r " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MA&SHFIELD, OftEfcoti, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY T8f 191(3 EVENING EDITION -OUR COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MAIONKV, Kdltor nnd Pub. DAN K. MALONKY, News Kdltor Official Paper of Coos Connty Official I'aper City of Mnrshflcld. Entered at tho Postofflco At Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mail ai second-class mall tnattor. An lndopoudont RopuuUcan nowa papor, published every evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. BUHSGR1PTION KATES DAILY. Ono year $6.00 Per mouth G0 WEEKLY. Ono year 51. CO When paid strictly In ndvanco tho aubscilptlon ptlco of tho Coos Bay Times is $5.00 por year or $2.60 for six months. - Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. J EUROPEAN WAR ONE " I t YEAR AGO TODAY t ? February 18, 1015. Emperor Wllllnm arrives at Wll holmltavcn to personally direct tho blockndo of tho Ilrltlsh Isles. Tho Allies claim Important gains on tho western front. Czornowlti!, tho capital of Ruko wlnn, Is ovacuatcd by tho Itus- BlniiH. "PLEASE DOX'T' I'UIILIHIl" EVERY nowspapor Is familiar with tho request, "Pleaso don't publish anything about It." Sometimes it Is mndo In tho form of a demand nnd accompanied by thrcnti of dlro results If acquiescence docs not follow. Thoro nro n fow things tho public ought to hoop In mind In tho matter of a newspaper's relation to the printing of nows. In tho first placo, a nowspapor owes tin obligation to Its wholo circle of renders to print ti fair, comprehensive roport of tho day's hnpponlngs. It cannot overlook this responsibility merely .to pleaso Individuals. That policy Involves an Injustlco to tho many and favoritism to tho fow. Who shall bo favored? ' Much of tho nows that Is printed unfortunately occasions nnuoyauco and ofton heartache to Homebody. That is an unnvoldablo incident of tho newspaper business. Is there justi fication for shloldlug from such con sequences tho man or woman who has Jntluonco, Hoclnlly or In business while tho many who lack It must bo treated without this consideration? Persons who wish to escape pub licity should bo careful not to make nowfl, or should count tho cost of ndvcrtlsomont to tho world ns part of tho prlco thoy pay for what thoy liavo determined upon doing. There arc certain easily defined zones of publicity. Tho Individual who steps Into any of thoso may count upon getting his nnino In tho uowspnpors. One Is tho courts, civil and criminal. Tho man who goes to law Invites advertisement. Yot many inou and somotlmes women up pcnl to Tho Times to suppress re ports of legal proceedings In order that thoy may bo saved annoyunco. Tho tlmo to consider Immunity Is bo foro resort to tho law. Doparturo from the conventional ities of llfo Is another moans of en tering tho publicity zono. Conduct thnt Is off tho beaten trail affords nows. Thoso who defy social onserv nnccs or trond upon established In stitutions must not expect to oscapo print, and should not ask to bo saved from such notoriety. Further, much Injustice may bo done by tho suppression of iiowh. Tho tongues of gossip, uninformed of tho mil fact, can do a hundred times more Injury to tho Innocent than publication of tho truth will do thoso actually Involvod. Often newspaper Is ehlohllng a reputation of a scoro from tho Hcundul of sus picion when It Is tolling (ho truth nbout ono who has liipurrod the liabil ity to censure. This lesson the public should loau tho way to avoid publicity to avoid doparturo from tho hwtttm truck, ond lot this bt added to It If you have dlvoiKud Into the danger zono tho way to obtain lonslderattt troatmont Is to nssiiuin that you are a wibjoct Tor news, and to tuko tho nowspapor Into your confidence frankly and fully, Such confidence U rnruly abused, nnd nssurodly never by any nowspa por that makes a profwwiuu of . cency or 1ms regard for otlilc. XO PEACE IX SIGHT THE LONDON TIMES declare that It Is idio to talk of peace, oxcoptlng on tonus of Gorman dofont, with nil that means.. Uormuny will novur concydo to any suoh poueo until tlij umpire is whipped to its kiiuos. Thoro will 'Imvo to bo sovornl do clslvo bftttlos boforo ponaa will ho sorlousJy courflderod. J i iiiitij TUr TEA i. vvi i n i nu i urt f t AND THE TOAST X $$ GOOII EVEX'.XG Tho essence oftruo nobility Ib neglect of self, hot tho thought of Hulf puss In, and tlio beauty of n Brent iictlon Is gono like the bloom froln a Boiled flower. Frohdo. ' AFTER AVE GO After wo go To sleep beneath tho starlight and tho snow, How ninny hearts will grlovo tluA. then tlioy know After wo go II. After wo go Where God's white daisies shall not dread to grow, Even nllll unknown, It shall bo better so After wo go. 111. No tenrs to flow For years of yearning, nnd tho nn- drcnlned woo! Life knuw us not. Of what nvall to know After wo go -Frank L. Stanton.' Even a married ninn's love Is apt io 'grow cold If his dinners aro not kept warm for him. TODAY'S ADVICE Tills good ndvlco Georgo Cook com- moudB, So llston to It, sonny; If you would nlways keep your friends Just lot thorn la'op their money. THE WAGES OF SIX ARE PUDLICITY HUH Ho suroly Is n Inzy pup, Ills actions make mo frown; Ha waits for something to turn up And always gets turned down." Tho best way to keep a secret Is to forgot It. llcforo ho gets her ho wonders why nnturo neglected to glvo hor wings and a halo. After he gots her he discovers why. Whon a nowly married woman dis covers that by following tho direc tions lu tho cook -book sho can pro duce a porfectly good mess of con crete she begins to place less faith lu tho gas range nnd more faith lu tho can opener. Every onco lu a while you meet n Coos Hay man who wears a No. 8 hat and whose hrnlu would Just about fill a thimble. TODAY'S ADVICE With your lot do tho best you can, Try to ho satisfied; You won't gut Indigestion, man, From swallowing your pr'do. When a Coos Day young man tells a girl ho will lovo her forever uu doubt ho believes It. Occasionally a Coos Hay man Is foolish enough to try to run an auto mobile on u blcyclo Income Sonio Coos Imy people nro kept poor because they spend so much money protending thoy aro not. Miihie on tho .Map Some uamoB aro .Music's very self. Now take this one, b'gosh! Tho Tunt-a-Lum Lumbar Co. of Walla Walla, Wash. Whon a Coos Hay man acts llko a hog when ha oats and sloop ho al ways attributes It to his clear con science. A Coos Imy man will acrept any Hi In else that ho uoods, but ho usu ally dm K the lino on advice. For tho" first two woeks lovey will stay homo ovary night with honoy and seem to enjoy It. Hut about tho third week ho will begin to squirm around nnd yawn after suppor, and ho will finally brace up enough courage to toll honey ho will run down town a fow minutes to got the mnll or at tuud to n little matter. And when ho gets homo about midnight he discovers that the honeymoon has tied a big rook about Its nock and Jumped Into tho Imy. When a Cons Hay man has some thing ho can't wll and can't ovu glvo uwwy he cun nlwnys ruffle it off. A Coos Hay woman Just looe to be uguahjtunt. Slio will mend a whole day praising her husband to tho neighbors nnd tlion as soon ns her husband gets homo sho will start lu knocking htm, TAXES IX COOS The total valuation of the prop erty In tho three port districts In Coo8 county is $20,101,002 and this property was assessed to raise $59,- 115 tax money. Tlio figures a shown by a recent statement made by Assessor Thrift aro as follows: ll'ort of Uandon Valuation, $5,- 527,797; levy, 3 mills; special tax, $tG,58.'). Port of Coos Hay Valuation, $9,219,571; levy, -1 mills; Bpccinl tax, $;IC,878. Port of Coqulllo Valuation, $5,- 051,234; levy, X mill; spcclnl tax, $6,051. NOTICE OK SALE OF DEAL PItOPERTY FOR DELIXQUEXT STREET ASSESS.M EXTS. Notlco Is hereby given thnt act ing by vlrtuo of n warrant duly Issued by tho Recorder of tho City of Mnrshflcld, County of Coos, Stato of drogon, by ordor of tho Common Council of snld city, dated tho 20th day of January,, 1910, to mo directed, requiring mo, as Mnr- shnl of said city to forthwith levy upon the lot and lots nnd parts of lots and tracts of land upon which assessment wns mado under nnd pursuant to Ordlnanco No. COS of said city for tho deficit lit tho as sessment for tho Improvement of Elghtht street north from tho south lino of Hemlock avenue to tho north lino of North Fornrtalo addi tion nnd NUsburg's addition to Mnrshricld, In tho City of Marsh flold, Coos county, Oregon, and which deficit assessment then re mained unpaid, and to sell tho sanio In tho manner provided by law, which said property Is In snld warrant and licrolnnftor described, I have, lit pursuance of said war rant, levied upon, and will, on tho 1 8th day of March, 1910, at nlno o'clock In tho foronoon of sattl day, at tho Council Chamber door of said City, being In tho City Hall, Front street North of said City, offer for salo and boII at public miction to tho highest blddor for cash,- each of tho following des cribed lots and pnrts of lots, to-wlt: Lot 11, block I, deficit assessment (10,55, belonging to Joslo A. Mc Kay, said lot being situated In Town of Fcrndnlo, Coos county, Oregon, according to tho plat thoro of on fllo nnd of record In tho office of tho County Clerk of Coos county, Oregon; lots 1 nnd 2, block II, deficit assessment $2 1. Kit and $28.11, respectively, bolng nBsossod to Minute Tower nnd situated lu NasburgH addition to Marshfiold, according to tho plat thereof on fllo nnd of record lu the offlco of tho County Clnrk of Coos county, Oregon; also tho undivided 1-0 In terest of Henrietta W. For.roy, W. 11. Curtis and K A. Anderson ns Trustees undor tho last will nnd itostamont of J. L. Forroy, deceased, In lots 0, 0 and 7, block 1, North Forndulo, Coos county, Orogon, ac cording to tho plat thereof on fllo mid of record In tho nfflco of tho County Clerk of Coos county, Oro gon, the Maid deficit asitessmont lov lod on said undivided 1-0 Interest In said lots being as follows: Against said lutorest In said lot 5 $2.82; against said Interest lu snld lot (! $2,57, and ugalust wild Inter est lu said lot 7 $2,71. Dated at Marshfteld, Coos county, Oregon, this 18th day of February, 1910, J. W. OARTEH. Marshal of tho City of Marsh field, Coos coilnty, Oregon. F 1 8-25. Mr II-1 0-1 7 Hello! You with Coughs Here's Speedy Relief Slop th racking and hacking, rUo tho phlegm, heal tlio torcnex with Foley' Honey un J Tar Compoun J, "Jut llko oil on troubled waters," Is tlm way ono Krnt.'ful woman ita HoriliHH tlm lu'iient of l'ly' lloituy mid Tnr 'onuouml, It nprtoilH a Houthliifr, healing coat tiifc ovur Ilia raw lullameil throat It looaeiiH tlm hack ralni'H the phNgin anil really works wou.r. Why lmck, hack, hack driving cvoryhoily almoxt cuwy, imluff ui your stiviiKih, wi-nki-ninK your vital ity nod Inviting' verlous ulckncas whon there's f.Mtly, southing, sura rclhf In l-'oley's Honey and Tar Com luniiul. "After lisliitr mdlclno from tho doc tor, wliljmit rcHiiliH, for my Krand chlMreu, who wero visiting me," stiya Mr. J. A. .Shanks, of I.ewlaliinK. Ind.. 11 1 hail to net up niul tret a Uittla of Voli-y's Honey antt Tar Compound out of my tor ami nlve them. After a few ilos wero B'ven they went to ulw'p ami Hlept thruUKhout the night without ooiiKhlnic. 1 have Imiulleil I'oley's Honoy ami Tar Compound for more than eluht years and always vucommend It." You'll And Foley's Houey and Tar lit jour driitfKUti. lie mro to nk for 1'ole.y'n and woe that you Ret the yellow iwi'katio. Nothing else will do the woriv thnt Foley's Houey und Tar will do, 2 Jo, SQc und $1.00 slies. Tor salo hy Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank U. Cohan, Central Avo nuo. Onnoslt'd Chandlor Hotel. Tele phono 74. C00S BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost - High Efficiency . FIGURES FROM 1015 J NEWS OF OREGON t $ 1IAKI5R - Charles Klrkpatrlck, nged 29 years, died us a direct re sult of a wound ho received four years ago when ho wns shot down by nn unknown assassin. 3Al,EM Justice Hurnott of tho Bupromq court, has filed as n canai dato for renomlnatlou on tho lie publican ticket. ALUANW- With n charter mem bership of 51 a new grange to bo known ns tho Callaniotto grange was organled In Linn county. DALLAS A. C. Miller of Linn county , sold his 1000 acre ranch to J. C. Gland, recently of Toledo, Ohio, who will ralso high grade Durham cottlo. MEDFORD The Modford flour mills huvo been equipped with now machinery at a cost of $25,000 und will have a capacity of SO barrels u day. ' EUGENE The Chamber of Coin morcols furthorlng a plan to have raised flux In Lano county. PRINEVILLE John Stolner nnd Frnnk Taylor, two young homestead ers who forged a check In ordor to ntnko a trip to their old homo lu Tonncsseo, havo been brought back for trial. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY FOR DELIXQUEXT STREET ASSESSMENTS Notlco is hereby given that acting by vlrtuo of n wnrrunt duly Issued by . tho Recorder of tho. City of Mnrshflcld, County of Coos, Stato of Oregon, by ordor of tho Common Council of said city, dated tho 30th dny of December, 1915, to mo di rected, requiring me, ns Marshal of said city to forthwith lovy upon tho lot or lots or parts thoreof or tractB of land upon which assessment was mndo under nnd pursuant to Or dlnanco No. 702 of snld city for tho Improvement of that portion of llom lock nvcnuo from tho west lino of Front street North to tho west lino of Sixth street North, in tho city of Marshfiold, Coos County, Orogon, nnd which assessment then remained unpaid nnd to sell tho same in tho mnnnor provided by lnw, which snld property is In said warrant and hereinafter described, I have, in pur suauco of said warrant, levied upon, nnd will on tho 21st day of Febru ary, ltttG, at nlno o'clock In the forenoon of snld ,day, at tho Com mon Council Chambor door, In tho city hull on Front street of said city, offer for salo and Bell at pub lic auction to tho highest blddor for cash, each of tho following described lots mid parts of lots, to-wlt: Lot 12 Hlock 40, nsspssmout $2G.71, be longing to Helen D, Nnsburg, also tho following lot and parts of lots belonging to Nashurg Laud Com pany: Lot 7, Hlock 41, assossmont $2.00, tho southwest half of lot 8, block 41, nssossmout $1.30, mm tho southwest half of lot 10, block 41, assessment $1,30, all of said abovo described lots bolng situated lu Nns burg's Addition to Marshfiold, ac cording to tho plat thoreof on fllo and of record In tho offlco of tho Couuty Clerk of ,Coos County, Oro Kon. Dated nt Marshfiold, Coos County, Oregon, this 21st day of January, 1010. J. W. CARTER, Marshal or tho City of Marshriold, Coos County Oregon. XOTIPE OV HEDE.MrTlOX OK SPECIAli IMPROVEMENT "oxns. Xotlco Is horohy kIvcii that pur 8iint to tho, provisions of chapter V of title XXVI, L. O. L. niul in KROOKlnuce with the terum ami con tlltlons of wilu" homls, tho City of Marshfiold will 'tnko up, redeem nuil rancol tho Bpoclal Improvo" liiuut hqiuU of said City of Marsh flolil. C'qqi County, OroKon, Issued on the' flmt day of Septemhor, l'JIO, and liiimhorod lir. to 14,8 lurluslvo, of mi Id luo rogpectlvely, honll nnuihoied lITi UoIiik for the Hum of ?200.00 and bonds mini beroil 1IG and 147 hoIiiK onch for tho sum of $,.00.00 and bond mini horod IIS being for tho sum of $300.1(1, and all of said bonds bear ing intorost at" C por rent por an num, and will on tho next semi uumuil coupon porlod of said bonds, to-wlt: On tho .first day of March, 1910, pay to-tho propor owners and holders of said bonds, faro valuo of each thoreof, with accrued Interest to said dato and tho own ers nnd holders of bald above dos cilbod bonds nro hereby notlflod to nroiont the samo for payment and cancellation to tho under sinned, tho Treasurer of said City, nt hjs offlco In said City of Marsh field., Coos County, Orogon, on said data for payment, cancellation and reilamptlon, nnd nro furthor noti fied that Intorost thoroon will roaso at sjild Interest payment porlod. to wlt. On Mnreh 1st, 1910. unlod this 4th (dny of February, 11)10. (1. W. KAUFMAN, Treasurer of tho Olty of Murshfield, Coos CoiinO', Oregon. Want advert UIiik sells tlio no-lougcr-u anted things. Oldest lhtnk In Coos County' Established 1H80 Flanagan ( Beimetf Bank Multifield, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEREST PAID OX TIME VXD SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. DENNETT, Prosldont; J AS. II. FLANAGAN, VIco Prosldent; R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; O. F. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan (ib Bennett Bank OF MYRTLE POINT Capital $25,00 Officers J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice President; L. M. SUPLEH, Cashier; h) T. DEMENT, Assistant Cashier. t Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officors J. W. DENNETT, Prosldont; TOM T. DENNETT, Vlco PreBldcnt; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; DENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. The Only Trust Company in tlio State, Outside of Portland, Which Organised Under tho New Law. WHAT if you wore not "born with a silver spoon in your mouth?" Many a man has built up a balance in this bank that would buy him more silver spoons than he could use evon if he lived to be as old as Methuselah. 4 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on Timo Certificates. First- National Bank The Bank of Personal Service 0 Marshfteld, Oregon Scandmavian-AimAican Bank WHERE SA We will be glad to assist you in any way so that your taxes may be paid in time. Wo Wish to Serve You. HOURS 9 TO 3 INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nann1 Smith Passenger and Freipht Sails for San Francisco SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 at 10 A. M. FROM ' COOS BAY S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new . DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Phone 180-J. Abstracts Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshfleld nnd Coqulllo City, Orogon. Oeneral Apents Knstsldo nd SeiiKstnckcn's Addition. Special attention paid to assessments ami payment of tnxos. IIKVKY SEXGSTACKEX, MnnnRer. GRAVEL' Wo Are now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In ny tuantltles from pile In our ard or in carload lots, at following pricea; From pile on ground, ?2.VB per yard. Carload lots, taken from car, $3.00 per yard. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Post-Ofrlce. BRING .YOUR JOB PRINTING VINOS AltE SAFE SATURDAY EVE7TO 9 Garage North Front Street For relinhlo Abstracts of Tltlo niitl information about COOS HAY REAL ESTATE, seo Phone 100. TO THE COOS BAY TIMES PR0FESSI0NALjRECT Dr. A. L . HouseworKr MiyBlrlnn .! a,' Offlco:IrvlK ,4" ' Offlco hours: 11 to i- ' I nnd 7 to 8 p. i. " " 8 Phones: OffCo 1 la-Jtite,., , J. M. wTigiit nUILDING mvil'H EBtlmatcB furnished on requt Dr. H. M. Shnu Kjo, Ear and Throat SpocWu GLASSES VltTKl) Phono S.'IOT. JtooiiiH "oo-aoj lrvlnK itlock. DR. BIATl'IE 11. SUAW. Physlclmi nnd SurReo! y Piiono auo-J. ' H. G. Butler "" CIVIL ENGIXEKR Room 304 Coko Ilhlg. Phono Hn Rcsldonco Phone 3C3-L. W. G. Chandler ARCRITKOT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coke Balldla. ' Marahflold, OroKon. WOODGOOD WOOD W. If. Lingo 1ms it at 8i,c0 Bj !?l! cash per load. Gnrlmao r. oil. Phono HU7-J. THE LLOYD HOTEL Housekeeping Apartments t Two rooms, .?8.00 muiitli Electricity nnd Gas. Frco bathj t Sleeping rooins, !?I.no k., up TISIE TA11LH WILLAJIICTTK PACIFIC- MOTOR OAR Lcavo Le1TI Marshfiold North Desl .OMCjn.m 7:00 in. 7.45 n.m, 8:00 i.m, 8:4G a.m. 0:00 tm, 9:45 n.m, 10:15 i.m, 10:45 n.rn- 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:45 i.m, 12:60 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:4G p'.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5.10 p!m. 5:55 p.m. 6:55 p.m. North city limits only. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. in mm-miw HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 PARE TEX CEXTS City Llmltn North Rend, Be, 2n COMMUTATION nj) U TICKETS $t.7rt iJ Murshficld-Xorth Rend Auto Lino Cnra ovtry (on minutes from O n. in. to 12 ! m,t to South Slough onco n day, leaving at 11 u. ui.; to Empire threo trip dny. GOHST ft KING. Propi. . T. J, HOAIFU ( A. II. I10DGIKI Marshficld aTA,NNDc Co. nKJiutfls Furnished Plioo 110-It. Marshfleld. Oreoi DUNGAN UNDERTAKING nn PARLORS will ho kept OPEN TO THE PUhMO A Tegnlnr Btnto licensed undertaker will be w charge Phono 105-J QAVP wnNEY by orderlug the lamons lirMDVUM I c PflAl ncuni viluu ww. Nut coal, per ton j Lump coal, per ton s Or half ton of ootn - D. MUSSua. irw Plioao 18-J or leave orders at Hlllycr's Cigar Store. DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phone 870J 1 t WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. I Assets $240,000.00 I Pays S per cent on savings t I. S. KAUFMAN &' CO, Local Treasurer I4gl C00S BAY TIMES WANT AW