THE C'JOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1916 EVENING EDITION TWO Alexandra- Laudo, Mrs. H. MIiirus, Mrs. Georgo V. Murch, J lire. W. P. Aturphy, Mrs. Mary McKnlght, Mrs. C. 1 MeKnight, Mrs. Mary Snilth and Mrs. Charles Stauff. (Next Thursday, tho club will bo entertained at tho homo of Mrs. Alexandra Lnndo. .j. .; .. . 1 I ltUIDGE CLUH I ft what-'asepsis bsim a p lT f tv J ir y 3 Contributions concerning nodal happenings, Intended for publication In tho Bocloty department of Tho Times, must bo submitted to the edi tor not later tban 0 o'clock p. m., Friday of ench week. .(Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases wlicro tho event occurred later than tho tlmo mentioned.) THE FIUEND THAT WILL IK) Hero Is tho kind of n friend Unit will do Brushes tho gray from tho sklcH till they're blue, Chases tho .liliadowo that fills you with gloom, Helps you look up to tho light tindj tho bloom, Qfven you .fresh courage and valor and heart To take up your duty and fulfill your part. Hero Is tho kind of a friend you should know Helps you forgot thcro Is grief, there Ib woo, Makes a now world for you bright- cnod with gleam, Helps you bcllovo In the truth of tho dream, Cheers you mid comforts you till your heart sings With Joy of lire's hotter and benultftil things. Hero Is tho kind of a friend you should churlHh Comes to you ohorry when other hopes perish, , Helps you seo sunshluo again on your way, Brings you tho faith mill the Htrength of tho day, Makes you fool miininor again lu your soul, No matter how darkly .tho shadows may roll. I J 'V- .UtS" I for you; Come to my party on Tuesday at 2. J'lio namo, date 'and hour woro given and "IMeaso wear play suits.' Gingerbread men, women, chil dren and animals wore sorved with cups and tumblers of milk. Pcpper- iinlnt candy and nut sandwlclics, coniplotcd tho simple refrcHluuonts. Each child had u gingerbread favor to take home, carefully wrapped In a pretty paper napkin. To tho child who found tho most pcatiutB, which were hidden over Iho lower floor, n copy of tho "Llttlo Ginger bread Man" was Blyon., The guests wero all at homo by ft o'colck. Spoon Shower A young girl who was to marry a "man not blessed with a great storo of this world's goods was tho recipient of this novel shower. The girls, ll! In number, contributed tho prl;o of a dozen Hpoons. Each spoon wns done separately In tissue paper and put In a lovely plo mndo In shape of :i wed- dlng boll. A white satin ribbon run. to each place When tho .first pie had been opoucd a spoon bearing this Jlnglo wns forthcoming: Personal notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Bay pcoplo who visit hi other cities, together with notices of social afralrs, arc gladly received In tho social de partment. Telephone III .'I. Notices of club meetings will bo published and secretaries tiro kindly requested to fur nish name. most delightful of tho year. Tho guest list included: Misses Stuliiio, Ellon Larson, Grace Griffin, lvi Stokes, Ethol Itcese, Dagmnr Flcls- burg. Eva Hansen, Esther Asplund, Adelaide Clarke, Virginia Clarke. Lillian Seaman, Grace Williams, Fninccs Franso, Allc.o Curtis, Wlldit Harris. Until Cowan, Nelllo Wnrwlcic, niul Messrs. J.T.Hrnnd, V. A. Ack- ornian, .lay Doyle, Win. McDonntn, Claude Thompson, Clarence Burrows, Win. Ilorsfall, Frank Ilnrlockor, Harvey Walter, Wesley Seaman, Ig natius Chnpmnn, Harry Gordon, Jens Hansen, Kalph Drcssor. Hero Is tho kind of friend you should love , Gives jou morn fnltli In tho skies up above, Heals you of heartache mid lifts from despair Whon only tho loss and the sorrow nro there, Lightens your burden and hulpu you keep sweety No matter how grave the misfortunes you meet, r I'olger MoJCInsoy, i NKU Ideas for socials mid entertainments aVo welcome to tho hoHtOHU ul this season. It Is also a good time for church suppers mid socials. Hero Is some thing called "A Plo-d Affair," which was got up by the young people of a, church society. It was certainly different from the ordinary church supper. This menu was printed on rounu iirowuisu nits of puporf to look like pies: A PIE-D AKFAIIt. Baked Anebs (Baked Hoiiim) Obwnr Bahdo (Brown Broad) Kiimpulp loii KPiimpklii Plo) Loiiu Alum (Cold Meat) Dorccam Otatup (Creamed Potato) Eoofco Lyjol (Coffee .Jelly) The tables wero tastefully ur ranged with bread, lullwlma and lliu menus. There was u hostess for each table, who poured the coffee or tea. Tho guestH hud groat fun working out tho hill of fare. ('Iiigei'liieatl Party 'An old-fashioned mother of iilx charming children whoso ukon ranged fiom li to II gave this unique party. Tho Invitations wuro Issued on rounds of brown papoe scalloped to look Just liko n ginger cookie Tho rounds wuro pasted on whlto paper backgrounds and this rhnie written beneath It: Como to my party us many as can; Como for a romp with tho Ginger bread Man. Glngorhread smiles on his glusar- bread face, Glngorbivnd buttons all neatly in l"ac0. ICowim Sr.. and ,Mis. IA IC. Conway. Itnhdns tho eyos that nro watching The ceut Is spoken of as among tho . Ono spoon for two, Oh! what f mil But thun you ueo, You two nro one. . Tho rest of tho girls etich drow n onooii. and oxclalnicd. iib they Just matched the ono drawn by tho brldu- eluol, that they must all go to Iter. Tho refreshments were shrimp salad Served lu hcurt-3huped caBes, with coffco and nut sandwiches, mixed with mayonnaise dressing, then a do- Melons tutti-frutti lu bell-shaped molds. Shou'or for a lli'ldcgi'iiom Tills affair cortalnly wmi some tlilug entirely new to mo mid I think will bo so to most of my readers.-It nil camo about lu this way: There was to bo a wedding and tho bride Vas much "entertained. Cue night, tho men who wero to bu In tho bridal party said they thought a bridegroom wan a iiiuch neglected Individual. Tho result was his receiving an In vitation, a copy of which was sent to about 2(1 of his most liitlmato friends. "A 'shower' will bo given ut tho homo of J. I Black lu honor of C. G. Whlto on Tuesday night. Please bring mi nrtlclu suitable for him In tho new life ho Is about to under taku." Tho men entered Into the spirit of tho thing and tho icsult was amus ing lu the extreme. There was not a girl in oNldeiice, though the host man's sister arranged for tho re freshments, flowers and place cards. Hero weio some of tho nrt'cleH con tributed, all done up lu tissue paper tied with ribbons: A box of collar buttons, razor strop, silk hose, Mimpcudt'iH, (tutors, shaving brush, a tad, hammer, bath Hllppers, cup and saucer. .Many of tho HlftH wero accompanied with rhymus, which wero road iiloud as wioli parcel was opened. The ushers and best man planned tho shower. .j. .j. 4. , I MVItTLE AMIS PAHTV The nacholor Club of the Mrtle vWiiih wero hosts at a delightful daucliiK imrly Khun in tho outer tuluiiiont hall of tho Myrtle Arms lust Saturday moiling lu honor of tho debating teams of tho Marsh field High School: Mioses Evu Han sou mid Until Cowan mid Mohmh WiUiy Sannian and Harvey Walter. Anthony's orchestra tiirulshod excel lent music for the affair. The fol lowing woio the pntronotiscti: .Mrs. II, S. Tower, Mrs. F. L. GrannU. Mrs. A. J. M. Uobortsou, .Mrs. Itoxal N'llos, Mrs. F. A. Tledgon, Mrs. .I111110 I .IOINT HlltTIIDAV PAHTV Last Saturday evening, Mr. mid Mrs. Ed Duncan entertained at a Joint birthday party for their chil dren, Howard, Alda mid Edith, all of, whoso blrthtlayn occur this month, on tho -1 tit. 12th and 1-lth, respectively. Tho ddcoratlons woro very pretty, and lu tho Valentino design. Tho' guests wero required to make valentines mid thou these woro auctioned off. Thoso win ning first prizes lu tho Valentino contest wero Joslo Hdwnrdu mid Georgo Uoiirko. La to lu the even ing, ti dlllclous luncheon was served, tho special attractions being tho birthday cakes with the proper iitimher of caudles on each. Thoso present woro: Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Young, Mr. and Mrs. G Johnson, Mr. mid Mrs. 11. M. Alhce, tho Misses Violet Itohortsou, Marie Schwartz, Dorrls Galbralth, Blanche Wlugo, Olgja Chrlsteuson, Viola Johnson, Joslo Edwards, Imi Chrls teuson, Gouevrn Archer, Edith mid Alda Duncan, anil Messrs. Italph Chrlntousun, Dudley Hill, William Woodrlng, Algert Johnson, Leiius mid Clifford Johnson, Florence and Unlph Ulchardsou, Georgo Uourke, Henry Albee and Howard Duncan, and Mr. and Mrs. E, Duuivui, .5. .5. -, . I a. x. w. cunt 1 . . Mrs, K'atu Laudo oxtuuded her hospitality to I he ladles of tho A. N. W. dub at her homo Thurs day aftoiuoou, when the following wero special guottls. Mrs. Tom Coke, Mrs. !'. U. Wilson. Mrs. Male Dano and Mrs, Howaril Lar- gout. Tim usual social lime of sowing and soclnl chat wan enjoyed and at tho eloso of the afternoon, Mrs. Laudo served temptiiiK re freshments. Tho regular members out tills week wero: Mrs. F. IJ. Allen, Mr. G. A. Bennett, Mm. C. H. U1111K.111, Mrs. Olhla Ednmn, .Mrs. Carl Eu'itsen, Mrs. Alice Hall, Mrs. J. T. Harrlgan, Mw, Frances llaaril, Mrs. MlUabcth Hde, Mrs. The regular bi-monthly mooting of tho Mnrshfleld Bridge club wns, hold Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Eliza beth Merchant on South Fourta Blrect. Tho session opened with a delicious luncheon served nt (0110 Ihlrly o'clock. This was followed, by nn afternoon of bridge, at which high scoro was won by Mrs. Wm. Horn fall Jr. The parlor decorations con sisted of groons 'and a choice se lection of spring flowers. Tho fol lowing ladies substituted for the ab sent members: Mrs. F. E. Hague, Mrs. S. C. Small, and Mrs. A. L. Hotisoworth. Thoso out thin week wero: Mrs. G. W. Kaufman, Mrs. II. S. Tower, Mrs. Wm. Ilornfiill, Mrs. J. W. Bennett, Mrs. Herbert Lockhurt, Mrs. ,T. S. Coke, Mrs. Edii:i Ulchardsou, Mrs. E. IC. Jones, mid Mrs. W. M. Blake. I DELIGHTFUL SEWIXG PAHTV! 4 0 An especially pleasant sowing par ty wiib given by Miss Bess Ayro nt hot- home 011 Ninth street hist Tues day ovonlug. Tho roomu woro very prettily and artistically arranged with Valentino symbols. Tho arch way between tho parlor and dining room was hung with streamers of ted hearts and whlto cuphls; from tho chandeliers woro suspended stream ers of tho samo decorations mid hero and there about tho rooms woro bunches of woodland greous. Some of the young ladles crocheted, others tatted, while others did other fancy work, mid during tlto entire evening a lively hum of H-onvcrsatlon was prevalent. Misses Besso Flanagan and Esther Whitney entertained the guests with Bovorul humorous reud IngB, Misses Bertha Davis mid Edith Ayro rendered some piano solos mid Mlssca Anna Cox and lleso Ayro sang a number of very pretty selections all of which woro greatly enjoyed by tho guests. At a lato hour, Muster Robert Ayre, In chef cap nnd apron nssistod the hostess lu serving a delicious luncheon.' Tho cookies mid sand viclies were also In heart design carrying out the Vnlontlno Idea. Those present were: Misses Evelyn Anderson, Alice Curtis, Myrtle Miller, Myrtlo Hewitt, Myrllo Downor, Alice Cox-,' Ann Holland, Gmdys Roddy, Junot Escott, Ida Downer, Annlo Wlckinuu, Anna Cox, Horthn Davis, IJolva mid Hosso Khinngan, Esther Whitney, Alpha Mauzey, Ellzn, Edith mid Bess Ayro, Mr. mid Mrs. George Ayre, John Longsiff rjud (.Master Robert Ayre. T V V V ; I PASTIME CLl'll .MEETING On Wednesday nftornomi of this week, Mrs. Mllns Richardson enter tained tho Pastime club nt tier home in North llend, special guests proB out being, Miss Josephine Ulchard sou and Miss Hlldiir Selauder who during tho afternoon ming sovernl songu to tho delight of tho guests. Sewing was tho principal diversion, and this togothor with social chat occupied the pusslng hours. Toward evening, tho hostess served tempting dainties. The members present wen Mrs. E. J. Arms, Mrs, A. II. Derby shire. Mjb. Joe Olin, Mrs. Frank Mus ciib, Mrs. A. J. Surhock, Mrs. U. Ila er, Mrs. Ulchard Marsliail, Mrs. Earl llutchliiH, Mrs. Tom .luza and Mrs. Uoy Bralnard. In two weeka tho club will meet again with Mrs. Surhock, (Continued u Pago It) Order Your Spring Suit Now HcTiwr iriowifc- Cnow-JTBp flake Sodas are ensp mildly salted crackers that please the most jaded appetite Order from any dealer PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY, Portland, Oregon Wc havo sonic very attrac tive patterns in stock and can quickly secure any other you may desire. Our prices are reasonable and we guarantee material, fit and workmanship. Come in and let us show you. Wk -K $i n J. V. Koski Tailor for Men and Women Market Avenue :: Marshfield 1 WV Havo 300 Rose Bushes GROWN IX MARSHFIELD Also ('annas, Dahlias, Gladiolus, and PlantN for Winter Boxes Marsh field Florist C o. Phono 111-J. , !5a!?5 Edwin G. Scott Cut Flowers, Floral Designs, Plants. Phones: Storo 2&9-J. GrecMhouso 42G-X i s I I 1 IH D WHAT HAS IT DONE? is the real gaucjc of motor car value. What will the car do for me? Back of the Ford car is a record for de pendability which breeds confidence, a uniformly low cost for operation and maintenance, and, a wide-spread system of service which keeps the car running 365 days in every year. Such is the record of Ford cars througfi twelve years; a record of service rendered in every field of human activity, under all sorts of conditions, in all . parts of the world. The Ford car goes beyond expecta tions. That is why there are more than a million Ford cars in use today half the cars you see are Fords. FORD TOURING CARS, $525; ROADSTERS, $475. , Delivered in Marshfield ' EASV TEUMS IP DESIItED These prices are made possible only by immense pro duction and represent greater value dollar for dollar than any car in the world. ' ISAAC R. TOWER Coos and Curry Representative :: MARSHFIELD, OREGON "THE GUNNERY" DEMAND THE H-B 1JKAND CANNED GOODS BEST BY TEST California 1'iults, Haualiaii Pine apple, ltlpo Olive?., Corn, Deans IVni, Anparagiis. OyMrV, Salmon, .Mimed iCIunis, Crab, Shrimp, Tuna, Pluileiilos, Itulhlfis, Cturaiits AND ALL OTHER FOOD PRODUCTS Mother Hubbard's New Cupboard ONE OF THE THINGS THAT HELPS TO KEEP WOMEN YOUNG - j """rA KOl'TII COOS ItlVEU MOAT SEHVICI! LAPNCII EX I'll ESS leine.s .Murslifieli! every ly K ii.iii. Leaves head of river nt :i:l. t. m. STEA.MEIt ILMNDOW' loaves head of river dally at 7 u. in. Leaves MnrslifleUl at i! p.m. l'or charter apply on board. ItOGEItS .V SMITH, Props. T ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL E. W. SULLIVAN Corner Market and liroadway W'o solicit all our old patrons of tho Lloyd nnd unsure them tho samo reasonable rates. GET NEW MUSIC Como lu and play tho latest Ictor records on our niaehlno and select (lio ones you deniro .",(1(10 to l'rom Wo will order 'special Nuiubers for yon L. L. Thomas Music Co. 7!l Central Aemio UIIO thliii;H In a wo- uiau'H life that are luoiiotououit, that taho much time mid effort In their acc'OinpllHliuiuut, that .MPST he dono day after day and day after day, mo the thliiKd that put tho nuuka of uko Into her faco. So, Ivx-nuso a kltehon cabinet relieves tho monot ony mid effort lu kitchen work, wo say It 1b ono of tho thliiKs that hulps to keep women young. And It Is. A klhh.-ii enblnot should nut only concentrate into ono blnce, Into one rocoptnolo, ov ery possililllty of ucconipllsh Iiib all tho work lu a kltohou that cannot ho done at sink or stove, hut It should bo so arraiiKed and equipped with such conveniences as to still further- rellovo tho house keeper. MOTIIEIt Hl'U'MltD KITCHEN CAIIINETS most completely fulilll this idea of what n kitchen cabinet shoud be. Also kitchen something mono v cnblncta are even i"-" 'tills.' Thoy aro made with tho Idea that, Inasmuch as women aro more or loss obliged to spond considerable tlmo In tholr kitchens, the kitchen furnishings should bo as pleasing lu nppearau o as thoso for othor parts of tho house. .Thoy arc also mado with the Idea of iwrformiiig all these sorvlcea for u llfctimo. WE HAVE KITCHEN CABINETS AS LOW AS $11.50, Johnson-Gulovsen Co. North Mra0rnshneid SPIRELLA CORSTS may be obtained in Marshfield from Mrs. Annie Holland, 352 So, 5th St. Phone 200-X A Piano of the Highest Merit BECKER BROS. New York SOLD BY . . . HENRIK GJERDRUM Phono 356 Times Want Ads Bring Results