r THE CQQS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1916 EVENING EDITION. "'" " ... . ... -- . .,,., i FIVE jrvv, sl Listen- o, "" "- " ho" Western. Union ::;,,,..,ore,.voyon IJfc ktlfr than anyone el clo. eI.oil ic' ,c) ,n,u, 'o li,c Coos Bay Development Co. 314 Coke BWg. jlnftliflcUl, Oregon. Spokane, Wash. nrancli Office. Tim WHITE IS KINO Of nil Sowliiff Machines N'ow located at 25C Mnrkot avo. Wcit. Phono 103J- Wo havo tlto got big bargains In all kinds of used machines. All machines iold on easy paymentB. WEAVING All kinds a spec ially. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 19th Cnurth. So. Phone 220-R 1TLAWRENCE HOTEL & W. SULLIVAN Comer Market "nil Broadway We boIIcU all our old patrons of the Lloyd and assure them tho samo leasoniblo rates. , . SOUTH COOS RIVER BOAT snnvicn MUNCH EXPRESS Imtm Marshfleld every day 8 a. m, Leave head of river nt 0:15 p. in. HTEAMKR RAINBOW Imtm bead of river dully at 7 a, m. Lcavoi Mnrshflold nt 3 p. in. For charter apply on board. nOGKRS & SMITH Proprietor! it 1 1 4 INTER-OCEAN. TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nann Smith Passenger. and Freight Sails for San Francisco ' THURSDAY, FEB 10th, at ) Ottlook FROM' J ' SMITH TERMINAL DOCK - S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK ' PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent m kkWl lUoble TheateD TO-NIGHT r'rtof the Famous GOLD ROOSTER PLAYS "p," 'T'": S,,,,-MH'H" Or "THE FORTUNES OF PETER" Ictured from tho woi joiown book by Gcorgo Brackett SolU In 'he acts. ,.featllro wlth may thrills and sprinkled with sovoral good comic scenes. "I'Athi: .m:vs' T,vl!Il!ai,l,t"l"K8oru, wor,(l ,l motion pictures. " !,I"WS 7 N:-in TWO SHOWS, 7 K: 15 lower Floor j $( Balcony 10c ailldiou He OMOIiitow MGIIT "KINDLING" anothor Paramount play in 'la acts, ht Pin Jt,'KI,,a,' ,,wtr f This Theatur and oo tho World's, Great- WiWMMiMM 'N'O 0WJIUTI0X8 STOPPED X ACCOUNT OF FLOOD. W, ,0Clle f nln ta 'O'ty-olght bH-'lr WUh Ul heavy t iaws kvePff9Wn mol'"taIn torrents, Ci "J Ua'ly, checke" tho open, mZ '"""'"tU would, pos- Ul P05SMvagaln b0 lwtod. This for . Tib'r close own tho mills l Prle. , 1 . aiUl W,U also 1)008t Umber,. mb0r a,l0th0- nttch. th com. I"1"7 adVttclng and Z12TS buUd,ns ,,ad kuildlDK . . la,ab0l,t tt- Bocl,ro tlr PUce L ,n 1erham p"k. nnd tyi. IL0!?8" for lumljer as Sane Sensible . Satisfactory Stylish Suits Shoes , '.. Shirts Yours For Service The FIXUP North Bend Mui-hliflehl i l Sorter's IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUIl CANDIES PURE AND DELICIOUS Wo do not speak of its QUALITY That speaks for Itself SARTER'S M.l.nn Ql.'t..T. Mnfatlflr.1.1 Front St., Opposite Klanco Hotel FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OP HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE Coll FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono 103 Resldonco Phono 18-J Mnrkot Ave, and Waterfront Timet Want Ads Got Result. WALL PAPER Seo VIERS About it, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phone 100-L. MARSHFIELM, OREGON I I - I i ? SELLING GOODS Tho big problem In soiling goods is getting the customer into tho storo. Coos Bay Times ad3 will help you solve this problem. ipit ers WEATHER FORECAST Oregon Unsettled, prob- 4 nuly rnln, colder in tho cnBt tonight. South to west winds. tice LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., February 8, by DenJ, Ostllnd, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum "4 Minimum 4G At 4:43 0. m ,. 51 Precipitation 20 Precipitation Since Sept. 1. 1915 57.21 Precipitation same period last year 47.C7 Tuesday February 8 Sun rises with more. at 7:07 and Bots at 5:22. I KOKIM I J BROOKS -To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, at their homo In EastBldc, Monday evening, February 7, 1910, a girl. Both tho mothor. and llttlo daughter aro getting along vory nicely and daddy, ono of tho local mall carriers, carried n broad grin ull .day long. MASTERS To Mr. and Mrs. ChaB. Masters at their homo in Oak land, Calif., .a daughter, on Feb ruary 2. Mr. Masters formerly reel ded In Eastsldo and Mrs. Mas ters will bo remembered as MIbs Talceu Wlldo. Sho Is their first child nnd has been named Marian Elizabeth. Start Woik Again. For tho first tlmo In sovernl days workmen wore again busy making sldowalk on Broadway and Central, between Cojn mcrclal nnd Central avenues. Also n gang of men Ft"rtcd tho cutting down of tho little 111 In tlio rcarlof tho Blanco Hotel and fronting jon Broadway, whoro N. Moon expects Lin nrnot n liiillillllir vnrv shofU'v . i. 1 s i -. . - . V . Mall Oiriicr-III. Ac66rdlng t to parties arriving from Gardiner, Mr. Sylvosto, who 1ms tho contract jior carrylnc tho mall betweon Flbronco and Gardiner, wns trlckon with nar alysls booh after his arrival nt Gar diner Saturday afternoon from F,lor ci'co. Ho la auito advanced In years nnd tho rlgorotiB weather was coiiBia erod too sovoro for him. l Use Your . Phone Your wlro IcadB right to Tho Owl. Our delivery rushes right to your door. Wo deliver Immediately. "The Owl" Tlio Central Avcnuo Drug Storo Phono 71 We still have some Navajo Rug Bargains Como In and heo tlili Ho nnson inent und lot "" lto " tl10 ' iiiiukably low prices on them. It to an opportunity that you may not enjoy again In jonw. Reinenibcr that In Fuinlturo and Houso FuinMiIng l''lS Ju e' do better for loss at Going & Harvey Company North Front St., Phone 196 Sale Is Postpoifp'if. Becauso of tlio snow and then tho rain it has been utterly lmposslblo for timber cruis to work in tho woodB on Coos Riv er, a fact that may delay the big $250,000 timber salo for perhaps two weoka or more. Tho cruisers have again gone back to tho woods. It is expected that about the first of .March will seo a final decision one way or the othor regarding tho pur cliaso of tho timber. J. Sues For Hack Kent, In tho Jus court today Alva Doll Btarted suit against Mrs. Charles Madden, some times known as Joule Hoyt. for $108 costs and six porcent interest. Ho claims that In October, 1912, ho rented tho ground on North Front street for the erection of a boat house at tho rate of $5 a month and that on ly $38 had been paid. Ho asks for Judgmont against Mrs. Maddon who, it is claimed, Is not living bore any Had Hani Luck. Ed Steele was tho original hard luck kid with his motorcyclo laBt night. Ho started for a ride out South Fourth street, struck tho lake at Fourth and Gol den, getting Boakcd. Ho came back, entered protest to tho city council because thcro was no warning light and went homo and changed his clothes. Ho. then started for North Bend nnd struck tho slido in tho road and landed In tho mud again. Gets Very Good Pictures. Capt. Mageo brought homo rrom his South Amorican trip several dozon vory good. snajiBhot8 of Interesting south ern scones. Several wero taken in tho various porta nt which tho Nann Smith stopped and show tho natives at. wprk, loading tho Bhlp. Ono or thOtPlcturaa shows the Nann In a heavy sea and with tho water com ing tumbling over tho weather rail an sho plungod, and still nnothor, taken of a passing vossol, outlined tho ship almost cut off from sight by a high rolling ecu. t PERSONAL. MENTION TAYLOR SIGLIN- was In yesterday from hla iBthmus Inlet ranch. FLOYD COFFELT was a visitor here this morning from Coos Rlvor. P. E. LARSON of Allegany, camo down this morning on tho Mllll coma. ' NEIL Watson of' Isthmus Inlet was hero yesterday. Ho1' stated' that tho frcshot did vory llttlo damako thoro. ,. .n . ' R. B. MURDOGk! now county road mastor, Is over from 'Coqulllo 'to day on matters of highway busi ness. . L. J. SIMPSON wns horo this morn ing from Shoro Acres. He Bald It had rained down thoro ovory bit ns' hard as on Coos Boy. HENRIK GJERDRUM and Mr. LlHus, who Is visiting horo, returned to day from a trip to Bandon. Thoy woro dolayed by tho floods. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE WITTB re turned this morning after a visit of soveral days at tho ranch of Frunk Rood on north Coos Rlvor. I DONALD CHARLESON, Port cngl- nocr, roiurnou on mo niuriuK train nnd boats to Bandon after a business trip hero of Bovoral days. CHARLES M'CLEES almost got started for Powors this morning, : but nt tho. last moment found ho could not got through and so stay ed hero for anothor day's visit. VERNON HANSON, who has boon spending a few weeks at tho homo of hla sister, Mrs. H. L. Crawford, has gono to California, whoro ho will visit for a tlmo Electric Shoe Store MEN'S, LADIES' ANI1 OIIILDREN'S SHOES. Wo mvo you monoy. Oar iiehe are RJht, Our Shoes nro Itllit. And You will do Right to buy your not pair of shoos nt our htoro. Our rJiocs can not bo duplicated on tho Bay fr quality "! prlco. 5(M) pairs LadHV Shoes, all Rood innkc-j and styles fi-om $U.()() to J?:i.l."5, :i,"0 pairs Men's Shoos at mq'it any Pl'll'U. Mil pairs o)'h' Sho9s,-IJttIo and hlK S1.7rt to $2.00. JOO pairs Chlldrens' S"oes from -10c to !.75, Comp ami Sec, Wo ran Fit You. Electric Shoe Store Shoes Repaired Whllo You Walt 8. J. 1MMEL, Prop. 180 South Broadway beforo returning to his old home iu Sobctha, Kan. Mr. Hanson, his father, is still a guest at tho Crawford home. Vernon Hanson may drive their auto hero from Kansas next spring. ALLAN TODD left this morning, on his way to Bandon on a business " trip. B. BE1HNGFIELD, of Pnrkors- burg, la among ,tho visitors In tho ' city. MR. AND. MRS. C. W. PATCHETT, of Dandon, are visitors In tho city 1 today. JOHN F. STICKNEY was down yes terday and today from his homo at Gardiner. FRANK CATTERLIN startod for the Coqulllo Valley this morning to call on the trade. DELBERT BENSON camo down on tho Messenger yesterday from Tcm ploton, romnlnlng over bore until today. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL loft yester day for n tour of Southern Oregon, visiting tho Odd Follows lodges In that section. Ho Is ono of tho of ficers of tho Oregon Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. P. M. TULLY and wifo nnd Bon of North Bend wero Marshfleld visi tors yestorday. Mr. Tulloy said that tho roof of his houso leaked dtirlni: tho heavy rain Saturday night, tho first tlmo since It was built Bovernl yoara ago. JOHN C. KENDALL is1 lip at Powers and for two has bcon trying to get homo but Ib taking an enforced va cation on nccount of tho floods. Ho has hopes of reaching horo by to morrow. If tho Blldos nro cloared off tonight In tlmo ho may bo through with tho cvonlng train. Methodist Ladlos' Tamalo Salo Wednesday, In Church kitchen. $ I A I IHt HUltLb i Chandler Hotel. ii. nmokn Hoirnn. Portland; R. Banddn; Chester E. Caroy,' All gany; Mrs. M. M. Gatchott, Bandon;. Rdss Nichols hnd wife', llandon. Cl -f .....ritlljl... TIwa1 John' F. BUcknoy, oiirdlnor; Dol bort Bonaon, Tomploton; II. Larson' and wifo, Coqulllo; L, Parson ( Rosoburg; J, B. Uedlngthld, Purk- burg; B. Doson, oqujllo; , Mao JohiAon, Beavor IHH; J. II. Mullon, Ood Boach, ! MONDAY ARRIVALS Tho arrivals registered v Monday vero: Chandler Hotol. O. C. Hamlin, Beavor Hill; J. S. Dado, Portland; F. G. Leslie, Co qulllo; J, M. Warnlck, Portland; Lowls McMullen. Myrtlo Point; C. A. Lundstrom, Hausor; O. R. Spires, Myrtlo Point; It. A. Landrlth, Coos Rlvor; A. J. McDonald, Portland; Albort Haskell, Recdsport; Emma Konnedy, Coqulllo; J, G. Leggott, Doaver Hill; Mr. and Mrs, Churlos Haxalton, Coqulllo; J. F. Polloy, Co qulllo; Fred Ellison, Pprtlnnd. St, Ijiwrenco Hotel. Prod Lantr. Mvrtlo Point: Mno JohnBon, Beavor Hill; J. H. Miller, Gold Boach; B. SmlUi, Myrtlo Point; B. Goff, Rosoburg; C. A. Nelson, Sumner; G. C, Motley, Sum ner; J. B. Gills, Myrtlo Point; D. M. Charleson, Baudon; Mrs. C. Egou hoff, Sumner. Lloyd Hotol. Rubb Nichols and wifo, Bandon; A. P. Stowo, Powers; II. Larson and wifo, Coqulllo; J. L. Barry, Bandon: Alvln Smith, Coos Rlvor; Joo Mlllaln, Bray, Cul.; J. I). Wright, Daniels Creek; A. Carlson, Ton Mllo. Banco North Inlet hull Saturday, Foil. 12. TakV) bout Cooston, Methodist Ladloa' Tamalo Salo Wednesday, in Church kitchen. REXALL BLEMISH SOAP A delightful toilet soap for tho uso particularly of those who havo or fear thoy may contract contat glous or infectious skin di seases, Try a cake. Only 2Cc. THE BUSY CORNER Phono spa We Deliver Proipptly D. Murdbck, Coqulllo; Pptor Mclnf tt Uhd libnir' IU6 thrf 'aJcwuful tosh, Portland. J author, n. ,' ? Hi ' L16yd Hotel! ' 1 i"Pl!l lt1 qot io first roeomi llQn p t. iinrrv B'andon A', it tharGosB has received as nn author. U I.?' n T1 ntJ trit-VearMo VecbWeft ih'Mvllhi; oiunu, luno.o. v.. ... v..-..-.., The J. C. Penney Co. Gives you the ItlgKcst and most valuo for your nioucy, Think of tho enormous profit they mako when thoy put on theBO so-called Special Sales. Beforo buying get our prices, examine our merchandise and Bavo monoy overy day. Indigo dyed Denim Overalls, best quality, full cut bib, $1.25 values, J. C. P. prlco . 83c Indigo dye Denim bib, a dandy $1.00 valuo, our price d9 Boys Bib Indigo dyo denim Overalls, 75c value) our prlco 1 4Do Bungalow Aprons, new patterns, 75c values, our prlco c, A Dandy Silk Potticoat, latOBt patterns and collars; worth double tho prlco $2.98, $2.79, $2.25- Black Sateon Petticoats, latest patterns and ntylea at ' ' monoy saving prices.... $1.23, 98c, 79c, G9c,- 49c Ladles' Houso Dresses, all tho now patterns, Blmdea . and stripes; worth from 25c to 50c moro 98c 79c, 49c We Lead, Others Follow The Originators of Low Prices Next Door to Postoffice HONOR ROGER US SOtf .OfImARSHFIELD WAN WINB CALIF. UNIVERSITY PRIZE. Writes Play That Ih Selcctcil From Many Submitted for Senior ClasN' Annual Show. Tho following dispatch f,rom tho University of California will bo of liitereBt horo, as Roger 1obb Iu will known In Marshfleld, bolng tho non or John D. Gosb. "Roger Gobs, of Marshtlold, Or., has written tho extravaganza that hnB boon accoptod by tho Bonlor chiBa for presentation In tho Grook theater. Tho extravaganza Is a larco and contains many pooms and Jokes roforrlng to collogo celebrities. Tho Boloctlon of tho farco to be pro sented is loft to a committee. Thorn worp moro manuscripts prcsonted litis veor than lmvo over boon pre sented before, which fact adds much rl.0, foM.humor.r WH Hrl. I. nwnrilniLKnilliallv tOI tllO Itlltlior CI ' " ... ..,, ,,.. l.nof iiinmrnim Rtorv Dilbllshod. Hc-ils now editor of tho Pollcau.niio Joko.magozlno df tho tinrvorhity and tho publication Ib giing through nmost Buccess'fifl ycUr?' ' I WILL CLOSE MILLS On account of tho damago to tho railroad track on tho Southorn Pa cific preventing trains getting over from Powors nnd also tho hortngo of logs on hand at tho C. A. Smith plant, It will bo nocesBary to shut down tho Eastsldo mill tonight. Superintendent Moreon said today that porhaps thoro would bo onough logs to run tho big mill through tho wook but that moro llkoly It would bo nccosBary to closo It down on Thursday ulsht. Tio mills will start aualn Just aB soon as tho railroad can bo repaired und logs brought through. t Nw TODAY $ LOST Sconcli rollie, black with white nock and feet; about 7 mos. old. LlceiiBo tag No. a. Flndor ploaso call 280-R. FOR RENT Furnished two loom apt. Heated. $15.00. Inquire ' MntBon's Store. POSITION WANTED by mnn und and wifo on ranch, or would man age pluco on shares. Experienced foroman. Good reforoncoB. P. M, jacobBon, Marshfleld, Oro. Phono 19-J. FOR HUNT .0 room houso. Apply II 02 Elrod Avo. $ t FOR SALE t ! FOR SALE 2iul liad fiirnltiu-o, In. eluding piano. 8H So. Broadway, I FUK KbIMI 4 FOR RENT (J Room houso n South Marshfleld. Phono 1474 North Bond. FOR RENT -Furnlslieil flat, Iipt und cold water, bath. 853 Third at. VO RKNT Rooming houso over Ekblad's Hardaro Storo, Apply at Ekblad & Son, or call 3CQ. '4 H ! t AM0N0 THE SICK I Claudo Noblo camo In from Ten Mllo yestorday with a badly lufoclcd hnnd, caught by a rusty nril.Tho hand was lanced, 41 Emmott PWrce la orf tho sick llflt nnd confined to hla homo, MIbb St. JacqtloK ib rfiebvorwr, from n fow days of Illness. Joo Dodgo. whllo working al the -North Bend Mill nnd Lumb6r Cqi., had hla foot injured whon BoniP bparfls foil on It. Englnoor Cook of tho gasoline schooner Rustlor, who suffered an In Jury to hla kneo, la out of tho hospi tal, but will not bo ublo to return to work for n whllo. Mrs. E. M. Smith of iBthmuji Jn lot, who undorwont an operation at Morcy liospltal, has recovorcd Buffl- cloutly to return homo. J. v. Catching Ib rppotted ,qurte 111 nt his homo ou Catching Inlet, Herbert Armstrong, Cops county mnnngor of. th.o SouthornOrQgpand Monnaha Woodonwa.ro. compsnleshtts sufficiently rocovorod.trQin th efer- atlpn ho underwent tat Mopcy Upspl- tal a fo,w weokB agp.to re.tur tfljnis 1. .... I.. VTn.lt. TlnMil I Uf 111 . Tivntl. ?l " "' - " '-fD " U9 . . ' ... ' to ,UQ up aim arounu i nt iU ' T ' . " ' I t ' ' 4 vfyjf , arim .T. niV hVli'Aft . '.. li i"l ilMl) p TUESDA'Y4 ll North Bond 'Cftthollo' apild" with Mrs1. lUberl Banks. ' ' North Bond Club 'Auxili ary Social afternoon iu'club rooms. ' " WEDNESDAY D. M. O. Club with 'Mr. Walter Russoll. Jolly Dozon Club with Mrs. Otto Walmark. Christian Sisterhood all day session In church hall. THURSDAY Norwoglan Lutheran La- dies Aid with Mrs. V. Mathl- son In Bunker Hill. North Bond Methodist La- f dies Social afternoon at church. . . North Bond Girls' club with Mbs aortrudq Toots. A. N W. Club with Mrs, Elizabeth Hyde. Eastsldo Social club with Mrs. WlUes Cavanaugh, 4 FRIDAY North Bend Club fancy i dress ball In club rooniB, Ladles Art Club with Mrs. F. M. FJyo. Trio Card Club with Mrs. C. B. Wells. Dahlia Club with Mrs. O, M, Conner. P SATURDAY Mlnno-Wls Vnlouttno par- tv with Mrs. E. Kolloy. . t MfcJWWiTMIIiWiiM ) The F.A. KILBURN gulls for San Francisco Via Eureka FEBRUARY 0 nt 1 p. m. From Smith Terminal Dock For Information call 13$ L. , CU8H!Nq, AgBt. j (i