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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1916)
f HAIEVfR AjamW STRIKtS YOU FOR A LOAN. HIT HIM BACK, ONLY HARDER Stmos PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES CEoob t touia. XXXIX. Established 187B As Tlio Const Mail MEMBKIt OP T1TJ0 ASSOCIATED PRESS MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1916 EVENING EDITION iin sent sin. iied op DOS ARE FLOODED WILLAMETTE RISING INCH A HALF JIOUltrA. AND .... T-lnn Ac Pnr ;mnftor! Are iumjii mo i v uv w - .. . .. as Beaver Hill Junction This mommy. i DAMAGE BIG nn n Mnrn Rp. y kvwo ::zr fore iramc i& im"u to Normal. QUILLE SOME HIGHER , m XIlit '"s,'s Klxo f Over tire Indies w .'"' Irloir llmt Place .Mwli or i rncic Winked Out ' MTK WAIN HAS JlCACIIKDCOOUILLE Word from tlio depot this afternoon affirms tho report that tho lato train todny got through to Coqnlllo all rlglit. It may go to Myrtlo Point tomorrow. Una Reached 1H.5 Vent, Which Ih Highest Recorded lit Last Seven Ycui'fi. ' tfly Aaaoclaten Vntm to Ow Hay Timet.) PORTLAND, Fob. 10. Rising at tho Wo of olio and ono-half Inches nn hour, tho Willamotlo rlvor nt Portland at noon today reached a Btngo of 18.G feet abovo tho low wntor mark, tho highest attained ,lu tsovoji years. Docks and ware houses aro flooded, but llttlo dam ago was dono as tho contents una boon romoved, Tho Snnko nud upper Columbia rivers nro rlBlng and may bo a fac tor in keeping tho Columbia nt tho high stage A' nougolng gasollno launch wiib torn from I tit moorings but was saved by a tug, A scow also broke loosu tyid bumped Into the steamer Wnunn, which, howovor, was not badly damaged. Tho crest tomorrow may reach tho 20-foot stago. EXIT ' IS BLOCKED COOS AND CURRV COUNTIES FORM "HERMIT KINGDOM" xo mahj at xoox hit ilpi:cti:i) TONIGHT Tho first train hack from Beaver Hill junction shortly btforo noon today brought no mill. Tho trainmen said there li a possibility It will bo brought through all right this evening. Tho train Is eipectod back about flvo o'clock and distribution may be made before the close of the general delivery window it 7 p. in. '''' I WlltlS OPKHATIXH THIS AFTERNOON The tolephono company bad a wlro to Rosoburg operating boforo noon and j the Western Union was work ! Ins again at noon today. llroad scrvlco was extoncd from nWo to Beaver Hill Junction this "ling but, halted thoro on nctmint abort washout In tlio track. Tho :tlon crew has a donkey onglno r that point fnr tllft nimwsn nf "taJ trees and debris off tho track. Plenbers were nenln i,,,,.!,, . 'rom Coqmiio in motorbonrR nti y train did not return hero nuernoon. Hh cr fines in..i,n.. Became of the raln f 1..1 tt. ' Myrtlo Point had raised 'than five inches, according to "Port received this n,orn!IIK at Pol, being then about 12 1-2 "" normal. i ....... i.., . at ... , "wo uuuovoii ter at Conullin iin -.... , I fc8 a vise Atout 2 0 7 5 T "orco'""l- tat od. h,..,,00"'.Ui 15 a m ' BUla out "t " D. Una -.1....... . . -" viu-uuiec to eavo H ay (0 Cnn..lll m.' PrtesM 11, --. iriunmen , ?r.the Pinion that It m mr not be cleared in i, - , Stoat llelmllust :e.h,,la..ftl,eSo''thorn Pacific lr to he ",l(lor w"tor will ;Mir. u;.;:;"10"' SI water. oni beneath ti. " 0t tho gravel eth the rails and i,f "S!"1 Mav iim uo maaS ,ck comni.1 ' n,UcU of th0 completely W.fii,n,i .. KS it's f01 t en 70 "at tra,ns Mn olatn en t0 and from ,-.. rCfirru' ff"" 001 Myrtle PnIn,Wh0 camo ov" 1 ho "Ud t ,. " nlB,,t said n . " ,0 Walk fr. ....... l0 'nr.. " yrllO c!a, ,,?,!a' T" railroad tMM. ,7"v amaKed. n,f , Cr S wunB r.L . .. Pt m. and 1 'unf f" off tlio out and T f tU ba,la8t Uay. MUchea along the right Ola...." 0I the Cnnl.i .. Wconenib,vC",laUy :r'op::: ". llllt. Mm'iiitiK Elnds Wires to Outside Down Slides Itlotlc Itnlliond to CiihIiiiiiiii Shut Off Coos and Curry counties yestordny, trdny and possibly until Saturday at loast will bo tho "Hermit Kingdom" In tho full mciihu of tho words. There is no such a. thing as getting out to to Willamette Valley and- tho rail road and Portland Is entirely sum off from us. Slides on tho railroad out of Eu goiio and Into Cushmnn blocked that moans of exit. Travel over tho Coos Hay Wagon road or via M.yrp Point li"ltn,,llnnbBslblHt;. " Tlioro Is nn such a thing 'hs 'a')oat (oduy for tho, north. i Wlros Oo'l)owii , High, saiidtly wjnlls' of tho night put tho olophono and tho telegraph wires 6u't of commission. Thero was not a chnnco bf'talk'liig 0 tho pit, sldo world. Whon business oponcd this morlllug, t'oqul'lla and Myrtlo Polnt'wora tlio only places tlmt could bo reached. Xo atuiHH On Out With tho Tailrond blockod hoyond Cushmnn thoro was no need of beach stages this morning nud tho Atlas did not loavo hor dock for tho lowor bay. In fact thero is doubt whethor tho autos could havo gono through becauso of tho fact that tho winds hnvo kicked up a torrlblo southwest sea that probably would havo had tho burf booming over tho sea wall. A 10 Held Heio At several of tho hotels and about tho city aro- many pnssengors who wnnt to got out. At the Chandler todny woro sovornl traveling men who havo been uiaroouod hero for two or tliroo days, with tho chances of oven a longer vacation. Howovor, they vatchod their oxpenso account grad ually lessoning and chafo at tho do-lay. 3. Consolidation of Times, Const Mall iuhI Coos Hny Advertiser. LOGGING ROAD IS WASHED OUT Bicj Damage Done to McDon ald & Vaucjhan Trestle at Daniels Creek. HILL SLIDES Camp Buildings Escape Des truction Only by Protection of Big Pile of Logs. GRASS LANDS COVERED Many ltanclicis Will Find II Neces sary to Feed Dairy Herds for Month or Slv Uh.In Snow In Hills at lion Lake DOWN The McDonald & Vnughan Com pany will havo to rebuild tho long tiostlo extondlng out from the foot hills to tholr log dump near tho mouth of Daniels Crcok according to K. K. Dyer of Daniels Crcok who was in MnrBhfiold today. Mr. Dyer said that much of tho trcstlo was washed out, and what wasn't washed out was made unsafe. In addition to this tho company's rond abovo the ttcstlo up to tho lihio Itldgo Camp was mora or less damaged. A bnd stldo near 0110 of tho camps would havo practically destroyed tho camp buildings only for a pllo of logs chpckqd It near tho Ulucksmlth shop. j , Cieelc At Km Holiest lr. Dyer says that tho wator wns Hip hlgjicst over known on DanlelB Crck. This was duo to a number log, Jams, and' brush Jams causing tlip, wntor; to ovorflow a greater area than It would havo otherwise Tho bottomland of Mr. DycrB ranch was overflowed for tho first tlmo since he has lived thero and his pnsliifo was practically destroyed' by" s:x lliches or a .footl of'sllt' fa'cttllng' bii' It Many fences wonv'waVnbd out. (Iiiy Chambor's ranch suffer'ed llk'o wlso. "' G SO QUITS (Special to Tho Tlmca) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 10. Secretary Garrison ten- derod his resignation to President Wilson today and It was nccopted. Garrison Is said to havo dotormlncd to 4 quit tho cabinet when It be- camo apparont his continent- nl army plan would not meet tho approval of Congress. Ho also opposed giving tho Phil- llpptncs Independence. 4 HEAR ANOTHER SID E SEXATK SUllCOMMITTEK STIliTi IXVliSTIGATIXfi 11HAXDEIS. .IikIko Cariiiiilt ExplahiH Details ltri- putlliiK tho Case of Easteni Itallroads. THAW IS HELD UP I.OXE llAXDIT OPERATES OX UN ION PACIFIC limkcmuit Vori'fHl to Pass Hat u'd Rather Money and Valuables from tho Passengers Dj Auorlatei Trcis to Con I)r Tlmu.) CHEYENNE, Wyo. Fob. 10. A lono bandit robbed twenty passong ors In tho Pullman on oastbound Union Pacific train No. 18 last night between Groon River and Rock Springs. Ho escaped by leaping from tho train when an alarm was Bpread. A' posse has loft Green Riv er in pursuit. UrnUcinan Passes Hat Tho bandit covered the brakoman with revolvers and compelled him to pass his hat In which tho passengers "wero told to doposlt tholr monoy aud other valuables. Several shots were fired to intimidate the passengers. Returns Woman's Money Approximately $100 In money was takon from tho passengers, A purso containing $70 was returnod to a woman passenger, the bandit remark ed that he did not want to rob a woman, Huve your programs printed at The Times office. ' C1IIINC.S 111, E.K!IIM Ivy' Condrou bii Id yestordny that tho freshet' would causa rousldombla Ioph nf his ranch. Tho milk barn was tho only building damaged but tho grass crop was prnctlcally des troyed for tho tlmo being and they will havo to buy hny for tho twonty flvo head of milch cows on tho place. This means nn exponso of about ? 10 por day for a month or six wooks un til tho grass gets up sufficient for tho cows to feed on It again. Snow In lU Cnpt Hormnn Edwards said that 'Irving Smith of tho McDonald ranch at Loon Lnko and Luther Judy camo In from. Loon Lako yestordny nud reported that there wns still lots of snow In tho hills, At some of tho highor olovatlons there wns still sev enteen inches of snow In tho road way. River Is Rising Cnpt. Edwards said that North Coos River was rising again this morning and was up about two or threo feot abovo last night's mark rihou he loft Allegany this morning. River Washes Ranks Out Cnpt. E. Georgo Smith, of tho Rainbow, reported this morning ; that tho high water has washod out mnny of tho banks along tho south fork of Coos Rlvor doing tonsldor- nblo damago. Whllo tho water was ut its holght tho damago was not so perceptible. As tho strenm went down tho banks "poolod" off Into tho rlvor. Acres Flout Away Immediately bolow Goodwill tho bonks havo caved in so that it is now within 25 feet of Cnpt. Smith's homo., William Richards, Just below, con tributed part of his farm, unwilling ly, to tho floods as has A, E, Soaman. It Is said tho latter lost mora than an aero of land In this way. From up tlio north fork como s:m- Ilar reports of damaging caving In of hanks that will increase the flood damago immensely. , Wind Is TAn-riflc Old Boreas had a gay tlmo last night. Ho blow with all his might out of tho southwest and the houses of tho city rocked and creaked In tho blasts that camo In frequent and Jerky squalls. It seems that no damago was dono to any extent by the high wind. A few trees wero blown down, but not many. Most of tho inconvenience was experienced by tho vessels out side Tlio Kllburu loft horo yester day afternoon for tho south, henco receiving tho blasts, full In tho face. tlr AMKxUted Vnu to Coot nr Tim. WASHINGTON, D. C Feb. 10. Judgo Carmnlt, chief examiner of tho Interstate Commcrco commis sion, testified today boforo tho Son ato subcommittee investigating tho nomination of Louis D. Brandons to tho Hiipromo court bonch, which ban been challenged. Clnratou Clifford Thorno, chairman of tho Iowa Rail road comnilBslou, claimed that Ilran dols had concealed from him tho attitude ho would tako in arguing tho oostorn freight rato cast boforo tho commission. Cnrmalt said ho himself had mnd6 Drandels' position elenr to Thorno. Explains Detain. "Thorno, I understand," Bald Car malt, "stated that when tho commis sion had fixed tho nllotmout of tlmo for tho nttornoys to' nrguo tho caso, ho had nsked privilege of being per mitted to follow tho counsel for tho shippers Instead f opening tho nrgumont. "Thorno asked mo what Rrandein' I position won Id, iq in tho a'nrti'nioht. Thoro wns no. doubt Un my mind what Drandpis'B position'1 iwould'Uo.' .Ho had told mo. '- ' "Thoro tortalnly was mo tflspos'l tlon to conceal. It . from Thorno:1 I nm confident I told Thotiio that Urandois would tako tho position that tho not operating Incomo of carriers was not adequato. I am qulto certain it was as a result of this conversation that Thorno wroto Drandels n noto asking a chnngo In allotlng of tlmo." Assisted All Sides Chairman Chilton stated that his understanding was that Urnndols was employed to assist in developing "All sides of tho caso" and asked Judgo Cnrmalt If Drandols helped Thorno develop his sldo. Cnrmalt replied that ho did and said tho data collected from tho rail roads by tho commission undor tho direction of Urandois was available to all. Announced Position Under cross examination by Sen ator Cummins, Cnrmalt testified that Urandois did not merely atato his fvlow that tho net return of the rail roads was Insufficient, but ho an nounced such would bo his position In tho argument of tho caso. AUSTRIA MUST EXPLAIN CASE United States Wants to Know About Submarine Attack on American Tanker. DEMANDS I E Secretary Lansing Says Re ports to That Effect Circu lated Are Not True. MIGHT COME IN FUTURE States That. It Is Within Raimo of Possibility that Homo Demand Ho Mado In Future After Investiga tion Is Mado Ittj AmofliteJ Prriu to Coo Da? Tlin, WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 10. Secretary Lansing announced today that ho had sent to tho Austro-Hun-gnrlnn govemmont through ambas sador Penflohl a dispatch asking for un explanation of tho attack on tho American tank steamer Potrollto by un Austrian submarine. Xo Demands Mado Secretary Lansing said that tho published reports that domauds hud been mnde upon tho Vienna govern ment woro "Not true" but thnt it was within tho rango of possibilities that demands of somo sort might bo mado In tho futuro should an Inves tigation and tho explanation nsked warrant thorn, IKE SILL GAINS GERMANS ATTACK FRENCH OX THE WESTERN FRONT Roth Sides Tell Different Stories To tho Result of tho Fighting- As in? AinocUtfel l'rom U Coo. Btj Ttmn.I BERLIN, Fob. 10. Tho Capture from tho French of n largo section of tronch northwest of Vlmy, In tho Ar tels region, was announced atarniy headquarters today. A mlno crater near Nouvllle, In tho samo sector, was rotnkon. South of tho Somnio river, tho French gained a foothold In a small part of ono of tho German first lino tionchcs. No. 170 M TEUTONS Ti W SI THE FRENCH VIEW Liiiiiy CAPTURED CHINESE REREI.S TAKE CITV IN 8ZE C1I.UEX,. HI li .1 '- ' 'S'oyys, of, Victory plluvoltlnj; Forces Hns"lkt'H Received M ( ,, , at Shnnnlml. 1 roj AnoclttM TrMt to Coo Dr Tim. SHANGHAI, Fob.'Yb. LlichbW, In tho soulliorn part of Szo- Chuan 'province, 'Iran boon captured by Yun nan revolutionists; according1 to word received hero today. ill T UBT TO Claim Germans Hold Only a Mlno Outer tllr AmooUIoJ Vtm I Coo. Day Tlmra.) PARIS, Fob. 10. Tho artillery duel between tho French and Gor rr.ans Is continuous In tho Artols re gion, tho war offlco announced thin nftornoon. Tho Germans last night mado n strong attack against tho French positions between Nouvllle and Lafollo. This was repulsed and tho Germans woro successful in hold ing only ono mlno crator. ASSERTING RIGHTS Treat Armed Merchant men of Enemies the Same as Warships. NOTICE lEN OUT United States Informed New Program Will Be Followed After March 1. GIVES TIME FOR. ANSWER HUIXMHS SEEK TO FIGHT GREEK SOIL. ON Claim They Aro Not Responsible for tho Allies Hreaklntf Neutrality of That CounOyi tt)f AKial1 1'rtaa lo Coo. liar Tlmta.J SOFIA, Fob. 10. Tli6 government organ Nardonl Pruva publishes nn nrtlclo nssortlng tlint Bulgaria bus tho right to Invade uroocoor,, thp purpoBo. of attacking1 t'lie French and, Urltlslv troops Wore! It declares Bulgaria Is iiot r.esp.qnT Blbln for tho' fnct thut'lir enonUea hnvo violated tho iioulrallty of Oroeco. It says. ( "Our onomiofl musV not romain rwhoro thoy aro. "Wo havo right to sook. our onomies tlioro mul, destroy thorn In order. thoy may not th ronton us." XATIOXAL CHAMRER OF COM MERCE APPEALS TO ROADS 1NTA1RP T Ry That Duto Entviito Allies Aro Expected to Signify Intentions Toward Proposal of DIsniinliiK All Merchant Vcssls. Dr AaaoelalM Tma to Cooa Daj Tlmoa.J BERLIN, Fob. 10. (By WilrolcBs to Sayvlllo.) Tho German govorn mont Is about to lssuo a momoran dum to tho neutral govoramonts nn notinclng that liorcaftor armed mor chautmou belonging to countries nt war with Qormrtny will bo con Bldorod and treated as warships. Claim RehiK Justified Tho government contends that this mensuro Is Justified by explicit In structions Issued by the British ad miralty to morchantmon, a copy of which Is said to havo boon obtained by tho German authorities. Thcso Instructions, It Is undoratoo'd here, word that morchantmon should carry guns and attack submarines on Hlgit. Itj nls6 'stated' thai otliirf on instruct toiito .powers , irad issuitl 'sirAliarj itnictdiui. ' ' .'' NOTICE GIVJ-IN HERE Secretary Daniels Speaks In Defense of tho Administration Program for Naval Increase. nr AM0latJ rra 10 cooa Bar Tlmra. WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 10. A resolution calling upon tho rail roads and tho employes to sottlo their wago controversy by arbitration was adopted today by tho Chamber of Commorco of tho Unltod States. Duuf.'ls Speaks Secretary J)auIoIs dofonded tho .administration naval Increase pro gram and advocated tho Immcdlatv building of an adoquato merchant marlno, In an address boforo tho ses sion of tho Chamber of Commerco of the Unltod Statos. Securing an adoqunto jnorchant marlno Is a pressing problem," ho said, "And it is so tied up with en larging and strengthening our navy MRS. J. I,. KUIIX IS A VICTIM OF that tho two cannot bo wlsoly sopa- STRO EIS SUDDEN APOPLEXY'. ratod." Suffers Attack at State Function at; Garrison Homo and Death ' Follows Today (11 Aaollrd Vftu to Cooa Day Time.) WASHINGTON, D. C Fob. 10. W-hllo standing bosldo Mrs. Garrison receiving guests at tho homo of Sec retary Garrison last night, Mrs. Jo seph F. Kuhn, wifo of tho Amorican military uttacho at Berlin, was stricken with apoplexy and fell to tho floor, Sho died nt tho Garrison homo early today, Vt444 0 UMPQUA PORT IS LIKELY TO HON I) C. R. Peck, attorney for tho Port of Umpqun, says com missioners will probably pass an ordinanco In March for a 200,000 bond Issue. It Is then up to tho govern ment to appropriate a like sum. Petitions wero signed by 78 por cent of the voters to havo tho bonds. ' GATHER AT P CONGRESS OX CHRISTIAN WORK IX LATIN AMERICA OPENS AN1 President of tho Republic Rellvars An Address of Welcome to Tho Visitors 11 AiioclateJ I'rtaa to Cooa Uay Tlroea.J PANAMA, Feb. 10. Tho congross op Christian work In Latin America oponed horo today. Dr. Porras, president of tho republic, welcomed tho dolegates and visitors represent ing tho principal Protestant church os In tho United States and Great Britain. 44f.)a WESTERN UNION OFFICIAL IS DEAD tnr AasorlateJ Praia to Ouc ray Time. NEW YORK, Fob. 10. Bolvldero Brooks, vlco presi dent of tho Western Union Telograph Company, dlod at his homo here today of heart trouble, 'O SENATE VOTES TO PASS THE MEASURE TODAY. Action Taken DospUo Threat or Prl- vuto Factories to Ralso the Price. (Uy (uwMlfcl Pr. tr Cooa nay 7M. WASHINGTON, Fob. 10. Tho Sonato naval commltto's recommen dation for govornment armor plant was voted dosplfo tho noMco that 'tho armor manufacturers will rniso tho prlco 100 por ton If Senator Till man's plant bill goes throtiRii. It wan formally presoutod today to tho Scnato with tho declaration that tho govornment is bolng overcharged and tho solo remedy Id u federal factory. ADMITS HIS GUILT GERMAN CONSUL SAYS THAT HE WROTE LETTER FOUND. Was Taken From Possession or Cnpt. von Papon by British Author ities at Fulmouth. (Continued From Pago Threo) NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 10. Dr. Paul Roh, Gornwu consul at Now Orleans admitted today to tno Asso ciated PrcsB that ho wroto a 'lottor taken at Falmouth by tho British agonta from Captain von Papon, tho recallod Gorman military attaeho, which British officials said wis signed with tho Initials "R. V. M." and ascribed by thoni to It. von My aenburg, formor German consul at Now Orleans. F.mbnsslw I'icseiit Maimer, i yiiltl 4 StilteV G'ovcrnuiDiit. IDy AmocImkI rrrn io Vmi nay TlmJ a 4' WASHINGTON, D.' d.Vqb. JOrr- -Ml" .Qorninny nnd AuBtrla.(tlirough tholr omunssios noro, notiriod tho UnltcU Slates of tno Intention to treat nrmod morcA'nntmon as warjihlpsiaf tor, March it That dajo was fixed, i to glvo thoontonto nlllga tlmo to ' signify their' lntoiitlou toward tho' recent noto of tho Unltod Statos pro posing tho disarmament of all mer CHARGES ARE READ! PART OF INDICTMENTS ARK PREPARED AT SAN FRANCISCO Allege Conspiracy to Sot on Foot Military Expedition Ry Ger man Diplomats, , . Illy Aaoclatl I'rm to Coo Pay Time I SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 10. Ouly ono of tho two sots of lndlctmouts voted by tho federal grand Jury ngcilnst Gorman Consul Bopp and Vlco Consul Von Shack and four othors will bo returnod today in tho Unltod States district court, officials said. Tho clerical forco has finished only tho Indictments charging con spiracy to set on foot a military expedition. f t, FEDERAL CASE HAS BEEN COMPROMISER t Dy Aiwcltted l're.4 u tw bay Tltuw 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 10. Tho federal gov- ornment'B claim against tho American Sugar refining com- pany for tho unpaid duty on sugar at Now Orleans was compromised for 52,185 It was announced tooay. says stock losses , ' Will be heavy Captain Olson States Many Sheep and Cattle Havo Dlod in Curry County, Capt, Potor Olson, wno with both of his boats, tho Rustler and Roamer, Is waiting to get out for Port Orford, says that tho roports of loss of flheop and cattlo In Curry county woro probably not eseer atod, Tho Indications nro that thoro nre many head of stock lost throughout tho county. Tho Wod dorburji Trading company, which has largo bauds of both snoop and cattlo, had vory slight If any losses as tho farm is equipped to talco care of the stock aud thoro Is suf f'olont feed on hand to carry tho animals through, but many of tho rancliprs whoso stocit iugotf back In tho mountains, whoro thoy could not bo ronchod In tho stormy weather may suffor heavily, Tho Roamer, which has Jubc buen put Into sorvlco aftor being tlod up for a tlmo, and the Rustlor will make tho trip south together. One will stop qt Port Orford ant tha othor Mil make a trip u the Roguo rlvor. Times want ads bring- result. o