ITMAY LIEA UTTLt FARTHERAROUND THE CORNERS OF A SQUARE DEAL BUT THE ROAD IS BETTER WxmtB A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES ilUUT "vol. No. XXXIX Kstabllshcd JH78 Ah The ConstMnll MEMHER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 0.S.BOATHELD IP if BRITISH MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1916 EVENING EDITION American Steamer China is Stopped on High Seas by an English Cruiser SHED a thirty-Eight, Arc Taken .Off By warsnip, um nmni. Not Given ACTION NoTYET TAKEN Vfrr IJkdy ruMotl Slates Govern Mit will IMw n ,,n,:s, Hll,,l,a1, to the Ono riCMJiili'tl Ho ccnlly to tlio Allies Dj Awtiltl rrro lo Com "T Tltnrt.J S1IAN0IIAI. Tcb. 19. Tim American steamer Clilna, which loft SUnghal yesterday for Sou Fran tlKO, vrai held up on tho high sens if Drltlah auxiliary crulflor nml H Gcrnana wore taken off. Is thought tlio China may have, (bn held up by tho Laurcntlac, tblth recently stopped tho Tonyo j lltru on a voyage to Manila ami I renovcJ nlno Indians. Spring fe Here 'MMIS PLAN zr . ' BIG MOVEMENT y Consolidation of Times, Const Mail nml Coos Bay AilvcrtlBor. NO. 178 "C003 WE& " ft !3 ( OH GEORGE; WHEN OU GET THAT DONE WW YOU TO DIG UP THE TUUP BED -AND HOE THE DAHLIAS AND CLEAN UP THE BACH YARD ANb EMPTY THE TPASH CAN AND TohGRfoty WE'LL , JiO ACTION' TAKEN Ltd; TlW United Stales Jlntrr a Protest Will (Br AimUttl Tim to Coot llir Tlmn.J WASIIIXOTON, I), C, Feb. 19.-- Similar Information regarding tho rtooril of Germans from tho China is .received by tho Stato Dopart- Bcnt. No action lina yet licon ta fa by the United States, hut It Ih probiblo a protest will ho ninilo Insllir to that mailo to England ind' Franco when tho crulsor 'Dos tirtti recently rcmovcil Gormana lflitSW 1 1 ill IIwSPMpSI JIM PuS n2sraTt' fjbvr,.-. rriv ?j$m -zas rfcj ri.. ft c-CPv-i' i -cdsw r ffl A"sia i wmwu .i -it-u .n r nan a j- .!- :li ... m v-w i m. .w.i .-.- - t-.!:.-. j i JH'M va'i . t nn 11 11 11 i For 'Past Six Days Great Act ion on Part of the Army Has Been Noticed OJ' V THE 815ASON or Krcon, srowlnB thliiRS, lioimo cIcnnliiB and flHhliiK han arrived. It Ih ovldont In tho velvet touch of tho Kontlo zephyra, tho eocd sIkiih In the BiocorB' wlndowH, and tho epidemic of spring fovcr which has happily BtiporHcded tUo grip. Tho Illustration In tho conception of Tho Times' cartoonist, Mr. It'oy Law liorno, of what It means on Coon liny whon OoorKo (JooJniin luirrlca homo from his garage to malco gnrdon and Davo Stafford hies him to tho nooks and croolcu of Coos Hlvor to lure thu finny trlho from, dripping depths of that beautiful stream. DANIELS ASKS FOB BI6 SUM Secretary of Navy Wants Warships, Immediately Put in Good Repair from tho Amorlcnn Chilean Sea. ships In tho it WEALI DtTH IS TAKEN TO J! iiotHiiit i, to hkiivh lAVH I-'Olt .ll()()Tlii:(J(.'IN(J :io iBrcnt umimiia-T to i.ooic ixto -MIMV AVIATION lOlM'S Oa-a ,Mdo Thnt Work Has llci'ii Cuniluitnl In mi luoffiiient Manner I"' 'u,l Tr to Con. lit, Time. 1 WASHINGTON', n n. m J army investigation of Senator no won, clmrfies that Lieutenant fM Heber, head of tho aviation "'yM bc" conducting tho aoro M In an Inefficient manner lias Th, ,r r ly tl10 war dopartinont. L l.lch include.! tho In. JJ Wra of tlio army nml head rcolleEe will conduct tho In- Congress Requested to Appro priate Over Two Million Dol lars for the Purpose MORE MINES ARE WANTED AIm Would fluvo All lliittlcslilps Kqulppctl Willi Antl-Alirrnfl (uim for (ho Kirxt Tlino In This Country Kuihlen Turn In Cuho Ciium as Sur pi-iNo to Offlrcih llipior Ih Ijjft In Cliargo of .ludgo Accompanied by Constable Cox, Jo uopli IIotiHur loft th'.ii morning for CoqiiIIIo whoro ho will spond tho noxt HO days In the county Jail. As an nounced lu Tho Times of last ovonlng IIoiiHor Into yesterday pleaded guilty to tho charge of bootlegging. Took Sudden Turn Tho suddon turn in tho enso came Juh ti stirprleo to tho officers. Ilousor had previously pleaded (10L guilty and declared tho caso would ho fought. However, tho proaocutlnn witnesses had mado their affidavits before District Attoruoy Llljeqvlst. A rccommondntlon of 30 dnyB lu Jail was mado by tho district attorney after n conforonco with C. I. Hot gard, attorney lor tho defoudaut, wno declared 1i!h client was without money to pay tho 2TiO flno as first suggest ed, Tho liquor Is being hold by Judgo Htroycd lator, otnolu otaolnii i, I'onuock and will probably FLOOD VI Ct f WIS ABE I DANGEB Apprehension Felt for Safety of Two Thousand Persons Who Are Marooned RE MOO T FOOD GET N BE 1 Lontj Trains are Carrying Troops Going Toward the South and the West REPORT FROM AMSTERDAM NcuNpnper There Slates That Holla Artillery nml In fun try Aro llolng Moved in Icugo Tuinbci'H Along ' tlio Itnllroad (llr A1rlIM rrf to Com llr Timn. AMSTEUDAM, Fob. 19. During tho last six days great Oerninn troop movemonts havo occurred In South ern and Central Itetglitm, says a dispatch from tho frontier to Tho Tolegraf.. Long trains with artil lery and Infantry aro running nlong tho rullronds to tho west and south, and Homo small dotachmeuts nro transported by way of Lou vain to tho Soiithoaat. OTHER TREATIES UP SKXATE TO TAKE UP HAITI AND UOIiUMIIIA MATTHI1S Xlcaraguau Apccnicnt Ih Now Out of tlio Way Having llecn Hatlfleil Vcstcrdny IBr Aiioclitoil rttn to Coot liar Times. 1 WASHINGTON, D.C, Fob. 11). With tho Nlcaraguan treaty out of tho way, administration senator? wcro ready today to cnll up for rati fication the Haitian treaty and the Columbian treaty. Tho Nlcaracuan treaty under which tho United States would acqttlro tho Nlcaraguan canal mute and naval baso lu Fonscca Day for $3,000,000 was ratified by a vote of 0G to 18 by tho senato yesterday. ASTORIA IS FOE INTHltSTATIi MISSION COMMKItCK COM TAKKS ACTION Have Scant Shelter and Will Probably Undergo Great Suffering Until Rescued ARE MOSTLY1 NEGROES Tho Country Within ItmlliiN of Tivcn. Itflvu .Miles Around Xowoll- ton Is Covered With HIv o Fifteen Feet of Water City Ih to Ho Placed on Samo Hards of ItatoH iih tho Puget Hound atles (11 AMotliloit Prtu In Corn Il7 TlraM.J WASHINOTON, D. C, Fob. 10. 'Tlio Intorstato commorco commission today decided to present tho rato adjustment of tho Spokane, Portland and Seattlo and other railways In reaching Seattlo, Tacoina and Astoria ,a3 unduly discriminated against As toria In favor of tho Puget Sound cities. Tho commission also roqulrod that carriers put Astoria on an equal basis tis to rates to Spokane and othor points bctweou tho Cascades and Itoclcy mouualns, as aro Seattle, Tacoina and Portland. (11 Amik-UIcI rmu In Com 1 1 7 Tlrar. WASHINGTON, I), a, Feb. ID. An omorgoncy appropratlon of ?-',-7ri7,000 for Immediately nocossary ropalrs to machinery In battleships, torpodo boat dostroyors and Biib- destroyed lator. Thoro Is n logal pro- Thoy aro mostly noarocs. Tho coun murines, to Inercaso tho sunnly ofi'ceduro that must bo followod. Altrv within a radius of -5 riillcs h FmlncB and for tho first tlmo to .summons must bo Issuod to thd sup- f flooded from six to fifteen feet deep i eiulp battleships with untl-nlrcraft'posod owners and they aro given flvoj guns, wna nskod of Congress today days In which to mako reply. At tho) (1)7 AKtwUtM rrtf 10 fooa ll7 TlmM.) NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 19. Incroascd apprchouslou lu folt today tor tho two thousand or moro por- flons marooned aiounii ewoiuou ho jwltliout food and with scant sholtor. BANK IS GALLED IfJ AKKKI) TO SHOW DEPOSITS OF HARVESTER COMPANY" WITHDRAW 0 TURKS (JOT AWAY FROM KltZEIN UM 11EFORE FALL Ilollef Ih They Wll Tnko Up a Po Hltlon Elovcn Miles I'Voiii tlio City (Mr AMnclttfeJ rrt Ir Cnot nf Tin. PETUOaRAD, Feb. 10. Tho fin. stiory 1n dotal! of tho capturo of Erzorum by tho Hunslans reached Potrograd soml-offlclnlly today. Ap parently tho Turks withdrew moat of their forces before tho final on slaught. It la thought tho Turks will attempt to make n stand lu tho IiIIIh on tho western odgo of tho Er zeruiu valley, 11 miles distant. OM L iENT N CONSTANTINE OF (HtlCICCi: PRAISED II Y DEPUTIES IS lEffortH to Keep Country Out of tho (icncrnl War Aro (iren'ly Ap preciated p7 AMorlttM Vrtt I" Coot Il7 Tlmn.J ATHENS, 'Fob. fo. Officials of tho Chamber of Deputies, during an nudlcnco with King Constantino, com pllmonted tho king on tho fact that, acting under tho powers conform! on him by tho constitution, ho had saved tho country nt a most crltlca' June turo from tho horrors of war which had overtaken other small states. by Socrotnry Dunlols. 11 FINISHED EXTENDING "FIELD, SIXKOVI'i.,... Ills uim ,,,l,,'; '' l"lUAltUerofPenimnet Woik ,.The tfW"e OVflr II... n, . . Ml m,n . u ii'lluo lailtH hlnTZ, nml ,,ow l" Wl7? Bbe """ nd tho ' ' tfo ,a"C,U "oratl b Uoporu ;,ll,0lastl"'"Mweo '"Hur r,r"n,,l,,l("Jll" ',tfMemnltoy'lnvo'Boing Tlls now flniahod. l&l&i" 'WTiIB WA'OKS Tho Urartu- . r .Bn::V anu- Com 4 that e ,. "-"?' 'oday ., -ova nr all ... of ti10" ",0 om" kralJ",e,0n"rn would ni6 wll M Jiarch l. tleiier ..-""'" t0 al,ot - veil i mr.. h --wr uio pres- 4e i!irpoin NEWSPAPERS TO HAVE RRANCH IN HUENOS AYRES Will Kiirtcuvui' to Rrlng Togelher IliihliiosH Men of North mid South America (117 AmocIiIo.I Vmit to Coo Di7 Tlmr cud of this tlmo testimony lu taken to show whether or not tho liquor bo longs to tho ncciisod person or por sous nud If It docs, It will thou bo destroyed. Wlno Is Claimed This afternoon Mrs. 1 longer ap peared boforo Judgo Ponu(ok and sworo that tho 19 bottles of wlno tnkon were hor personal proporty. Sho said she uses uolthor coffoo nor tea, but takes wlno with hor moals. Thoso i9 bottlos woro turn ed otor to hor. Thoro Is still KILLS DAUGHTERS ILLINOIS WOMAN COMMITS AN AWFUL CRIME Tho (, it aeft l bee,,," '""ease ia lli the ,. "rm 1,aa iionj, oiHcas condl- !!! !.. 'nn-i, .. F,rthM rry .'"""I liiculnttor. '"nman, scs so. nVASHINGTON. D. C A group it American nowspapor men, it ns annoiiiiroil totlay, navo i I ....... ...r, 1.. ' uiuiiuii x reprosouiaiivo ouit-ua Iluono AyrcH aa tho first move In lino vlth tho suggestions tumid ly npprovod at tho recont Pnn- orlean Scientific Congress for wing business men of North and outlt Amorica togothor by tho ex- hango of news. Tho nunouueotnout statos thut similar roprcsontatlvo offlcos will bo oponcd In othor South and Con trol American cities lit tho noar future Pol,, xc,i somo boor and whiskey loft. iC ltfr- da rt DIE DRAFT BOGUS I. ROSENHEIM SWINDLES HANK OF HANDON OUT OF tjiint) Crawl lay Doiuestle Troulilo Sho Iturns Little (ilt-ls and llerseir 1 to Death (Ml Ahmm'IiIo Tim U Cono n7 Tlm J ROCK ISLAND, Fob. 19. Crazoit by dqinostlo troubles, it lu said, Mrs. Veronica Polskl at Kowunco last night, during tho absonco of hor hus band and thrco sons, locked two small daughtors lu a room, sot flro to tholr clothing and then touched a match to hor own garments. All wcro burned to doath. HRITISH STEAMER HAS (.'ONE ASHORE (1)7 Ajisocl4te4 Troll in nt C7 Time. LONDON. Fob. 19. Tho British stoamer Comrle Castle 5173 tons, Is ashoro ofr Mom basa, Ilritlsh East Africa. Tho passengers were lauded. Tor good wervlre. see Jay Doyle. ralloiiiiK mid Cleaning. Pjione 2.10. I. Rosonborg, Coqiilllo tailor, Is sought by tho offlcors for cashing a fake draft for $150 on tho Hank of Random Tho whereabouts of Ros enborg aro unknown and' tho bollof ;la that ho has madp his cscapo. According to DIafrlet Attorney L.I jeqvlst tho .tailor has llvod In Co qiilllo for about threo years. Ho had Bold clothos lit the various camps Up and down tho rlvor and sovoral times had been told o keop away from Powers whoro peddlers aro not at all welcome It is said ho iwont to tho Rank of Dandon and showed to its officers a supposed bopk of doposlt on alio Dank of Clnqlnnatti. It looked as Lthouglt ho had enough funds In tho hank to rover tho amount oi mo urau (and the money was forthcoming. Now lit has Just returned front Clnc'nnattl ' ..,..i.,i i ,i fnniia " Tlio warrant vt.s immodlatoly sv.'orn out. 1 E WO OE MEN PREPARE (JRAVE AND THEN .MURDER VICTIM Two Men Confess tu (lilengo PoReo of Killing Man mid Robbing Detul IJuily n7 Auorltlfd t'rcn to Coi n7.Tlini. CHICAGO, Fob. 19. Tocfl! Zdrow ski and A!ox Motolsul confesaod to day, according to tho police, that thoy prepared a gravo and then murdered Tony Sandrovlch with an axe ana robbed tho body of $55. Tho mon More arrosted hero on their arrlva. from ttenton Harbor, Mich, Senato Committee Wants to IiivestL giito Cluirges .Mado About tho Yucatan SIIiih d'rowoiH (117 Auocltloil 1'rrti U Coo II17 Tlnin.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 19 1TI10 .sonato n;rlcultural commlttoo 'tcday decided to call upon tho con tinental and Commercial bank of Chi cago to submit a statement showing the deposits of the. International liar vonor Company for tho last thrco years In order to dotonulno tho truth or tho charges that tho harvester pauy had dlclpllnod thu bank for ex tending financial aid to tho sisal growora of Yucatan, AiioUiit Cliurgo Mado S ! Woxler, Now York banker, chargod today thut tho Ilarv'eator company had disciplined tho bank to provout tho National City Rank of Now York, no woll as tho Contin ental, from loaning money to aid sisal growers. Couuletcliurgo Mado Tho commlttoo Is Investigating tho charges that tho Harvester Com pany and Plymouth Cordago Com pany combined to monopolize tho sisal output. It Is countercharged that a Pan-Auiorlcaii corporation, of which Wexlor was tho head, alaoJ attempted a monopoly. FACTORIES ON FIRE ITENNICSSEE CHEMICAL PLANT IS DAMAGED ' Attend lio opening of Sinter's Dew Drop Pin tonight. Public icM room and writing desk at Surtcr'fl Deiv Drop Inn, WILL REFUSE REQUEST Chicago Hanker Talks About Senato Action tho ATTACK FRUITLESS HRITISH FAIL IN FIGHT YPRES, HELGIUM NEAR German War, Offlcto Announces That They Were Driven Rack When ' Attempt Is Mado 117 AmocuIw mu lo Cooa II17 TlniM.I RERLIN, Fob. 19. Anothor fruit less attack by tho southonst of Yrpes, where tho Germans re cently captured several hundred varda of trenches, was uuuouucod to- uny uy mu war ouicu, CouiVrii Supposed to Ho German Owned Destroyed by Flro in Now Jersey GERMAN OWNED CONCERN DESTROYED Iflr Aoorlpted I'rMl lo Cooi 07 Time. CHICAGO, Fob. 19. Vico Presi dent Reynolds, of tho Continental and Commercial National , Rank when informed of tho decision of tho Senato commlttoo to ask for a statement from his bank showing tho harvestor company's deposits, eald tho request would be rdfuscd. Ho said 1m did not ronsller tho bank had boon dlsrlpllnod by tho harvestor company. D7 Auorltlxt rreu to tno 07 Timet. PLAINFIELD, N. J., Fob. 19. The plant of tho Middle Box Auallno Chemical Co,, said to ho a Gorman owned con- corn, was destroyed by a fire v and explosion today. (117 Auoclt4 1'rei lo Coua 117 Time. RRISTOL, Tonn., Feb. 19 Tho ox ploulon of a lantern this morning at tho plant of tho Federal Dyo Stuff ,und Chemical Company noar King port sot flro to tho chomlcal tank. Tho flro was stopped and only ouo building was damaged. GERMAN COLONY IN AFRICA CAPTURED (1)7 Aucltl TriM to tuM n7 Time LONDON, Fob. 19. Tho completo conquest of Kamor un, a German colony lu Equatorial Africa, was of ficially announced this afternoon. M IE TUT BRITISH DELAY No Answar Concerning Trad ing With Enemy Act and Stopping of the Mails PROiSETfl REPLY But So Far Nothing Has Been Received by the Stato Department ' , MADE SOME TIME AGO United States Protected Agnlnst tho Enforcement of tho Act Agnlnt Amorlrna Finns and Kxvoctod Explanation Heforo This (1)7 Annoclated Tiran In Cool 117 TlmM, I WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 19. Tho Stato Department officials nro Impatient at Groat Britain's delay in replying to tho recent Amnrlcau notes concerning tho trading with tko enomy net, and inlorforonco with tho malls. Tho London Foreign Offlco somo tlmo ago promised a reply, "but so fnr nothing has boon hoard of tho protest against tho enforcement of tho trndlng wltlk the onoiny act against Amorlcan firms. TRY TO GET VESSEL' HRITISH ATTORNEYS HEEK TO KECOVEK THE AITM United States HoH's That Lines- He lotigtt to (ioniums Undiir tlio PriiNslanAmercfln TiVsatr (1)7 AmacIiIH r'real to Coo P7 TliiM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. lp. Attorneys for tho RrltlBh ownbra of liner Appam, lit Hampton Roads an fa prlzo of a Gorman crow, hayo brought admiralty proceedings under tho prlzo laws to regain possession lor tho ship. Tho stnto department holds thnt under tlio Prussian treaty tho liner bolongs to tho Germans. APPD NTS F RANCJS ST. LOUIS MAN NAMED AMRAH. HADOR TO RUSSIA PRINUE WOUNDED FIFTH SON OF THE KAIBKIl MEETS WITH INJURY MAY START NEW MILT PifHldcut Wilson UrgeH That TTo Ac copt and Is Aunltlng Ills Aiitnvrr (1)7 AmocUIM hh to Coo B7 Tlmw.J WASHINGTON, D, C, Feb. 19. Rospouso front David R, Francis of St. Louis as to whothor ho would ac cept tho ambassadorship to Russia wau awaited by President Wilson to day. In offering tho post, tho presi dent urged him to accept. Francs wau uocrotary of Interior In tho Cleve land administration. So Infuriated That Ho Orders Horn bardiiieut of Russian Positions Lasting Two Hours (117 AuocUIkI t-rt to Nrtt n7 TlDM.I PETROqilAD, Fob, 19. Princd Oscar, tho fifth on of Emporor Will iam was wouttded a fow days ago wlillo making an Inspection lit front of tho Russian position at Smorgon, Tho prince, Infuriated, ordered a bombardment of the Russian posi tions, which lastod two hours. An Amsterdam dispatch datod Fob. 7 said tlio prince was slightly wounded. Thoro is somo talk of local partita organizing for tho purpose, of start ing ti new lumber mill on Coos Ray. t Is said tho time Is now opportune for a plant which can cut 150,000 feet a day as U Is possible to s curo logs and thoro Is a good market for the lumber, Launch Cadillac lwvos fur Alle gany Sunday morning at 7 oVtack for tho convenience of the- men. I