ws '.iiuii iipipjJJJJppSB qC. 'wnprV r I I I'll "'U HlimxipiMjflim'J' ' ' ' W'WSIWM'1 r"ifvi- T-'Tfr" I " '""'"t ' ' ""---.-. ,nff'fW y" " " tf" " r 1 ,wi,,k ' KB'fj'"ipi "'T?Tip jniipfw'11'?;!''? THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1916-EVENING EDITION TWO W 1 I b : ' I k & COOS BAY TIMES M. C. AlALONEY, Killtor and Tub. DAN E. SIALONKV, News Editor $ J EUROPEAN WAR ONE : YEAR AGO TODAY $ Feb. 17, t'J5 Garmany makes reply to tlio warn lug ot the United Stnt03 regarding Auicrlcuii ships. Germans torpedo nnd Blnk tlie UrltlHh Hteatnor Ouhvlch anil tlio l'rouclt Bteamer Vlllo do Mllo. Berlin reports tliut 50,000 Hub 'ulans woro tukon prlHonorB In tho liino day Imttlo In KuBt 1'ruula. News of Nearby Towns COOS COl'XTV I' NOW IX KOIM,K I'OllTliAXD N it. (Spcclul to Tho TIiiicb) PORTLAND, Oro., Feb. I 7.-1). SI. Averlll lornierly In tho dry goods business ut Handon litis a proposi tion on hand whereby ho probably will go to China soma time during the coming year representing n line of American goods. K. a. Tnttlo, of HasnuiBson Ilros. & Tnttlo of llandon, mine to Port land on January 25 nnd Bpent two duys with J. 1). MIIIh i:1 the Hotel St. Paul then left Tor Walla Walla, Wash., to visit his pnrentH, returning to Porllnnd February 111 and Is vis iting IiIb brother huru. KVKR Bhould tlio people of Coo Karl K. Averlll formerly of Hiindoii Hay forget that thlfl community t In city biiIosihuii for the Illcks-Chnt-Ih lamely what tho people make I tern Imgravlng Co., Portland, Oro. Town bulldlmr is governed not i Sol Israel the hat man, Is spend- KIWI A (JOI.V only by natural rnndlllonn but as well by the oimrgy and Biilrlt shown by thoso who hold the rouiinunlty lendershlp. This ban been abundantly proved in liundrodR of American cities. There ore many towmi In Oregon and some If them iiflvnnUi Roomily altuatoil. Within the next deendo Bovcrnl of theHO towns are going to grow. Geography alone will pot do It. Tlio peoplo In those cities are the determining factors. Coob Hay energy and Coos Hay wlde-awako-nesn have dono much for the community In tlio past. They will count for much In the future. Don't lot that spirit go to uleop or got coated too thick with the bark of conservatism. Coos Day Is such a good commun ity that we should miiko It bigger and better. lug a few days. In Portland and Is al tho Imperial hotel. Sol lost his homo when tho .Hotel .Multuonmh closed Its doors. W. (!. Laird nnd William Slump after delivering the Tour man at. Hn lem were storm bound at Portland two days tho latter part of jnnu ary. They wero guoHts at the St. Paul Hotel. A SURE SIGN fKNOW'TED SPOONEfc IS IN lOVEr REGULAfcLY',EVFRY DAY HE GETS A LETTER AND WHEN HE 'READS. IT HE GETS SO INTEREST ED 'THAT VHEt FORGETS TO LIGHT UP HIS PIEDMONT.' YOU KNOW, THAT&NQT A BUSINESS LETTER. I Oldest Haiti; In Coon County Tmrnwn 1 iil t WITH THE TEA t X AND THE TOAST X $$ (if)OI) KVKXIXO 4 Kvory war Involves n groat- or or less relnpso Into bar- barlsm. Wnr, Indeed, In Its details Is the essence of In- humanity. It doliarmoulzes It may nave tho state, hut It destroyn the citizen. Ilovee. kickinu "A chronic klckor," sold friend Hon "Wns grouchy Amos Hucket; Ho kicked his way through life And then ho kicked the bucket." KTOClfl.OSSKS UIO Jinny Cattle and Sheep Die In Curry County -HepnrtB reach us nlmost dnlly of the hnrdshlpH Buffered by tho atone In Curry county during tho severo weather, BayH tho Coo,ulllo llernln. It Is said that two-tlilrdii of nil tho cattle and sheep In that county am dend ns 11 result or tho freezing weather. Olio man from Hint coun ty says that Is was almost Impon ulblo to travol boiiio or the roadB with n team on itreoiint of tho dead sheep lying In tho road. One ranch lost fourteen hundred Bhoep and the ownor Is selling the remaining one ho owns ror $1 a head. From all tho roportH received from tho nur- froiiudlng country wo have got off lucky hero In Coos. COUPON IN M fiLs&y' .xWX$00 each package AW mlWZ ' ffiW THE CIGARETTE Sx X m . m' . sMaaH 1 m i v a v r m m o' m Si SJESK' AI50 Packed 20orJ0c. IKC KMnWlslicd 1... I fianagon m fiennett Bank .Aliif.vlifield. Coos County, Oregon. .Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120 nnn IXTKHKST PAID OX TIMH AXI) SAVIXCS HHPomJ OfflccrsJ. W. HBNNKTT, President; .IAS. H KLWaoav , President; It. I WIMJASIS, Cnslikr; G. F. U ivnt't' J!16, Assistant Cashier. - ' wlli!lTER, Flanagasii s Bennett Bank OF SlVKTIii: POINT CaPital $2Vo0 Officers J. W. IIBNNISTT, President! JAS. II. FMNAOAV vi President; L. M. SUPLMIS, Cashier; L. T. DKMKNT, AsilS Cashier. BenneLt Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125 000 Orriners J, W. HKNNKTT, President; TOM T. 11KNNKTT 'vi ITesldent; AUT1IFU M'KKOWN, Secretary; UKNNKTT'mviv TON, Treasurer. WAV Tlio Only Trust Compnny In tho Htnto, Oulsldo of Poitlaml, Wlit Oi'Kanled Cn(Iei tlio Xetv Iiiw. ' ' FI.OOI) AIDS TXHifJIXU. Tin: wixti:u dav I llluo Bky to hrliu tho winter day, And what euro wo for stain or Hcnr! TJ10 Lord" gives back tlio dreanii or May, Tho night brlngn back tlio golden star. Tho tingling blood Ib aweot with hoiik. Tho muscelB Unit, the sinews, iitrong. There Is no lnmu, there Is no gray llluo sky to hrliu.tho winter day. New Htrenglh to meet tho charging flood, New grace to lift the gleaming blade! Thrro Is music In tho blood, The soul or youth Is not iifrnlil. And all Is youth, mid all Is Kweot, And time Is made ror May. Ah down they go on dauelug feet Hlue aky and winter day! -Holeitteu. Operations Now at at tlio ShiHlmv Their Height. Itivri FI.OItHNCH, Oro., Feb. 115. Logging operations on SuIbIiiw river nro at their height. Tho river can bo used ror running logs only during high water and during the recent flood thousands or th logs have been flouted to tho iiiIIIh be low, where thoy nro being hold ror operations In the nprlng. Tho lum bermen report that few logs liuvo been Inst by being carried out to HOB. .MAV UH'ATK IX COOH (JHAVK r To bin vocation Iio'h n slave; W! H always knows IiIh place 5p Will Diinpnn always woar a bihvo r Kxpreiwlon on his fiieo. Wo U lovo the Moi)d IIhUiioi-. It doosn't imy to own thiugH yo.i owo for. if R'" Tim wnra u umutntlou the harder It Ib to lose. . 4 I gi'KSTIO.V IOIITIIK AV ' Why dooH the self made man nevor Y. Murfor rroni inmorse? . H. .1. Mater nnd W. II. .Muter ot Wtspar, Wyoming, avrlved i this place. They aro looking ror u Hiilt ublo ruiieh to purchase with the ob ject or making their home here In the rutiiro.-- Coiiulllo Herald, XOTH'K OF KAIiH OF I.MI'ltOVK MICXT HON OS. nniK'os or tho Hold, Oregon. AsROBsed valuation of Bald City of Marshrield Is $11.020, t:i'.).00. llonded Indebleilnonti Is $'1 1,0(10. PoulaClon estimated at iiitOO. A certified cheek of r per cent or nmoiint or hid, or proposal must accompany each bid, to bo forfeited to said City or Marshriold In iiho bid Is accepted nnd bidder foils to accept and make payment for wild bond or bonds, covered Ithofeby, within ton days from ho date of nccuptanoo of wild bid or bids. Knch bid or propomil submlltod to designate tho denomination if said bond or bonds desired. Hlds or proposals received for any amount of said bonds; small bidders being given the prororonco or ptiro.haBO. Proposals or bids, with cortiriod cheeks, to bo enolosod In sealed plain envelopes without dlstlUKUlHli- lug iiuirkB or writing thereon ox- eept tho words, "Hid for Improve ment Heads of tho City or MiiimIi rield, OroKon," Dated litis 11th day or Febru ary, I It 1(1. II. .1. KIMIIAIJi. Jr., Chairman or Finance Committee. iMT-iii-ut-yi;. Besides First Class Meats We carry a nice line of . . . Pickled Lamb Tonguo Plekled Pig Foot Pickled Pis Kara Pickled Pig Suoutn Plekled Trlpo Norwny llorrlng CodriBh, Flniiau Ilnddlo and various kinds of canned fish. Strictly Fresh Eggs, 35c dozen Palace Meat Market X. I). OSWALD. 1 WHAT if you woro not "borii wilh a silver spoon in your; nioulh?" Many a limn has built up a bnlnncQ in - this bank thai would buy him more silver spoons "thaiv ho could uso'ovon if ho livod to bo as old as Mothusolah, 4 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on Timo Certificates, JL First National Bank The Bank of Personal Service Marshficld, Oregon of Coos Bay Phono -KKI-.T. Central Ave. Listen- Some Coos lluy people who nro wedded on u marrU llcoium lend h don's lire nrierwurd. It's n poop rule that don't work both ways, but It's n rotten rule that doesn't work our way. There nro snmo Coos Hny urouchon who think he lauf.hs btwt who laiiiilm least An oxcollont way to flatter 11 ooob Ilay woman Is to keep still and listen. Too many Coos Hay peoplo got Into un iirmiimmt who liavo nothing to say. Tho most unpopular woman In n neighborhood is tho olio who novor does nnythliiK that the otlmr nolglf bors can gossip about. Uvery tlmo a Coos Ilay woman seea a mirror alio thinks It time for reflectiou. Notice Is hereby ulven that sealed pinpoHitlH will be lecolved by the Finance cninmltteo or tho Common Council or the City or Maixlif Ihi, Cook county, Oiokoii, at the officii of Hut City Recorder of wild City or MurHhriold, In the City Hall of wild elty, iiulll half T o'clock p. 111. on Monday, the iiSth day or February. 101 is. tor the piuchaHO or mreet Improvement bonds or the City or Mundiltclil, Coos county, Oieumi, to tho amount or $"!).7fi. All ,-f said Improvement hou-l to bo iu denominations llot 0Xree.l liin $500.00 niid bearlnn Interest at the ralo of six per cent per mi uiiiii from date thoreoi, tmvable muul-iinnually; wild bonds to be dated the day or Issuance and to mature In ten your tbereafte.'. with prepayineiit oitlon thoreon ut ftice value and accrued Intercut to date of any hoiiiI-iiuuuii! coupon period at, or nHer, one year rrom the date or wild bnud upon kIvIuk iiotlco by publication Iu a news paper or general circulation printed and published In Coos county, Ore H011, such notice to be publUlied not low than twlco durlnu the month precodhiK such semi-annual purloil at whlcli such prepayment theroor will bo made. Tli 1 lulu i extuoBsly reservtxl to reject any and all bids and upon all or any such bids, or proposals IioIiik re Jotted, ir thoro should remain any bonds unsold, tho wild bonds mn.i bo thoroaltor sold at prlvnto w by said t'omnion Council or k.iI'i City or Mtu-nltflold. Orexou, but li no event to bo sold at leg!) than par uud accrued Intorest. oald bonds are autlioilzt'il l th lavs of tho State or Oregon, and ordl- Wo want II-Hiik of Timber hold liiy,H, City pioperly, lliislue.s oppoi tuiillles, platllnK piiiieily. n"il acre- e. I High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Groccrs 797 South Broadway. Dealers in Good Groceries Phones 348-J and 326 INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. 3. Nann Smith Passenger and Freight Sails for Coos Bay MONDAY, l-'KH. II, AT 1. .M. FROM SAN FRANCISCO 3. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent ItivaiiM' wo liuvo Hie CHNKItAli AHKXCV or the "Wnstei'ii Union lilfi of Spoliime," we can scrwt jou better than anyone else. We liure cheap money to loan. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phono 180-J. North Front Street Coos Bay Development Co. 314 Coke Bldij. Marshriold, Oregon. Itiamli Olflce. Spol.nne, Wioli. Abstract Kor roliablo Abstracts or Title and iuroiiimlioii aboui COOS IIAV Hl),l, i:si'TI, see Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marahrield nnd Coqiilllo City, OroKon. (leneral AkciiIs h'astsldo nnd SeuKstacken's Addition. Kpcelal alteutloii paid to assessments nnd payment of taxes. IIKXUV SMXOSTACKHN, MiiuaKer. XOTH'K TO CHIOIMTOHS Xotlie Ih hereby jslven that Corn! K, Holt, baa been duly appointed an ' administratrix or the entuto or Mary ! K. romeioy, deceaHod. Now therefore!, all persona havIiiK claluiH iiKaiiiMt said entato are here by uotiriud to pitweut tho mime 10 the uudortilKucd at the ofl'li'o or John P. Hall, with jiroper voucher duly vorllled as by law required, within sl- montliH rrom tho lste heieof. Dated nt MnraliHold, oreuon, HiU aotli day or January. JUlii. COUA K. HOI.T Administratrix or the extato or .Mary K. ronieroy, deceiiied. (First publication Thursday. Jan. 20. l .i 10; last puhllmtlon Thursday, Kebruar 17. 1010.) 0GEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst Al KIok. I.ew Marslifleld nt 7 . in., anil returning leaving from Kmplro ut 8 a. in. Leave MaiNbrield nt It a.m. and returning leave South Slough at I p. in. l.envo .Mur.shrield tt r, p. m. nnd returulng leavo fioutli Sloiigli at l p. in. 'GRAVEL1 V aro now prepared to furnish (JltAVEIj la ny tuantltlei from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcoar From pllo on ground, $2.?5 per yard. Oanoad lot. taken from car, J2.00 per yard. ltctall DeiiHrtineoit. C. A. Smith Lumber Si Mfg. Co. Opposite I' Phome 100. WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 .HT; T-J ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680,X;t-ne Y-i- A Jc r r t, 12th Courth, So. Phono 220-Ri l mS Want AdS bring KeSUlts Here's a Good Salesman People passing cannot help but see your show win dowsmake them so attractive that they will stop. No clerk, however efficient, can work as does a well-ilium,; . inatcd window. It s:cs everybody on the streets it makes sales at a lower cost and never tires of working. Electric Light will help you display your goods so as to do this. The latest Mazda C type of lamp is even more efficient than anything heretofore offered. It will allow you to illum inate your windows brighter than ever before at no greater cost. We will be very glad to advise you regard ing any kind of illumination. This service is offered without obligation. Oregon Power Co. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES I P