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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1916)
K TWO COOS BAY TBEJpT H. C. MALONEY, Editor nurt I'uh. . I AMn TUC TEA J DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor) MIMU inc ICH Official Taper of Coon County Official Vaper City of Marshflelil. Entered nt tlio Postoff Ico at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for tnfnsmlsHlon tliratiBli tlio malU ti second-class mull matter. An Independent Kopuollcnn news paper, pulillBhod every evening ex cept Suuday, nnd weekly, by Tlio Cooh liny Timed IMililMiliig Co. SUHSCHIVTION ltATfM DAILY. Ono year ffi.00 I'or month ....- D,) WEEKLY. Ono year .....S1.R0 Wlfcn paid strictly In ndvnneo the Bubasi ijitlpn pi ice or tno uoob nay SSSHwo'Sr Vr or .GQ "S'l ilx months. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. 1 EUROPEAN WAR ONE t 1 YEAR AGO TODAY V $ , Eehnntry 10, MM.". I Tho Aiifclru-Uornuui forcos nro repulsed by tho Husslnns In vi liattlo In tho Carpathians. Tho Russians nbandon Crernovltz, tno rnpltnl of Hukurlna. j Tho IlrltlHh foreign office 'o-i cldos that tho cargo of l Aior. lean steamer Wllholn Inn mu,t KO through n nrlro court. ! claims should 'he imiusentkd A' STOMA la Htlll keoplng up iUi ennipulgn to secure a naval baBO at that place. Tho coin- mlttco having tho matlor In charge j Tho only way to got Homo Cooh Hay Ib sending broadcast throughput tho!"")" to tho front Ih to kick them In ctnto clrcularB urging evoryouo to tlio rear. lielp In tho movement iuhI now tno I Information Ih given out that Con-j Women, says u professor of Wollcs- greHHinan Ilawley haH Introduced in ' ley collogo, will he n drug on the mnr- tho house a hill to appropriate ?:,-! ket after tho war. Hut lot them con- 000,000 for tho eRtahllHhmont of a lo thomBolvofl with tho thought that miMtl baHo at AHtorla. The bill pro vides for hultdlugH, viiulpmeut, dry ilockH, HhopH nnd iniignxluoH. Thut Cooh Jtay Khould ho iiiado n govern ment bniio of no mo kind wan suggest td but If anything Ih lining done In tlint lino It hIioiiIi! he luirrlpd along. ad Astoria hqoiiih to havo been fur-' thurlng Ilk lOlallmn wleh sufficient, vigor that tiu mnttor. Ih up In ,cpii-'; night." ' gress. Cooh Hay mn Its government j reserve, Cooh IIbuiI, which Ih ii nnt- Tho tcaiililhgR of cxpol-lonco urn on ural fori, and him IIh harbor ttipl '' cffncllvo until hoiiio other export coal which maKo tho locality an Im- onco comcti along and ulwotHthoin, pnrfnlit one from u military or naval i . ' ctaudpolut. Surely tho advantages! Thoro Ir probably no foul llko an hi bo found'hero could 1iA 'iVofiitliUi n' f"1''. with the cxcoptlon of u beToro tho right uuthorlllOH with ru-' yoiing fool, nultn. . , -I. fMii't It nbou't' tlilio tlio Chamfufr of Komo Cooh Hay peoplu wirry gOR Cominurco got hiiH) on thlH project? j I nround nnd otliorn lino -a tdo . I phono.- m:ms the climatic THAT wuu u uumlud and proper lomludur nnd rebuke to crltlcu of Cooh Hay climate which Hob Stanley couLiihiitrd to Tho TlmoA ItiHt ovcnlutr. A brief Hpull or weather llko that of (ho hut tow weeltH fludH too many uimratoful ror tho long mnutliH or hiiuhIiIiid and roHCH. And In all the Hlrewi and tur moil of tho pat few wdnkH, when the elements torn and ruged In all mac tlniiH of tko country, doing iuIIIIouh or dainuui) lo property nnd wiiurriuu nut liundredH or human IIyh, tho wontt that huppenod to Coog Hay whh a light hiiow full. ThU iHictlou mlr tculoiiNly eticitpud the lovurlty or the Ktoitu that lulled other pnrtn or tho count ly eeu hh nnnr a I'ortlniid. Aflornll. It Ih worth while llvln in tin- country, u mit that iuiHlv cin,i nulled upon when lie mude the world nnd luu always hloasitd with 1-ih bounty. AlliSSACIC TO VOlT(; ,mi. (John Peter Altgelt.) YOI'N'O iimii. life l lfoie yon. Two voltes nw chIIIiiu you one coiiiIuk tram (hu wwampa of soirinhneug nd fovvv, where uc ccbh liivniii doJtli, nnd tho othur front tho hilltop or JiiHtUo Hint proxrw, v horo oven fttlliiiw briugB glory. Two llulitH mo neeii In your hrlou - one the rant fading umrli light or powor mid the other tho slowly i Itiliifc. nun ol liiiiuun brotherhood. Two way lie open bvfoix) yon -Ojio leAdiug to nn eoi lower ami lower pUln. whor aro hourd th(. (res of uYmmlr Hud the lurtu'H or t'u nor, wihiv iimu bood ahrlvels and pohBtsnlon ioIb down the p4Hnir: and the other U.idhiK off to tho IiImIiImiiUm of th mointna. where are hunid the glad Hlinuta of luilUAiilly nud whin a lion- ec urrort U rewmnlad with Immor tally. Coos Hay TIiiich Want Ads nro or Uirect nud pracHeul iuerulaes to all leuleis, In fhidliiK a congenial and hiiliablo pine,. m ulilcli to lo. Pei-MiiiH haviag lious, (o lent Mionld anl theiiihohtv, of (ho op. piMtHiilly orreied by li,o biimll ails,. Times Wmit AiU mo tho 00 . ilium wlili h i o.ii lies L, ih,, pi'ii!o. Thei engage publi. iHieiillcu eeiy da lnajn on tlio Job. THE ' ' good evening i ' Olvo me tlio liberty to know, to think, to bellevo and to utter freely iiccordliiK to conscience, nhoto nil other 4- llbcrtleH.- Milton. OVEIt A.N'O OVlMt AGAIN Over and over nRnln, No mnttor which way I turn, T always find In the hook of life, Soma Iossoiih I hnvo to lenrti. l '' ""' "" 1 niiiRt grind out the Kolilou grain ; I must work at my tank with a roso luto will, Over and over again. Wo cannot 'measuro tho need Of ovon tho tiniest flower. Nor check the flow of the i;oldon minds That run through n rIukIo lioiir; jllut tho morning dow niiiRt fall, And tho Run and tho Hummer rain AIiiHt do their part, and' purform It nil Over nnd over ngnln. Ovor and over again Tho brook through tho mendow f Inti'm A n,in mill wheel goes Onco doing will not mifflce, Though doing ho not In vain; And n IiIorrIiik, fulllift im onco or twice, May come If wo try again. Josephine I'flllard. n groat many men will ncqulro tho drug habit. Thoro Ih nlwnyH nn oven chance that what In put orf will not bo done ut all. - ' i i Now and thou CoiihbIoiico whispers. ".IuhI wait till 1 get you ahino to- QUIIKTIO.V Knit THE )AV I ; Wlit Iiiih bwomo or tho old fiHh louod boy who had wurlH on IiIr IiiiiiiIh? HICAI.TII lll,V.(HT()HAV A garglo a day Will keep tho grip nway. A Cooh Hay man Ih a queer oiih. ir IiIh nolKhbon'H ir Imd been the brldo bo married and IiIh own wHo bad been tho brldo bin neighbor mar ried ho would InuiKluo tlint tho woni nn IiIh neighbor umrrled wiih much miporlor to tho woman ho landed. . "". ." "" " B,,vo ll woinnn and 'M.,1l .. ll . "no..w,u a,w,l'H ""lu.r you iih .. I Ulllll liitLim. 4. ll mentloiiiun. toll a lie to hhva a iiiuu una no wilt uIwujh roin'oiuher you rm a liar. Do pot got the Idea that a Coo Ikiy man Im a rira outer Jimt beeuue he upoutti hot air. When mtlmr Iiiih to economic ne tolta iimtlior to quit huyliiK tho urtl 'lea or rood that other nioinheiH or tho family llko and he doesn't. It Isn't as ouiy to bull tho poopi iiuw n.s It maid to bo. The people do not rail for bin uordn iuvadayn Ioohiiio thoy know what tho big words moan. If you leave it to (i( n,,.. ,., ho will lull you what a light lepor ta. Hut ir you laavu It to his wife she m t..ii Wlll ,iIn, ,,. children could bawl (ll night and ho would nover hoar them. Must Coos liny men need 1(M Enroll I,, tudr shirt bosoms and maio. in their bcklmno. An oukhrwI man lmuKinoa that It I" BfluUinwit that uiakoa his girl tie ji'by ribbons about his lovo Iottom -.i. mom. mil it imi't. AMIANV-Thls city has boon so l'ted as th piuco ror holdluK tho stule Miioot or tho Onmon Stuto Trail Shootors assaelifilon on Mav is next. Times want ada hrliiR results. COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1916 EVENIMG PLAN FOR THE FAIR COOS AMI ClllltV ASSOCIATION IIOIiDS ANNIMIi JIEI4TIMJ Fcveial New Meiubci-H Added to Di rectory lioiii'l Many Improve incuts Ala.le IIiHiik Veur (Spoclul to Tin Times) MYHTI.IO POINT, Ora., Iub. 10. Tho Rtockholilorn of the Cooh & Cur ry Fair AsHocial.on hold their an nual biiHlnoBH mooting IioVo and elect ed dlrcctorn tav tho ensuing yonr and mado gonerul plans for further Improvements in tho annual oxhihl Hoiih. Tho reports Bhuwod that on ac count of many linprovomonts made tho past your In the fairgrounds, the association had n deficit of $li"0. However tlioy really had a profit as considerable was expended In per manent Improvements. Sovoral changCB wore mado In tho directory hoard which Ih now com posed or Henry Schrocdor, IOIJIh 1)o mout, ,C. Milton Schulz, James It. Clinton, or Norway, JaB. C. Wlilt akor, .1. O. Stcmmlor nnd Low Prlco. The dlroctors electod tho follow ing officers for tho, ensuing year: President Henry Schrocdor Secretary J. O. Stcmmlor Treasurer Low Prlco PEOPLE'S E0RUM Tho Coos Hay Times will ho pleased to ptibllRh lnttern from Its lenders on nil iiiicsIIoiih of public Interest, giving IiIh or her address, nnd so far ns poRslblo limited to JiiO vonls. In publishing tucso lot ters The Times does not Indorse tho !ows exprcBsod thoreln: it 1) simply afford'ng n menus ror the voicing of different opinions on all questions affecting tho public wel- i'UUi ih:im:nds cocncil Editor Times: In nil open lettor Dr. MlngiiK t:kos tho City Council to task Tor limlAtlug that tho McDonald & Couilrou log ging company pay lor tho damage done tho city lUreets. McDonald & Coudroii toll tlio City Council that they have round a way of dlHtrlhiitlng tho weight or logs on their wagons, which will ciiiiru much less Injury to our pavement. That Hliould he a Hiifflelent uuavyor to Dr. MlngiiH and a Justification or the Htnnd taken' by tho City Council in Hint mnttor, oven If wo rpncodoil that a Justiricatlou worp needed. I, pcrHonnlly, hellevo Hint wo, wore about to pay too much ror the pay roll which Urn iloggltig opnivillous brlngn to us. I bellovo that (hcrio logs Hhoilld pliy Tor tho danuigo and I mil rortnln the doctor would hnvo a hard tlmo In convlnco tho nverago property owner who has Just finished paying for stroet (mprovcmeutfl Hint It wnH up to lit tit to pny nny part of tho ro Riiltunt dnmiigo. Tho very fact that logs can ho traiiRported In n ludtor way provoB to mo that It was high tlmo that tho uhiiHO of tho pavement una stopped. E. HANDHL. TIIK EASTSIDE TIlOinLE Editor TIiiioh: An Illogical nrtlelo wrltton by an EiiHtsldo (!ltlzen wiih published in tho Cooh Hay Times Jan. 2Stli which imiilo me an object or ridi cule, culling uio "an old foodie and white haired man," consequently I solicit space to answer. As he guvo the iiaino of tho wom an, why did he not kIvo tho name ot tlio man? viz. Uncle Sain Arehor. In opponlng tlmt unlawful practice of alleiiH voting without u govom moiit license, ho says, "ITn rortunatoly, tho law was on tltolr Hide," meaning that the parties Joln Iiik wild uio won tholr ease, xlu tho lust sentence wo havo a sam ple or the "Koslsldo Man's" stupid ity. A person Is rortimato in any trial ror Justice to hao the law on tho side in which ho or sho may be interested. In the last sonteuco wo have n stun. Cuvanaugh, being a native or Can ndn, Hhlod with thoso from tho same country; and, not luring a cltlon lilmsoir, ho was putting- forth her culean yot nslniue efforts to win. A fellow teellng makes us wondrous kind. lie sas. speaking of the ladv that was trying to obtain a position: "She got him up a tnw." i thht easo bo wh alludliig to me. What did she want with me up a trqe? SUnK B out of place in tho case, as alio lnat My advice to Iilni, ho ravoring slang, m io run m rrelglit" towards tho uoxt Circuit Court, and got unturiiW IlOd, then ho will, alter n inrm i... uUlo to vote at school qlectlous and all others, ir ho votes minus his papers, ho does so unlaw fully, and is liable to prosecution. When that hoalthy situation is reached un mnu an pun together at ICnstslde. SAMPEL AUCIIHU Want uiheitMn;. M.s j, loiiKer.w noted things. no. COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost High Efficiency A j PpgjLAh2LY EVERY DAY HE GPTS A LETTERr-; SS HE GETS SO INTEREST ED 'THAT "fHe FORGETS TO LIGHT UP HIS PIEDMONT, YOU KNOW, THATMOS A NOTICE TO COXTHACTOHS. Notlco Is hereby given that scaled bids will be received by tho Common Council of tho City of Mni-Hhflald, Coos County, Orogon, until hair past seven o'clock P. M., Monduy, tho 1 1 th day of February, l,U HI, for tio construction of a Rower extending along tho center Hue of , JohnsQii aveiiuo from a point l!U foot went, of tho oast line of ljrmuva, l,ru,et S,outl to n pclut -1C foot past of ,010 oast lino of Front, strqet South pursuant tp OnUunnvQ, , No..j 717, according to the, plans p,nri iect;icutlpus on fllu In tlio,,'or(lc,o1(, tho CJlty Hacorder nnd , opou to, the, Iptjiipcllou of nil persoiiK iiei'sle,d. Hiorelu. ,All bids uiust bo In uccorilai-.C'j wltli tho ruquiromeiits nccompany luu said . Hllt'MUlsll"'!? M1 "Kf"1 blanks which, ,vill bo supplied upon requost t tli.o .pfflcp or thu City lJuginopr. , , A uortiriuil liock of fivo per cint, or tho amount bid must ue ccinpnny tho bid, to, o .forfHted to w.ld City of Marantic! 1, In t-ae the contract Is awarded 'by contractor nud ho tails to ontor in a contract with said City within flvo days. Tho Common Council rosorvos tho right to rejoct nny and nil bids. Dated this tth day of February, 101C. JOHN W. 1JUTLKR, ltocnrdor of the City ot Mnrshflolil, Coos County, Oiogon. NOTICE TO CHKIHTOHS Notlco Ih hereby glvon that Cora E. Holt, litis boen duly nppnlutml as administratrix or tho estate ot Mary E. Pomoroy, docoasod. Now therefore, nil persons having claims ugalnst said ofitato are here by notified to present tho same to the undersigned nt tho office of John F. Hall, with propor voucher duly vorlfled as by law requlrod, within six mouths from tho dnte hereof. Dated nt Marshfleld, Orogon, this 20th day ot January, 191 rt. CORA E. HOLT Administratrix of the estate ot Mary E. Poinerov, deceased. (First publication Thursday, Jan. 20, ItUti; Inst publliatlon Thursday, February 17. I'JIO.) We still have some argam Oouio iii and m'o thN flue uMir(- nieiit nud lo: us ipiotu jou the ie iiiiuUably low prhes on tlieui. it Is an opport unity that you may not onjoy nwiln in jcars. IieinomlKV that In Furniture and lloiuo 1'iniilslilii (iiiotN, Jon can do better for Ios- nt Going & Harvey Company North Front St., Phone 196 5 dk$l AlsoPac!tcd20prJOo ImCv r r. --- .lr t i i r tfw1ipi -- CT.-CTr-- -- !! MnmjMi Navajo Rug SURE SIGN! viwnw,TPn RDOOMFP BUoincoo Ltu&iw. Kr7r5TAy-g-7r--rro Oldest Hank In Coos County Flanagan. Martdificlil, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEHKST PAID ON TIME AND SAVIXCiS DEPOSITS orricerH J. W. HUNNETT. President; .IAS. IK FLANAOAN, Vlco ProBldent: H. F. WILLIAMS, Ciuhkr; (1. F. WINCHESTEH, Amlstunt Cashier. I Fianagatf (Mh of .MVit'rr.iMroiwr n . i Capital $25,"00 ffl OrricerH J. W. HUNNETT, PwildotltijASihll.hi'lANlVaAN.j VJCQ-' U Proulriout; L. M. SUPLKW, Cashior; L. T. DICMENT, ARslstant Cashior. Bennett Trust Company 1 1 f a i r v ivy " 1 ' 1 tf a d. a Afs h capital, aurpuis ana unuiviaea troius i20,uuu Officers J. W. HENNETT, l'roslilont; TOM T. UIJNNBTT, Vlco Piosident; AUTUUU M'KICOWN, Socretnry; IIBNNKTT SWAN TON, TrouBurer. Tho Only Trust Compnny In tlio Stuto, OutMrio of Portland, Which H Organled Under tho New Lmv. tfVurntysc7xn!tizTxaiL.vvmyxK WHAT if you were not "born with a silver spoon in your mouth?" Many a man .has built up a balance in this bank that -would buy him more srvj$V k f sdooiis than he could use even ' if lie lived to be as old as Methuselah, 4 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on Time Certificates, First National Bank 4 The. Bank of Personal Service Marshficld, Oregon S Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshfleld and Cocmillo City, Oregon. Concrnl AkoiiIs Kasti-lile and SoiiKstacken'H Addition. Special attention paid to nssesbinent.s nnd pnjincnt of taes. HKXItY SENfJSTACKEN, Manager. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Phono 180-J. EDITION IS IN LOVErT EstablMicU 1SH1) Bennett Bank BisnneLt? Bank T' - i For lollablo Abstracts of Tltlo and Information nbout COOS HAY ItKATj KSTATE, seo Garage North Front Street PROFESSIONALjiBEc Dr. A. L. Houseworth l'hvslpln.. i V.'llll Offlcoirrrln i,,'?!0' 1 ptflco hours: 11 to 1 . ' 4 nnd 7 to 8 p. i. " Ia'1 S I'lione.q: Offlr.. 1 1 -. .. " w "' ltc, im J. M. Wright . IIOILDINQ COXTiSl"'! Efltlmatcs furniahod on ml Dr. H. M. Shnw Ko, Ear and Throat Spu t-iiono uiiom. Iloems 200-aot ' "Vlllg llloclf, HU. MATTIE 11. SHAW. l'llVhlcInn nnil U.. V ..':' .,8TO 'i """" "'JO-J. H. G. Butler CIVIL ENOINl-pn Room 304 Coko Dldg. Phom ui, Rosldonco Phone 363-L. W. G. Chnnrilpp AimillTti'n- Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Bnlfc I MnrnhflnM rr. I , ..,.vau, vivuu, iW.- TIMH iPAlll.w WILLAMETTE PACIFIC MOTOB CAR Lcnvo Marshflold ' 0:45 a.m. 7.45 a.m. ' 8:4G a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 aim. 11:30 a'.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Ltltl ."it North Bi( 7:00 n, 8:00 is. 0:00 lb. 10:15 m 11:00 is. 11:15 i.b. 1:15 pn 2:00 pa, 3:00 p.n, 4:00 p.8, 5:15 pa, 5.40 p.m. .... vu o:gb p.m. North city Itmtts o&lr. 7:30 p.m. 7:5p,B. 44( THE LLOYD FAMILY HOTKM Housekeeping Apailmcnti Two rooms, 8K.00 month t Electricity and Gas. Frco bitii , Slccplni; rooms, .li.n( wk., tp( - HAVE THE ROOF. FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL ' Phone 3171 PAKE TE.V CENTS City Limit North Hcnd, St. 9) ' 11" J COMMUTATION 20 TIOin:i 1JI.7B MarahfJeld-Xorth Hcnd Anto Lino , Oars ovtry ton minutes from O a. in. to 12 p. id.; to Sooth 8p.tiKh onco n day, leaving M il lu.m.; to Empire throe Ufl a day. GOltST ASKING, rropi. WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. LIiiko has It nt $1.50 ut .il! cab!) per load. GarbnKO "mot- oil. l'hono -J. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho tauiom HENRYVILLE,C0ALiM Nut coul'por ton .I-W Lump coal, per ton W-8 Or halt ton of both ....r...fM 1). MU8SO.V, IVop. IMiou'o 18-J or leave orders i -Hlllyer's Cltfac Store. - ' ' , DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD Nortli 1'ronc Street l'hono MUJ '' I WESTERN LOAN AND t rum ninift no. Assets $2,340,000.00 .t Pays 8 per cent on savinos I I I. S. KAUFMAN & CO, t Local Treasurer T. J. BOA1PH jJ A. H. nOPfllK Marshfleld Sffcit, rv.t....fu ITSirnlshed Phoao X40-H. Marshlleld. 0 DUNGAN U"DBrrA?A"RU will be kept OPEN TO THE l'UBMO A regulnr statu licensed nadortaker will he u cliarge rhose JOB- ?rtr?j WW '-,MaMiW,MiM'a ra :N HdLSKZ71ISyi WM