THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1916 EVENING EDITION j SEVEN Garden Time... Just a little while now, then It will he time to spado up the garden plot and with the coming of the warm Spiing days, put in the garden that eacli year cuts off a big item of the grocery bill, Have you a garden spot? Select it from the many in First addition, where the soil is deep and rich, where the new homes are being built, You'll like the location, The 50 by 120 lots at only ,$300 each will .meet your ideas as to a home site, ' All improve ments paid, city water, telephone, electric lights and jitney service at your command, Plat at our office, Reyjmolels Dalpmeinit C0 (OWNER FIRST ADDITION) 178 Central Call 160 for Plat. IIOOTLEGGEU CAIC5HT. First Raid In 1'nlk County Unlcr Xow Jiiiw. Miulo Rusty Water whero red or rusty water occura, It almost always comes from ,k hot water faucets. Tlio water is mscoiorou uccauso 01 uio .1 of tlio Iiisldo of the lmt wutcr piping in tlio liouso nntl la '!! Jirt nr foreign matter, for ,r U woro U,c11 ,,ot" tho ,l0t ,u,tl nl ' .. . . .ii l....,l ' 'I'll., lmt MMili.r uliitni- In until.. Water WOllltl l)U IMHLUiuii;. - im -n I cold houses causes more rust than in others, due to tho gnlvnnlzod When placing now mbor using tho LallnB of tho pipes liolne of poorer uuallty. Wh I irini? n hi wnlor pipingi i"i J"" ' BVriVU ... f ..I.... .,! ,.... fit..!. 4li.,.n.f,t....M... belt srado of galvanized iron imm m nut i umwiwiiuuo I Inch dlamclcr. whom rustv hot wator Is especially had it can ho remedied to , considerable extent by having n plumher attach an Inexpensive a., la tho water pipe entering tho hot wator coll or stovo- dick for tlio lutroiluctlon of a uniall amount of llmo each week. The llmo nihlctl to tho Hot water win mrgoiy provoui mo ionun tlon of rust la tho hot wator pipes, hut It will mnko tho wator tomewhat harder ami require moro soap. Don't heat your hot water Biipply too hot. A tomporaturo of HO dcRrees Is sufficient for all ordinary uses of hot water and to exceed this causes trouble Flush tho rust out or tho bottom of your hot wator tank at least onco a week, livery hot wator tank should havo a faucet for thin purpose. COOS BAY WATER. COMPANY HAHHIII'lKIil) AND NOHTII IIENl), OREGON. For Sale STOCK ItANt'11 Near Allegany, mostly bottom, good luilhl. Inpt, III) brad rattle, ttNiin, farming tools, flno orchard, do llglitful place to live. I'rlco 9750(1. Tonus. STOCK Olt DAIItV RANCH Close in, 'M cowh, team, good building, urchimN, tools, tlOO acres, 0.1 of which Is finest bottom, l-rlco $10,01)1). Tonus. DAIItV HAM'H Cln.wo In, SIOO, acres, 175 Is hottor, flnu tulhlliiiM, (cam. I'rlco $1! 1,001). Terms. DAIIIV ItANCH It. It. ilciiot on place, close In, fi;l() acres, hlf Is richest bottom, flno liiilldlngs, both rail mid water lran.KHn(loii, -It) head stock, team. I'rlco $.i:i,O0O. Spleii did terms, ulth Interest at fivo per coat. I'ltUIT ItANCH Spleudlilly located, JOOO loganberry vinos la full bearing, fino orchard, flno buildings, 17 acres, $, WO. Terms. KVi:i.OI'i:i) COAI, MINE Oa tldo witjir, flno coal and lot of It. I'rlco way down. CHICKMN RANCH Closo u, 10 acres, house. Only ?8(io. CIIICKIIX ItANCH 15 acres, close in, $!IO down and 13 a iiioiith, KU Tlt.UlK v linvo North lloml property. and ranches o Imilo for North Dakota property. , .Conio in ami Iiivqn- f lle, We havo OkliiliuiKci proporty to tnido for Coos Uay city "r ranch property. XV I'ltOPKIlTY North lloml or, MnrMiflrld. Wo havo jou aro looking for bargains and locatloiiH. IXSUUANCK Wo cmry a full llno'of flro Insurance KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON Safety First, Service? nppMAm,NR' AUTOMQIiir,K, HEALTH, ACCIDENT, hl'1'' WOIIKMKN'S COMPENSATION AND Hull E. ding LIA1HL1TY INSURANCE CHANDLER, Agency. Mai'fahfleld, Oregon. I lines Want Ads Over Oregoni DALLAS, Ore, l-'eli. 18. The first blow In tho enforcement of tho dry law In 1'olk county was struck whon Sheriff Orr and Dallas fclty pollco conducted a raid upon tho Dallas hotel lit this city. The offI6crs took two barrols of bottled whisky, six dozen bottles to tho barrel, and about 21. quarts of ,heor. Tho whisky was bottled In beer bottles. j Tho offlcors say they caught tho' j proprietor of tho place, Harry Yu mato, a Japanese, In tho act of selling n bottle to n prospeetlvo customer. Sales woro said to havo been made to those who could bo trusted. Drunkenness about tho placo and' tho fact that tho hoto I was not sending out of the stn for lliiior led to tho Investigation Unit resulted In the raid of last night. 1 1 A few bottles of whisky woro ! i found In the kitchen nnd tho ro- jmaludcr was found upstairs lu Yu- inatos bedroom. Tho Honor was hauled to tho courthouse stored there ASHLAND Morris J. Duryen, publicity manager of tho Ashland Commercial club, has resigned his position. GRANTS PASS Tho first carload of stool for tho now Uect sugar fac tory Is oxpected to arrive soon. ROSEI1URG A warrant has been Issued hero for Charles Cummins, Who was detected wlillp In the act of gaffing a salmon lu the Umpqua. MIWAUKEE Tho Milwniikco Water company has transferred to the city Its plant for $5,500. 'RAKER Tho trial of James Mc Comh, charged with murder, has been started lu tho circuit court. MEDFORD A largo bluo boron flow into tho transmission wires of tho electric company near Tolo, and plunged all of southern Oregon Into darkness. INDEPENDENCE A largo gath ering of citizens was held for tho purpose of forming a local com mercial club. ROSERURG On March 11 tho peoplo will vol 'in tho question of issuing $7B,0C' :i bonds to build a now school to rc;:!aco tho ono EUGENE O. U. Pennington was elected president of tho Eugouo Radiators, an organization of that city. , SALEM Tho assessors of tho statu aro assembled to .consider the tax ' problems. R03E1JURG Charles Orcon, a veteran of tho Civil war, aged 70 years, died at tho Old Soldiers' home. PORTLAND Tlio postal rocolpts of tho elty gained ten per cont during tho first hnlf of February, as compared to tho sauia period last year. , EUGENE Tho tomporaturo rose to 78 degrees and somo havo start ed their spring gardening. EUGENE Tho Chamber of Com merce nt tho lust meeting took In fifteen now members. .MUST PAV LEGAL HATE. Decision Given lu Case From Curry ' County. SALEM, Or., Keb. 18. Accord ing to an opinion rendered by At torney General Drown to District Attomoy Johnson of Curry county banks must pay 2 per cent on dally balances for county monoy. Tho attomoy general was advised that a hank In tho county was ob taining tho uso of tho monoy for $20 n month, and this, ho said, was not logul. and ENTRY LAWS FOR COAL LANDS ARE EXPLAINED Professor Earl C Arnold of University of Idaho, Interprets Gov ernment's Attitude In Dispensing Tracts to Individuals ami Corporations, I HY EARL C. ARNOLD Professor of Law, University of Idaho T WILL ENTER CONTEST. North lleuil Hoys and Girls Arc Preparing. Thero aro fivo North Hcnd High school girls working hnrd to sccuro tlft honor of representing North HE laws providing for the nc- iiulsltlou of eoal lauds differ so radically from tho laws relat ing to other minerals that they are not ordinarily classed as mineral land laws. The coal land laws were passed in 1873, about soven years af ter congress provided for the loca tion of mining claims. To make hinds euterablo as coal lands thoy must bo vacant and un appropriated, must contain worknhlo doposits and must not ho valuable for mines of gold, sliver or copper. Unsurvoyod lands cannot bo entered for coal. To outer coal lauds, in tho case of nu Individual, ho must ho a citizen of tho United Stales, or must have do clarod his Intention to hocoma a clt Izeu. Ho must he nt least '2 1 years of age Coi'iKmitlon May Operate A corporation or association . of persons may outer coal lands, pro viding each iitomber Is severally qual ified, as is -required In tho caso of an Individual, Only ono entry of coal laud Is allowed either to tho Individual, or au a member of nn as- ricnd lu tho annual dochunntlou ron-soclatloiii No association, riuy mom trst to bo held In Mnrshfleld In : hor of which has previously exhniiBt Aprll, Thero aro also six boys! oil his right to make au entry can working equally as hard to djter-i pnrchuso coal land, mlno who will represent this ruyj II1 tho case of an ludlvliidiial ap ln tho ora'nrlcal contest to be .'njhl'I'l'pnnt ho may enter not to exceed at tho nann time 160 ncros. An association can tnko Tho girls aro Ollvo Philip, Loulso;32" neres. It Ib provided that If Elslmlngor, Eayo Mllledgc. Mlllndulrur or "loro porsons occupy pub- Andorson nnd Margaret lloeck. Tho'1'0 l",l1 rt expend nl least $5000 hoys aro Randall Jones, Horaco l)y Jcr, Curl Ranb, Clnlr Cavnnngh, Leonard Russoll nnd Clardy Perkins. MEET l-'IHST TIME. Allen llro'thers Had Never Seen Other. HOOD RIVER, Or., Fob. 19. Claud Allen of Shirley, Vn., nl though 23 years of ago, was an nhsoluto stranger to his brotho", IT. P. Allan, whoso family tlio for mer Is visiting. Tho local man had never soon his hrothor until no knocked at his xloor yostordny, hav ing left homo for tho west n short tlmo boforo tho birth of tho younger brother. rF "Vf m thereon in opening ami Improving n mine, they shall bo entitled to pur chaso G-TO acres. Price of $10 Stipulated Tho coal land act provides that PEOPLE'S E0RUM Tho Coos liny Times will bo pleased to publish lettors from Its readers on nil questions of public I u t pros t, giving his or hor addross, nnd so far na posslblo limited to T0 vords. In publishing tlieso loi ters Tho Times docs not Indorso tho iewfl oxprcssod thoroln; It lJ simply affording a moans for tho voicing of different opinions on nil questions affecting tho public wel fare ' MORE A1IOUT THE LARKIN CLU1I Keeping The Dollar Home Every Dollar sent out of town for a pur chase enriches some one else. Every Dollar spent here helps to enrich this city. All things being equal; our merchants are entitled to your first consideration This prosperity is your prosperity. As they grow they become greater fac-. tors in our city life. In many instances you can buy at home to better advantage than elsewhere. . Look over the Advertising in todayfs Coos Bay Times and see if that state ment is not true. Compare goods and prices and ascertain whether or not our local business men are "on the job." i ' nny qualified person can pnrchuso his land Tor not less that $10 an ncro, if it Is located moro than in miles from n railroad. If less than lfi miles, It will cost $20 an acre For moro than 30 years all conl land wan sold at the minimum price suggested by tho law. Slnco 1907 the prices havo been fixed by tho geological survey and havo ranged from tnu minimum price to $000 an aero. In making his coal declaratory statement, tho applicant must swear that "1 make this application In good faith for my own benefit, nnd not, directly nor Indirectly, In wholo or In part, In behalf of any other person or porsons whomsoever." Many en tries have been canceled and many convictions had for a violation of that oath, (ioeinnicnt Grows Watchful In later years, especially, tho gov ernment has been watchful to ascer tain whether coal entries hnvo been mndo for tho bonoflt or the parson making tho purchase Tho coal laws applicable to Alaska, are entirely different from thoso In forco in tho stales. Perhaps no subject connected with our public lands Is agitated moro than that of changing our cool laws. They havo been productive of consider nblo dissatisfaction, moro especially lu their administration. Considerable criticism of their operation lu Alas ka has boon made. During tho past fow years rules for classification of lauds havo boon formulated by tho geological survoy, which h'avo changed the operation of alio laws very 'much. Since 1873, when tho present conl laWB wcro enacted, thoro havo boon approximately 000,000 acres entered yielding to tho federal government about $10,000,000. Btorett at tho salno prlcos, whllo ow ing to tho fact the Lurkln Co. owna or controls Its own factories It Is ahlo to glvo as a premium with each $10 order, nt our own selection, an nrtlclo which cannot ho duplicated In cash by tiny Btoro on tho bay for five dollars. Or by another plan they will glvo n duplicate order of their products, that Is, thoy will glvo for tor. dollars, exactly tho snmo goods for which wo must pay twenty doj dara nt tho Coob Iluy stores, each member paying their own share of tho freight. This Is tho wholo story In n nut shell, mid surely not sufficient to crento such a "tempest In a ten pot." Resides this, being proporty owners hnd taxpayers In both Marshflchl nnd North Ileud, ami since all mcrchnnta J:uvo to solid away for their supplies, wo foci that as law abiding cltlzons wo aro quite Justified lu conducting this small business for our own home, mid benefitting not only our selves but all members who surely havo n right to spend money thoy oarn where thoy please. I would suggest that all Interested persons read tho nrtlclo on the Alall Order HubIiicbb by Thoodoro II. Price In tho Outlook of January 2G. Yours very truly, Mrs. Everett If. Curtis, ,t North Head. I $ I TIMES WANT ADS I t GET RESULTS t ?- J. . . I I "tif .AV- bJ fentJ Editor of Tlio TIiiicb: I notlco tho roport In Th6 Times of tho spooches made at tho meeting of tho Co'oh County IliiBlness Men's i association nt North Head, Tuesday Evening, Fohrunry 11, concerning tho Lnrklu clubs which aro conducted lu North Ileud nnd Mnrshflold, and I feel Impelled to reply to tho nrtlclo In ordor to correct tho mlstukou Im pressions given to tho members of tho association and to the public. In tho first place, I do not under stand why tho mnll orders of tho Lnrklu club iiiemhors should havo been chosen na a point of attack instead of tlio Immensely larger mail order trade which Ikib boon carried on for many years with tho firms. of Montgomery, Ward & Co, and 8ara.Roobuck,' or Chicago, 'Jones' Cash Store, nnd Rico and Pholnn, or Portland; National Cloak Co. and othora, of Now York, which wo all know nro patronized both by tho gon ernl public and by tho families of , local morehiinla ns well. , I Ilowover, to return to tho Lurkln I i cliih. In v!ow or tho oxresslvo prlcos charged upon nil classes or morclian-1 dlBo on Coos Uny, 1 am proud to hot i tho socrotnry who first Introduced to I Cooa Hay housekeepers and home-' I makers tho possibility of economical I buying or household supplies through tho Larkla Fnctory-to-Famlly club plan. I wish to stato that tho Lnrklu plan Is rrooly open to tho public. iThoru uro no Lurkln inyBtorlos, nnd , thoro wns no necessity for tho ngont, , nnd his wHo, of tho Huslness Men n UiBBochition to call mo by tolophono, i ) giving nn nssumod nuiho, mid tho ' false stntoinont that thoy had Just ar-' rivod from California (and oven tho ! . Imaginary son-sickness) whero sho belonged to a lnrgo co-operatlvo club, 'and wished to Join ono of the samo i In Mnrahflold. In ordor to Inform , tllOlnsolvPH nt tlm miHm f..t ,.r ..... , i . ".:... . - r -"" "' l,m bacco. urn in cm ii utisiucss uono here I t,,, n0 tobacco !n thc worW ,hat would gladly and freoly havo given I can gjvc you the hearty, wholesome to any person who upproached mo I flavor that you get from a delicious honestly nnd openly nil tho Informa- chew of Spear Head. Hon In my possession, and nlso have Spear Head Is made exclusively of ! supplied him with n J.arkln cataloguo Pe rcd Kentucky IJurley-Uie most l.wblch would explain moro than I can. i ricIUy-flavorcd cwine tobacco that Tho facts aro simply thoo: North & $& 'for Sor Ucnd Is at present conducting ono ' iicaa club of sixteen members who oaoh I This choice leaf is'selected with the buy from Lurkln romnanv nn nrilm i mmt fininstaklncr care. Is stemmed by of products not less than $1.25 canh band, is thoroughly washed free of all WHY THE BEST ' . OF CHEWS IS "SPEAR HEAD", Jm Its Rich, Sweet, Mellow Flavw Has ! Deen Famous for a N . Generation MADE OF CHOICEST REDRURLEY The secret of tobacco satisfaction is known only to the man who ehtws plug tobacco. Thc reason is that a good chew gets right next to your taste, while the leaf in plug tobacco is in a state of fresh, juicy richness that is not possible in any other form of to- month, (not enough to put nny mor chnnj out of huslnejis, you seo) while n fow lnombors of the- North ritnil cli'h nro .Marshflald ladias. In ''MarahXIuld, at the present time, thoro aro three, ngt two. similar dub 1 Tlieso products aro fully oqunl In qunlity to thoso sold In thf local l foreicn matter, and is presr?d into Spear Head plugs so slowly that not a drop of juice or an atom of the nat ural flavor escapes. Try Spear Head, and you'll get a sweet, mellow, luscious, satisfying chew that cannot be obtained in any, other tobacco. In 10c cuts,' wrapped in toa paper.