THE MOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1916 EVENING EDITION TWO SHIPMENTSAREBIGEXPLfllNS HIS SIDE $ SHIPPING NEWS ; 'l I Hll Buy Your Car, COOS KAY LEADS OT1IKK POUTS OP PACIFIC COAST Sends Greatest, Amount of Lumber to Han Francisco Hay In Half Month Coob Day was BtlU ngaln way In tho lend of other ports on the Pacific coast in tho amount of lumber ship ped to San Francisco Hay during tho Inst half of January according to tho A Pioneer Western Lumberman. Tho amounts which went through the Golden date from tho dlfforent portB follow: FJr mid Spruce 'Port Feet 'Aberdoon 2,200,000 Bandon 1,030,000 Coos Hay 7,017,000 Columbia llivor 2,875,000 Everett G30.000 Grays Harbor 300,000 Port Angeles 1,900,000 Port Ludlow 830,000 Tacoma 1,050,000 Yaqulna 520,000 WUIapa Harbor C40.000 Total 18,922,000 lUxlivood Eureka G,8CG,000 Albion 1,605,000 Caspar k ., 10,000 Fort Bragg 2,010,000 ' droonwood , . . . .1,020,000 Mendocino 1,243,000 i .Crescent City 310,000 ' i ' J, -Total . .'.. 13,030,000 I ' ' Monthly Hlilpme'ntH ! " Tim C. A. Smith Company rccolvod I, - .more lumhdr at San Francisco Bay , inuring t'io entire month of January thrin any olhor port. Tlio January . itf&colpts of somo of tho firms Known hero tiro as follows: C. A. Smith Co 8,348,000 foot Swayno & Hoyt 5,175,000 feet Simpson Lumber Co. . .1,200,000 foot Ilobort Dollar Co 2,050,000 feet A. V. Estabrook 1,070,000 foot LUMIiKItMK.V COMK Several Prominent Men On Way to JIiooklngH In Curry The following Is from tho Crescont 'l. City Courier: 1 ' W. J. Ward of Brookings returned from Now York Monday wjioro ho bus i , ' boon, for somo time visiting his moth it i or and other rohitlvcs uud nttondlng to' business for his compuny. Ho was " abcompaulod by C. Landolof of San t , Vnuiclsco, H. S. Nutting of Portland -and Jatnos II. Owon of this city. It ' ttiif. reported that tm Brookings, Del j' -Norto uuil Hobbs, Wall & Co., peoplo , .have consolidated to somo extout at least and that tho other sldo of tho Brookings mill will bu put In and run f to. Its full cnnnolty. Among othor " Improvements will bo nu extension of jj, tliq .Crosoont Smith Itlvor It. H. to ( .Brookings, I MAY PUT MONEY IN STEAM SCHOONER This Ik lion-Sin Given for Wish of Oivnci-H to Sell Tug Kllhyuni Could Make .More. Money, It Is roportod here on good nu thorlty that tho reason tlio ownors of tho tug boat .Kllhyam of Bnndon wish to sell tho powerful craft Is so they can put their monoy Into mo purchnso of a steam schooner. In the lattnr class of boats thoro Is at t' t)io presont tlmo very good monoy i and quick returns in most casos. '" Tho prlco asked for tho tug Is pmlorqtood to bo J2C,000. Tho boat wua built at Bandon In 1908. It is owned by John Kroueuberg and oth ers. It is said they elthor contoin plato adding moro to what tho salo of tho tug would bring and buying a stoum schooner or Investing the ro turus of tho salo in stock In such a craft. kULVO MKHEKN VKL1S OF LONfl. SHOHKMIW MATTEIt. Says Company Wants to Continue UndeV Old Arrangement Union Issued u Circular. When asked about tho strike of tho longshoremon who refuso to work on tho Smith boats Superin tendent Mercon said today that tho company had no Ibsuo wliutovor with the men. Ho said: "Tho longshoromen wanted moro work pn tho boats than wo have been giving them. They demand ed that they work on shore and operate the loading crane. I ex plained to them that wo had our regular force to do that work. iWhon a boat, is not being loaded these men aro engaged moving lum ber about the yard preparing for the next load. If tho longshoremen wero allowed to operate tho crane iour own men would have nothing to do when a vessel was bolng loaded. This Is tho arrangoment under which Uvo have alwayB worked. The long shoremen refused to come to work 'so wo picked up other men. "We havo no lsstio with them, they are willing to come and tako what work wo havo to offer In that line. Wo havo mado no objections to their pay or anything liko that but aro simply continuing under the arrangoment which 1ms always ex isted.' Ih.suo Posters, Tho longshoremen today Bald that thoy had not returned to work. They 4ffnued handbills' In which thoy ox plained tholr position and distrib uted theso so that thoy reached many of tho mill hands, They say thoy will not roturn to work on the Smith boats until tholr conditions aro met with. KNOX - KNIT HOSIERY IT WKAItS Looks like silk, feola liko silk, woars like iron, Wo havo them for men, women and children, 25o per pair, uud tlio greatest vuliio you ever got for tho monoy, Bunker Hill Dep't Store W. H. Dindinger & Co. Phone 32 H ARRIVES IIlllNflS W- TONS OF PHKIOHT AND MUCH I'AKCKh POST WHAT IS AN AUT0M0B0LIG0IST? Ho In to tho Automobile What tlio Physiologist Is To Tlio Human Body Done of an Auto Novor heard of an automobllolo glst? Of courso not- It's a now word thaa's Just been Invontod by George Qoodrum to doscrlbo tho Bulck nutomobllo that was lost In tho Santa Claru wreck. This cat or rathor tho skoloton showing all tho Interior parts Is tP bo placed on exhibition In tho display window of poodrum's Oarage. If you want to sco what a real au tomobile looks liko when stripped down to tho limit you should sco this Bulck. Whether you own tin uuto or aro Interested In thorn or not you will bo Interested In this historic urn chluo which wus wrecked in tho Pa cific ocean, rescued, and taken apart so that you may sco Its ovory part. You may also seo tlio first roal llvo automobllologlst who stripped thp car. Tho car will bo shown in tho Good rum darngo display window, for n few days only. Don't miss it. ADVKHTISKI) LHTTKHS List of advortlsed lottors remain ing in tho Marshflold, Oregon Post offlco for tho weok ending February, KS, 191G. Porsons calling for the sumo will plonso say advertised and pay ono cent each for lottor called for Mrs. Mahala Burchflold, Tom Con tojohu, Waltor Graham, Walter Dun lins, Chris Hansen, Bert Johnson, Laskoy Harold, Carl McQraw, Lwvpl- clvyva Mapwaum, Waltor Morgan, Win. Olsson, Mavrljrol Posslro, John U. Hobs, Edsou Bobbins, J, I). Seamore, Harry B, Teal, J. S. Wlgloy, Mrs. John Work, Arvld Wilson. HUGH M'LAIN, P. M. TlniRB want ads bring results. WK ABK TUB Vinol and Saxo Agents Trade at 71 Market Avo., tr you aro looking for tho most rellablo QUALITY CHEMICALS and INTER NATIONAL AGENCIES as tho Penslur and Nyal Lino for Family nemedlos; Kant leek Hot Water Bottles, Whitman's Candles and Hess' Famous Stock and Poultry Tonics, etc. BrownDrugCo. 71 Market Ave. Skipper Tells of I'tvtluiiil'H Wonder ful Silver Thaw That Was Mostly Ice uuil S"mv Snow and Ice combined caused de lay In tho departuro of the steamship Kllbum from Portland. Tho vessel croBSod in about 10:30 this morning tiftor a hard trip down tho const. Last night, south a llttlo ways from tho Columbia tho craft ran into n heavy southeast wind and sea well spiced with rain squalls. Know Wiin Had Captain McLollan said tho snow In Portland was the worst ho has Been In years. It took him two and ono half hours to go, by car, from COth street on tho east side to tho North Pacific Steamship dock. Snow piled up four fcot dcop In front of the car. It was raining at tho tlmo and this formed Ice almost before It lighted. Gangs of mon, ns many ns 200 In a gang, pllod lustily about thorn on Btroet car tracks with shovols. Ono motorman told him ho had not been jliomo for four days. Tho car went as far ns COth street and ho lived about 15 blocks beyond that. Stills Tomorrow Tho Kllburn brought a small pas Bonger list and about 450 tons or freight besides a good shipment of parcel post. Tho vessel will sail ut 1 p. m. tomorrow afternoon for Eu reka and San Francisco. Tho arrivals today wero: Mrs. C. Bartlolt, C. Bartlott, Mrs, M. Otoll, Miss M. Lynn, J. M. Lang lols, Mrs. Langlols, Mrs. M. L. Todd, B. E. Wndsworth, Mrs. J. It. Hcndor son, Fred Bodlo, J. M. Dennett, L. A. Pinurd, Hoy W, Shlploy, It. J. Cotner, Androws VulgaB, It. It. Miller. BBEAKWATEIt HAS TASK. Steamship Comes to Portland Whllo Itoanoko In Held on San Diego Itiin to Itcllevo Situation. Tho steumshlp Breukwator has finally coma off tho dock, has cleared and for tho first tlmo In two uud ono-hnlf months Ih at sea again. Tho vessel has Just gone to Portland for a cargo. At tho sumo tlmo, .word ,1b ro colvod that tho Itoanoko, to ultor nato with tho Breakwater on tho run, has been chartered to tho Santa Fe railroad to carry several cargoes of provisions from Sun Francisco to San Dlogo to rollovo tho city that bus boon hold In tlio grasp of tho floods. WE HAD TOUCH OF IT, TOO. Fishermen of Nnnvoglnu Coast Quit llii.sltifhH to Outlier Old DriiniN From Wrecked Ktoniuor. When tho steamship Clnroniont, Captain Benson, was wreckod on tho north Jotty in May, dozons of big drums of ofll, part of her deck load, wero swept Into tho sea and a floot of flshormou hovered nonr tho 8cono to rescue any of tho bar rels that they could. Now off tho Norwegian coast, only lately, this samo procedure has boon gono through with. Tho Swedish steamship Neurits was sunk by n nil no. Tho vessol had abourd G00O drums of oil and tho flshormen of tho neighborhood havo quit fishing, finding It moro profit able to hunt for tho drums. When You RE MEMBER! W 4-.I IF YOU HAVE NEVER HAD AN AUTOMOBILE YOU PROBABLY DO NOT REALIZE THAT THERE ARE CONSIDERATIONS SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE FIRST COST AND A LIST OF SPECIFICATIONS THAT THESE TWO THINGS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED LAST. IF SOMEONE GAVE YOU A BIG $5,000 CAR FOR $1.00 UNLESS YOU HAD A LARGE INCOME IT WOULD BE WORTHLESS TO YOU BECAUSE THE EXPENSE OF OPERATION AND UPKEEP WOULD BE SO GREAT YOU COULD NOT AFFORD TO RUN IT. IF YOU BOUGHT A REALLY GOOD CAR AND COULD NOT BUY SUCH REPAIR PARTS AS YOU NEEDED WITHOUT SENDING EAST FOR THEM AND THEN YOU HAD TO WAIT A MONTH IN THE SUMMER BEFORE BEING ABLE TO RUN YOUR CAR IN THE SEASON YOU HAD MOST USE FOR IT, YOU WOULD REALIZE THAT YOU HAD MADE A MISTAKE. When you buy your car forget the first co st and get clown to basic facts, What you want to know is how much it will cost Jo run your car evory day, Will your service be uninter rupted because you can get repair parts quickly and cheaply in case of an accident? Profit by the experience of others, Study the- example of efficiency before your eyes every day in the Gorst & King auto line, We can assure you that the last consideration in Gorst & King's minds when they purchased the Ford cars was the first cost, They have a garage full of high priced cars that are not operating while the service-giving Fords are carrying nine pas sengers and traveling 90 miles every day, Remember that service not hot air, This year there will be a stocj of Ford parts in Marshfield, North Bend, Coquillc, Bandon and Gold Beach and if you go on a tour you will find them in practically every town in the country and thei price of parts so low that you cannot afford to tinker with a worn part on any part of your car, This is the type of service impossible to find in any othor car on account of the yearly changes and the comparatively few'Sars of any othor type in any particular locality, We have in Marshfield today a $2,000 stock of Ford parts for you to draw on, This is probably easily three times as large a stock of repair parts as that carried in Coos county for all other makes of cars combined, When you buy a Ford you are not taking a chance, The. cost of operation, the satis faction, the power, the service, are not claims but proved facts which you can find out yourself, Every Ford owner is a Ford booster and there are a million, of them who will give you the facts, If you want the real "dope" talk to any experienced automobile, user who has ever tried Fords and seo what he says, Ford Touring Cars, $525; Roadsters, $475, delivered in Marshfield These prices aro mado possible only by immonso production and represent greater value dollar for dollar than any car in tho world, ISAAC R. TOWER COOS AND CURRY REPRESENTATIVE "THE GUNNERY" , Marshfield, Oregon HK1H 3 t WATERFRONT NEWS J Yesterday nftornoon tho steam-i ship Adellno nrrlvefl In from Otik-' laud, brining several passengers.' Slio went m onco to tho Smith i mill to load for tho roturn trip, This morning tho gasoline schoon er Hustler canio up from Empire whoro sho has been several days un dergoing repairs, Sho Is loading sup. plies for the return trip to Itoguo Itlvor, IWEETINGS START Nov. U. 11. Foskett of tho UupMst ChuiH'li flpeuku on tho Tumble of tlio (Irent Supper Tlio Union Gospol Meetings start ed off with a good awing at tho Pres byterian church Sunday eve ning. Evory seat was full by tho tlmo tho opening song was announc ed by Colporter G. L. Hall. Throo pastors of tho local protestant churches occupied tho platform and a union choir filled tho singers ros trum. Tho spirit manifested In spite of a down pour of ruin was most encouraging, The mixed quartet ren dered by tho Presbyterian singers 'waa appreciated. Prayer was offered by Rev. Jo seph Knotts after which Pastor Stub blefleld of tho Prosbyterlan church announced tho speaker of tho even ing to bo Uov. II. I). Fpskot, who spoko from the text: "Go out into tho highways and compel tlioin to como In." "This expression reveals tho gront heart bt tlio blaster who Is nnxlous to havo till brought In to his Kingdom. Somo ono said: "Everything In tills world goes but thq church." Such n conception conies from u vory nnrrow and distorted vlow of tho work.of tjto church and such a ono has not tho knowledge of tlio salvation of a lost world. "Thoro novor was Bitch a tlmo In history boforo, ns now when tho world Is wrostllng with groat prob lems. Great vlco crusades aro launched, groat tomporanco cam paigns aro under way. Modern mis sions only started at tho beginning of tho nineteenth contury. And such n movomont as It lias becomo. In deed It Is a "going out" nftor the lost. A Ooliitf Out God says "Go Out" to tho church to day. And tho church that Is npt evangelistic will dlo and It ought to. For It oxlsts as a mockery to God who says to It "Go out". For hun dreds of years tho followers of Christ supposod thoy must "Go In" and they hid themselves In caves and mountains, und thoy dug holes In tho oarth thinking they would bet ter please God. Thoy constructed ca thedrals also that thoy might "Go In." Hut God says to us as In this parable of tho Groat Supper, "Go out Into tho 'byways and highways and compo) them to como In." That Ib why wo aro holding theso meetings. Wo want nil tho people to bo ovango llsts Instead of getting a professional ovangollst hero to help us to do it, wo aro to go, will you do It?" Tlio meetings will bo hold each night this weak at tho Presbyterian church but It is not to bo known who tho speakors aro, This tho pastors announce will bo hold a secret. All aro called to unite and work as ono church for a period of throo weeks. PEOPLE'S E0RUM Tho Coos Hay Tlme3 will bo pleased to publish lettors from Its readers on all questions of public interest, giving his or her address, mid so far as possible limited to 250 words, In publishing these let ters The Times does not indorse tho !cvs expressed therein; it I J simply affording a means for the voicing of different opinions on all questions affecting tho public welfare. Editor Times In answer to the Eastsldo Citizen: Your letter In Tho Times of Jan uary 28 had no real moral to It. H disputed tho Mayor's fairness In his appointments. Then you cast a nlur on Sir.' Archer In referring to him an tho'fooblo whlto-halrcd old man. ' Why did you not refer to Attorney Wtitklns bcctiuso ho referred to tho Iiiwb of Oregon? Why did you ui tempt to do a thing that was Impossible- In tho oyos of the law You then ncuscd Jiio of making u goat of Mr. Archer whon you nnd your frlonds wero making u goat out of n woman and loft her to stand boforo tho public without ovon a letter for hor dofenso. Yes, tho lottor was written to mo, but Mr. Archer had it ut his disposal and ho wont and got it. And thts llttlo Insignificant thing Is tho moral to your lottcr, af ter you had stirred tho boiling con tents togothcr. Mr. Archor Is no an archist, ho bolloves In tho law. Docs tho lottor ho was callod upon to pro (hi co which ho did, have any bearing on your mind as bo!ug a channel or nvonuo In which to mistreat him? JEAN BROWN High Quality Groceries ' Our-own prompt arid particular delivery servicerrS- ficient clerks being out of the high rent districKani keeping our prices as low as consistent with good btiSr ' ness makes H, Conner & Hoagknd J The Leading Grocers Dealers In Good Groceries! 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 328 tpJ'JAX --yfJ "After driving moro than 10,000 miles, I couldn't find enough carbon to fill the hol low of your hand." That motorist was writing about Zcrolene. Practically all who use it have the tame experience. That's because ZEPOLENE faSiutdarel QffirfofarGuv Is made from (elected California crude asphalt-base. Zerolene that gets Into the ex plosion chamber doesn't "split up" into gummy, carbon-forming' deposits, but after complet ing its efficient ivorlc, is con turned and passes out on exhauit. Next time you empty the crank case, refill with Zerolene. Standard Oil Company (California) Marshneld ji . KiL s50" vHti' taflHHWwIHfliiiiiiiiH Here's a Good Sal e s m an People passing cannot help but see your show win' dows make them so attractive that they will stop, w clerk, however efficient, can work as does a well-ilium.; inated window. It sees everybody on the streets it makes sales at a lower, cost and never tires of working. Electric Light will help you display your goods so as to do this. The latest Mazda C type of lamp is even more efficient than anything heretofore offered. It will-allow you to ilium inate your windows brighter than ever before at no greater cost. We will be very glad to advise you regard ing any kind of illumination. This service is offerw without obligation. Oregon Power Co. irmjr 7 71 m iHs