iV THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1 916 EVENING EDITION ' FOUR r DO T II LINCOLN HONORED Two For One Sale Now In Full Swing naval lnuxrir for coos hay IS NEW MOVEMENT. THINK OF IT: Two Suits or Clothes for tho ivrlco of one, plus $1.00. Two Overcoats or Raincoats for tho price of one, plim $1.00. OR Ono Suit uml one Overcoat Iwth for tlio prlco of plus $1.00. one, Special for Tuesday and Wednesday: CHOICE nny $1.00 or $ii.00 Shoos In tlio storo $1-JS Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MAH.SIIFIELD 11AXDOX MYRTLE POINT POWERS SOXS OK VICTEHAXS HOSTS OLD TIME WARRIORS TO THREE IBS LUTE C. M'GOVERX TELLS OP TROUH. LEH OX RAILROAD STREET JIGHT ON POUlt AXOLES TO LEGAL BATTLE WAGED AT COUNTY SEAT tthr Slide t Not! Tunnel nil llivcr Gii?s Around Ityldgo i Ahutciucnt "Tlio boll strikes one, wo tnko aio note of time, 11 ut from Its loss: to glvo It then ti tongno Is wIho In man." I JYonne. C. McGovorn, tlio well known Mm borman, arrived homo Saturday night after liavlnj: boon away from tlio city for a period of four or flvo months. During that tlmo he wao nt Salt Lnko City and nlso at j'olnts on tlio coast. Mr. McGovorn camo In over tlio now railroad, or rather attempted to do so, but was delayed on account of tlio damage caused by tlio storm. , Hllo Had Ono Ho says that tlio slldo at tlio Not I tunnel was a bad ono. Thn rain caused an enormous volumo of dirt to break off the embankment and fall over tlio track and ho unys that thore Is a quantity nioro which is oiiro to como down. Tlio train started out from Eugono but when tlio big Blldc was discovered, tlio passengers woro taken back ond no ono was allowed to leavo Eugonu until tlio track was cleared. Mr. McGovorn was dclayod tlirco days at Eugono. Tlio rallroal tisoil men with shov ela to clear away the dirt and tlio , Job was finally accomplished. This was only ono of tho sovoral slides on tho rnllroaM but It was tho wo'st one. Goo Around Ahutcmcu,t- Mr. McGovorn says tho most dan RerouH loklng place was at ono of tho bridges ovor tho Sluslaw, a Htructuro of uovdral spans.. Hero tho water has divortcd so that horc after It will run between tho first npan and tho abiitomont, changing Its coiiitjo entirely. Tho water also Vent around tho lusldo of tho nbute- anont and washed out tho dirt so 'that It was nqccssnry to oxtond Mm bora across frqni the abiitomont to 'tho Rrouud which had rem ulned In tact. This sorved as a temporary tHtipport for tho rails and tho train 'went over It but It did not look very ,flOlld. It will bo Qiiltu a IiIk Job to fill in tho ground again back or tho nbutoment. EsniH'H tho Snow Mr. McGovorn had quite n tlmo getting back hero from Salt I.ako Clty, In tho Grando Hondo Valley lio bad to mako a visit to a small town otf tho main railroad. On Completing bis business ho did not want to remain longer In the small placo and decided to walk out and reach U Grando. Just behind en mo tho big snow Btorm and bad bo not Blurted out to wall; he would have been snowbound In tho Grand Hondo Valloy until a day or so ago. l.ator .Mr. McGovorn was again forlunnto us ho got out of Pubco ?on tho last train leaving thero bo foro tho Btorm aturted otherwise ho t would have boon snowbound at that (" placo. After making those fortunate escapes he arrived at Eugono onij to be detained thero three days on account of tho obstructions on tlio now railroad Into Coos Hay. Lumber lluslucss Hotter Mr. McGovern said that tho Im provement In tlio lumber busiuoss on tho outsldo was markod and It Boomed to bo tho opinion that tho bettor prices and domain! for lum bor had como to stuy for at leaBi two years. Soinoubat. Similar to Local Mrat Street Case Prtqioity Owners ItefiiNO Pay Street AsM'ssmontN "Havo nlwnys boon drawing, at daggora- Sons of Veterans Seek Expression of Opinions Would Secure Com pany and llrliifr Ship Here. "Hrlttanla needs no bulwarks, No towers along tho steep;' ' LHer march Is lo'cr tho mountain waves, Her home Is on" the lcop.' 1 ' .-Campbell Tlio Sous of Veterans, In n spirit of preparedness, arc. launching a campaign to secure again a branch or tho Progon Naval militia for i Coos Hay. Later a meeting Is to bo bcld or all young men Interested in the movement, their co-oporatlon will bo sollcltod nnd an effort then in a do to secure for this port one of tlvo Idlo Binallcr vessels nf tho navy. J. C. Kendall nnd Frank Horton Piro Instrumental In furthering thq )lan. Thoy point to tho fact that Portland litis Just secured tho old cruiser Marblehcad In place of tho Doston. Iloston Hero in 1012. Tho latter vessel has been on Coos Hay, onco In 1012 at tho tlmo when thoro existed nero a branch of tho naval mllltla that was dis organized In "that samo year. To securo tho Hoston or somo nlilun nf nlinut thin nl?n will hn tlm Anrinnvnr. nrnvlillnir Minimi, vnlnn. Voluntary Ilnnkriit M. J. Halo toers can be socurod to permit of ?f i:aatB,tl " Bo " volunteer uauanipicy, ruing ins caso noioro Judge Sohlbmlo. Tho liabilities aro listed at $222.80, duo to local mer G A. It. and Spanish-American AVnr Veterans in Attendance A,miy 1 tut Ions for ItcfrcMuitcutg "Our children shall bohpld his ramo, The kindly-earnest brave, roreseelng innH I """"l ill Sagacious, patient, dread hip praise, not blame, jtt Now birth or our now soil, tho first American.,, '44 Tho Sons or Veterans Saturday cV,il enlng in tho-Moqso Jlall woro hosts to the G. A. It. veterans and the,? Spanish-American War veterans In X ntendanco'practlcally every Civil War veterans on Coos Hay 1 moro than tho outlro moinberslilp of tho Uakcr Post. Tho Sons ot Votorans rur nlshed machines to tnkce tho old warriors to their homes atterwards. The rofreslfhicnts. Wore regulation army rations, D. A, Jones was ap pointed commissary sergeant nnd with his squad foraged on tho kitch en, bringing forth tho beans, the program: Quartet ...Charles Stnuff, V. A. Held, V. Pratt and Mr. Kgglcston Lincoln's Gettysburg Address .... P. G. Horton Lincoln as a Cltlczn ,.M. L. Duncan Patriotism Hov. A. S. Hlsoy Lincoln as nLaw'yor ..C. I. Hclgard Spanish Amorlcan War oVtoraiiB. . K. O. Graves w .,vi - tu , v - smmFBTrnmiY.uinii m -.- r r r it r fe , fl54F4, n,i. h fSMft v f u iiijwta -i.i-fi fttw3vf..Tiiir .jtfrrKrvrii id if r 11 i .aig.taun w .'. 1 all 1 1 II y IMI J j4t-!' VVC'Xxwp'fvCPPiVmim.Wmi .,v.f fflw. 1 W&1. I 1 wimmmmjmmAi m mi Bs ,vxx5s?s-csf--s savwsjJxJoiJSHMJSKrMiWkimvV if HIlz i JrA tt tt ! - such an undertaking. Plan Is One of Preparedness. This year Is ono of general pro- pnrodnefls, claim tlio Sons of Vol And ono nnothor loppor clawing." orntiB. It Is only In keeping with Uutlor. (Spoclat to tho Times) COQUILLK, Ore, Pob. 11. He foro Judgo Coku in Coqulllo today camo up tho Plrst street caso or Co qblllo, a controversy and misunder standing somewhat similar to the this spirit then, thoy say, that a branch of tho naval mllltla should bo secured hero. In 1011 tho first organization was rormed on Coos Hay. Tho company membership rangod from 40 to 70 actlvo members. A crulso won made by thorn from Portland Pirst streot caso In Marshfleld and to Coos Hay aboard tho Hoston. It ono In which a long and spirited le- was a Bhort tlmo ntter UiIb that gal battle Is expected. L. iA. LJIJoqvIfit, acting nH city attorney of Coquille, Introduced a motion botoro Judge Coko to havo him coiistruo a contract entered Into by tho city with Klllngson nnd Her gon, contractors. At tho samo time, It. O. Graves acting tor tho plain tiffs, property owners protesting tho street assessment, naked for a Judg ment on tho plcadlncs, claiming Micro havo been sufficient admis sions' by tho city for tho plaintiffs to tako Judgment without atrial of tho caso. Is Pour Cornered Plglit Tho fight is a four cornered ono and Involves tho payment of closo to $13,000, claimed for ctreet work. Property owuora nlong First street say thoy aro not liable for assess ments becauso tho city accopted a lump sum bid of tho contractors for about $0,000 and then let tho work by piece contract ror coimldorablo moro than tho abovo mentioned sum. Also tho plaintiffs d eel aro tho maca dam has not hold up undor traffic and that nutos right now nro get ting mired on First street. Warrant Pinrliar.s Out On tho other hand tho city is booking to collect tho money. The contractors are holding tho city lla- blo for the payments ami tho fourth partlca aro tho warrant holders, moil who purchased wurrauts re lating to tho Btroot Improvement. Tho Btreet was completed In 1911. Part of tho money ror tho Improve ment has been paid, tho remainder of tho property owners aro fighting the assessmeutB, the company went to pieces. Secure nn Old Vesnel. Now tho hollof is exprossod that thero aro enough young mon on the bay willing to Join In such a movo nnd, further, that a ship ran bo obtained. Thero nro in tho navy on this coast sovoral old timo war voshoIh about to bo or already mustered out of commission that would very well aorvo tho purpose of practlco ships. Will lA'arn Fooling. John Kendall said today that tho Sons of Veterans nro anxious for nn expression or opinion on tho matto'r boforo thoy go alieail much further with tho movement. With suclij a craft stationed In Where Did You Get That Pretty Dress? "Whero did you get that pretty dress, Mrs. White? Did you mnko-It? "Of rourso not! I'm not dressmaker enough to do that. I bought It right hero In town, nnd 1 only paid $1.00 tor It. This is ono or thosu I Mina Taylor Dresses tt tt "that you bco advertised no much. but novor ngulnt 1 formerly mado my own drosses "Look nt the fitylo of this dross. So how perfectly It fllH. Notlcn chants, nnd $00 credits, all of which 'tt how roomy It Is through tho hips, feet, corded nlud nou-rlpplug. ICxnmluo those buttonholos per ls exempt. Looks After Contracts W. J. Longstrom of Coquillo was In Mnrshflold today looking after n number of contract prospectus, Ho Bays it nas been rather quiet in thu contracting business Micro for npmo tlmo. 1 tt tt 8 Dance Tonight tt Tho members or tho K. or P. lodgo tt nt North Mend will glvo n danco this1 evening ni uocgio nail in Hint clty'f Tho affair Is to colobrato the fifty- third anniversary by lodges througn- ' otu 1110 country. "When I want to do tho houso work, I put on a cheaper MlNA'tTAV LOR Dross. When I want to louugo around tho houno, or innko a neighborhood call, I put on ono of theso better oues, I wouldn't bo without tioveral for twlco tho prlco thoy cost mo." See the Mina Taylor Dresses Here Prices from $1.00 up . ' '" Arrivo From South Vomon Smith and Carrol Smith arrived hero Saturday night via Flor ence. Carrdl Smith will bo hero for somo tlmo but Vomon Smith Is ar ranging to movo his household ef fects to Herkeley whero ho will mnka h.'s homo being now In tho head of fices with his rathor, C. A. Smith. tt tt THE GOLDEN RULE MARSHFIELD, OREGON t First National Bank Building un:u:t:::;u::::::::tnnunu::$:u:nu:utt:m:sHtn:tm i i'1 li I i I" 4 f i i i fi T' i I" fi T'1 fi f1 f1 fi in i M 'I " 'i i f t f f i I" I" f i f i f i f ' f i I: ii ii ii -I i i i 1 t f fi ii It tt 4 Dc'alucd In l-'liitrciico Judgo Hall wroto to Mrs. Hull from Floronco to say that ho had boon ma tho harboT, drills would bo held on roonod thoro most of last week bo- board, Micro would bo commissioned men of tho navy hero In charge to Jook after tho training of tho mon, and oftlmos cruises could bo In ciuibo or tho Blldes on tho railroad Into Kugeno and thoroforo was un able to meet his first wrok of dates on the I. O. O. p. Inspection trip. Ho dulged In up and down tho coastlls this week In Bouthorn Oroaon, for tho purposo of teaching tho amatour "Jacklea" how to stand on a rolling dock, how to mako a long spllco and to detormluo be tween starboard and starboardcr. YOPXti i'KOI'Li: MIIKT 1,4 FprsPrt W vice, aco Jay Dojlo. Jttl!oHng aud Cloauiig, phone U5U, IMiloii (,'athetlng Held at llaptlM Clnurli Sunday "Who God doth Into and early pray More of Ills grace than gift to lend Ami entertains tho harmless day With a religious book or frlond." Sir Henry Wotton. A Union young people's meeting was held at tho Haptlst church last evening, at fi;30 o'clock. It was In charge of W. 0. llliimuiin. Short ad dresses were made by representatives of Beveral churches. J. T. Hrand spoke for the Presbyterian church, Charles Huymond nnd Jerry Scott tpoko for the Methodist church, S.l. I.eland for tho Haptlst church and Miss Myrtle Tripp for tlio Christian church, All of tio speakers dwelt particularly on tho plan of a united endeavor being mado In the work of tho young people's soclotles of Hie city. During the session Herbert TlttBtoruil sang a boIo and was ac eoiupnnled by Miss Mary Kruse. It v.us decided to hold another union meeting at the Methodist church next Sunday evening. CURRY COUNTY RIVERS REACH A. HIGH MARK . Slides In Iloatls mid lliiins Flooded Hut Xo Very Great Damage Is Done. "Tho Btroam, aspiring, pants Ha source to mount, As streams meander lovel with fount. their V Hobert Montgomery. Tho molting of tho snow In tho tlio vicinity of lodges, In Medford, visiting : LOCAL OVERFLOW t $ : born ; $ M0$ FAHUIN To Mr. and Mrs. W. n. I Parrln at their homo at Sumner Snt- I in day night, February 12, twins, u boy nnd a girl, weighing six and Bovon pounds respectively. Thoy mako six children In tho family. J. 0. HOLT COiNGJO HUE HEARING CHKAMKHY KLKCTS. (Spoclal to Tho Times) COQUILLR, Oro., Fob. U. Ait tho annual meeting or tho stock holders or tho Coquillo Valley Creamory association tho following directors woro olectcd: C. E. Mc Cunly, William G. Mohl, Frank Wlllard, James Jenkins aud C. T. Skeols. Tho now board hold a meeting and olectod C. K. MeCurdy prwldont and Petor N. Hoyor mnn- agtr and secretory. Henry Bollonl was employed ns buttormnkor. Tho report of tho yoar'a business showed tho rollowlng Mguros: Cash received and money due for salo or mouutaluB of Curry county cnuscd butter, $98,23:i.GS; cost of manu facturing butter, $0,307.77; amount of checks paid to patrons, $82,finri; number of pounds or buttor rat re ceived In 12 months, .102,118; number or pounds or buttor mado, 371,97-1; nvorago prlco rooolvod for butter, 28.9 cents per pound. Tho prlco received for buttor was 2.90 conts less than Alio aver ago for 19 H, but tho amount or butter mado and sold was 27 nor coat, more than tho year previous. Tho amount paid to dnlrymon was! $0,207 moro n 191,5 than in 1911,; all tho rivers to bo high. Tho Port Orford Tribune tells tho following about the flood conditions: "While Sixes river was higher than it lias been for a number of years, yet it was not as high in proportion as Klk rlvor, Tho latter stream was hlghor at A. J. Marsh's placo than It has beon slnro 1890, while at tho McKenzIo place at the mouth of tho stream It was higher than it has be,on slnro they located there In early dayB, Sunday night tho tanners nil along the river were up all night looking out for their stock, and property, but asldo trom wash- New Store. Mr. Opporman whp camo horo n row nionths ago rrom In dependence, Kan., has opened an elec tric fixtures and supply houso In tho Odd Follows hall building on North Front stroot. Ho has beon engaged In this buslncBs for many years and expects to develop Into tho whoto aulo and manufacturing Hues or It bore, j MHS. C. II. DUNGAN or South Coon rlvor was a Marshriold visitor to day. Sho has practically recovered from her recent Illness. J. A. GOODWILL and wlfo camo down from their South Coos rlvor homo nnd Mrs. Goodwill will ro main hero for a row days receiv ing modlc-al troatmout. COUNTY SURVEYOR CAUGIIELL or Curry county pnssed through hero Saturday en route homo from Portland to Gold Heaeh. E. S. GIVENS, agent for tho Now York Lire Insurance Company, loft today on nn extended eastern trip during which ho will ropreaont the company. Ho will visit Ills par ents at Springfield, III., whllo east, SlTCKSSFl'li MANAGER EPtJEXE CAXXKHV TO SPF.AIC HERE Will Tell PnriueiH and ItiiNlnch's Men How Establishment Can Ho Mmlo To Pay on Coiw Hay "No wild enthusiast ovor yot could real, 'Till half mankind woro llko himself possessed," Cowpor. J, O. Holt, successful manager of tho Eugeno cannery, will be hero noxt week to hold a meeting With tho farmers and business men of Cooh Hay. This was tho announcement tlila morning of tho Horticulture commltteo or tho Chamber or Com merce, composed or Clnudo O. Thompson and R. llugigo. This Is the second stop In tho campaign bulng nut.vply waged in tho lutorests of establishing a can nery horo that will not only tako taro or tho rrult and vegetables raised horo at present, but afford" such n market that farinors will hoc fit to plant moro of tholr laud to Buch products. Mado Plieuoiiilual Sumtis OoiikiVsh to Tako Up O. & C. I-ani! .Matter Feb, 17 Is Date Sot nml Governor Asked to Send State Hcpivontntlc. "Thoro was on both Bides much to Bay: Ilo'd hear tho cnuso another day; And so ho did and then n third Ho heard It thon, ho kept hl word, Hut wkli rojolndors or repllen, Long bills, and answers stuffed .with lies, For ulxtqoip years tho cause wi 'spun, And then stood whoro It first I"' gun." Dean Swift. WASHINGTON, D. t, Fob. 14. Tho houso commltteo cm puuno lands fixed February 17 for hew ing tho Orogou-Callfornla ld grant case. Senator Choniborlaln. Ropresontatlvo Hnwloy, other con' gres8lQiiaI dologatlon and depart mont otrielals aro to bo heard. Govomor Wlthycombo has uw Invited to dologato a stato official for tho hearing If ilorflred. A Ch oral lnvltat.'on has boon Issued to Slnco tho launching of tho move- lv wishing to testify. mont thoro has been much favorable comment. Mr. Molt has mado a phenoinlnnl success of tho co-oporat-ivo plant In Eugono and Is coining hero to toll tho people how ho did it and how It can bo clono on Coos ;Ra Ropresontatlvo Wilson, Flvo bills for tho disposition tho O. & C, lands aro bo'ore con gross. Thoy were Introduced 1 Roprosoutatlvo Hawley. Senator Chaborlaln, R-opresentaMvo HaUcr, ana Hay. Ono of tho things that will prob ably,1 Iiq advocated by Mr. Holt will tho firth. Is tho Rokor bill. CIIAUNCEY CLARKE or Smlth-Pow- 1Q Mm growing or loganberries In ors Camp Six was In ironi Powers Mils suction. Last year ho camo to Is ut Schenectady. Hugh Smith, son or Senator 1. S, Smith or this city, Is now and for Rome tlmo past bus beon employed by tho General Electric company ut SchonncUuly. N. V., whoro tho munition plant or tno company burned today, DAIRY MEETING HERE t tlllt HRsInn li lift linlil trmirtrfu. lug ttuuy n lot or ronelng and In- ,nonilllB um, Mr nr,ornoon , tIie Jurlng tho bridge, did but little damage. "Soveral slides aro reported in t It fk tmi il It mi h 4 li i-v A .t .. V .. I . ...u ...,, II1U aiuuiiii um, nnu(nn invitation to everyono who is In; ono of tho bridges near tho Syd-,any way Interested In tho mioattnn 1. O. O. P, hall It is expected there, will bo many dairymen In nttondnnco. J. L. Smith, agriculturist, has Issuod ham placo, at Denmark has gono down, bo that It will probably bo Bovoral days before tho roads aro opened again to team travol. "Many or tho barns cm tho low- utat conrronts dairymen, Part or tho session will be given over to the asking or questions. Pror Darr, or O. A. C, and Mr. Meyer, or tho U. S. Department or Agriculture will bo lands along Elk river woro flooded the speakers und will endeavor to ami tho water lacked but two . btmiehton nut n. nrr.i.i.i,.a n,ni luchos. of coming in T. C. Clark's house on tho old Joo Nay place." may bo presented. At noon n lunch eon will bo served in tho dining room of tho I. O. O. P, hall, tho women In Dr. D. V. Viiughaii, DontN, Room Uoiidnnre bolng oxpeeted to ramo fl, Plrdt National Hank building urmed With tho "ea'ta." . iu siuuu onuuuy, SIDNEY CLARIv, Who, has bqen .work ing In tio S.mlMi-PwnrH-'caiuus has been spou'dliU Mio last tow dnys li Marshflein. CIIAS. WIN'SOll'iiud Petor LqhuIo. tho North llonci cfipltallsts, voro hero today on biislnuss, SHANNON MITallELL Who is now conducting Mia Nortll Hoiid News Company was a Marshriold busi ness visitor today. IiOgs i,ost I-Voni Train Last week a gang or seven mon were sent down tram Powers to lo cate logs which had fallen ofr tho logging trains. Tho party found a great numbo ot tho and thoy were later loaded on tho logging train. Coquillo Herald. Times Want Ads Get Results, tlio Umpqiia Valley and doclnred tho land thore especially adaptable- to tho berry. In tho jiast year tho logan borry market lias boon Increasing through tho tar east and tho middle west. HOMHAHDS IX NIGHT Residents or ElagstaSf arQ pro tostine tlfo promlsquous Bhootlng elalmod to bo Indulged In ty an old gentleman named Noah, who, it Is faald, has boon postered of lato by boys. On Saturday night whllo several residents woro on tholr way homo from a meeting in tho school houso Bonio ono camo to tho door of the cabin whore Noah Uvea and fired ofr a chnrgo Into tho midnight air. The reason for tho bombardment Is not Uuow u, He Removed the Danger Signal "I Buffered a -ions J' $eJ a very weak back' write '' Hmltl.326 Slain St.. areen BUT. V "A few boxes 9 ole ,K'ii gjreitrt completely relieved ine of "?" gm and pain In tho back, and now i as strong and well as ever. v0, Ono cannot help becomlnb ne n nnd feollnu tired and .worn out i'f the kidneys fall to niter and " out of the system the f ""..Vwfi matter that causes Uldaey irouu and bladder ailments. , .ianger Backache Is one of Nature a aanb signals that tho kidneys ar .?& up and inactive. It .0"eRIttfSjer or by rhoumatlsm. annoylnff biaaar , urinary disorders. P,ynnWes "J under the eyes, swollen ankles painful Joints. ,,. at tli I Foley Kidney Pills Ret risht ala source of trouble. They lijj'S of j the kidneys, to healthy """erform whon the kidneys properl) ,e,ta their functions the Poi0,'S"s.yaiein. matter Js eliminated from the sy For sale by Owl Prescription PMjr macy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Avo nue. Opposltd Cbandlor Hotel- Tele phone 74, - tv.' :t -ji WB$8i "vi'vi y