V ""i iwjfuwMj Jrj"'r ha FOUR COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKV, Editor aud Pub. DAN 13. MALONEY, Nous Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Mnralifleld. lil ! Entorod at tlio PoBtoff Ico at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through the malls second-class mall matter. An Independent Republican nowa paper, publlahod every evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tlio Coos liny TIiiich Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION KATES DAILY. Ono year $0.00 Per month 50 WEEKLY. Ono year SI. GO When paid strictly lu advanco the subscilptlou pi Ico of the Coos Hay Times is 15.00 per year or $2.60 for six months. Address all commuulcatlons to CCHW 114V OA1I.V TIMKW- i ' J t EUROPEAN WAR ONE I t YEAR AGO TODAY X ! Tho Russians drlvo tho Germans from tho left bank of tho llzura, northwest of Warsaw, In KubkIuii Poland. In tho CarpalhlniiB tho ItussIaiiB arc forced to withdraw from tho llcakld pnsHCH. Tho Allies chilm successes be tween Arras and Lille. K.VCOL'UAG I NO N K YV.4 TIIH past fow days havo brought several highly encouraging de velopments for Coos county. Tho Kruso and Hunks ship yard will start building two vessels omployliiK J2G mon and Broatly Increasing tho pay roll of both North Rend and Jlarehflold as many ship carpenters llvo In this city. Hugh McLaln an. ncuncen that ho has taken ovor tho old Courtnoy milt aud will oporato It and make nuothor pay roll. Now It lu announced that tho Gcorgo W. Mooro mill at llaudon will he oper ated March 15 which will bu u bit; help to tho Coquillu Valley. RTMV SHXTKXCKS l-'OK HOOT. LKGGICIIH w WRN violators of tho prohibi tory law aro found guilty of surreptitiously dispensing In toxicating drinks It Is to tho pub lic Interest that tho authorities should visit tho otfenso with con dign and exemplary punlslunont. The Times does not regard tho Co qulllo cldor caBcs as bootlegging and thinks there should ho great leniency there. Tho sellers made no attempt at concealment or secret sales. Tho chief dispenser relied on a tester that was ovldontly Inaccurate. Tho ro tellers rolled on his statement that tho elder was woll within tho law. In bootlegging cuhcs that nro gon uluo and proved, there should bo no lopiporUlug with law violators, En ergetle enforcement of tho law nt this point and vigorous dealing with bootleggers will probably effect ben eficial results out or nil proportion tu tho seeming luslgulflcaiicu of tho mlsdomoauor. Tho bootlegger who upon conviction escapes with a pen alty, say ten days only in Jail docs not much mind such n punishment. Nor do those who would follow him In nullifying the law fool that It Is a terror, llronklug tho law In sucti circumstances Impresses them as a pleasant adventure and pastime. Hut It la another story when the rouvlutcri bootloggor receives a year lu Jail. Deprivation or personal lib erty and prison fore for twolvo months nro dlsagreoablo experiences and a heavy price to pay for the "fun" or breaking the law. (llvo convicted bootloguors tho stiff soiitoneo and tho maximum pun Ishmoiit tho law allows. Thoso aro thu only things that will deter men desirous of making a mock of tho law from soiling liquor Illegally. I'nfllnchlug euforcouiunt of tho stat ute) from tho first will savo muctt friction later. THINGS TO WOIIRV AIUH'T If, whou William I. landed In England In 100C ho hud Invested ono EngllBh penny at 0 per cent nnnual compound Interest, prin cipal and lutorest to ho paid to thu British government In 1015, tho debt would amount to sueh a sum that tlio ontlro whoat crop of the United Stntes, estimated nt 700, 000,000 btuholR, If sold for J 1 00 per giuln, would not pay ono day's interost on the debt. Coos Hay Times Want Ads aro of direct and practical usefulness to all renters, In finding a congenial anil suitable place In which to llvo. Poisons having house:, to lent hltoulil avail themsehes of tho op portunity offered by theso small ads. Want advertising hells tho no. longer-wanted things. Tlio convenience ami profit of Times Want Ads vlll bo demon titrated by n trial, -'- the J WITH THE TOAST t AND THE TEA t I GOOD EVEXIXCJ. Each man can learn something from his neighbor; at least ho can learn this to havo patience with his neighbor; to llvo and let live. Charles Klngsley. 1JY THE CHIMXEY 1JLAZK. I. Ullndln' sunshlno, or tho snow, Dllzard-bnngln' drums, Since thoro'8 Job' ono road to go, Take It ns It comosl It's for Providence to know How tho weather ought to go. II. When tho snow blocks all tho ways, It's from high commands; At yer cabin chlmnoy blazo Warm yer heart an' hands, Providence Ib what knows best; Koop tho quiet of yor breast. Frank L. Stanton. Somo Coos Ilay married mon ncom so happy that they glvo you tho Im pression that they married becauso thoy figured It was cheaper to ho sued for dlvorco than for brcacli of promise. A Cooa Hay mon can seldom find any reason to listen to tho man who wants him to listen to reason. Tho reason why a Cooa Day girl Is so embarrassed when her best fellow calls and finds hor with her hair hanging down her back and flowing ovor her shoulders Is be causo sho has spent tlu-co hours In front of a mirror arranging It bo sho would look charming whon ho called and caught her by Biirprio Tho Coos Hay woman who falls to attend tho weekly session of hor Galo club always wonders why alio fcols so run down all afternoon. A Coob Hay man can fooi all tho rest of tho world most of tho time hut his wlfu always has his numbor. The Truth. Whon courting life Is ono awcot Por hu and hIio can both ngrco. Hut after thoy'vo boon wed awhllo They both agrco to disagree. A happy Coos Hay father, has started a savings account for nls now baby aud ho calls It bis fresh heir fund. Uplift. Charloy Iando says: "Why not (live mo some credit, prny? I figure in tho uplift of mankind MobI every day." A WIno Goss. "It la mora blessed to glvo than to receive," romarkod Jack Kendall In a spirit of philosophical reflec tion. "Yes," ngrecd John I), doss, "but most of us know it only by hearsay." 1IKXIIY VIII. (Translated from Old English Dal- lad, Tune to Suit Voice) Oh, I foil In lovo with tho widow next door. She'd been married seven times bofore, Every ono of 'or mates was a Enoreo Nover a William or a John. So I'm 'er eighth old man named 'Enoreo. I'm 'Enoreo tho VIII, I nm, I am, I'm 'Enoreo tho Eighth, I nm, Ilcpont until tho last English man smiles. Our roudors nro warned that thoy will go blind If thoy attempt to find n fault lu this paper. "THE GOIIMXH WILL GET YOU" Krom your yearly Inventory Always charge off 10 per cont; Depreciation Is evpenso Llko salaries or rent. Don't go In debt for nuythlng Which you can do without, For your creditors will get you If you don't watch out. When on margin you'io estimating, Keep this simple thing In mind: You must make a living profit Or you'll surely fall behind. Sllpshop ways of making prices Will liiiToaso your trade no doubt Hut the sheriff, ho will get you If you don't ntch--out. Study up somo good cost system And find JiiBt how you stand; Stop tho loaks that Bwuinp your profits Koop your biiblness well In band; Guard jour character and credit; Mind your work dont gad about, Alf Johnson, ho will got you If you don't watch out! ! Tho convenience and profit of Times Want Ads will ho tlomon Mrntcd by n trial. Havo 'your USTTHIt heads, bill beads, etc., printed at THE TIMES office. eoos bay times, marshfield, oregon, Saturday, February 5, 19 16 evening KAWiY DAYS IX MIXXESOTA j E. S. Itolfe, of Eugene, who Is not a professional nowspapor man, but who Is doing some of tho most origi nal and cleverest writing in tho Eu geno Register, thnt Is contributed to the Oregon press recently wroto tho following of his early days In Minne sota. The Times is certain It will provo Interesting to our mniiy readers: In 187C at Wlllmar, Minn., Cal Drown played tho flddlo n Httlo nnd I played tho guitar if anything a trifle less, 4 And onco In a while wo used to piny for a dance Just for fun. And I guess that was all It was worth. $ And ho married Nottio Marlow, a mighty pretty girl who wont to school to mo And whoso father was a rich man. And now Cal 1b .Chief Justlco of tho Supromo Court of Minnesota and wears tho usual Judicial regalia. And maybo a wig, for all I know. I And draws down a fat salary that it more than my entire fortuno of M.000. And hero I nm doing this fool stunt at $2 per week. Darn tho luck, anywny. Somo fellows get the best of It all tho way. Well, I Bottled lu Herman to try tc mako a living lu tho practlco of law. 4 4. 4 And I got tho living nil right, though It looks to mo ns though I didn't glvo value recolved. Aud cx-Gov. Marshall had a sold lor's homestead within sight of town. And Charley Smith lived there and got 100 por month for running a Httlo grain elevator and lumber yard for tho big Minneapolis Pills burys. Aud wo shouldn't speak of him any more as Churloy, but as C. A. Smith, tho lumber baron . Who has copped inoro millions than you and I own nil put togother. Aud Gov. Pillshury canio out ono time to see If tho young man wob earning his money, j. .j. .j. And nrrlved on a bolatod train at about 3 p. ni tho weary Governor didn't bother to go to a hotel. And went to bod on tho baro planks of tho depot platform. And whon wo discovered tho good old votcran of tho famous 1st Min nesota regiment Ho was sleeping peacefully in tho sun nnd tho files wore crawling ov or his rugged faco. H- ! And n Winnipeg train thundered lu nnd drow up nt tho, station, Hut tho big man slumbered on un conscious, 8 $ And tho Canadians got oft the train to stretch their logs, and tak ing tho Governor for somo drunken hobo Ono of thorn undortook to stir him up with the too of his boot. $ Wheroupon wo rushod In nnd warn ed him that that was our Governor, h $ ! And thou wo turned him round and noluted out to htm hair n m'.le awuy on tho pralrlo fr Ex-Govornor Marshall on tho roof o' his claim shack patlontly Bhlngl lug. A A JU And tho Canadian said, "Well, this I., a hell or a country." And I guess democratic simplicity uoesn't mako much of a hit over tho line. !: HAI-'ETY IX ADVERTISED (iOODS All advertising that pays Is truthful. For ndvortlslng Is a'ftor all only an introduction. It Is tho goods behind tho ndvor t.slng that tells tho stoiy, A lie cannot live long In tho light -aud a nowspapor page Is a veritable limelight. There Is Bafoty lu buying advertised goods. Tho makers aro particular as to tholr quality. Tho storos that soil thorn linvo faith In them. Look ovor this issuo of tho Coos Day Times and noto somo of tho articles adver tised. You see familiar . nnmos that stand for character. Somo of them you know woll. And theso uro typical of many others you may bo suro LUIUIj IIMl HI OlH T1IIIU) OFFICEIl OSCAH OLSOX EXDS 118 YEAHS OX DH1XY Career Has llcen An Interest liu? Ono Has Xot IPeen Homo In i!8 Years Celebrated -J."th Dlrthday It is 28 years since Oscar Olson, third officer of tho F. A. Kilburn, ns a lad of 1C bade his pnrents good byo in tho Old Country and went to sea. That is tho last tltno ho has been nt homo for In all his wander- '-was saved from tho building excopt Ings nt sea, not onco havo his voy-lng n Httlo of tho equipment from ages taken him back. On Sunday ho will celebrate his 4Cth birthday, FIvo years ho has sailed on tho vessels of tho North Pacific Steam - ship company. Ho has been in every vessel flying tho colors of tho com pany. When the Santa Clara wreck ed on Novombor 2 near tho cntranco ' to Coos Day ho was second mate. Has Captain's Papers , In his cabin ho has papora enti tling him to tako tho hrldgo as skip per of steamships of ovor COO tons. His experiences nt sea havo somo of thorn been thrilling Ho has soon almost every corner of tho globo vhcro ships nro wont to travel. On his last trip horo ho was recall- ing his first voyage to eca. Ho said that even before this ho had made Bhort voyages In tho North Sea vlth his fathor, hut tho first tlmo ho "wont deep water" was whon n hoy or 1C years ho Bhlpped aboard tho Liverpool, a four masted full rigged Hullcr. The vessel wont from 'London out to Melboumo, thenco ovor to Cnlcut. tu and Dombay and later via tni Capo of Qood Hope back to Eng land. Tho trip consumed about 18 ,l0 I'H'"lo lo, transport goods from months. ; Tromso lu Norway to tho Russian First. Tip on "I.lmo .liilrer" I rmHnl I" f'vo days' tlmo. A now This wan along In 1SS7, In the "loamshlp lino has nlrcady been days of tho old "Ilme-Juieors," tho ' orgunlcil to take advantage of tho definition of which Is an English ow route, and It Is expected that ship. Thoy wero traditionally poor 1 1,1 railway will ho nvalhiblo for "feodors." Sailors beforo tho mnat UH0 within a month or so. wont for months on reducod rations, j Although much further north Tho mnto Bays that ho recalls how than Archangel on tho Whlto Sea, some of tho men who had como ' which is already connected with aboard tho ship lu London, big bus-1 Pctrograd by tho nnrrow-gungo rall ky fellows, gradually lost flesh un- way, tho now port of Alexandrovslc til they nctually bccnino skinny. j is frco from Ico ull tho year around, In tho bins below decks tho vcssol by vlrtuo of bolng situated on an vnrriod several tons of potatoes. ! inlot which feolB tho effect of tho These wero doled out In Httlo tld-hlt! Gulf Stream, while Arriinngol la lots, so slowly that after months thoy closed to navigation for six months began to rot, and tho snllors wero j or tho year, given tho task or dumping thorn over-' Ono of tho difficulties of tho UOanl, Holds to Lust SHO Ho hnn ono suporstltlon, thnt Is, io nover cuango ins inst ?20, "ovon It I havo to llvo on coffoo and dough- nuts for a week to savo It". Hut tlioro WaB ono tlmo Whon lie CnlllO , . ... closo to breaking ovor tho rule. This j to Potrogrnd Is to bo complotcd as yas during tho panic or 1S03 whon!8oon as possible. no was in Hoattlo. Sailors or all nations thronged tho water rront, iinnblo to got ships. "Wo fished along tho docks then nnd It wns pret ty hard going," declared tho mato. Slnco tho wreck of tho Snnta Cla n Mr. Olson has hcjn third offlcor aboard tho Kllbum. Slnco tho El der first camo to Cooa Day ho has hcon known horo and In theso two years has mndo a 'great many friends. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notlco Is hereby glvon thnt sealed bids will bo received by tho Common Council or tho City of Marshfield. Cons Pmmiv rw.,.. until half past seven o'clock P. M .miiiuay, tno nth day or Fobruary, 1910. for tho rnnglrnnllnn v sower oxtondlng along tho center HllO Of JollllSOn nvninm frmii n point 20 feot wost of tho cast lino ui uruuiiwny street South to a ilium i.iu ieei east or tho oast lino or Front strcot South pursuant to Ordlnnnco X'n. 7.17 ono.u.. . Iho plain and Bpoc'flcatlons an fllo in mo ornco of tho City Recorder and open to tho Inspection of all persons Interested thoroln. All bids must bo in nccordnnci with tho requirements accompany ing said specifications and upon blanks which will bo supRllod upon request at tho offlco of tho City Engineer. A certified check of flvo jer eint,, of tho amount bid must uc cciupany tho bid, to io forfeited to M Id City of Mnralifleld, In case tno contract U awarded 'ho contractor aud ho falls to enter In a contract with said City within five days. The Common Council reserves the right to rejoct any and nil bids. Dated tlila -1th duy of February 1010. JOHN W. BUTLER, IJecordor of tho City of Marshfield, Coos County, Orogon. Coos Hay Times Want Ads nro of direct and practical usefulness to all routers, in finding n congenial and .siiltablo place In vthlch to live. Persons having houses to rent should avail themselves of tho op portunity offered by theso small ads. COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost Highjfficienoy Tlmea Wunt Ada for results. ROSEBURG HIGH school llulldlng and Equipment Is.Dcstroy- , ed Insurance is $1(1,000 SUUo tuio Is An Old Ono (Special to Tho Times) HOSEDUItG, Ore., Feb. C Tho total Insurance on tho Itoscburg high school buildings which- burned down Thursday night was $1G,000. Tho building was worth probably $30,000. jit was an old structuro which had been mlded onto several times and 'contained many rooms. Nothing tho domestic sclcnco department, i Tho cause of tho flro Is not known. It was not dlscovorod until tho roof j nnd Cupola wcro discovered to bo in t ...... .. ..- .... . i. names nuu li was iuo ihio 10 uuuu tho flro. Tho chimneys wcro loft standing nnd theso havo been pulled down. Temporary arrangements for holding school will bo mndo at once. MAY PUltCHASE TUG (Special to Tho Times) BANDON, Oro., Fob. D. The Port of Dnndon Is considering tho pur- chased of tho tug Kllhyam. Tho ttig is to ho sold by tho owners nnd the port may buy It and mnlntuln It as a port tug. XEW XOHWAY HAIIAVAY Will bo Able to Ship Goods Much Less Tlmo Thau Any Time Before In Illy Amoclalcl PrisM lo Coot nor Tlmm.I CIIItlSTIANlA, Norway, Feb. -I. When tho now railway connecting Pctrograd with tho Artie port of Alexandrovslc Is finished, It will . Archnncol roil In 1ms been tbn trn- mondous congestion of traffic and thl3 will still bo n problom for ' somo tlmo, ns tho now railway j froir. Alexandrovslc will at first bo In a roundabout way via Archnngol. ! nnf n illn.rf linn from Alovniulrnvnk Jumping Letters. Jump the first letter backward to the end of the word. 1. Jump an organ or the body and havo the whole world. 1L Jump to sun'ocute and havo your best and truest friends. 3. Jump n swift blid nnd have to roll In tho mud. 4. Jump to trip nnd have rails. Answers: 1, henrt-eiirtli; 2, (.mother- mothers; i. swullow-wallows; !, stumble-tumbles. Times want ads bring results. ( mmmm m """ l l I' JOB HONEYCUT JUST TELEPHONED THAT HES GOT THE MUMPS, ABOU ON HIS NECK, TWO BUNIONS AND A NEIGH BOR WHO PLAYS THE COBNET A' PIEDMONT Will. CHEEE HIM UR GLANG1HEK0 edition TRUSTEESALEHELD HODEUT DOIjIjAU DISPOSED OF .lOIIXSoX liU.MHElt CO. Property Consists of All ofOlolillngs or Company In Trustee's Hands ,T. II. Dntei- llujei. (Special to Tho Times.) BANDON, Or., Feb. D. Tho bal ance of tho trustee holdings of Ilob- ort Dollar, act'.ng ub trust,eo -of tlioj .... .V ..-... T ..ttnt nnlllifinv I AllrCU JOUIlBUIl JJlllliuu. "" 'I wero sold today to J. H. Daxtor, of San Francisco, who recently bought tho Lyons & Johnson mill. It was n trustco sale and was hold today at tho offlco of tho Lyons-JohiiBbn mill near Dnndon. . Tho proporty consists of tho alto of tho Randolph mill, oompriBlitg 12 acres, nnd tho tldo lands In front, nil machinery nnd wreckago Lot the Randolph mill nnd tonont nnd other buildings adjacent, manufac tured lumbor, a quantity of logsA real estate, logging rauroau rigni-oi-way on Dour crock, logging equip ment nnd ull of tho proporty of tho Alfred Johnson company which hnd not previously been disposed of by sale. CAUSE OF ROPY MILK Condition Uoually Duo to Unclean Dairy Utonsllt. Stringy or ropy milk Is usually due to n certain class of bacteria wlrlch work upon the casolu iind albuminoids of-tho mlllr, Hiiys Hoard's Dairyman. They get Into It from palls, tanks', vnts or other milking utensils nnd give to thu milk or crcuin u stringy consistency. Somctliiiea this Infection can he traced to cuttle wading lu sloughn or umrnhcH. In such ciih-m no doubt thu hncteila nro curried on the udder mid teats, and nt the next milking the freshly drawn milk Is Infected. If u needle Is dipped Into Mich milk nnd then lifted somo of It will be mined lu long threads. Tho loiiudy fur this trouble Is clean mllltlug utensils nnd containers nnd un avoidance of the above mentioned sloughs. This Is only one of the many reasons fur scalding, either with hull lug water or steam, ull milk coutnlncrx nnd for practicing scrupulous cleanli ness In milking and liiiudllui; the milk. Feed does not affect this trouble. BURIED IN WAR. STILL ALIVE. Veteran, Qoventy-fivp, Kicked Up -Dirt Whllo Doing Laid nt Rest. ! Ccntrslla, Mo. James M. llulcu. who hm Just celebrated his seventy- linn inrtiuir.y, ciaim.s tue (iwunctiun or being the only man who. uftcr he wns pronounced dead and hud been burled, livid to tell the story. Iliilen was shot through the right eye with u II caliber bullet durllig' Hie civil war. He wns pronounced dead, was hurled, and 'ho ilods were rattling down Into his grave when hl.s foot kicked up through the dirt. Tho burial was stopped, and Union removed from tho grave. Tho other dead wero hurled, nnd presently tho gravcdlggcrs came back, expecting to find Union really dead by this time. Hut his heart was still beating, ami ho was sent to n hospital. Tho experience occurred when llulcn wns In tho First Missouri hrlgnde, Company O, under command of Colo nel Cockroll. Tho brlgado was nt Now Jlope, Gn attempting to cut off Sher man's march to tho sea. Times Want Ads (Jet Results. aMMMNIMNMMMIl r-Ar .-. ,.,i 5330 ""SS SHARP WDHDSli ATTOHXEYS MAKr. a, ,JX SXRIlfioXCAMj 1aJJ CJiiii-Kch of Etcded TiU,... 1-Vos Made-Case u" klMlff'll III I...I ' "KU ''Kiimom,, An attorney's tilt closing- of tho tesllmn. . ." ttuu. tlio nnnn nf rM...l . . 1 1 Elton Snmtilnn.. th.. . 'ti n6V complete, all wlin J.?!' 1 been examined and the m,' i""- ''" Juugo Sklprfarti his decision. 'M Sharp words were pa!fl ftrtrrt. ( II.... ...i.... . F" ' ...;, v.. ..,, .morney f0Mv, fondanf, stated that the t(ot. for tho plaintiff, consisting C j! & Ilodgo and Peck & pci niuniiiK juua oai 01 two oW, plo within tho Valley 0f the sw at Death." - ' tTho result was a sudden m f,fiU contradiction by rj. R. p, no occinrou mat ho hud hnfll)!? linil finnli oli.vl.,.l . .. " , " vu 'urimjj iiuau oi assiHianco nuu thu statement of Air. llov w. .i.. Www ' '""si conduct unethical ami that, bnt I tne fees concerned, llov mnu i. f allowed tho car,o to cdnio to w incut long ngo. Tho case Involves comldcnl proporty now In the linnd i 1 Snotldon nnd for which .Mr.'sJ Is contesting. SHE'S THE GIRLFOItME Tho GIRL who Is minny. Tho G1UL who loves music Tho GIRL who Is tasteful and W ThoGIUL who Btnnds for right. j: Tho G1IIL who sings from heart. Tho GIRL who belongs to i clique. Tho GIRL who Is loyal to J church. Tho GIRL who believes In mother. Tho GIRL who Is ncltherinrlji cmn ' Tho GIRL who avoids looltil aro ullly. Tho GIRL who uuvcr rotelil clothes nnd trinkets. Tho GtHL who Is specially klsiJ tho poor. 'I'lin (HUT. wlinvn nnni! iWi!i ,VJ In hor lire. Tho GIRL who Is frank with Li touchers. Tho GIRL who abhors pofoliiJ gossip. Tho GIRL who dislikes tote I tored. Tho GIRL who talks to somti poso. Tho GIRL who bolloves la homo. .. Tho GIRL who knows how to i "NO". Tho GIRL who lives for i friends. Tho GIRL who has a consclcnal Tho GIRL who has a heart. Tho GIRL who has culture. Low Cost High Efficient! COOS BAY TIMES WANT AOl TImea want ads brine reioUi aP!2i