VV V V T V r V ,' rvvVY f V v yv y v v -y t v f i if t ''-"'vrr'vrrvv r t v v - i'VtWfi'V'. Wv.rv'- r - t"ilK , THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1916-EVENlNG EDITION SEVEN Itjp3 Garden lime Reynold! Just a ittlo wlitlo now, then it will be time to spado up the garden pot and with the coming of the warm Spring days, put in the garden that each year cuts off a big item of the grocery bill, Have you a garden spot? Select it" from the many in First addition, where the soil is deep and iich, where the new homes are fe l' m,0"'" like the location' Tlle 50 120 lots at only $300 each wil meet your ideas as to a home site, All improve ments paid, city water, telephone, electric lights and Jitney service at your command, Plat at our office, Delpmeinit 178 Central (OWNER FIRST ADDITION) Call 160 for Plat. Rusty mi mi ,, , JL HHimi,,,,,, IUL , SEND MINISTERS TOVATICAN NOW Count lies Korniot ly liitllffoit'iit f.vn Seeking to Ite-ICstulillsh lllplumxt- li; isolations at Homo Illy Amnclateil I'rtM to Coos liar Tlmn ) ROM U, Fob. 11 Not since the full of the temporal power of tlio Pope Bonio forty-six years ago havo there been so many attempts of hlth- 'crto liullffeient rountrles to reestab lish diplomatic relations by the Bond ing of ministers to tho Vatican, In addition to those already accredited to the government of Italy at the Qnlrlnal. llngland and Holland havo renew ed diplomatic lclutloiis by sending minister to tho Vatican whllo In Finnco is thought to be represented through tho Principality of Monaco which Is the latest to ronow old re lations. Of cotirso since tho ontranco of Haly Into tho war, tho AustrUn Ambassador to the Vatican left, as wi'll as tho ministers from Prussia and Havarla, respectively tho Huron von Hitter and tho Haron von Muhl- r BEAUTIFUL MAE MURRAY DESERTS STAGE FOR SCREEN Furttouft Stage Beauty Whose Ascension to Stardom Waf Unusual to Appear Exclusively in Lasky-Paramount Pictures During Next Three Years. mranff wn-51-, rsrmfSSVEr? Water Where red or rusty water occurs, It almost always comes from the hot water faucets. Tho water la discolored beeauso of tho ting of t10 insido of tho hot water piping I" tho houso and is not dirt or foreign mattor, for It II wore thou both tho hot and cold ator would bo discolored. Tho hot wator piping In soma houses causes mom rust than In others, duo to tho galvanized coating of tho pipes bolng of poorer quality. When placing now or repairing old wator piping, Insist on your plumber using tho best grade of galvanized Iron plpo of not less than throo-fourths Inch diameter, Whcro rusty hot wator Is especially bad it can bo remedied to i considerable extent by having a plumber attach nn Inoxponslvo devlco to tlitr wator plpo entering tho hot wator coll or stovo tsck for tlio Introduction of n Hinall amount of Hum each wcolc. Tho llmo added to tlio hot wator will ltirgjly prevent tho forma tion of rust In tho hot wator pipes, but It will mako tho water somewhat harder and recjutro moro sonp. Don't licat your hot wator supply too hot. A tomporaturo of 110 degrees Is sufficient for all ordinary uses of hot wator and to eicccd this causes trouble. Flush tho rust out of tho bottom ot jour hot water tank at least onco n weok. Kvory hot walor (ink should havo a faucet for this purpose COOS BAY WATER. COMPANY MAItSHFIKIil) AND NOIlTH HICNI), OUKGON. For Sale STOCK IUXOII Near AllcgAiiy, mohtly bottom, good build. Ingj, 30 hend cattle, team, fa ruling tools, flno orchard, de lightful idnco to live. lllco 970(10. Tonus, STOCK OH D.VIHV IMXGII Closo In, 20 cowh, toum, food buildings, orchard, tools, (100 ucros, 05 of vJilch Is finest tottom. Price $1(1,000. Terms. t DAIItV HAXCH Closo in, .'100 hitch, 173 is bottor, flno liulkllrigs, team. Price 21,000. Terms. DA1IIY HAXCIf K. it. depot on placo, closo In, MO acres', half Is richest bottom, flno buildings, both rail mid Muter transportation, 10 bead stock, tcum. l'rlco 95:1,000. Kplen did terms, with Interest nt flvo per cout. FRUIT HAXCIf Splendidly located, 1000 loganborry vines wfull bearing, flno orchard, flno buildings, 17 ncros, $(, 0. Terms. bKVIILOI'Ki) (UIj SHNU On tldo Hater, flno coal and w of it. l'rko way douii. rmnKK'V ,,ANC, Ooso Hi, Jo acres, Iioiiho. Only $800. UHCKH.V RANCH in ncros, eloso In, ?: down uui! ?'5 n month. to i'i T,,A,,B w" Imvn North Rend property and randies llgMe fr N"'"' ,,ako,ft Property. Como iu and hives- o liato OklalKiihn property to Undo for Coos Kay city t rnch property. ( CI1Y I'lJOPKHTVXorti, Hend or Mnrhlifielil. Wo havo you are looking for bargains and locations. wianci: wo e,rj. n ,,, uo ()f f(ro iiuurnn,.0. KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON i I M . p"get Sound Bridge & p. wedging Co. 8C0er-sTui!?(nBs. General Construction 0CoosRauLErPlANTS F0R HARBOR WORK uus ay office has available for Oregon Coast work the .... Dredge "Seattle" tw.i . "au'PPod and most thoroughly rv .. a "ydrKHo dredge Is M. office. rT'BW. Oregon. m odors Factflo water Main office, Seattle, Washington. Cbar Pitting Stumps tho stump over 18 'inches high. As "berg. O' F TUB various methods of ro moving slumps none sooni to provo moro econoinlcnl or ef ficient than tho char-pitting method of burning them, according to Mr. Geo. A. Nelson, County Agriculturist of Wahkiakum County, who has used tho method to good ndvantago In his county. In preparing tho stump for burn ing, tho hark should bo removed from tho baso and on some Btumps, it Is necessary to reinovo some of tho dirt. Thus tho flro nmy ho started bo near tho bottom that It will start burning under tho main part ot tho (lump nnd roots. Any kind of wood that forms good coals may bo tmed. It should ho cut short anil' ollhor stood up around tho stump or laid on Its side. Tho wood may bo piled so as to start the flro entirely around tho stump or In ono place, as may ho desired. Tho formor method will burn tho stump out moro rapidly, but takes moro wood and more tlmo to prepare. After tho rood Is placed It may ho covered v th fern or other tho wood burns down the flro w.ll break through tho dirt In plnccs, and jit will then bo necessary to apply moro dirt to cover It. As the riro "burns Into tho stump more dirt should bo shoved over It. Should tho flro burn higher on tho stump than where tho dirt Is piled It should bo put out, Instcnd of trying to cover it by piling tho dirt higher. Tho firo should bo covered nt all times, and novor ho allowed to burn Into an open blttsso; as whon It does much of tho fuel Is burned up and tho heat lost. Tho object Is to confine tho Whllo Uicbo threo countries Just' nnmed did not In any bonso break tl.elr relations with tho Vatican nnn perhaps ovon now try to keep In hot ter connection than over, It wns im possible for (hem toromnlu ope. , hero, duo to tho peculiar position of tho Holy Sco. , Ibigland has never had a pormn-i iiont rcprcsentntlvo to tho Vatican until tho recent coming of Sir John Howard, formerly Urltlsh minister to tho Hague, Knglnnd having in past times appointed special agents to deal with tho sporlnl religious it becomes Intensely hot around tho baso of tho stump. As tho main part of tho stump Is burned out care should ho taken to keep tho roots covered properly, so that thoy will nil hum out. Another method of chnr-plttlng slumps, that has boon recommended by tho University of Idaho, Is to saw tho stump off as near tho ground as possible nnd skid It up on Its Ibapo from two to four Inches, using Btoncs for this purpose Then in tho summer, when It Is dry, a flro can be started between tho two parts of tho stump. Tho two burning sur faces radlato heat upon each nthor and thus maintain continuous com bustion. Tlio top of tho stump similar matorlal, il a thin layer of I gradually oottlos down, burning tho dirt should bo placed ovor it, with roots out heat. When this is properly dona nuostlons affecting hor Catholic pop tho exception of leaving a placo largo enough to start tho fire. Only a light coating of threo or four Inches of dirt should bo put over tho flro, nnd this should not bo piled ngalnst Only Boll that contains n consider able amount of clay Is suitable for chnr-plttlng, Bandy or gravol soils are not adapted to tho worl. This method has provod equally success- Illations. ful In Wahkiakum County on both tho bill and bottom land. It linn proved especially successful on tho reclaimed tldclauds. Tho quality of tli stumps and the nature ot this soil makes It especially adapted to tho chnr-plttlng method. rewv.W5jr!s.vwiiif,w?. - -, nUimmwU JwfoAtii . . - 4 ill m ' nil " v--- ' iir mi Trrriiwimi ' rt i niwim uxiamnnoioiminiffiiwiUffi'Wrr'iiir dUTAHQsa-jtmipiiii MAE MURRAY, THE "NELL DRINKLEY GIRL" Who U to be Seen In Laiky-Parntnount Picture. SUIKSCHinKItS notioi: i . Tho Tlmos carrier boya are I Instructed to put tho papors j on tho porch. If tho carrlor docs jnot do this; misses you, or He- j gleets gottlng tho papor to you j on tlmo, kindly phono tho clr- j dilation mnuagor, as this Is tho j j only way wo can dotormlno j j whothor or not tho carriers are j j following Instructions. Phono j 133. Mac Murray lias gone away from New York to be absent for a long, long time. The famous beauty, and until re cently star of "Zicgfcld's Follies of 19lS," lias been engaged to appear exclusively for a term of three jears in productions of the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Com pany on the Paramount Program. Her contract release from Mr. Zicgfcld was purchased for a large sum this, week by Samuel Goldfish, executive bead of the Lasky Company, and Miss Murray al ready is on her way to Hollywood, Cal., to report to Cecil B. DcMillc, director general of the Lasky studios. Probably no American girl of the gen eration lias gained the fame which has come to Miss Murray since she made Iter debut on Broadway in an inconspic uous capacity in a musical cottico chor us, blie was quickly engaged liy Air. "srr nnns RAY TIWIPQ WAMT AnI ZieKfeld.andwhcnthecountry-wHlccnm UUU&bAT II IV Itb WAN I AUb for danclng swcpt ticsc atr UnitC(, LOW COSl High Efficiency States two years ago Miss Murray swept Into favor as one of the principal and most graceful exponents of the hcsita. (ion and the one-step. Her fame Ic- t ,i v Keeping The Dollar Home Every Dollar sent out of town for a pur chase enriches some one else Every Dollar spent here -helps to enrich this city. All things being equal; our merchants are entitled to your first consideration This prosperity is your prosperity As they grow they become greater fac, tors in our city life In many instances you can buy at home to better advantage than elsewhere. Look oven the Advertising in today's Coos Bay Times and see if that state ment is not true Compare goods and prices and ascertain whether or not our local business men are "on the job." ft v i Will If il 9 I i o XKWH OK OKCICO.V came so great that a roof garden In the heart of New York was named after her, and during the past season she has been one of the stars of the ever-popular "Follies." It is a strange thing that Miss Mur ray's entrance into the field of motion pictures came by way of the buricsquo screen, so to speak. One of the features of the "Follies" was a burlesque scene showing how motion pictures arc made. Miss Murray was the star of the trav esty production, but she photographed so wctl and her beauty was of a type so admirably suited to motion pictures that she received many offers to leave the stage and devote herself exclusively to the screen. A contract for a period of years with Mr. Zicgfcld stood in the way of any such inducements until Mr. Goldfish, iu behalf of the Lasky Com pany, purchased the contract. Miss Murray is small, blonde an4 vivacious. She has been eagerly sought for years as a model for readies Illus trators, and her success on the screen is expected to be a great one, . JAPANESE HELP FRENCH WAR LOAN tt (l HANTS PAHS Tho contract for building tho $uuu,()uO beet Hiigur ii,,,, factory has been, nwurdod to tlw Dyer company of Oloveland. MONMOUTH Although ninny phcaHauta wuro fud by tho pooplo during tho utormy wuathor, u lavtifi number diod. lUKICIt Molvln Durftln, tho mull . .... . . ... nii'Hsoiigor, is Him iiiibsiuk, nuu u in (o about fen red that bo ban mot donth innngcriuora mo morni. 0n ncoom,t f tlio fuvorablo ox- A8TOIUA -Two fugitives, Ooorgo olmllgo rato botwoon Japan and O'Donnoll, wiintod nt Hllliiboro, niHljFra,u.0 aubscrlhor Iu this country K. Stoln, wanted at South Ioml,'woro ab0 t0 ,,rahBKo n bond for Wnali., wcro raptured In n loKKlugiy(m "o.sau, which was tho equlv ninip noaMho city. ,,i0Ilt of tho Ibhuo prlco of frnnca OT OP. rfl. AI. r ..unl.n.iK.i Ulna Oli1 I IIIIU 111 UAl'lltWIfll' lino 2 frnnoB'JI 1-S contlmea for ono yon. ;i,oi)l,)(() I'YnncH Worth of tho IIoimIh Hold In Tlmt Country. (Il AMoelatM Vttn la Cam Hay Tlmft TOICIO, Koli. 12. Subscriptions throughout Japan to tho French gavornnioul'N 5 per, tout war ioau, wlrichf huvo now closed, amounted a, 000, 000 franca. Tho woro ehiofly forolguora. Sk AV 11! igi M t "" " I I I r '.. IB 4 , ., I i XOTirn OK ItKDKMITIO.V SI'ICCIAli I.MI'ltOVK.MHNT "O.VDH. . Notice la horoby given that mir-i Immnt to tlio provislnmi of chnptori j V of title XXVI. h. O. h. and lu' nccoidauco with tho torma and con ditions of mild tbonds, tho City of' Mnrshflold will tako up, redoeui ' , and cancel tho spoohil Improve ment bonds of Bald City of Marsh field, Coos County, Oiegon, Issued on tho first day of Boptomiior, 1910, mid numbered 115 to 1 18 ! Inclusive, of sold Issuo respectively, 1 bond numboicd 1ID being for tho sum of $200.00 ami bonds nuni uorod no ttinl 147 bolng oach for tho sum of $500.00 and bond num bered IKS lining for tho mini of $;i'JG.10, nnd all of snld bonds bonr lug Intorost at C per cout per an num, and will on tho next semi annual coupon porlod of said bonds, to-wlt On tho first day of March, 101 C, pay to tho proper owners and holdors ot said bonds, fatQ valuo of oach thereof, with acoruod interest to said duto and tlio own ors and holders of said nbovo dca oilbed bonds nro, hereby notified to prosont tho samo for paymopt and cnncollatlon o tho undor s,gnod, tho Troasurar of said City, at his offlco In said City or Marsh' Hold, Coos County, Orogon, on said, date for paymont, cancellation and rcdcmitIon,( nnd uro furthcj njgtt flcd that Interest tlioreon v?ill vaso ct said lntorest payment porlod, to wlt. On March 1st, 191Q. Dated this 4 th day of Febmury, 1010. O W. KArFMAN. Treasurer of tho City of Marhfiold, Coos County, Orogon. UffJfJl puiG mmm WHSLESQME mm !n No Stdsr W:y U Xyj Get At! (!iq Richness anrst Flavcr ofthe Leaf "SPEAR SfcADM BEST CHEW Many prominent iLiins declare chewing to l iJic m i t.hulcsome way it enjoying tol,co "1 LtKan (I'ew.i, . rp years .T'o." aid out, ' btl I im ira 1 f'.at it ii to only w , to eu t!.o Uucnt of all : r' '. ui t stor-4 up bj nature in ti.c c 't.'f. 1 cifer, o, course, to rug -(riu of l"b,itco, which is tjic natural and the cleanest form. 'htwiny iood toLacco like Spear .'end makes tl e salivary glands more v.ive, which in tu-n Ir.s a beneficial licet on t!,e wl.olc ijsttfm. Add to this' his sweet, ir.cllow, debafdus flavor of a new of Spear lled ami y6u have Se hishest possible derrec of tobacco, ati faiuu. "I moition Ppi If cad bccaus; I ve fuui'.d t'l t 1) is l uid is execp . !!,' pi-rc, bi i,; n uic in a fac- j t' t'd Jim aiy arcorUnijj tc) 1 1 -i'c J " " ,m ,r t i4 s t . of sun-ripcnct t v i i.l i rtcdpfij to be ' i t lulvp.-ed to' it li v td.5, Ami it 13 -4 i-tu yd by U l-.tcht Ui-ce"!iM, which !jp the qn.i'i v ; m 1 ic 'i ' tlavor 'li. ihoice D-irky & tl. - "f a; de somo tc OMiT t'l i f ot fhtfr.il. tu i.lly 4t Wu cuu 2(, J