THE C'JOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916 EVENING EDITION STAGES WEAR 1U3AC1I AVTOS SOON' to maki: LAST UVS AXI) kktihh PLKXTY AltH COMLVtt OUT l-'OIt STATU Ol-TICICS. FRANK BOUTIN BUYS BIG LUMBER MILL TWO ENDCAMDIDATES APPEAR! news of nearby towns I I - -. Kmgmggmmmmmmamatgagggggggjagggggjggmgg- " I Dipt. Cornwall ToIIh of His KlrNt Wagon Stugo In vJn Drain and t Ciiirtlliicr :J8 Veins Ago It Is 38 yenrs ago Hint Captain X. J. Cornwall nnd associates started tlio present stngo line from Drain to Coos Hay. A few weeks now will seo the close of tlio boach route, probably for all tlmo for tlio coming of the railroad moans ti now and quicker way of travel. Hut nevertheless, tlio staKos have aided materially In tlio development of Coos Hay. Tlio Drain rotito at ono tlmo was tlio popular road to Clnrdlner and Coos Hay. It Is true tlio Coos Hny Wagon Road was open, but this was iiassablo olily nlhoitt threo or fpur montliB of tlio year and tlio other routo waB an all year ono. Xo Itouto Via 1'loiL'iico As to the Floronco road, "you could hanlly got nn oaglo In thut way In tlio early days," nn Cajit. Corn wall describes It. Capt. Cornwall was In tlio city to day and told Homo of tlio history per taining to thy stngo route with which ho tins been so lone connected. When the Drain route was opened tlio passengers generally stayed over night at Gardiner, proceeding tlio next day down the beach to Coos Day. I (.'nnllicr First Stop Gardiner was a lively little town. There woro soveral Mores, two naw millB and plenty of nalooim there nl that time. Sailing Bhips came In for .frequent lumber cargoes. At that tlmo gasollno bouts wcrn unheard of but Btcamhontn bad been in operation to Gardiner from very early dayH. Passengers being tnkon from Hardluor to Winchester bay In row boats. I'hihI Hulling Hunts At tlio mouth of the river they boarded tlio horso drawn stages and en mo to Jnrvls Lauding whero nt tho first, Balling liontB wero used to bring' the passongors over to Km jilro. Ilii t tho world do move and ij yearn ago Oorst and Kinney put on tho automobiles to carry paBHongors up and down tho boach botweou Jnr vls Landing uud the Umpqua. Hnso lluo boats piled between Winchester Jlay and Gardiner and it was tho first of last May that Capt. Cornwall put on tho Ford auto stages on tho beacn from tho Umpqua to Floronro. Pro yloiiBly this trado bad been handled by tlio horBo drawn stages., Itlllll'OUll Stops SllgeN "I think 30 dnys will nee tho rail road open and bundling thin passen ger traffic," Btatcd Capt. Cornwall. "This will put us out of business. Hut tho Drain stage routo probably will always contluiio, for mull pur- 1IOBPS." Aspirants for Delegate to X'ntionnl Convent lotti Are Sinking Them selves Known to Public. Candidates are beginning to bIiow up nil over the state and there evidently will bo n plentiful selec tion nt Eugono. Attorney L. E. Uean, twice a membor of the state senate and a membor of tho house nt two ses sions, lias announced his! candidacy Tor tho state loglsltaure. Ho Is a Republican. Attorney Walter H. .lonos Ir also a candlduta for nom ination for a similar position on tlio Hr.publlcnn ticket. Lane is en titled It three members nt tho legislature. For County Attorney. Tho contest for the position of county attorney of Lnno county gives promlso of Interest. County OLD BANDON RESIDENT HAS PASSED AWAY Mis. Hnnili E. Swift, uho Died There, llnd Lived Long Time in Place. HANDON, Or., Fob. 18. Mrs. Sarah E. Swift, whoso funeral was held Monday, u an old-time rosl 'deut of Hnndon. She was the widow of Madison Irving Swift, who sociated with tlio Hrachor Timber died years ago and who wns ono : company of Portland, nnnouneed of tho first Bhlnglc makers In Han-1 hero tho purchase of the mill and Company In Which He Is Inter- ( ested Over tlrt Sheridan . Lumber Company. I SPRINGFIELD, Or., Fob. IS. Frank Houtln of Hnyfleld, Wis.,, presidont of tho FIschcr-Hoiitin Lumber company of Sprlnflold, as- doil. Mr. and Mrs. Smlnh emigrated Hierc 2f years ago from ono of tho Interior valleys of Oregon to which tlioy had roeontly come from Iowa. After they Mind crossed the coast raugu and had reached the vicinity .'of Myrtle Point they halted to con sider whether they 'would go to Coos Hay or continue along the Coqullic. S. D. Harrows was ono of a party beaded for Hose-hum who Attorney .1. M. Dovors, a Uepubll- cunpod near them mid advised can, appointed by Governor On-ltliuin to como lo Hnndon. Mr. wnld wost, books mo Jtopuiiiicanivlft wanted to make shingles nt onco Id Shorldnn to get u logging nomination, making his appeal t , from npruco nnd was told thoro camp In operation. tlmboi' holdings or tho Sheridan! Lumber company at Sheridan, Or. Carl Flschor of tho Flschcr-Uoutln mill will havo active management of tho Shorldnn property, dividing his time between '"that plnco and Splngflohl. ICo'lne.ldont with tho nnnouncc-1 mont of tho purchase of the Shorl dnn property is tho statement that tho mill will be put In operation as booh ns logs can be got out, and tho' Springfield mill will also Btart in a short time. 'Mr. Flschor goes Fisk Bicycle TT l ires Red Tops $2.75 $3, JO Now is the Time to Prepare for Your SUMMER MOTORING Filtered Gasoline Free A'V SAM3M JtiAtlcn, Ooorgo II. Hur nott .lias filed his declaration or candidacy for reuomlnallou on tho Republican ticket to tho supiomo court bench. Don't, forgot, Sailer's grand open ing Hint Nntiuduy afternoon, tho voters upon his record. Ho has stood for law onforcomont to tho extent or resurrecting tho moro than riO-ycur-old Sunday closing law nnd carried tlio question of tho constitutionality of tlio lhw to tlio Btiprcmo court. Attorney W. H. Dillnrd, mombor of tho lust session of -tho legisla ture, linn nnnounced his candidacy Tor the Kopuhllcait nomination for this office, and Attorney L. L. Hay Is making a icauvnos for the Demo cratic nomination, Husy In Union Count'. Union county's political bees nr.o Vigorously buzzing. For Demo cratic untlonal convention delegates Union county lins two candidates, .ludgo T. II. Crnwforil ror tlio Btato at largo, and F. J. Holmoa for tho congressional Job. Hoth are ncllvo candidates. N. J. HurgOH of Umatilla county and W. II. lirooko of Onturlo, with Daniel Hoyd of Wallowa county are probably not to havo any opposition for HoiMibllcau dolegutcs from this county. On tho other hand, F.d Wright, retiring county clork, Is out for a place on tho Statu Public Sarvlro commission, was plenty of Bruco in the vicinity Tho Sheridan mill is ono of tho , of that elty. Had Primltlvo Machine. Ho rigged up a mnehlno by which 'tho shingles were sliced with a knlfo from tho bolt which hnd boon previously Btoamed in hot wator. JThoro aro boiiio roofs In tho elty on whlch tho iroduct of his machine' am still to bo scon. Ills shlnglo mill, tho first In Hnndon, was lo luted ncross tho ulroot from tho undertaking parlors. Mr. Swirt wan nn old Boldlor and his wife a membor of tho Womons Hollef Corps, which lion charge or her rtinoral. Xiitlvo of Missouri. Mrs. Swift wiib 7r years of ago. Sho was born In Missouri, Septem ber 20, 18-11, nnd moved to lown iwhoro sho wns married. . Sho Ib survived by flvo children, threo sons and two daughters. Ono daughter, Mrs. Clara Province, dlod at Mitchell, Oregon, threo years fiigo. Tho children living nro: Mrs. Muttlo HasmiiBRon of thfs city, Charles Swift and Ward Swift of Dayvllio, Oro.; Justin 1). Swift or iKIamath Falls and Mrs. Lottlo 'Kcolor or Oakland, Cal. hhcoiid is iii.okex. Irtty ContruotorH Handle n Liu-go Amount or Hock. EUGENE, Or., Fob. 18. F. E. Loofo, JiinIorengVriuor In churgo of tho uSIuslaw harbor Improvomont, says that tho Miami Quarry com pauy, holding tho contract ror tho extension of the Jetties nt tho mouth ot tho rlvor, broke tho rec ord for a month In January In tho amount of rock placed In tho north Jetty, n total or 0100 tons being taken from tho quarry, near Maple ton to tho Jetty and dumped In be tween tho pilings. This record was inndo during tho worst pnrt of the winter, nt times when sovoro storms wero raging, both In tho river and on tho ocoan, Llliliy Coal, S.1.00 Ion. Phono 7i. SCHOOL THOUHLKS Cltlciis of District Flfty-four Divide Into l-'nt-tdoiiN Troubles In n school district nro .told In tho following from the Hnn don Hecorder; The citizens or tho school district No', fi-l havo divided themselves Into two factions between which hostili ty Is browing. Tho trouble seems to hnvo boon caused over an attempt to move tho school slto. Tho houso burned limt summer, nnd nn crrort In being inado to construct n now building on tlio township line road. While u majority voted In Xavor or the chaugo It seoius that tho neces sary two-thirds was lacking. The "inovors" have undertaken to huvo tho election adjudged lllegnl on tho ground that notices ns posted did not Btnte how long tho polls should re main open. Tho other sldo takes n I tllfforont stiiud ns to the election. largest inland mills In Oregon, nnd hns n record cut or 201,000 root in u 10-hour run. There nro 1,000, 000,000 foot or timber tributary to this mill. It hns been closed sluco last Juno, but hns not been allowed to run down, and llttlo repair work will bo necoHsary. The Flschor Houtln logging ramp nt Marcoln opened thin month, making regu lur shipments or Hogs to Sptlng fcld for tho company'n mill nnd tho Uooth-ICoJIy company. The fine days will soon mean fine roads, Get the full benefit of your car by having it ready for every opportunity FISK TIRES are the first .requisite. Replace those old defective tires now and "don't take anv chances--be sure your tires are Fisk tires . Profit by the Fisk Guarantee and These Prices: HAXDON NOTES. Xowh of City Hy.tli(-S'o,i Told In tlio Hecorder. Tho Klizaboth took over a hun dred cordB or nuit'ehwood this trip south. Sam Itrlggs wont rrom the bay on tho 'last Speed woll bound ror tho Bouth with . his destination iib Sun Pedro. Ho goes to look up huBlnefls prospects in Hint vicinity tind expects to Bond ror hls wiro In tho near ruturo. H. H. Hanson or tho Stnr rnnch brought in a Bhlpmont of cheeso to go on tho PatBy for Portland. Tho domnnd tor cheese Is brisk at 18 coots u pound and Hansen has calls for much moro than ho can pro duce Mr. nnd MYir. .Walter Sabln ox- " '" ' " pect to lenvo Hnndon shortly for(.nQQ nt- TMnpn IM Hrldiro. nonr whloli. Hmv imv,, ,(.! LUD5 Ur I IIVlDttt MM Non- SIZE Tires Skid Tubes 30x3 $ 9,90 $10,40 $2,60 30x3i2 12.75 13.40 2,95 32x3y2 H,70 15.40 3 JO 34x4 21,35 22,40 4,40 36x4i2 30,10 31.55 ' 5,70 I'M; Dlstilhiitors Koiitliuestfi-ii Oiegon Adjustments Made on the Spot THE GUNNERY ttOHKT & KIXC AHAK, Xortli lloml Agents. KI.MK ,M VOX PKCKItT, CoqitlHo Agenls. S. U. WIIITHUTT, Hanilou Agent vs I. l-'lsk DMrlbutors Sniithwestern Oregon I TEC SELF-RISING PANCAKE AND BUCKWHEAT FLOURS Meet the Government's, Dr. Wiley's and WestfieliPs Pure Food Standards Why buy milk lo muko pnncuko when you eiin get pauenko flour that ituiulros no milk? .Kavo tliiio And troublo uud have IL'D de licious piuicnkoH for Sli contH , ..Malted Hiittormllk iuhIiob TKCO PANOAKUS not only economical for the hoiiHowlfo. hut adds to tho wholiMouie and diueatlblo iiul Ity or tliu enltOM, as woll. .Hutturuillk Is now widely locoguled as heulthrul and nouilBhlng. When mailed as In Two Klour, lis value Is increased. llov much' hotter than the heavy paueakw of old! Toco Cakes can bo frcoly onjoyod by the youiuiHtor uiul by tho old folks. And they'll eat u lot! The flavor will so delight tho whole fam ily that you wIU. never think or baking any other than Teio pmi caken ONCI5 VOD'VI-: TltlKD Til KM. We handle TEC0 and recommend it to every customer. ' Include a package in your next order. Ollivant & Nasburg Tho (itiod Housekeeping Storo 1IO.MK OP VVHK POODS Second nnd Coiiiniorclnl, Mnrshfleld Two Telephones, lli and 171 zisss&ew&Bxrm SOUTH HK.VD XOTKS I Tom uiiKe has returned from Sail t Praiiclsro wheio he has Bpout sov eral mouths. j Ilov. c. (!. Price of the Christum church Iiiib gone to Con,uIllo whero , ho will asslMt In a revival meet lug ' there. i Dr. Pratt of (Sanllnor has nrrlvod In North Hand where he will loon to, od a ranch nnd wllltry agriculture ror a year. Thoy havo takon tho ranch formerly lived on by .Mr. Loschbnugh. LMrs. llosolla J. Andorson tins filed hor final report with tho county court lit tho estate of John L. Aiiilorson, deceasod, and nsked that tho estiito bo closed, nnd that sho with her bondsmen bo ills churged. Tjio county Judge has sot March 1!1 iib tho day for hearing objections. Tho Into John Andor son was captain or tho gasollno schooner Haudolphv T. S. Hosor, who has llvixl Tor boiiio tlmo on tho rlvor opposlto Prosper, has cpucluded nrrango monts to loavo Oregon nnd go to Kurekn, Cal. Ho plaiiB going ovor land and Is now held up' by tho Klk rlvor hrldgo, Just this sliln or Port Orrord, which was badly damaged by rivont IiIkIi wutors. PKIIHV PLANT STAItTS. 'Ve-nivr I-'iictoi-y nt, Hnuiloii Is In Operation. I'hn Hnndon Hecorder snys tho Perry veneer plant stalled to work OREGON IS reduced; SALKM, Or., Fob. 18. -JStatlstlcs prepared by Stato Porestor Klllott show that through tho systematic patrol or timber !nm-8 uud the prompt suppression of forost fires, PLAN XKW 1 1 ICI I WAV CWHBHi HiHchurg Wiiiits u Itoud to (Vator J.ako Tho HosoUurg Coinmorelal Club hna taken up tho mnttor of Bocurlng a good auto road rrom Itosoburg to Crutor Lnko through Tiller nnd Trail tho loss or timber by flro In tho state! gays tho Itosoburg Xows. At a moot nns noon reduced from ?1,00,UD7, lug of tho club It wns polntod out In l!M0, to mi nvorngo or $l'J,;iat ; that thoro were ovor 11.000 visitors tor tlio Inst flvo yours. The total loss or timber by Hies during 'tho last flvo years, nccordlng to tho statistic-., wns ?0G,CL'0, or ono-Blxtconth or tho total loss or nt Crater Lnko last year, nccordlng to tho govorninont report, practic ally all of whom mado tho trip by auto, and by constructing a rand from a point hoyond Tlllor over tho 1010, when llttlo or no effort was mountain and conncotlng with tho Medford-Crater Lako roiul nt Tmii I which Is but a row miles, much or this trnrrie could be dlvortod to ho new road. Also many who mado tho trlii one wny via Modford would re turn by Itosoburg mid vlco vorBii nindo to either patrol timber lauds or supprosa fires. "Prior to 1U11 tho genoral public and also u cousidoruhlo uumbor of timber ownors vlewod damaging ror ost Hies ns a necossary ovll," said Stale Torestor Klllott In comment ing on the reduction In tho loss. "In n fow localities efforts wero mado lo protect tho timber, hut In tlio nnilii riros woro nllowed to burn until thoy assumed dnngorous pro portions, whon offorta to control thom proved costly und Ineffectual. SOCIAL CALI-INDAIt TIHTUSDAY Mlnno-Wls club with Mrs. A. 'A. Downs. Alort Club nil day bossIou lirtth Mrs. V. K. Hood on With tho onactinont of a new ror North Coo's Hlvor. He has moved his Iu.ubi d goods 'svm, H,x ,en uettliur tbl.iJ ,-,u lvll)8lr' ("0,, '" 11"1' followed by the! Kwtor oliib with Mrs. Lin- I" IHocll, am. will oi-iupy tho iHk. t(, ',, , ' '0 l " 'compulsory patrol law In lia. loss' 1 "rdon. I'ome wist of tho C. S. Wins,,,- rel- tfr.ile lnHk"t Tho foJrc! will ii,,r "n,,"n' ,ms ,,,cn m,mH"1 ,0 ,l l""",W C"" iml11 ol "' I'"''""'"-" IV H. flifit or next w.oir. '"""." J ""' MHMNMHHNNil'"! Mr. Perry doo not set any ,B, LL lL UU Mr"' Plans ror runnliiK the plant to rull capacity for Bomo tlmo to come. Tho domain! for baskela In the north Is brisk, but tho shipping facilities mako It bard to mako de liveries on tlmo and with cor-talnty. HAXDOX COl'PLK WIJiis 9Un-M--M.cMHBB --i--i-MHM Keep Posted on Our Prices .Bananas, dozen 25c Lemons, dozen 20c f I noli Drill.-.!. r".. nr- MiRH Lnnil.-I VllllnlAn.i nn.l Wlnn ill lunii Mm i; i i-'L'N .sin " " "'" II.. -OOw w-.-.ww llwr...,,, .,. ..,I , ,. .. Mnui nrnii )..M1,. 1 r ' "u" "" jouug nail in w uiij-j iiuuua, iij igu fioiilrtiiB. were married Fob. M nt Oni nation Coffao 3lb can 85c lho hol" (r th0 UrMoa relatives in lExtra Snorinl Rnlk Pnffon ,l0llt' oounty. Tho woddlng wns mmr Jc ,,ulut ,,ora,,8 of "l0 --croiit death I'UIMHI ZOO of tho brides brothor, Mllos Pullor- Oom Flakos, 3 pkgs.. 25c ,0"' Tl,0' " An- C. B. Condonsod Milk. . :25c BBlMrBBndon " HOI SllCy CoCQn, Can IOC Sllnl menu at Sartor's now nine lUned loaches, oxtra choice, pound 10c on (Vnti-al iivonuo Saturday tit'tor- UiKiii. "1,'i " I III ln. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorbt .Si King, Iycao Mnrshfleld nt 7 u. in., ami returning leaving from Umpire nt H a. in. Leave Alai-slifleld nt It and returning lejivo South Slmigh at I p. in. Leave Marnhfleld at n p. m. uutl returning Ittavo South Slough nt (I p, in. Coos Bay Farmers Exchange Central Avenue and Phono 1170 Waterfront. Till) WIIITK IS KIXO Of nil Sewing Sfiichlnoa Now locatod at 250 Market avo. West. Phono 1D3-J. Wo hnvo also got big bargains In all kinds of used machines. All mnchlues Bold on easy payments. Why Trade at 7 1 Market Avenue BECAUSE i on are sure 01 me nest in service, prices and quality PHONE 141 if you want the best The Penslar & Nyals Store For Quality Chemicals. ' Israel Lando PHI DAY Past Matrons Association v with Mrs. Prnnciw Hazaid. O Nor. Luth. Y. P. S. In Church cbnpol. Thlmblo Club with Mrs. P C. S. Kaiser. Promonndo concert nnd O Washington roto in Eagles hall. Xor. Luth. Y. P. S. Social at homo or Mr. and Mrs. O. 0 Stoon In Hunkor Hill. Lecture and social ovonlng O in North Bend Methodist church. Ladles Art Club with Mrs. A. L. Ilouseworth. Choice Groceries That's what you got when ' Vnn Irmln linrn -v.'. ;", "" 'Wo havo mado a special on daajvor to hand'.-) homo grown products so lV.r us poesllilo I find to get the choicest of them. It la our policy to try and advance our own community nnd with tho iiid or your iat- ' rounge, wo lean n-oiiipllMi cnnsiyci;nble. At tho sniuu tlmo, you will ho beuefltlliih' yourself. Your trade will bo appro- y cln tod und yaw will find that wo orvo you woll, Model Cash Grocery Commercial Avo. near I'rnnt. Phono ia:t :,WE CARRY M4HmH l o 5 O All Kinds of M FRESH EATS WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R n ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL E. W. SULLIVAN Corner Market and TIroadwny Wo solicit nil our old patrons of the Lloyd and assuro them the same reasonable rates. AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY DHOP l.V AND OKDEIt YOl'R SCNDAV HOAST TEXDKH, JUICY, AXI AT A PHICE THAT AYILL 1'LEASK YOU AYo havo some cholco CIHCKl.XSi fryers and stowers, for Satmilay. Enterprise Meat Market