THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, ,FERUARY-9, 1916 EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES U. O. MALONEY, Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, Notts Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official Taper City of nlnrebilold. Entered at tlio Postofflco at Mnrsh flold, Oregon, for transmission ttttaugh the malli m second-class mall mattor. An Independent Republican nowa paper, published ovory evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Ooos liny Times Publishing Co. I X WITH THE TOAST t t AND THE TEA $$ GOOD EVENING. A THE TItUTII 1S Ilob Stanley Most of 11s lmvo fallen Into tne habit of complaining n great ileal about climatic conditions on Coos Bny during tho past winter, or rath er rnlny season. Wo have grumbled bccatiso tho rains linvo dlscommod- 8UDSCDIPTION KATES DAILY. Ono year $6.00 Per month .50 WEEKLY. Ono year SI. CO When paid strictly In advance the subscription ptlco of tho Coos Hay Times is S5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. Addross all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES. -Milton. 2 t EUROPEAN WAR ONE t YEAR AGO TODAY $ $ FEBUUAHV I), 1015 I . . Tho United States maps out plans to curb peril to American ships In tho now war zone. Tho IliiBslan advanco on Hungary Is scheduled. Russians tiro reported to bo evac uating tho provlnco of Ilulcowlna. French uccuso tho Germans of shelling Solssons with Inflammables In order to destroy tho city. THE MAIL ODDER HOUSE AS HAD boon expected n long tlmo boforo tho pnrcolB post camo to bo u reality In this eountry, it lias been n big spur to tho mall ordor activity. Soma mor .chnnts don't lllto this condition, and frankly say so. They novor ceaso to complain about tho unfairness of tho system, whoro such easy means nro providing for trado facilities, Othor morchants, instead of com plaining linltato tho mall order cam paign with another campaign to oil- ry ucato tho peoplo to buy from tho nearby trado centers. Thoy show thorn Uovf tho neur honio storo simply hna (o koop only 'nubstantlal and rcllablo gooda, or it could novor hold Its trado. Also, thoy can often get tholr goods tho day thoy order thorn, and Jj'lf'tnb Btuff (locifnbc provo'da' r'ejiro- Dcntod, .satbifoctlou In guarnntrcd. JJ They do nbt havo to go tlirouglitho ' vexatious process of trying to got sat- isfactlon out of tho vast impcreoual mnchlno of n great mall ordor houso. Tho bulk or tho trado that goes to mall ordor houses would go to stores near homo If peoplo knew what tho homo storo has to hoII. Tljp local newspaper Is both cataloguo ami solicitor for tlio homo merchant, and tho ono moans by which ho can beat tho big mull order concern. . Exchange. THE DBEAM. To ono whose dreams have vanished Comes then the ono dream more A sea that keeps on calling Tho sailors from tho shore; A charm of faith and fancy That gives tho hopo it slays With UCo forevor living The memories that nro May's. In silence and in sorrow, In hours alono nnd drear, To ono whoso dreams havo vanished Tho ono dream hovers near That out of all things shuttered, And out of nil things gone, Tho most of Ufa that mattered In lovo aga'ln will dawn. Always, that ono dream rising, From dust and tears and nlht, To ono whoso dreams have v nlshud A strango and fairy light; Till from our shoulders fal..njf Tho woe, tho want, tho cuvo, O'er seas and sorrows calling, Tho ono dream moro lsth'c. Seloctf.l. rnn1 . wl 1ltl( n n tint nlntll lilt ., .... uuW . ..w. .,, cd somowhat In our dally tasks on occasions forelock watchful wait. I . ., . . ,. , . turn nuu uujii. un muiu ui ivaa iii- dcors. Wo havo branded our cli mate as "vile," "abomlnablo" and "unbearable" and otherwlso totally unfitted for use by humanity. Llko the others, I, too, havo been guilty of abusing poor, old Coos Hay because of tho rainfall, but I havo paused and begin to feel like offer inn an apology. It was this way. This morning I was expressing mysolf in the usual manner about our climate nnd par ticularly about tho winter rains In tho prcsenco of ono of our esteemed "boosters", viz. J. Albert Matson. I had Just remnrkod that 1 had como to bcllovo that In the cntlro unlverso there Is no place with a moro abom innblo cllmato than Cooa Day. I was Interrupted as follows: "Yes, this cllmato Is tho limit. When ono thinks of tho great num ber of deaths of our peoplo through freezing, It Is appalling. When ho thinks again of tho great amount of property destroyed by floods, It is disconcerting. When ho thinks of tho lives and property destroyed by lightning, It Is horrible When ho thinks ngaln of the great number of tornadoes that como to wreck Coos Hay on'd hor fair cities. It Is with fear and trombllng. When ho re mombora that our peoplo do hnve 1ft grlppo hero occasionally, it is nw ful. Yes, this Coos riay cllmato is' tho limit." I paused for an answor but had nono, for his nrgument was nnd Is unanswerable. Wo havo our rains but wo don't havo tho things ho men tioned and thpy do hnvo nil theco In other less fortunate places. It Is tlmo that wo all talk our cll mato to our friends who live In less pleasant climates. PEOPLE'S EORUM Tim C.nni linv Times will bo ploused to publish letters from ts readers on all questions of public liitpmsi. nlvlntr bla or her address, and bo far as possible limited to 2H0 vcifds. In publishing theso loi ters Tho Times does not Indorse tho 'cws expressed therein; It l& slmplv affording a means for tho voicing of different opinions on all questions affecting the public welfare. UPHOLDS THE I.OGGEIIS. Thero may bo gorms In your girl's kisses, but you ncvor think of tho germs when It Is somo other follow's girl. You can always mako a Coos Day woman mad by staring at her shoes. HAD. Oh, why should tho spirit of mortal bo proud? Ho thinks his now car Is n fast flying cloud; Ho gocth Joy riding with fuss and with honk; Ho castcth a tire and ho lands on his conk. Jay Doyle. Oil, why should the spirit of man bo so proud? Ho thinks his now sit Is tho pick of tho crowd; Ho dons It with pleasure1 gots caught lu tho rain, And ho looks llko a, drowned rat ' when ho comes homo again, Frank Cohan. A Coos Hay woman can alwayH start a battlo With hor husband over what mako of automobile thoy would buy It they had tho price of an automobile. BELGIANS ADOPTING 1 ENGLISH CUSTOMS Two Hundred TIioiimiiiiI Bofugec) Tnko Up the Ways of tlio British Peoplo ! Wr Asioclittil I'mi to Coot njr TIpim.) LON'OO.V, Fob. 9 Most of the 200,000 Belgian refugees In England hnvo now been assimilated Into Eug- Industry; howovor McDonald & Con Hsh socJa.1 and Industrial lfo. About I "(Iron havo offorcd to ropnlr tho .20,000 refugees formerly of tho well- 'damago citusnd by1 their heavy loads, Editor Tho Times: Heforo tho C. A. Smith Lumber company constructed a mill at this placo, Marshfleld practically speak ing, consisted of a few houses with muddy streets running between them. Practically speaking, tho cntlro upbuilding of this city Is to bo credited to tho lumbor Industry. Tho public Is asking for more( industrial enterprises and tho( Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce, has spent considerable money and effort In trying to pcrsuado par tics to avail themselves of the op portunities that tho wood resources; of this district offer for industrial purposes. No ono can dony thnt( at tho present tlmo our lumber Is our main and only dependable Blip-' port, In tho faco of all this it Is romarkablo to wltnoss tho obstruc Hon placed In tho way of any In dustry In Marshfleld that is con-, ti'lbutlng several thousand dollars' a month to the commcrco of tho city. i I refer to McDonald & Condron's, logging operations. I havo no per gonal Interest In this matter but, tho treatment that they havo re-' eolved from tho City of Marshfleld Is short sighted and petty. They aro doing somo damago to tho streets, but without tho lumbor industries tho streets would not havo been posslblo In tho first place. It is estimated that approximately fi, 000,000 foot of lumber will bo taken out by McDonald & Condron. , l)y tho tlmo this lumber Is loaded! on n Bteamor for tho market It will cost $!). 00 per thousand or $-15,000 will bo distributed In tho community us, Uiq.resMJptlyj cijtprurlso. No ono haji claimed yet tho damage of tho strootW will oxc6od$K,000. What jlumaq ,jBtiona .should be paid by a general assessment for tho reason ovory property owner hat been or ..,111 I.a .1I..1a.1. l.Aiml,fi,l lit. Milu ' Nlll IJU MIljUUllJ UVIIVMlUlt I'J h.ur WHAT IT IS COSTIXG Til KM PEACE rumors porslst In splto of many denials. There Is no doubt that every country In Europo Is nnxlous to end tho strug gle but each ono does not wish to mako tho proposal fearing It will bo tnkon as n confession of weaknoss. In tho mattor of financial consid eration iilouo thero Is not u nation that.lB not growing weary of tho Ptruggle. Tlio cost of tho war Is proving something colossal. Tho oxport economists figuring up on It ovor thoro put tho dally ox-pi-nso nt $70,000,000. Noiimnrch, tho French authority, calls It $73, 000,000 dally. This Includes only tho linniedato outgo. Franco Is now expending GO0,O00.O00 a month, Groat Hrltaln $000,000,000, Hussla $400,000,000. Tho cost to Germany Is $18,000,000 dully, and this does not take lu the advances made to Austrla-Hungar) Bulgaria nnd Turkey. Hack of this are the wnr loans to which tho fighting nations lmvo ob ligated thoniBolvos. As totaled up to tho end of October lust, those were moro than $'-M, tOO, 000,000. Tho ul IIcb raised $H,ti0O,0Ou nnd the Aus-tro-Gormans $3,821,000,000. Tho amount raised lu tho United Suites was $002,000,000. But even tho nhovo (loon not tell tho wholo Htory. It doos not taUo account of tho destruction of tua or dinary earning powor of a peoplo. Tho warring nations nro not merely Bpondlng money at a fierce pace hut thoy are not making money, it Ih al going out nnd nothing coming n, considered from u national stand point. How long can tho warring nations keep going without fneliiB financial exhaiiHtlon? Tho troublo with hnvlng a fam ily skeleton Is that tho blamed thing nlwayB rattles when thoro aro strangers in tho hoiino. After all, It Is o. good thing that 75 per cont of. us aro fools. If wo wore all wluo n wholo lot of Cooa Hay peoplo would havo to go to work for a living. SMXflUAdlO. At ono tlmo In this land each man Could apeuk tho English language, Hut now wo do tho best wo can And iiso tho English Hlung-uagu. Coos Day Time Want Ads nro of direct unil pructlcnl usefulness to nil renter, In finding u congenial iiiul unliable placo lu Mlilch fu IUo. Pcroons having houses to fthoulil nvull (lionihelvtvi of tlio op. portunlty offered by those small mis. M'ant ndiertlMng noils (ho n. leHger-WHHted things. JY IIKtHC. 'Tho old family buggy," Oborvod Mr. Hurtle, '.May look kind of luggy, But It won't turn turtlu." to-do clnsB aro now maintained by hospitality, as nro (01,89, n Jcslduo who aro unablo to look after thorn bClvcH and aro ronsoaiiontly main taluod by tho government In a camp on ono of the local oxpoItIon grounds. Wprk has been found, for practically nil or tho Helglan work men, who number about 00,000 out of tho 80,000 mon refugees. Thoro nro now In Englnnd no Belgians who nro fit for military sorvlco oxcept thoso exempted for war work. Very few undesirables hnvo boon found among tho rofiigees, and they woro early taken In control. In tho early days of tho war, tho proposal wiib mado to establish n sop arato tfflNan colony, nut this foil through, and Belgians work under tho buiiio conditions n Englishmen. Threo-flfths of tho refugeos nro wom en and children, nnd of thoso largo numbers nro employed In fuctorlos and as Borvunts nmi nursemaids. Belgians now living ns England's guostB nro composed partly of unfor tunates of tho lowor class and partly l There Is no use trying to reason with ypur wlfo. Tho mliiuto you buglu hIio will lutorrppt you and want to know what you nrj mad about. so who1 Is being' hurt? I nm living, any many other peo plo In Mnruhftold aro living, aft Its Industrial enterprises; wo nro con tributing nothing toward bringing dollar Into the community. Tho merchants, attorneys, doctors, den tists, and other peoplo In business nro n necessary part of our uuslncsp and social existence but wo must nil tnko our hats off to tho follow who gets nut into tho woods and propareB for market tho big stick that gets tho bread, so, Mr. Lumber Jack, I do not euro how much dam ago you do to tho streets so long 118 you dump $15,000 Into tho com munity mid It only costs a email portion of that to offset It.- E. MINGUS. TO IMllVI-3 A XAIL IX PiaSTKH WITHOUT SPOILING WALL TODAY'S ADVICE If you'd avoid a fight, lu your married life, Ho sure you aro right And then ask your wlfo. Mother bullovos that If father had to bo some other woman's hiihbant for n few wooks futhor would tip prucluto mot bur more. A LOX SOCIAL SKSSIOX t Hoadlng. Pn woman, suelng for dlvorco. said hor husband wont to "lodge" three years ago and liusn't returned yet. HOW ABOUT WILLAMETTE "Oiillmetto is tho Indian way or spoiling Wlluniulto." Chicago Journal, First IwHtowod by the w. k. Indian chief, oro Marquette. -Clilongo Tribune. "If you wish to drlvo a nail In a phiBtorcd wnll," says tho February Woman's Homo Compaulan, "first' of portions, particularly womon, ! ,,ut ,l '" vor)' 1,ot wntor ""W ll ,8 whoso liiconiOB hnvo boon cut off nnd , thoroughly heated. You can than of profosHlonal men past nillltarv ngo.,r'vo ll '" c,oan w,luout 1'i'caklng or whoso clients havo boon scattered. 'hlpplng any or tho, surrounding! 1 plaster. EIFFFEL TOWER SENDS OUT TIME OF DAY Wlirlivss Station at tho Placo In of (Jifat Service to Ships nt Sea tnr AwMitiM TV,, tc ph nr Timn.) PAULS, Fob. 0. Tho Eiffel Tower 1 which transmits tho official nnd sup posedly oxnet hour three times a day to Bhlpa scutterod over tho Bon, as well as to all hind wireless stations, Biispondod Its morning transmissions recently; tho effect wns a general In quiry ns to whothor tho Eiffel Towor had gone wrong, it is still working twice a day. Tho tlmo Is furnished to tho wire less station by two clocks, 0110 In n "Cold nnlls will mako tho plastor full Don't try to drlvo 'om In. Just boll your nails approach tho wall, And hammor 'em like sin! Tlio plaster will not budgo a mlto Though swatted llko tlio dickens Hot nails are certainly all right, Llko Incubator chickens," COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost High Efficiency They Let Him Sleep Soundly, "Slnco taking Foley Kidney rilla cureu ana I -sinco taking Foley I bellevo 1 am ontlroli PAKADE OF TBADE cellor 20 yards bolow the surfuce of ' lirlvi,f'unaiy aU n'Sht" T the earth proteoted by a doublo cov-! Take two ot Foloy Knlnoy rill3 orliiR of copper nnd glu.s against m'e'il ,S,l"a8t0oPdUtRnr,AP SuiS&S changes of tompernturo and or atmos- iin8y way.,t0 Put str to your not- Phorlc pressure; tho other Is piling- u&C l"" u,lw Hmo UU"nB U, cd Into n tank whore tho temnerntni-o ' i..1',?'; l!J.n9r,.V.,l,S l "P pn'n iu .i...i..., .. . .... " ," ",H 8S.S. 6V" 111 11 roilHlilllt pOIItt, Tho clocks arc called "time regulat ors wound up ovory 30 rocoiuIb ny INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nann Smith Passenger and Freight Sails for San Francisco THURSDAY, FEB 10th, at O'clock . '- FROM SMITH TERMINAL DOCK S. So Adeline Smith Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK .C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent HfHHHBMHMHSMMMHE Oldest Dunk lu Coos County Established 1881) Flanagan &h Bennett Bank Mnohficld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 IXTEUEST PAID OX TIME AND HAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. BENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vlco Prosldont; R. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier; O. F, WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan (& Bennett Bank OFMYRTLE POINT Capital . . . " $25,"0O Orricors J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS...II. FLANAGAN, VIco Prealdent; L. M. SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, Assistant Cashlor. Bennett Trust Compiany Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J. W. BENNETT, President; TOM T. BENNETT, VIco Presldcnt; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; BENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tho Only TriiHt Company In tho Slate, Outside of Portland, Which Organized Under tho Now Law. PROFESSIONAL DRE( Dr. A. L. Houseworth l'l.yslcl niul s,i5 Offlco hours: ll to 1" . ' 1 nnd 7 to 8 p. m. " ' "M ' ruoncm umco l-liMtn t(l J. M. Wright nUILDING COVtim1"H EBtlmatoa furnlshod oa rew Dr. H. M. Shnw Eyo, Ear nnd Throat Spu GLASSES F1TTKI) Phono n3tM. lt,ns 200.2Q, trvlng illoclc. DR. MATTIE II. SHAW. Physician mH Surgcoi Pliono a:io.j. 1 H. G. Butler CIVIL EXOINi'wn Room 304 Coko Bldg. Phon liu iivmuuumi x-liuuo 3S3.L. W. G. Chandler AltOIHTKmi Rooms 301 and 302, Coke BaUto, ATnrnt.rlnt.1 r ' .u...D..i.u,u, uroKCn. TIME TAB LB WILLAMETTE PACIFIC M0I0R CAR Lcavo' Mnrshflold 0:45 a.m. 7. -IB n.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:45 n.m. 10:4c a.m. 11:30 a.m. 13:50 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:4C p.m.' 3:45 p.m. C; 00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. Uit North Bi 7:00 to, 8!00 lb, 9:00 ik I0:u m 11:00 in. 11:15 m 1:15 pa, 2:00 pa, 3:00 pa t;o p.a, 6:15 pa, 6:55 pa, 0:55 p.m. North city limits on!;, 7:30 p.m. 7:15 p.a, i d II! I I jl'l WHAT if you were not "born with a silver spoon in your mouth?" . Many a man has built up a balance in tjiis bank that would buy him moro silver i spoons than he could If Jio lived to be as old as Methuselah, '4 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on Time 'Certificates! ltMMMllif M4M i - U ' ft l1MtMrWHttm1MUlk'',4,AV First National Bank ? The Bank of Personal Service Marshficld, Oregon f4M THE LLOVD FAMILY HOTEL HoiisvKcopInK Apartmcnti I Two rooms, $H.OO month Electricity nnd Gas. Frco batbi Sleeping rooms, $l,r0 ivk., up A . . m k - . .... .. . r HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW i See C0RTHELL , Phone 3171 0GEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst A Klntf. Tamo Marshfleld nt 7 a. in., nnd returning leaving from Einplro nt S n. in. Lenvo MiirshfJeltl nt 11 n.m. nnd returning lcavo South Slough nt 1 p. in. Lenvo Multifield nt K p. m. nnd returning lenvo South Slouch at 0 p. in. . FADE, TE.V CENTS, City Llnilta North Bend, 6c. nn. .commutation nn CM TICKETS 91.75 ,J ''"Mnrshneld.North Bend Auto Lino 'i Cnra every ten minutes fron On. m to ,'JU p. ni.j to South Slough onco n day, loATlog at 11 n. in.; to Empire three trlpt a day. ' GOBST & KING, Prop. H I WOOD GOOD WOOD W. H. Lingo has it at ?LB0 J 9 nibli per load. (larbuBO rtnot' oil. Phono 7-.I. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Go. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tu most powerful, best equipped mid most thoroughly modor twenty.lach bydraullo aredgo In Pnctflc watera Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Abstracts : Main office, Seattle, Washington. For rollnhlo Abstracts of Title and nforinatlon about COOS BAY HEAL ESTATE, beo ' SAVE MONEY by ordering tho larao- HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton Lump coal, per ton s Or half ton of both W D. MUSSOX, Prof Phono 18-J or lenvo orders ! llllljcr'a Clifar Store. J.Z. DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD .." North Front Street , Phone 37W Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marahfiold and Coqulllo City, Oregon. General Agents Knstsldo itnrt Sengstuclceii's Addition. Special attention paid to assessments and pnjmeiit of taxes. 1IEXUY SE.VGSTAC1CEN, Manager. "?.' rounlos. dlBturbetl lionrt nrtlon, i BtllT ami ncldmr Joints, nnd rheumatic! lilns iluo to hiilney amt bladilcr nil- ' WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on saving I. S. KAUFMAN & CO, Local Treasurer 1 t. j. boaifh a. n. noP0151 nu'iita. ..Ualnrsvllle. On.. R. Tt. Nn. a. nr a B.vsioni of Imttorlo placed alone-, .' l' Btrnyngo says: "For ton yoars Ule a dtuen observation Instru-! yiiUoSBSiSSn l mont8. Tho tlmo loL'iilulnr- nrn ,.... ' i . nilnutos after Kolnj? to bed IM ttttu iu i:cl mi. jinn i ir an aha t V V Coiiiniorco clothed u vnrlod (,'nrlw imwiiiB in ureas imitulo ouch ovontliu: Itlod hv coinnnrlKmi with i,,., , I hcnnl n( fnr tim )mi,i u lu the advertising of The Time-. j kIuhm. All the Indications thus tuk-' lW oJfoffio Y UUvo TLX It Ih an intensely human show- a ion aro ccntraliiod in tlm cif,,i.- ,,, .,'.r? and I sleep soundly ail ..... ,i.. .n .... . i . ... ..., i. mm. rvtliinir IJist J ear show Hint Inlln tlm dr..... nr .,..,..... j ....n..n ... ,1 i i "-j i'iiwom. "'n', m iimmi iiourR, commniulintr appiiaucea put tho Eiffel Tower wire For sale uy Owl Pivscrlptlon Phar- COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS'ltS8 ,,08t '" ""'vement. Bonillng tbt I rancy' Prank n Cohnu' C(,'ral Ave Low Cost High EfficloncviT'thott of a second all q or tho world, I phono 71, EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new Phono 180-J. DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koojntz Garage North Front Street Purnlsbed PboBfl 140-R. M-rgWield, Orelf DUNGAN iiMncRTAK NG PARLORS! Vflll bo kept OPEN TO THE I'unL A regular state Ucenwd undertaker will e W charge rhone 15-J "KTj." trf r'" 1 "