WPPPW"""""'" '" .Ml 111 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1916-EVENING EDITION n - SIX t X X X X X X X X X X X X X t X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X THE TWO WAYS ' I said: "Let me walk in the field;" God said: "Nay, walk in the town;" I said: "There arc no flowers there," He said: "No flowers, but a crown," I said: "But the sky is black, There is nothing but noise and din;" But He wept as He sent me back, "There is mure," He said, "there is sin," I said: "But the air is thick, And fogs arc veiling the sunj" Ho answered: "Yet souls arc sick: And souls in the dark undone," I said: "I shall miss the light, And friends will miss me, they sayj'J He answered me: "Choose tonight, If I am to miss you or they," , I pleaded for time to be givon; He said: "Is it hard to decide? It will not seem hard In heaven To have followed the steps of your Guide," I cast one look at the fields, , Then set my face to the town: He said: "My child, do you yield? you leavo the Then into His hand went mine, And into my heart came He, And I walk in a light divine, Tho path I had feared to see, X $$ VLircles God understands and helps every soul that longs to do better. "Illessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall ho filled." FIRST BAPTIST CHIUtOII I -Ttov. II. 11. Foskott, PaHlor Residence, 210 Hlrch Ave. Phono I23-.T. Allco Tlckoll, church olnrlc. n. H. Putnhett, Supt. Ullilo School. Calendar of Sorvlros: ltlblo School, 10 n. in. Morning Worship. 1 1 a. m. Union meeting of all the Yoiiiik People's Societies nt (!:30 p. m at M, 15. church. Prcuhylprluii Church at 7: .'10 a. m. 11. Y. P. U. meellng, 0:110 p. in. Prayer mooting, Thursday 7:lfi p. Jn. I ur umtkd hkkthhkn church ;:i north iti:.Ni -Mrs. H. N. Lowls. Pastor- Snbbuth School nt 10 a. in. ClhrlHtlau Kudeavor at 7 p. in. Preaching at 1 1 a. in. and 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednosday eve ning at S o'clock, MI'IIORIHT KI'IHCOPAL. .'oBOph Kuotts, Pastor. Suudny school at 10 a. m. Kpworth League at t! : :i l . in. Morning sermon: "IUwmorutlou." At 12. U0 p. m., Men's moetliiK, nt M. K. Church. Union Young People's meotliig at 0:30 p. in. at M. K. Church. I'nlon ui&otlng at 7:110 P. in. Special music both morning and evening with Prof. Gerald Hunt direc tor or tho choir. Junior Leaguo Service Thursday uflornoon at 3:4fi. Prayer Meeting Thursday evou lug at 7:30 o'clock. All aro cordially Invited. KPISl'OI'AL CllUltCU. I Fourth and Market Streets It. K. Drowning, Hector 8 a m. -Holy Communion. 11:30 a. in.- Sunday School, 11 a m. Morning service and Rcrmou. MAHSIIl'IKLD PRKSHYTKRIAX Clll'ltCII j -Hov. J. S. Stuhbleriold, Pastor Chns. II. I.owry, eloiK or sessions A. L. Hut, Treiisuior. Mrs. Chns. McKulght, prosldont Women's Auxiliary. Miss Mar) Kruno, organist. J. T. llraud, Supt. Sunday School.' Sunday school, 10 a. m. 11 a. in., "God's Plan." 7: :t) p. ml,. I'nlon service at M. K i'luinh Men's meeting at 2:ae p m., In M. 1C. hureh, Prayer meeting 7::t0 p. in. Thursday. I CATHOLIC CHURCH I NORTH HUM) j A'ddross Merny Hoipltal. Tolo lihono 201. Sunday servlco Vint maw, C:;io n. ni,; hiRt iimna, U a. in. Hoiary and benediction, 7:30 p. in. '$ X X X X X , x X X X X X X X X : X X X X X t X X X X X X flowers for tho crown?" -George McDonald, t X I HWNDISH KVANOKLIOAL I LUTIIKKA.V CHUItCII. ltov. lloiigHton Corner Third and Commercial, Residence 204 Highland. Phono 94-K. 0:15 a. in. Sunday School. In North lleud, Coiiflrmatlon 'class 2:30 p. m. Servlco 7 : :t0 i. in. , CHRISTIAN SC1KNCK Sorvlces Sunduy 1 1 a. in. Wednesday, 8 p. in., Auditorium Public Library. Sunday morning: "Mind." Sunday School, 112 M. In Christ Ian Science Hall. Heading Hnom open dally nxcopl Sunday and holidays, 1 I p. in. Christian Kclcnco Hull -237 Third St. North. CHRISTIAN OIIIJICCII Cor. Sixth mid Central Vlclnr P. Morris, Pastor Sorvlces as follows at tho Church, corner Sixth and Central: Regular i rvlces over) Sunday. 10 a. m. Sunday School. 1 1 a. in. Prenchlug and rom munloii. 0:30 p. m. Christian Kudeavor. 7:.'I0 p. m. ICvangellHtle Sermon. You aro cordially Invltod In attend these meetings. CATHOLIC ('II UltCII MAHSIIl'IKLD Hov. 11. J. McDevltt, pastor; Hov. M, Wallace, asHlstaut. Address, III!! South Sixth street. Phono Mr,. Sunday Sorvlces First innsfl, '8 n. m,; high mass, sermon and bene diction, 10:. 10. MKTIIOHIST CHURCH I Hov. A. S. Illsey, Pastor. North Rond - Tho sorvlccB Sunday will bo us follows: Sunday School at 10 a. in. 1 1:00 a. in. Sermon. Vospor Clrclo nnd Kpworth Lenguo at 7 p. in. MAY PARK CHAPKL K. II. Campbell, Pastor. 2:30 p. in. Sunday School, Mrs. W. II. Phillips, superintendent. Preaching 7 : :tl p, in, Mld-weok prayer iiieotlng, Wod iionday, 7:110 p. in. I NOKAYIiCIAN LUTIIIIRAX. I Hov. H. O. Thorpe, Pastor ) Phono ;i70 J. Residence 871 So. 7th St. Sunday School 10:00 p. m, service, 7: If, p. in. In North lloml Service, 1 1 a. m. Sunda. school at 10 n. in. XHW PUIILUWTIONS. liKtiipdiaGnn Pnpeis Filed Ity Xmihpnper Ctmip.iulcs I'oiiiied, SAL1C.M, ()r Feb. 1 8. Article of Incorporation have been filed with Corporation CommlBelonor Srhiildoriiinn by the Lower Colum bian PiibliHhliiK couipuiiy of Auto i la, which irnpoiMH to puhlih a pupor to be known as tho Lower Columbian. Tho capital Is $3(100; by tho Iroiiuols company or Port lHiid, capital $10,000. and by tho Hotter Fruit Piihllnlilnn company of Hood Klver, capital $1000. COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost Hltjh Efficiency Among Tine Schools MAHSIIKIKLD SCHOOL NOTKS "Some Aspects of Germany ami tho Gorman Kaiser," a locturo by Katli crlno Koch Gagtion, High School ill -tlltoriiim Krldny, February 25 nt 10 n. in. Visitors are welcome. Wellington's birthday school holiday In Oregon. is not n M. II. S. basket ball team loft for Myrtle l'olnt and llnndnn Friday. Thoy tnko on Myrtle Point Friday night, anil llandoii, Saturday night. The now window boxes In the sen ior room nro tho work or tho manual training department. f- ! Grades Athlotlc League Indoor con tests began this week. Wo noticed noma very creditable runiilng-hlgh-JunipliiB by tho boys of tho fifth and sixth grades. The nophomoro clnss held Its rliutnrlenln Friday night. The speak ers and tholr subjects follow: An tho Moon Uoso . .Gladys Crawford Arbaces to tho Lion, Gwonnedo Tower Stago Driver's Story ...Helen Hcos I'rlneo of dilution. ... Ruby Carlson Hilling's of 19 Helen Iiiunul War , Ksmoiid Glossop Tho Itaco Problem In tho South Wilfred McLaln The Curtain Lifted, tt. F. P Emmet May no Ilattlo of Gettysburg George, Mongol) Tho Judges were Mrs. Knthorlno Koch Gngiion, Mrs. Holder llugge, Attorney J. T. llrand. Rudolph Hlllstroni, one of tho good swimmers or tho school, has kindly consented to conduct a class In swim tiling for grade boys. Iutor-elass buskot ball has started. The Juniors plnyed the faculty, Wed nesday. Stiidouts In General Scteuco nro giving llliistratnd -talks to the class on assigned topics. One of tho In teresting lojilcs or tho week was glvon by Mayso or the freshman clasa. Hoys or tho grades hnvo been taken In classes to tho several banks this week where tnllui woro given on ac curacy, neatness and the accumulative power or money. Washington's Itli'tliday ' Programs appropriate to tho day will bo given In both schools Febru ary 2'2 at a.oi) o'clock p. in. Vlsltora aro welcome. The G. A. H. and S. or V. will at tend tho high school oxerelses; tho Spanlsh-Ainorlron war volornns will attend the Central school oxoicIhoh. II luh School Song "America Triumphant," Demurest. . .Mrs. F. is. Conway Accompanist, .Miss Luelo II. Powell Fifteen mliiuto talks: Some Attributes to Washington.. Hov. .1. S. Slubblnriold Memories of tho Past . . I. S. Kaurniaii .My Country "Ms or Theo Ally. Char. I. Helgard Song "The Sword or Hunker Hill" HouJ. Ostllnd Song "Amorlea" All Flag Salulo Grade Children Cent nil School .Votes AinorlPu School Aerost:e Kb Grade Old Glory stli Grade Star SiuuiMlod Manner ...School Hoollntlun Gcorgo Why Dialogue Firth Grade Ml. Vuruoii Rolls School DrniuutUntlou Cutting Down the Cherry Tree ilrd Grade Seng Third Grade 10 S'"'K Second Grade i Huuiuuiuu i.oiiiso .Moloney 12 Heeltutlon ir.Uy Wllco HI Drill and Song ..7th and Sth Grndoa 1 1 "Song and Flag Salute. 1st grade Song "Columbia, tho Gem of tho Orwnii.. School Address Rev. HIoy, Pastor of tho M. 13. Church, North lloml. i The follow Iiik are a few records niado this week In tho Grades A Gl int Jo Contents (Indoor) nt tho gym iiasjum: High School Croups Glean a, bar aull -Harold Post, I ittot, Inches. High Jump Donald Allen, fool. St Inches. Olawi R, bar vault, tied at I foet. HdKttj" Mauioy, K'elley Walp, William Kioltior. Alfied MelJIroy. lllgTi Jump, Kdgar Maiuey, Jl foot. 7 Inches. SoiMnlli ami HlghGi (i'iiuIcs Class It., bar vault, tied at I feel. Intyro and Irwin Yako. tied at I feet. 8 lnrho. High .lump. Stewart MeJntyro and Forreat Gregg, tlcl ut I Teet. ('but nil School Xn's Only ono or the grouix In thii school havo benu run off. Clasa C. Imr vault, Hoilorlck O'Con nor. !i ret. liiohe. High Jump, Gor Fgrry, 3 feet, S tuoiiuB, oos rawer School News Thcro has been a decided change, in tho wouthor, which now permits tho scholars to tnko up tholr out door sports. They have organized flwo base ball teams, and are taking advantage of tho good weathor. The freshet has loft quite n bit of Bcdi inunt along tho rlvor banks, but no particular damago was done to the school gioituds. Ilnzol Co wan has started back to school, much to tho delight of the school. Tho llotnny class Is spending Its laboratory time In tho planting of different kinds of seeds in window boxes, which thoy hnvo placed in tho laboratory windows. Thoy aro to watch tho growth and change of tho plants, ltoth flowers and vegetables wore planted, tho bpxes woro Inholdd so that they might know tho plant as soon as it is seen above tho dirt. Tho class Is waiting patiently for tho spring flowora, as they aro to study them. Tho physical geography class Ir studying globo lessons lu physical geography, from tholr laboratory manuals. They aro making a special study of tho stars, sun, and moon. Attention has been given to tho stars, they tiro studying their positions In tho sky and learning to recognlzo tho number or dlfro'rent planets. Thoy expect to start studying iitandard tlmo from tho laboratory manual In a row days. Tho girls' swing gave way Inst wook, whon Daisy Robinson was swinging. Sho foil but was not hurt badly. Lincoln's birthday was remembered Friday arioi;n,ooii by a program In t)io assembly room: Story or Lincoln . . . Aldon linker Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech ... Krvln Storm Lay or tho Last Mlusliol Mary Smith Song Valontlne Grade Girls Songs, by School Tramp, Tramp, Tramp; Marching Through Georgia; Hnttlo Hymn or Republic. . .Tho stiideiiln who nro taking type writing have been taking speed tosla this last week. Some of the students can write over sixty wordn a inlniito on practlco work. School Ruporvhmr F. A. Goldon visited tho Coos Rlvor High School on February 10th. Ho spent tho moHt of his tlmo In tho High School room, hut visited nil or the rooms during tho day. In tho artor iioou the school nHHcmhlcd lu I bo as aembly room ami Mr. Golden j;avo a general tnlk on tho school work. Tho Coos River High School boya have iirgnnlxpil a base ball tnim. Sam Smith wiib put in ns mniuiger. A gnnio with the gmdo boys w II be played tho 1 7th or IStli. Tho rol lowing list will perhaps ho tho llno up: Pitcher Ooorgo Rfmioy. ' Catahor Sam Smltli. FIrat Imso Waller Lllunthul. Second hnso Aldon Noah. Short Stop Ivy Noah. Third base Loiijhi Stiniuioruinn. Hlglit field- l.orouco Hoasoy. Center Hojil- llii(.tnu O'Cniinor. ' Loft field Hiiaaol Church. Subs. Haxon Prlc, Krvln storm, Leg Vliicump. imiioi (;,..s Hack. "Polly" was a good looking parrot when oho cniuo ' 10 tuu f.re station. ler pliiinago w.,s .green and she could chat a little int. now nnd thou. Rut It was a hard life at the station. Polly had Isov anil duties to perform, Ono of thoni was to run back and forth throii'jh the largo connection hoso on tho auto trucks to see that tho birds dldif'i make tholr nests limbic. And lu ad dition to this had to stand the "k'd ding" of tho 1iob. Tho other cl oning immsougcr boy eame, called for Polly, ami, cago and all, loft a Tew minutes later. Whon Polly bid good byo sho had only two or throe lull feathers left. SrilSCItlltKltK XOTK'K The Times carrier hoya pro lusdruetod to put tho pa pers on tho porch. If tho carrier does not do this, misses you. or neglects ot llux the paper to you on lime, kindly phono tho clr Mihttlnn itiniingor, ns thU Is 'ho only way vo can doter nlno whuthor-or not the ear lors are following ingtpic loin. Phono 138. Want adverlislii" golN tho no. lo'nccrivauted things. 232.12 i Oiliest Rank in Coos (.'utility i . Flanagan (Sb Bennett Bank Marsliflpld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000. 1NTHRF.ST PAID OX TISIM AX1) SAVINGS DKPOSITH Officers J. W. HKNNKTT, PreBldontJ .IAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice President; R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. F. WIN0IIKSTKR, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan Sennett Bank OF MYltTLK POINT Capital $25,-0O Officers- J. W. HKNNKTT. President; JAS. 11. FLANAGAN, Vice President; L. M. Sl'PLKK, Cashier; U T. D10MI0NT, Asnlstnnt Cashier. Beneett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 orriccrs J. W. HKNNKTT, President; TOM T. HKNNKTT, Vlco PrcBldonl; ARTHUR M'KlfoWN, Secretary; HKNNKTT SWAN TON, Trerisuror. Tho Only Trust Company In (ho Slate, Oulslilo of I'orCltiml, Which. Orgaiitel Under tho Now Lniv. WHAT if you wero not "born with a silver spoon in your mouth?" Many a man has built up a balance in this bank that would buy him moro silver spoons Ihan he could uso even if ho lived to bp as old as Methuselah, 4 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on Timo Certificates, First National Bank The Bank of Marshfield, ' 'High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of tho high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & The Leading Grocers 797 South Broadway. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nann Smith Passcnrjer and Freirjht FROM SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, AT 3 P. M., FOR ' COOS BAY ll S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE. Passenger and Freight Agent EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz; Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street Abstracts Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Mnrshflcld nnd Coqulllo City, Oregon, fionortil Aleuts Kastsldo mill S eiiKstnckea'.s Addition. Special utteiitlnu paid to as.sosMiieuts and pa.Miiciit of taxes. IIKNHV SKXfiSTACICHN, IanaKer. GRAVEL1 We 'aro now prepared to furnish OHAVBL In ny untltle from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, ut following prlcei From pllo on ground, ?2.?fi per yard, Canoad lots, taken from care. $2.00 per yard. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Oppollo Post-Offlco.' Kstabllslicd lttel) of Coos Bay Personal Service Oregon Hoas Dealers in Good Groceries Phones 348-J and 326 rmmwiwnsnTTRRumun ss3 For rolinlilq Attracts of Tltlo niul Ion nhoiit COOS 1JAY UKM, SCO , Phone i0. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L. Houscwnrih l'liyHlclnn and SurRco. OfflcutlrvJiiK ih,kV -Office hours: li to l" , m I mill 7 to H p. in, 5 3 I'honesJ Offlco 1-lil-jj it.,. ... ' "-'m UU-i J. M. Wriglii Phono Hi b BUILDING COXTIIACTOli EBtlinatcH furnishud ou rcqueu Dr. H. M.'Shaw l'.yo, Hiir and Throat RiwIrJU. OliAKHMS KITTIHI I'liono il'.UUl, Itoonis l!lio.2oi Irving itloilc. Dlt. MATTIK II. HHAW. riiyolcliMi nnd Sutueo i'iinno H.'10-.I. H. G. Butler OIVITi KNOIXKMH Room 301 Coko Hldg. Phone Ui-i Resldeiico I'hono 303.L. VVL G. Chandler AIIOIIITKOT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko nulldln, Mnrohflcld, OrcKon. ' WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. J.Iiiko has It at 31.R0 and !?1! cash per load. Oorhn0 rcinor. oil. I'hono H27-J. THE LLOYD HUlhL lloii.solee)liiK Aim liiicutM Two rooini, $8.(10 iiionlh 4 Ulectrlnlty nnd (las. Frcu baths Sleeping rooms, jiii.no wk., up TIRIH TAHfiK WILTiAMKTTI': PACIFIC MOTOR CAR Leave Mnrnhflold C:-in n. in. 7. -15 a.m. 8:tr a.m. D : 1 5 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 1: in p.m. 2:-tn p.m. 3: -Hi p.m. fi:00 p.m. Lent North llend 7:00 n.n. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10: 1C a.m. ll':00 am. 11:45 a.m. 1:1G p.o. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. t!:15 p.m. fi.-IO p.m. n : 55 p.m. c,:Un p.m. North city limits onlj. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW Sec C0RTHELL Phone 3171 VAKK TH.V CKNTfl City LIiiiHm Norlh llend, Br. 2 COMMUTATION t)t TICKKTH J?l.75 L) Murfehflold-Xorlh llend Auto Lino Cars oitry ten inlniiten from tl n. 111. to 12 r- '; to fioulli filmitch onco n day, loavlnR nt 1 1 a. 111.; to Kmplro three trip) a day. CONST & KINO, Props. .. - T. J..NGAIFK4 A. n. llHIWPni Marshfield 'XAffi Co. I.VltiimteH j-'urnUhcd llion M(UIl. Marhfleld. Oreeo m rxmzrwM uE.ii'.wnM, SloUNGAN Iffi lliMnFRTAKING PARLORS Mill lie kept OPKN TO 'NIK PI'IILIO ... .,..,.. 1l...tlwMt y, ,i Trgiimr riuiv ...-- ouuortakcr will ie ia cIiarKd Phono 10!i'3 SAVE PHONEY by ofderliiK the Inmous ucmdvimi 1 c rn&l jNitt cop,I, per ton f1' Lunp coal, por ton " Or halt ton of both un D. 3IUSSOX, Prop. Phono 18-J or leave orders at lllllcr'a Cltfar Store. DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono 37DJ t WESTERN LOAN AND t BUILDING CO. J 4 Assets $2,340,000.00 t Pays 8 per cent on savings j I. S; KAUFMAN & CO, Local Treasurer j tiT7 .i-r.-rrr A MT A DS UUUb DMT IIIVICO Vi" "'- IX L wmi