Mr-yr AalBfPT,rT' '-" , H I'UPPIfpil"" "M '"H" IWI'lV I'lfPIIT' ' I "" "W "' "H ' ' "T "" "" "0 nyr ---a- "wt.'wn i-mmy" wmi mv .'in'fwf mwy. i1 wamwymwv nmiiyjuin w iiiiwi;iiHppyipp;pMfr' FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD,. OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1916 EVENING EDITION J MMa i mm MAgTrm !'' . . COOS BAY TIMES (A. O. MALONEY, KdJtor and 1'ub. DAN E. MALONEV, News Editor Official Tnpcr of Coos County OfNrlnl Pnor OHt of Mnroliflold. I I EUROPEAN WAR ONE X X YEAR AGO TODAY $.$ February 10, 10JJ5. Orcat Britain IioIiIb tlio cargo of tlio American steamer Wllholmlna for decision of tho prize court. Gormuns claim to liairo rop.ilscd the French In tho Cliampacuo mm Verdun districts and to havo cap tured many prisoners. Teutonic forcea attack on Rus sian lines in southern (lallclu. . (!()()!) NEWS r-ril'T wB tt cheerliiB collection I of good news printed In Tho Times last evening. Tho com Jng rnlso In wages of tho C. A. Smith mill Is a welcome harbinger of the long horaldod prosperity that 1b to make, Coos Bay bloom and blossom In this glorious' year of 3910. ' Tho nows of tho Improvement In tho lumber market contained In tho Associated Press dispatch to The Times from Portland added, to tho facts rankm more firm tho founda tion of our ralth in tho future prospects and prosperity of tho Coofl Hay section. Spring Is coming and with 'it there Is Industrial awakening in all llncB that augurs well for tho com ing season. Thoso prophots of bus iness who havo been In tho cast and witnessed tho revival of indus try there doclaro that tho wavo of prosperity is now overdue on tho I'aclflu coast. With tho completion of tho rail way and tho coming of many now Industries to Oregon this section should now bo In a position to go forwnrd on Its long delayed march ot development. Everywhere are hopeful signs of steady consistent and encouraging growth. MOORE IS PROMINENT OIjI BEACH MKR. CHANT PAYS $23 IN COUNT Shipped Out MW and ."Martin Furs ', District Attorney Johnson Hays Did Act Unintentionally D. M. Mooro, prominent Gold Beach merchant and citizen, pleaded gulltv Lto shipping minx and martin furs nnd was fined $25 In the Justice court tbero, according to n letter received this morning by Doputy Game War den James Thomas from C. L. John non, prosecuting attorney. Tho furs were taken from tho Hust ler horo and will bo sent to tho State Klsh and Qamo Commission for dis posal. Mr. Mooro has asked for their return. The minx and Martin aro protected by tho Btato game laws. Mr. John hoii stuted that Mr. Mooro was net ting In good fnltli-when ho rccolvcd ttntl shipped tho fura. They woro marked "coon skins." There woro In tho packet Bovoral coon skins and also some hear skins. t PERSONAL MENTION t $$ fS. L. WILLIAMS, of Myrtlo Toint, was among tho visitors horo today. SUPERVISOR GOLDEN left this morning for Coqulllo on school buslnoss. DR. H. M. SHAW was railed to Myrtlo Point this morning on a professional visit. J. E. MONTGOMERY has gono to Gardlnor on Tolophono buslnoss, returning tomorrow. i J. A. LUSE, ot tho Sun Printing Company, was a .passenger to Coqulllo on tho morning train. MATT L. MAY, accompanied by C. L. Mitchell, of Armour Company, left this morning to call on tho trndo in Coqulllo Valley points. IT. O. HOLT, managor of tho Eu- gono cannery, camo in on tho stago last evening to attend tho ennnexy mooting this morning. GEORGE R. SAILOR, son-in-law '..: H. d. KIMBALL BUYS WONDERFUL WJLLYS-KNIGHF AUTOMOBiLI I. It. TOWER, l.OCAD REPRKSKN TATIVE OP THE OVERLAND, GETS WILLYS-KNIGIIT CAR 1'OH MAHSIIFIELI) MAX NEW (Wit IS SENSATION OF AUTO WORLD AND HAS FAMOl'S KNIOIIT SLEEVE-VALVE SILENT MOTOR. 4 a X yw il SMITH SI LS SMALL PASSENGERS SO MANY TJIEY ARE TURNED AWAY X WITH THE TEA X AND THE TOAST X $? I .IITNEYITES! HERE'S YOUR I SCHEDULEPASTE IT UP ON THE WALL. I Snino old morning " " plnco 1 " " breakfast " ' chaso " " bunch " " lunch hour " " lunch " " afternoon " " Job " " six o'clock " mob " " hurry ' " walk ' " " Jitney " " talk I " " supper j " " gamo " " routlno j " ". same of Phillip Douhnor, of Portland, who is Intorestod In tho Simpson Company deal, arrived horo last evening from Portland. F. L. GRANNIS, physical Instructor at tho high school, loft this morning to Join tho basket ball team and accompany tho boys to Hamlon, where thoy play this evening. I. R. Tower, Eouthwost Oregon roprosontatlvo of tho' Overland auto, tomorrow will recolvo on tho Kll- uiirn a Wlllys-Knlght roadster for II. J, Kimball, Jr. Tho arrival of tho now car Is eagerly awaited by local autolsts and all Interested In machinery ns It Is tho first of tho world-famous typo of motors to bo seen on Coos Hay. Tho purrhuBo of tho Willys Knight auto hy Mr. Kimball Is of consid erable Interest, as Mr. Kimball Is probably ono of tho best judges of tho real merits of u car vm Coos Hay. He recently mndo tilps to Portland and San Francisco, whero ho Inspected tho various types of cars on tho market and finally se lected tho Wlllys-Knlght ns tho best produced for tho money. Asldo from tho general requirements of a good auto, .'Mr. Kimball lays special stress on tho world famous Knight typo sloovo-valvo motor with which tho Wlllys-Knlght Is equipped. When ho enmo to Coos Hay soveral years ago to open tho Brudshaw-Klmbull' or tlio Mlnorva of Belgium, for thesu aro world famous ears, oauh standing for tho highest typo of automohllo In its respective coun try. Thcso aro the cars drlvon by tho royalty of thcso nations. Tho fact that they nso tho Knight motor and havo used It with tho most wonderful success for years and tho further fact that never has this motor been put In any hut tho very highest priced euro ...... ....... II ............ ...It.. achievement of tho Overland Com pany In marketing a Knlght-motor-cd car In tho Thousand Dollar class has ,mndo the biggest sensation In tho automohllo world that has over been known. Quantity production Is tho thing that mado this possi ble Features of Motor. Hy doing away with poppot valves tho rapidly wearing nnd deterior ating parts' of the ordinary onglno uro eliminated and UifcJCnlght typo sleevo-valvo motor really becomes moro powerful mid efficient with nso. This Knight typo motor ro- Accomodation Restricted to 12 Pas sengers l'n'11 Government Inspec- (Ion Fog Ih Heavy With hor pnssongor accomodations restricted until after hor next 'In spection by government officers, tho Nann Smith sailed this morning with only 12 passengers, including first and second class. Many who wanted passage woro turned nwny on this ac count. Captain Mngco said that tho in spection will ho held In San Frnn clseo very shortly and that there Is to ho adjusted a matter of life rafts and life boats. This Is tho second trip of the Nairn on schedule since her return from a six months char ter to South American polls. Tho passengers south this morning wore J. B. Palmer, P. L. Pholnn, Mur garlto Kirk, Mrs. Mary Kirk. 1. P. Hanoy, Mrs. Mary llanoy, Thayer Mc Clelland, Mrs. ,T. G. McClelland, J. B. Rhoades, C. W. Burgess, Bert Rust and Andrew Thomas. Steamship men tray that tho pas senger trade la beginning to pick up again nftor u Hliimp of several weeks, n slump that Is noted every year. v.ommmy, n.s primary oojoci was ur0fl (J n(,jU8tmonto or ro,m)r tho perfection of n now onglno in- work llko tho ,,,, vn,Vo motor vontcd by Mr. Brtulshaw. Ono of ronulrc8( TJloro aro no vniVC3 to tho features of tho Bradshaw motor KrIlul no BTulga t0 wonkuil m) Vas uio elimination ot mo poppot p0ndlng valves and cams, no valvoH. til 111 til f villi? thn liinnlinnlHin1 ......... i . . . . - . ..p , ... -(- ---w --- ..,,.. ....- HNELB Will S MYRTLE POINT VANQUISHED HV SCORE OF 15 TO J!J. AnjlMidy'n fiaino Up to Final Whis tle To Play in Itmiduii Tonlgli Locals Hi' tain J 000. Hy tho closo margin of ono bas ket did tho Marshriold High 'school baftkotball fvc win a 15 to 111 vic tory at Myrtlo Point last ovonlng, according to a long dlstanco mes sago received Bhortly afterward from OnbIS ES T J O. HOLT GIVES PRACTICAL AD VICE ON CREAMERY JUVENILE OFFin.PD SECOND BRIQHAM Yd Says lle'8 ,u, ()Ill-... W lit ,. . BA1 "' ""ttoS.le, "When .people see mo tin, children, they Biiy, ' nam Young,' i , "7 'tho old woman who lived in nnd had so maiiv rliii.i.-. . ' know wlini (,. .1,. .... . ' 1 " " nam jnt.M fleer Hark Dunham tod. , In tho first ulaco Jnde. J innU cnt'fiti nl.ii.i.-.. . "I' Mrs. 'Charles Coffin, claim were not pruu.rly traA ..' I'llMlliniii l.w.l. II. . " """ "'"'o 111 charee for soveral delinquent bov,o Dorries aim lruiis mm uru m.w-go- wook who, Mp D, ,--' In.. In .nutl Tll tfilln nf llll.Sft . . .. . """lal Mptfi, " ...... ; 7. v a K0 OMl l0 aalc111 ho win hat... I Iirillt' llf nlimil to . . "I ;' """ - or 13 (uj .w mult UlLUli '.l1.... w ... .... .. """ "'; MWl OPlJlM "i- liU.MIS, XT nllnA fia t. . ""l,v" ,B "l"cy given that, proposals will ho receive h Yn.iutu coinmuteo of tho Cos 1.01111011 01 tno city of ManM Coos county, Oregon, at u, , ... niu v-iij uueoruer of mm 1 of Marshflold, In tlio city n,u mnu cuy, until naif past 7 .,,! i. m. on .Monuny. t 9M. ,.. lunlncsn, ono who can soil the pro- Kolimary, llltO, for the i, ,1llnn flu t'n1l nu nnti It C'llnalilnfiulif n I . . l"llU Says (o Begin in Small Way and Build Ul Selling of Produco In Most Important, in Business Establishment of a cannory on Coos Bny should bo on a small basis to start with, was tho gist of tho very practical talk given this morning by J. 0. Holt nt a mooting of business 'mon and farmers at tho Chamber of Commerce. Ho recommended a plant for tho jiurposo of canning products, mostly borrtes and fruits that aro now go lliesc should bo locally, ho said. .Small Sum to Slnrl Ono thousand dollars would start a concern such a ho advocated. "Fur Hint) you can rent for five years a machine to cap tho cans. That Is kho most Important Hum," ho said. "Put up a small building, presum edly eloso to some larger concern that could supply tho steam. This would cut out tho necessity of put ting In n holler. Need Practical Man "Got a practical man to run tho (luce as well as can It. Salesmanship Is 1111 Important feature of tho Indus try. Evergroon binckborrlos grow rife Mioro. They would mnko n, good canned artlclo. Any sort of borrlos could bo sold In this way on Hit local market. Tho logging camps would buy them In gallon tins. Thoro Is llttlo money n 'vegeta bles. Ho would advlso no ana to put rich dairy bottoms Into fruits' nnd vegetables. It la Imrd to get tho farniors to take hold of n now con cern of this sort, said tho Bpoakor and ho thought tho best way would bo for soveral business lnbn, especial ly tho bankers, to udvuneo tho money ,for u cannery. Is Community ltulMIng "It's n pleco of community build A Coos Hay woman always likes to go out with uuotbor woman who can't afford to dress as well as she cun. Any tlino a Coos Bay man honestly admits ho Is In the wrong tho rest of us havo a kind ot sneaking fool ing that bo Isn't. Tho Cons Hay man who has tho Ticket All Tliat'H Necessary Who over has tho tlmo and tho notion neod lonly buy tho ticket In order to join tho excursion of tho Royal Rosarlans of Portland to tho Hawaiian Island.! In April. A letter lias boon received ,nt tlio Chamber of Commerce from Dean Vincent, Prlmo Minister of tlio organization, Inviting anyone in Marshfold "who may want to go. Ho says the tckets aro only fl&O and the trip Is for 18 days. This amount In cludes tho faro to mid fro on the giant steamship North Pacific, but not' tho hotol faro ot 5 n day In Honolulu. Tho Rosnrlau band of 35 pieces will go with tho excursion. 'by the elimination of numerous parts, Increasing tlio efficiency by getting moro power out of tho fuel consumed and eliminating tho noise Und complications that uro draw backs In tho poppot vulvo onglno. This wns practically perfected wliou tho European war knocked out 'their plans for putting It 011 thu 'market. 1 Howovor, in tho Knight typo slcove-vnlvo motor Mr. Kimball finds tho sallout points of tho Bradshaw onglno brought out to porfctlon. Ho declares tliut It is only tlio mattor of tlmo until tho poppot-vulvo typo of motor with which tho ordinary auto is oqulppod will bocome obso. loto nnd discarded. On High Priced On. clashing of motul against metal, or humming of gears, merely tho silent, powerful, safe, rollnblo transmission of power. Is Most. Economical And furthermore, It Is econom ical, giving from ton to fifteen per cent moro mlleago on gasoline Tho statements that .this1 motor Improves with uso, Is moro power ful, requires" no adjustments, is moro flexible (as floxlblo an any nlx-cyllndor poppot vnlvo motor) Is quieter In oporatlon, simple (frco from complications) and economical aro not merely claims, but facts which havo been provod and can bo easily demonstrated to your own satisfaction by an exam ination and explanation of tho prin ciples of tho motor, which Mr. Tow- Coach Royal Nllos. Tho gamo wua lnird fought from lug," continued Mr. Holt. "Start on start to finish, ho said, and until n small scale and build up gradually, tho final whlstlo blow It was nny- Tho farniors will begin to get Inter body's victory. This is tho fifth , eslod. Then you can got them to successive gamo won b; tho local team this season and tho boys still retain their 1000 per cent. Play at Itamlou Tonight. Tonight Marshflold plays In Ban- alon. Tho results of UiIb gamo aro tho most problematical of any yet played this season. Tho nnndonlaus coopornto with you nnd even buy .took for bigger operations." This Is tho Eiigeno procedure. Now tho cannery thoro covers two acres. Its payroll Muctuntcs from ? 100 to 51, .100 a week. IogiiiilHiTkH Popular LoganborrloB should grow, woll practice 011 a dauco floor, slippery Jioro. Tho salo of these berries Is and hnrd footing for visitors mine- 'Increasing. Tho market Is spreading. customed to playing thoro. Mt. Grnuuls went down to Join "Wo havo got to push this Industry. Right now thoro Is an ovur-produc- tho team this morning on tho Ban-itlon. Wo oxpoet to compote actively dou trip. Ho said that Marshflold j with thu grapo Julco of California. until tlio Kniglit typo sloovo-valvo 0P wm i,0 ulad to oxnlaln In detail motor was nttaehud to tho Willys- anyone intorestod. A working $ X AT THE HOTELS X Chandler Hotol, O. Wyss,' Portland; J. O. Holt, Eugono; W. L. Brown nnd wlfo, Knight car this season, It had al ways been confined to only tho vory highest priced cars manufac tured. Today tho loading cars In prao- modol of It tit Tho Gunnory clovorly demonstrates thcso points. Wlllys-Knlght owners onjoy sor vlco advantages which few other cars glvo, as practically 4000 rep- iicany ovory foreign country aro rosoutatlvos In different parts of Knight motored. tIl0 country, Including ovory town WllOn yOU llOar Of tllO lliuhOSt nf Inmnrlnnnn Kfl.-i. nnrlo .,t,w,lu grado cars in Europo It is apt to! Tho AVIllys'lCnlght roadstor sells bo tho English Dnimlor, tho Gor- for $1220 dollvored In Marshflold, man Mercedes, tho Fronch Panhardand tho touring nr for ?t2tri. Uob throe moro games, two with Bandou and ono with North Bond. Ftvl Loss of Chapman. Tho loss, of Chapman from tho 'lineup of tho team makes a material dlforouco to thu players us ho had worked with them for two seasons and bad becomo a valuable cog1 In the machine Dresser wont Into hla pjaco nt guard. T.u lineup of tho Marshflold team JK-ns: Wattora nnd Burrows, for wards; Soaiuon, coutor, und Dresser hud McDonald, guards. Josso Frans wont along ns 11 substitute. Several carloads of loganberry Juice havo already beo.n sold In Los An geles. It's n matter of educating the pooplo to use it." J. A. Stephnn, of tho Farniors' Union, said a meeting of tho organi zation would ho callod to consider tho matter. This will bo possibly In two weeks and a roprcsontntlva of TO. A. O. will also eomo horo ul that time. HYo to Locate G. F. Holloway or Portorvlllo, Callfomln, was a vis itor horo today. Ho has ben on Coos Hay for about n montli and says that ho Intends to locate hero. lead competition Is tho onu who 'Seattle; Goorgo R. Sailor, Portland; minds bla own business. JE. Browning, Seattlo; J. P. Ross, Many a Coos Bay wlfo sponds ns 'Powers; Goorgo II. Garrlsh, Seattlo; much tlmo abusing her husband In W. J. Hill, Powors; William Cand- private as she docs bragging him In public. about CONTRACT IS LET. Knlsor & Miller Will Build Founda tion for Wtor Tank. Tlio Coos Bay Wator company yostorday afternoon let to Kaiser & Miller thn contract for tho build ing of the foundation for tho new water tonic .at North Bond. Tho foundation will cost about $000. Tho contract for tho tank was ro contly let to tho Redwood Manufac tmlug company. The tank will bo 20 feet high and IS feet In diame ter and will bold about 250000 gallons of wator. Mn, Coqulllo; S. L. Williams, Myrtlo Point. St. Lawrence Hotel. L. Whlto, Norway; C. McGray, Coqulllo; P. Saunders, South Inlet; Joo Carter, Powors; A. N. Gould, Coqulllo; L. Gibson, Portland; S. J. Spraguo and son, Gardlnor; J. I). L'Lalrfd, Sltkum; J,. F. Ran,o, Myrtlo Point; E. Frank, Beaver Hill. Lloyd Hotel. William Lang, Powors; J. John- sou, Powers; ' Arthur Bakor, Pow ors; Mrs. A. Mandery, Powors; Charles Hans, Yakima; P. L. Bano, Bandon. PI IS MENUS BYEBLY FISHERMEN IN LOWER BAY I WELL-KNOWN EASTSIDK LADY MAKE LOUD PROTICST PASSES AWAY LEADER CONFIDENT Claim Wci'o Loft by DrodKlnK Cum Miiy and Aro Menace to Naviga tion Oo Man Wrecks Boat Piling loft standing In tho bay by tho Soattlo Brldgo and Dredging com pany Is a monaco to navigation and hinder fishing with nets, according tn evldonco preEonted to District At torney Llljeqvlst. ' Ho bus turned tho matter over to tho Port Commission to see what can bo done. A flshormnn In tho lower bay sev eral days ago ran Into 0110 of tbp Piling, some of wh'ch extend up only jwag we)1 kn0WJ, 0l Coo8 1Jay Il0. tn thn RlirfnPA nti'1 limit lil nrnnnl. ' - , . ..... .. 44coo4AA ' ,,Ml ' isiues nor misuanu, sno is survived 2 u,ATrrtnnVrtr ,!! J ,Joi Bhut and Utti.WBe.1 tho rmWor. 1)y Bevcu cIlIIllron: They nr0 E. VVHICnrnUIVU ICWI 1 "" l"""K I-- i" "J .nun.l nnd Preil nvorlv. of Oshkosli. Wis., Leo H. Hyerly, of Globo, Arl tAAALAAiAAAAAAAAiAAAAA't!' u, tIroclitliiK company. Their work Word from Portland la to tho, been left standing, An effort will 'effect that tho Kllburn loft Astoria bo mado to havo someono made 10- llnd Been III for tlio Past Year Survlvod by Husband ami It ven Children Mrs, W. F. Byorly, ngod TiTi years, dlod at Crao o'clock last evening at hor homo In Eastsldo. She had beon ill for n year. Recently she wont Yd Cnllfv-irnln for trnntinnnt mid It . was determined that sho was1 ,so" 8 a "Rvnl iiiiin8 snip In Port- sufforlng from mi absce?s In hor """" ,b lo "u BU" l,,u,u y 'o"iy head. Sho entirely lost her sight. f"r unk.' .",d8 W,-U b reco,vo'1- T,o Mrs. Byorly was bom December ,,,0Sl " ,s K,I0W" " uoos '" ,mv, 24, 18GI, t West Melton, Ohio, nml""' ---- --. " mi iiiiii-. 1 nu iiujnia 01 hid eighth grado of tho Contra! School left this morning to spend tho day on South Coos River nt tho Tom Barry summer homo. Thoy loft on X LOCAL OVERFLOW i!l,,r mny youra Mr. Holloway has neon aetivoly engaged In tho can nory buslnoss. Four yoars woro spout In this business In tho Ha waiian Islands, canning nlneannles. Mr, Holloway said that tho Califor nia orange crop wub heavily hit dur- lug tho recont wintry snap of tho' oiith, though tho crop of Portor vlllo Is about tho earliest of tlio sea son nnd had boon put out' of tho way beforo tho cold camo &$ (JotH Cai'M.- Goorgo Goodrum will rocelvo a jiow Chevrolet and a D4G Bulck flvo-passenger car oil tho Kll burn tomorrow. Nmiu Son. Mr. and Mra. R. II. Coroy havo named their sou Georgd Howard Coroj1 in honor of nionibors of both Mr. nnd Mra. Corey's families. No Excursion. -Thoro will bo no excursion of tho motor car to Reeds port tomorrow ns tho onglneors do not deem It advisable to send tlio big car to tho Umpqua until tho ftrnck has boon proporly ballasted. To Soil Boston According to ac counts in tho Portland papers tho old U, S. gunboat Boston, formerly Musical program at Kiu-Ioi-'h Don Drop Inn tonight. of street Improvement bond ot uuy or Marshriold, Com to: uiogon, to tbo amount ot All if said Improvement to bo In denominations not r lug $r,oo.oo nu,i ,)Carng n(i Ml ll.n ..I., r ..I . ..1. in. 1 miu ui hix per cent ptf num from (Into thereof, p,;. Bomi-annuniiy; said bonds la dated tbo day of Issuance ul mature in ton years therf. with prepayment option therwj faco ,ynluo and nccrued InUr "mo 01 uuy BQiai-nnnuai con; period nt, -or after, ono year tho dalo of said bonds npon jlil notlco by publication In a papor of general circulation prl: and published lu Coos county, gou, such notlco to lo pull! hot less than twlco durlnj month preceding such scml-t: porlod at which, such prepa; thereof will ho made. The Is oxproHsly reserved to reject mid all bids and upon all or such bids, or proposals bclat Jecled, If (hero should remala bonds unsold, tho raid londi bo thereafter sold nt prliate by said Common Council ot ul City of Marshflold, Oregon, list I no ovont to bo sold at leu IV par nnd nccrued Interest. 3 bonds nre authorized by the It of tho Slate of Oregon, snl m naucos of tho said City ot Mink flold, Oregon. , Assessed valuation ot IJ 6 of Marshflold Is $2,920,139.00. Bonded liidobtednets It 5l,li PoulnCIou estimated at C009. A cortlflod chock of G rr tn of amount of bid, or pro must nccompany onch bid, to k forfoltod' to said City of ManUW in caso bid Is nrcepted and bleh rails to accept and inako psjW for said bond or bonds, cotwl thoroby, within ton day from dato of acceptance of said Wl bids. I Kaoh bid or proposal uibmM to designate tbo dcnomlnatloa i said bond or bonds desired, i HldB or proposals recelred l any amount of said bonds; s blddors bolng given tbo iircf of piirchnso. j Proposals or bids, with ccrtllW checks, to bo enclosed In seilf plain envelopes without dUttotW ing marks or writing thereon copt tho words, "Hid for Iml",,, mont Bonds of tbo City of w flold. Oregon," Dated tWs llth day of Few ury, 191C. H. J. KIMBALI, Jr.. Chairman of Fluenco Commltte 2-17-JU-21-2C. 1 I this morning and Is expected to irrive 111 uero eiriy tomorrow mom .the fog permitting. She is brlnginff about ?n00 tons of freight nnd it is injr Awocittej rnu to raM nr Timn.i Iposslblo will get away tomo.rrow PICKING. FoK 10. -In an exclu- evening. PRKSIDKNT OF CHINA IS NOT ALARMFD AT RKVOlF slvo interviow with a correspondent of tho Associated Pross today, Pres ident Yuan Shi Kul minimized tho importance of tho robolllon now in progress and expressed confidenco of tho ability of tho government to suppress the uprising when adequato Tho Kami Smith sailed at 10 p'clook this morning with passen gers and lumber for Oakland. Tomorrow evening the Yellow stone Is due bore from San Fran cisco with considerable freight. Captain Pete Olson took tho Rust- spouslblo mid foroo them to tcko out tho piling. zona; Esther, Vesta, Rnfus' and,0,10 Jlofa ?"d Iox!0Ict ,0 ,l, ha,k Wllla Byerly. who reside at homo. T"1 ' 8lx ocl,,c th,s ovenl&- Tl' troops reuch tho uppor Yangsta.lor down to Port Orford, discharged KUng. "This Is 110 campaign, but only a skirmish." ho said. WKSTKRNF.R IIKRR. The steamer Westerner arrived m I yesterday afternoon let to Kalsor load lumber 'at the mill of the Noith Bond Mill and Lumbor con: pany. Tho steamer Yollowstono will bo here Sunday to load at tho same mill. Soma Control Avenue mon aro sj Mrs. Byorly formorly lived In Marshrield and resldeJ In tho East sldo for tlio past three years. Sho was a member ot the Methodist Aid Society and tho East sldo Sowing Club and was a lady who was held In endearment 'by many friends. Her, husband Is city treasurer of Eastsldo. Tho tlmo of tho funeral will not bo decided upon until relatives aro heard from. I I1I3 cargo and returned here and hard to please that tho only thing lias left again, this tlmo In clmrgo they are satisfied with Is their tele of tho gasollno scboonor Rustler. (l'hono number. TmKisli baths are especially for lu grippe, ' Have you trlod Rodle's Turklbh baths? children woro chaperoned by Miss Holon Spraguo, principal of tho Can-' tral School, and Mrs. Clarence, E, Ash. Boat Goes Overland. Capiat. 1 "Robert Monson, of tho Messongor, Ibald this morning tho water was ex tromoly low in Hnynos Inlot. Ho wns delayed an hour in getting out. Tlio gasoline boat takes only two feet of vwator, but ho said he came through In nbout ono foot ot water and bur rowed his way out with tho pas sengers standing 011 tho bow of the boat to raise tho propollor. Tho Port Commission has authorized Port En gineer Churlcsou to dredge out the sboal lu tho Inlet, Time for Spring Gardening How To Do It: P I -!!!. ! . I. ,, II .1. Tho first thing la to get a garden plot of your 1 own. Why'cultivato othor people's lots? .You can got your lot for less than you now pay In rent, tako possession of It at onco, and finish pay ing for it as you can. This is tho way thousands of peoplo get homes, and havo Bomotlilng to show for their monthly out- lay, while other peoplo aro kicking about tlio prlco of lots, and complaining about not getting ahead, - 1 What peoplo havo dono In this way In Hay Park is an interesting story. Let us .toll you about It. , You can get a good lot there for only $100, pay as you can. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 222 Central Avenuo