' vrvHYym V rttw ii i i n"; gp riffrft w T"t h puTwr w" wcHT- wj- y, , '"fi-rfirr' r-Yvpw- ST-tT"" rrjr 'wcpwygyw ISW f ""J'Jr"' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1916 EVENING EDITION FIVE "; !pimhi up im v i 77 I H n A. Joshes says: IP BREVITIES Don't wonder how good a suit twenty dol lars will buy; come in to the FIXUP and see these ROYAL TAILORED SUITS. Made to your measure. Can make you a suit as low as sixteen dollars, and on lift to forty dollars. . - ncctlon with tho Stoiilmn Itogors cuho Involving title to voltmblo Con trul tivonuo property. J. W. Don tott was a witness, tolling of early ri.nsiictlona regarding tlm property. THE- xu Marshiield North Bend Cram ,. .... uhtVIv. Wn make ll : :.!,;. c mow k u :.. .....i iWwnif. -Wc'nulcnny km I o order for pnto. AImi frown puddings. ,, pure Ice Cream, delivered,. $1,25 per gallon Vt (Wlvrr any tliii3, d )' or night WEAVING AH kinds a spec ially. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 630 12th Courlh. So. Phone 220-R RAILWAY SURVEY FOR LINE INTO FLORENCE S(ii:K.mii Pacific Figuics on ICvIpm- slon or" Spur From Ciishmnn (o Town n( Mouth of Slusluu FLOltHNCIO, Ore, Fob. 25. Tho. nillroiul survey for tlm .branch lino from Ciisluunn to Florence In Just uliolit flnlsJied. A crow of surveyor imilor tho direction of O. Ii. Hentnor hait lioun nt woi'k on HiIh propoaud lino for tlio piiHt ton days. 'flio notes of tins survey will whorl ly bo nont to ICugono whoro oatlmntos f COHt will Ito niuUo up. Ili'foio going lo llio bench to jiionow, slop In nt t'.'ootlniinV Oarage QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. I'hose 10M imiujiifii-'m. uitr:;o Times Want Ails urn tho ono mo iliiini which reaches ALL tho pimple. They engngo public nl (nil Ion every i!y Always mi (Ito Joti. t WICATHICIt FOltlCCAST Ur AmoiIuIo.1 l'rtss to uaua nr llnin.l OltEdON Fair In west, unsettled with probably rain or biiow onst; northeasterly winds. LOCAL TKMPICItATUItn HICCOltD Fop tho 24 hours ending nt 1:13 n. in., February 20, by HonJ. Oatllnd, special gov orniuent meteorologist: Mtixlinum 75 Minimum :is At -I:!.'! a. m :io Precipitation 00 Precipitation Slneo Sept. 1. Httr. r.o.ai Precipitation biimo period last year I!).13 Wind: Northwest, clear. Kl'MIIHK AM) Nuxskt Satiii-dny February 20 -- Sun rlcoa at (i;i:i mill nota nt f.MI. S'a.ie Itout Dmnug.il. Cnpt. N. J. Cornwall, who Is hero from Gardinvi says that the damage to the stage launch Atlns, which was damaged by n raft In the Bay tho other morn ing, Is greater than first believed. Tho Propollcr and crnnk shaft both wore Injured and tho loss of tho Atlas Is keenly folt during the prcs ont heavy stage trnvol. ?Vv? 0Oe BORN t I.IM04 UN Propel!.'!. John T. 01 sen, of North Ilcnd, Is bemoaning the hloss of n propollcr from bis gasol.nc boat. It hns throo blndoa and is about 11 Inches In diameter. It ills (appeared olthor Monday or Tuesday hilght and tho police havo been put on tho lookout, expecting that It might bo disposed or at snnio of the hecoiid-linnd stores. Mills Ituu Today. Tho big mill of the C. A. Smith company operated until noon today when It closed down for repairs. The Knatsjilo mill ran all day, making tho full six day schedule this wcok. Tho logs nro coming in moro rapidly nnd thoy will soon havo a supply ahead which will eiiablo them to cut spec ial orders and keep steadily on, tho six-day sehcdulo. Liquor Is Itcluiiio'l. Chris (Virile gard camo Into tho .lustlco court and claimed tho liquor that was taken from Ii Ih room In tho Joe Ilnuser homo nt tho time the latter was nr icstod for bootlegging. Onrdcgard at that time was nwny from homo to spond tho wook end with friends. Ho said that lately It Is notlccablo Hround Coqulllo that most ovcryono Is at work. Laboring men who havo peon without 'employment through tho winter seem to bo well supplied V'lth It now iiul It Is becoming inqro' difficult tw'got men when they arc wanted. $4666644 a nl tl.o lliiuor found In his room iMATHON - To Mr. and Mrs. Fay Mat-W118 c' "r,Bn,c'' Jm, I'onnock son, or Sumner, nt Mercy Hospital lwnR aMe tllllt ll wns ll13 Fobruarv 2B. l'JKi. n ulrl. Tho!"10 ,0 ,)0lIoa of ,,oor' of rrthcr mid llttlo ilai.ithtnr i.r,,!wlll8,'' n"'1 nnotliop of champaign getting along nlely and tho father la a very happy man today. O fwero rMiimcd. Drought Ih Itelloinl Tho Kllburn aided and abetted In relieving to Clieniiuvn TcnclitV. Mrs. Arthur '8omo cxnt- "i draught on Coos Hay , Schlllerstrom. of Point Tiirrnci!.rwho" nl, i"Tlvod this morning from Instructor at tho Indian school at Snn I'rnnplaco with boiho' 30 booze Chomawa, left on her roturn to hcr,mlor8 'l,0r arrival? lioro under work nrtor visiting friends horo. Kugcno Kogl8lor. 1 1 t WALLPAPER 1 See 1 VIERi 1 About .it. OXLITE Not Rubber Not Leather Willi N lulled. Attomoys for Coo. CelllugH this morning filed suit In tho Justice court f6r tho collection of' $12.70 claimed to be duo from Mr. and Mrs. ,M. Kehoo. Interest Is asktd from Juno, 101G. A her. (uibutltuto for leather or rub This iihoo Is now being worn I JPnpcrs Aro Sencd. Papora In ! cxiiuoctlou with tho kiiII of Charles A. Johnson against tho Port of Coos F 'Hay nnd tho City of MarHhttold wcr, 'seiNed today on tho dorendants by tho prohibition law. Thore wore covoral happy recipients today who Inow havo another mouth's supply o( ''ammunition." Tho Nnnn Smith brought 110 express tho other day, all of which accouutH for tho extreme "dry" condition that prevailed horo. .lames IIiijh Lot. Another new name was onrolled among tho .pros- Wioctlvo homo builders of Marshflold, that of Tom Jnmos, who yesterday Vtirchaseil through V. A. Held ono lof tho most attractlvo homesltcs In 1'orham Park. It is located on Sov- outli Terrace, clono to tho new home rof C. IC. Pqrry. The vlaw from this ,-lioliit Is unobstructed, n s'holtcrod. TL'UKIHH IIATIIS open Wednes day afliviiooiiM for men only. Dr. I). C. VitiiRhnn, Dentin, Kooin iff. First Antloiml Uank building Prescriptions Wo imiko 11 Hpccln'.ty of pioci'lplloim. iMvvajH filled prnmplly wllli Pino drugs inn) eliemlcals. AlisoliUo iirciinipy. IJrlng your next presclp- 1 1(111 to THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono HUH Wo Deliver Immediately For your Spring Ging hams,. Lawns, Silk Poplins, Cotton Poplins, etc. GET THEM AT THE J. C. PENNEY CO. STORE THEY HAVE THEM AT A BIG SAVING. Apron Ginghams " ' 5c A better gingham , 7c Dress Gingham 7Mc A better grade 8 1-3c 12'oo Dress Ginghams 10c 15c Dress Ginghams, 32 inches wide 12Mc Chambrics, all shades, 30 inches, wide i.12MiC Mercerized Poplins, 25c-value :... 19c fUOTlC A : wfw today : I TO I HOl'ltS work ier day wl.iiicd by oxporieneed bookkeeper. "II" Times. l'Olt SAM-J Phono CJ. fiOO exs Incubator Olt SAM' Full blood It. It. eggs; for setting; also 1 It. H. Ccckrel. i C. M. Connor, Ph. 1GIJ. FOIt SAIilv How llont, round hot i torn, 10 ft. long, r foot wide, oak framo and ribs. Newly pnlntod Including three coats copper paint. First class condition. Strong and safo boat fitiltuhlo for uso with Kvltirudo. Cost $00. Will sell for $.10. P. O. Ilbx 811, North llend. Deputy A. P. Davis, wljo enmo ovoi m.i n.a(t1frt. A... Hin ttMMtk i n on our streets. To tost them out.1""" -"'"' " ' -u uniiy Bpot. Mr. Jnmes has n front wo aro soiling this sjioo for Jf:J.5. ,r .. , . 'ngo of sixty foot on tho Torruco. Af Ladles Hobby Hoots in tan and' black, with rubbor hcols. Wo nro Many .Vow Jlcmbcrs. Tho mom bcrthlp commlttoo of. tho Mllllconm mm:, wuii ruuuor ueuis. o aio ,,, rol,0,.ta thftt t,,oy ,mvo ,md ,,. - now soiling for ""5 elded success In tho last fow days. ''r'))' Ladles' (Jypsy Kid 'Hutton; latest i adding 30 now names to tho rolls. '?"' " .,' ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL rj. W SULLIVAN iwuff, Market iiimI Hrnutlivnv ii. u ... " 0 i loncit an our eld patrons of last; price i . . . .$.Mir Thoro wero already 70 members. Tho jd and assure tlieiu the snnie 'UIkkcs' Mnry Jones, now last: good cnmimlgn closes next Wednesday. Plans P(o Hull, Charles Burton i Is arranging to opon a pool hall at I Sumner, tho largo uumbor or meU nuoaible rates. Tho pA. KiLBURN sails for SAN FRANCISCO Via Eureka March 1st. "ioroiatloii can i;iC ' W. Cl'Slliw --milMi, Agent. patent leather. Prlco .f-.no ; .Misses Kniiny Lou, whlto . ..?l.7r Ladles' Patent Loathor, two strap pump, prlco Jrli.no All kinds nnd sizes o fchlldron'o shoes, bare foot Handles and slip pers. Prices from. .. .1 lie lo !j(i!.7.1 soon as tho lot Is cleared und graded plans for a new $3000 homo will be hlch whou completed, will to the beauty of this popu lar residence soetlon. In Victim or Trade. A man leav ing Powers tho other day offered to exchango coats with Arthur Uakor, who Was at tho depot. Later word employed in the McDonald & you ( Ci.ino hi ami lei us Miow enn nivo you money. I Electric Shoe Store I Simps Kcpnliod Wlillo Vou Wnlt S. J. I.M.Mi:i Prop. ISO South Hi oiid way l-'OU TltANSFIJIt AND KT()lt.(.'i: OF IIOI'SFIIOI.D HOODS, FltCK.'IIT , AND MA(JOA(Ji: Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono l(i:i Kohldeuro Phono I If -J Miuket Ave. ami Waterfront , camo from. Powers that Ulmon Wardlow had lost n porfectly good . nnn t Dubnit li n 1 nlun nnnl A t tttttt Vniighn camp near tboro affording' ,,..,, ,,.., . , i i , ,i .by tb s tlmo nnd ho was scon wenr mueli nddlt onn business for that ' .. iiug ina com auoui mo siroois, ami town. ' " m . . . . . ... ... wviiun iuuu, wnu iiuu iiuuiu uiu suu . In- tho ftrfd placo, rocogulzod tho raimoui. no hqii uaKor questioned by Marshal Carter. Ilaker told a stiulghtforward ctory and roturncd tho apparel to Mr. Todd, Who gavo him another coat to keep out tho chill winds and Uakor wont on IiIr way. Ilaker is said to boar a good reputation and ho is aiding Marshal Cartor In hooping a lookout for the stiauger who duped him, Sltiny Aro nt Work. Sidney Ilon dorson, c!ty onglneor nt Connlllo, an'i llcpublicau candldnto for County Surveyor, came over this morning Funeral Sunday Tho fnnoral Mrs. Ilnrrls of Cedar, Kas., who died at tho homo or ber dnughtor, Mrs. L. 10. Dyer, in Flagstarr, will bo hold Sunday nftoinoon from tho Dun gan Undortaklng parlors. Ilov. P. Morris of tho Christian cliuich will officiate Saw Dig Flic. Will Sneddon has wrltton to Jack Sneddon telling of tho big 100,000 flro ho wltnossod ' In rtoslyn, Washington, tho othor day. iTho flro destroyod tho big gonernl (store of tho mining company at that I placo. Ho sont a picture or tho flro, !howlng ii great dentil of biiow ou the ground at tho tlmo. FOIt SALIC (lOinl team horses. I weight ir.00 otauln otaol oln maro nnd 1 cold. 7 nnd 3 yrs. Weight 1000 lb. each; 1 Jorsoy gull, 18 iuob. pld. Harry Thomas, Hunker Illll, P. O. Hox GG7, Marsh field. 2 FOR RENT t FOR HUNT About .March ir, hold I at Ilauser, furnished, 9 rooms at end of boat lino nnd on railroad,! tie, ceo iNeu (iaiioway, lauucu North Star' nt noon. FOIt HUNT Coinfortalilo apart ments for rout, furnished, $ 15.00, fine location. I. S, Kaufmau & Co. FOIt ItFNT Funilhlied two room apt. Heated. J 15.00. Inquire Mntson'a Store. Want JitlveKlshig hells loiier-waiiteil things, k . t " " . i , ' uammummm tmmm i tmmKmmwmmammimt al7m( uaMMMwa Tnko More Te'.lluioiiy. Moro tes timony was bolng taken today boforo BLANCO The Public Service Hotel h.ih just been thoroughly renovat oil, will he open (o (ho public March list, 11)111, Soiuo of I ha features FOIt mi.NT Furnished flul, hot and cold water, bath, 853 Third st FOIt HUNT ltooiiilug house ovol Ekblad'a Ilnrdwnro Store. Apply at lOkblad & Son, or call 300. J t FOR SALE 1 FOIt SI Wo will deliver to you ono dozen choice roso bushes, assorted varieties, guaranteed to bloom this 'year, Portland Itoso Nursory, Lenta, Orogou. Woble Theate -. " TONIQHT court Koponor a. h. imuu hi cuii- f . ,, llos,,.i..v ,,ro, frH CIII. 1 w iploymcut bureau, fice sewing room, Information biillelu and kind treat- 'incut. The palroiiaj of the public M.llcllcd. HIjANCO IIOTFL 12 North Front Stieet, Marsliflcld, Oiegon nro Plays and (.'nod Music. en you uoo HUFUS J. WALLINO- TOFCH 'i'h0 two-rcol comedies that aro 'i.... ",L m r.ii.n . "umer ri. ... . """ 'i mu i T,: " ""' lonlKlit wh cwssej "WKn 'iTlli; V.w tnir, ' 'It It's of any Importance, you'll soo It In U1I3 I'ATtw .... tH ""IiFI-x-a Kh i Another reel of comody that will bo en- nn n..... 'I tlln . . NAVV Til 11 ini'lnl olnl-i. I1...1 atnvt, .ll. nlmllv " --.... u..i l.iul nit. ..a 1.ll. Ii.utnj b'ict action ana loiithiiii.g. Tho attendance has beon moro than sat- flPv fci . . . l Iltr r.1. " Poimiariti 'B ot lllfs Kr0Ilt Be,'Inl ator'. w,,l(,u ccorit3 Uw milDWs OltliiKSTUA MVKKV NIOIIT SdJajconv. 10 cts.: Children. 5cts! ?,?f,,B?:l rePeatej its. Sundiy evening: Till) 1 U PI. with Marguorlto Clark, .'PPKT CKOWN" with MAKE YOUR KODAK AUTOGRAPHIC Tho cWi'u havKs aro In stock and rango fiiim $i.f0 to .SUM. Know "tho when, the luiw, and tlio whore." FILMS! FILMS! FIWIS! "The Owl" 158 KODAK STORE Tho Central Avenue Drug Storo lAIPAlEK Tho Sheriff has Informod ua that I flie will send a atatemont to every tax- i payer, whoso address he knows, as li tho amount or their taxes, thero I f'oro It you will 'Bond theso statements t'j us, with tho amount of your taxes We will see thoy aro paid 'and kee 'n record on our books of tho pay nent, without any cost to you. FOIt' SAI.IJ Propoity nt 1 100 with guaranteed Income of 10 per cont or hotter. A fow choice building lots at greatly reduced prices Quick sale. Filzcon & Duncan, ISC Uroadwny. FOIt SALIC ICquity Ju 7-mom mod ern house, will tako good build ing lot In part payment. Ph. 425-J FOIt SALF Farm horso. Will Mil cheap or trade him. Kmiulre 371! North Front streot, or phono 290-lt. FOIt TltADIC Complete, Well oqulii ped chicken ranch, will trade for Marsliflcld lots. I. S. Kaufman & Co. WANTICD Porter and handy man around hotel, Lloyd Hotel. WA XTIC I )0 hi for general house work, four in family. Phono 207. m tii.., n hi t H I IIIIIIV IT IV Flanagan & Bennett Bank Til 13 WIHTK IS KINO Of all Sewing Machines Now located at 2S6 Market avo West. Phono 103-J. Wo have also got big bargains In all kinds of used machines. All machines sold on easy payments. We Lead Others Follow Originators vg! Next Door to Postoffice Low Prices Telephone to Beaver Hill . . . A public long dlstauco toll station has been es tablished at Heaver Hill In the office ot the South ern Pacific. Company. Tho McDonald & Vatighn Logging Camp uliovo Heaver Hill may bo reached thioiigh Heaver lllll." Call Long Dlstauco. Coos and Curry Telephone Company NOTICE To Gardeners and Ranchers Wh IIAVH TIIIC FOLIX)WLV SIC1CDS IN HULK ALL NICW, FltlCSII STOCK Onlcii Sets Kalo Onions, Vnllim' (ilolio Dauvvis. Parsnips, llolhfw Clown. Peas, both parly mid Into,. varieties Iladlsh, Icicle. Heaus. Hects Soo us about early seed potatoes. Wo havo n now shl'pmont to nr- ; . rlva , on tho next boat. 4 . C'ui'tols ' Coin, Sweet. Com, Prlodo of tho North, Field. JT.etturo Turnips Pntntoc.4, tho best ou Cons Ha)', per KM) pounds $2.-15 Apples, Iluhlcon, per bov .' $1.00 Apples, lliildwliis, ner bov , (Lie "We Save You Money" GETTING'S CASH GROCERY Phono 394, 130 North Broadway, E9QH Spring Time Play Time ih w Ovi .r; yyrL ouS4 fi-UVOAKK 'M9i H0UIH0I30 B0.-OT00 r'-'v'fir..,! jt-a- . -' I 1.0 J J t .'. 1 -1' A' m- '-em- First Home . From School Parents : Do you remember how you would have enjoyed rid ing home from school oh a bicycle? Why not let your son have one? Do you remember how you had to hurry in the) morn ing to "get thore before the last bell rang?" Why not let your boy have a TIMESAVER? He'll be late, any how, I know, but think of the fun he'll have, Please look over our wheels before you decide on tho bicycle for him, We know what's what in durability and can make many suggestions that will prove of value to you, - Our bicycles MUST please, MUST give satisfaction, or we'd have to go out of business, MARSHFIELD CYCLERY 156 Broadway, Phone 158-R, -BL '""""way star. mmaumm