Tho F.A. KILBURN sails for SAW FRANCISCO Via Eureka February 19. . From HmHli Terminal loj For InforiiiHtloii cull UO I;. (!. CUSIIING, Agent. SOUTH COOS ItlVHK BOAT HKKVICH LAUNCH K.YPKKHS Imics Mnrshrleld every day g 8, in. Loaves head of river at ililri p. in. BTliAMHR KAINHOW Icatw head of river dully nt 7 a. m. Leaves Mnrshfleld nt 2 p. ni. For charter apply on Itonrd. KOOKHH & HMITII Proprietors 'Guaranteed Ranges , THE STERLING RANGE U Hllliiiut question tho highest (junlllr, the most hatlNfactory mill Ionp-.t.carliig raiigo Hindu today. It Ih roiixtrurlcd paillciilarly for Wcctcrn fuel, N rcliifnrced tlnoiiKli out, nslH'htos lined and rlghly fin Mini. It Hill give MitlNfactlon eicrj- day In (ho year; It, In IiimiiiimI for jcars npihiNt houiIiik parlH, anil llils Is a i(ilut joii cannot well over look in iimklng jour range M'Icctloii. Conic in and let us liow you Johnson Gulovsen Compa ny I'UItMHIIINaS .Maihliflelil North Front .Street WALL PAPER See VIERS About It. QUATERMAS STUDIO n QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 10CL. I MAllHIIPiKiiii, OltiCOON .. l ma I . j, Cvtl,',.. .il.l 1 I KHHfe 'MSKIaiiSaBMr ' ' BaJ -i sfvvL v oble Theate TONIGHT JltoS L LASKV nnd DAVID IIIOLASCO I'iommU Tho Siiimno Drnniatle Star, LAURA IIOPI3 CRKWS, PUtiirintloii of (ho Runmikniblo llolnsco lilt lu "I'lilJ FUJIITIXC.' A llf . . uania or n noblo wir0 v. ho M rives to prove tlio Inno n'Wl' r her unworthy convict husband. ' tiMMOl'.vr W.JATU1U5 THAT Sl WBKKLV-., MISS. .;:.. . . s,,,,"ft mtest. hkivtinu; ewiiu "K ?r H ,,re,u,l- wubiiiarlins mid Horcmi other Interest Iuk umvi '",'', ,vl"' n' ,m,,t',', TOMni.i, ()U",,"' ' "ALl'OXV JOe CIIIMHtKX. ro ,U"0V MOIIT "'I'lIM oiinv..ii!.ni, .. t 1... rur acts. .Thtu reelsj Koyhtono comedy. EXPERT WELDING of METALS steel, brass, cast, Iron and like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage J. Mnrth Frnnt Strnnt Phone 180. fggw BREVITIES WKATHKR FORKCAST tllj AwocUlct I'rcm to iMr, n7 Ttmcu.J OIllftlON- Kulr; vnrlulilo wBihIh, inpHlly southerly. LOCAL TKMPKRATUHK HKCOltl) Foi tlio 21 liotirs omllng nt 4:451 u. in., February If,, by UonJ. iOhIIIik, npcclnl gov orninont inotooroioBlBt: Maximum c,7 Minimum iy At l::io a. m rl Precipitation no Precipitation Slneo Sept. t, 10 IB r, Precipitation buiiio jiurlod last year -17.70 Wind: Northwest, Clear. Wednesday February ID. Hun Whom Ut !:fiS and bo(h nt r:!!l. V t BORN I $$ CORKY Horn to Mr. mid Mrs. It II. Corey, of MiirHliflcld, at Mercy hospital, North Ilcntl, WcdncHiluy. February l(i, an eight pound boy. Mother and hoii aro doing finely and tlio huppy rather Ih ho proud over IiIh flrat hoii that ho wouldn't ohnngo places with the president. Congratulations will ho iitmicroiitf from their many friends. Oo,o Dismissed. The charge of In toxication placed against Max Tim mermim yesterday by Chlof Carter was dismissed In Judgu Ilntlor'H court this morning without any pleading of guilty or not guilty. reriril"iil CViilot- All hoys bo-t-woon 10 and lfi years of ago aro asked 'to moot at (lulld hull of the Kplseopal church Friday evening at 7oVlock Tor tho establishment of n J SARTER'S Wo will lio in our ICcnulliriil NEW HOME Cirntir Cuiiliiil Aitcniio mid I'wut St. Next Saturday Afternoon you lire cordially Invited to our (rand Opening ST., LAWRENCE HOTEL E. W. SULLIVAN ('oriier Market and llroadivay Wo solicit all our old patrons of thu Lloyd and ausura thorn the samo rcasoiiahlo ratos. TIIH WIIITi: IH KINO Of nil Sowing Machines Now located at 2.1C Markot nvo. West. Phono 10JI-J. Wo havo nlso got big bargains in all kinds of used machines. All machines Bold on easy payments. R IIOPi:," VOl' OA.V NOT AI'FORD TO ntcjit liiippcnlngs, siicli as President Wll- fashions; turkey hcrainhlo; ..... iiujuifjl, 41 .UI1IIHH lllliuiiuiu l aluminum castings made tHE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. !',?Z?all,",,,,!1 .l'l",tcr- Lll11 refresh- Takes Calves Hwiil,!AIoUnl the .jjlcnm schooner when she nulled this morning wore 25 head of -n ves, belli,? taken Boutli by Cupt. iMlnur Simpson to put on his ranch "ear Sacraimmto. eorKo King had been aiding him fr some time in !uylitK up the calves mid they havo IWttll 1 Mil . v.... Ul um lown. it was them nun unco or the anlninls ate some PoIroiioiiu Brass and died after Capt. S'mpson went Houth on tb0 Hardy. Sllll on the iti-iny. Jolm Lil Mro "'ho has Just returned from tho cast, l In receipt of n letter from tlm merry skipper of tlm little Sir Frun '' Drake, lliu III foot gasoline Hchooncr that put t0 Coos Hay last 'all. Captain Drake Is resting at tho Catallna Islands and said ho ex pects to leave very shortly for Han i'K'ko to lako In tlio exposition, n,. sails alone, heliiK his own niato and crew as well as cook. SciiKstncken o Move. Henry KeiiKstackon expects to niovo the 01 flco of tho Tltlu Ouaranlco and Ab stract company from tho Coke build ing on Central avenue to quarters in the SeiiKstacken bulhlliiK on Hroad wny. Tho niovo will hu niado soino- 111110 "cforo the first of March. Work mon are now remodeling tho now of fice. Irving Chandler says tho storo room In tho Coke htilldliiK has not yet been leased. Start Inipiovenirnts Work was Htarted today by C. It. Flanagan In connection with the Johnson nvonuo sower, his bid for tho work having hcon tho lowest recently at the council mooting. Also tomorrow morning Dean & Drown, contractors, Intend to start laying iho concroto shlowalks nbout tho block bounded by Front and Hroadway nnd Central and Commercial nvonuos, with bov oral other smaller strotches lu tho sanio vicinity. .Makes Novel ('alciiilur Tlio Hov. 0. lioltoy Hall of tho crulHcr I.lfo Line, has had printed nt Tho Times office a packet xtt very novel calen dars that ho will tnko with him nnd distribute about In tho loggjngl camps and wherever ho holds ser vices. Tho calendars aro headed with a partial picture of tho crulsor ami Mr. Hall at tho wheel, and each month cnrrles with It u motto. llcjii'iij; Continued. Tho heiirlng In tho Stephen Rogers ease was con tinued today befoi itoforco A. 11. I.oiul lu the office o :".oll and Hodge. Tom Harry ami I). U Kood appeared as witnesses, testifying us to tlio vnluo of tho lots along lu the early Oil's when Mr. Rogers came Into tho possession of thoin. The case was started by tho Webster holrs to so Hiiro a share lu tho holdings of Mr. Rogers on Central aveuiio. , IhiglncN Wc'U Through Tho 2 ' gp Priced at fS and up in a ttyle to tuit your taite. , Wear Better Shoes You get a ready-to-wear fit no breaking-in comfort from first to last day's wear in these "Natural Shape" Florsheims. Ask any man Florsheim Shoe. We are exclusive agenti Woolen Mill Store MARSHFIELD iiiimiiuuHHiiiuH WuiiniiuiimiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiuiiiiiiMuuiiiiHiiHWiiiiiiimiimi;iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)iimiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rasieiii WasWiragtonFete ?LESJ hall . AuUtPPyTorchestnto ; Vxdny, Feb y. 18 Tickets, $1.00 Per Couple, Ladies 50c. 8:30 P. M. UrtEGOAL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY J.cnvy onglno of tho local railroad Wont through to Powers yesterday with the passenger train. Thcfo aro two sharp curves In the line nbovo Myrtlo Point lu tho shnpo of tho figure S. It was necessary to grease tile rails on tho high sides In order to make the turns. Also tho two big englnoB of the Smith Powers company ennio down over tho samo routo. Highly cars of logs canto In yesterday, according 'to trainmen, and they said there wcro about 112 more cars loaded. Recovers Dog. .). K, Ford of tho Union Market Is elated today over tho recovery of his shepherd dog which has been missing for several weeks. Tho animal got away from Myrllo Point where Mr. Ford left him for 11 Tew days and It was feared that the unlninl had been killed. Yes terday ho found that tho dog had got caught In a varlnlt trap near Flshtrap and a rancher thero had found him almost starved to death. Mr. Ford has arranged to havo the dog sent "hero. Sonietlnio ano ho re fused $100 for the dog. Mulls Aro Flooded Mall pouches arriving hero In tho past two days have been flooded, filled to over flowing with "boozo" literature. Th0 letters havo boon no inspectors ot persons; mlnlsteis as well aa tho rogular old customers have received glittering advices of prices and how lo send ,In their jrdors. Somo of tho letters canio from San Fran eclsco, otlio'ra from Nuroka, tho lat ter seeming to work on the sup position that It takes n shorter lima to get shlpnionts hero from Hint point. Knew Dimmed .Mo" R. Huggo, cashlor of the Scandliiavlnn-Aiuctv lean bank of this city, was a very lutlninto friend of both Charles KI1-, Patrick nnd Harry Uammlo, two Portland bankers who wuro drowned lu tho Willamette river on Satur day when their frail crnft over turned flvo miles below Oregon City. Mr. Huggo was formerly lu tho First Natlonnl bank thoro with Mr. Kllpntrlek, clerk In tho clearing hoiiso. II. W. (lainmlo was nnylni: tollor lu tho Udd & Tllton bank. Mr. Hugtfo had heard nothing ot the tragedy until ho read tho jiowh- pajiorH. Tho young men holongcd to a party of eight who had gono down to Salem with 'their canoes and wcro middling hack to Portland. X PERSONAL MENTION X I L. W. .IACOI1S left thin morning for Powers on business. CLAUDI3 C. MOON wn8 hero today on business from Powers, DR. V. h. HAMILTON nnd wlfo of about The NORTH BEND k Cicrt and Darace 16, 1916 EVENING Coqulllo left this morning for their homo. W. K. WISI3MAN, who now has a furniture store In Powers, was here today. MIKI3 UOON'H was down yesterday and today on n short visit from his homo at Sumner. A. .1. SII13RWOOD canio over from Coqulllo on the morning train to look nftor somo legal business. WILLIAM G. CHANDLER wont over to Coqulllc on the morning train on a short business trip, MRS. ANNA DKCKBR has closed her novelty storo In the O'Connell building ami gone to Astoria to locate. A. C. VUSTAL of tho Union Oil company left this morning for tho Coqulllo vnlley to see that It Is well "oiled." JOHN 0. KHNDALL wont to Co qulllc this morning to attend to some logal work and later will go through to Powers. W. K. MI2YKR, cow testing associa tion expert with tho government, and J. L. Smith returned to Co qulllo this morning. C. S. McCULLOCII, county sur veyor, ennio over last evening from Coqulllo to look after soma surveying work. WILLIAM SNEDDON left today for Rostyn, Wash, where ho cxpectH to locate and where his brother, Wal ter Sneddon, Is located. 13ARL 8LAULI3, Interested lu tho Co-ittilHc-MlnrsIiflcId stage line was a vlBltor hero today. It will prob ably bo a couple of months before tho stages enn operate this year. PROF. W. A. DARR or the O. A. C. extension, who has been In Coos and Curry roiintles for tho past two weeks, left yesterday after noon on tho stage returning homo. OLIVI3R SPIRI3S, formerly connect ed with tho Lockhart-Parsons Drug company horo and at Powers, came over from Myrtlo Point yes terday and loft for Portland on tho Kllhurn. .MR. AND MRS. JOHN LA MURI3 havo returned from an extended visit at their old homo In South Kauknuiin, Michigan. John says It didn't scorn like the, samo old placo after being on Coos Hay nnd llko everyone olso thoy are glad to got hack to Coos Hay nnd prom ise not to go avMy "no more" MEET TD ORGANIZE .1. (). HOLT AND DR. M'PIIKHSOX FOR CAXNKRY (JATlllJltlNG Culled for Saturday Morning nt l()::i() nt Chamber of Commerce Farmers Invited Organization of tho Coos Hay can nery will probably bo qffocted Satur day morning nt the Chamber of Com merce. J. O. Holt, successful mana ger of tho Kugoiio cannery, and Dr. MoPhorson, or O. A. C will ho the principal spoakors. Tho. time !s 10:30 a. m., lato enough to, allow tho fnrmors who aro Interested to nrrlvo on tho early boats. Kvory farmer lu this ontiro oinl ot tho county is Invited to attoud. It la plmnrlly upon theso men that the success or tho vonturo will depend for tholr work will bo to supply tho pi ounce to bo sold to tho cannery. DiibIiicss men of tho city aro also Invited. Tho plan Is to have present ul this mooting ovory person wno Is lu any way Interested ii tho pro ject. On Saturday tho plan Is to appoint a committee who will have ehargo of all further arrangements, tho sub- perilling of stock especially. Farmors will bo allowed to buy stock Jn tho concern with their pro duco, said Claudo Thompson this morning. This will aid in taking caro or tho ovorhead expenses, About $5,000 lu cash is needed to stnrt tho cannory. It is oxnoitcd it could ho kept opou and running botwoon tho first of Mav jimi Snn. i tciuhor or Octohor. . . . : r ' fT- f . .r Autos Will Havo ICiisy lleuchcs -TIiIh Siiiiiiikv - Travel to Road .Siijiei-v'sor Rnsy Tho road to Kuinlro und on to South Slough Is to be nut in flrat. olns3 sh&po und tho uutos will have a good ,road to travel this siimmor whon It is expected that hundreds dwll visit tho beachos, Clou Rozoll Is tho now road su pervisor for that district' and ho la hard at work mittlnc Uio road in Letter condition. Tho mud holes arc being filled with sand and other Im- j provonieuts mado. The road between North Rond and , Umpire Is to bo planked and the lum Lor is now at South Slough for tho plunking or tho road rrom tho bridge down to Shoro Acres, tho hitter work ', la being done by L. J. Simpson. Tho Improvement of tlio highway! Is an Important ouo as tho trip to tho beach lu tho summer months Is ono qf tho most popular in this locality. ifirae ODD EDITION A Touch of Early Spring Now is the time to begin your Spring sewing, while the picking is good. Dress Ginghams worth at tho least one-third more, our price 10c. 81-3c. 71-2c now about that House Dress, woith $1,00; our price..- .' A dandy House Dress, worth 75c, our price Double Service House Dresses, $1,50 value, oui'iprico All new Jind choice patterns. Bungalow Aprons all patterns, 75c value Bungalow Aprons, percale, all pat terns, 65c value ' Allover Not Ecru and White, 36 in. wide, 65c value, our price... II I . . 1 . II A dandy line of new Embroideries I II ! J-MM II ,v4SS Ladies' biiK nose, $i.uu values, 7( our price Wc Lead Others Follow -$&& Incorporated r.-v Hi 1 iF WILL SELL GARS OKOItCK ( 'ODItP.M AllltAXlRCS; TO IJ.XTFXD CO.NVKNir.XTJ TMRMS TO PARTIKS DKSIRINO TO Pl'ltCIIASi: XKW CARS I icki:ph dkalinos coxfidf.x-i ruin, George Cloodruiu announces that ho will continue his policy of selling nutos on easy payments again this year. Ho has arranged for extend ing convenient terms to thoso desir ing to purchase cars .and wi,U oo ploased to talk tho matter of terms and tluiu ovor with all who desire to secure an auto, but who aro not prepared to pay nil cash for thorn. Kept Confidential. In arranging theso matters, Mr. Ooodrum always keeps tho manors confidential, Ho carries tho notes and securities himself, hot soiling them or transferulng thorn to other parties. Consoiiuoutly parties pur chasing a car from him on partial pnyments aro not embarrassed by having tho nature of their arrange ments mado public. Those easy tonus are- mado on tlv cars that ho handles. ? X AMONG THE SICK I $ Mr. Spurroll of North Ilend who sustained somo sovoro Injuries a short time ago, lias uiidorgono nu operation to romeily somo broken nasal bones. John Wall of West MiirBhflold fell about twelve foot while engaged In fomo work on tho Smith-Powers lino Sunday find sustained somcy sovoro bruises but no serious Injuries, Tho thrcyear-old child of Mr. und Mrs. Rums of liouryvlllo was brought to Morey hospital to ireoolvo' trealmont for spinal trou ble 1 ho family formerly lived near tho (Coos River creamery and the child Is their uijoptod sou. Mrs. Goodrich or Coqulllo who un derwent mi operation at .Mercy hos pital yesterday Is rqportod doing nicely. XI1W KCOMI OFFICKRS Seiui-Aiiiiual Ihstallatloii of Officers llcli Hero At the semi-annual liistnllatlou of officers of tho Mnrshfleld Siioml So ciety, tho following woro Inducted itu t,HJ'r P'ihRIous for the following six months: President Arthur HIboIiop. Vice- President -Otto IlagHtrom. Treasurer Alfred Jucobson. FlnanoJal Secretary Alex Johnson Secroturyi John IJnokmail. .Marshal Alox Hagstrom. Chaplin Julius Huguiilst. Inner Guard John Hollvar. Outsldo Guard-Alfred Stora. Harold Kruost Llljohurg. Master of Ceremonies John Sun- ""pH. nt Let Us Serve You . . . vull yourself or lliij con toiileiice.H of our postofflco Iffhe Hlllm'jitlon. Wo luiudlo stamps, money orders, euvelopex, etc, Money order window iIovbh af ( p. in, Xo parcel post packages. THE BUSY CORNER lMiono uou Wo Deliver Promptly miS ' FIVE1 k 7 79c 49c 98c Originators of ; Low Prices -Z&727ZCU (20 - M - itf'j. 7 -a I Olt UICNT Dairy farm, 1)0 acres, 2 miles from Myrtlo Point. Apply Win. James, North end. WANTIID (Rrl nt tho llradlcy Candy Company factory. t LOST AND FOUND FOl'XD On tlili and Klrod, nome crocheted Inco. Apply Times ot fleo. $ X WANTED U,X WAXTKD FORD TOURINO CAlt Proforably 1015 Modol. Statu m ngo run, oaulpmont, and price wanted. Address Dox U.1, Coquljde, Oregon. WAXTKD Second hand go enrt. (lood condition. AUilrow "IC! euro TInios. . WAXTKD To buy a pnyliiR npwt-. nient or lodging house, iiIbo hoard- ' lug houso. 1 have, cllouts to rou,t furnished or unfurnished houses or apartments. Owners call, Coos. Ray Duv. Co., 3'l A Coko hldg. t FORWENT t FOR HKXT CouifoHaldo mmrt moiits for rout, furnished, lU.oi, flue location. I, S, Kaufman & Co. FOR KKXT Furnished two mn apt. Heated. ?1C0U. Iinpilru Matsou'B Store. FOR ItKNT (I Jtoom 'house 1 South Marshflold. Phono 1474 aNorth Remr. FOR ItKNT I' mulshed flat, hot and I cold water, bath.. 85a Third st. I-".. .. . i ... j FOR ItKNT Rooming houso over j Kkhlad's Hardware Storo. Apply i at Kkblnd k Son, or call 3G0 , J FOR SALE X FOR HALK Good piano, ILM.(K), I Apply lOIlO Anderson avo west. I'OR SALIC Id acres, it mlkvi fnuu Marshflold; houso, barn, chicken house, orchard; $2000. $1200 down. No commission. Owner. Address P. O. box Wo, North Rond. FOR SALK Three-lots, jot) feet on 10th ut., IliU on Fir; good, hay view. Prlco $1400 ciish. J. T. Sullivan, FOR SALK Promo Oiuiimi, 5x7, complete. Leather case and fly holders. Fluo Ions and shutter. Prlco $20. H. R, Urlnkloy, Bay City. Phono U001. 1 1 I'OR SALIC Houso mid lot in liotJt 1 rosldonco purt of town. Torma i ronsonablo. PhotiQ 222-X. - - '"' - f i1 " I OR TRA DK Complete, v'eR (Miulp- ped chicken ranch, will trada fur,jj Mnrshrield lots. I S. Kuufniau At Co, FOR TRAXSFKR AND STOR AOK OF HOUSK1IOLI) GOODS FRKIfiHT AND RAGGAGK Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER. Phone !; Resldonco Plion 18-J Market Av. nnd Waterfront iimniniMMWiwi mum n iiihiijiib a mmm lt "I