. tlToK SIIKIMl'S 8AM r nf mi execution find ' T t ?alo duly Issued by tho S r cult Court of t1.0 r!Lot Coos, State of Orego-i, L ,i isth day of Decomuor, flatcil tho IS i u . p. IHQir, Inn certain """ - -. 1 , rn rt for said County and gtnto C'! IT John S. Coke, n8 plaintiff, wherein J0 .. Uimcred Judgment ..b..-- Peterson wr Ti.inv.twn nml one-hundredths Dollars and costs "disbursements taxed at Nina 8 n .Id ; S xty One Hundredths Dol- l'H' . . . l. Mint T 11 Kotlcc Is noreuy b' .. . .o.i. ,i,iv of February, it' 10, It the front door of the County r,,urt House in (.oiu.... .-. " wii r: P0f said day, sen m '"- ---. t .... ..ii.rat bidder for cash, an ".divided Onc-halt Interest In the following described propony, iu .. Vendue at a point on tho westerly sltlo of Front street 211 feet north, 17 negroes uasi ui u.u ' i.AtttPon lots 2 and 3 of Soc- ; Uon is, Township 25 South, Hnngo 13 West of tho Wllinmcuo .uuinuun, ...-nrfmi rust, thence south 12 de grees nest along tlio westorly sldo of Front street, u ieei, uiu..n, i...M north 78 degrees west to n oolnt 6G feet cast of Pino street; thenco north to a point 200 feet north 17 degrees cast of tho Bnld line, between lots 2 and 3, Section JC, Township 20 soiiin, jinugu i.i Vcst of tho YVIllamctto Meridian; thenco cast to Front street; thenco South 12 degrees west nlong tho westerly sldo of Front strcot to (ho placo of beginning In Murahflold, Coos County, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as tho property of tho said Anna M. Peter son, or as much thereof as may bo necessary to satisfy tho Raid Judg ment In favor of John S. Col.o, plaintiff and against said Anna M. Peterson, defendant, with Intorjt thereon at tho rate of six por cont per annum from tho 20th day of September, 1911, together with nil costs and disbursements that havo or may accrue. Ai.rni:i) joiixson, jii. Sheriff. Dated at Conulllo, Orogon, Janu- try 7th, 1910. , First publication Tuesday, Janu ary 11, 101C; last publication Tues day, February 8, 1010. i Tunc tt'unt Ad lira tlio oiioiiuo ' ilium which readies jJj!j tho people. They engage public attention overjr day AlnoH on tlio Job. - W "" keeQin Btaasa THE r w Xb -3 lii . U Tl "B m - .m j6.-tL-W) avinjg on every sack of flour used by the housevife in doing hsr own bread-making Full details of how and why in this paper tomorrow OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gornt H King. Lento Mnrsliflcltl at 7 u. in., mill reluming leaving from Kmplro nt K n. nu l-oiito Miu-hliflold nt II a.m. nml returning lento South Blougli 1 p. in, Lento Mnrahflcld nc R p. m. and returning lent'o HonVh Stimuli 'nt (I p. in. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING F&sget Sound Bridge & ' Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildinqs. General Construction C0,AETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast . . work the . ..- ,i "c? i a ' i w tbr, iiniHt pnuvrfiil, bet nilppcd mid nioHl thoronglilj nuHlnrit t twenty-incli Iirdrnullo Oreilge Ir. TaeKIc wutcr ,;i!i iii'j! .u r. inrnr. ,miv.Mti .H,i.i..:!UutMutriiu,)MiNW -Coos Bay office,--"- Main-.offlcer.-. MarshfielrJ, Oregon. Seattle, Washington,, , I i .i .' ' :t9M13Qs. .mmlrl - 'J 9 g i he - Dollar H Every Dollar sent out of town for chase enriches some one else. 4 Every Dollar spent here helps to enrich this city 7 All things being equal, our merchants are entitled to your first consideration This prosperity is your prosperity. As they grow they become greater fac-. tors in our city life. r In many instances you can buy at home to better advantage than elsewhere. Look over the Advertising in today's Coos Bay Times and see if that state-' ment is not true. Compare goods and prices and ascertain whether or not our local business men are "on the job." lw i '''iMMdy""!.Vi.ririuTi COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELb. ORtfGON. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1916- ae problem ot to day the high cost' of liviisg- 'fcased ' upon the actual $1.50" TO THE COOS BAY TIME? P i ' 'x.' . mwmnmmlwaamwmWLrt B3 v- g H S i . jii . It i me a pur 4M 4 4MI k. -ij V fjtf 1BRp '& OW you precede your self into the room, but when you reach the cen ter you look back and see that you haven t pnm in nt nil. Then you go back to the entrance, beckon to joursclf and come in as beforb. '1 his time jou come in and yon turji as be fore, but engage yourself "i 1 conversa tion. But' don't stand too close 'to your self. Remember that you arc, over at that side door and in the ccntar of tho i room? "Don't come too far (own in the center or you vill look licc as bi(j as yourself wc must wftch the perspective all the time." It) sounds like the ravinrra 6f a ma niac, -doesn't it? But it isn't. It is tho very business-like instruction of my di- JllttUld, JiUlllit i. VIIV.I MtlU ...MM. Ford, telling mc how to cope with the !.. .! !.. 1. 1. Til -. TJ.I BUUillUIIlS 111 HIV J .UMLIU3 J. l.lVtl.l illlll Company's adaptation of Marie Twain's 'Tt, P,;o .,! 4tin llnnmr" ,'n .vllirtl Paramount Picture I am playing the uuai roics. It is really friqlilfully mixed. Not only do I play two roles, but the iden tity of the two clnracters which I flay becomes confused in the story, so "N msStmmMmBSBi f- -: - "bmt iPir p.i.iftTrtr.BAomr. tPAT. MARIC TWAIN Viirf raMioen CklOXWIMn MARRDERITC CLARK WG SIMULT.NEOUSUr IN inc. uumu HUI.UJ tJ I lib i-wr-.r w..w. "' '.".Z; r. . VTm t-e tiTrWiTFAMaiS PLAYERS-PARAMOUNT PICTURE 1 j it amounts truly to four parlJ Wprsd i jet, tne cinraciers uim'-"' I1 efr..n.i nt tliO CMIIn 1111101 jet, tne cnrnciwa uyvi V" " S tl W,i:f . .... t.Mt rt n eiipnrifli in ttlO ho. first &UIIIUWIIUU " B...o -limn tlm' T Mil "V . illlfloWCr. ny first, hriHj?.,'ffifMa nuance. on' the ta!r'dtxlrJwwll!!"M,';'.,, . , r Vut think cf thi? rew situation In wIiJl'Ii tlift-eis tw'o or'nll-1! One 'fre- 1 Qtiently licnri oilpennle scelmj doulile lul tt ii iidtiiBCiH'roHl nilnUUfd tlRt it is done in, the hc.t cuclcjiat least iidiody iverliraRS nhoilt. Jpht I Shall c ; nb Fie'-dotiUlfrSt'lich this picture ' h O'j.tipUted.' And I dhnll Iiaye a per fectly pood. reason or p dpiijfl;. nut ici us bo ,'. " wmii, m-- outpouriiiK of woVds i- the l)6sinninK nnd sec If tve'cnitttot rcdude It to r.otn- jnon, everyday aciwc.i Thla is what .t means: . . . The prince invites tne pauper inio the palace, but the little heggar nat urally overawed by nil tlio splendor which surrounds liini, Is bashful and proves backward about accepting the invitation. The prince thinking that the waif is following him walks into the middle of the room, turns to sped: to his guest, and finds that be has luing back at the door. So he returns to the door and urges him to come in, assuring him that nil is well. This time the ragged Jittlc chap fol lows his regally clad host, who comes .tlown to tne center m wic ruuui. i -n they talk to each other. Dut my direc tors warn me when playing the prince not to stand too close to the spot where I stood as the pauper, because the figiircs mliiht collide when thti lin ished dim is shown on the 'screen or only half of the. prince miRht be seen, which would be quite a phenomenon, but scarcely convincing. The directors insist that the prinrc shall occupy the center of the room while the pauper remains a little to one side, nc.tr the door. Tl... if. nrlllP tlllKt Ilflt CntllC tOO JIUl ltl. J'. .-- .......w - - - far down toward the camera. ou .cc, perspective is a very important 'J'O KXCHAXtJi: Pl'IilMTS I.itgono Metbodlht Pastor Will fio to MllSSU'llllM'tt.S KITOKNE, Oio., Feb. 8. Dr. II. S. Wilkinson, pastor of tho First Meth odist Church In Uuscne, ut a mooting The laxative, tablet , v.1th the pleasant taste If you an? bilious or constipated They keep your System as dean as a stone rutf rinsed with cold spring water 10 25 SO We lme the exclusive splUnr ilchts for thlH K 't lixiti Tllul tlP. Id renin , Lockhart Parsons Drug Co. I THE REXALL STORE -EVENING 8"bU lVIAARiaLJirsiVtllli '1JTVI v -J -- -- consideration in motion picture pho- tnitrnntiu tint nei It iq in tinilllillrr. I! lit when you have once photographed a ligure in poor perspective on mc mms you cannot rub it mU and re-draw it ns voit can in a naintimr or drawing. So it must be done right the very first time. Now, if while nlayinjj the prince, I Were to approach very close to the camera, while as the pauper I hung hack .way from the camera, when the two figures appeared simultaneously on the screen, one would look lik" a piant ami tne otlier like - pigmy. Crash, goes the illuoion! l'Or the whole point of the story hinge- on the exact resemblance between the two boys wljicli is so marked that the kins' himself cannot tell the difference when the prince and the beggar change costumes. And the thieving father of the pau per, completely misled by the fact that the prince is swathed in his son a tattered garments, starts to adminis ter to the roval runaway the beating of his life perhaps the first that the regal personage has ever suffered. Of course the chastisement is forestalled by the arrnal of Miles Hcndon. But rt lie Il, coj" taken In by the One '' .r;r.: t wliw the Ul llt avupuii n wv- jw.. ,..... ragged urchin insists upon knigUting , OjrJ'S"? u ill ' iaI i. concur with air" these 'cases of int& takcu lidwitity. the .tllt,siQivj , must bo 'in dlzerf betwcci 'the1 two nVtlirJs rf toongrcati tlic ntinicuqe iwui'iorgcp ?,.,rt. 'itvn!n' ilcliiditf til storv and Inrk bark to the, feeds,, of JaclioJ Giant Kiiier. , , ,, P.OSSmiA'a word concerning tills double exposure work, as t is called, would not be amiss. There areTprob'aW a'kreat' many' people who do not understand it. Like ever, tlufig else,. whan yxu onqc s.t the. hang of'it it is -"so S,ipJHC.', Ut cotifsc, cvcrjvuiiiy rcaKt'es that, when the same person appliirs in twd diiTefetit1 roles on the screen simultaneously, there is some photographic juggling necessary, I or even in moving pictures, where almost everything is possible, the miracle or dual identity has not yet been per formed in the flesh. Let us pursue our first line of thought and stick to our friends, the piince r.nd bcg&ar chap. Wc will even revert to the scenes referred to in our opening volley. Our object is that, when the comnleted film is exhibited, Jbuth bojs shall be seen in the palace at tne s-nic time, now snau wc uu iibont it? , . A, N bile I am struggling Into the rags of the pauper and smudring my face with grease paint and charcoal, tho camera man and my directors arc standing before the set' wluctt is to represent the interior of the palace, arguing as to just, how far into the room, the pauper will come and to. what point the prince will proceed when ushering Jinn in. These ques tions settled, they carefully stretch a thread along the Jlport of the room, lulileli. rtimiina to a nomt precisely under the center of the. camera, df- uniicr iiic '"" .."! ,1 "':."... t v i ea tne set mio mc ooriions rtuuncuiw. ... - -- - of tho church board, announced his resignation to necept n pastorato tn Newton Contor, Mass. Itov. G. II. I'srhlnaon, pastor at Newton Centor, will como to Buseno. The church board nppiovod tho o.xehnngo of pul pits, which will tnko place Jlnrch 1. Dr. Wilkinson had bosn pastor ot tho Kugonn fhuroh for five yoara During that timo Its momborshlp In. croascd from 1.000 to 13C0 Tlio oxchango of pulpits wns ar langod by Dlshop Cooko, of Portland, nhd nlshop Hamilton, of Boston. Ses Us for Music If you waut A. piano A playor piano A phonograph Stringed Instruments , .. Sheet musfc i Phonograph records Or Anything In tho musIc'l!ne,come. In and-'talk it over. Wo olthen have It In stock or can get it quickly for you. Wo havo somo used pianos on whioh wo arc making very low pric es. L. L. Thomas Music Store 73 Central Avenuo EDITION T WITH -i, itf'ZLZXVUi, .. . .... rrl. cnrli n mnnnpr an In nermit tile lcn9 to cover only that portion of the set which has been allotted to one of the character- usini, the thread as . guide. This arrangement completed, wc re hearse the scene in that part of the, set which is still within range of the; camera, and finally photograph the action. Then, while I make a mad dash for my dressing room to change my costume for that of the prince, the camera man is shifting his hood from one side of the lens to the other, in order to cover the part of the film already exposed alid to include in its field the remainder of the scene, which was formerly excluded. Then tho prince "docs his bit" and is duly pho tographed. IN that way the cnlire film lias how been exposed and the action of both boys has been recorded, thus com pleting the scene. It sounds all very simple, but I would not advise any in atcurs to attempt to make a double exposure scene without consulting ex pertsand possibly clairvoyants. Akinrrjra THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPERf l'LATi uu i n to tne prince ana to tne pauper. jLiicniiiic scene in uuwi ruica ui nv o a piece of black cardboard is carefully time, I have another set of complies fitted to the front of the camera, in tions to contend with in the confusion .a1. .u.a.a..a M . A a.AHMr I. . 1 rt M O I t 2.lu,l.l.rt 1.t)MMn. 1. M MplllKA "l t. A OF THE GREAT HUMORIST'S F1R5T. FILMED WORK . TheVttidcrcst oart 6t the Whole, tiling lo .III r..UM,- Hf li.iv uli-il told to .tulk to apace, (.mile :vt nothing, and scqwl ,at ui.rtsi i(C. gljiastnlls df Icring' n 'stUJib for' tl!6 hrst lithe and clinilciiiffi to find' anaottesa hi.i.c midst-of..u doiibls- cKiiPAtrc.(,sccn9 W9UhJ think that be, h,j Rtuiii kl' " to he state lunatic nly (im. "l;6rih-J V6tild stb the' ailtrclJs1,lrir'bRht y down the stagwibtum icictiKnicuiy m ro(!n,r .r, nnltnilv at. nil. talk nill- matedty to .pnce.11d.ifagr.c,c ,wii iMWt particles, st'ainp lltl'. fo,ot, "."" El any ticnavc nice r inam.ic iui uu .i parent" reason, except' that .probably millions of proplo will, pjp it on the terpen and cither prauc pr condemn . But If he remained I6ng enodgh to J.,.r.il,l. Ilmr nit-t.nr tll-t.eff6f IliallCC heould "hi still more .mystified tol !S efellesl!n,Xsif;V'.nri? $?, a i.r un A!,10- throuiili mot tons and'oi " ni iQ PW?-.'PV S.ltt" .?!:r I i.uitt.li-!n mm i n.- o-""c -.-- . I VAl'l -csniitts ewMwiwp.- -" -"-- ti. iug sensations tint wouui c,or; rcspona cxaciiy 10 xuc iiyvc.wv y the former braiiutorm. Who could i.u.. .;. U liM RitmmntiHr the nolicr. fire department and militia to quell tne uprising; However complicated the ordinary .Ia..m nntiir in nv nnnesr to the average person, it Is nothing compared to tne mystic mazes ciituuiucicu the interpretation of "The Prince and i. iiinnr Mnrtr Twain was one of our most gifted men of letters and the lorcmost American nuiuunsi, uu this is one of his most delightful works, but he certainly created a whole lot of worry and trouble, for me when he wrote it. When the play ...... ;,... nn ilir tnirc. nil the actress who played the dual roles had to do was to uimoic oiu 01 uhg waiu., into the other before her cue came, as it was impossible to present both characters on the stage at the tame time, sue nan 10 urcrtiv um v n.. Sue r" cordr. and be very careful wt to break any hooks as well in her extreme hurry. I nut he film version Is another prop- time. She bad to nrcaK an qnicitj cif inn. In addition to anncarinff on LAVIXfl LAST It.MIi?. Railroad Work nt tlio Umpqiin Is Holng Hastened. Tho Umpqua Courlor says: Tho last vjf tho rails wero laid from Coos Day to tho rollwny on tho Scoflold rlvor Monday, and nro bolng 'rapidly laid on toward Heeds- port, which Is ubout threo miles distant. ' Construction trains are operating from tho rollwcy to Coos Day dally ahdi.qxpect to bo operat ing out fiom Iteedsport by tho Jast of tho week. xotigi: TO CItr.DITOItS Notice is hereby Klvon that tho tin lnd or! lilerslgnod has boon duly appointed ad ministrator with tho will annexed the' estate of William O. Dartlott, do- eoased, and that all persons haying claims against said estate are hqrobj required to pesont them with tno propor vouchors and duly vanned to the undersjgnod at tho office of L. A. I.lljeqvlst, 307 Coke Dldg., Marsh flold, Orogon, within six months from tho data ot this notice ho dato Of this notice. Dated this 8th day of February, A. U, 1V1U, NOU1S .lE.NSKN Administrator wTtlt will nunoxed of tho Bstnto pf William C. Dartlett, do cfcased. THREE n v,lfSttfW ) l.f.' - -.. f 4. if. EaI.j &t 21... .XMni of identities between the prince anij Ms raggctl friend. You see, even tNt clothes which I wear arc no clue to my identity, because the two charac ters arc as interchangeable as machino finished motor parts. The remit il clinf T lifivi. in rmimhpi whether D am the prince in royal clothes, the, prince in i.iys. mc ijuuijki i""K"i or the pauper m rags. It is aboot a sitrtnln nt ilrriilmtr which cere vou Ilka best in a shad roc; IF anyone who ever ycarncu to oo a film star could sec mc scrambling, in and out of these corjMrocs, changing makc-Up and trying I've?, member which of the follr cardinal points I happen to be at the instant, perhaps that person's visions of his trionic celebrity via the celluloid routq would be somewhat dimmed, if net tc tally befogged. ,,.,.,! Now that we understand each other let us listen to a few more of my direc tors' instructions: I "Now you invite yourself to 6itij down at the table and have something: to cat. You remember that you were.) 9 RTMF rPDM IN WHICH MARGUERITE CLARK t.nM-ii-iw too bashful to cat", bul Kial you? otli!r scU plupB'AS ravenously into ,nc , u'c ,i i I ftbout this ltorsc scene wlicrc yoa see yourficlf coining alonj: at'tliC head of the coronation nrocessioni yon rush out, 6top yourself and luuu. lyoursclt off the horse. Then you fxpjain tu yourself that yoii had no intention of .i..-i:.,.s.f.,,.rt.lf lint .flint Vrtit wctti .forced' to accept the crown.. Then voti( .forced' to accept the crown., ilicnyot 'witness- (li'c'Vcal coro'nAtiori."' Then lUft- to PA ydti take every pttllts'to be h06H:twrj! to youroeit, ' ' EASY, im't if, when yell Hav6 W hey to die situation? When thrf K'ff'"." 'to enter the pn.atc, he Invites hU (pesf, to dine with hua. but the wait Uwjw ilium iitnr tuifffri!nr- X'o II I " ""V""i i. i u Li ubirk .bo K.l'.l I Cifc' II 'ZJ. feceiio referred Id is V-V w'drn bhowy being led to tins cr.rciih'.Uui by wa people, who will r.ot believe bis storji that he is not tho rtal hi. to thd throne. The princo bursta Iu.ro ln scene, clad in tatters, and stoiiywglj.o procession, makes the bv5sr dis mount. Tho waif explain that h made no attempt to usurp ih ihro, and is promptly Invited to or:id Xxt ceremony. O i Sd you see, there mav bo som tof( cusc for the existence of alienists ulte nil, for conversation that would oue) anyone In tho Imbecllo ward of orrjj, first-class hospital, when examined u tf flii iTntrrnnrnntM taitrvea to utl! real IntelliKenco aaioc tt. - v . v r i.r. i. . . ' But U Cleanup ii w. tw """ i mixed meanings throws uo Hgbt f I the amount of frarzled nerVo, fiajM clearing up of the ruyiUory V. tM! garments ami snrcnucu ciicrjf iu ,r1url tn nlnvintr mixed double roliiS. ....,.. ,--"o --,--- two at a time. It is very weatiuir, liut if the public s pleased, then all thc work and a11 t,,c w..rry 4.hal w"ie into th play arc. repaid a thoauoiV Hold. . ??$ 1 MEWS OF OREGON t 04t ASTORIA -Tho Pacific States Tol ophono and Telegraph company has started suit against tho city of As toria . to rostraln Its officers rom soiling tho plaintiffs proporty to collect nn assessment levied for a reclamation project. nOSRIUJKG District Attornoy Nounor has rocoltod word that Gov ernor Wlthycombo has refused requisition papers for tho roturn of It. 11. Jonulug3 of Yoncalla, from Santa Cruz, Cal., until ho has hoard moro about tho case. Nights of Sleep vs. Mini Acrnnv I . t i Verdict Favors D. D. D. It Is foolish to lto awato all tho lon nlglit ttirougli v.'lth that Intolerable ItchlnK caiiki'il by Kczcina nml await the coming or tbo day. D. 1). D. Prescription Is mada for you It ion nro a sutTcrer. It fill cool that but, futlamcd nn4tUcWns nkln. you will bo alio to rest at n ght, awake In tbo roornliig rcfrcsbtd anil llfo will bo w ottli ... '.. i ....... it- .. in .in nil thpan thlniry. I ,gWwS'liao tcutlmonlaU from many uBer- .riBl.t among '"l5fBVt,ffi JLr JLf ,he staH,,T, L IIbibmiiTiiiimiiiiisii Shla Remedy hi. i) cnoss Ditia stohb mmrv' ,