. 17, Tp. 25, SR
12. tax $2.80.
Alice Duackett Hunt, 7 A. In S.
19, Tp. 25, SR 12, as Des. In Vol.
2, Pg. 92, Line 20, 1914 tax roll,
tax $4.10.
O. A. Relley, WVi of SWW. NEW
SWW, SWW NWW. S. 20, Tp. 25,
SR 12, tux $12.48.
Ina Holm, SEW NEW. 8. 20. Tp.
25, SR 12, tax $.1.12; SWW NWW.
S. 21, Tp. 23, SR 12, tax $3.90.
E. G. Flanagan. Und. Vi NWW S.
22, Tp. 25, SR' 12, tax $3.60.
Pat Henmessey. Und. Vi NWW,
S. 22, Tp. 25, SR 12, tax $3.60.
Simon Enegren. 6 3-4 A, S. 27,
ns c1 1 O ., IIau 111
.1. till A. tin kV4 . ...
Vol. 2,
- - '.
O, A. Slgnaless & O.
Und.. 2-3 of 2 acres In S. 20, Tp,
20, SR 12, Des. In Vol. 2, Pg. 00,
Ltiio 23, 1014 tax roll, tax $3. GO.
Mrs. Marlon Yoakum, 3 A. Sec.
35, Tp. 25, SR 12, ns Des. In Vol.
2, ,Pg. 103, Lino 7, 1014 tax roll,
tnx $0.30.
Uonnott Trust Co., 5 A. laud S.
3G, Tp. 25, Sit 12,flH Des. Ill Vol.
2, Pg. 100, lino 1,' 1014 tnx roll,
tnx $3.00.
C. ailbertson, 33 A. S. 1, Tp.
25, SR 13, ns Des. In Vol. 2, Pg. 108,
imo o, id ii tax ron, tax $7.02.
Coos Hay Land & Inv. Co., Lots
4, 5 mid front-agog. I), Tp. 25, SR
13, tnx $238.50.. r
Anulo Doollng, parcel of land CO
ft. by 120 ft. In S. 10, Tp. 25, SR 13.
ns Des. In Vol. 2, Pg. Ill, lino 20,
1014 tnx roll, tnx $00.25.
Knto Farlss, parcel in S. 10, Tp.
25, SR la, lyLtfj. n. nnd adjoin, lot
13, Iblk. 3G, No. Hend. tnx $7.42.
Unknown nnd unoccupied, 3-108 i
Int. or parcel of land In 8. 10, Tp. '
25, SR 13, ns Des. In Vol. 2. Pg.
115, lino 10, 1014 tax .roll, taxi
$10.00. ;
Ethel Hcgllo. parcel of land In 8.
10, Tp. 25. 8R 13. ns Des. in Vol.
2, Pg. 118, lino 32. 1014 tax roll.
tnx $7.42.
J. C. Toolle. nnrccl of lnml In
S. 10. Tp. 25, SR 13, as Des. in
Vol. 2, Pg. 110, lino 1, 1014 tax
roll, Uix $6.89.
No. Horn! Mill & Lbr. Co., 2 A.
land In 8. 15, Tp. 25, SR 13, ns
Des. In Vol. 2, Pg. 122. linn 20,
1011 tax roll, fax $212.00; parcel or
lnnd in 8. 15, Tp. 25, 811 13.' Des.
In Vol. 2. Pg. 123, Line 1, 1014 tnx
roll, lax $13.25.
Oscar L. Oubolmnn, 4 A. land 8
17, Tn. 25. SR 13. Des. In Vol. 2.!
Pg. 124, line 31, 1014 tax Vol!, tine
WllllnniB nnd Clotty, Und. Vi Tldo'
in n u
and In 8. 19. To. 25. SR 13. Dcs.lVol. 2. Pc. 10.1. linn 'M. In
In Vol. 2. Pg. 126. lino 3. 1914 taxiTp. 20. SR 13. tnx
toil tax ji.'ju.
.. ....."
B. W. Russell, Und. S-10 NW'4
NEW. S. 21. Tn. 25. SR 13. tnx
W. Schulti:, Und. 3-10 NW'4 NE
W K HI. Tn. 'n. Kit 1!l lur !! 7C
Henry Campbell, Und. 1-10 NWw'ISR
NUM. H. 1 Tn o.-. Qll 1!l n I
--- ., -J'. , HI. ,
Omen Hlshop, 5.0 A. In S.
Tp. 25, SR 13, Des. In Vol. 2,
127, lino 19, 1911 lax roll,
B. W. Wnrd, Umber on E',i NEW
BVi SEW. S. 21, Tp. 25, SR 13, tux
$4.53; Timber on NW'4, 8. 22, Tp.
25, SR 13, tnx $55.12; Timber on
NWW SWW 8. 22, Tp. 25, SR 13,
tnx $9.78.
Reuben CavanUugh, 2',i A. .
2G, Tp, 25. SR 13, Des. Vol. 2.
Pg. 131, lino 28, 1911 tax roll, tax
$39.34. ' "
Edln Mntson, I'areol of land In 8.
20, Tp. 25, SR 13, Des, In Vol.
2, Pg. 132, lino 1, 1914 tnx roll,
tnx $10.22.
Piously Lapn, nn'vrol tldelaud
fronting lots .l, 4, 5. 8. 2G, Tp. 25,
SR 13, (less part sold), tax $38.33.
C. F. .lohliHon. 1 pro S. '11. Tn.
25. OR 13. us Dca. in Vol. 2. Pg. !
130, Hue 13, 1014 tax roll, tax $20.44.
r. r.. miiik r,si., ; a. mini n. i-',, u i;i, tnx $578.88: NEW 8 7
34. Tp. 25. SR 13, Dos. in Vol. 2,"Tp. 27. SR 13, tax $0 2 00- NmV
Pg. 140, lino 8. 1914 tax roll, tax, 8. 7'. Tn. 27. kn ij f iai..?.
M. M. Scott, parcel of laud In
34, Tp. 25, SR 13, Des. In Vol
Pp. 140, lino 17, 1914 tax roll, tax
C. L. Nordstrom, '4 aero land
soc. 34, Tp. 25, SR 13, as Des. in
Vol. 2. Pg. 110, Lino 20, tax $20.4,4.
nesslu n. Savugo, parcel of laud 8.
14, Tp. 25. SJt 13. Des. In. Vol. 2,
Pg. 142, lino 15, 1911 Uix roll, tnx
W. S. Nicholson, parcel of land In
S. 35, Tp. 25, SR 13, Dos. In Vol.
2, Pg. 144, lino 20, 1914 tnx roll,
tax $11.24.
Uniknown owner and unoccupied,
1 aero In S. 36 Tp. 25, SR 13, as
Des. In Vol. 2. Pg. 145, line 2.4,
1911 tnx roll, tax $8.43.
Win. M. Mcfieo, SWW NW'4 S.
32, Tp. 20, SR 9, tax $4.50.
Mabel C. Hlnkson, NVi NW'4 S.
32. Tp. 20, SR 9, tnx $10.50.
Horry H. Staploron. SEW S. 22.
Tp. 26. SR 10, tax $3.60.
Henjumlu Gottor, NE'4 S.
1'p. 26, SR 10, tax $101.65.
Freda Holm. Lot 4, S. 5, Tn.
SR 11, tnx $3.00; Lots 1 and 2,
0, Tp. 20, H.R 11, tax $6.00.
II. W. Uarklow, ct al, lot 1,
2, Tp. 26, SR 12, tnx $35.10.
Arthur 11. Collver, lot 7, S.
Tp. 20, SR 12, tax $9.88; W'j
W SW'4, also parcel of land in
4, Tp. 20, SR 12, COUt. 21
tax $5.40.
Ell Stlenon, purcol of land In S
6. Tp. 20, SR 12, as Des. to Vol, 2,
Pg. 164, Hue 9. 1914 tax .roll, tax
- 1 t A t
II. L. Hartley, 1 Vi ncres land In
5. 8, Tp. 26. SR 12, Des. In Vol.
2, Pg. 168, line 26, 1914 tax roll,
tax $3.90.
Arthur II. Collver, 56 A, laud In
S. 9, Tp. 26, SR 12, Des. in Vol. 2,
Pg. 169, lino 3 or 1914 tux roll, tux
$40.56; 43.83 A. In S. 9, T. 26',
SR 12, Des. in Vol. 2, l'g. 169, line
11, tax $60.32.
E. A. Williams, lot 10, NWU
NWVi und frontage (less pa;t sold)
In S. 17, Tp, 26, SR 12, tax $S2,07.
H. N. Black, lot 6, acid 4. ,7 4 A.
off B. side Lot 7. (less part sold) S,-
17, Tp. 26, 8R 12, tax $13.05.
Mary Smeadberg, 30 acres of laud
in Soo. 17 and 20, Tp. 26, SR 12, us.gKVl
Des. In Vol. 2, Pg. 172, line 24, yj&
un iax rou, tax ?ou.uu.
Andrew B. Kardell, W 3-4 NWW
NWW, 8. 18, Tp.'2G, SR 12, tax
Thomas Fnine. SWW NWU . S.
IS. Tn. 26. SR 12. tax 13.48. .
B. A. Williams, SEW NEVi (lessi. To. 2b, SR 13, Des. In Vol 2,
part sold) S. 18, Tp. 2G, SR 12,
tax $41.47.
Alva Doll. EVi SEW. SW'4 SEV.
SEW SWW. 8. 18. Tp 20. SR 12.
Arthur Mattson, 10 A. land In S.
20, Tp. 20, SR 12, ns Des. In Vol.
2, Pg. 174, Hue 13, 1914 tax roll,
tax $17.40.
Allco M. Norton, W'j NEW NV&
NW'4. S. 22, Tp. 20, SR 12, tax
Magglo Campbell, Und. 1-3 SE'4
9WW, BWW SEW, 8. 7, Tp. 20, SR
13, tnx $2.40.
Carollnn Hurrls. Und. 1-3 flK'
8W'4, SW'4 SB'4, S. 7, Tp. 20,
SR 13. tax $2.40.
Harory Uml. l.:t sk
SWW, SW4 SB'4, S. 7, Tp. 20. SR
13, tax $2.40.
John Nowlands. 12 A. land In 8.
11, Tp. 20, PR 13 as Dcb. In Vol.
2, Pg. 180, lino 27. 1914 tax roll.
jtnx $5.40.
Mrs. Koto Hodson, liy. NB'4 H,
12, Tp. 2G. SR 13. tux $25.84.
Tltlo Cliiurnntco ft Abstrnct Co..
nnd l- W. Rchflold. 5 ucres land
in S. 12. Tp. 20, SR 13, Des. In
Vol. 2, Pg. ISO, lino 1, 1014 tnx
roll, tnx $3.32.
Lyuiti Steckol, 5 acres off 8. side
;lot 2. (loss I aciro) S. 12, Tp. 20.
,SR 13. tax $4.51.
J.I). McNeil, ot nl. strlii of lnml I
200 ft. wide, Including tldo lamd off
'tho W. end of tho 5-ncre tract of
ti in' "' T,,t 20' Sfl 13' l,,x
C. A. Smith Timber Co..
on 35 A. belonging t& Snunders, be
ing N. 35 A. or Don. Clnltn No. 37,
S. 13. Tp. 20, SR 13. tnx $7.95.
v. snover. HEW NWW. KK
8W'4, S. 13, Tp. 20, SR 13.
tnx $10.08.
L. M. Mitlkey, 10 acres S. 13.
Tl). 20. SR 13. De. In Vnl . !,-
,193, Hue 18. 101 1, tax roll, tax $2.05'.'
5 A. land In
H. 13. Tp. 20, SR 13,
I'g. 103.- lino 21, tax
"os. Vol. 2,
"On Ross.
A. In -nl Ili.u
... ..
yllll.rou IV('nii..A 11,1 .,.. ,.
nfJVV'V;"' uti-' K,s
SoS U" Tlu 2C SR " tnx
'' Hennessey. W'i NW',, SEW
. V. fiWA NUM. S. 17. Til. 315.
13. tux $G.24: SU vmi. vit
HKIi, 8. IS. Tn. 20. SU 1:1. in.
. ... . - w - ' 1!
$5.70; 8,i S'W'4. S. 18. Tn 20.
8R 13, tax $2.88; NVi Nv 8.
19. Tp. 20, SR 13, tnx $3.30; Lot 2,
8. 19, Tp. 2G, SR 13. tux $1.08.
Henry Sengstncken Co., N'f, tfj.jM
8. 10, Tp. 20. SR 13, tux $0.72;
SW'4 8. 19, T11. 20. SR 13. 1,.i
id.iz; UBii s. 19, Tp. 20, SR
tax $42.50.
Ollvo M. Parkinson, parcel of land
111 S. 21, Tp. 20, SR 13. Dos. In
Vm" .-' ,97' Ua a'. 19H :
roll, tax $3,08.
Tho Coos Hay Lbr. & Coal Co.. NB'4
S. 31, Tp. 20. SR 13. tux'S71.r.O! Mi.
SWW, IJts 3. 4, 8. 31. Tn. 20. SR
11 Inw t O r. rt ? i . & 1- m ...
JioA ,i ' ' "r'' "' " Wfl.
-1, oiv io, uix,jlsi.ui'.NW S. 5,
Tp. 27. SR 13, tax $303.03: SWW
8. 5, Tp. 27. SR 13, f.ix $310.32;
SB'4 S. 5. Tp. 27. SR 13. tax
$059.10; NEW S. 0, Tp. 27. SR 13,
tax $406.20: NW'4 S. 0, Tp. 27, SR
13, tnx $653.42; SWW S. G. Tn. "7.
13, tax $531.00; SEW 8. 6. Tn.
.iX. ?' ' '" "' SR 13. tnx
$580.32; SEW.S. 7. Tp. 27, SR 13.
tax $158.64; NB'4 8. 8, Tp. 27, SR
13, tax $474.48; NW'4 S. 8. Tp. 27.
SR 13. tax $150,12; SW'4 S. 8, Tp.
27, SR 13, tax $165.24; NB', 8.
18, Tp. 27, SR 13, tax $688.32; NW
W S. 18. Tp. 27. SR 13, tax $525.00;
SW'4 8. 18. Tn. 27. SII 11 ti
$000.84; 8BW 8. lS.Tp. 27, SR 13,
tax $425.16; SW4 NW',. NVi SWW
aw tw'i, H. 31, Tp. 27, SR 13,
tax $.yG.10; NEW S. 1, Tp. 27, SR
14, tax $13.44: NWW S. 1, Tp.
27, SR 14. tax $13. 14: SWW .S. 1.
Tp. 27, SR 14, tax $1.1.44: SEW 8.
1, Tp. 27. SR 14. tax $13.41: NKW
S. 12, Tp. 27, SR II, tax $13.44;
XW'A H. 12, Tp. 27. SR 14. tux
$13.44; SWU. 8. 12, Tp. 27. SR 14'.
tax $13.44; SB'4 8. 12, Tp. 27, 8R
14. tax $13.44; NB'4 S. 13, Tp.
27, SR 14, Tax $465.64: NW'4 S. 13,
Tp. 27. SR 14, tax $577.64: 8WW
8. 13, Tp. 27, SR 14. tax $557,20;
SEW Sec. 13, Tp 27, SR 14, tax
$551,00; NEW S. 14, Tp. 27, SR
14, tax $348.32; NW'4 8. II, Tp.
27, SR 14. tax $273.00; SWVi S.
14, Tn. 27, SR 11, Uix $291.87;
SEW S. 14. Tp, 27, SR 14, tux
$378.00; NEW S. 23, Tp. 27, SR
14, tax $381.07; NW'4 S. 23. Tp.
27, SR II, tax $296.54: SWW S.
23, Tp. 27, SR 14. tax $332.84;. SB'4
s. a. Tn. '
7, hk n, tax $309.09;
;NKU s u
Tp. 27, SR 14, tax
J17U.38; NW'4 Sec. 24, Tp, 27, SR
IJ iuv ti'lA i:i. awrit a ill n..
27' br 14 ta IS74.4K7 imi "o
' ' " T"""""l "
24. Tp. 27. SR 14. tax $422.41:
NKVi S. 25. Tp, 27, SR 14, tax
$520.40; NW'4 S. 25, Tp. 27, SR
14. tax $527.8S; SWVi S. 25. Tp.
27, SR 14. tax $361.20: SBVi S. 25,
Tp. 27. SR 14, tax $529.47; NEW
S. 20, Tp. 27, SR 14, tax $434.07;
NWVi S. 26. Tp. 27. SR 14, tux
$338.41; SWW 8. 20. Tn. 27. SR
14. tax $441.23; SB'4 S. 26, Tp. 27,
SR 14. tax $170.38; NEW S. 27,
Tp. 27. SR 14, tax $132.24; SBVi
8. 27, Tp. 27, SR 14. tax $106.00;
NEW S. 36. Tp. 27, SR 14. tax
$347.68; NW', 8. 36. Tp. 27, SR
14, tax $415.70: SWVi S. 3,6. Tn.
27, SR 14. ta $339.47; SEW S. 3C.
Tp. 27, SR 1-1, tax 316.41.
11.... 1. T.....1. kTI.ll o.irw T.V .
ivuy r. uuau, .ir..-,:, nwvi, . vj
S. 21. Tp. 26, SR 13, tax
Mlnnlo M. Noble. NVi NWW,
NWW. S. 25, Tp. 26, SRi 13, tax
Von Readen, 10 A. land In S.
'? lv' nne JJ' l5U tux ro11' tux
John Wall, Und. '. 6 acras in lots
0 and 7, S. 27. Tp. 20. SRM3. tax
I. L. Pool Est., Und. W "WVi NWW
NEW NWW. NW'4 NEW, S. 28, Tp.
20 SR 13, tnx $3.12; Und. W SJi
SEW, NEW SEW, S. 28, Tp. 20, SR
13, tax $2.34.
Lona Lolnr, Und. 1-8 WVi
MtflM MUM KTitrw ....,
' 74 .1 it 74 , 4H v yi i Vj y,
Tp. 20, SR 13, tax $1.50;
1-8 SVi SEW, NB'4 SE'4,
Tp. 20, SRI 13, tnx $1.30.
S. 28,
S. 28,
William Hunter, Und. Vi
H. 2U, Tp. 20. SR 13. tax $0.24
Henry Songstnckon Co., Lots 3. 4.
SEW SW'4, 8. 30, Tp. 20, SR 13
tnx $9.02: NW', NEW, S. 30, Tp.
20, SR 13, t'nx $3.3G.
1. L. Pool Est., Und. W NB'4 8.
33. Tp. 20, SR 13, tnx $3.12; Und W
SWW S. 33, Tp. 20, SR 13, tax
$7.28; Und. W SB',, S. 33,-Tp. 2G,
SR 13, tax $11.44.
iena Loior, Und. 1-8 NEW 8.
Tp. 20, SR 13, tnx $1.50; Und.
SWW 8. 33, Tp. 20, SR 13.
$3.04; Und. 1-8 SB',, S 33, Tp.
SR 13, tnx $5.72.
J. D. Fry, Und. ', NWW
SEW NW',, S. 34, Tp. 20,
tax. $5.20.
SR 13,
Lena Lolor. Und. i-S
SW '4 ,
Tp. 2G,
SWW NWW. Lot G, 8.
SR 13, tux $2.00.
L L. Pool Est., Und
Lot 0,
31, Tp.
zu, Hit in, tux $1.08
Homo TriiBt Co., Und. Vi SB',
SW',, S. 31, Tp. 20, SR 13. tnx
Unknown Owner and Unoccupied,
SVi SWW, 8. 30, Tp. 20. SR 13.
tnx $0.21.
F. H. Walte. Lots ,4. 5, 0, nnd
SBV4 SWW, S. 2, Tp. 26, SR 14, tnx
'Jldo lnnd fronting lots 4, 5, t!
2, Tp. 20, SR 11. tax $l;06.
toos liny Mfg. Co., Tlmbor on
. 5, G, SW'4, 8. 2, Tp. 26, 8R
tux $r.l.fi2.
Timber on B'i SB',, SWW
',. Lot 3, S. 3, Tp, 26, SR II,
Timber on NB'4, S 10, Tp. 2G, SR
14, tax $7.50.
Timber on NEW SEW. S. 10. Tn.
20. SR 14, tnx $5.00.
J Timber on lots 1, 2. 3. und WVi
mvu. Nff',1 SWW, 8. 11, Tp. 26,
SR It, tnx $43.50.
F. 11. Walto, BVi NEW, NEW
SB'4, 8. 10, Tp. 20, 8R II, tnx
$9.00; Lots 1, 2. 3, W'.i NW'4
NW'4 SWW. 8. 11, Tp. 26. SR II,
tnx $20.01.
Tldo land fronting lot 1, s. 11,
Tp. 26, SI? 14. tnx $2.03.
Martha Talbott, 4 A. laud in S.
15, Tp. 20, SR 11, ns Dos. 1n Vol.
2, Pg. 208, lino 29, 1911 tax. roll,
UIX $1.(.
Frank Talbot, SVi SEW SB',, S.
15. Tp. 20, SR 11, tnx $2.50.
Mra. Robbie A. Mlllor, SWW
SEW, S. 15, Tp. 20, SR II, tux
Mnrthu Talbot. 8AVW 8.. 21.
1.3U, SR 11, tax
Pat Hennessey. KlA
!. S.
Tp. 20. SR 14, tax $3.31!
Martha Talbot. WVi SEW.
ip. -'u, sit 14, tax $5.70. . '
Henry Seiigstuekcn Co., Iits 1, 2,
3, S. 29, Tp. 20, SR 14, tax $6.25.'
Elmer A. Todd, Lot I, S. 29, Tp.
20. SR II, tax $1.44,
Goorgo 11. Crow, SWW NEW, S.
33, Tp. 20, SR 14, tax $8.37.
Henry Songstnckon Co., WVi
NWW, S. 34, Tp. 20, SR 14, tax
t A. Smith Fir Co., Lots 5 and S.
part or G nnd tldo lands front 8. 35,
Tp. 26, SR 14, tax $12.60.
A. Smith Tlmbor Co.. Lot 2.
land front S. 30. Tn. 26. SR II. tax
S. 30, Tp. 26, SR
W. L. Cobb, ot al, Und. '4 S'.i
Oil, 1 HTI..W nil, .J , ...... rt..., ..
wjy, awa, ow yi ai'.'.i. o.
il- TP. 37, SR 9, tax $4.92.
G. K. Wontworth, NW'4 8. 4, Tp.
27, SR' 10, tax $92.22.
R. Claud Gray, SWW SE'4, 8.
12, Tp. 27, SR 10, tax $4.77.
Duncan Hrowor Lbr. 'Co,, 8W',i,
8. 10, Tp. 27, SR 10, tax $99.40;
SEW S. 16, Tp. 27, SR 10, tax
George If. Fowler, BVi SW'4,
SWW SWW. S. 24, Tf. 27, SR 10,1
tax $18.18.
C, R. Hudson, Und. Vi
5, 6, S. 30, Tp. 37, 8R
1. 2,
W. 8. Hamilton, Und. '4, NWVi
NWW, S. 32, Tp. 27. Sit! 10. tax
$2.56; Und. Vi SVi NE'4. NW'4.'
NWVi, S. 34, Tp. 27, SR 10, tax,
$5.60. t
Theodoro II. Heaiidlcu, Und. 1-5 1
SEW, S. 34, Tp. 27, SR 10, tax1
G. K. Wontworth. SVi NE'4,
27. SR 11, tax $110.73: SVi SWW,,
NWW. SW'4, SW', NWW, S. 4,
Tp. 27, SR 11, tax $127.07; SEW, S.
4, Tp. 27, SR 11, tax $99.12.
Dennis McCarthy, Lots 3 and 4. fr
Vi NWVi, S. 4, Tp. 27, SR 12, tax
Joseph Stlenon, SVi SEW (less 72
A) S. 13. Tp, 27, SR 12, tax $1.68.
M. O. Flitcroft. 40 A. in sec. 11.
Tp. 27, SR 12, Des, In, Vol. 2, Pg.
234, line 1, 1914 tax roll, tax $10..". I.
C. V. Danlclson. NWVi S. 1, Tp.
27, SR 13. tux $11.11.
J. E. Walling and Wife,
SE'4, reserving all timber,
S. 10,
Tp. 27, sit ia, tax $3.00,
W. G. King. NWVi 8. 14, Tp. 27,
SR 13. tax $11.04.
A. II. Iirunson, SBVi SWW. Part
ui pi r, on v,, a, i.i, ,(i. i, an id,
. C?T1T 1 Oil. 1 r , n... ,t . ,.r . ,.
Smith-Powers Logging Co.. a strip,
of land 100 ft. mldo across the NWVi i
of SEW. S. 15, Tp. 27. SR 13, tax
1-38- '
i. u. aiieriuaii, nwa a. m, Tp. 27,
SR 13. tax $28.80.
Emma Hermau. EVi NWW. NB".
SWW. Let 1, S. 19. Tp. 27, SR 13,
tax $2S.8'
D W. McNumura, 20-2-3 A un E.
side SWW SBVi S 20, Tp, 27, SR
13, tax $21.00,
Mary J. Randloman, Und. 4-3 8'
8EW.( less 26-2-3 A sold) 8. 20
Tp. 27. SR 13, tax $25.20.
Thomas R. Shorldnn, Und. 1-5 SVi
SEW (less 26-2-3 A) S. 20, Tp. 27,
SR 13, tax $5.40.
C. A. Smith Fir Co., timber on
B',i S. 22, Tp. 27, SR 13, tnx $25.99;
Tlmbor on nil or S. 23, Tp. 27, SR
13, tax $12!l.74.
Smith-Powers Logging Co.. Tim
ber on (pnrtly cut) S. 24, Tp. 27,
9R 13, tnx $241.50.
T. R. Sheridan, Und. 1-5 W'a
NEW, S. 29, Tp. 27, SR13, tax
Mary McNamnra Randloman, Und,
1-5 WVi NEW, 8, 29, Tp. 27, SR 13,
tnx $37.12.
Jessie E. Peart, lot' 1 and tldo
land fronting S. 29, Tp. 27, SR 13,
tax $50.74.
Unknown Owner, lot J, 8. 32, Tp.
-1, an i,(, tax $ n.fiu.
.13,' Jesslo Peart, 1.82 A. 8. 32, Tp. 27,
1-8, SR 13, Dos. In Vol. 2, Pg. 251, lino
tnx 19. 1914 tax roll, tax $5,80.
20,, Pulaski Conl &. Nav. Co., 5 A, off
'East end or lot 8. S. 33. Tn. 27. SR
13, tnx $1.10.
A. E. Simpson, 2 Acres In 8. 35,
Tp. 27, SR 13, Des. In Vol. 2, Pg.
254. Lino 20, 1914 tax roll, tax
Olo O. Lund. 9 A. In S. 35. Tn. 27.
SR 13, Dos. In Vol. 2, Pg. 251, Lino
24. tnx $24.00.
H. 11. and R. A. Hiisklns, Pnrccl
137 ft. by 110 ft. In 8. 36, Tp, 27.
SR 13, us Des. In Vol. 2, Pg. 255,
Lino 29. 1911 tnx roll, tax $15.00.
Geo. W. Stevenson, '4 Aero In 8.
36, Tp. 27, SR 13, ns Des. In Vol.
2, Pg. 25G, Lino 4, 1914 tux roll, tax
Lnurn J. Robinson, 1-8 Acre In 8.
30, Tp. 27, SR 13. ns Des. In Vol.
2. Pg. 256, lino 29, 1914 tax roll,
inx fz.ou.
W. H. Colvln, Parcel 100 by 110
ft. S. 30, Tp. 27, SR 13, Des. In
Vol. 2, Pg. 257, Lino 12, 1914 tnx
roll, tax $25.00.
S. IJ. Hollonbock, parcel 100 by
105 . In S. 36, Tp. 27, SR 13, ns
Des. In Vol. 2, Pg. 257, lino 20,
1914 tax roll, tax $42.50.
W. II. Lyons, 15 Acres S. 30, Tp.
27, SR 13, ns Des. In Vol. 2, Pg.
258, lino G, 1914 tnx roll, tnx
TlroroRn Ellis, parcel land 8. 30,
Tp. 27, 811 13, Des. In vol. 2, pg.
262, lino 5, tax $20.00.
A. B. Simpson, 32 A. In 8. 30, Tp.
27. SR 13, dest 1n Vol. 2. Pg. 205,
lino 20. 1914 Uix roll, tnx $G5.G3.
Ponrt Pros.. WVi, NWW NWW. B.
36. Tp. 27, SIti 13, tax $19.20.
Peart Pros. & Co., ti acres In S.
36, Tp. 27, 8R 13, des. In Vol. 2,
Pg. 2GG, Hue 2, 1914 tnx roll, tax
H. L. Vtirnoy, 14 3-4 acre In 8.
36, Tp. 27, SR 13, ties. In Vol. 2.
pg, 2G0, lino 15, 1914 tax roll, tax
$0 28
' T. R. l'olnter, SVi or W'.i W'
NWW (loss 2ViA) S. 30, Tp. 27, SR
13, tnx $15.30.
John C. Fish, land Des. In vol. 57,
Pg. 414, Record or Deeds, Coos
County, Oregon, S. 36, Tp. 27, SR 13
tax $4.00.
C. C. Evoland, land deH. In Vol.
04, Pg. 14 7, Records Deeds Coos
County, Oregon, 8. 30, Tp.. 27, EM
13, tnx $5.00. -
Muy, John und Ircno l'rcuto, Und.
Vi lot 3, S. 8, Tp. 27. SR 11, tnx
Gcorgo McOonald, Und. 1-18, lots
1 nnd 2, WVi SB'4, 8. 8, Tp. 27. SR
14, tax $1.98; Und. 1-18 WVi SEW
5. 8, Tp. 27, SR 14, tax $1.32.
Gnbrlel Wlngatc. Und. '4 NWW.
H. 15. Tp. 27, SR 14. tax $16.17;
Uml. W SWW. S. 15. Tn. 27. SR 14.
tax $0.43;
una. v, HH'i, a. io, Tp.
127. SR II. tax $8.25.
Tlmbor Co..
Und. Vi NWW, s. 15, Tp. 27, SR 14,
tnx $65.01; Und. Vi SW'4, 8. 15,
Tp. 27, SR 14, tax $25.74; Und. ',i
SEW. S. 15, Tp. 27, 8R'' 14, tax
George McDonald, Und, 1-18, lota
1, 2, 3, 4, NEW S. 17, Tp. 27, SR 14,
tax $2.31.
Frank nurrows, NVi SW'4 NEW.
SEW SWW NEW, SEW NE'4,' 8. 21,
Tp. 27, SR 14, tnx $2.97,
Gnbrlel Wlngato, Und. 3-4 BVi 8.
22. Tp. 27, SR 14, tax $1G.50.
Frank Harrows, SVi NWW. 8. 22,
Tp. 27. SR 14, tax $3.30.
Frank L. GrecnouBh, SE'4 SW.W.
S. 27. Tp. 27, SR 14, tax $3.18.
Unknown and Unoccupied, N. 3-4
NWW NEW, S. 28, Tp. 27, SR 14,
tax $2.39.
C. F. Allen & T. R. Hayes, Parcol
land 8. 31, Tp. 27. Sit- 14, 33 A. dos.
In Vol. 2, Pg. 273, lino 11, 1914
tax roll, tax $2.05.
A. F. Stovons, WVi NWVi SE'4,
S. 33, Tp. 27. SR 14. tax $5,30;
SWW SWW NEW, 8. 33, Tp. 27. SR
II. tax $1,00.
Frank L. Greonough, NEW NE'4,
S. 34,Tp. 27. SR 14. tax $3.18.
C. Mo. Jchnson, SW'4 NEW. 8.
34. Tp. 27, SR 14, tax $15.63; SEW
NWW, 8. 34, Tp. 27, SR 14, tux
Johnson Lbr. Co.. SW'4 8. 34, Tp.
27, SR 14, tux $12.72; WVi NWW
S. 31, Tp. 27, SR II, tax $6,36;
NEW S. 35, Tp. 27, 8R 14, tax
$12.72; BVi SEW 8. 35, Tp. 27, SR
II, tax $21.20: EVi SW'4 WVi SE
W. S. 35, Tp. 27, Sn 14. tax $12.72.
Frank L. Groonougli. NEW NWVi,
NWVi NEW, S. 34, Tp. 27, SR 11,
tux $9.54.
Volume :t -.
Sapplngtou, Lots 3, 1, 5,
W, S. 6, Tp. 28, SR 9, tux
David Doonan, SEW. S.
SR 9. tax $19.68.
DenJ. Horsfnll. NEW. S.
C Tp. 28,
8, Tp. 28,
,SR 9, tax $10. 08.
I Annlo M. Louch. NW'4
,28, SR 0. tax $19.68.
S. 8, Tp.
! Annlo L. Linn, SW'4 8. 8, Tp. 28,
SR 9, tax $20.35.
Junicu E Oasey, SVi SWVi, S. 4,
,Tp. 28. 8R 10, lax $9.72.
R. J. Upton, 8"j .SW'4, 8. 0. Tp.
28. SR 10, tux $0.22.
, W S. Hamilton. Und. W SEW SB
, W, S. 0. Tp. 28, SR 10, tax $1,00,