H fijjfAT MANYJWIE WJOW A GREAT MANY THINGS THAT AREN'T WORTH KNOWING (Stems PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST x AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES Hutu tittfls TTTyxxiX. VOI, iiv M IILSON Hi' MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Established 1878 As The CoJiHtMull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1916 EVENING EDITION. REFUSES TO ABRIDGE AMERICAN RIGHTS Senator Jones Demands That President Refer Question to Senate First ' : That J.c Will Not 15 nil STAND Preserve Peace at Any Cost Except Loss of Hon or" He Declares ALLOW NOJNFRINGEMENT pi it....iiljui Ititltitr ult In Ot'.'r ,,M"B " " HH on America-Senator IxmIrc KuMnliiH Him ni,lwuiMrrfMtoroo,nirTimM.1 n..cnivnTON. I), c, Fob. 25. rmMeat Wllion's letter to Senntor atone bit night Bald Mint lie could Ml content to any abridgement of th( rlihti of American citizens in my respect. Tin honor and Bolf-rcBpoct of the nation arc Involved," lio snltl. "We totct peaco nnil shall pro tme It t ny coat but tlio loss of kuor, -To forbid our pcoplo to excr ete Itelr rights for fenr wo might be tilled upon to vindlcnto thorn will be a deep lntmlllntlon. ' President Wilton also pointed out tlit "once accept a Bhtglo nbnto- wnliof rights and many otbor hum actions ould certainly follow." Tte letter was In answer to ono 1 Senator Stono outlining tlio sit- ullon existing at tlio capltol. Lodge Upholds Wlkou Senator Lodge, ranking nopubll- til member of the foreign relations committee, declared In a stntomcut today that ho was In full accord tlth the President's views on tlio labnarlne Issue as expressed in a letter to Senator Stono and Hint bo on!d stand by tho I'rcsldont. .imcrlwns Not Cowards The President takes tlio nroclso foeltloa I hjvo takon and been ur- ut In public speeches tlio laut 1 8 Miths," said Senator Lodge. "Or mm I shall stand bv him. 1 ir fully with what lio says. I wwe it would proclaim us to Hi 0rld ai rnwnrilu In inll n... Miens they must not oxorci?o thoir Mowed rights and that if they h ihall not protect thorn." GUARDAGAINSTWARAPPEAL IS IDE BRYAN OPENS WILSON FIGHT Consolidation of Times, Const Mail anil Coos May Advertiser. No. 183 Former Secretary of State Favors Keeping Americans Off Belligerent Ships In Matters Pertaining to. Nat ional Honor, Ultimatums and Severing Relations ONE MAN NOT SUPREME Jones Resolution anil Senator Goi'c'.s Resolution Aro Laid on Table- fur Times Being Fight In Con- gross Optus Tomorrow tllf AMoMatM I'rraa to Coot liar Timet,) WASHINGTON, I). C, Fab. 25. A resolution to ex ) reus tlio senso of tliu Sounto tbnt any Irsuo ntfcctlng national honor Hhould bo referred boforo final decision to Congress, nnd that no ultlnintum should bo houI to any foreign power nor a Hovernneo of dlplomutle' relations bo permitted without rcferenco to Congress, wan introduced today by Senator Jones, republican, of Washington. Ono .Man Not. .Supreme Jones' resolution net out that It wns 'contrary to tho fundamental princip als of tho American government to In volvo tho people In war by tlio net or doelslon of ono man. Tho resolution was presented with out any discussion and Senator Stono asked to lui'vo it laid on the tabic. When Sonutor Gore's resolution was prosontod again today, It took the same course. Several Heunt(orfl said that tboy would fight any effort that might be matlo to shut off a discussion of the resolutions tomorrow. EQLUNO IS GUILTY SUCH IS JURY DECISION ON FOR MER SALOONKEEPER Verdict Returned In Murshricld I loot- li'SKli'ir Cnsu About Nino last Evening Will Appi'al Caso fill II CONGRESS MRLUMEXTAUV KlTIM'rmv i.m. WMnitSIIHOTwiUSOX TOl.AV 'fOffrtHllryaiinmHIow "" mhh Itcsolutions .ro IWtly Tabled """"'fC.o.n.xTl.nc.. Van mi. . warning Anior- ymedihlp. worked tlmo to. tj v,S"mcnt8 fnvorlnK 6feUn,n .nS,,08lt,0- Fer itlo? Democrat-"'trodced l.ita i11?1 t0 m""' nv VILLA BURNS T 01 SIKXICAX UKISKh MOADKll OCCU 1'IKH ICIi VAMiK WITH TUOOPS Cus.mI Heavy Imhs at Man llirVna Ventura Acconlln to HopoitH to Id l'axu (1)7 Auocltleil 1'r'M to Coot Ptj Time. 1 KU I'ASO, Fob. 20. Gonornl Villa burned sovoral houses at San Iluona Ventura yesterday and occupied IS I Vnllo, according to official reports to tho Carrnnza hcadqunrtors nt Juarez. Sends Scores of Telegrams to Congressmen Urging Them to Go Over Wilson's Heau GIVES HIS ARGUMENTS Dwliiivri Nation Owes It t, 'Clvlll atioii to IVomotc I'eaco by Keep ing CitlniH I'roin Daiincr ono Great Duly Ahead (If? A"orlatf.l I'rent lo Cont llajr Tlmn, WASHINGTON, I). C, Feb. 25. TclegraniR to Congreiismen from William Jennings Ilryan, support lug tlio movement for varn;n0' Amcrieans off armed ships bognn arriving today. "If Congress hns tho right to declare war," said the messngo, "It cortatuly has the right to promote ponio by restricting cltl.ona from taking unnecessary risks. A Mayor keeps peoplo of his city out of tho .danger 7.0110 during a riot. Can our govcrunioiit afford to do less when tho world is in riot? "No ownor of a belligerent ship will claim that ho has tho right to safeguard a contraband cargo wtlh-American llvos and no citizens should bo permitted to oudungor the peaco of a nation nt a timo llko this." Ci-Jino Against 'Nation "Ours Is tlio grotitcst neutral na tion und probnbly vvlll bo a media tor whon tho tliuo"c6mes for 'me diation. It would bo ft crlniQ against civilization as well nsj ngaltiBt our own poopio 10 uocomo Involved In this war nnd thus loan our army nnd navy to an European monarch to uso in Bottling his quar rels." Tho telegram was made public by Uopresotatlvo Ilailoy nftor con ferring with Majority Lcador Kltch In. "That's right." Ilailoy quoiod Kltehlu as saying when ho rend tho Tolegram. $10(1 l-'IXK AND :0 DAYS IX .IAIIj Judgo I'cnnock at 2 p. 111. today sentenced Otto I'M html to pny a fine of $100 and sorvo 30 days in Jail. At torneys for tho dofendnnt at once served notico of ap peal. Tlio bonds wore rais ed from $500 to $COo. KliKTCIIUU IS COXKIItMKI) Wilson's ClioUo of AiubiiNsadoi' to Mexico Approved nr Atf jtiifo rrm to coot nr Tinw.j WASHINGTON, 1). C, Fob. 25. Tho Sonuto todnv confirmed the 110111I- natlou o'f Henry Prnthor Fletcher ns nmbassador to tho government of Mexico. Tho voto was 49 to 1C. PEAfiP ommn.. LEADERS ARE HELD ""Hllim "Imet.J N'euU-alllv ?, sir? d. c, re,, 2; Vlanj ttineni 1 Suialln ' ! ,edewl grand trv. v a COLLIDE IN A FOG MXHIt CH1CTAX AND STHAMKIt NOUTH MKI-rr OFF HATTKHAS DEATH F ION miis. i. i som:..si:x, imiom- INI'JNT WOMAN, PASSES AAVAY I'assengerH Transfeivetl to Steainci' ami Hotli Vcs.h:1k Arc MakiuK For Norfolk' (Ily AwarUtM I'r'-si to Coot Hay Tlmra, UALT1MORE, Fob. 23. The mer chants nnd Miners liner Cretan, from Philadelphia for Savannah, was In n collision with tho stoam- or Dorothy 14 milos north of Capo llattoras In a thick tog this morn ing, Tho Crotnn's passengers wore trnnsforrad in tlin Dorotbv. Ilotll aro now proceeding to Norfolk. GEORGIA MOB KILLS NEGRO FOR ASSAULT CnrtersvJIlo Crowd Took Ulnck As. ' satlant li-oni Jail anil Lynched Him Today Dr Aunrialed fivta to Coot liar Tlmea.J OAUTERSVILLE, Ga., Fob. 25. 'Jessn AfpPnrkin. n liourn. was taken from Jail and lynched bore today. . State, r- U Feb- 25.- t06, ,, 4leS ComtnlSSlnno- m.... u,:'iulni:sg(.rt ,u . luyior SthnhJ": nbert Fowler. Hnr. .. --cia nn.i -. Niitlon ! deral erand j, leu!v,V,,,onal PeapaCto,t,Ca of tll0!IIe wns arrested last night for break- ' Hl m Now York M..h tJ lh4tthe thr 9 Coi'cll, and ling Into tho homo of Mrs A. T. Heath "'vd innn n.. l la Now . . fc i.nniv r mt j,. '?"M"'K and re. waK Htm hw.iin, ml ho had Mrs LK Ph. 250. Heath's pistol in his possession while hor huBband was away and at tacking her. Tho woman shot tho no- fgro in tho wrist bjt was overpow ered, when caught tho negro's wrist Was l-'.irnieily Miss Maud finrdr field if Marhbfield, and Well Known Here HI Two Weekw (Special to Tho Times) 1UNUON, Feb. 25. Mrs. Dr. Us tor P. SoroiiBen, agon 3C, dlod hero lato yostorday laftor an Illness of about two weeks. Sho hud beon stir forltiL' from caucor of the stomach. JTI10 fuuornl will bo held bore tomor- 1 row at 2 p. in. I Tho deceased was born and raised In Mnrsbflold whoro sho was known as Miss Maud Garfield. Hor father built tho Garflold hotel building 011 Front street, now known ns the Moytl Und formerly conducted a hardwaro business there, Tho family moved to California many years ngo. The deceaced leavos besides hor husband, two children, Hor parents survive her and thore aro muny otbor relntlvea In Coos county, among thoni bong Mrs. Dyer, of this city, a grandmother. At one tlmo tho Garflold family lived In Majsbflold on the exact lo cation now of tho First National Hank building. EDUCATORS OPPOSED TO HIGH SCHOOL MILITIA National EduraUon Association Pi-o. tests Agalitht Conipulxory Train ing Xmv Or AaaoclilM l'ra to Coot nar TlmM.l DETROIT, Fob. 25. Tho Dopart ..,.. f sniiprtntendents of tho Na tional Educational Association today adopted a resolution proiesuiiB against compulsory military educa tion in high schools. "Otto Edlund is guilty of boot leg ging" wns tho decision of tho Jury, returned shortly nfter nine o'clock hist evening in Justice Pcnuck's court after the trial had waged all day and Into the night. Two o'clock this af ternoon was set as tho time for sen tcuclng. Attorneys Stall and I lodge say thoy will appeal tho ciibq to tho circuit court. All of tho testimony wns taken down yestorday by Court Reporter A. 11. Loud, this being paid far by the defense nnd will bo used when tho case is taken into the higher court. Lato in tlio afternoon both sides finished wltli tho examination of the witnesses nnd between throo nnd four hours was consumed hy the attorneys in making thoir arguments to tlio Jury. This body was out about an hour boforo returning thoir verdict. Those on the Jury woro John Mer chant, Charles Raymond, Jnko Hill stroni, W. S. Nicholson, J. W. Hlldon brand and Mllo Sumner. E, Edson proved a good witness on tho stand for tho state. Ho told a straightforward Btory of having mot Edlund, while in company with Moto Durwoll, and how tho men tnlkcd together about buylng-thu liquor. Ho said that ho went to Edlund's room and was tlicro treated to a drink of whiskey. Then ho treated back, paying 10 cents for each of tho two drinks. For $1.50 ho bought a bot tle of whiskey from. Edlund for Hur well. Tlio defonso attempted to show that a beor bottlo, such as contained tho whlskoy, would not fit In Edson's pocket. A bottlo wns produced and Edson slippod It Into his rear pocket without any difficulty. Edlund wns put on the stand, Ho corroborntod tho evldonco of Edson about their meotlng and said that tho lattor aocompanlod him to his room about noon on tho day men tioned, but denied that ho sold any liquor, or oven tronted. List of Witnesses Tho witnessos for tho stato wero Moto Harwell, Ed Edson, Jack Car ter and R. O. Grnvos; for the do foiiBQ, L. A. Uljoqvlst, Edwin Erlck son, C. C. Going, F. Magnusson, C. J. Pnlmor, Elmer Grotb, Robert Wcstlmnn, Ed Muson, Axsl Hanson, O, Hihnrgor, L. Englund, Lars Pet erson und Otto Edlund, tlio do fondant, S brock Is Away Win. Shrock, -at Nortli nond. against whoin accusations crept out in tho testimony yostorday, is now in California. It is expected that charges against him will bo tnco on his return. OH T 1 M M DELAY ACTION Intimate New Submarine Cam paign Will Not Begin Before March 15 or April 1 OMGRESS WAITING Siwedwell sails south from North Bcml Saturday at Jl . m. Tickets at Abstract Office and Painter Mc Collum's, North lleml. IIARKKT HALL FIVE ARRIVES WITH DELEGATION TODAY Mnrsbflold High School Senior Class Will Entertain Visitois at Uall After Game MARSHFIELD liil fi TO HAXDOX'S (I At the end of tho frst half, tho score mns 23 to C n fa- vor of Marshf.old, Tho membors of tho Dandon high school basket bull team and a delo- jgntlon of rooters camo over on tho morning train for tho gamo this aft ernoon with tho local high school. This Is expected to bo ono of tho hard est fought games of tho soaonetno This Is expected to be the hardest fought gamo of tho season. Follow- bllall. Those in tho Dandon delega tion aro, Principal H. E. Doak, Coach Mlarold Quigle, J. Gardlnor, D. Chrls- tonsen, R. Galller, L. Pullen, Ivan rPullen, S. Armstrong, F. Dullard, E McNalr, J. Mooro, M. Kurzhal, It. AVebb, and 11. Johnson. Tho Dandon team will meet tho Worth Rend fivo in North Dend to morrow evening. Strongly Favors Prohibiting Americans Traveling on Armed Vessels CONFERENCEHELD TODAY Speaker Clark Tells President Wil son That Congressmen Favor Re.slrlctliig; Travel WIKou Maintains Stand IDr AtnoclataJ Trwa to Ov tla, TlmM.l WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 25. President Wilson rollorntod his op position to nay action in Congross warning Americans off armed ships In n conforenco today with Speaker Clark, Majority Loader Kltchln and Chairman Flood or tho IIoiibo for eign affairs commtlteo, nnd tboy in turn told tho President that if such n resolution wero- brought to voto in the Houbo It would pass by a majority of tw,o to ono. Tho Hoiiso loaders went away after telling tho President that nothing would bo done today, but thoy ventured no predictions for tho future. Thoy admitted tho Bltiintion wns BorloiiB nnd could not yet toll how far sentiment In Congress would bo swayed by tho publication of the President's vlows in bis lettor to Senator Stono laBt night. Tho President was unshaken In his pos ition that Congress should take no action embarrassing hla contontto that tho rights of Americans on tho sous must bo uphold nt any cost. Germany May Walt Whon tho conforenco- was over, Speakor Clark said that thoro was rumor Germany would postpono tho beginning of tho now submarines campaign until April 1 or tho mid dle of March. Ho would not say whotbor ho got tho Information from tho President, "Tlio sum nnd substance of tho conference," Clark said, "outsldo of tho explanation mudo ns to tho tem per ot tho House rogurdlng the dip lomatic situation with Germany nnd Eomo of tho arguments on both sides aro fully sot out In Senator Stone's lottor to tho President and tlio President's lottor to Stono. Wo explained to tho President how tho llouso folt, In our Judgmont. ConKrcsN Is Stronir, "I told tho President that this warning resolution would carry two to ono If thoy ovor got a chanro to voto. Somo enthusiastic gontlo men. I said, thought It would carry throo to ono. Wo told tho Presi dent that in caso Gormany post poned tho Admiralty ardor, Con gress certainly would postpono icty ton. Meantime theso resolutions would remain In status quo. Re garding tho possibility of action of Congress In ciibo Germany adheres to tho Admiralty order, Clark Bald it would be difficult to got a warn ing resolution out of tho commU- too for action und that thoro was 'no way for tho issuo to got boforo itho llouso today. Will Notify England to RcKniho Tliem nt Onco ir Action Took Plato tin the J I lull Sens (llr AaopatfJ rroM to Cooa liar TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 25. Tho United Slntes today Instructed Ambassador Pago at London to make inquiries regarding tho removal of 138 Gorinans, Austrlnns mid Turks from tho American steamer China and demand their release it they were arrested on tho high scus. PROBE ENGLISH ACT "UNITED STATES INVESTIGATES REMOVAL OF GERMANS TELLS OF RAIDER ENGLISH OF CAPTAIN TELLS GERMAN COMMERCE DESTROYER Says Sho Is EqulpHd WJtb SI 7-Incli Guns and Torpedo Tubes Jinny Ships Sunk fir AmocIhIM I'rt.i to Coot liar Tlmot.J LONDON, IMU. 25. A dispatch from Toncrlffo snys tho captain ot one of tho vessels sunk by tho Ger man raider which sent tho Drills!: steamer Wostburn to Santa Cruz with a prlzo crew described the raidor as a vessel of 2500 tons, carrying six 7-Inch guns nnd having two torpedo tubes. Tho crew of tho Dolgiau steamer Luxembourg, sunk by the raidor, say their vcbboI wns caught off tho lira, zlllan roast.und they woro kopt undor control on tho Westburn by seven Germans armed with hand grenades. TAKE GERMAN SHIPS PORTUGUESE GOVERNMENT SEIZ ES VESSELS INTERNED Announce That Vessels Aro Mditdy KoqulNltlou'ed for Nation's Need and Will Do Returned lllr Auoclateil Troaa to Com liar Tlmft. ST. -VINCENT CAPE VI3RI) IS LANDS, Fob. 25. Eight Gorman steamors In tho harbor hero were taken In chnrgo yostorday by officials ot tho Portugese government. Tho Portiigucso government has Issued a statement that the requisitioning of tho Gorman ships does not moan that thoy have boon confiscated. TURKS ARE BEATEN RUSSIA ANNOUNCES OTTOS! AN FORCES IN FULL RETREAT DVclaro That Iist Two Fortified Mountain Passes Have Hcen Forced In Persia nr AuoclttoJ r-rtta to Toot Dar Tlinra. PETROGRAD, Feb. 25. An ofH clal Btatouiout says: "Alter a scr los or battles tu Persia, tlio rem nants of adversury troops, with tho 'help of Gorman and Turkish sap pers, fortified two mountain passes, Dldosurks and Sakabe, Our troops liavo dislodged thoni and aro now pursuing tho Turks who aro In full rotreat toward Kormanshah," NEED NAVY YARDS ADMIRAL WINSLOW URGES RET TED PREPAREDNESS ON PACIFIC KSays Dig Shipyard Should' Ho Con. srjnicted at San Francisco ami Also nt Piiget Sound til AMoclaUd I'reaa to Coot Par Tlnifa.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 25. Tlio PacHlc cont noods moro navul yards, Rear Admiral Wliislow told tho llouso naval committee today, notably "a big ship yard" on San Francisco Bay. Ho said tnoM'ugoi Sound yard should ulso bo equipped promptly to handlo big ships. KINNEY MATTER UP JUDGE SKIPWORTH PASSES ON ATTORNEY'S MOTION FLOUR DAY imperial Flour, Saturday only, $1.3G Cntjh, HAINES. Will Settlo Amount ot Taxes Duo Hut Lands Not to bo Sold Now LllJoqvlst Goes to Portland Judge Sklpwortli has passed fa vorably on tho motion of District Attornoy Llljcqvlst and will allow him to proceoJ to torecloso tho tax liens on tlio Major KInnoy proper ties to tho final decree, thus set tling tho amount of taxos und pen alties duo from tho estate. But Coos County will not bo allowed t6 soil tho lands, not at east until times aro such that a bettor prleo can bo obtained. This is tlio gist of a lottor recolvod from E. R Bryson, attornoy far Receiver Judgo Wattor8. Tomorrow Mr. LllJoqvlst loaves for Portland, whoro tho caso of tho Mouasha Woodenwaro 1 10 Capture Large Number of Prisoners and Many Towns Near Verdun PAIS CONFIRMS IT Admits That French Have Been Forced to Fall Back to Rear of Beaumont FIGHTING EASES UP TODAY Kaiser Closing in on Famous Fort ress Turkey Claims to llnvo Ho pulsed English Attack Near KuL.EI-Aiunrii tllr Awioelatr.1 rrfta to Cooa liar TlmM.l LONDON, Fob. 25. Berlin nn- uouncod today tho capture ot nll the French positions In tho region nortli of Verdun as far as tho rldgo of Loiidomout, Just south of Beau Tho number ot prisoners wan In creased by moro than 7000 to ovor 10,000. Tho enpttiro or tho fortlflod .vil lages and farms of Cliampnouvlll), Cottollntto, Murniont, Boaumont, ChumbrettQs and Ornos was an nounced. Paris admits that tho French hnvo fallen back to tho roar of Bouuniont and says In tho district nortli ot Verdun, tho cunnonnda has diminished in vlolouco nnd that tho GormaiiH made no attack on French positions last night. BRITISH DRIVEN BAUIC Turks Claim Victory in Recent At tack Near Ktit-EI-Aiuara nr AaaorlttM I'r.nt to Cooa Oar TlmM.l CONSTANTINOPLE, Fob. 2G. Tho British forces in Mesopotamia mudo mi attack on tho Turkish pos itions at Folahlo, below Kut-El- Amara, tho War Office announced, but wero drlvon back with a con siderable loss. JOHN SCOTT LEAVES SOUTHERN PACIFIC OFFICIAL SUDDEXLY CALLED SOUTH Plaits for Eutci'iuluiuciit at M'llllromn Club This Ext'iilug Frustrated Important Meeting Plnns woro porfocted today where by Coos Buy this evening was to havo been host to John M. Scott, general jiassQiigor ngout tor the Southern Pa cific In Oregon. Just boforo tho Nana Smith sailed at 1 p. in., Mr. Scott Vecolved n wlro tliut called him to Sun Fruucsco ns soon as possible and he left for the south. Tlio meeting was at once called off. Tho plan was for tho Marshflold Chamber of Commerce, the Mllllcoma Club and the North Bond Chuinbor of Commerce to do tho outortnlninK far tho purposo or showing Mr. Scott exactly how tho peoplo hero appre ciate the good work or bis company mid himself for this community, Mr. Scott, accompanied by J, A. Ormnndy, socrotnry, and Snpt. W. F. Miller returnod lust evening from hla first trip to Powers, Also ho wont to Myrtlo Point, to Coqulllo and to Ban- don, meeting many friends and being Woll recolvod ovorywbero. On Sunday an Important mooting of tho S. P. heads is to bo bold In pSan Francisco and this Is what called Mr. Scott. "Good byo," ho callod from tho boat. "I'll bo back on tho first train t3 Coos Buy." At noon tho North Bend club on- ftortulned Mr. Scott mid party ut crab lunch. AVAXTS 'IX) KILL SHAGS TO SAVE MAXY FISH Gnmo Warden Thomas has doclared war on tho shags at Ton Mllo inkes.saying they de- Company a Btroy more fish than any other against Coos County, tho First Nat-' causo. Ho estimates tboro are ional Bunk and othors Ib to be tried I ono thousand slings thoro and on Monday In tho Fedoral Court. ! that each shag kills ton fish Ho will tako with him to Eugono 4 each day. Ho proposes to have soveral tax foreclosures, among them being tho Southern Orogon proper ties that aro behind with tho 1009 tuxos. Each year must bo takon up lu turn. tho sportsmen unite In a con test to kill off the aliagsv. Dr. Leslie, Osteopath, Murshfleld