"'" The man who wants the l(very latest" and the man 0f quieter, more dignified astcs, can always find in tMm, BLANCO The Public Service Hotel hits Just been thoroughly renovat ed, will do oiicii to (lie public March lnt, HMO. Homo r tln features of tills old hostelry are. frco 'cm liloyttient litireuu, free Nowlng room, Information liullclii ami kind treat ment. 'J'lio patronage of the puhllc Is sollelleil. hlanco hotel J 211 North From .Street, Mni-Nhflcld, Orcgtm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD. OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1916-EVENING EDITION. THREE mjm. . i. .l, HIA lincf Hie styles rami mv - ,McVer ll.o ftiHlilon, UN l Jertrf In lln nw"l ""' " (orm In "Mnllory" " Aml ,oilltv h I" ";," (""' jbo, iw "" cathcr lrtxf, I" Mi' iiiimh-u. He know of it" linl "t l"11 bkic w mmiy n""1 rtnrcM, Men Mill Store Manhfield Norlh Bend WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R REV1TIE5 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL E. W. SULLIVAN Corner Market and ItromHvnjr Wo solicit nil our old natrons of tho Lloyd and nssuro tliom tlio samo rensonalilo rntos. TAIPAY, COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost High Efficiency I Tho Sheriff lias Informed us that Jio will Bend a stntomont to ovory lax payor, whoso address ho knows, as 'ti tho amount of tholr taxes, thoro- foro ir you will hoik! theso Btntomonls to us, with tho amount of your taxes, Vo will soo thoy aro paid and keep n record on our books of tho pny mont, without any cost to you. Flanagan & Bennett Bank WEATHER FORKCAST tnr AnorUled ITmi to p,s nr Tlmu. OREGON Tonight fair In South, rain or snow in north; Tuesday fair west, rain or snow East; west erly Minis. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ondlng nt 1:1:! a. in., February 28, by HonJ. Ostllml, special gov ernment motooroloclBt: .Maximum u i Minimum ;ir, At 4:13 n. m ;,8 Precipitation 00 1'roclpltatlon Slnco Sopt. 1. iif no. 3i Precipitation sanio period tost year 49.13 Wind: Northwest, clear. SUNRISE AM) SUNSET Monday February 28 Sun rises at C:30 and sols at C:45 BOYS, EARN ' WESELL TMESAVERS ON CREDIT Winchester I'ostoffko. Washing ton dispatches announco iho estab lishment of a postofflco at Winches ter liny, near Gardiner, with L. S. Wcoks as postmaster. North Mend Luncheon. The North IJond Library Hoard cleared ?2ii.'00 on tho luncheon served in tho North Hend Club rooms Saturday afternoon. Tho business mon of tho city showed their appreciation by taking tholr evening meal with tho ladles. May lluy Stock. H. S. Tower Is to day going ovor tho Jowclry stock of tlio Hcd Cross Drug Store, Inspect ing It and taking a briot Inventory. Ills brother, Will Towor, Is In tho (left on the Adeline yesterday. Mr. Moreen wont down to consult with Messrs. Johnson, Smith and Garrlg ues who had to cancel tholr trip hero for tho tlmo being. Vernon Smith moved his household effects south. Leave on Adelli;. Four passen gers sailed on tho Adeline Smith yes torday. Thoy wore 0. W. Kutch and wire, A. Schorcht and (Jeo. W. Da foe. (Autos ftoin Myrtle Pln. J. R. Clinton and a party of friends drovo rrom Myrtlo Point to Marshflold yes terday In his now olght-cyllndcr Cad illac and inado tho trip without much difficulty. Now in St. Paul. Kenneth Ilausei', of Hauser and Ilauser company, Is now in St. Paul, according to letters received hero by his friends. Ho wont went back thoro in. January and there l& a possibility that ho will return to Coos Hay for the oponlnc of the V lllamotto Pacific line In April. Slices Ills Finger. While cleanlnft tho meat slicing machluo in his storo on Saturday evening, Harry Nasburg cnnio very near slicing off tho end of his foroflngor. Ho put tho par tlnlly sovorcd portion back In place, 'had It sowed on and aftor wlillo ho expects It will grow together again. Codding Is Worse. Mrs. C. II. .Codding received a tologram today stating that Mr. Codding who wont 'to Lnno hospital somo tlmo ago for treatment, Is worso. He loft tho hos pital a few wcoks ago and went to tho houso of a friend, Mr. Gilroy, at Day Point whoro ho is now claying and is bedfast. Mrs. Codding and daughter will leave for thoro on tho next Adclino. Expects Good Itcturus. A. II. Stutsman is planning on leaving very shortly to Join his sons at Whis key Kun on tho coast whoro they are now working a mining machine, ex tracting the gold and platinum from tho sands. A Portland concern has Installed a now extracting machine that is guaranteed to handlo 200 cu bic yards of sand a day. Mr. Stuts man says that ho and his sous havo Jowolry business at St. Johns, Orel'1 C0Iura l0 nlC0 vor Ul maclilno Ron. and thero is a possibility that"'1 Mnrch l)rov,tll"K lt C0I08 " to tho II) will litIV tlin Blni-lr nnl.l Mr Tnn., vui.injiuuiiw. no BUJH in HIS C8U FMiIng Improves. Wily Cox, who was up Coos Klvcr yesterday-, said that tho fishing Is very good for this time of tho year. Ho aided In lauding 10 of tho wily fol lows that hi: . In tho cool spots, using salmon .,'g8 for bait. Ho said that It will net bo lung hoforo tho fish will ralso to tho fllos. Tho Sunday boforo ho helped catch 1G trout. Council Will .Meet. Aftor a va cation of two wcoks tho city fath ers will moot In session this- ovo- iiiiitlon tlio Blind ought to nvorngo 40 conts n yard and that last year ho found much that went above this figure. Hal and Guy Stutsman havo been down on tho bench now almost a year. Papers Aro .Served, Doputy Shor iff A. P. Davis this morning served papors of a dlvorco proceeding on Mrs. Carrio M. Helsuer, of North Demi. Tho action wus started some tlmo ago by Charles llolsuor. Tho complaint nllogcs that "during tho past year tho defendant has persist ently Insisted In associating with Merchants! jPareits! """ TEACH THE BOYS TO WORK AND SAVE The boy who stmts a savings account before ho is 18 will novor join the I, W, W, Let the Boy Have a Bicycle Tho boy who Invns mit-rlnnr ovn.-n!o i i m,i 4 u.... hih'i i1 i , " "UUI "wiiov 10 iuoo niseiy iu luciin is winch later lead to shiftlessness and worthlossness Timesavers J bo had upon the payment of $10 provided somo mer rmmnt ' ,esPonsiblo person guarantees tho regular, WMymontof$1,25oach week until wheel is fully any payment is defaulted I will call upon the guarantor . . 1 fi ,a?co dl,e' or ' wil1 take the Bicyclo back, deduct lgforr and tear, jSklHEBICYCLETO THE GUARANTOR-NOT THE BOY AR.SHPIELD CYCLERY Phone 158-R. 1M DMn,11M11 iju uiuauvvaY jiilng nt 8 o'clock. Mayor K. A.nnd having nt homo when plaintiff Copplo Is still absent In tho East! was nbsont and nwny at work, ono nnd Is not expected linck for somo l. d. Pnyno." It nlso states that tlmo yet. Thoro aro said to bo no mattors of gravo importauro for tho consideration of tho Council this ovonlng, but n grist of routine work to bo done. Would Kciuodcl Theater. Tho question' of whether or not tho Koynl Thoator, a wooden building within (ho flro limits, can ho re modeled, will bo brought up for de cision tonight by tho city fathers. G. J. Lomanskl, formor proprlotor, would ngaln put n moving plcturo thoator in that location, providing tho nccos&ary changos are author ized by the City Council. Up (Joes lllun .Stone. War In En ropo Is playing havoc In gonoral with American prlcos with nil sorts of commodities. Now cones tho word that it Is going to cost n wholo lot moro to spray fruit trees and gardens this year than in 19in. Tho cnnio Is that bluestono is going higher owing to tho domand for coppor usod in tho war. A letter from Ifcilfour-Giithrlo company of Portland this morning mild tho prlco Is now 21 conts n pound and to hurry or It will go still hlghor very shortly. Mows Temporarily. This morn lug Jack Davis movod his pool and billiard tables out of tho parlors In tho building cornor Commercial and Payno lator moved to tho Ilelsuor homo and onco struck tho plaintiff with his fists, called him names nnd "rovo him out of tho houso. The complaint contains moro serious alle gations ngnlnst Mrs Holsnor. Long Kond to ChniiiilouMilp. On March 4 or March 11 if mutually agreed to, North Ilcnd Is to moot tho dobatlug team of tho Astoria high, school In North Demi to dccldo tho winners of this district. Word from tho University nt Kugono is to tho effect that tho wlnnor of this de hato will meet tho wlnnor In the round among northern Wlllamotto, southern Willanictto nnd Southern Oregon. This will tnko placo hoforo April 1. Only two teams ctf tho original CI in tho leaguo will thon remain nnd theso aro to moot for tho stato dobatlug championship In I-Jugeno during tho lattor part of May. Claims Aro Vll'ed. Claims amount ing to $837.38 wero filed today by orodltors of Otis Wilson, formerly in tho Jowolry business on Central avo- fnuo nnd who has now gono into bank' I'ruptcy. Thoro was n deadlorlc bo- Iwoen tho creditors wlio could not tion of Snrtor's confoctlonory. There ho will storo thorn wlillo tho build Ing Is undergoing repairs. Tho ; PERSONAL MENTION I W. H. HARRISON was in tho city today from Haynes Inlet. , hDON OARD1NHR left on tho morn ing train for tho Coqulllo Valley. POSTMASTKR COLK of Delmar was n Marshtleld business visitor to day. .MRS. WALTKR 1JUTTKUS, of Alte gany, spent the weok end In tho city. J. P. DAVIS, of Haynes lnlot( was a passenger in today on tho Mes senger. K. A. LANDRITH, prominent ranch er of Coos River, was down over Sunday. SA.M FA1LCONKR camo In from Haynes Inlet thls morning to imy supplies. FRI2D KJiJLLKY was a visitor In tho ComuIIIo Valley today for Cluff Company. C1IARLUS KODINK, rancher of Al legany, was among tho visitors hero today. JACK GUYTON has returnod from n business trip to llandou and to Myrtlo Point. L. A. WOODWORTH was a pnsBon- ger on tho morning train for Valley points. H. I). FULTON, of Haynes Inlet. was hero today looking uftor bus iness mattors. HARRY I1ULTMANN went over Into 'Uio Valley this morning to call on tho trade. MRS. .T. D. ROP.HRTS was down from Allegany this morning -on a shopping trip. MR. AND MRS. W. n. SMITH, of Weddorburn, wero wcok-end vis itors In tho city. A. P. DAVIS, Doputy Shorlff, camo over from Conulllo this morning on official business. C. S. M'CULI.OCH, County Survoyor, Is on tho Day from Coqulllo do ing somo surveying. NBIL MACMILLAN left today on tho early train to cnll on tho trado In tho Valley. MISSKS KDITII AND ETIIBL M'C CULLOCH wore down today on tho McsscnEOr from Temnloton. HIONRY E. JOHNSON nnd fnmlly; havo rotumoil from Myrtlo Point nnd nro loented In Porhnm Park. CHARLES F. PAPE. of Dann, whoro ho is ngent for tho Sporry Flour Compnny, spent yestordny In tho city. SIDNEY HENDERSON, Republican cnn'dldnto for County Survoyor nomination, wont back to Coqulllo this morning nftor n weok end visit here. MRS. CARL SMEDniJRG and llt tlo son, wore down yestorday from Catching' Inlot, visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Ulack, parents of Mrs. Smoodberg. , MR. X. HANSON who has boon vlslt , ing nt tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. H. L. Crawford, oxpects to lcavo soon for his old homo at Sabotha, Kas., gtjlng via Minne apolis. JODOE JOHN HALL returned on tho stago Saturday aftomoon fropi n trip through Southern Oregon vis iting tho vnrlous I. O. O. F. lodges. Ho was gono about throe weoks on tho trip. ADDISON DENNETT, veteran writer of Tho Orogonlan, cnnio ovor from Coqulllo valley this morning. He has been thoro since last Wednes day looking over that section nnd oxpects to bo horo nnd nt North IJoiuI for two days, writing up Coos liny for his pnpor. For your Spring Ging hams, Lawns, Silk Poplins, Cotton Poplins, etc. GET THEM AT THE J. C. PENNEY CO. STORE THEY HAVE THEM AT A BIG SAVING. Apron Ginghams 5c A better gingham , 7c Dress Gingham .;-:., :.-.. 7l(.c A better grade . .t.-w.-.i 8 1-3c 12'c Dress Ginghams .. 10c 15c Dress Ginghams, 32 inches wide 1214c Chambrics, all shades, 30 inches wide 12,lc Mercerized Poplins, 25c value '. 19c We Lead Others Follow 'jmBmE3ESEE&322Z32SP LOW Pfi Originators f Prices Next Door to Postoffice Besides First Class Meats We carry a nice line of . . . Pickled Lnmb Tonguo Pickled Pig Foot Pickled V Ears . Pickled Pig Snouta Pickled Trlpo Norway Herring Codfish, Finnan lladdlo and various kinds of canned fish. SMOKED COUNTRY SAUSAGE, GARLIC SAUSAGE AND SPAX , ISII SAUSAGE, MEXICAN .STYLE Palace Meat Market N. D. OSWALD. Phono 100-J. Central Avo. LAIRD TRAVEL KAR W. C. Laird, deputy shorlff from Coos county, arrived in Rosoburg last night from tho coast eurouto to Croscont City, Cal., after I. Roson berg, who Is wanted by tho Coos county offlcors on n chnrgo of do- fraudtng n bank nt Randan out of aiproxlmntoly $475. Although Cres cent City Is but 17C miles from , , . ., , rum i;iiy i mil no iiuicH iron agroo on n trustee. Judge Sq1 bredo Mar8l,roh, Mr Ln, w C0 then appolntdd Fred Gottlns . j I10iin to travel moro than 1500 mile. office. Tho stock will bo advertised for snlo and sold to tho highest bid-, -Ta Ti f nn f .1 A m Vftlt 4 lAnfl llB Front streets, to tho former oco-l"VA " V T imtV. ' ., . 0 .. -. r .,.-.. mi.,Ml00. A good sharo of tho $837.38,, hi in ruiitti t i in i ui:l iuiiui a huic i - said tho Judge, is a bnlanco duo on1. boforo ho returns to Coqulllo City J with his prisoner. Rosoburg Review, PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY lumber from tho C. A. Smith com limtit Wllcnti nlnlmtx lifa lmnin In .. . . i i. i ri'MMJi "" .t - .. .,..., .,. rioonntr nus uuon uuvurai iuui auuvoi.. oble Theate TONIQHT R 1 1...... mk wess ,,ll0,",',ay wsln r tho cclehnitcd llroadwny dm- THE REGENERATION ,,,C,UM in y WOn Kll(lftro) Ue "''f'p i.iJi .V""'a,u Xo" Vork or today and yesterday. l8,llfe- Thu IlI"r " " Uvo ''"llry of thrills, action nntll ro Ue ai"l Mann WllS s,"wn nt t,, ,Ty Tliwitcr Sunday nint 'Mias'm? Il"" ,'',is us that it Is tlio very best pic cluiil I.. ,S theakr. AlU" reel A l'X K ,SIX ,5KJ 1,K,'J,iS 'tt,'lllnHW-!..,,0 h,u,wi, '"'iking an extra long program. "l 4t(llt 'Itnl a.m. it - axtiimv.:. ' "" ' " l-10 ,,;a,,'y ORCHESTRA KVEItV NIGHT i5'sslon Fifteen Cents, Upstairs or Down tho sldowalk. This Is being lowered and tho entire lower floor Is being remodolod. Whon this Is romplet Od Mr. Davis will move back again, though It Is said that a tonant ban not yet been secured for tho corner business site. .Mrs. McCann lluWi'd. Tho fu- ! Ferndnlo and n summer homo near tho creamery nro exempt. The Smith Mumbor was used In erecting his homo 'whfch' Is said to bo exonipt. ROOSTS COOS NAY I Tho Eugene Register says Coos H.iv Iiiiuliin-jc; niAii urn urnniiriilir to neral of Mrs Robert McCann, n Ku bu8lWH mcn Qn U)0 Eastsldo. was hold Saturday morn- ',, of tho wni,ctto Pacific Jng nt 11 o'clock In tho Presbyterian mir0ad through to Marshflold. ac Church, tho sorvlces Jiolng In .conIlK to claU(, 0i Thompson, man chargo of tho Rev. Stubbloflold. agor of , Cooa nilv p,.0(lHPB Coni. The steamor Kainuow nrougui oor 1ianyj w,)0 arriV(Mi j Kugono last a great many friends and inlatlvos ,jl(llt on j,:8 wny to Portland. Mr. from Eastslde. Mrs. McCann H"diThompBOn snyB j.ubIuceh conditions lato Thursday afternoon artcr sur-j,, t,at HePtjon aro Improving, and ferlng for about ton days rrom antjl0y 00l for hotter times In the attack of typhoid fovor. The pall fUtliro. Mr. Thompson 1b on his way Prescriptions Wo initko n Hpeclalty or prescript Ions, Ahvii.v.s filled promptly wltli piu-o drugs mid cliciiilcaW, Absolute lucnrucy. HrJng your next prescip tion to THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE I'liopo SDH Wo Deliver Immediately . t AT THE HOTELS I t Chaudlor Hotel Morlo lloldon, Heaver IIIU; O. C. Hamlin, Heaver Hill; Yalo Gloason, San Francisco; W. J. Scoflod, Port land; E. J, Jouson, Snu Francisco; L. F. LcGnrlo, Portland; Charlos E. Mack, Eugono; S. A. Schluetor, Oak land; Dick Joso, San Francisco; L. I). Smith, Coos River; Charles F. Papo, Randon; 13. P. Itlco, Port land; Floronco Darklow, Coqulllo; Gcorgo Dufoo, llandou; W. A. Lino gar, San Francisco; II. P. McLood, Portland; It. A. Lnndrlth, Coos River; Ivan O. Laird, SItkum; W. "W. Wadol, San Frnnclsco; A. P. Davis, Coqulllo; John P. Russ, San Francisco; Miss Leggott, Reavor Hill; Phillip Dcschnor, Portland. Lloyd Hotel Miss Laura Robhlns, Emplro; Mrs. A. Mandory, Powers; J. M. Yost, Floronco; W. Hausor, Gar diner; .Too Hlllbauhor, Deavor Hill; 1). C. Avery, Reavor Hill; A. S. Gllllngsworth, Powers; P. L. Harry, llandou; Carl Wobbqr, Delmar; Chris Nelson, Allegany; .Mrs. Walter Rutters, Allogany. St. Liuvrenco IRttet C. Ilartman, Norway; J. Chris ten and wife, Rosoburg; J. Jacob- son, South Inlot; Tom Wasson, Em plro; Fred Davis, San Francisco; Mrs, J. J. Mabaffoy, Sumnor; Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Smith, Wuddorburn; M. R. Losnaux, Portland; C. 8. Mc- Culloch, Cotitilllo; Earl Slaglo, Co qulllo; J. F. Policy, Coqulllo; J. D. Flnnol, Gardiner; D. M. Grow, Hon vor Hill; II. M. Ilnxoltou, Rosuburg; i Harry Hazolton, Rosoburg. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Justin, former ly with tho St. Lnwrouco Hotol wish to inform tholr friends ntul tlio public thnt their Broadway Hotol 'npartmonts nro noarly completed. 'Will announco dato of opening lator. Location In Postofflco building. Mnrshtlold, Oregon. MARRIAGE LICENSES John R. Frasor and Loulso J. Sncnd. S. M, Mann nnd Norma Coffin. Josoph II. Rankin and lsabello Holding, J om 06 Floyd Hoylo nnd Dona Martinson. SOME VISIT RV STOIIIC I FOR SALE Far m liorso. Will sell cheap or trado him. Epqulro 37C North Front atreot, oi; phono 2'JC-R. "Islit: Tll( CI slug N0f Oold Rooster play in reels bcalrors wore J. Albort Matson,. Frank E. Norton, John Morehaut. D. L. Rood, Alex Hall and Mr. Myron. Thoro wero many heautltul floral offerings. Tho W. C T. 1'. attended In a bodv. Leaio on Adellno. Arno Moreen, general Biiperlntendcnt of tho C Smith Company and Vernou A Sm'th to Portland on a purchasing trip for his company. .MethodiM Ladies' Tnmnlc Salo Wednesday nt Church kitchen. ml'IM.'ICII II TIIU !... W'lxliKW. day nftcrnoons for men only. 'THE WHITE IS KING Of nil Sowing Machines Now located at 25G Market avo. West. Phone 10.W. Wo havo also got big bargains in all kinds of used' machines. All machines sold on easy payments. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Olllosplo, who llvo down tho rlvor four mllos this sldo of RIvorton, wero doubly blossod by tho arrival of a pair of twin boys. ono of whom wolghs nliio pounds ami tho other is half n pound homier. Dr. Richmond says tnoy aro robust Hltlo follows "tho finest pair or twins I ovor saw." On Monday to holp koop tho hoxos jValanood, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. A. Hufford, llvlim on tho J. W. Lonovo nlacp a i 1 mile down the river, had a visit from ' '' HOCRS work per day Uiikh1 thi tork which broiiirbt a tral bar ' cxiiv . Idu d bJoUlu por. "H" t NFW TODAY ,t I'Ol'.ND lllaclc and wliHo SluplierT dog. Iuqulro at Times office l'OR KENT 7 room house, eloso In, very chonp. Soo Goo. Goodrum. I'OR HUNT FiviM-ooni co'tngo 0 eently ronovated, cornor NJnth and Flnnngan. Apply W. 11. Cur tis. Phono 1C0-R, J; t FOR RENT t VOU HUNT About March 1.1, hotel at Hausor, furnished, 9 rooms nt end of boat lino and on railroad, $10. Seo Nod Galloway, launch North Star at noon. FOR RENT Comfortiddo apart ments for rent, furnished, $1S.00, fino locution. I. S. Kaufman & Co. FOR ItENT Furnished two room apt. Heated, $15.00. Inqulro Mntson's Storo. FOR'RENT Fiirnlslted flat, hot anil cold wotor, bath. 853 Third st. I'OR ItENT Rooming houso ovor Ekblad's Ilardwaro Storo. Apply at Ekblad & Son, or call 3G0. t FOR SALE t FOR SALE f&OH pk Incubator Phono OJ. l'OR miA'RE Complete, W'oll equip ped ohlckgn ranch, will trado for Mnrshflohl lots. I. S. Knufmau e Co. Coqulllo Sontlliel, Times. V.I "iaMBHMBi