WTTTVW wnn ,T THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBUARY 15, 1316 EVENING EDITION THREE Time to Seed Li st.uit Yonj vijn- oil Willi jc lire 1""" kinds ok aiidi:n' BT. AX " .i, V"" si:i;i i L .ho imvo ro.niMorrl.il rrrtliw lunker Hill lep't Store I H. Dindinger &Co. Phone 32 Tlio tX KILBURN sails for SAM FRANCISCO Via Eureka February 19. From Hmllli Terminal llnrk For Information call l.'lC h. G. f USIII.VG, Agent. Sane Sensible Satisfactory Stylish Suits r" Shoes Shirts Yours For Service The FIXUP Xot'lli llcml Mnrshflcld GET NEW MUSIC " ' ' Como In nnd play tlio latest victor rcconlH on our nmulitiio nnd Huluct tlio iiiicn yon doslro '5,000 to Choose From Wo will onlor upcclnl Ntiinliorn for you L. L. Thomas Music Co. 7il Central Aveiiuo ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL E. W. SULLIVAN , Corner Market nnd Ttromlwny Wo solicit nil our old pntrons of tlio Lloyd and nssuro tliem tlio Baiuo reasonable rntos. mm --" m w 4 REVITIE5 WEATHER iroitKOAST A Dy Ai'ocUteil Preai lo to my Time, Orocon Pnlr. wlniln ltwiat. ly castorly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tlio 24 hours ending nt ( 4: la n. m February 15, by BnnJ. Ostllnd, apodal gov- ornmont "motooroloclBt: 'Maximum 71 4 Minimum 4n At 4:30 11. m 40 Precipitation 00 Precipitation SInco Sept. 1. 1015 nn.tti Precipitation snmo period lam year -17.70 Wind: Northwest, Clcnr. s Tuesday 4 February 15. Sun rises nt C:C0 nnd sets at 5:30 Pi'onieniulo Concert Tlio promo nndo concert will bo hold Friday night at tlio Eagles hall. Senior Hall- Tlio Senior Class of tlio Marahfleld High School has Is in'iod luvltntloiiH for n senior ball to bo given February 25th. Plunking Is Laid McDonald & Condrou this morning hnd work men laying planking out North Uroadwny, making a roadway for tlio auto trucks. Tlio company ex pects very shortly now to resume logging operations. SOUTH COOS RIVER IIOAT snitvicu munch express imim Marsliflcld every day 16 1, 111, Leaves head of river at 11:15 p. in, BTKAMKlt RAINllOW cm haul of river dally at 7 , m. Leaves Mnndiileld nt 2 p. Ib. For charter apply 011 hoard. noGi:it9 & smith Proprietors TIIH WHITE IS KINO Of all KowIiik Machines Now locnted nt 25C Market avo. West. Phono 1D3-J. Wo havo also got big bnrgalns In nil kinds of used machines. All machines Bold on easy paymonts, ShlnKlo Mill Heady L. C. Roy nolds Ih nt North Uond on 11 visit from Sluslaw rlvor country. Mr. Hcynolds has just completed tlio erection of shlnglo mill at Acme nnd on receiving hoiuo now machin ery thlK week Is roady to start operations. WEAVING All kinds a spec ially. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Cotirth. So. Phone 220-R United at tlio Mont. When Sollros KntsuloH hoard that Andrew Dallas was leaving 01 . o boat this morning ho Immediate:.. ..Ired a lawyer to aid In collecting $30 duo him. Tlio pa pers woro mndo out In tlio Justice offlco nnd before boarding the Kit burn Dnllasipald $45, tlio oxtra $15 to pay tlio costs. J. W. Melnturff nppeurod aH attorney. flo oble Theate TO-NIGHT R i ' a iik; prattim: photoplay every night. 1Hio ROM) ROOSTER PL.W, . AFFAIR OF THREE .V.niOXS," pivxiited In flvo reels, featuring ARNOLD DALY M Avliloii Kirk, Intestigator. ''1'ATIIIJ XI'.WS" mh all, knows all. .Sen It twice a week In U'h theatre. ",JI',rs WAIIICASi:," llmiily comedy dimiui. sfn ItoeN. Tn slums, 7 mid 8M3. , ' 1bwt flw,,i . Ilalcony lOe. Children, no. TOMORROW XiflliT. Laura IIopo Crews In "FIGHTING HOPE," ttcepttonMly fin, Paramount feature In flvo acts. To lliillil Home. J. M. Wright 80 curod tlio contract thin morning for tho building of tlio W. T. Stoll homo J lit Porhnm park, no will havo chnrgo lot everything hut tho heating, tho I plumbing nnd painting, and tho homo Is to bo completed within !0 dnys.Tho homo wnB iiresontcd to Mr. and Mrs. Stoll as a Christmas present hy tho parents of Mrs. Stoll who visited hero last yoar. IC. of P. Dance Tho mombors of tho Knights of Pythias of North Uond gavo n danco last night to I colebrnto the GUd anniversary of tho founding of order. Tho riffnlr was at tho Logglo hall. About 50 cou ples were presont and they enjoyed dancing until midnight. The mulsc was furnished by an orchestra com posed of Karl Drown, . Mnrjorlo Swearlngon nnd John Shoppard. summer rnclug meet to be hold hi Myrtle Point July 3 an J I. and also of tho fair In September. Eighty per cent of tho gate roco'pts nt tno racing meet will go toward tho purses of tho winning horses. lluslnoss Men To Meet. The quar terly mooting of tho oos County Business Men's association will bo hold this evening at G:45 p. in, when a banquet will be given at the Oregon hotel In Ndrth Uend. Directors for unothcr year will bo elected. Tne're 13 an extended program. Many dele gates from all parts of tho county aro expected to bo in attendance Kimball Assignee Tho lted Cross Drug Cdmpnny has mndo an assign ment to II. J. Kimball. Jr.. for tho .bcnoflt 6f tho creditors to adjust the firm's affairs. Mr. Kimball will con tliuio tho business ns usual until ef fecting n sale of tho Jewelry and drug business. W. W. Rucher, rep resenting tho Portland Credit Men's Association, wU probably remain hero for n time. F. C. Ulrch will con tinue nt tho store, taking over the Optlcnl Department as his own busi ness. Championship nt Stake Eddlo O'Connoll, wrestling Instructor at tho Multnomnh Athletic club nnd ivoll known In Coos county, on the i29th of this month expects to meet Walter Miller of St. Paul In Port land for tho mlddlowolght wrestling championship of the world. O'Con noll was hero last summor. Ho wrostlod sovernl tlmm In Ctnry county nnd also in C003, winning nil of his matches oxcopt one. Linemen Iteturnlng lloth crows of tho Western Union company woro tnkon north from tho Cooa Hay lino to aid Portland during tho tlino of her silver thaw. Ono of theoo crows bus returned nnd Is now working north Into ItcodHport. Tho other crow Is down nt stoi In. It Is expected back within n wock nnd thou there will bo only about four mllos of wlro and poles to bo put up to hrldgo tho gap. Itctumliig to Fast Mr. nnd Mrs. Kussoll Sago of Falrvlow nro return ing to their old homo In tho east, aftor n year spent on n ranch In Coos county. Thoy cumo out hero from Indiana In tho fall of 1014 and havo been hero ovor slnco. Mr. Sago Is a dlstnut rolntlvo of Ilussel Sago, tho multimillionaire who died n few yoai's ago. Tho fathor of Mr. Sago, who Is hero, Inherited Boyornl hun dred thousand dollars. It. O. Craves know tho family vory woll when ho lived In Indiana. Tnko Agency. M. D. Sherrard and S. G. Whitsett of Dnndoii were hero yesterday nnd made arrangements with Ceorgo aoltlrum to tako the Chevrolet agency for Uandbn and vi cinity. They will receive n demon stration car next week and have a carload of machines to meet their immediate needs. While here, they hnd the pleasure of seeing Will Qood rurn drlvo tho Chovrolot up tho Bteop Commercial nvonuo hill, n 22 per cent grade, In high gear, tho Chev rolet being tho first car to mnko that hill in high. Quito n Family Man. Hark Dun ham, juvonllo offlcor, created con siderable oxcltemcut nt tho train Sun day morning when ho loft for Co rjuillu with olfjht childron uudor hla enro. Seven of tho youngsters woro from tho Charles Coffin family of South Inlet being taken to Coqulllo, thoro to bo cared for by tho county. Tho eighth child was Jeiinotto Abor son, of Coqulllo, who camo horo with frlouds to go to school and is being returned homo. 1 Pwget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Oams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction n..r oC0N,nLETE PUNTS FOR HARBOR WORK u"r loos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" "xxt Powerful, ..,t wiulppcxl nnd most thoroughly modern twenty.lnch hydraulic acoiJgo Ik, Pacific wuter Coos Bay office, . Main office, -'iiwmeia, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Plant Sweet Pea Seed NOW For your convenience, e have In stock tho best and latest varieties or tho fam ous "llurK'o 8i?iircrs." You will not bo dlssap. olnted this year If you plant llurpw' Quality seeds that Orow. A largo variety of tlain and mixed seeds-. Catalogues upon applica tion. "The Owl" Tlio Central Avenuo Drug Store Phono 74 Fnlher Is Dead Word I1119 been received hero to tho effort that tho fathor of Victor P. Mortis, pastor 'of tho lo.cal Christian church and I teacher In tho Myrtle Point High school, Is dead nt Ejgono. Ho died ithero Inst Friday a'ter an lllneea that lasted for Bovoral months, Mr. Morris was called homo ouco re cently and returned, thinking his father wns on tho road to recovery. Tho older Mr. Morris conducted n grocery business In Hugoue. EXPERT WELDING of METALS S,ee1, brass cast, iron and aluminum castings made 4. like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. Worth Front Street Still "KhnofFlyiiig" . Tho Shay engines of tho Smith-Powers com pany woro necessary again yestor- j day for tho pnBsongor train to "shoo I fly" about the slldo In tho lino jabovo Myrtlo Point on tho wny to 'Powors. This morning tho train- mon declared that they would try to got through all tho way with tho I regular engines, bollovlng tho slldo 'wouhl havo boon bulkhoadod up bj this tlmo. Tho schedulo takes tho j train to Powors on tho seconl trl'i of tho morning. I PERSONAL MENTION t J TOM LAWIIORN was down from yllegany yesterday. WALTKR II. STULL of Allegany was a visitor In tho city. ARTHUR CRAIO nnd wlfo loft on tho Kllburu today for Portland. C. W. CUMDI3RS loft on tho morn ing trailn to attend to Standard Oil business in vnlloy. MISS LENA ROIlllINS of Kmplro wns a visitor horo yesterday and tcdny. DR. V. L. HAMILTON of Coqulllo enmo over last ovenlng on n pro fessional visit. FRANK V. ROOD nnd wlfo of Coos river wero visitors in tho city yesterday. IICMKH RING, wan In from Tarheel today and oxpects to resume his logging activities booh. COliyTY AGRICULTURIST J. L. Smith nemo over this morning from tho county scut. CAPTAIN DUNSON, of tho Capo Ara- co Light, was In tho city todny on n short visit. DR. KARL LOWK wns nmong tho (visitors in tho city today from Coqulllo. R. O. (UlAVKS rotumod Inst ovon Ing from n legal visit to tho county scut. CIKORGR A. STOLL wns hero todny from llaudou on a short visit with frlonds. DR J L. MASSON, veterinary of Myrtlo Point, oamo over last oven lug on n professional visit. I'KN McMULLFN, timber cruiser from Myrtlo Point, wps hero today on tlmbor business. MRS. P. RADFORD nnd son woro down today from their homo on Coog rlvor. DONALD JL CHARLKSON, Port onglncor, loft this morning on a business trip to Portland. DEPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRD loft this morning on tho Kllburu, on an official trip to Portland. ARNO MEREEN, of tho C. A. Smith mill, wont to Myrtlo' Point todny on business. MISS ELVIRA, FRIZEEN returned on tho train this morning to re sumo her dutlos In tho shorlff's offlco. V. a. HINDMARSH, Soulhorn Paciric cnglneor, nccompanlcd by Mrs. Illndmarsh, camo In last ovenlnc , from Lnkesldo. , N. A. NELSON and wlfo woro In tho city today from Hawser. Mr. Nol Hou la cashlor of tho Ilausor & ilauser company. J. 13. MONTGOMERY loft this morning for Coqulllo hy wny of Denver Hill to look aftor some tolophono business. MRS. DONALD CHARLESON nnd Httlo son loft this morning, re hiring to tholr homo in llamlo'i after n short visit horo, ART LUNDSTlfo.M, in tlio offico of Swan Denson on tho railroad work, will leavo for Arlington, Or., whoro tho company has n big contract. PROF. W. A. nARR, of Corvallls, camo over this morning from tho 1 Coqulllo vnlloy whoro ho has boon meeting with tho farmers. W. E. MEYER, of Salt Lak City, gov ernment cow testing export, Is hero todny, Ho has beon In tho Co qulllo Valley for sovoral days. E, It. HODSON camo down from his HEAT THE LANDLORD Tho laws or Oregon aro very strict in protecting landlords, but now and then sonio man gets the host of tho landlord and gots awny with it. Albert Kinney has adopted a safo method by buying n lot In Sunny vale In fact ho bought threo so ap in bavo amnio room for a gardon Ispot. Ho proceeded immediately Uo orect a eomfortnblo tent housd 'thoroon expecting later to build a pormanont homo. Hy so uomg tho money ho had been paying mo landlord each month for rent is not only keeping np tho payment on tho lots hut leaving him a Httlo nest egg besides. If you aio Inter ested in this plan of beating tho landlord Just "seo Rold about it," and lot him show you how It enn ho done. . , j No Rares on File. Justlco Pen nock received n wlro today from O. II. McGluty, secretary of tho Inter state Comniorco Commission nt Wash ington sUtlng thoro aro no telegraph tariffs on fllo thoro at loss than hnlf I a cent a word rate. II. n. Woldv, rubllshor and editor of tho Dally Tldo 1 In North Rend put In a counter claim against tho Western Union, whon jsuod for n Imlauco duo on tclograpli tolls, stating that a rate of a quarter of a cent was In vogue. Tho case Is to como up Monday morning nt 10 A Touch of Early Spring Now is the time to begin your Spring sewing, while the picking is good. Dress Ginghams worth at the least ono-thiid more, our mice ' 10c, 81-3c, 71-2c How about that House Dress, worth $1,00; our price A dandy House Dress, worth 75c, our price Double Service House Dresses, $1.50 value, our price All now and choice patterns. Bungalow Apron's all patterns, 75c value . Bungalow Aprons, percale, all pat terns, 65c value Allover Net Ecru and White, 36 in. wide, 65c value, our price A dandy line of new Embroideries Ladies' Silk Hose, $1.00 values, our price , Stir- 9Safiw$ r i i m in i ' 1 1 n i1 mm 79c 49c 98c 49c 39c 39c 79c Follow Originators of Low Prices South Coos Rover ranch today and roports that their two daughters nro rabidly recuperating from tholr recent slogo of typhoid fovcr. EUGENE ROIJINSON Is back from his Noith Inlet ranch, whoro ho made a short visit. C. M. RUSHING of Eastport loft to day for tho stato tuberculosis sanitarium at Snlom after Mrs. Eiickson, a nurso here, hnd mndo n Btrenuous campaign to rnlBo tho necessary funds. The county "will tako caro of tho fam ily which now Is In destitute cir cumstances. THEO. IIILLYER, llnotypo oporator, Is again hack to his first lovo, Tho Times, aftor many yonrs. Ho camo over from Myrtlo Point whoro ho has been holding) a position on Tho EnterprlBO, and has taken chnrgo of ono of The Times machines. Uo will romovo his wlfo nnd fnmlly to Marshflohl probably noxtwcok. CHAS. FENSLER was In from Pow ers this morning nnd states that business is getting back to normal there, all tho camps being busy. Tho Smith-Powers company built n trnek around tho big "sinkhole" , and was ablo to get ono of tholr big engines around the 1M dogroa curve. Tho big onglno will bo kept on i ...j end nnd tho Shay en gines will bo used In hauling cars nrouud tho cum- . s s 0 IS DU COLD, PL'RE AIR IS HEALTHFUL Maximum HOT WATER DOTTLES II. ,!. KIMIULL DECLARES TREY ARE FAR IN THE LEAD I.V PORTLAND AND AT 8AX Kit AX CISCO AND HAY CITIES JL J. Kimball, who rocontly re turned from n trip to Portland, do clares that tlio Overland Is now far In tho lead as tho popular car. Ho says that a yonr or so ago when ho visited tho cities, it seemed to him that about four or flvo of every half dozen cars ho saw was n Ford but this spring, tho Overland nppenred moro numerous than tho Fords, Tho hnndsomo appcaranco of the car for tho cost tho cuiso with which It Is operated and tho absolute reli ability of tho car appeared to bo tho dominant factors which havo givon tho Overlnnd tho "lend. Mr. Kimball says that ho- was sur prised to seo tho way that tho Over land hnd forged ahead, Although ho personally bought nn Ovorland Inst yenr, recognizing Its morlts, ho did not oxpect to soo It drop into popular favor quite so rapidly ns It, owing to tho stiff sales competition put up by othor makes. Isaac R. Tower, tho Southwestern Oregon ropresontatlvo of tho Over land, who ndded tho Overland to his agency enrly last yenr when tho now features and prices woro announcod, wns elated to hoar that tho Ovorland , wns proving tho big success ho antlc 1 Ipnted. 1 Locally tho Ovorland Is taking woll nnd It Is expected that a number of tho popular cars will bo dolivorodj ( hero as soon ns tho factory can sup ply Mr. Towers ordors. a. in. Ready Already Tho members of tho Coos and Curry Fair association aro literally lotting no grass grw under their feet. This is tho mld dlo of February and alroady tho j Chamber of Commerco'has received from J. O. Stommler of the nssO- Iclatlou, announcement of tho mid to tnko tho first chill from tho "out-of-doors" bed. You can sleep warm on :ho coldest nights if a MAXIM CM is at your foot. Tho MAXIMUM Rubber Lino carries with it a uni versal giiarautoo of AH fiOLl'TK SERVICE fin TWO yonrs or your money back. Call and let us show you tho Maximum Lino. THE BUSY CORNER Phono 21)8 Wo Deliver Promptly $ t AMONG THE SICK t $$ j T. Flleshurg Is going abut with i his loft arm In a sling. Whllo crank ; ing a inachino tho handlo kicked hack and hroko his arm, IP Mll III REMOVAL NOTICE. ) E. L. Ilopson has moved lfls har ness shop from North Front street to tho foot of Commercial on wntor front, Dr. D. O. Ynughnn. Dentin, Room 2(1, First National Hank building (mm AihKs t NEW TODAY FOUND On Dili nnd Klrml, Komn crocheted lnco. Apply Tlmos of fico. gj FOR HALE Omul piano, $IA".00. Apply tuflO Anderson avo., west. WANTED Second .Imml .go call. Good condition. Address "IC,, caro Tlmos. WANTED FORD TOUIMXtJ CAR Proferubly 10 IC Model. Stato mil ngo run, cqillpmeut, and pried wnuted. Address Ilox 113, Coqulllo, Oregon. t WANTED 3 ?? WANTED To buy a Paying nparU ment or lodging house, also board ing hoiiso. I havo ellontn to rent furnished or unfurnished houses or apartments. Ounora call, C00.1 liny Dov. Co., DM Coko bldg. X FOR RENT $$ FOR RENT huge, light front, room for 1 or moro persons, closn lit. Address "V" Times offlco. FOR RENT ConifoHuMo npnrr monts for rout, furnished, $15.00. flno location. I. S. Kaufman & Co. FOR ItEXT Furnished two room npt. Heated, $15.00. Inquire Matson's Store. I'OR RENT (I .Room house In South Marshflohl. Phono 1-17-1 North Bond. FOR RENT Furnished flat, hot and cold water, bath. 8G3 Third st. FOR RENT Rooming house over Ekblad's Hardware Storo. Apply, at Ekblad & Son, or call IlfiO. t FOR SALE FOR SALE Threo lots, JOO fort on 10th 8t, 12G on Fir; good hay vlow. PvJcu fllOO cash. J. T. Sullivan. FOR RALE Pit'iuo Caiiu-rn, r,7. eomploto. Leather case and flvo holders, Flno lens and shut tor. Piico ?20. II. R. Drlnkloy, Hay City. Phono 3091. FOR SALE CHEAP I Ford touring; car In good condition. Posh mag- noto. Coodrum's Gnrago. I OR SALI IIoiiho and lot hi best residence part of town. Tormn reasonable. Phono 222-X. POR TRADi: Complete, u'cll eiili- pod ehlckon ranch, will trado for Marshfleld lots. I. S. Kaufman & Co. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD OOODS FREIGHT AND HACaAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER f Phono 103 Residence Phono 13-J Market Avo, nnd Waterfront M "a 0 j, t J1'AiB-j 1 jl !... ujvJr MjJkL .- . jf- -A ;-ui.A , .' JL hAliMiTlit ii. ' ""Vk. . t-A. ..-.!-..,. J i. b-i.jSt