"T"1 !- "n"T'T m fl aum'W gw irtr TlWHmW' ! f IT BE TO CHOOSE AND CALL THEE MINE LOVE, THOU ART EVERY DAY MY VALENTINE (Sdab PAPER THAT A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES BELIEVES IN THE BhS I AND ALWAYS BOOSTS ,i'WPJWrinfi'-,-"-;r" jrnWTr rwr-- mm MKMUKIl OF THR ASSOCIATED PRESS No. XXXIX. .Established 187S An Tho Count Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FEHSE PLAN s msibed CARL FREEMAN DIES PASSIM AWAY TODAY AT SOUTH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1)16 EVENING EDITION imiltccs of Congress Take l fYOUieillfc i" i-"""""1 ITCparuunuaa. FBI BILL alor Chamberlain Plans to .lake Miima a rcuurai n...nA LApnn nesiTvu ruiui.. IsiDERING SUBMARINES I (Vinmlltre nf House Takes l'p wlonoMdndnd Grant Tlmt Dnr 1'nder Sra ltn Mt Gut. of Onto Lt boots It at one gate to mako defence, at another to lot In tlio foe." .union. l(Bf AuMOIN TtHt 10 VOW l7 ill" i lASIIINaTOX, I). C, Koli. 14. national preparedness problems In helil the center ot tlio stage the congressional coininltteo net- today. Having concluded tlio tins on tl'O military rtofeiiBO que. Chairman Chamberlain and dates In tlio sunato military nlltce today began framing a bill klie subject. I'liiii llrseito Vtirvo hey wero to Incorporate In mea- a plan ot federalization of tho onal guard to create n reserve Into force, Chairman Hay and house committee resumed tlio ; of -redrafting tho Iioiiho defcuflo I to eliminate tho contlnontul nr- Ifeaturo and placo In Itn stead a i of federallilng tho stato troops. Takes l'p Kuhiiiuilno ho house naval conunltteo bognn uhaustlvo liuinlry Into subinnrlno fare and abandonment of tho t type of subrfmrlno rocominond- to the committee by Admiral nt, who said tlio vessels wero far rlor to the German lT Biibninrlno. INLET home II 15. GIVE hTltIA Wild, SINK ALL ARMED Mi:itcn..T.Mi:.v If'catlon Sent Stato Depnitiiioiit llmii.ii i iiiuk it... j. i. ... ... " "" imviM'ii I'lOIII (iVjinan Gin ei anient thou sou of boll angry Heavens do mako tliclr minister." - Shakospoaro. VASIHVfiTYW l r, ,,..,. . . . ",, ii. v.., i-mi. 1 l. ilrln'. rn...... ...... .. i- luiinui noiiiicaiion Of M ,lon to sink without winning led niPlvlini.t .1.1... . r. "'" ""Mia imor .Mnrcii aj reroli'Kil in.i.... i .. ... .... . . " ""' oy uio suuo larMt. It Is substantially tno no as ilmi .,!. ., .. -. .ww, in jroiu uormaiiy, Vi. 1...I ... . ,. 'Ull IHUl'll, "e I'nlteil states probably will a tn f,ii. ...... ,. "" upvoiopinents 'Her any aotin.. .. m i. .,..... ... , . ,.w ,,, uutUIl HI ponse to the nnnouneiinont from Ti'Ulnnlo .. 1 1 1 ... ,, - "! mat ariiHHt mer- 'n beginning Jtareh 1 will -i-wtti 10 Biibinurlno attack 10,'t ttarnliig, IEI UMDEGIDED XK si:m:(vpimi il. ......,.., THY OP ,Ut '''"It Wits.... M.... x. . .. u Mil .Millie Kewvul n.its 'Ul ,,'in?8 round to hliu ttl'o will but wait Longfellow, IM,Mrr,CooiW, war uM01? ,0 0,,,0,,,t erotary P L , "C Was -k Olid DCeJ -or 8.mi dn.vs. :o idgr Ma0r rrlgo of Chi- "ou ,od"T tPl1 t0 l,res,,,ont u sa , , r 8Circ,ar- of w'-' on In ,0 MPOr ftm.( Tlioso -Cm', ,0(k,,ow 'k tho ,,, "ot iiunio m army Heart Tmiilrio Ik Cnuso (if Death Yo1l Know II on Coos liny "Dear Is tho spot wlioro Christians Bloup, And Hwoot tlio strain which an Kola pour Oil, why should wo In aiiKHlsh woor They are not lost, hut koiio before" i Carlton M. Frcomun, njjed about 35 yenrH, died of heart trouble, this morning nt his ranch at South In let. The deceased etunc hero about eight years ngo from. Vormont and In 1012 was married to MIbh Noll WnsBon. For sovoral weeks Mr. Freeman has been falling, gradunlly growing woaker. Tho body will ho brought hero Into today from South Inlet and unnnuncomout of tho tlmo of tho funeral will ho mndo tomorrow. Mr. Freeman formerly lived In North Hond hut for sovoral yours past has resided on tho ranch. Ho has many friends on Coos liny. L TIS WRECKED OK.NKIIAIj KliKCTItlC COMPANY HAS KIUK TODAY WILSON'S NAME Consolldntlon of Times, Const Mali iiml Coos liny Advertiser. NO. 173 Munition Factory Hums Down and Company OfflcJalH llcfiiso to d'Uo Out Any liifoiiiinttoii "Tho rugged motals of tho mlno Must burn hoforo Its surface shlno Itut plunged within tho furnnco flame It bends and molts though still tho same." liyrou. OFFICIALS .MADK ' .STATIiMUNT OF OAl'SK 4 Ilr AiaorUltil I'rrM to ttw. nir 1lmr, SCIHONKCTADV. N. Y Fob. 11. Company officials lator today said tho fl'ro was 4 caused by spontaneous com- bPftlon and did $5000 dam- ngo. ' (Ilf AMorlit) 1'fMu to Coot llix TImrt') SCHENI3CTADY, N. Y..,Fob. 1 1. Tho miinltlouu plant of tho Oonoral Kloetrlc Compnny was wrecked by (Iro today. Tho flro wns o.xtlugiilBliod by tho company's private flro depart ment. Tho officials withhold all Information. IS HE a i:.(ji.vi:i:it cook of kubtlkh HAS ANOTIIint MISHAP. Adds to Series of Accidents Ity Fall ing From Higgiug of Oasolluc Sclioouer. 'Wheroln I bpako or most disaBtrous chniicos Of moving aecldonts by flood and Hold.' Shnltcepenro. It. F. Cook, chief onglnoor on tho gnsollno Bchoouer Hustlor, Is again la tho hospital. While at wbrk on tho boat at Hmpho ho fell from tho rigging to tho deck bolovv, n fall f nbout l!s foot. His shouldor was brulBod and ho hnd n had cut on the fnco. Cook has had a sories of misfor tunes. Some tlmo ngo ho was struck by an automobile. For sov oral days ho did not think that ho was badly hurt but It dovolopcd that tho hones of his kneo wero broken. Ho went to tho hospital but wot out too soon nnd tho bones broko again. Ho returned to tho hospital and his log was in n plaster cast for somo weeks and at tho samo tlmo ho had tho ond of a fin ger which had been Injured ampu tated. He had only boon back nt work a fow days whon tlio last acci dent befell him. Tho fact that his kneo was Btlll somewhat woak prob ably caused him to fall. Another Sailor Hurt. Alox Drown, who has also boon .working on tho Rustler, 1b In tho hospital. When stalling an ongino bo lacerated his hand. The third and llttlo fingers woro torn apart. WILL BE USED President Consents to Having , it naceti on Primary Ballot in Ohio. NOTICE SENT TODAY Is Unwilling to Enter Contest But Complies With Laws of the StaK. TIME LIMIT IS FEBRUARY 25 States That Uln Namo Can Do Cue'' So DemoeiiitH of Ohio Can Kv- pmw Their Prefweiico at tho Primary Klectlnn "If honor calls, whero'er she points tho way 'Iho sons of honor follow nnd obny." Churchill. IDr AuorUtc.l Pitm to Cooi IU)r Tlmn. WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 1 1. President Wilson today formally gnvo consent that his name bo used an a caudldnto for renomliintlou. In a lotter to tho secretary of stato of Chlo, tho president stated that ho was unwilling to enter tho contest for nomination but was ready ( permit tho uso of h!s name In tho coming primaries In order that tho Dcmocrnts of Ohio might make known their preference. Complies With lio Law Tho president mndo known his po sition In ordor to comply with tlio Ohio primary Inw which requires candidates for dologntes to party conventions to mnko known their first nnd second choices hoforo Feb ruary 25, and also requires that can didates for dolegatos havo tho con sout of tholr choices to mako uso of their mimes. , Tovt of the Letter. Tho president's lotter to tho Ohio secretary of stato follows: "Whlto I am ontlroly unwilling to enter Into any contest for tho prosidontlnl nomination of the Dem ocratic party, I am willing to por init tlio uso of my nnmo that tho Domocrnts of Ohio mny mako known tholr iiroforonco in regard to that nomination. "In ordor, thoreforo, to satisfy the technical roiiulromonts of tho statutes of Ohio I hereby consont to use of my nnmxj- as a candldato for tho presidency by any candidate who Books to bo olectod dolegnto to tho natlonnl Democratic convention, which Is lo assomblo in Juno next." This' was tho first tlmo tho pres ident hnd consonted formally to hnvo his name usod in ronuoctlou with tho nomination. FEAR YOUNG MAN i PERISHED IN STORM Sliimu Medarls of SlusMw Country Cannot Do Found and May Do Lost. "Tho cold, tho ohangod, porohnnco tho (lend anew, Tho mourn'd, tho loved, tho lost too tunny, yet how fow!" Chlldo Harold. (Special to Tho Times) MAPLKTON, Oro., Fob, II. It Is foared that Simon Modarls, ngod 20 years, has porished In the hills. Ho loft tho Culleu placo nbout throe weeks ago and wns bound for Maple ton, but has not been hoard from slnco. Thomas Cullen, who Hvo3 Ion Sallo mountain, t camo to tho city inn uiui oi iu ju6 " Ing his jilace but nothing can bo found of hjm. Tracks wero found lu tho snov which It Is believed wero mndo by him and n search will bo Instituted, x Simon Mcdnrls is tho son of Sam Modari3 of uppon Ten Mllo and ho camo to Oregon from tho oast lust suminor. ASSURES HARMONY HOt'SK MILITAItY COMM1TTFX SKNDS PIMIDKNTtLKTTKIt Will Work Toselhtv li CnrryhiK Out Plait .for Nntloiial DefiiNO Sug Kcs'ted ' "Dy liiirtnony our nonln nre swayed; Dy harmony tho world wns made.' "Granville. njr AMorUtisl ITfM lo Coik Ilajr Tlmmi 1 WASHINGTON, 1). Vp Fob. M President Wilson today received a lotter' from Chalrmnnj Hay ot the houso military commuted insuring him of thu deslro of tho commlttco to work in hnrmony will li tin in per fecting his plans for national de fense Tho letter was koiU in compliance with n resolution adopted liy the ronimittco, tliiuikliiK Uio presldnut for tho confldonco expressed in the committee in his published corres pondence with former Secreuir.v Garrison. POISON IS P 0 KYlDKNCi: DLSCOVKI1KD IN Ah LKOKD MPHDIMt CASK. May lie Impottaiit in Trial or Will II. Orpiv.', UnlverhKy Student, Accused of Killing. Mr AMcw-lstcl Vmu to Cuo nr TlinU.l CHICAGO, Fob. 1 1. Deadly Pol- son, identical with that which la belloved to have caused the death or Marian Lambert, was round to day In the hiiBomont or tho house or Will H. Orpo(, the university stu dent accused of murdering his for mer mveethonrt, according to tho state's nttoruoy or Wnukegan. fin VESSEL IS TORPEDOED The Cruiser Admiral 'Charmer Sunk by Submarine Off Coast of Syria. i SUB TO DREDG E INLET l:t FnrincV.s Itilug Croaiii to Mar ket Port De-electH Of fleets Dainage.s Are Adjusted. Dredging of the &hoals from Haynes Inlet so farmers can got their cream to market to bo dona nt ouco. John Hanson appeared this morning befgro tho port com mission nt tholr monthly mooting, uta'tlug tho incouveulonco bolng suf- rorod bccaiiBO or low wator ami Port Fuglneer Chnrleson was auth orized to havo tho dredging done. Wants DaiungcH. Damages (o tho amount or $250 hna been dono tho garden or S. D. Cnthcart by tho Mill Slough fill. reported a commlttco. Also they said $100 should ho duo him for losing the uso or Ida garden for two" years. The conimluBlonors favored either securing dirt from N. Moon, on Droadwuy, nnd rilling in tho gar- don or allowing tho $250 to Mr. Cathcait nnd lot him do tho work. Objection was made to this by tho poit nttorueys, claiming tho city Is liable for half tho damages. Mr. Cnthcart suld tho settlement Is not satisfactory. Other MattetH Up. C. It. Peek stated tho cuso or the Port versus tho City or Marshriold has been put over lu tho supremo court until .Inly 1 (Printing or tho memorial or tho Port to congress was awnrdod to L. C. Dargelt for $79. Thero wero six bids, Kloctlon of officers was hold, all of them Hiolng ro-olocted. They nro: A, II, Powers, president; Pater Log glo, vlco president; Henry Song stnckeh, secretary, and A. O. Hog ors, treasurer. Is On Raft With Bodies of Twenty-four of His Dead ' Comrades. ATTACK OCCURRED FEB. 8 Olio Man Alive Says That Tlieto Was No Tlmo hi Which to Uso Life boats 'o Save Members of tlio Crew "Thon roso from sea lo sky tho wild farowoll Then shrieked tho timid and stood still tho bravo, Then somo leap'd overboard with dreadful yell, Ab ongor to anticipate tholr grave; And the Bca yawned around her like n hell, 1 1 And down alio sucked with hor the whirling wave." ' Dyjron. nr AMnrUlPil rrrM to Com II r Tltnif. PARIS, Fob. 11. Roports or the loss ot French or tho cruiser Andral Charnor, reported Bitnk by a Bitbnin rluo whllo patrolling the Syrian coast, nro confirmed today. A raft bearing one live sailor nnd tho bodies or 11 companions was picked up off tho const of Syria. The lescued '"an snld tho Admiral Charnor sunk on tho morning or Feb. 8 "lio declared thoro was no Hnie to uso tho life boats. OL N 0 TON FltlJNCII CLAIM TO 1IAYU CIIKCKP.D Till': GKIt.MAXS South of the Somnie Hlver Scct'rtn of (Jeinuin Trenches Are Occupied Dy Allied Troops. "Tho cannons hnvo tholr bowels full of wrath And ready mounted nro they to spit fortlt ' Tholr iron lndlguntlon '.gainst your walls." Shnkespcaro. Illy Aodte.l Trru to Coot Zif Timet. J PARIS, Fob. M. In Champagne, Got man attack cast of Rom ma met by tho explosion o! threo French mines, i tho war offlco announced today. It says tho Gorman efforts to advance j woro chocked, but In Bplto or sorl- ious losses they maintained them J selves lu tho positions occupied by I them. South of tho Soiumo river tho French occupied a soctlon or tho 'orniuii trench. A T ATTACKING JOHN ROSS of tlio Scandlnavlhn Ainorlean bank Is expected back from Eugono tomorrow. Tho convenience and profit of Times Want Ads . Ill bo demon ht riited by u trial. SIX PKHSOXS KILI.I-.D IX AIHllir ll.illi v 111 A.of liJ rrt lo Too. nir Tlmi 1 LONDON. Fob. IL A V Router dispatch says six por- sons wore killed and several f injured by bombs dropped trom aoropJaues wuioii ap- pearcd over Milan this morn- Ing. lll'MOR DHUIIXFIt OPTION HAS (1IAXGKD HANDS Rumor was rifotoday to ' tho errect' that Plillllii Douh- nor, Poj-tland lumbor mil- lloualro who had an option 4 for tho purchase of part of tlio Slmiuou Lumbar ,com- pnpy bite, has sold his op- Hon to Chicago capltullsts. presumably tho Che: nlem Lumber company newly lucor- porateii In Oregon, The . claim is further made that tho latter company has an option on all of tho Simp- sons' Coos Day holdings. Pr6vdlng this Js true, fur- thor cruises of Coos river timber may bo necessary and it Is doubtful If anything will change hands for nt loast two weeks. ASS.U'LT TDK DIHTISH TROOPS KNTRKXCII NKAK A DUN S , At Some Points tho ICaglNIi ItetliiMl to Within RaiiK'3 or Their Na val Guns "Mako all our trumpots speak; give them nil breuth, Tlioso clnmorous hnrblugera or blood and death." Shnkesponro. (n Afrorlatn.) rrrM to Coo. lujr Tlmf. AMSTERDAM, Fob. 14. An of- , riclal announcement received from . Constantlnoplo says; "Near Aden, the- Dritlsh entrenched troopa voro i attackod by the Turks. At some , points the Dritlsh retired to within ran go of the Dritlsh naval guus.'r TREATY MATTER UP 'Plot Mndo That Germany Offered I Larger Sum Thau U. S. for I Canal Route. Itlly AuorUteJ Tret lo Cots Dr Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 14. That Germany had offered Nlcara 'giiia a larger sum than tho United 'States Tor an option pn tho Nlcara- guun canal route was urged in the eonato today as an a'rgument fer an early ratification of tho pending treaty. CRUISER IS LOST DIHTISH WARSHIP STRIKKSMINK OFF ENGLISH COAST Report Says It Is Fen red Vessel Will Do a Total Wreck as Result "Again sho plangent hnrk! a second shock Dllgcs the splitting vcsnol on the rock Down on tho vnlo ot death, with dismal cries Tho rated victims shuddorlng cant their eyes. , "Oh, heaven! beJiold hor crashing ribs dlvlilol Sho loosens, parts nnd spreads In ruin o'or tho tide." . Falconor. nr AocltM I'rru to C.oi Day Tlmc.l I.ONDON.Fcili. 14. The Dritlsh cruiser Arethusa struck a mlno to day off tho const ot England, ac cording to the official press bureau. It Is feared, tho statement adds, that tho vessel will be a total wreck. Official Statement. An official stutemont Bays: "His majesty's shin Arothusa, commodore Reginald Yyrwhltt, struck n mlno I off the east coast and It Is feared will become a total wreck. About ton moil wero lost.' The Arethusa wns n light cruiser, displacing SCOO tons. "Sho .wnB completed last year. Sho was nrmod with two six-Inch guns fore and aft and six four-Inch gnus on tho broadside. GERMANS HIE report vri.'r'mm gains ox WEST FRONT Claim Victories lu Two Engage ments Whole Positions of Allies Are Taken "Wo conquered Franco, hut felt our captive's churms, Her arts victorious triumphed o'er our nrniB." Popo. Dy Awwl.tcl rrMi to Coot IUy Timet. DERLIN, Fob. 14. Important gains fer tho Germans In two en gagements aro reported today by tho war oMco. Northwest or Ta hrro, positions over 700 yards or front wero captured tuid reven of ricors and 300 men woro made pris oners. In tho region or Anorsopt. near tho French rrontlor, all.ed poaltlons 400 ynrds long woro captured. Ef LAND CALLS FOR MODE IN All Single Men Not Exempted Must Now Enroll for Military Duty. I0TCE IS POSTED Those Who Did Not Attest Un der Derby Plan Subject to Compulsory Service. SOME CLASSES EXCUSED Tho Call Is Mndo Under the Tonus of the Act Passed at the Last Session of the Dritlsh Parliament "Onro more unto tho breach, dear friends once more, Or closo tho wall up with our Eng lish dead. "Now not tfho teeth, and stretch tho nostril wldo . Hold hard the breath, and bend up every spirit To his full height! on, on, you no ble English." Shnkespoaro. (Ily AmocUM rrnw to root nr Timet. LONDON, Feb. 14. An official proclamation calling upon tlio re maining single men under tho Dqrby plan and military scrvlco act wnsg. posted today. , The call to colors will havo tho oT Joct to compulsory service, with cor mllltary uge who havo not boon ex empted. Single men who did not attest under Derby's plan nro nub loci to compulsory scrvlco, with cor nlu classes of oxomptlon, under tho terms or the act passod at tho last session or parliament. LOOKING 0 FIG T VILLA REPORTED TO UK PRE TARING FOR RATTLE AGAIN Message Says lib Is Calling Follow ers Together To Take Field. Against Oiii'iinn "He Is come to npo Tho purple testament or blooding war." Shakespeare. (Or AmocUIM rrci to Coot nay Timet. EL PASO, Texas, Fob. 14. Nows that Genoral .Villa was calling all' his fellowors togethpr at Cascas Grandes, In Western Chihuahua, to tako tho Hold against tho Carrunza government was again brought horo by a Villa mossonger who passed through this city fer tho east, un cording to Information given out by Villa adboronts hero. This Informa tion claimed Villa would promiso to protect all Americans. KILLED BHOBBER CALIFORNIA MAN MURDERED AND ANOTHER WOUNDED UUI.GAHIAXS TAKE ALDAXIAN TOWN t iny AiMwIttfcl rreu to pnorBty Timet,) 4 LONDON, Feb. 14. A Reiitor dispatch from Athons says tho llulgarlans occupied tho Albanian town of Florl, about 10 miles from Avlonn. ) .MARRIED SATURDAY Miss Estella Gibson Heroines llridu of James D, Clark "If I could hnvo my dearest wish fulfilled, And tako my cholco of all earth's pleasures, too, And ask from heaven whatsoe'er I wlll.nl, I'd ask for you." -Solectod, James D. Clark and Estella Gib son wero married at 7 o'clock Sat unlay night by Rev. Joseph Knotts at tho Methodist pursoungo lu this city. Tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibson, wltuessod tho coromony. Tho fcouplo Will maKo their homo in. Dtiuker Hill.' Mr. Clark Is employed at tho Eastsldo mill. Ho Is more familiarly known to his frlonds as Dert Clark. VESSEL MOVEMENT. J. ' T? Arrived. Hardy, San Francisco, 2:30 p, m. lEunday, i Sailed. Yollowstono, Son Francisco, 7 a. pj. Sunday. Duo Horo. F. A. Kllburn, San Francisco, early tomorrow. Nairn Smith, San Francisco, Wed nesday. , I Hardy, San Francisco, Wednesday morning. Shot When They Were Unable to Open Safe in Stole for a Durglar i "There shall beidoue A deed or dreadful note." Dy Auorlato.1 rreu to Com Hay TIiiim J GERMANTOWN, Calif., Feb. 14 Angered, because two mon coi'ld not open the Innor door of a store safe or which he had forced them to work tho combination an unmasked robor, this morning shot and killed Warren Smith and wounded Theo dore Jensen when they attempted to escape. STEAMER AROLINE SOLD Vessel l'Vj-iiiorly tf Knyno mid Ijoyt Camo lu Hero From South Or interest hero is the news that the steam schooner Arolluo, former ly or tho Swayno and Hoyt company, lias been sold In San Francisco. Tho vessel or Into, has been owned by tho Independent Steamship company and now goes to tho PaclHo Alaska Steamship company fer '$300,000, told to bo an extremely high valua tion. Tho boat two or thrco years ago plied Into Coos Day from San Fran cisco. Sho is known us one of tho smartest coastora coining Into that port. The Arolluo will ply out of he Golden Gate to Alaskan porta under her now ownora. k