. i i vy v ( j THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1916 -EVENING EDITION THREE ide Concert and Dan- T(ckcl5( $1.00 Per Couple, Ladies 50c. HALL 18 8:30 P. M. The BREVITIES F.A. KILBURN gulls for SAN FRANCISCO Via Eureka February 19. From Hnillh Terminal Dork -For Information call 130 L. 0. Cl'SIIIXfl, Agent. SOUTH COOS ItlVKK IIOAT 6RKVICK MUNCH KXl'KICSS lain MursliJldtl every day g i. in. IenvM bend of river it :1B ! "' HTKAMnil IIAINHOW Imtm tend of rlrer dally at 7 i. m. Ivm Mnmhflold at U . b. For disrtcr apply on board. HOGKIIS & BMITII Proprietor Sane Sensible Satisfactory Stylish Suits Shoes Shirts Yours For Service The FIXUP 49 ULATIIKR FORKCAST tllr Aittnlnlcil 1'rcn to (mmi B7,TlmM.J Oregon Knlr tnnlght; Friday, fair In tlio oiiHt; In creasing cloudiness followed liy rain In tlio west; easterly winds. LOCAL TK.MPKHATUHH HF.COHD For tlio 24 hours ending nt 4 :i'. a. in., Fobruury 17, by DonJ. Oatllnd, special gov ornincnt meteorologist: Maximum 70 Minimum ,-l At 1:30 a. m r.u Precipitation 00 Precipitation Slnco Sept. I. 1915 r.D.ai Preclpltntloii nmna period 1t yrar .!).or Wind: Northwest, Clear. Thursday February 17. Sun rises nt 0:51! and sots at r::i2. ! , Not Hi Hem! Mui'Hllfifltl I BORN 1 dock, changing tlio route off of Front street. Klks .Alert At u meeting of tlio Marsliflcld lodge of Elks last even ing, 1). .Y. Stafford withdrew bis name from tlio list of candidates for tyler. Ho and J. V. Hlldon brand arc the candidates for dole gato to tho H. P. O. K. grand lodgo. Dr. Georgo 13. DIx being the candl date for alternate. To Go on Trip. Tito Marslltlcld basket 'ball team leaves tomorrow for a two days 'trip to .Myrtle Point and Handon where thoy will meet tho high school teams pf those two towns. So Tar this season tho local quintal has not lost a gaino and still retains Its .1000 porcoiit. I'lnii Piny 13 d Moado and his sister, Mrs. Harvey, mud his nieces and nephews aro planning to put on a home talont play hero soon for tli,o purpose, of wiIbIiik funds to publish Mr. Meade's book. Tho dcfinlto plans bavo not boon com pleted as yet. llayo Smoke Helmet. Tho fire-1 mou aro expecting two smoke helmets hero on the next Ktlhurii as an addi tion to the modern fire fighting ap paratus of tho lotiil department. Tbeso holinots aro of a late typo, and equipped with oxygen tanks. They can bo strapped to one's shoul ders, thus making it possible to go into u Binoko laden room without danger, of bolus overcame. To Hold Hearing. County Judgo James Watson Is coming over tomor- :frow morning for tho purposo of hold , 1 1,..,,, ,lir- fn- unillnm Hnillli II. n M ". -. .v. .. .j. ..it.., I..V Ing from Dandon to Coquillo with Mr. May In an auto stiiKo that overturned. Roth 'men were Injured. Ml. Mitchell still has" a couple of knuckles on his right hand that refuse to work ex actly as they used to, as a result of the accident. Picnic Time Is Here. On Snt dny some of tho pupils In tho upper grades of the Central school arc planning a picnic up one of the Coos Itlver branches. This is tho first pic nic time of tho year and It Is expect ed there will bo many parties going down to tho beach on Sunday. As yet tho roads are not In shape for auto travel to South Inlet and Sun Bet Hay and probably will not be for sonic weeks yet, though the stages get through dally to Umpire. Tlio road, however, Is holng Improved and will bo in good shape for sumnier. Guaranteed Ranges J&t GET NEW MUSIC Como in mid piny tho latest victor records on our machine and select tlio ouch yon deslro 15,000 to Chooso From Wo will order Bpoclal Numbers for you L. L. Thomas Music Co. 711 Central Avenue VASI3Y- To Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Vn sey, at tholr homo In Hunker 1 1 111, Thursday morning, February 17, 1!) 1(!, a daughtor weighing 10 pounds, lloth tho mother and lit tle girl nro doing vory well. Mrs. Vnsoy was formerly Miss Flosslo Simpson and was employed in tho local postofflce. i ! Z3Mi SARTER'S Wo will bo In our ItcnutJIful NEW HOME Corner Outntl AvVmiuo mill Frot St. Next Saturday Afternoon You aro cordially invited to out' Grand Opening THE STERLING RANGE -Ii Hltlinut question llio highest sw'iij, me most satisfactory ami; toKcMifttrlng rniigo ninilo today.' U ronttrurlcd partlrularly for Nem fuel, Is reinforced through ct, J)clo lined mid rlghly fin- '. it Mil give satisfaction "ftjr In tho years It is Insured "Nfahi mjalnst wearing partM, and1 CI. ' .' r '"" cannot well over. Wme in and lot US SllOW VOU i TI, 1lWB or Orogon nro vory! InUorv P 1 i8trlCt "l "ro,0Ct,,lB lnllorilB. l'"tL,I(, Coil(lron Btnrtcd up tholr West Kntcrtnliw lVlday Mrs. F. W Payne will entertain a fow friends at sowing and cards Friday. (SiiMilliio lllghei'-Tlie retail price of gasoline lias Jumped to 20 cents per gallon, greatly to tho dis comfort of autolsts. Iliiys Slock W. K. Wlsomcn and Claude Moon aro purchasing part of tho Hod Cross Jewelry stock for a Jowo.lry Btore which Mr. Moon -(wlll vipen at " vers. uyn Homo Jack McDonald of 'tho McDonald & Yuughau Logging company lias purchased tho M. P. Harrows homo at Fourth and John son and will move his family hero soon. Tho homo Is n nlco one, being built n fow years ago by Mr. Uurrowfl, who rocently moved to Idaho. H Js understood that tho prlcu was $.'1100. Ship (.'ates 0. W. Trlbboy to day Is shipping about 11200 pounds of his automatic gato hinges to W. II. Lloyd &Co. of Otahuhu, Now .Zealand. Ho sold tlio order whllo ut tho San Francisco exposition and had them made at a local foundry. Thoro aro about CO sola of tho attachments, tho wood work to bo dono in New Zealand. Start Logging Again. McDonald ilSOn UUlOVSen'"OW nml tI,m Hom man K0,H l,, MnrBliflold logging camp full blast w'u Ul l,,u '"""'' ii" Kuia " ,,1,! this morning after o shut down "Itll It, f , ,l,o.. hrn wnnK'H. nunilllli' an I U. ...W.W ..M.. fc .. ..-.w..-, ,.-. ..n Company '' iiomi: xrth rront Street Albert Kinney lias adopted a safo ,ii..Q(.,.n.. r .lirfiniidna with tbn 1IO.MK FI'KN'ISIIIN'RK nioihod bv biiylnir n lot In' Sunny- ,.... mi. ,,.,i,a ,. .,,.. n. --.. --.., - r w -- -- . i-iii' imiiiiii ii. lilt ii ill nn ! mi ii ti- .yiERj About it, QUATERMAS STUDIO wualiiy PHOTOS Opposilo Blanco Hotel, - .VVU, i!UlPiKi.tt. mitaoti t Marsliflcld I vnle," in fact ho bought three bo as B 0t Xorth r0(1way to tho log'movi,,,. nto -lo liavo amnio room .for a Karden ......... i..,,i i,n a,.,nv,,n ..,i unvi i WALL PAPFR i Ispot. llo prorenucil Immediately,! ' ' m . ' jgg j to erect n comfortablo tent liouso uieroou expecting later to muni a permanent homo. Ily so doing tho money lie had boon paying tlio ! landlord oaeh month for rent Is I not only keeping up tho payment on the lots hut. leaving him u little nest egg besides. If you aro Inter ested In this nlan of heating tlio landlord Just "seo Hold about It," and lot him ahow you how it can bo dono. ' - I" " ll'llll oble Theate TO-NIGHT Sl'W'ii, .INTIKm', . , ATTHACTION KVKHV XlfillT. ,,r WIIM 'Sli,,l:tT "Ul'HKSTItA Starting tonlgliN this tbo- B.. u uu, M music obtalnublo for our Kwll two ', i 0,', ,,,("riT"KS HKTTKU THAN TIIK WAV. J,,l,,1 Xurii'ia I ,V,;JS,"IU, f'i'dy, "TIIK LITTLK TKAC'IIKK" ""'e Kieu!I. ,'aU,' A,,"'klc, Owen Monro nd Mux Sennott " Mriii h'Uiicrlnjj of conmiedUins over mosented In Mfiure. IIK Ofl'IMc Ma m.. . ' '"dual -"n. IIK "HiKii:,. niastii'iiin in rmip iimsi. fojitui'lmr 1J,I full of action and hauitifiil scenes. lliauliniisoi. viniiin ...... i .I......... , .... i.. ... ........ "A,"V LO.NO "W SIIOYTWO SHOWS 7 and t). rARCF.T HALCOXY 10c rillLDUKN ."o MGIIT Tho eleventh of "WHO PAYS." DrVCT rM Tn v & v TTVTrsrh-xr We pav rr wo UUK JLAUlNJLJtV I y "eturn Charees, Prompt and Efficient Service uus BAY STEAM LAUNDRY 1 Pli- I :l Sweet Pea Seed I I NOW I1 H . . .... .... ....I........ iin H ' I havo In stock the best mid H latent varieties of tho fain- H lH mgSH& "s I'O'IX'O rtviitvr. h I You will not bo dissap. H RH olntcd tliN year if you H )dant llurpoe guallty seods H that Crow. A largo variety H of plain ami mixed M'cslw. Mb l Catalogues upon appllca- tlou. I .- ,.. ; ZZT TUn l Uirl" Hi JL Xl W" lB M ' The Central Avenue Drug H patrons. ih . ' -i W m 1'iiuuu ii Bb . m i I 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Smith In Hunker Hill. It Is said that tho boy got Into troublo recontly in regard to a pleco of Jowelry. lliirk Dunham today Borvod citutldnn to the parties concerned to appear be foro Judgo Watson tomorrow. Knniioi-H to Attend. A. J. Stophan n Kontuck Inlet and an offlcor of tho Farmers' Union, has been aBked to aid In getting as many farmers as posslblo out for tho cannory meet tug to bo bold In the Chamber of Commerco room on Saturday morn ing. There Is no time to scud them each n card through tho mall, but most of them will -bo reached via tho telophono. (Joes to Itoseburg. Judgo John S. Coke, of tho olrcult bench, returned last night from Coquillo and left to day for Hosoburg whero bo goes to rollovo Judgo Hamilton. lie will bo thoro for tho opening of tho Jury term of court on Monday and prob ably will bo detained on legal busi ness for two or moro wcoks. Judgo Hamilton folt that ho was disquali fied from hearing some of' tho casos that aro up for trlnl. ChcrrlaiiH Coming' To -Jamos W. Watt Is In rccolpt of, a letter from Ivan G. Martin, ti relative In Salom, who Is a membor of tho Cliorrlnn band. This Is tho or ganization of tbq Salom Commer cial club. Mr. Martin states that tho Chorrlans Intend to como hero In a body when tho celebration Is hold nt tlio opening of train service on tho Wlllamotto-Paclfle. Tlio band will also como, ho says, aB well ns tho commercial organiza tions from Albany and Kugeno. Iong in ItusiucsK. Mrs. Nolllo Owon, who has Just disponed of her Ladies' Kmporlum stock to Mrs. Mat tic Hlnln, who moved It to North Demi, says that alio oponcd tho first business establishment an Central, tho Donaldson block ears ago when it was first built for tho postofflco. Then tho Ilogers block had not boon built, thoro being a pllo or rock thorn. Mrs. Owen will ho greatly missed as sho Is ono of tlio boHt known busi ness wnmon of tills section. I May Asphalt Courts Tho mem- uers or mo iounis ciuo nro con templating putting a layor of as- jphalt on ono of tholr courts, cor ner of Ninth mid Klrnd streets. ny putting on this layor thoy (would bo ablo to play Immediately aftor tho rains and would not bo without tennis through tho winter months. Inasmuch ns tho two t courts havo been packed and rolled hard, it Is bollovod thoro would nood to lio no further covering be fore the asphalt would bo laid down. Still Has an Ache. O. H. Mitchell, of tho Armour company and travel ing out of Chicago, has returned ! again to tho Coos Hay territory for a few days, going ovor It with Matt L. Mas local representative of the com pany. Tho last time Mr. Mitchell was ,bore, In tho summer, ho was com- FOIt STVLK, IOMFOHT, .siillVll i' Wear Rogals. CLKAHAXCIJ HAMS Willi i'i'nn I'or twciity-flVc years llcgnl Kin 'h have Mood at tho iVon In Hue footwear ut moderate prices. .S great has Itenal business grown that today It requires the entire output of four great facilities to Mipply the de mand. We aro proud to he the cai'IiisIvo Itciral n'toiitx for Mar.shfield. Gordon's Shoe Store ii iiiimmMW&iiiiifiaMMilr"HB',',,"MBIiiMltMil1 " XCji X PERSONAL MENTION t MRS. J. W. DKVOI2 wns a passenger down on tho Mllllcpma this morn ing. J. 11. JOHNSTON was among tho visitors in tho city from Alle gany. V. It. OXIONKIDKIt and wiro of Allegany wore In tho city yes terday. R.KV. HOHKltT 13. DROWNING Ib nt Gardiner whero he will preach tonight. ALF1U3D HODINIa wnB down this morning from Allegany on u busi ness visit. MRS. H. S. LARSON was hero on n ahopplng trip this morning from Allegany. P. L. PH13LAN, woll known business man of Myrtlo Point, was a visitor hero today, MISS GOLDII3 CARI3Y was down yesterday from Allegany, doing somo shopping. WILLIAM HR13MI3R of Coos river came to town shopping yosterdny on tho Mllllcomn. Z. T. THOMAS was among tho busi ness visitors In the city this morn ing from Allegany. P. L. AASI3N, well known lumhornian of Coquillo, was here today with his wife from Coquillo. MRS; J. T. SULLIVAN nml Mrs. F. K. Gcttlus havo boon spending a fow days with friends nt Handon. C, R. P13CIC has returned from Coquillo, whero ho wont for tho purposo of looking ovor somo rocords. PI3T13R M'INTOSH, now nmnngor of the Coos Hay creamery, nccompan led by his wlfo, was In the city last evening, JUVI3NIL13 OFFICER HARK DUN HAM camo over this morning from Coquillo to servo citations for a hearing tomorrow. PAUL 80UL13 departed with his milt cases and a good naturod smllo for tho Coquillo Valley this nioruiiiK to call on tho trade. A J. SHI3RWOOD, prominont nttor noy nnd banker of Coquillo, re turned to his homo In Coquillo this morning aftor a legal visit hero. OI30RGI3 FLANAGAN, JR., will tuko a position this weok In tho survey ing crow of County Knglnoor C. S. McCulloch. FRANIC 11. WA1TI3 cuino bank last night from Sutborllu to consult with tho county court regarding tho Major klnnoy estate tax mat ters. SPI3I3D AVOODS, who recontly gavo up his position with Porry & Nicholson, expects to leave soon for California, whero ho may locate. Ill GILL has resigned his position with tho Coos Hay Produce com pany and will leavo shortly for California nnd from thoro will go to his old homo nt Hood River, ALLAN TODD wont Into tho Vnlloy on tho morning train on a business visit. Ho hopes to do hotter this trip nnd keep out of tho wntor. Last weok ho took a sudden duck ing while making a lauding from a boat. MISS MARY CLARKI3 will leavo tomorrow via Florenco for Port land, whoro sho will spend a coupes of weeks buying spring millinery and getting In touch with tho now styles. Miss John sou will bo in chargo of tho LADIES' WAISTS the latest out, in Nets, Silk and Lawns Lawn Waists with two-ln-onc collar, These qo are nicely trimmed 70C Organdy embroidered, panel and lace insertion qo. down front and back, a dandy zrvk, Seco Silk Striped, two-in-one d?i OC collar , pi.J A dandy line of Silk Waists in various pat- d?o Od terns,, worth one-third moro .- ca.uo Men's Silk Sox, 50c valuo, our price 35c Men's Starched Shirts, worth half the price moro 98c Men's fine Cashmere Sox, 35c value, a pair 25c Men's work Sox, seamless, worth 1-3 more, pr...5c we Lena r ruu o UUIUIO Follow Y-IO.-J -f "" " A I r ? v uncjmators Low Prices ra.ii.VKVM.-ttinnf.-i Clarice inllllnory during her nb seico. . V. A. 'riOLt)l3N, who returned from a trip to Catching' lnlot yester Vlay, said that tho sentlmont wan Btroiig there for a consolidation of tho schools with tho Sumnur school. In caso of tho couboII dalloii, tho Coos City district In to bo dlvldod botweon FlnKStatf and Sumner districts. JOHN ROSS, president of tho Scnn-dlnavlaii-Amorlcnn bank, returned Inst evening from a business trip to Portland and 13ugeno. On tho way out ho was delayed, together with Ray Goodrich, of tho First National bank of Kugouo who had been on a visit hero, bocauso of tho slides on the railroad. Four dnys they stayed there, unablo to go ahead or como back. llrlngs Alfalfa. Tho Nairn Smith brought a largo shipment of Alfalfa to A. T. Halnos and tho Haines ware house nt Central uvcuiio has now a houso full of hay. Tho prlco of Al falfa wont down recently and Mr. HalncH itook prompt advantngo of tho lowor prices by placing n largo order. Ranchers nro Invited to call nnd see. INT SECOND D t LOST AND FOUNfl t KOt'ND Derby Stetson lint, marked J. S. H. Ownor may got at TImcn office by pnylng for this notice. t WANTED I $$ WANTI3D FORD TOURING CAR I'roforably 1015 Modol. Stato mll ngo run, cqulpinont, nnd prlco wanted. Address Rox .13, Coqullle, Oregon. X FOR RENT t l-Olt HUNT Dairy riuin, 1)11 acres, 2 miles from Myrtlo Point. Apply Wm. James, North Heud. FOR RKXT ComfoHalilo iiMirt niopts for ront. f urnlshod, fin. 00, FORD AUTDS HI fluo location. Co. I. 8. Kaufman & I'IMlKNT DKMAND FOR I'SKI) I'ORIIS CANNOT III: KIM'PLIKI) ..SAA It. TOWKR WANTS ALL FORD OWNKItS WHO DICSIItUTO DIKPOSi: OF CARS TO NOTIFY HIM AT ONCK Isaac R. Tower, Southwestern Oro gon representative of tho Ford Motor Company, reports Hint thoru Is n vory urgent demand far second hand Ford cars this spring and that he Is uiirblo to uiiywhcre near moot the de mand. Mr. Tower Bays that ho receives In quiries every tiny for used Fonts and it is practically Impossible to find any In tho market. Air. Tower earnestly rcquosts any Ford ownor who wIsIiob to soil or trade his car to commuulrnto with him at ouco nt the Gunnery. X WATERFRONT NEWS X At nine o'clock this morning the stenmshlp Adeline left for Oakland. Sho camo In yestorday afternoon and londcd ovor night. The Nairn Smith finished discharg ing hor cargo this morning at tho Smith douk nnd wont ovor to load again for Sun Francisco, Sho sans south iit 10 a, in., Saturday. The arrivals on the Nairn Smith woro. If, 13. Snow, Yale Gleason, Mrs. Grace Swoot, Georgo Adair and John Savon!. I I IMOTH fit fc W -MM 1 1 I Ranchers I International Stock and Poultry Food aro used by the most Micccssful poul try and liveMock growers in the country, Hotter profit by their cv perieuce mid get somo m once. THE BUSY CORNER Phone 208 Wo Deliver Promptly CULL IKKLAND ROOSTS FOR TURKISH UATIIS Coll Ireland, a woll known Maraliflold man, who Is Just recover ing from la grippe, got off a good ijoko ns woll as a good boost for tho Marahfleld Turkish Hnths. Last night ho remarked that "it took St. Patrick to drlvo tlio snakes out of Ireland centuries ago, but It takosi 'itodlo's Turkish baths to -drlvo tho! grippe out of Ireland." Seo Rodlo iat the Turkish Uadis. ' 1 i Delightful musical )'ngrum at 1 promenade concert ut Kaglcs' Hall Friday evening. FOR RI3NT Vurnlshed two room npt. Heated. fin. 00. Inquire Mntnou'n Store. FOR RI3NT (I Room liouso In South Mnrshflold. Phono 1-17-t North lloiid. FOR HUNT Furnished flat, hot and cold wntor, bath. . 8&3 Third at. FOIt RKNT Rooming liouso over Kkhlnd'H Ilnrdwaro Store. Apply at Kkblud & Son, or call 3C0. t FOR SALE t t FOR SALIv Good piano, .$lt:r,.00. Apply UlilO Anderson avo., west. I'OU SAI.i; lit ncrcN, it miles fnmi Marsliflcld; house, barn, chicken house, orchard; $2000, ft 200 down, No commission. Owners Address P. O. box !!, North Rend. FOR HALF Promo Cnim-rn, fi7, comploto. Lonther ease nnd flvo holders. Flue lens nnd shutter. Price $20. II. It. Ililnkloy, Hay City. Phono 2001. FOR TRADI3 Complete, Well cqitlp pod ohlckon rnnoli, will trade for Marsliflcld lots, 1, S. Kaufman & Co. . FOR TRANSFUR AND STOR AGE OF HOUSKHOLT) GOODS FRKIGHT AND 11AGGAGI3 Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone Itta Resldenco Phono lil-J Market Ave, and Waterfront ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL E. W. SULLIVAN Corner Matket and Ttroadway Wo solicit all our old patrons ot the Lloyd and assure thorn the samo reasonable rates, You w'll bo welcome at Hurler's new homo next Saturday afternoon, Dr. Leslie, Osteonath, Marshfleld THI3 WIHTI3 IS KING Of all Sewing Machines Now located at 2f0 Market nvo: West. Phono 1D2-J. Wa havo also got big bargains In all kinds of iiBcd machines. All machines sold on easy payments. i '