I VjRYCENT A MANGEjgJE HAS TWO CfNTS' WORTH Of DESIRE FOR MORE States lPAPERTHAL..,TU!:ncCT A CLEAN WHOLESOME 'newspaper FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES AND ALWAYS BOOSTS r MEMRER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ih xxxix. Established JH7H Ah TIio Count Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1916 EVENING EDITION USE P 1 TRIAL .. c Conntrir MllSt Eer Charge of Looting His BanK in whuoUu. Ill FI1S NO NEW PROJECTS NO PROVISION MARE FOR COOS HAV JETTY IMPROVEMENT U Started as Newsboy y worked upwn"- nent rUDlic ruaiiiuii. S BORN IN ENGLAND .,....!......, Willi l,,j Itiinkinc iiu-iii'-- "' n II. Jliimlny, wm v" " Stat- of mhm u'aH '"" fold on the Smno (lunges trtimUlrt (fMloCoo.mrTlmM.1 lllCAGO, Feb. 17. Tho trial of UnLorlmor on charges grow- Mt of the failure of the u Sa,l itt Trust and SavlnRS Hank be- todir before tlio crlnilnnl court. U'm Prominent Man tlit Indictment of William I-orl- ud thirteen of Ills buslines Itlilei for conspiracy In ronuec- i tlih the falluro In Chicago In t, IIM, 01 mo la OilllU DUl'U il iad Savings liank, and tho sequent doling of nine other Xs and trust companies con led by the Lorlnier-.Mumlny co- , ended ixuinicrs inoiooric itr ii a financier anil one of iibliin dlitators of IIIIiuIIb. irlu D. Munday, said to liavo I directing Influence In tho Lor- r-MuDlay itrlng of banks, wus Ind (ullty of conspiracy Novom- H, 1MB, after n trial at Mor- illL, the rate having been trans- pd from Cook county on u late of cnue on petition of Indijr. Wnan.VcHsboy IVllllim Lorlmer8 rapid rise fa i Chicago newsboy to a ucut ike United States icuato and his ten his seat was declared lt on the grounr that his olec- d teen procured hy fraud Mbery, form an Interestlm: Wr In the political hlslnrv .if Mt- Nearly a year after Lorl- '.election to tho senate. Onirics 'one, a tnembor of th0 ipgi.v "" ho had voted fnr r.mim.. written confession under ' t ne had received Rivers mill Harbors Hill Ciurlcs $70,000 for Dredge Work anil $.'1,000 Mt- Coos Rlvur (Special to Tho TlmoB) WASHINGTON, I). C. Fob. '17 Tho river nnd harbor bill roportod yostorday carries seventy thousand ilollnrH for Cooh Day iitiil three thou mind for Cooh river which In ll that Ih recommended by tho engineers. Two surveys wero forniorly provldud for. Tho projects for Jetty Improve ment nun deepening mo uiuor nnr lior nro hIIII ponding with tho uti- glllCOBB. Tho woBlorn appropriations: lu udditlon to Coos liny wore uh fol lows: 1 California Oakland harbor $100,500; San Pablo bay. $ 1 05,- ri(M); Humboldt harbor anil bay, $150,000; Los AiikoIos and San Francisco .liarbors, ,$75,000 and $ in, 000 respectively; Sacramento and Feather rivers 1110,000. Oregon Willamette rrVor above Portland nnd Yamhill river. $17,000; Columbia 1111(1 lower Wil lamette livers bolow Portland, $.1fl0,000 f " Oregon and Wilmington Coluiu- Ibla river, $1,200,000. 'Washington Waterway connoc noctlug Ptignt Sound with Lakes Union and Washington $.'M 8,000. Hawaii Honolulu, $ 1 0C.800. SAYS BRANDEIS WRECKED ROAD Charges Made Against Man Named By President for Supreme Court. HIS IDEApAISEU Boston Lawyer Says His De votion to Uplift Work of Lowly Is Unselfish. WOULD BeP"NFLUENCE Tho $70,000 is for tho mnlnteunuco of the government dredge Mlehlo which it was specified should ho tuud-i each year when tho original appro priation for the dredgo was made. BUYS LOG SUPPLY SMITH COMPANY MAKES DEAL FOR A MILLION FEET PiucliiiMj From .lolui Anscii Ih IU-Imk AmuiKvd Today Will HoIi .Mill 'Operation John AuHon oflCoqulllo was in tho city today to close a deal for tho salo of 1,000,000 feet of logs to tho C. A. Smith company. Tho logs wore re cently brought down tho Coqulllo riv er in tho high wator and can bo de livered at once. It Is understood that tho dim! for tho purchase of tho logB Is practically closed. TIiIh will glvo the Smith com pany, which hna boon short on logs on account of tho stormy weathor, hiiB been devoted. 1 n lirlluk lb role ami n.oi m.... .mi- . . . su iulK I'01 i ail addltlnnnl niinnlv wllli u-lilnh in r:r,r ': operate. - iiuuenro legislation; Horn In ftivi.m.i rln'r was bornln f'..i ,J. h 181. the son of ..! " mwer, who omlcrnto.1 Mled n nhiM ........ fr 9 years ohl u .. fcon the streets of ai,: uunary wagon nnd be J' Mreet car .m.. ..., . MNItlca. .,;' ' ",.ro " In In v """,:,J iwoivo Itellef IXpiesxeil That Ills Pilncl- plcs Would lie Felt If He Was on the II' nrli Semite- Sub- ComiiilNcc Hears Testimony. (Hr AMnrlalnl I'rM to cwt nr TIhim. WASHINGTON, I). C Fob. 17. Moorefleld Storey of lloston, on at torney, chnrged before tho Judlclnry siibcoinmltteo of tho sunato today that Louttf I). Ilrnudels belpod to wreck tho New York & Now Hng laud railroad In ISDIMKt with tho result thai It was absorbed by the Now Haven road. About Warren Casv. Itegardlng tho Warren cnuo In which It was rfmrged Ilraudeis wus guilty of unprofessional conduct, Storey defended Ilraudeis. He wild It Is common practice for lawyers In such cases to represent all tho mem mors of a family oven If uomo of their Interests did clash. Ilieiicli of Trust. Sherman L. Whipple, another Una ton attorney concerned In tho War ren ense, said lie was convinced the original trausuctou Involved a breach of trust lu that It gave Samuel War ren, and perhaps another of tho trus tees, more than would have been al lowed its trustee fees. 110 believed, however, that Uran dols did not Intentionally mako ar rangements to glvo Wnrron n privute profit. Praises If is Ideals. 111 reply to cross questioning, Whipple said: "Tho foaturo of his caroer which is most striking Is his unselfish and unswerving devotion to tho social, moral and industrial uplift of the lowly and less fortunate of our peo ple. I belevo on the supremo bench ho will exert a strong Influence In establishing tho Ideals to which he I0T IT SETTLED OKHMANV NOT WILLINO TO AOHKi: TO DKMANDS MADH Consolidation of Times, Const Mail mill Coos Hay Advertiser. NO. 16 CLOTHES ON FIRE PL'T XRA It HOT K ITCH MN STOV1J IN Kl) NOONAN'H JIOMK. JU. State senator, !r a . ecaWV "0y vhiUin opo- Haiiiago Im TilflliiK mill IUao Swui Out Flint Call ut l-'lro Depiut- meiit In Throw .Months. Clothea bringing by a liotstovo lit tho kltclum of tho Ed Noonan rosldonco in Ferndalo tills noon culled out tho flro department, tho first alarm in oxactly tli'reo months. The bjnzo was quickly extinguished and tho dninago was trifling. lUt, " k11 Hid ,". l0W of Lltch "llnih. uecamo Inter-! w,1,li getting dlnnor, .Mrs. Noor ,. ,a9 Brain linnl..nnn ... . nun tl, .!.. . .... ., ....!. " tame In Pli ,"""" ami m1""" ""hni. iu my Buiiio uiumua. ftaer i I. ag0 a'l Induced T1,0' pa"8lit Hro from tho stove mm mo wan paper was soon blaz ing. Tho Inst alarm of tho flro dopart- mout was on Decombor 17, whon tho firemen aiiswored a call to tho Oceuu dock. At that tlmo a gaso- lino bont wua on flro, but was speedily oxtlnguishod. enlsr . . . '" 1910 , "K Wlt" lm. banl 'a Sall Street ik ....... " opened Ita Ar. i Sr ,,ros,i,et' 4t- Tk, , '., Unda'' vice presl- 11 ... . ""UlUIInn ... . . K.V?JheChl"KO clear- s mrough annn,n ....... "r inTriu n. ' "a"K ,, , ""t'aay. "Ug,,, """ was convorto.1 'W ..'rei'1 Ti8t and a. v. Tie .,,,: r a,e 'MHtiitlon. 'fPlnr .l. SStls Of thfi V... ,.. and ,hme Ca of n--.eon 4 lhe same ,.... - -"M'lua or ll4 ... mal,er neli!i.imi.., . . . 0 ream... . uoii nraa. " "' In CMc Kk. " uiin ir. . --- An udvnnco of ten conts nor bun- fdred on tho wholesalo price of sugar 'locamo otfectiyo hero yestrday. and t..... s.d,a r ireet ul ii. ' mbsMu... ' Streei ar,es of UlQ ATM at . MdliiB ana SavhigB ago and be- La KlatZ.'o these, Mu la.u " Ml sni'o-. .. n r 'eh :;-'??- frii, "1 tlm t ""muses " m "wfiL l ?a,, Street ltL Sa.:...!,..! """' a"e,U90n; """ SUOAIt HKiHKIt HUILDS I-'ACTOllV It. M, Sartor Is erecting nn ieo cream and confectionery factory on Central avenuo.ucross from tho Cen tral Arms. SMOTHERED IN RVC.M Ahtoj'Ju Child Meets Death lu Peculiar Maimor ASTORIA, Ore., Feb. 17. Henry M. Ilauke, tho 14-months-old-son of Mrs. Erlck Hauko, mot with a fatal acqident In a most peculiar monitor. Tho. child fell head first Into u can or sugar In tho family pantry and was smothered. NINE PERSONS DIE DEATHS RESl'LT IN FIDE DAV AT MEXIA, TEXAS TO- Still tmpoituut Point to He Deter mined ItcgiiHllug (lio-Kiiliinaileii Wnifaro tnjr AnocUltil 1'itm to Com liar Tlmra. WASIIINOTON. 1). C, Feb. 17 Secretary Lansing today accepted tho Lusltanla agreement as ncceptnblo to tho United States lu so far as It re lates to that case, lint untied Am bnssador von Uornstorff for assur ances that (leriiinny will not carry out Its policy or Blnklug merchant ships without warning to tho liners oven If they carry a defensive arma ment. Will Not Accept It was stated authoritatively Hint Germany, because or Its unusual po sition, cannot and will not accept the suggestion or tho United States ai It now stands, that Hner carrying nuns sljall bo Immutio from attacks under provlous assurances. Assurance- Wanting Secretary Lansing Biiid Into today that tho United StutCB would acce,i. nothing short or a full and complete agreement In tho siibmarlen contro versy covering tho points for which It has contended as to tho past, nnd ausurnnco Tor tho future. Tho assur ances wero wanted, ho buIiI, to extend tho Immunity from liners to all mer chant ships. Must Observe Ijiw Secretary Lnuslug Is understood to liavo told the ambassador that while Germany's position was well .found ed, tho United States mtmt Insist that Germany conform iu all her prac tices to tho International l.iw Inas much us tho entente allies huvo de clined to make any changes. Matter Ih Pending Tho Lusltanla agreement will bo kept by Lansing and later will be published with tho assurances which tho United States hopes to receive from Germany covering tho principles brought out by tho now submarine campaign, Meuuwhilo, it was said, tho United States would make efforts to have tho entente allies agree not to put guns of any kind on passonger-car-rylng liners. m WARSHIP ON TRIAL TRIP The Pennsylvania, Largest of U. S. Fighting Vessls, Has Started Out. TO TRllT SPEED Also Make Endurance Tests for the Benefit of Government Officials. HAS HEAVY BATTERY BRINGS HIGH PRICE NAVAL COLLIER JUSTIN NELLS FOR )j;:i(H,i(7 Opera lloiiso Collapses mill Accident Ih Followed lly lllao Wlilcli Quickly Spreads. t III, Astoria!! ITni o Coat ly Timet.) MEXIA, Tox., Fob. 17. Tho num her of persons killed as a result or tho collapso or tho opera house hero last night nnd resulting lu a flro Is estimated nt ulno, today. It Is said that A. N. WIsnor, su perintendent of tho city schols, Mrs WIsnor, and Prof. A. C. Durton woro klllod whon tho building collupsed. An explosion followed by flro oc curred In tho building which wus destroyed. Tho loss is estimated at 175,000. E THREATENS M. A. Husey, Jr., of Now York Is tho Purchaser Appraised at only ' 75,000 1)7 AmocltleiJ rrraa I Coo tlaj Tlmn ) SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. J 7. Tho -United Stutcs naval collier Justin it Is roportcd today In. nil vices from Washington, bus boon sold to N. A. Ilusoy, Jr of Now York for JB07. 107. Tho navy appraisers fixed the Yuluo or the vessel ut $75,000. llrouds'liltt Shell Flro From Her Dig Guns Would Weigh 18,000 Pounds ami Is (healer than tho Hrltlsli (jucifii Elizabeth lltr AMOtlttrd Prrnn to Coot Dr Tlmrn. NEWPORT NEWS Fob. 17. Tho supcrdrendnaught Ponnsylvnnln, the largest battleship yet built for tho United States navy, left tho plant of tho Newport News shipbuilding nnd drydock company this morning for Rockland, Mo., to run official govern ment speed and ondurnnco trials. Cnirrlos Dig Onus Tho Ponnsylvnnln, fVlth a main battery of twelve 1 4-ltich rifles mounted iu four turrets on tho cen ter line, is dcclarod tho most power ful sea fighter nfloat. Droadsldo shell fire from her big guns would weigh 18,000 pouuas, which is said to bo greater than tho broadside flro of tho Drltlsh Queen Elizabeth, which mounted eight 15 Inch rifles. K D E TO QUIT REPORTED TO HE DISSATISFIED WITH THE ItltlTISH. 1'u:Ptliiii Tlirouo Is Offered to l'rlnco Vusuf, Hut Ho De clines to Accept It. , in? AmofUtftl rrci to Cooa ltj Tlmci. HEItLIN, Feb. 17. (lly wireless 'to Snyvlllo) Advices from Cnlro statu that tho ICbodlvo of Egypt lias become discontented and that tho Hrlttsh have offered tho throne to Princo Yusuf, who declined. Tho lendor of Smussl Is said to hnvo Itiformed tho Hrltlsli that ho Is powerless to suppress tho rebels. LOSSES ARE GREAT ItltlTISH SUFFER IN RATTLE WITH THE TURKS. RUSSIANS TAKE Mill 1 Large Force Captured When Turkish Garrison at Erze- rum Falls to Enemy. ITO A 01 Military Experts Say It Gives Czar Armies the Key to Asia Minor. PARIS IS MUCH PLEASED Also Reported TJuit the Russians Hail r.000 Killed or Wounded On Cnucaslan Front. tnr Aaaorlal. Prraa to Cooa liar TlmM.J CONSTANTINOPLE, Fob. 17. Tho losses of ono of tho Urlthm oxpedltloua In Mesopotamia In a battlo with tho Turks near llatlhu, west of Korna, amounted to 2,000 officers nnd men, according to un official announcement of tho Turk ish war department. Tho state ment also ays tho RusstniiB lost 5000 killed lit a three-day battlo on tho Caucasian ft'out. ARRESTED LAUNDRYMAN rilAROED WITH DOOTLEOOINO THIS MORNING w E AT SEA 'I'll 13 MISSISSIPPI RIVER FLOOD JNO IN LOUISIANA Hundreds of Recruits Aro Rescu.'ns Pwsons Wlio Aio Miitooned iu (he District (ny AasoeUIa Treaa lo Cooa nT Tlmea NEW ORLEANS, La., Fob. 17. Flood waters from tho Mississippi river uftor filling Lake Drain several miles below Nowellton, approached tho town of St. Joseph. Hundreds of recrulta have Joined parties in res cuing marooned porsons. I. O. O. F. NOTICE. Members 'of Sunset lodge, No. 51, I. O. O. F aro requested to bo In uttondanco Friday ovening, Feb ruary 18. HtiBlness of inipormnce. By order oi, I. LANDO, Secy, For good service, heo Jay Dojlo. Calloring and Cleaning. IMiftno 230. MESSAGE COMES AROUT JAP STEAMER PANAMA MAHU. Sliortly Afterward Word Is Ho celvcsl That Vessel Hud Surely R.Tjiclied Port. (Br itaaocutoj fpu tr Cooa Mr Tim.! SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 17. News that tho steamer Panama Muru wus afiro at sea was rocolvod lioro today from Yokohama, only to bo followed a- few minutes later by a dispatch slating that tho vessel arrived ut Yokohama Fob, 15. Apparently tho message concerning tho flro was held up until tho vessel reached .port. FUNERAL OF MRS. WILCOX. Tho funeral of .Mrs. Asher Wil cox will bp hold tomorrow oftor uooii at 2 o'clock from tho Wilson undertaking parlors. Siuo Fmiilly Charles Ilickford, who came up from South Inlet yesterday, said that a fow duys ago ho was astounded when ho visited Homer Ring's place at 'Parlies! to find eight children assembled; at tho table. Later ho learned that Homer had temporarily alopted a whole family, tho Coffins, until tho county could give thorn relief, SA.H'iul menu at Sai tor's now place on Central avenuo Saturday afternoon. Llbby Coul, $5,00 ton. Phono 72. District Attorney and Officers Seiuch Honta Mquor Drought Into Court Pleads Not Guilty Officers mado a raid this morning of tho Josoph Haiiscr homo, G31 North First streot, discovered a good sized supply of liquor, and arrested tho ownor on tho charge of soiling Intoxicating liquor. District Attorney Llljeqvlst said tho arrest was mado only attor soveral weeks or close ob servation. Witnesses, whoso names aro withheld by the officers until to morrow, huvo signed affidavits lu criminating Hnusor. Ilauser was brought beforo Judgo Ponuock In tho Justlco court and plouded not guilty. Ho was rolensod to secure $500 bonds mid win ap pear for trial tomorrow morning ut 10 o'clock. Was Suspected For nt least two wooks or more Hausor, who Is Interested lu tho Fern dalo and Twin Cities laundries, lias been suspected, say tho officers. About 11 a, m. today District At torney Llljeqvlst, Chlof Carter and Coiistublo Cox wont to tho Ilauser homo. There lu a side room were round 12 bottlos or clarot wlno, sov en or port, nil empty Jug and beer bottles mid soveral glasses. Raid A"otlior Room III n room upstairs, routed by Chris Hardogurd, tho officers discovered 10 bottles of beer, ono bottle or Skip per whiskey and ono bottlo or cham pagne These woro taken to tho or flro of Judgo Peunock though no churgo was mado against Hardogurd. Tho qfflcorsstutcd it Is possible that ho is an innocent party. Friend Gavu It Mrs. Hausor said that a friend had given her husband the liquor, according to Coiistublo Cox, mid dur ing tho search Ilauser appeared ami said ho hud had some liquor for two or thrco years. About n year ago ho was tried lu tho polico court on a charge of sell ing liquor without u license, hut wns discharged. Tho officers said that tho names of tho four witnesses would not bo made public until after they had been sub poeaned. It was intimated that oth er urrests may follow. It is not known whether or not there is any connection between the churgo mado against E. Edsou yes terday, tho man who went to Port land on tho Kilburu, und the prcsont cuso, ut least if there Is any tho of ficers nro keeping tho matter quiet Tho names of two witnesses In tho case wore made public this afternoon. Tlioy are C, A. Noblo and Hud Emorv and have boon siihpocnued to appear tomorrow morning. ROOSEVELT HAS A FII'TII GRANDCHILD Or Aawlatt.1 Trrat u Mm 17 TlmM.J RICHMOND, Vii., Fob. 17. A cablegrnm'Tfom lluenos Ayres announces tho birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Kermlt Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt was rormorly Miss Hollo WIRard, daughter of tho American am bassador ut Mudrld. They have been In lluenos Ayres two mouths., This Is Colonel Roosevelt's fifth grand child. BRING MONEY HERE GREEK GOVERNMENT TRANS FERS MONEY TO U. S. HANKS ICMJjuu'e" Tluit. $7.V)0,000 Ih on Deposit In This Couutu-y A Precautionary Measure (!t Anorlitf.1 l'rM lo Coo Hay Tlnin.J NEW YORK, Fob. 17. The gov eminent of Greece has been trans ferring millions or dollars or Its funds from Loudon to Now York within a row months, according to New York bunkers who estimate that $75,000,000 or Grook hinds nro now on deposit In a largo number or banks hero. This action Is rpgarded as a precautionary measuro lu case or n break lu i editions or tho Greek gov ernment wllli the entente allies. Roller Expressed That News Is He.t for Allies In Many Mouths and That VleKtry Will Hnvo a Far Heiieliliii: Erfect ESTIMATE 100,000 .MEN CAPTURED tl AaaorlatM Prraa . i-f naj TIium. PETKOGKAD. Fob. 17. Officials estimate the Turkish garrison or Erzerum, tho enp turu of which wan announced yesterday, numbered 100,000 moii. It is also estimated that moro than 1000 guns woro captured. (nr Aodt.l t'r-3 lo Cooa Ha? Tlmat 1 PARIS, Feb. 17. Tho capture or Erzerum by tho Russians Is declared by French newspapers as tho best item or nows for the allies lu many months. Military oxports dwell upon tho Importance of tho capture, de claring that it gives the Russians tho key to Asia Minor, ami Is a vic tory which will Inevitably liavo 'far reaching consequences. ATTACK REPULSED ITALIANS DRIVEN HACK ON THE AUSTRIAN FRONT Many Demi Sudd (o Ho lxf( on tlio Field Uy T'io Defeated Forces t!r Aaww lalM PrT lo Cooa ltr TIitim.J VIENNA, Fob. 17. All Austrian official statement announces that tho eighth attack by tho Italian outposts on tlio Aiistro-Hiingary positions on Javorock was repulBed. Tlio ground 'lu front or tlio now Austrian posi tions lu Rombon district is covered with Italian doad. TO BE IDE PUBLIC FRENCH AND GREEKS TAKE POSITIONS (nr AMorlatM I'm. 10 cm Tltr Tlnitt PARIS, Fib. 17.- A Havas dispatch from Athens nays tho French have occupied all tho bridges over tho Vardur rlvor nud tho Greeks occuplod tho river from Tops In down to its mouth. Topsiu Is 15 mllos northwest of Sulonlkl. DATA ON .MEXICAN SITUATK HE PRINTED ,N"iM. Sena'o Asks for It to Frame a l)ocn incut lctter Shows Number Americans Killed 11 AaaorlalrJ Prraa lo Cooa liar TlniM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 17. 'All or the state department's data on tho Mexican situation asked for by Sonator Fnll was transmitted to tho senate today by President Wilson. Under a motion of Chalrmuii Stone of tho foreign rotations committee it wus ordered printed as a public docu ment. Iu u lottor from Secretary Lansing accompanying tlio report It was slut, od tliut 7C Amorlcun citizens woro killed In Mexico In 1013, 1011, 1015 as against 17 In tho throo years pre ceding that, and 2(i civilian Ameri cans and 10 soldiers wero killed on 'American soil lu tho sumo three years as tho result of tho Mexican trouble. DUYS AN AUTO Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Suitor hnvo purchased a Ford romlstor (rom Isaac R. Towor for use lu connection with their new "Dow Drop Inn" on Central uvoniio. Hear Andrew luuillcs In Scutch bongs ut the piomenado conceit. IVICKHAM llilfi T (STRUCK ON HEAD AT CEDAR POINT DOOM Ihirrltd to Hospital at Noith Read for Tieatmeiit injury Probably Not Serious Myron Wlckhnm, n rancher who lives near Coqulllo, wan Injured whllu working on tho Cedar Point boom toduy and wus brought over on tho (train ami taken to Mercy Hospital. Mr. Wlckhnm was on tho landing when It swung around and struct an old pile. Tho latter brolio oft 'und fell over tho Inudlng. Others who saw tlio possibility of an uccl dent called to Mr. Wlckliam but not in tlmo to savo him. Ho looked u.i Just In tlmo to bo struck ou tho head. It was stated at Mercy Hospital that bis shoulder was bruised and ho had u bad cut ou tlio head but tho skull was not .fractured. His wlfo accompanod him to North Rend. Tlio Injured niuu Is a sou of Mrs. Wlckliam who conducts the well known hoarding house at Coqulllo and la a brothor-ln-Iuw or Nols Os mussen and Ed Moollor. Proiiicaindo Concent Friday evening, Eagle IlaR