, t V -j t I t i tti u. a. . j COOS BAY TIMES M. 0. AlALONEV, Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONKY, News Kdltor Official Official Paper of Taper City Coos County of Mnrsliflcld. Entered nt tlio Pootofflco at Marsh Hold, Orogon, for transmission through tho tualli as lecond-clnBS mall matter. An Independent Republican nows papor, publlshod ovory ovonlng ox copt Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. suiiscmption katics UAIJjY. Ono yoar 16.00 1'or month .CO WEtiKLY. Ono yoar SI. CO . When paid strictly In advance tho subset Iptlon pilco of tho Coos I5ay Times Is fC.OO per year or $2.60 for lx months. .J EUROPEAN WAR ONE I X YEAR AGO TODAY Kebmary 1, U'lfi. Tho French caplitro two miles of trenches Iti Champagne. Tlio Htisslans contlnuo to advance In northern Poland. Tho Oorninus aro repulsed by tho llimslaiiH In' tho Carpathians. Drltlflh and Kronch nlrshlps raid HulRlau towns used as Cernuui bases. CITV KCONO.UY l - r 1111 best nuil most practical IN lustration or tho vnluoof ad vertising oven for n -olty. wan Blvcn nt tlio incotliiR of tbn Miiruh- flold city council Inst Monday ovo nlng. Contracts wero to bo let for tho construction of two noworn. No tice wns jjlvoii for ono of tho pro jects by publication In Tho Tlmos; notlco for tho other wnn rIvou, In conformity with tho false' and fool ish Idea of economy recently prom ulgated in tho city council, by Hllck fjiE tho notice on posts nud buildings. Four bids woro HiihmUtcd and the contract nwnrded for tlio construction of tho worlt advertised In Tho Times, whllo not n hIiirIo hid was rccolvod In response (o tho other notlco. dlly KiiRlucor (lid ley vIowIiir tho matter In n practical wily from tho ntnudpoliit of economy mid offlcjoncy told tho rlty council plainly of tho mistake It was iimldiiR In pursuing ltn inlsiakoii policy of not publishing uotlroH In uowsimpurH. It not only occasions delayed and actual money Ions but It also opons the way to imsplclon or fnvorltlsiu and graft If only ono or two contractors submit bids becaiiHO of being notified by aomo city official or by chnnco see u posted notlco. Tho posted notlco Is n rollo of tho dnrk ngeH. The newspaper Is the modern, twentieth century method of publicity. It Is the ono great big factor for the. dissemination of In formation of nil kinds. Tlio iiowh papor Iiiih been ono of tho moat foreurul factors to tho reform mill development of modern city govern ment, removing It from tho grasp or greedy, nnd grafty politicians and making It n benoriolal servant of the jteoplo whom It Is supposed to servo. Publicity Is tlio greatest reforma tory ugont In the world today. More men are kept In tho straight and nar row wny by rear of publicity than feitr or tho police. Thero Is noth ing so grimily reared by your crook ed, grafting politician as tho news paper that reports Ills actions mid his vote on public affairs to tho people. Thert Is not a week pssroh but Tho Times has from one to n score of 'oiiiiobIh to Ikcep certain iiowb out or tlio imper. Mon who uro or- restml and taken to the police court hurry direct fiom the uvoidor's r flco to Tho Tlnitm office to uh (bat tho news of their arrent bo kept out or Tlio Times. They do not euro ho much for belli arrestml iin thai tlio fact ahall bo published broadcast. Tho TiuiM has only ono policy and one answer ror riicIi raquiwtt a in.it tor of public nows It Is alutiyi printed. Tlio TIiiioh playH no fn orltoH. Nvoryono I heated nil lit. Everyone lK given nn ulmnliitnly siiunro deal. Tho furlM Just as they uro .nid as nwirly as they can bo earorully aworlnluod aro prlntod To do lorn would not bo luwpliiK rultli With our HiihxcrllitM'H or bo fulr to our loader That Is what make a nowspaiwr sought for and a factor in the community. Ilecniwo. It prints thu nun at all lime and under all olioumstnncoa without tour or fmor. That's why contractors look In the newspapers for not Icon or now pro Jw'tu. That's why IioiimmvIvoh look ror storo iibwh becaimo it is tlio mod ern mollioii or dbueiuliiatliiK Infor matlon, Uimlnoor (lldloy Is right. Tho city of Mui-Hliflold- Is loality money by Its falso and ronllsli policy of r. fusing to print notice In (ho now, .papers. or war. Every nation shntildi have such an official, he says?, but tho United Stntes particularly. "Thero is not ono official niuonB all tho governments of Europo whoso definite business It has boon to work for International pcaco although In every government, n't In our own, there have been nhd tne many nign oiuciais wnoti ucu- nlte business It hns been to pre pare war. "Why should riot this fact ho tcc ognlzod In our governmental ma chinery? To mo it seems absurd that while we spend teim of mil lions In developing tho arts of Micace, with agricultural nmi com mercial nnd educational and many other constructive governmental machines, nolthbr this nor any olhor nation has n member of Its official family any Individual whoso busi ness It Is to straighten out upon a peaceful baslsa If possible, ovory complication threatening serious dis pute. "What might have boon saved by tho work of such mon eighteen months ugo in I0uropo7" . It's a now Idea. And Isn't worth thinking nbotil? An Idaho man committed suicide bornuso his wifo threatened to 3o homo to her mother. Foolish niiu. It might have been worse. She might lmvo Invited her motlior to come homo to thorn.' TT ax. If Carneglo Is still anxious to die poor, why doesn't ho fiuaiico n dally popor on Coos Hay? Ono good hitter bents u hundred good quitters. Toll your troubles to your frlouilB If you would know how tholr sym pathy really Is. Ono of tho most active ships In tho war Booms to bo tho censor ship. MAKE HIM FEEL GOOD, I I Ml WBW ,, ' r JAKE, MY PARTNER. NOW HE SAYS"lF YOCfWANT TO 5EL.I SOMETHING TO A MAYOU UNDERSTAND: DON'T "START OUT BY TELLING HIM A FUNNY STORY SLAP HM OM THE BACK 4 ASK HIMJ-IOW&.HIS' FAMILY AND GIVEHIMA- 1 : :- Jff J 4PL!lr Jffl I 0" THE CIGARETTE if? fwM JYCzff3 &$Mmm MszF' siy J 0 S v f jSmt fc2ZXr jf SA Ip. )x ' 1 iMTtMLTTrn niP 1 IS-' r------rrWiBH IBL t&JwA I VALUABLE; . I t n It IIATIXfJ PKOIMjK It doesn't .pay to hate a man. ir you don't like him laugh at him. This will uialu) you feel better, and it won't hurt him much. Luke McLuko. NOW how , Unit Isn't that sensible? Think w many people wasio tuoi" mo and tliclr energy Imung people! It's mighty hard work to got flngry oven If It takes only 11 I lit lo Mine A fit of auger hns ruined ninny a half day'11 work. You yes you "get mad," as you put It, and you telle and sputter around and give up a whole lot or time that might better bo put to your work, and what dons It proNt you? Nothing. Finally you net ovor 1, and all you linvw t'o show for It Is tho wasted time. Philosopher Iiiko Is right. Hotter Just laugh nhout tho ninji you don't like. You will fool bettor and It won't make any difference to hi in. A Coos Hay man who girls ('hlckons, naturally brain of u rooster. calls nil has thu It's a waste of tlmo for n Coos liny married man to make up his mind to do it thing because his wifo is lia ble to nuiko up her mind that ho Isn't going to do ft. When a Coos liny girl first gols hor engagement ring sbo suddenly discovers Unit It Is not good form to wear glovos 011 tho straot. SO AltTIKT. Thnyor nrlmes got up. sore. Said ho: "I'm through! land! won't play poker any more, For I can't draw a hnnd." Ho was There aro soino Coos Hay husbands who can't lmvo bank accountn be cause tholr wives Insist on having utoio accounts. Wo can't soo whore 11 rabbit. foot In lucky. A rabbit enrrloH four or them itml you all know tho nihhlt'i Mulsh. It costs u lot of inouny to bring up , hoy no bo won't bo able to sup port himself in nftor years. IS YOUR N'rtMIUCU 1 1 HICK'.' TIIK men who do Coos Hay morn harm than good may ho classi fied as follows: First Thosa who oppose Improvements. Second Thoso who "run down" ittmngcrn. Third Thoso who show hospital ity to no ono. Fourth Thoso who hnto to neo 0 thorn succeed. Filth -Thoso who distrust public spirited men. Sixth Thoso who opposo "ovory movement that does not orlglnnto with themselves. Seventh Thoso who opposo ovory cntorprlso Hint does not nppenr lo benefit themselves. H you bolong to nny or thoso clas ses, reform nt once. The Coon Hay man who doemi't exaggerate Ih seldom, an Interesting talker. WI1011 u Coos Hay mnn boasts of being slow but suro wo uro nt least Hiiro about tlio slow part of It. A mini expects it from other men, hut It always Jars iTlni when bo sees 11 woman spitting. Tho old fashioned hoy who want ed to bo president now linn n son whoso nmbltlon Is to get Into 11 big league bait club. Tho only wny somo Coos Hay mon can savo money Is by breaking Into Jail. It tnkoa a Coos Hay woman to point out tho faults of othoiwomen. t WITH THE TOAST I I AND THE TEA t (lOI)ll KVKXIXC I cannot spur myself tlio luxury of believing that till things beautiful are what they 9 seem. I hillock. 4 Want advert Mug sells longer-wanted thlngw. tho no- eaiitiry Your Home An wixy (hair or on oxli-n locking chair oltcn ilitiN ho niiliii to tho appearance or the sit I lug loom or pn-loi'. Itcshlcs the iippoai'ancos, It liictonMN the coiufoits of (h'o Inline. i'on In nmi let tm show you 9111' Iiiiki Hue. .'It will Mioii lie tlmo foe thV hpr'iiK hoiiM'cleanliig mid jon hail lictler llgiu 011 tlio (to fin nil uii or new ple"s,ioii will uCeil Id iiml.o tho clmnges ,ou ilcslic. Going 8l Harvey Company North Front St., Phone 196 rirMgrracuflMgaEgsggEKRaffli.i!i Oldest Ihlilk to Coos f'oiliity I'Mnbltsllcil 1881) Flanagan (? BeESiett Bank ."Wni-f.li field, Coos Coimty, Oregon, Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 inti:im:st iid ov timi: ani savixch deposits Offlrors- .1. V. HIJNNICTT, Proldont; .IAS. II. FIANAflAN, Vice President: II. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; (1. F. WlNCMKSTIUl. Assistant Cnsbler. Flanagan j BenneLL Bank OF MYltTfiK POINT Capital $25,00 Officers -J. V. I1HNN13TT, Prosldont; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, VIco Presldont; L. M. SUPLIOK, Cashlorj L. T. DRMlONT, Assistant Cashlor. . MOKIISTV When A SKPUIiTAIIV OF PHAOH. D"i! A11HAIIAM JACJOHI. tho distinguished ttW. York phy- niMimi iiiui sobioiohiw, saye llmt our (iyqriiiiiuut needn o Hoaro turyf.or iieuce mre lhaiila titigrothry owiry pool In Kihm ns n minor, That unto Kvo hor dainty cliarms proclaimed, She went iiinlmpml without a single roar or TlioiiKbt that sbo had need to be iinhauied. 'Tivnn only whnu uho'd eatu or tlio apple ' That she Imonnio Iimltnwl to bo a prndo, And round that ovormoio uho'd have to gllipplo With thu mueli-dobatud problom or tho mule. Thereafter she devoted her iittentlon, Her tlmo and all hor money to hor olotho.i. "- And that wan Hid holunlng of Con- vontlou, And Modiwty, us udl, I auppoio. about u ftiHhinui lloactlon'8 conio rocont. Now Kills i-ouciml so little rrnm tho mou, It would seom, In tho nniuo of all thnt'11 decent Someone ought to pags tho apple round again. Kehano. TODAY'S AIIYIOIC You oun't hold yoitr own until you loom to hold our tongue. TOKAY'S CO.VlI.VDUU.M When U n hat not a hut? When It UOcoiuae'ii prdtty woman. '- mm " ' m ni.rmMW n i umi iiiij Bennett Trast Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Orricers J. W. 1U8NNKTT, President; TOM T. nKNNKTT, VIco Presldent; AHTHllt M'KHOWN, Secretary; liKNNUTT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tho Only Trust Company In tho Stale, OiitMdo or Portland, Which Organized Under tho Now Law. ?gynrHTTitfMTi"fmsMK3Tjy-jEv-7yr.jjg Heie's' a Good Salesman People passing cannot help but see your show win dowsmake them so attractive that they will stop. No clerk, however efficient, can work as docs a well-illuminated window. It sees everybody on the streets it makes sales at a lower cost and never tires of working. Electric Light will help you display your goods so as to do this. The latest Mazda C type of lamp is oven more efficient than anything heretofore offered. It will allow you to illum inate your windows brighter than ever before at no greater cost. We will be very glad to advise you regard ing any kind of illumination. This service is offered without obligation. W1 HAT if you woro not "born with a silver spoon in your mouth?" Many a man has built up a balance in this bank that would buy him mora silver spoons than ho could uso ovon if he livod to bo as old as Mothuselah. 4 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on 1 imc Certificates, PROFESSIONAL DlftJ "'' ,Lu?vsr ..... O"'co.li S Office hours: ii ," "" i and 7 ., .. . '- J Phones: OfriCo m . ti '"'' 'to,! J. M. Wright nOIMHNo COVrnM Estimates Mm..,- "Ul 0a'iJ Dr H M.Shaw jo, Kar nmi ti . GUteR'"i "- wic;; rH. MAin-iB it R lk " i l,,,,.r H. G. RllUnr . nii'ii. .i..... Room 30-1 Pntfo m.i- J. I ncBlJpco Phoua JijJ W. G. Chandler A 1 !-)..... "nv-illlKCT Rooms 301 nna 302, Crti J .....iU, ureK0ti Turn tahi. WILLAMKrrK PACirioJ UMI Leave Marnhflold C :4 n n.m. 7.1 !7 a.m. 8:415 a.m. 9: in a.m. 1 0 : -I n n.m. 11:30 rf.m. 12:50' p.m. lMfi p.m. 2:45 p.m. .'(Vlfi p.m. lt:00 p.m. n.'lO p.m. K'orti l.i 1.1 18:1 U.I U:i l:ll !.! II M (.1; Cinr. p.m. North city ilaiu :au p.m. ji( THE LLOYD HOTEL ! lloiisckecphif; Aparlnfr Two rooms .?N.fio moaa Rlectrlclty and (las. Free t: Sleeping looms $1.."0 nt, Mj 't'-4 n ili . .. . . M. 1 I J I tv rirsi lNanonai oanK The Bank of Personal Marshlield, of Coos Bay , Service Oregon I. HAVE THE ROOF HI NOW See CORTHELL ' Phone 3171 FAiiH tiw a:.is City Limits Xorlh Had, I nn COSI.MUTATI0S ZiS TICKr.TS $I.T3 Mnrshficld-.Vorth Head Id Lino Cara ovtry ten mlnntci I (I n. in. to 12 p. hi.; to 5-1 Slouch on co n dny, Imi1j 11 ii. in.; to Ihuplro thrwe n day. GOIIST & KINO, rrcftl WOOD GOOD WOCl XV. H. LIoko bus It t IW $U cash per load. (JnrliaMi oil. Phono UU7-J. RAVF MnNEY by ordering the law HENRYVILLE COAL Miir rn:ii. nnr iuh I Lump coal, por ton lOr half ton of uoiu 1). JIUSS0.,r Phono 18-J or leave orJoij Illlljer'N Cltfar Store. DRY WOOD J m( CAMPBELL'S WOODY ...... UlnVl norm I'lt'i" Phone SiW OGEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorj,t KIiijj, Leaio .lnr.shfplil nt 7 a. in., ami rotiiruliiK le.ivliiK from Kmplro nt n. in. lioiiio Alni'hlillelil nt II n.iii. nnd rot urnlne; leavo South SIoiijjIi m 1 p. in. Lwiui Slmshriehl at fi p. m. mid rctnrnln,' leiivo South SIoiikIi at II p. in. Oregon ower wswMMWEwaaKHTgairftaarea BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES I INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nanri Smith Passenger and Freight sans 101 uoos tsay . .. . M).V, I'l.ll. I I, AT it P. .M. FROM SAN FRANCISCO vr f' MOM ia S. S. Adeline Smith ." Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK ' PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK i ' C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent .,r-. nntm."iMinra-MiTr- o "" : WESTERN LOAN Wl I bUILUiniU uu. Assets $2340,000.0 I Pays 8 per cent on savV f I. S. KAUFMAN 0 Local Treasurer T. J. HOA1FB 5 A. fl. Marshfield ftu -. .. ...- C.irllUh(J r;slimnica Phn Mfl.li. Mrrfm- niiMnAM IIMnCDTAKirJU u,"ut PARLO will be mi - OPKN TO THK 1' A Tegular H"" " nudertaker will w charge Tlione WZ-3 mPF.-vlyli