The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 26, 1916, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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    two ;
sum&pvmmgma -' mtnr i Mfweia i
y f '
hosjss at mi nil day session in two
Mr. mill Mra, TUolchor Nelson cn
tcrtnlncd Willi a dinner party Sun
day at lliolr beautiful homo un South
Coob Itivor. Tholr guests were: .Mr.
and Mrs. Ilorbcrt Uogers and daugh
ter Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Llljc
qvlst and baby Cynthia, Dr. and Alio
Wm. llorsfall and Miss Marian Ilors
Personal notices of visitors
In tlio city, or of Coos Hay
peoplo who visit in other
cities, together with notices
of soilnl affairs, nro Kindly
received In tho social de
partment. Tolephono 133.
Notices of cluh meetings wll
bo published and secretaries
nro kindly reotiestod to fur
nish samo.
TIII2 KTTH Till."!':
Ho did not wed a suffragist
When caught in Cupid's not,
Dill In the lottery he found
Ho drew u suffrngetlo.
"Within u small tiparlinonl next
Tholr household goods they set;'
Jt lmd no plnco In which to cook
Except n kitchenette.
Their meals woro also whittled down
For lack of room to lot,
With brcakfastotto and limclicoiiotto
And lastly Olnnorctto,
But from thin pntont sort of llfo
Results were very plain;
Ho had no palnol'to In Ills turn
Not much! Ho hnd a PAIN!
TIII3UD linvo been somo ndverso
crtlclsms on leap year parties,
but I do not see but tho right
tfort of girls and tho right Hort or
boys can give Biich an affair with Jual
ni much propriety as any othor novel
Whatever Is dono ilnpoiulH upon
chrractoru of tho IndlvtdiialH partic
ipating, and this Is true at all times,
freshed. Promptly at 11:30 "Horn,
Sweet Homo," was played.
An Hugngciuciit. Ltiiielcon
An engagement luncheon, which Is
to ho given tho last of this month
has these unique- features: The con
tendere id to ho of polnsettla, whuv
has decided dccorat(vo vnluo and twos
with plenty of giceu. Holly and mis
tletoe are used all diirng tho month,
for they nro so beautiful, and ninny
peoplo entertain Into In February on
'account of the holidays making, such
extra demands on one's time.
On tho dining room wall thoro Is to
ho a huge calendar turned so that nil
enn see tho dato of tho engagement
marked with a rod circle around it,
and as tho wedding Is to he early In
tho year, that day Is also marked
with 11 rod circle red-letter days,
of co ti mo tlily mystifies tho guests.
At each pinto thoro nro to bo Indi
vidual enlondnrs with the same dates
No ono suspects tho engagement,
oo nil nro totally unpropnred for the
announcement, wjilch will bo mado
In n tolcgrnin received by tho hostess
from Cupid's court. With tho dessert
'tho mnlit will bring In n pnekngo nil-
'dressed to tho hrldo-olcrt, which will
column the engagement ring. Thoro
Contributions concerning
soclnl happenings, Intended
for publication In tho society
department or Tho Times,
must he submitted to tho edi
tor not lntoc than C o'clock
p. in., Friday of each week.
(Inceptions will bo allowed
only In cases whero tho
event occurred later than tho
llmo mentioned.)
Mra. Annlo Tower, Mrs. L. W.
Jacobs ami Miss Nettlo S.ivnge woro
hostesses this, week on Tiicsthij, tit
'tho meeting uf tho Kplscopnl Ladles'
'(lulid, In (iiilld hull. During tho
business session It was announced
Jthnt Ilov. Drowning, 0r tho Kplseo-
'pal church, would hold a short ser-
vlco at tho conclusion of every guild
meeting during Lent, which com
lllniirnn tlllu viiiim .... tli.. CI I. ..!
who called to oxtond congratulations ',,,.,, ,, ' . , ,, '
on their fifteenth wedding nnulvor-' " J. '". .T"1 ",lc.r f .lh " ,m"
s.ry. After an evening spent in ! " " " " " " 'JL . ' ' ,"
cards and other games, tho Itulleu !rt... ,,. . V, :
, . . i, .... .... 'Clint. Inwnrd evening tho hostesses
IIUII'UUUJIO UHlllllUS. tiioso ,,, ,,, ..,. ........
.,....,. iihiu n,i i uamiiuiiiH. iscxi
piesont woro: Mr. nnd Mrs. II. J.
week, Mrs. A. C. Vestal, .Miss Mil-
Isnnes, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Traver, ,,,.,, ,,,, ..,,,,,, '
Mr. and Mrs. Cleorgo Perkins, Mr. , ' ' ,cy " '' ,A,rH' J' ,W' ,Jom,ctl
'.....1 ,.... tir ,..?. ,'.' will sorvo its hostesses. Thoso proa-
and Mrs. W. 0. Ingrain. Mrs. Itnv
Dttnson, Mrs. W. Itlsk, Mrs. Nettlo
'Stevons, nnd Misses Olgti Holmes nnd
Amy Isaacs. 4
oso pros
out this week were: Mrs. J. W
noniiett, Mrs. C. W. Tower, Mrs.
Annlo Tower, Mrn. H. H. Dradfleld,
Miss Nottlu Savage, Mrs. William
llorsfall, Mrs. A. O. Uogora, Mrs.
Herbert Lockhurt. .Mrs. L. W.
' Jacobs, .Miss Agnes lliitcheson, Mrs.
Last Saturday afternoon, Mrs. I'"1"1'1 Naa,"",K. Mrs. Clnudo imis
Waltur Wilson ontertaned a n u in her ' ,lrK' lMr"- 0,ly Wni-,r. Mrs. C. W.
of tho younger set at her homo in lCl,ml,. Mrs. J. A. MntBon, Mrs.
Ferndaio In honor of her niece, MIbs ,,08B l,,ho' Mrs- F' w- I'nJ'nc, Miss
Ituth MePherBon, who with her moth-1 '"1,,'0(l Ul"'y. Mrs. Arthur Mo
or is visiting hero tit tho Wilson homo Kcown, 'Mrn. Matlilscn, Mrs. Charles
from Kdmundton, Albertn. Canada. 8,,mff' Jlr')' W' ' Curtis, JHbs
p'ho afternoon wuh spent In games, A,,co Curtis, Mrs. Frances Hazard,
and at Its close, Mrs. Wilson nerved i VIrM- Mir' MeKnlglit, Mtb. K. 0.
dollcloiis refreshincnts to tho follow
lug guests: Misses Norma and Lu
(lortrinlo Stubbleflold,
nro to ho darllnir littlo lovlnir i!iinlc"0 ''o.
to bo retained an nouvonlrs. ICncli ' Aiiiolla Pratt, Mabel Drown, Ittitli Hrlen, Mrs. 1311nbcth Merchant,
Perhnm. Mrs. .1. W. Fhinngnn, Mrs.
Jninos Ferry, Sr Mrs. Cleorgo Fer
ry, .Mrs. I). A. Jones, Mrs. A. .11.
one Is to propose n toast to tho happy
"ov a Kitchen Shower
'McPhorhon, .leanotlo Drown, Dorothy Mib. Sullivan and Mib. (1. F. March.
Ferguson, Margaret Fourier, Marian !
mm iniucc8 wiison, icoiineii Lyons, .4
I am very glad to comply with tho 10- w, ri to bo 11 spring bdo, and thoy
quest of a reader who says sho always mado tho funniest figure out of tho
inorry crowd of girls mado a ' n,!0rK Fourier, Kobert, Wallace and
kitchen shower for one of tholr inatea
rends tho department with much
pleasuro for this kind of a function.
This leap year party was given
recently In tho fashionable suburb or
a largo city. It wns hold at tho club
house, and tho monibors wth Invited
guests said It was a most delightful
Plajing .MaiiV Itolo
Tho liiiltntlnns woro sent by the
young women In tho most cordon
stylo asking tho pleasuro of tho young
man's company, saying who woro to
bu tho chnporoiics, bo that each man's
mother folt assured that her boh was
to ho In proper company. Flowers
woro sent, In most eases bunches of
violets. Two girls took 0110 carrlago
nnd cnllod for tholr piospoctlvo Iiojb.
Tho chnporones woro paid duo nttcn
Hon, oach man being returned to his
watchful mother, sister or aunt, who
ever It happened to lie,
Soveral of tho lioys were attended
by vnlctts In lion of maids. Tho girls
woro stiff collars and white lawn ties,
and In somo cases white vents. Tho
boje woro soft laco coIIiiib or Jabots,
carried fans or woro them on long
chains. All woro gloves, both girls
nnd boys.
Tho mon "poured" coffee and choe
olato, which woro sened with nniid
wlches and biiiiiII cakes. a largo
bowl of frappe' was convenient ly
placod whore the joung women snw in
It that tho men worn properly re-
articles contributed, to which thoy
pinned tills rhymo, which wuh road
aloud an Boon us nil had arrlvod. Then
(tho qunlnt woman was divested of her
clothes and tho hrldo found Just what
bIio wanted for lior now ktehen:
I urn ti bride, not hrldo-to-ho,
And that I'm iiHoful you'll all agree.
Of cooking utoiislln I am mado
From the teiueout store tho highest
g ratio.
f IlulioliI my faco 'tin hut a fake;
Hut comes lu fine for mixing cake.
My hair you'll think an ugly crop
lu fact, It's only 11 nice dish mop,
A potato mn8her I have for feet
(And potatoes mashed are good to
lustoad of armn two forks you'll find
(Thoy will not bond, but I do not
Last, but not least, my draperies
For drying dishes will prove all right.
Theiefore hh bride 1 eomo to you
I'll proio your fnltliful Bonnnt,
h (
ILnwroiico Ferguson, llllllo Drown.
Donald Wilson.
Yesterday afternoon, MrB. Wilson
.iollv hokx cum.
"Mrs. John Drockiiieuller fiirnlshcd
interesting entertainment for tho
ontortalnod a row Indies at Bowing Jolly Doron club inemhers nnd spec
ror tho pleusuro or her Blutor, Mrs. 'Inl guests on Wednesday afternoon
.Mci'iiorson, and lownrd evening of tlila week at tho homn ,if ji.
- " -
F. McKnightr Mrs. Mary MelCiilght.
'Mrs. Nancy Noblo, Jlrs. Eugono O'cou
noll, Mrs. Charles Stauff mid Mrs.
Annlo Tower. x
Mrs. 10. Miugus will outertaln the
club next Thursday afternoon.
1 - 11...
This afternoon Miss Ktithcrlne
Toye, daughter of Dr. nnd Mro V.
A. Toye, hnd (Frank 'llopson, uou
of Mr. and .Mrs. K, L. llopbon are
celebrating their Sth birthdays with
nn outdoor party at tho homo of
tho former on Central avenue. All
kinds of outdoor sports and amuse
monts for tho littlo guests hnvo been
planned. Tho decorations nro car
ried out In rod, with tho rod cnndlos,
red hon lions nnd other appoint
ments. Mrs. Toye Is being- assisted
by Mrs. 10. L. llopson and .Mis. J. H.
Mills. Tho chllth 011 Invited are: Lu
cllo nnd Norma Lyons, Itoaomnry
Ulclmrdson, Virginia 'Coke, Loulso
Lockhart, iMargaret Luse, Loulso Ma
loney, Marian Oldloy, Norman do
ing, Lurit James, Margaret Stauff,
Until Hopson, Frnnk llopson, Jlmnilo
and Mary Kleanor Mills, Alice noug
hts, (leorgo Williams, Ornco and Joe
MeKcown, Virginia llodglns, Uorothv
Woods, Theodore Kalsor, Lawrence
Ilortrain, Chnrjes Mcdcorgo, Uuth J
Corey, Marshall Porhnm, Mcnhi III it f
man and Katherliio Toye. j
A group or North Dcnd young l:t
dies woro responsible for a delight
ful leap year dance given Tlmrailtij
evening In Kckhoff Ilnll. About fit)
young jiooplo altendod. The do -orations
consisted of huckleberry
and hunches or daffodils. Music was
furnished by 1 1 town '11 orchestra. Dur
ing tho evening, delicious punch was
.j. 4,
Mrs. It. !;. Laraway will entertain
Monday afternoon at a patty for lit
tle ( tots In honor of tho birthday
or her twin daughters, Jlarharn and
U f 'j. .
j xoijtii iiijxi aii) .Mi:irnx '
With our customary enterprise, ours is the first store
here to offer its customers the new Simmons Steel
Bed. p remarkable innovation that is absolutely thn Ind
wort! in metal bed construction. This is the bed which
has revolutionized the steel bed business. There have
been more improvements made on this one bed alone
than on all the metal beds designed in the past ten
years. We have been watching this bed carefully ever
since it was first announced. We have seen each new
feature of it tried, tested and proven. Finally, we have
had a stock shipped to us and now offer it to our cus
tomers. '
Simmons, the makers of tilts new Steel Detl, Autliinie 111
to xay: Thai this si eel bead average :t:i iter cent llglit.'r than old
htjlo hint beds; that new tested principle of construction enstiro
absolute rigidity fur this steel bed; (hat the finish Is Hurt- tlmn
011 tho highest prlied Iron beds; that all turner IhmiiIs am per
fect, true ami even and never "nut. of roijutl" as on all old-ttjlo
Iron beds; that the material tHtM throughout is Cold-ltollcd llnr
nl.shctl Tubu Steel of Nitw-blado MiHxitliiicxs anil made In their
nun fuel my to assure absolute- perfect Ion.
served n dainty luncheon to tho fol
lowing ladles: Mrs. Uoitbon Lyons,
Mrs. Havago, MrB. D. Ferguson, Miss
McLnln, Mrs. C. II. Walter, Mrs. J.
H. Stubbhiflold, Mrs. I). A. Jones, Mrh.
A. L. Diluent, Mrs. D. II. Patehctt,
.Mrs. John Ilituser, Mr. L. ;;. Drown,
Mrs. K. II. Squlor and Mrs. C. C.
'h p
Last Thursday evening, tho Chris
.thin Fndenvor and the llotliitny elasH
of tho Christian eliureh of North
lllend Jolnod Jn giving a box social at
Logglo Hall. Tho affair was attended
by about thlrty-flvo. Cecil Drown
attired as a typical auctioneer, auc
tioned off tho boxes which woro 1111-
trlinined and wrapped alike. The fol
M. Hoss, In Dunkor Hill. Thoro
was hehl a flag contest In which the
guests woro ruqulrcd to put bits of
flags or ill r reran t nations together
and name thoni. Mrs. (1. Johnson
won tho prize in tho contest. Special
giiestB present were Mrs. Waltor
Hill, Mrs. Colo and Mrs. Sullivan.
I no inoinnorB out were: Mrs. II.
M. Alhoo, Mrs. 1-M. Duncan, .Mrs.
T. C. Young, Mrs. Otto Walmnrk,
Mrs. F. M, .Mai horror, Mrs. John
Droekinuollor and tho hostosB, wholSchrock, Mrs. W. Klbler. Mrs J. s
in 1110 close or llie afternoon uorveil
a dainty luncheon. Tho club will
meet again lu two weeks.
The ladles Aid or tho North Dead
Methodist church enjoyed an artei
noon social session Thursday In the
eliureh ami besides sowing and social
chat itindo plans for a cooked rood
tialo which Is bulng held today In
'Kvorltt'B Pharmacy. Light rorrcsh-
inciitB wero served. Tho aid will
meet again at tho church lu two
wvoIcbI Tho IniLlcB picsent Iworo:
Mrs. C. KvorlBt, Mib. W. Chappell.
MrB. Klmor Woods, MrB. A. L. Oub
ser Mrs. C. W. Perkins. Mrs. Wither
fPutnam, Mrs. W. Laird, Mrs. W. Me-
Nny, Mib. C. A. Wllnon. .MrB. J.
Thomns, Mib. It. O. Holm. MrB.
101111K, .Mru. A. S. HlBoy. Mrs
Johnson-Gulovsen Co. NorlhMrshnei
lowing program was rendered durliij; ''"'"l0 wo" M"H. F. K. WIIh
the evening: I ,rla K,ro f Nt"""' n-iid, M
Piano Solo
...MrB. Kltzpatrlcl;
Miss KJellaml
On Friday owning or last week, Mr.
and Mrs. (Seorge Wierltt or North
Demi were pleasnnlly surprised by
the advent or a number of friends
4'iM-' .
Tho A. N. W. Club hold Its regtilnr
busliioHS and social session Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. Alc.nndra
K. Wilson, Mrs.
Iss Uuth
Harris and Mrs. J. Luso, wero spoe-
lal guests. Violets and other choice
Ueadlng , Mr. Mel.eoiV H,"'lllB nowo "'o nrrultged lu ttr-
usiie iioiiuuts In tho parlor where
tho ladies Bpent the afternoon In
sowing and Informal chat. Toward
evening, tho hostes served tomptlng
rerreshmeiits. They wero Mrs.
(5. A. Dennett. Mrs. Kdnit Itlch
nrdsoii. .Mrs. Lily Frledberg, Mrs. A.
T Haines. Mrs. Alice Ilnll. Mrs.
'Vr .lines Hazard, Mrs, Kllz.ibeth Hyde,
3,..nn. niup i.amio, .Mrs. lieorgo F,
, FM
French Harp Solo Mr. Stlco
Heading Mlna Hlla (liiriast
HIiiBtruiueiitnl Trio
MIbs lJllit (Jurnea, piano; MIhsos
Mnry ami Uuth (Jurnea, mnndo-
Vatlous Bailies wore played and a
l(goniilne good time enjojod.
iiiyior, and tho vlsltoru: Mrs. UUk
Mra. 1). Piitmnn, Mis. U. Woodbury.
Last Friday evening, February
22, occurred tho annual ball or tho
Firemen Department, In tho I, O. O.
F. hull, the iiffaii- being spoken of
as ono or tho most eujoyahlo over
glen. It wns uttended by about
eighty couples. Mnrtlu'B orchestra
riii-nlslicd excellent iiuibIiv for tho
dnncera. At 11 Into hour n sumptuous
bnnquet was tondoiod tho guests by
the firemen.
4 '
$5 A New Self Starter $5
Fiorybody Is Interested In a Holt starter, whotltor
ho Is tho ownor or ti ear or not, and particularly
1f one can aciitlro same nt so small a cost. .Tho
imiit who stops to think wants n homo before ho
. buys tin automobile Thin "ttoir startor" In tor 11
homo $5 starts your nowi homo, mid $fi each
mouth or as much moru as you can spate. Never
before has such nn attractive proposition been of
fered. Ait now.
"Sec Reid About It" 150 Front Street
ALKUT t'lil'll
TfTf I f ' rf ' 1JHIO I I'
Am ahC. Aj.-
CS " -MZ a'cv
The legular bl-nuinllily meeting
of (he Alert Club of North Coes UU-i--
or was hold at the home or Mr. and
Mis. V. K. Itootl, Tim forouoou was
onjoynbly spent In sewing and visiting
and at noon a delicious dlnitur was
faorved by the eluh moiiihora. letter
tho following program was onjoyci;
with Mrs. F. D. Itootl as loader:
Paper "Do wo nourish our fain
Illtw or Just reed them?
( Mrs. P. K. Larnen. tonic "Tho Im
portance of the qKg Industry: mark
eting and presenilis of eggs.
Mrs. H. Terry, (lonoral dUcusslou.
A'i'8. Kiiboiio Terry wuh elected ie-porter.
lurch, .Mra, W P Murphy, Mrs. O,
Tho W. C. T. II. or North Dond
will hold a Bllver tea next Tuestlay
afternoon nt tho homo of Mra. Krod
Lysterrroin 2::ii) to l:30.
For Sale
Order Your Spring
Suit. Now
We have some very attrac
tive patterns in stock and can
quickly secure any other you
may desire.
Our prices are reasonable
Dlble Study Course Uarly Jttdeananfl we niinmntPP mntorhl
d (ialllean mlnlbtry cotiiso. 1 WL UWrtirtiUtB maiCHai,
Ml ill I II WUIKIIIclllSllip.
Come in and let us show
Wo Have
Phone 255-L
AHur somo Instrumental imiblc hy
Mrs. V. IC. Itootl and a vocal selec
tion by Mra. F. D. Uood tho mom.
hers deparletl for tholr various
Vsltora presont wor: Mra. .1. o.
iLt)itgworthy and Mrs. Loronio Cut-
lp; monibors proeont wore: Mrs. K.
Terry and Klsle, Mrs. .laok Nowlln
anil Morle, .Mrs. H. K. Kdwanls and
j'WInton Clalro. Mrs. C. D. Piper, Mrs
j'F 11. Uood. Mrs. W. D. Piper, Mra.
Jnnioa Nowlln. Mrs. Dowinnu. Mra.
j Jennie Landilth, Mia W. Morgan
and Wllimi, Miss Helen Landilth
Mis Jnmea Liindrlth mil Oeorge
Airs. C D Pl'KM' w.ll bo tho next
300 Rose Bushes
t faunas, Dahlias, niadinlus, k
U Mll'l -
3 Plants for Window lloxc
Marshfield $
Florist Co.
Tailor for Men and Women 1
Market Avenue :: Marshfield & Phones: store 259-j.
- r,HAn..i.n..n t nw
t fcL, vjiuuiiiiimau i.ii-.v
Edwin G. Scott
Cut FloHcrs, Floral Designs,
Phono lll-J.
STOCK ItAXCll :Xwir Allegmy, mostly bottom, good build,
lugs, HO head cattle, team, fanning tools, fine orchard, do
llghtfiil placu to live. 1'ilco $7.M)0. 'J'erm.s. ,
STOCK OK DAIItV It AXtJIl in, 'M cons, team, good
buildings, orchards, tools, IIOO aeiO.s, 13 of which is finest
bottom. Pi ire tf 1 0,000. Terms.
DAIItV KAXC'II Close hi, :it)0 acres., 1 75 Is bettor, rlno
bitlltlliigs, U'iiiii. Prlco ?Ul,(iot). Terms.
DAIItV UAXCH Jt. It. depoV tin place, close In, r.:tl) acres,
hair is i Idlest bottom, fine buildings, both mil anil water
transput tat Inn, Ml head Mock, team. Prlco 5f5,(MII). Splen
did terms, with Interest at five per cent. .
FKl'IT IS XCII -Splendidly located, lOOll loganberry lines
In full beailng, fine orchard, fine buildings, 17 acres, $,
UOll. Tonus.
DI.VICLOPKD COAL MINK On title vwttor, flno coal and
lota of It. Prlco way down.
CHICKKX ItAXCll I lose in, II) acres, Itotiso. Only $800.
CIHCKIJX IIAXUII I. ill-res, close In, $30 donn ud
$in a month.
FOK TKAD1'' Wo have Xortlt Demi property anil rnnchos
to tntilo for North Dakota property. Coino hi nud linos
llgate. Wo have Oklnlioihtt property to tratlo for Coos Day city
or ranch property.
riTV PKOIMMtTV North Demi or Mar.sltrield. Wo have
It if you nro looking for bargains nntl locations.
IXSUItAXCF Wo carry n full lino of flro htMirauco.