lHE FIRST QUESTION A LAWYER ASKS ABOUT A CASE IS WHETHER IT IS FEES-IBLE 't'l 'if A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST tttt0 A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES AND ALWAYS BOOSTS "vol- No XXXIX MIIIION TO 6E CONSIDERED ill at This Session UOIigiBM ""' ." nflninnh! Take up Hinwi' Which Are Proposed. i EBB T wo-., ,,., VS,U" f Next December. POSTPONE JNTHONY BILL rrnKlcl in I'm Off Hie Prohibition " ' ... . i ..... lt..lVl',. .Ilia Mwiirw "H """ '" jlflnry CoiuiiiIU.h' When It Ciiino lo Tic Vote B, AwrUlftl TrM lo Coo liar TlmM.! ....ntuvi-rnv n. P.. Fob. Hi. rtaiii.u'"" - rrolubltloii amendments to tlio con itlmtlon but not tlio woman suffrugo inondmenH ft III bo conslilorod lit tlili lesslon of congress. Tlio Ju- .. . iiIa (mint twiuf itminil ulciary comiuiiivu unnv ,...., (lie consideration of tlio Susan II. An thony amendment uptll noxt Decom ler. Proposals lo postpone prohlbl t,on cro lost on n tie vote. f p roxflitrss to look into uov i:iix.mi:.t owxhusiiii1 U I'refoired In I'luii of (inv'iM-iitiieiil llrgtilntloii mill ('o'Miol of Pub lic Willies Br AuMlit rrna to Cooa nj Tlmra.) WASHINGTON', I). ('., Fob. 15. -Ily a vote of 39 to 2.1, tlio somite today wont on record favoring con gressional Inquiry Into tlio advlsabll lljr of Kovcrnmoiit ownership of pub lic utllltes ns against government WsuUtloii and control. It adopted such an lunomlinont pro i'd by SenuiK. v.uli to Xowlanil resolution to direct Inquiry Into tlio tlie Interstate cominorco coiiimlsiilon. SB RKVi:m: lUIITIIQI'AKK l.Nlif. Will) AT GIIORGKTOWX. nvriiiiient Indicates Tlml It Is ! About 5()( Miles Away From Washington, I). V. It; Auwliit) rrM, to Co, j TmM,j WASIIINOTON, 1). C, Fob. If,. A severe earthquake was recorded JU morning on tlio slosmogrnph of Georgetown University 0ro. It '"ted moro tun nn hour. i . PPittlmateljr ir.00 ...Ilea from! "nington. IS BIFIHflT m?lW Xial 1HJMVKHH WI.U'11 KHOM TIIIIOXK Ki;sJ,,m!,,'1k,,,k l'Mm (,'B " ""' "burets of S Army "1 Xiuy n"Auu,,rreH,oCoojnayTiinMj 2iirs,?na ,5ra,of,,, enn- 01 wc l,l'ond worthily." Ml'i.s ci.osi:,7o",)AY, bf Tl " Hone or, Will Ho S1,''. U Ii. sa,,. Cnylr,' f th C- A- Smith Mined Q B 0t lo8- H "as bul- "ild tart"," tod "" tsa". 8uLr , tomorrw woriiliiB l tha tZ rm,0,U S,oro Paid -" further .il.,0UB,,t thero wo",,l t0ii' Tha ., l0gs 0Ver tl10 rall ,,h,e'. beinJ ,7 enS"les' whlc" ro r ;''reBix sat ti,at t,iQ i " toula bo ., , as Boon as the 1UUoolttU,,,,1,eU'WvlUb0 " ""Mho l?m,U,0,ls ro norm 8t0""s and floods. II Hi lilts DE Established 1H7H As I'Iio fount Mull IS STORM GODS IIAlr RAILROAD OP KRATIOXS XOIITII OK ItAV ItuilH i:pofeI Into Hoedspoil l'roni Mouth by Thursday lluilil Fast In 'Mils Weather Tlio combined offorlH of Old Bor ons and Jupt. 1'IuvIiih are enough to thwart even tlio hardiest of railroad biillderB. Tlio rcHiilt of tlio work doiio by tlioso two calamity exports hiiH boon lo dolny construction on tbu Wlllamotto Pacific railroad. Italia lmvo not yot reached Reeds port from Cooh Hay. Tlio Htool lino Is within approximately a nillo or tlio town. By Tlnirsiliiy It ih cx p:tod tho first working train will whlatlo at tho Hoiithorn bank of til" Uniiiii(i mid at tho .approach of tho long stool bridge now building there. Cup of Five Miles From tlio nni thorn oiul (hero Ir still n gnp of about five and one half mllea that must bo filled with rails, Of this distance some thrco miles 1b Already Inltl with n nar row gauge railroad. It Is expected that tho shifting ovor of ono rail, thus widening the gunge, Is practic ally all that will bo necessary. Thero Is still somo piling to ho done on F.vo .Mile, lake, In the build ing north of Unipqun. with this doiio tho lino swiirgs out to one of the creeks tributary to Smith river and tlienco down tho Utupiiia. Ilecnuiio or tho delay duo to weather conditions It does not seem possible to have a regular motor car uorvlco Into Hce:Iaport by March 1. That 1s, tho permanent lino will not bavo boon built that far by this date, though It will bo posslblo to run work trains over tlio cntlro dlstanro from Coos Hay. As yet tho city council Is awaiting tho completion by tlio Southern Pa cific of Its various itgroonionta bo foro allowing a change In the local motor car franchise for n period or flvo years. Tho worlc of tho railroad In this connection Is necessarily Blow bocauso of tho fact that much cor respondence hnB to take placo with tho Now York offlcon of the company. W IKE inn I. H. WANTS TO KNOW SOMK ITU. THICK DKTAII.S Will Ask lluw Hiiliiiiur-lifrN Are to Know Wlicllier Mei'chaiitiui'ii urn Ai'ineil or Xot tllr A if en UIM rn' to Cu Ilr Tlmn.) WASIIINOTON, I). C, Koli. 15. Tho United States, in tlio near future, may mako somo liuiuirles of (ior many nnd Austria as to how they In tend to determine wlmthor merchant men nro tinned boforo sinking them without warning, In accordlnco with tho now orders going to their two murine commanders. L TIIHKH lirXIMtKD OFF fltl'ISICII ! AKKTIIFSA AHIC SAFK Piulwibly Seventeen Men Who Were In Stokeholil I'eilsheil When Ves sel St i uck .Muo njr Auoclatej Tim to Coo. nr Tlmn.J CHATHAM, Knglancl. Feb. 15. About aoo Mirvivora of tho Urltiah crulsor Arothusa which wns sunk ns a result of striking a mluo, arrived boro Saturday night. It Is supposed nbout 17 men who woro in tho stoke hold nt tho time- tlio vessel struck the mine woio killed, Wlhh KXKOItCI? LAW. ' Pollco Seeing That School Hoys Co Homo lli uly. Tho pollco bavo notified pool hllllA mid nMmr nlnrnu rnL'nrillllir tho ordinance rogulnting school boysf frenuout.ng such places. Min ors have no business nt all in tho pool and billiard halls, according tn 'rhn n ril I n ii urn. All linvfl nttotld- Ing school are supposed to leave tno bowling alley and such places by 0 ji. m. In fact parents ro supposod to koep their children at homo after that hour. Tho pollco say that In many cases parents aro not as caroful as tlioy should bo about seeing that thoir children get homo by 9 o'clock. I.Iblij' Coal, $5.00 toll. Phono 72. Dr. II. K. Kelly, Dentist, 201 Coko Hide, l'hoiio 112-Jt WDRK OEUEI SURVIVORS D MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FIRE IN II . FATAL TO MEN Twenty-One Workmen Be lieved to Have Perished at Anaconda Copper Works. E Nine Bodies Have Been Brought to Surface and Twelve Are Missing. FIRE IS STILL BURNING Volunteer I'orces and KIrst AM Siii:uls Protected With (!as Hel mets Itntlllng U'l'b I'lnnies Caiiso Xol Delei'iiiP'eil Illr Aiwlalr,l l'rni In mm nT TIrim. miTTK, Mont, Keb. 15. Twenty one men are believed to have per Ihl.od, ncrordlng to rescue woikeru at the Pennsylvania Mine of Ana conda Copper M lulug Co., when a fire broke out In ono of the luvels of that property while TiO minora wore at work last night. . Nino IioiI.oh wero raised from the mine this morning ami 12 aro still un accounted for. I'lre Still Hums Tho fire at a 1200 foot levol o the shaft Is still burning but with vol unteer foices of in 1 1. era .m1 Crst alii squads working with gas pro tector holmets, it Is believed tho flio will soon bo extinguished. Most of the dead and missing woro at work on the 500 level. Offi cers of the company have ghon out a statement saying tlioy have no means jot to determine the cause of tho fire. (ns Funics Fatal Within a few minutes after the flro wis discovered In tho timber of Iho 1200 foot level, gas fumes be gan filling tho higher workings. Within a few momonta tho cago was hoisting minors to the surface. Sig nals to tho engineer enmo fiom half a dozou levels at once. Insistent calls for tho cage camo from tho 500 foot lovel. Men l)i hen Hack Ono cago full of men was takon from thero hut when it again wns lowered to this level thoro wero no men at tho lauding. The gas had be come so strong tlioy wero compolled to flco back Into tho workings. Heroes Mevt Heath William O. Mltcholl, assistant foro mau, and Jack Ilrouuau, a miner, who voliinteored, wero then quick ly loworcd to tho 500 foot level. They started for the missing men. Doth of them wero overcome and thoir bodies woro found a few min utes later hy another roseuo crew. lniiLOWSIUP flil'H WAXTS Mil. WITIIVrOMHK COMIC I 'Oil VISIT Point Out Fact That State Official Has Xot Heou 1 1 tiro Vet Uef. Inlto Unto Later Govomor Wltliycombo hna beon in vited to visit Coos Hay as tho guest of tho Fellowship Club. No definite ditto has as yot beon selected, but ho will bo asked to cpmo horo for ono of tho banquets to bo hold very shortly. Hen Flshor, president of tho Clut), this morning said that Inasmuch an tho govomor has not been hero alnco taking office, thero nro n great many people down horo who want to moot him faco to faco and that this is u good chanco to got him horo. Mr. Fisher bolloved tho governor would assent to tho trials of n trip In here ovor tho stage roiito. On Thursday a mooting of tho ex ecutive commltto of the Club will be hold for the purposo or oiit.llnlng the banquets for this spring and also to talk ovor tho charity work being done by tho organization. OUT OF HOSPITAL. Will Krlckson, who has beon in tho hospital for wdckB past, is able to bo out today for tho first time. Ho submitted to a surgical opera tion for tho rollof of appendicitis and afterward Buffered somo com plications but Is now on tho road to rocovory after a long solgo. RESGU STARTED 1TE CO OR MKMHKH OK TIIIO ASSOCIATKD IMIKSS TUESDAY, FEBUARY 15, f. S. MKMiKX NOT Vl IX HltAX DFIS CASK Foulil Xot Clvu Facts to Substanti ate Cliurgo Appolnteo Wrecked the Xew llaen ttly AMoclalM Pre to Conn njr TlmM, WASIIINOTON, I). C, Fob. 15. Charles S. Mellcn, former prcsldout of tho New Haven railroad today no tified tho senate sub committee In vestigating tho nomination or Louis I). Hrnndcts for tho supremo court bench that ho had no facts to sub stantiate tho chnrgo by C. W. Har ton, of Boston, that Hrandcls "Helped wreck tho Now llavon road." After some discussion tolay the coniniJttco decldod to leave opon tno iiucstton aB to whether Mellon should bo subpoenaed. Has Xo Pnpiirs Senator Walsh read this telegram from Mellon: "I have no Information of any character that would bo of any value to tho sti: committee on the llrniidels nomination. I lmvo nn pa pers Hint bavo any hearing on tho cane. Under theso clrcunistnnces may I not ho excused from attend ing." Answers Inquiry In tlio absenco of Chalrnan Chil ton, Walsh telegraphed Mellon: 'JMr. Ilnrron, testifying Thursday, assorted you could testify to fncts establish ing the chargo that lir.uule s was em ployed to wreck the Now Haven road. Having In ,mlnd your tolograni of today plraso wlro whether you ran glvo tho commlttoe nny Information that will shed light on tlio truth or fnlslty of chargo." To that Mellon roltoratod ho had no Information whatovor. Alleged Framing Plan. Itollls II. llalloy, lloston attor ney, alleged thaX Urandols fratnod the plan for carrying on tho paper maniirncturlng business of tlio Into flnmuql 1). Warren, Sr., which placed Samuel 1). Warren, Jr., In iv position antagonistic to tho lattor's position ns trustee Claims Illegal Act. Thnt Hrandels was guilty of Im proper conduct toward tho United Shoo Mnchlnory company wnB charged by S. W. Wlnslow, presi dent of tho eompnny. Ho alleged Hrandels attacked us Illegal the acts and methods of tho company In Which ho had participated and as sisted to create rLflNlipEEi MAXV fOMMl'MTIKK PHFPAHH 1'Olt OHSFHVAXCH Mirny letters Are Itocelved l'miu Dlirmeiit Plates by Department of Libor (Special to Tho Times) WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 15. Therfc nro 1727 conimuiiHIos consid ering aomo preparation for Ilaby Weok, according to tho Inquiries re ceived hy tho Children's Bureau of tho U. S. Department of Labor. This number does not Include tlioso of whoso Interest In tho campaign word has como to tho Bureau Indirectly. Tho lottora nbout Baby Weok are still coming in from every stnto in tho Union and from ovory typo of com munity, sucli as a Colorado settle ment forty iiilloa from a railroad, a club of women on ono of tho gov ernment reclamation projects, a Mon tana coal mining town witli a large foreign papulation, n southern mill village, and a club of farm women In u middle western stnto, Toxas has Its own Bnby AVcok slo gan, "Baby Health Is Toxas Wealth" and Mississippi has started a compe tition to secure a slogan for that stnto. North Dakota reports plans for a statowldo essay contest 1n the public schools, In Its suggestion for Bnby Week observance tho Chllilrnn'o Bureau lays especial emphasis on tho opportunity It affords for extending permanent work for Infant wolfurc., such as spec ial nursing und lustruot o:j for pros pective mothers, city Inspection of milk, special work lor the preven tion of blindness, and little mothers' classes aipl homo nursing Instruc tion for school girls lu tho upper grades. FOU SALW 1 acres, fi mlloH from Marshfleld; houso, barn, chicken hoiiso, orchard; $2000, $1200 down. No commission, Owner. Address P. O. box 405, North Hnnd. s Eli 1916 EVENING EDITION PUN II SYSTEWI Joint Committee of Congress Reports Favorably on the Administration Bill. t Would Put the control in the Hands of a Farm Loan Bureau. FEDERAL BOARD AT HEAD Lat'cr Would Consist, of SecreluS-j of tho Treasurer Together Willi Four Other Members Who Would Ho Political Appointors (nr AivuirlatM I'ivm lo Cum Il.ljr TlnlM.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Feb. 15. Tho admluistrntlon's bill to estab llnb a system of laud banks drafted by the Joint congressional committee wns favorably reported today to tho Honnto, but with radical alterations, by tho banking and currency com mittee. Tho proposal for a board of flvo commissioners to control thu system wns discarded by tho commlttoe lit fa vor of control by tho treasury do- itmeiit bureau to be known as the fcdoral farm loan bureau under sit pervlslon of the federal loan board, the latter consisting of tho secretary of treasury nnd four pollUr.il ap pointees. v L mai.v iii:vi:i: hiifaks hki.ow XATCIIFS, .MISS. fnrgfl Area of Farming luiud Along tho Waterway Will Ho Inundated Ily AMrlate.l I'ivm lo Cooa IUjr Tlmr.) MI0M1MIIS, Tenn., Fob. 15. A long distance telephone messago from Natchcs, Miss,, says tho main litvee, !I5 miles below the city, broke this morning. Water from this break will flood n largo area of rich farm ing laud along tho Mississippi. I NARROW ESCAPE OVF.Il'ITItNIJD IX MIIiLHACF WHILH CAXOKIXfl. Ifl Itc.sciicd After Tlnllllng Kpori. cucc, Hut Cuiiim Xenr Losing Her Life. Miss Myrtlo Cowan of this city waa principal in a thrilling oxporl onco In which she came very near being drowned, Tho following Is the story na told In u press tele gram from ICiigeue: Details of a nonr-lragcdy, which almost resulted in tlio drowning cf MIfb Myrtlo J. Cowan, a freshmnn at tho University of Oregon, last Tuesday In tho mlllraco, waa mado public today. . "Miss Cowan waa carrlod nearly 1200 foot In tho Bwirt, high wator of tho raco, clinging to an over turned cauoo. while hor escort, Charlea Crandnll, of Vale, Or., ran nearly this entire tflstauco on tho shore,, attempting to ovortako her, that ho might swim to hor assist ance. "Miss Cowan nnd Crandall woro canoolng. Tlio canoo upset. When Crandall came to tho snrfaco, Miss Cowan and tho canoo woro somo distance down stream, Hcallzlug 1t would be Impossible for him to overtake Miss Cowan bj BWlmmlng bo Immediately swam to shore and started to run down stream, with tho Intention of overtaking her and BWlmmlng to hor assistance. Duo to the Irregular shore lino, ho was a bio to gain but little distance. "Attondnuta at tho boathnuso, opposlto tho university, rescued Miss Cowan as tho canoo passod that point." FKKH LFSSOXS hi all kinds of CrocheHug dally from 1:!! to l:i)0 nt Tho l-'alr. I'm good service, see Jay Dojle. rnlloi-ing and Cleaning. Phone 250. I m Ul i Consolldntlmi of Times, Const Mnll n -If A mill Coos Hay AdveitlmT. ""' ' ' " IS AIHSIIIPS 1MIOP IIOMIIH OX TOWX OF SCIIIO Slv Persons Aro Killed unit Olhcrs Aro Woiiudeil In the Attack tnr Amoelalcil I'rnn o Coo liny TlmM. LONDON, Fob. 15. Iteutor'B cor- icspondont nt Vlcenzn, Italy, says that hostile aeroplanes bombarded Schlo, 15 miles from Vlconza yesterday kill ing six persons. and wounding others. E FIIFXCll SAV TIIKV HFCAPTl'Hi: LOST THFXCHFS Ceiinan Ktateiiibnt Says Hr'tlsh Po sitions Aro Taken Oxer NOO Yard I'Vont FHKXCII UlCCAPTintF v TltFXCHFS FHO.M'OFHMAXS m Ax'srlalM Prm Id Com Hr Tlmri, PAWS, Feb. 15. -In Cham- ngue, the French troops ro- captured a portion of tho nil- 4 vanced trenches occupied by 4 tho Germans February 13, according to tho wnr ofHco this nrtoruoon. a (llr AorUtil rrnu lu Cnua llay TlmM, HHItLIN, Fob. 15. Hrttlsb posi tions over a front of SOU yards near Yprcs, Ilolglum, have been captured by tho GermniiB, the wnr offlco an nounced today. CITY IS LOFTV IIOUSKS AT HKLFOIfU, FUAXCK, AHH DKSTKOVKD. When Foil res w Is Shelled Many of Inhabitants Flco to Switzer land for Saftcy. Illy AuotlMnl Trru to Coo P7 TlniM, HHULIN, Feb, 15. (Hy wireless to Bayvlllo) Advices from Swiss sourceii say tho shelling of a French fortresa of Holfort recontly by heavy gnus did great damage. Fifty houses wero destroyed and tho entire strootB damaged. Well-to-do Inhabitants fled to Switzer land. KKPHKSF.XTATIVK TO Hl'SSI Sl'FFFHS FHOM HAHD W'OKK Cienrgo T. Mnri Who Holds Place, Is Hepoiteil Tn He In Poor Health llr AuorUte.1 Pirn lo Coua Hr Tlnira. WASIIINOTON, I). 0., Fob. 15. Georgo T. Marye, American uiitbnB sailor to Kussia, Is understood to be In poor health as a result of bard work and probably will retire. Ills secretary, Hay Jmkor, saw Secretary Lansing today. I.iuslug later said Maryo will not resign. ALLIES TO CONFER UFPHKSKXTATIVKS AUK TO .MKKT IX PAULS SOOX Will Discuss All Political mill Strat egical Aspects of tho Hlg War (II; AMocUted rr lo f-iKi. uj Tim.. LONDON, Fob. 15. A gouoriu coiiforonco of tho allies lu 1'aHs Jo consider all political mid strategical ai.pecta of tho war la to be held, Premier Asqulth told tho houso of commons today. Ho bald the situation of the Brit ish foices in Mesopotamia was liu proved materially and that General Towuseiid, whoso army la surround ed by tho Turku nt KuUol-Aiiuua, Ih holding his own, HAWLHV WILL ASSIST (Special to tho Times) GAIUHNKH, Oro. Fob. 15. .Con gressman Hawloy has written to this placo complimenting tho pcoplo on their proposed bond Issuo for tho Im provement of tho harbor and assur ing that ho will glvo his assistance toward having tho gom'iiniont make an appropriation for the work, ILY DED BOTH IK U I M BELIEVE PLOT .IS Chicago Police Think Thdy Have Unearthed Plan to Destroy Clergy. PAPERS TELL STORY Appears Conspirators Would Wreck Churches and Kill Ministers in 12 Cities. SEARCH FOR PRINCIPALS DIm'Iosiiio Mailo Hy Seaich of Per- Minitl I!fl'ects of .lolin Allegerlnl Held us Couflilaiitn of Man Who PolMiucd Soup, III AmocUUJ rr lo Tom IU Tlmn CHICAGO, Fob. 15. Senrch wan stalled today for the principals In what the pollco hcllovo to be a plot to destroy buildings and kill mom bora or tho clergy and hilly In twelve cities or the United States. Papers Aro Found. Tho discovery or the alleged plot, according to yio police, resulted from ail examination of the 'per sonal errects of John Allegerlnl, a confidante or Jean Crouan, who Is charged by the authorities with putting poison In the soup nt a banquet given Archbishop Miindo lelu mid causing tho Illness of 100 guests. Is Held In Jail. Allegerlnl Is lu Jail. Chief of Police Mealey nahl, after .studylni? tho letters round In Allcgorlni'a room, that ho regarded It un nu established nnll-clcrlcal organiza tion or destroyers lwhoso hoadquar- tera nro In Homo. After Penitentiary An attempt to blow up the atftto penitentiary nt Jotfot was among the plans of. the alleged plotters, the po lice any. Keeontly a .quantity of dy namite oufflclont to destroy many buildings, waa round secreted In tho , penitentiary. - HATTLKSHIP OUF.GOX UKTIUKD FHOM NAVY nr AmwUIM rrm. u CM ynj TIiumJ VALLKJO, Calif.. Feb. 1G. Tho battleship Oregon, tho "Hull dog or tho Navy," wont on tho rotlred list today whon Bho waa turned ovor without formality to tho naval mill- tin of California at Maro la- 4 laud navy yard. She calned her fame lu n trip around Capo Horn In time for tho hat- tie of Santiago. TOTAL UKOISTHATIOX ()er a Thoiismid hi County Up to I February r The total registration lu Cooa coun ty to Fohruary 5 wna 1155, of whom 212 wero women und 912 wero men. Politically thesu votes aro divided nn IoIIowb: Republicans, 752; Demo crats. 255; Socialists, 80; Prohibi tionists, It; Progressive Republicans, G; Non-partisans, 3; Progressives, -i, Refused to state, D. A PHOPIIKOY OF WAR'S F.XD Tho Journal des Dobatca hua pub lished a stinngo Btory of a prophecy regarding tho end of thu war. liomo plouu people wore driving up tho steep hill to Moutniartre, where tlioy wero going to lslt thu church, tho story ruiiB. On tho way tlioy gave a Iirt to an old woman, who, when she arrived at tho church, said that she would, In expression of her grat itude, tell them a good pleco of news. She asked If tlioy would Ilko to know when tho war would end. The peo ple replied, "With all our hearts," whoioupon alio told thorn o'ther In Fohruary or March. Tho peoplo expressed Incredulity at tb hi statement. The old woman addoil that as a proof alio prophesied that tho coachman who drove thorn would bo dead within two hours. Sho thou turned away and disappeared. Tho paity visited tho church, nnd when they camo out went Into tho cnrr.aso, but found no driver. They thought ho was In n, cafe, but on nnfk 'ng Inquiries found that ho had Just died In a druggist's shop. Tho paper does not guarantee l!U accuracy of tho Btory.