AWPlPATESANPJLOVgRSNjEVffi LIVE UP TO CAMPAIGN PROMISES AFTER THEY ARE ELECTEP Z-- I & m& mmmtp . r , dim 'PtfERBSESlNTHEBEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS ' A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES xmt& rrTvYxix. vn. nu " . t r- flflELB LOST 1 HDDS BAR MKMBEU OF TUB ASSOCIATKI) PRESS KHlnbllshcd 1878 Ah The Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1916 EVENING EDITION. rLaPflen(iers and Twen- Were Hemovi" '" FIFIELD BUILT HERE WRECKED VESSEL CONSTRUCT HI) AT NORTH HEX!) IX 1008. UPLLoa pf't umi Grain Aboard lL PREVENT LOOTING ,...!. iMnlillsli GiiiinI w L , Clom Shore Lino at . . ..-.iMwOno I'nHHCUBPr ffM noani! for Mnwliflelil (Special to The Times) !, , r;, rrr.o.000 "... iiM on the beach south of 1(Uieyallo89:vrocl!:s;i ... l I.. n WCDl Oliw ,u " w" "l, ol the Jetty while nllompllijc kwoiS In at G.45 tills mora... n. ihrM nassongcrs nml twont lM MBtan of Iho crow wore takon (1 ir t breeches lmoy by dipt. tanimltlieDamloiiCoaBtOiinrd rtw before 8 o'clock. Onlj one person sustained injur srlifthe reck ami tluftwnH I). C. ;.r in aged man who operates u nil mill near "andon, who Biiffcrod , irolen leg by being struck ny n 'e of driftwood while watching be dUaitcr. Owning to Miirshfleld Tie three paucngcrs aboard wore: i E. Jonei of San Francisco who ku earoute to Marshflohl to vlalt Le Gilbert family. j. W h'nott of Monmouth, Calif. JI. Wlnegarten, a San Francisco liTitlDf man. raiitwni of tho Crew The members of tho crow of tho Fl- litU ire: Mister Capt. Carl Ilakimw. First mate P. Borgmark. Serond mate J. Kllson. Wlachman J. Uolnkkn. Stllon-J, Johnson, K. Onbrlelson, i.Setuon, 0. Melandor, C. Conovat, f, J, Piul, Fritz Iluggo and I'. Stnnge- lata. Enilaceri' Department II. Acker- n, U Unlngcr, C. Diikkiiu and line Spanish workmen. Steward's department Carl Nlo- 4tindlo waiters. Mill WjUMlt Looting Juror Topping and tho Ilandon city flidili have assured Copt. Bnkmnn -t they will maintain guurds bo Ul there will bo no IootluK and that :' we will be permitted to board ieFirield without permission of tho Jfttln. A couple of members of tho crow r m "board tho FUlcld to save pwt they tan. il low tide It Will hn imsslliln in 4 OUt Cl088 to cro 111., l.'lflnlil P-t la the sand. Had Small Punm I Tu-uto aboard tho Flflold con-P-JMoUhrgo shipment of hay for "e5cnetterofthoiiniul.., u-nr.. R:tT"l.stM?' Full 'I Union manager nt Marsh- flwewm lsn n i,i ,., .. . brother of Deputy Sheriff '-T8 ot coqulllo. erf waa Bomo miQi.u..n H't 'heard also. Ii i, J1 l'"r,,' In"l " known !,. ...... " CaX bas always kept Ita 2 ' : J'f!e1 BHawoll and Hrritj n. . u'u lU0 amount Vil fflftl i. . Ewdon " "0l kllow in ne "Held Is BBW ..,......, . r Worth . ouiimieu 10 ahho, ,a,d..f0r VC86e,a. HBO.- ""AtobuS J "0t C8t Ct'r!.H':",,o tb Ted " , vu,,B,erabio criticism Wr ..Uand0 8o after Stance"01 B l tho Fi' tl't! I"8' Ule KWam w. as . ' ' BU l -"lain wni WwihrtL.'0 sea lon tho Fi Mruck o , Soon as th FN ' tk. ' apL nakman whistled whon lie called to hot!. . t0 ,he beach. ohtryandt ";; naiiy .th6 Vesse, III and out Ki. . ir08s .." "" tho . blr x el1' "rlvea off tho nan- Wiih iii.Ihic1im1 Iiy Kruso tb Hanks, for Kstnbi'onlc Conipuny, jiiiiI Wum Hxccllcnt WhhoI. Tho Flflold, which wont to de struction on tho rocks nt tho south jotty nt llnndon this inornliiB, wnH built ut tlia Kruso & llnnkfl yards In North Bond In 1008, for tho A. F. Kstabrook coniinny, nnd for sev eral yonrs nflor her .construction was on tho Bnudon-San Francisco run. ' When tho' mills on tho Coqulllo river suspended oporntlons, tho FI flcld hiiuled luiubor from BrookltiRn Tor a tlmo, ties from Port Orrord nnd recently had been on tho Toledo-San Francisco run, carryliiK lumber from Oeo. Mooro's mill at Toledo. Tho Flflold wdh 1720 feet lour,. .19 feet benm nnd 12.1 feet draught. SJxj had f00 liorso jiowor ciiKlnes, yfi ross tonnnKo of OHt nnd not toniuiKo of -MO toiiH, rnr- rylnjrnbout 700,000 feet of lumber. o was equipped for passenger trfflo nnd carried a crow of twen- ono mon. Slio wns of twin screw oustructloii. Slio was iiulto similar to tho Speedwell, now oporatlni; out of here, tho SpccV.wcll ViIbo bctuK built nt North Bend. Tho third ship of tho Kstnbroolc lino was tho Ilandon, now plying out of Toledo. don bar about 10 o'clock Inst ove nliitf nnd crutsod about nil night. At G: 15 this moriitiiK Capt. Bnk man started In. Ho bended from tho northwest nnd just ns ho wns to mnko tho turn into tho river channel, a Iiiiru hwoII struck hlin. It lifted him out of tho courso and tho vossol struck on tho rocks of tho submerged Jcty nvhlcli ox tonds about GOO feet boyond tho vlslblo cud. A hole won punched through tho bottom In tho rear of tho oukIuo room. Ho backed off, but a nccond swell struck him and throw tho Fl flold on tho rocks again, this tlmo tho bow striking nnd holding hor while tho Boas swung tho storn around to tho south, Thon slio was washed Inwnrd to tho 'bench. Life Suvcr Actlvu Cant. Johnson nnd tho llfo savers nttumptod to put out in the power boat when tho Flflold sounded tho first danger Blgual but It was too lough. Thoy immodlnfoly rigged up a brooches buoy and shot a lino over th Flflold and all tho passongois nnd twonty-ono mombors of tho crow voro bnfoly aBhoro boforo 8 o'clock. Long on Flfleld Captain Baknian served as first of ficer on tho Flflold uudor Capt. Jen Bcn who wan mnstor of her for qulto a whllo, Capt. Jonson was to ho nromoted from, tho Flflold to tho Speedwoll when tho lnttor vessol was bi'llt but ho died siiddouly nt Snu Francisco. Capt. Bakmnji succeoded dipt. Mndborg Inst Novombcr on tho FI- fiold. Captnln Jonson's daughtor christened tho Speedwell. AVns an Hl-oiiii'ii It wns recalled In Handon this morning that when tho Flflold was built, tboro wns nn untoward inci dent that sailors regard as an ill onion, It scorns that when It enmo to tho launching, tho craft stuck on tho ways and could not bo Inuuchod until a dalator. Brooklyn In Safe Tho Brooklyn cros'sod safoly In cniy this morning, Captain Swan- sou said that tho son was pretty choppy with lioavy swell which ho regardod ns dangerous although tho Brooklyn had no difficulty. Other Accidents TIicij In 1902, tho Mandalay was caught on tho submerged Jottv noar whoro tho Flflold mot hor fnto todav but succeeded In getting off aftor being hung thero for 24 hours. Frank Layton, a well known trav eling man who Is now in Coos coup'" was ono of tho passengers on the Mandalay nt tho tlmo. Tho Baudot! soveral years ago wns also caught on tho submerged Jetty but got off after boing somewhat damaged. Loss Keenly FoH The loss Is keenly felt horo ns the Flflold was needed to tako caro of tho wave of prosperity which Is Just hitting Bandon. With the On"'1 W. Mooro mill about to rosumo opera tions, tho Flflold would havo been a valuable member of tho fleet corrv Ing Bandon lumber, tics and other products. With a scarcity of vessols on tho coast now, It Is difficult to figure "" "she can bo replaced. Capt. Bakman said be (I'd not caro to discuss tho wreck or Its causes. Ho deeply felt his loss but If reserv ing his statements for his report to tho government and the owners. PROSPERITY I & Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mill Coos Buy Advertiser. No. 186 5IEEL ORDERS HI W Over $240,000,000 Worth of Material Ordered Since Jan uary 1, Say Reports' BIG PROFITS II Even This Tremendous Tide of Prosperity Will be Surpass ed Before End of Year MUCH COMES FROM EUROPE Tienicndoiis Impetus CSIvcia by Or- kis from luiil nnd Water Trims- portiitlon Companies in Putted Klines IjiHO.OOn.OOO lWlts LL ENFORCE RULE New Submarine Campaign Or der Will go Into Effect at 1 Midnight Tonight BERLIN M GIVEN Kaiser's Leading Statesmen Say That There Will be no Further Leniency Shown NO WARNING TO BE GIVEN Armed Vessels of All Classes Will Be Hunk Without Xotleo Nations Hud HojNI That Xeir Xnvnl Wnrfiuv Itulo Would Be Agreed t'pou VERDUN BATTLE STILL RAGING Germans Claim Further Gains and Capture 16,575 Un- wounded Prisoners SAY WILSON INS LKADKBS DKChAUK COXCJHKSS WIIjIj SUPPOItT HIM Ilr AmorUtM I'rrm to Co. mr Tlmw. NVNV YOHK, Feb. 2!). Orders aggregating 1,000,000 tona. valued at $240,000,000 have been placed In tho steol market bIiicc January I and tho crest of the boom has not yet boon reached according to stato- nients today by tho leaders of tho Industry. ! Tho orders placed In tho lust ; two months Indicate profits to tho' nuns of $80,000,000, half of which Is expected to flaw Into tho cof-l feiH of tho United States Stool for-j porutlon. Kvcn this troimiiututiBi tldn of nroRiiorltv. It In ilo.'l mii. i will bo surpassed boforo tho end, or the year. Apart from tho direct offtfets of tho European war, tho Industry has been given a tromeudous im petus by orders placed for equip ment by land , and water transpor tation companion. 4v VIS,tOX Wl Mi WAIT FOH MOHK BUTAII.S Pj AworltlrJ rm tu reM Vty Tlmn.) WASHINGTON', Feb. 29. Germany's latest communica tion on tho nubmarliio warfare was dlscussod In dotnll at to day's cabinet meeting nnd nt a separate conference be tween President Wilson and Secretary Lansing, hut no conclusion wns ronchod. It wan decided to await the data on tho wny from Berlin ro- 'gardlng tho Instructions nl loged to have been Issued by the British admiralty to mer chant captains for attacks on submarines. 44 HENRY JAMES DIED 1 IN LONDON TODAY Xotod KiiInIi Author Succumbs Body Will Be Ciemated After KiiUcrnl nt Chelsea 1 1)7 Auortttikl rifii In Coot Hij Tlmn.) LONDON', Fob. 29. Tho body of I Henry James, novelist, who died yos tordny, will bo cremated. Tho fu neral services will bo hold at Chelsea church. Henry Jumos wns born In America, but died n British subject. In July, 19 in, ho took tho oath of alloglauco to tho Crown, explaining that ho had lived and worked In Knglaud for forty yours nnd hud dovolopcd such an at tachment for tho country and sym pathy with Its peoplo that ho desired to throw his moral wolght and por-jAlllcs would romovo nrmnmont from f Aurlttr4 l'rf to Coot lltjr Tlmra.) BHRLIN, Fob. 29. The Associated Press Is Informed by Germany's load ing stutesmau that tho now rule of oubmarlno wnrfnro which wns an nounced In tho Gorman memorandum regarding tho future treatment of armed merchantmen, will positively bo put Into .effect at midnight. At that tlmo tho period of warning for noutrnlB, giving thorn opportun ity to advlso thotr subjects not to travol on armed merchantmen, will expire For soveral days there has been moro than a possibility that' Germany nt tho last moment might mnko pro posals that slio would discontinue tho prnctlco of reprisal nnd sinking no murchaut ships freighters or pas senger liners without first halting tho vessol for examination nnd put ting tho crew In a place of safety as In tho old stylo naval warfaro, If tho niorchaiitmon. It wns thought that England might accept this proposal or that tho United States and othor noutrnls would bo convinced, If Knglnud ro somil alloglauco Into tho British causo Into tho Huropoan wnr. Tho distinguished novelist,, critic nnd playwright "was bom In Now York, April 15, 1843. His father, Henry James, Sr., was noted ns n writer on ethics mid religion; nnd his youngor hrothor, William, was la- tor to become dlstlngulBiied ns a psychologist. Tho family was l'o-ARMrrj ITALIAN LINERS BOSSCll Ol 1111 llllipiu imuiuu, uiu foundation of which was laid by tho novelist's grandfather, of Scotch Irish descent, who migrated from Ulster soon nftor tho Itovolutlonarw war and became a successful merch ant at Albany, N. Y. discontinuing tho iibo of nrmnmont for offensive purposes. SAILS FROM NEW YORK Two Vessels Allowed to Clear When Homo CiiHcinmcnt Assures I'. S. uAriuaiucnt l.i Defensive. 5 IS STOLEN FIGHTING IS FIERCE Terrific Cannonading Con tinues With Unabated Fury Along the Line Today MANY T0WNS CAPTURED Paris Claims AdvuUees of Croun PiIiico'h Army OffNct by Counter Attacks in Many Places Two Versions of engagement J t.CIVIL POPULATION ' J ALL LEAVES VERDUN X t : 9 Or Ainotlilxl 1'reM to O. 7ir TlntM. t PARIS, Feb, 29, Re- t t ports from Verdun say I t 21 persons of the civilian i t population have been kill- X X ed by shells which fell t X in the city, The small X X romnant of population X X was still reluctant to X X leave, but were urged-by X X the authorities to go and X X they crowded out on open X X freight cars, X $ fPr Aioflt,I rrrn to Cooa nr TlniM 1 LONDON, Fob.29 Tho great bnttl around Vcrdiim contlniiod with nil 'diminished fury today. Paris roports tho hombardmont north of Vordun Is of tho greatest intensity, Berlin tolls of further progress for tho Germans In tho drlvo toward tho fortress In tho Woovro district. ' Gorman tropps havo passed Dloppo Abaucourt and Blnnzce, and also havo takon Manhoullos and Campion. A smnll armored work northwest of Douaiimont was stormed by tho Ger mans.! Tho official Gorman anuouncomout gives tho total uumbor of uiiwoundcd prisoners as 10,570. Thoy nlso cap tured 7S cannon nnd 80 mnchliio suns, Paris says 'cast of tho Mouso Inst night was a resumption of tho violent attacks, Noar tho vlllngo of Douaii mont, fighting enmo to a hand to fused, that slio had no Intention of rlmn(1 encounter, and tho Germans Bandits- Who AttempCed to Get $1,- 000,0(10 Consignment to Xew York Banks Mado Good Haul Mr Aortle. rreif lo Com U TIimm.I NEW YORK, Fob. 29. Socur tins of a value of about $25,000 wore ob tained by robbers who rifled tho mnll pouches on tho postofflco auto truck Saturday whllo on tho ferry from Jersey City, according to an an nouncement' by tho hanking firm of Potter, Choato and Prentiss, to whom tho securities wero shipped. FELIX DIAZ HAS GONE ' TO VERACRUZ, MEXICO Ncphuw of Former Dictator of South ern Bepublle Sailed Two Weeks Ago to Start Xew Bovolt ,Dr AuMltd rrw to Com Par Tlmw 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 29. nonorts today to tho Department of Justice said that General Felix Diaz, who hopes to start n new revolution in Mexico, left tho United States Volirnnrv 18 Oil a ship 1)01111(1 Via Tampa, Florida, to Tiorra, Stato of Vora Cruz. At'cnd Cutholle Ladles' Card party t..t Mooso Hull Thursduy night. Cuids and icfresliiuents. Admission -. cents (sich. a.ibby Coiil, $5.00 ton. Phono 72. fwero ropulsod. Tho French stato tneiit admits tho loss of Maiihoulles hut says a countor nttack brought tho French to tho western boundary of "this location, In Lorrnlno, the Gormnns occupied smnll sections of tho French tronchos but woro shortly driven from them. Heavy Guns Uefal Tho crown prlnco's nrmlcs engngod In tho terrific battlo at ordiin had their way blasted for them, ac cording to correspondents near the sco'io, by what is said to bo tho great est concentration of artillery flro l)f AworlitM Trru to Tool llljr Tlnif,, WASHINGTON, Fob. 29. Tho (Italian liners Gluseppo Vord and ,Inn Gugllolmo, at Now York, with , .- ....-.. .. . ... . . ..w guns mounted aboard, woro oruoreu known to illatorj. In which tho man- cleared today on assurances or mo Btor riius of the Qoiiiuns mid Austrl. Italian govornmont tlmt tlioir arma-nm,t ,,r0llKilt from t)l0 Serbian and mont was for dofcnslvo purposos nusslan fronts, J10V9 played an Im- ouly. PLANS OF JAPAWES E PHFMIIIll OKUMA SAYS MIKA DO WILL PltKVKXT UHVOIr Wily Japs Intlniiito That They Kv pect to Tako Over Celestial Gov ernment Before Long m notlIM n m TtroM 1 TOKIO, Fob. 29. Premier Oku mn told a Jnpanoso dolegftlon who nro avowodlv hostllo to Yuan Shi KnI. tho Chinese president, that whllo he could not disclose tho gov ernment's policy, they might rest assured that Japnn would tako tho proper moasuros to maintain peace In tho Orient. KLKCTIO.V IX CHICAGO Aldi'iinen nnd .Municipal Being. Chosen Judgo is Cy AMorUted rrem to Cm Br Tlnin 1 CHICAGO, Feb. 29. In tho pri mary election today 35 candidates for Alderman nnd ono candidate for a vacancy on tho municipal bench are being voted on by Dem ocrats. Republicans and Socialists. Considerable disorder Is roported at tho polls. porlant part. Biisslaim Still Gain From Persia comes the Russian an nouncement that tho Important city of Kcrniniisliali has boon takon by storm by Russia's forces. Recent Prtrogtad advices have Indicated an expectation that tho southern move mont of this Russian army might uvuntuay link up with tho British operations In Mesopotamia. Tho ad vance to Kcrmanshah places tho Rus sian column within 150 miles of Kut-cI-Amnra on tho Tigris, near which a British forco Is at presont stalled In Its march to tho rollof of General Towmsend's boleagurod army at Kut. Will Not Pass Measure Warning Americans to Kip Off Armed t Belligerent. Vessel Xow trtr AMirlifNl Prm to Coon !)r TlntM.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 29 Tho administration leaders In Con gress nro ready to bring tho question of warning Americans off armed Blilps of Europoau belligerents to a vote nt onco, ns they nro confident that thoy can defeat nil such proposals. Thoy feel that until tho question Is disposed of President Wilson Is hamp ered in tho submarine negotiations with tho Central Powers. Xo Outbreak Today Representative Mondoll, Republican, In 11 speech to tho Hoiiso toduy as Balled tho administration's foreign policy and urged tho passage of his bill, still In the committee, to wnru Americans against taking passage on armed morchnntmoii. hIb speech led to no now outbreak on tho subject. F CLAM 870 RESCUED OFF FRENCH SHIP IN MEDITERRANEAN Provcnco Was Sunk In Southern Waters Iisl Saturday, Accord ing to Official Announcement. ttlr AiaocltteJ Vtttt lo Coot Dr TtmM. PARIS, Fob. 29. Tho French cruiser Provonco was 'sunk In tho Mediterranean lust Saturday, It was officially announced today. Tho Ministry of Marino estimates tho number of survivors nt 870. Tho Lnprovluco wns 0110 of tho largest Fronch lino vessels. Hor gross tonnage was 13,853. S'-j was requisitioned by tho French govern ment for naval service at tho be ginning of tho war. TURKS HASTILY EVACUATE TREBIZOND ON BLACK SEA Give Up Towns Along Caucasus as Result of Russians Army's Ad vance Toward Dardanelles. Or AnorlatM Tma to Cooi IU7 Tlmrt. LONDON, Fob. 29. A Pctrogrnd dispatch says that tho Turks aro hastily ovacuntlng Trobl.ond nnd neighboring towns on tho Black Sea coast of tho Cnucasus region. BRITISH WAR LOSSES IN FEBRUARY 18,500 Total Casualties In All War ones During .Mouth Was Till) Officers nnd 17,817 Men nr Allocated rmi t roo nr Timn.i LONDON, Feb. 29. Tho British casualties in all tho war aroas dur ing February total 739 officers and 17,847 mon. ITALY TAKES OVER MOST OF GERMAN SHIPS THERE Government Requisitions Thirty- four Iv-ssmh litjernetl In Italian Por'n Today lif AMorlttod rrti lo Coot IHjr Tlmtt 1 LONDON, Fob. 29. It was an nouueed In tho Houso of Commons today that tho Italian govornmont had requisitioned 34 of tho 37 tlermuii Btoaniorir Interned In Italian ports. SCOTT ATTENDS CABINET MEETING HELD TODAY Act'ittf Secretary of Wur First Army Officer to Attend Session Since Civil War (Pj A'torUted Pru to Coot IUj Tlmtt. WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 29. Major General Hugh L. Scott, Sec retary of War ad Interim, attended today's cabinet mooting nnd tho Whlto House hlstor un sold It was tho first tlmo since tho Civil War thut an army officer had sat ut tho cabinet table. SEVEN PERSONS FOUND DEAD IN HOUSE RUINS Farm Homo Xvar Taloga, Okla., Buri:tl last Xlght Reveals Many Victims Toduy (Dr AttocltloJ rrrta lo Coot nt; Tlran. TALOGA, Okla., Feb. 29. Tho bodies of sovou persons woro found today In the ruins or u farm houso, burned last night near horo. Tho dead woro Identified as M. Creed, his wife, three children and two brothers, LOSTflTllNE TWKLVi: DKAD AXI) SOMK MISS IXG NHAIt KKMPTOX, W. VA. I'Mfty-two Miners Brought to Safety in Davis C.iko and Coal Com pany Mine Dust KpIosou ,nr AtiwUted Vrtu to Coot llr Tlmn.J KRMPTON W. Vn.. Fob. 29. 12 mon are known to bo dead, somo uro still missing nnd 52 have boon brought to bafoty from the Davis Coal and Coko Company mlno near horo, whoro an explosion occurred todav. Tho jesciiors expressed the opinion that tho missing men have perished. Tho oxploslou Is bolleved to have been caused from dust. i Twelve i icati From tho depth of tho mlno word I came this afternoon from rcscuo 'crewa that tho bodies of flvo on the 'missing men had been located and it wns expected that ono moro body would bo found. TIiIb brings the I death list up to 12. GERMANS LOSE Paris Military Critics Declare That Joffre is Striking Blow for Bfow With Kaiser Y L SOI Claim That Crown Prince Has Hurled 750,000 Men Against Verdun and Surroundings ATTACKS LESS EFFECTIVE Declaro Less lincrgy Shown by As- Naiilts But Xew At'itcks AJro Hv- nt Other I'oln's Along Battjj Lino Touy Ilr Ataorlttisl I'rrm to Coot nt; Tlran. PARIS. Fob. 29. Military critics expressed the opinion that tho Ger man forces which nt tho beginning of tho buttlo around Verdun unm oored probably half a million, now exceeds 750,000. 'Tho Bttuntlou Is now decidedly better," In tho common phrase used this morning in Paris papers regard lug the struggle. Tho Fronch nro beginning to react vigorously against tho German "Bind eon strokes," which nro ha'vlug less and less effect and nro being deliver ed with diminished energy. It was expected, however, thoy would bo renewed again today at now points, AIO PUGET SOUND MKASURIO PROIDKS $12,000,000 KQUIPMHNT FOR NAVY YARD Kqulpmoiit for Const ruction of Vert sols Poludexter Gets Favorable Poll of Committer (nr AmocIiIM rrnt lo Coot lit Tlmn.l WASHINGTON. Fob. 29. Equip ment of tho Paget Sound Nnvy Yard for battleship construction nt an ex pense of approximately $2,000,000 was ordered reported to tho Sonato today by tho Sonato Naval committee. In tho absonco of a quorum, Chair man Tillman endorsed tho Poludex ter bill for that purpose nnd uuthor Izcd tho Washington sonutor to re port If ho could got a favorable poll of tho committee. Poludoxtor Im mediately obtained tho rnvorable poll. VOTE IN ST. L Will Prohibit Blacks FiMm Moving Into Whlto Hcslilent lal Districts -Two Ordinances Up Df AMOcltlM rru lo Coot Vj Tlnta. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Fob. 29. Vot ers of St. Louis aro deciding nt a referendum election today whother two measures, designed to restrict tho negro population to certain p-irts of tho city, shall bocomo or dinances. Two bills, both submitted by pe tition under tho Initiative cluusn of tho city charter, nro being voto'd on. One provides that negroes sliali not anovo Into blocks occupied wlinll by wlilto persons, or that whim persons shall not move Into blocks occupied wholly by nogroes. Tli.i othor proposed ordlnuuco provides that nogrooa sliull not imitn Into blocks In which 75 per cent ol tho houses aro occupiuu ny bites, or that whlto persons slit.ll not movu Into blockB In whl'di 15 per cent of tho Iioubos nro occupied by i.egroos. If both ordinances uro adopted, tho second, being tho moro strln gout of tho two, would bo offocttvo. Neither ordinance puts any re striction on tho ownership of prop erty, but rostrlcts sololy the ubo of property for resldonco purposes. Ncgroos who aro omployod In houses or apartmonts occuplod by while persons, nro unaffected by tho oidtnunces. Apartment house Jan itors who llvo in the basements of npniltr.niits, occupl'l by whites, would not bo affected. Both ordinances contain clausos providing that tho proposod laws shall not affect porsons nt present living In blocks occupied by rnent linri of tho othor ruces. If tho "wholo block ordlnanco is adopted, about 500 blocks lit the cltv would bo availably for negro ro'ldcnco. If tho morn stringent or "75 per cont mcasuroy Is adopted, only about 150 blocks will bo avail able for negro rosldenco. Attorneys sny certain clauses of the "75 per cont" ordlnanco aro vague, and litigation seoms certain f either ordlnanco Is adopted. Tlie ordinances have beon stren uously opposed by negro orgun ya-Mr-is and by many whlto frlonds of tho race as tondlng to crowd tho uouroes Into limited sections of tuo city Tho ordinances have beon supported by many whites who ur gue that tho property valujs of small homo owners aro ImpariUed by the possibility that negroes may move uext door to whltos. 1