Rur '" ffifnw Awyrwi 'i y i f 4 l'VTT . r : vmmw itmi'fm tuny wyu unyiwwyw'MHyvii1'"' '"W-Vd ,fw THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1916 EVENING EDITION FIVE mmwwnm1 i If you wear glasses or ought to, ht us discuss YOUR particular needs. The reasonable basis of our charges is always a source of plsasant satisfaction to our cus- 'toiners. See Birch --see Better Optical Department Red Cross Drug Store Oui' idea of good store, service is a service that has no vexations or variationsa sweet, tempered, uniform, rigidly-reliable serviee that delhers the best clothes to the buyer at the least cost to the bnyor-'-and gets them to him the and the iviiij he expects tjihn, A service that does not consider any of its contracts close I until scaled by the custom er's complete and unalloyed satisfaction. T Marshiield XUP North Bend PREPAREDNESS MR. FORD OWNER. Arc you prepared to lalto nilvantu:;o of tlio flint ly;i of Spring? Summer, Kind roads ami tourhii; will soon bo with us again. Scsuons, lllio tluio ii ml tl lo, wu t for no man. u PREPARE FOR Til KM NOW Tlio following schcdulo of reduced prltoa for labor will bo of assistance. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OVKHIIAUL CAIt COMPLETE (Includ.'nx romngn.otlzlng.$ri0.00 Motor transmission and magnolo ( Including rumugnotlzlng) .'10.00 Motor uinl transinitwlon only 2fi.00 Motor only ' 120.00 Transmission only 1 2. HO Change or rellno trnnsmlBB'nn bandit '. 2.50 KumaKiietlliig AIa;neto only (uxuIiihIvo fenturo) 7. no Install new Ciuiktsli:.rt only lfi.00 Burned out connecting1 rod bou lugs fi.00 Kich additional connecting iod bearing .- 1.00 Loose conuectli k rod bearing .,r. .1.00 llach additional connecting rod bonrln;; .". 1.00 Ins.all ono now piston t ri.OQ, Ilain additional piston , . ... 1.2fi ItOKrlnd valves and clean carbon i 7 ..... . ii.OO Install now commutator, vlro loom and brusli 1.00 Overhaul rear unIo coinploto 7. no Install now omorgoncy lralri shoos, caoli 7fi install new rear wheel hul . . '. . . . 1.C0 Install now roiir Fpi Iiib or loaf .' , a. 00 Install now ronr spring t bolt only v 1.G0 Install now universal Joint 5.00 Hohtisli front iixlu mid hplndlo coinploto l.00 llebusli spindle mid spludlu arm -nsly, each . . : LGO StralKlituu fioiii nxlo '..... a.00 Install ww front prIiiK or lea '. . 2.00 Install now fiont spring t!o bolt only , .. 1.00 Install new fiont Itudlouso rod 1.00 Install now front whoel hub 1.00 Overhaul steering KWir n.OO I'unotured or loaKy radiator 2.00 to 7.H0 M. L. CURRY loitii snuviei: snoe auto.morile electrician STORAGE HATTERV REPAIR station. Stinting, 1,'nlitliijj mid ignition SjsicmH a Specialty. Phono HT.i .1. 'willed In Goodi urn's (j.unjri, Mnrshflehl, Oregon "HMWM lEvlTIK UP Our Store Service . 0 WEATHER FORECAST (11 Arip, rnwi to vmm nay TlmM ) . OREGON Fair tonight; Sunday fnlr In the oast; In- croas ng cloudiness followed $ by rain In tlio west. Sotith easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD F'r tlio 21 bourn ending at IN2 a. in., February 10, by HmiJ. Ostllnd, special gov- I'rninent meteorologist: Maximum CO O Mlnlinuni . 4 At -1:43 a. in 48 Precipitation 00 Precipitation Since Sept. 1. lOiC G9.31 Preelpltatlon same period last year 49.13 Wind: Northwest, paitly cloudy. ' Kaliuiliiy February IP Sun iise.i at 0:53 and sots at n:3n. Will (.' to Alaska 13. C. Archer, William Woods and about 1 1 others from Ten Mllo, North Inlet and Coos IJny plait to leave March l&lh for Alaska to spend tlio summer. Mr. Archer, who has boon conduct ing tlio North Inlet hotel at Hauscr linH tinned it ovor to IlaiiBor & Manner. He has also been 'running the launch Tin tie for Ned Gallo way. Fishing to llo Soon. Residents from up both branches of Coos Rivor say that tlio wator is clearing up and that beforo long the fishing ought to bo very good. Thoro havo been no catches reportod as et this season though the weather has bcon getting warmer, n ract mat brings tlio wily folio wo of tlio stream to the top-Jor they too must enjoy tlio spring wuuth or. KowmiIIi Omie Wins. The" Seventh ....i.. ..1.. 1. .. . .1... 1.1... .. ...... iliiuiii) K"i Ul 1 1 If IIIKII HI'IIMOI IIIIIKl' ing yesieruay uoreate.l tlio girls' bas l:et ball tram of tlio e.ghth grado by a Hcoro of 10 to 8 In a very Interest Hiig contest. The girls who played were Jonnetto Wilson and Ire-no Mc Phorson, forwards; Rutli Sandqiilst .linil Frances Lyons, centers; Mar- X t BORN j iK MURUITT Horn to Mr. and ,nn nh ntlrnetlvo homo on tlio banks guards, Sister Is Kn;ime. Warner A. Ackerman, well known attorney of tbla city, has receivod word from Ab torla telling of the cngagonioiit of hla s!stor, Mlbs Hsther Cnrolyln Ack tmnan, to P. 13. Daniels, or Portland. Tlio wedding will take place in tlio near future Mr. Danleln Is formerly i,of Wnmuok Illll, Alabama, but for tlio last nl yearA has been with tlio V. S. engliiecr.iig corps In Portland. To I'lUiit lliooiiiN. R. o. Graves amnt .'T4'''j t ' Nc' TODAY .J, Pl'tlLIC STKNOOIIAPIIKR Room 1 213 Coko building. Phone 137-L FOR $1 Wo will deliver to you 0110 dozen choice roso bushes, assoited varieties, guaranteed to bloom tills year. Portland Roso Nursery, Louts, Oregon, FOR SAI.13 10,(100 ft. ce. Iimiil bulldlns lumber at Femdalo Flat. Inuulro 1., Times office. WANTFI) Ktioii; winnnii to rnro for Invalid lady. Phono 1474 North Rend. garot Powers mil Leora McClcos, WANTUD Ten to twenty thousand I dollar gouoial stock of dry goods, shoes, Indies and mens furnish ings goods or groceries, I will pay 100 cents In good Portland pioporty. I also will pay somo cash. State full particulars what you havo to offer. Address llox S00, MarHhfloM, Orogon. Do Not Be Misled By These Fake Sales If tliey can cut tlio prices so iniicli now, what did. they Ket for tlio uvotls in the first place? Ladies' Shoes, a dandy, in button. Every day,.$1.69 Ladies' Patent Leather, cloth top, button .$2.49 Ladies' Gun Metal, button and lace, all leather $2.79 Children's Shoes, hard soles 49c Children's Shoes, a better one 69c Children's part colored tops, button ... .'.-..98c Girls' and Boys' Shoes in button ..$1.49 Girls' and Boys' Shoes in button .1 $1.69 Girls' and Boys' Shoes in button $1.98 Tlieso ate ovcry-dny prices at the YHlow Front Stoiy on Mrondwny We L:ad Others Follow ffigfjjggwffS Originators , of Low Prices M B Mrs. Rolrt DoMerrltt, at their of Coal Hunk Inlet ;i Kastport. llo homo tu North Rend, on Fob- IS.'l.nn Just raco.vod somo tall Scotch n daughter. This is tlio fourth l Hroom plants that lie Intends to plant daughter and sixth child In tlio (along the shore. o says this is for ftinilly. Tlio father, who ruturnod, the purposo or for in Ins a wind break, from (lardlnor whoro'ho is om-j Judirliig from tho slzo of tlio "plants" iP'ojcd on tho I.Kdgo c-oiiBtructlon, somo of his friends .vo'iltaued tho was particularly elated as thoAMeas they wore trees for the young now daughter arrived on his stern to climb In. ' birthday. I I')h to Advertlwc It was threo jdoys ago that Tho Times carried a Taken In'o Army I'-tidy Scot I, i story shout a winsonio New Jersey formerly of North Inlot, w mt to! widow that wished to corrospoml Prllico Kdwnrd Island to visit his I with a Coos Hay gentleman. Today mother. Ho had boon I here uiit a I there camo n man iuqulrln,; for few days when ho was forutl ! lo tlio iwpor In which tho notlco wub FOIt SALIC An Ki.-ly FiikIInIi oak buffet and six dining chnlrs with j leather Blip bottoms. This set cost $88 and Is just like new. I Itather than run tho risk of , damage In shipping I3at, will sell complete for $35 if taken! beforo March 1. Ask Duncan I FoigiiHou to show It to you. j LOSTi Fleiir-'d lols vtntcli pin, four' lieai Is. Return Times Office. i FOR SALK 1( acres, it inlles from ( Mnrshflcld; house, barn, chicken, hoiifo, orchard; $2000. $1200 down. No commlss'.on. Owner. Address P. O. box 495, North IJ"nd. Take Advantage of Our Prices Fresh Eggs, per dozen - 35c hesh Eggs, 2 dozen 65c Rice, per nound 05c Spuds (new shipment Monday) per 100 lbs.$2.45. "We Save You Money" GETTING'S CASH GROCERY Phone 394. 130 North Broadway, the tinny and must go o tho front. SldevMilk (Irous. Considerable in ogress was made today by Dean and Hrowu, contractors, on tho s'downlk lioliig put In along the business dis trict. The concrete mixer attracted a good sized uuillunco through tho day. printed, llo looked n trlflo olicop Ish and explained, "I want to pot tho addrojs for'n Tilond of niln'o." All of which f,oes to show that It pays to advert'to. Should Ro Definite. Gordon Smith, chle englneor of tho Marsh- field flro department, sayB that por : FOR RENT J FOR RUNT foinfortalilo apait- moiits for rout, furnished, Jtn.OO, fine location. I. S. Kaufman & Co. Societies to MeetTho Young ,,, turnlnK In flro alarms should bo People's societies of tho city mo to.0io dofln to In giving their dlrcc- nieot tomorrow evening at o:ao in ium, lio cayo tll0. Bll01(I te cx , tho Methodist Kplscopal church. Tho ,ictiy wi,oro tho flro Is. If they do moBiiiiB win no in cnargo 01 uuariea 0t know tho number of the house In FOR RKNT Funil.slicd two loom upt. Heated, $15.00. Inquire Mntson'a Store. II. Raymond and tho topic will bejuuostlon they should define tho lo-' FOIt RKNT Furnished flat, hot and "Tho Tragedy of Iud.fferouco." f-ctitlmi by irlvlntr tho nearest strmii out!! ivnir. lmili kr.:i Thini f Ai rives S-ifely. Word from , roruors. in this way it is possible1 .Po.lland states Hint tho steamer rr tho firemen to get to tho flro In 1 FOR ItKXT IIooiiiInk house oror CoiillIo, from tho Coiiulllo River, a hurry and wthout hunting up and I Fkblad's llardwaro Store. Apply nas nrrivou uioro saioiy in cnargo uown two or three blocks to find at Dkblml &. Son, or call 3C0. or uaptnin itoiiert Jones, it wiutlio plaso, all or which makes for do bacomo part of tho Shaver fleet on lays. tho lowor Columbia and Wlllam elto. Retain UhiicIi Mr. end Mrs. J. L, Rurns retain their Coos river ranch, near tho creamery, altuottgh thoy havo boon conducting tho l;oanlln;v houso nt Dolmar for somu tltuo. Tholr llttlo sou, who was roported to havo euterod Morcy hos pital for treatment for nn injury to his spluo Is utlll at homo. t lilrdson Klllniin. On tho Kllburn J from Portland tomorrow Doputvj Gamo Warden Thomas oxpects to ro-' colvo three crates of birds from the Stnto Gamo Commission, to he 1.1)- trated In Coos county. In tho ship ment will bo Hob White quail and California quail, 3G of thorn. Mr. Thomas says that tho birds aro lie , lug propagated hero, j Take lrp Tav .'Mat tor. .ludgo Wat ! son said today that the county court vary shortly will ugalu pass on tlio I'Mnjor Kinney tax matters. Tho last ' itlmo tho matter was up about a month ago tho county court took no definite action in the matter. Frank I). Walte pjfaw of Suthorlln Is lit i o again hoping to Dr. Lv.lo, Osteiiatli, .Marshflclil J FOR SALE t I'ry n Tmhlsli llntli for vtlmt nils I'OR SALF. Piemo CniiU'ra, r7, J on. j complete. Leather enso and five holders. Flno Ions and shutter. Price $20. II. R. Ilrlnkley, Hay City. Phono .".091. Llbby Coal, I5.0t) ton. Phono 72. i BARTER'S , FOR TRADW ('iiuiplcto, j equip ped ehlckou ninch, will trade for Mnrshf.eld lots. I, S. Kaufman & Co. Wo vtlll ho In our HcnuQ'fiil NEW HOME t'ormv t'eiitrnl AiVnuo anil Front St. THIS EVENING You mo cordially Invited to our (I'nmd OpciiliiK SHOE SALE l'OR SALi: IVesli row anil u calf. L. !:. Ilcndrlx at Golden Rulo, FOR KALK CIIFAP Wind mill and pump complete J. C. Bridges, Mcrshflcld. Phono 3181. oble TheateD -R TO-NIGHT I Ladies ' The llom, ,,f q,W MhsIo and High Class Plcturtw I lllgliist t'lass Pliotoplnys mid Good Music J. Ul'llV WLL1(!F()RD adventuics entitled "A RHFFMA P JOINT." Theo htorles liavo pi-oved to ho tlio best o havo err hail In niollou plctiues Km-U ono Is coinplcto lu two iwls K,M1 l.niBh roi- tncryone Mav FIriiimii, Hiirr Jlrliitosh :"! ,'lcitson aro tho prlucliml elniiiifrrra. T'o thin!,.,. r x.:.i, of Tlll-J NAVY" tlio tlirllUiiK serial " that has htarttd with a rapid flro dash full of action that WJ mk the hal,. stand. 'TIIIJ SniAIIIILi: FOR A SQPAR". Palho comwly with llclnlo '"'.'J jf""tN tho Gerimm comedians-. l-vrili: MIWS" Several Items of Inteiest Miohii In 1iN ""- 'r Special M.' tho ladi.-s, fitest fashions pliotographed In niit- Ul-l color!,. , AXTIIO.Ws OltCllRSTRA KVKItY NIGHT Lor "'"'. l:ilr floor, J 5 Tomoi i '"). 10 cents, chlldion, t'.l cents. TOW m.itl.iun n..... -.., mi ....nlmir. Pnv ii rn "CttOll til 80VCI1 ronl.i am, .I.... ..,.., .!.,,.. rrli intn ufiir of "TllO in.. . wvjij. "" or 1'nr.idUp.1 lal " five .vts Sunday evening: Tho Into star of Leonora I'lileh. lu "Kllmany" Paramount spec- aro you annoyed and ciiibari'itshcd by super fluous lialr? KIK0' a. lianiiLhS F.oparutiou PAI.VLFSSLY mill I'KIU MAXIJ.N'TLY RR.MOVKS Superfluous Hair Tho Owl" Is exclusive agents for this tollot lino. LItornturo on application. Tho Contral Av, Drug Storo Wo Deliver Immedlato.y. Phono 7-1. havo tho niftltor stttlod do'lultely .ELECTRIC SHOE STORE ono way or tho othor. Can giro you prices that aro Just tho samo as having' a sale on all tho time. Rrcnuso our storo Is small Is no slu that wo can't sell you as good shoes as joit can get any where, ami "for loss inouey" all tho tliuo, .Our rent Is less, all our expenses less, and remember you. 'help p'iy this expense anyuhcro you go. Compare our prices and tiiol quality of shoos with others and you will Im convinced. Ladlc.i' Flno Dress Shoes in patent kit her, gun metal and vicl kid, iiukIo in now last. Prices from $2. 15 to $:.5 Hisses' and Children's Shoes in jjun metal and patent leather, auido in different shaped last. Prices from $2.00 to $2.05 Men's Woik Shoes, double soles and single sides, from $".-15 to $:!,05 CVimo In and Let Us Show You. Stock Raisers INTKH.YATIOXAL STOCK FOOD helps purify tho blood and helps keep tho stock healthy. They need It in tho Springtime Get It at THE BUSY CORNER Rhone SOU Wo Deliver Promptly PERSONAL MENTION X $ .10IIN STin.N'LKCII.N'KR was among tho visitors from Te.npUton. V. P. 8ANFOKD was a caller In tho city today from lliiyucs Inlet. ANDREW THOMAS left on tho Nnnn Smith for San Francisco. Ni:LS AND JOHN PJJTKRSON wore down today on bus neos from Tem pletou. MRS. C. M. RYLHR and Mrs. Fred erick Drown loft Friday morning for Gardiner. 'MRS. A. R. KNOLWTON camo down on a shopping trip today 'ifroni Huyiics Inlet. GIJORG15 STBIMIKNSON ami wlfol of North Iloml woro Marshfleld visitors yesterday afternoon. .1. L. SMITH. County Asrlculturlst was hoio this moriiiiu from Co quill' to attend tho caunory meeting. MRS. J. F. TULLRY and dauglitor, Mru. Taylor of Powois, roturnod homo this morning after u few days spout with friends In Nortli IJend. MHS. P1STI3R SCOTT to loavo, soon for Portland, whore . sho will visit for several wooks nt tho homo at hor sou, Jamr.a Scott. JOSKPHFYFi:, Jr., manffgor of tho A. L. Kstabrook company, who has boon ju tho county on busl r.cza, loft ycetorduy for his homo In San Francisco. TIIK RHV. RFOUKRT I). DROWN ING returned from Gurdlner yos- ' terday and will conduct tho reg ular services hora tomorrow and nt North Head at 3 o'clock. A. P. OWEN loft for South Coos river yestorday, tho warm nun shlno" being too great a lure. Ho-; sldre till a, ho Is determined to 1 catch tho first fish of tho seuaon i C. W. HURGESS, of Sun Francisco wlioro ho Is connectod with a steamship business, loft on tio l Kami Smith thin for tho! south. Ho 1ms been down at Han- don. MRS. PETER SCOTT is onjoylng a visit from her nephew, Mr. Helmcr of Orogon City, who ur rived hora overland yesterday. This Is his first visit hero and he will go to Euroka to visit another mint. MR, AND MRS. GEORGE KRIHS, ' of Myrtle Point, woro Marshflold J visitors this weok, bringing ovcrj tho.'r two-ycnr-old son for a minor 'operation. Tho opcratibu was successful and tho little lad Is rocovorlng rapidly. RUDOLPH' COPPLE, formorly bookkeeper with II. W. Palntor & Co., according to word received by friends, Is now In Mexico City. Ho left horo several months ago, returning to his homo In Maut lan, Mexico, after a year's so journ hero, where ho nmdo many frlondu. FOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FltEIGIIT AND RAfiGAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono l(i:i Rcsldcuco Phono JM-.J Market Avo. and Waterfront THE WHITE IS KINO Of nil Sowing Machines Now located nt 25C' Market avo. Wcat. Phono 193-J. We lmta also got big bargains In all kinds of used machines. All machines sold on easy payments. WEAVING- All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R Tlie F.A. KILBURN sails for SAN FRANCISCO Via Eureka February 20. From Smith Terminal Dock For Information cull 130 L. G. GUSHING, Agent. II "The ;Owl" llio Central Avemio Uriiu Storo Phono 74 Electric Shoe Store Shoes Repaired VhIo You Walt S. J. 1MMEL, Prop. 180 South Rroadwuy BUY YOUR HOMESITE NOW PERHAM PARK Maihfleld's .Most Attractlvo Residence District In the Heart of Marshfield Lot Values Easy Tonus $:tOO t; $m0. $10 per month SUNNYVALE Marshflcld's New Suburb Sheltered and Cleared " No Interest, taxes or street improvements, Lot Valuvs Terms, $5 down $70 to $150, $5 per month "SEE REID ABOUT IT." 150 Front Street. -V. mi ' ,-: . ajjijitL .. riAJlk -n.