VM ? THE COftS-BAY. TIME3riM ARSflF! ELD,. OREGON, FBJDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1916 EVENINGf EDITION. J$IX " TO TO TALK DEFENSE for the ting in purpose of nomo fortifications. llmo lut- Special Prices on MP 0T 125 HEN Viuler tho preparedness plan now In congress, tho matter has uoconio one of vital Interest. Tho meeting tonight will be tho first one for many of the new members who hnvo been brought Into tho fold during the recent campaign which Ir still being pursued today, the purpose bolng to bring tho roll of membership up to a full 200 before ceasing efforts. , There will ho the reports of sev- Kltt'SIl AXI) IIAN'KS WIMj Ill'IM) KOIITIKIOATIOX OF COOS 1IKAI) UP FOIt ACTION. Irfrts and Waists t TWO VKSSI3LH AT THE GOLDEN RULE Hoth Will 15c Lumber CmtIci-h for lllxliy tM Clink of Snn Fran clsco Adds Greatly to Payroll Tho Kruso & Dunks ship yard nt North Dend will soon bo employing nijout 12C men worlchiR on two ves pols which the firm will build for IJIx byand Clark of San Francisco, Tlio first vessel ordered will bo 225 feet long. The keel has been taken aw ahd will bo laid soon. The contract for tho second vessel has practically been closed. It will bo 235 feet long, ten feet longer than tho oth er. These vcssols completely equip ped will cost about $150,000. The resumption of work at tho ship yard will ndd greatly to tho pay roll of North Dend and will givo work to many. Clmnih0!' of "cinmcrco Meeting To- nlRht to Ho Interesting Session Now Members Coming. Fortification of Coos Day against tho Invasion of an armed enemy will ho thoroughly discussed at tho monthly meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce to be hold this even ing. Olito and again this subject has been brought up Informally. With tho con lug of tho railroad tho feet has been pointed out that o'-irnta to tho Wllllamotto Valloy could bo mado by nn enemy, join ing via Coos Day. Coca Head Is part or n military resrrvr. owned by the government, ' ernl committees to bo heard this evening! CHILI) DIKS Tho two weeks old daughter of easy Mr. and Mrs. I). 13. Huckloborry died (Thursday nt 8 p. in. at tho family homo In Day Park. The funeral was held this after noon at 2 o'clock from tho Dungan undertaking parlor. MANY GERMAN DOCTORS HAVE BEEN KILLED Largo XunibtT lluvo Died of Infw- tloiiH DlsviiNOM Contracted Whllo In tho Army tnr Aocltod Vnm l Cow Dajr Time. BUDAPEST, Feb. -1. During a re cent debate in tho Hungarian parlia ment, It was officially Btated that from tho beginning of the war to tho first of November, 1915, 373 Gor nmn doctors have been wounded, DC have been killed on battlefleldB, 707 have died from infectious diseased, and 215 have- been taken prisoners. Among Austrian medical officers, the wounded number only 315 but 971 hnvo died of infectious disease, 101 have. boon killed whllo rendering medical assistance at tho firing line, and 331 havo bcon taken prlsonors. TJio great number of cas ualties from Infectious disease Is duo to the epidemics of cholera and spot ted typhtiB. $9,75 Ladies' Wool Skirts now.$5.45 7,85 Ladies' Wool Skirts now.. 3.95 4,95 Ladies' Wool Skirts now.. 2.95 3,50 Ladies' Taffeta Waists now 2.45 5,75 Ladies' Wool Skirts now.. 3.25 One lot Ladies' white and colored Waists, at -..-.. 50c One lot Ladies' House Dresses at - - 60c Your Money Will Go Farther at The Golden Rm , TWO FOR. ONE SALE FebrS Come Tomorrow and Choose Your Suit., Overcoat, or Raincoat, as Follows: Add $ 1 .00 to the Price and select any Two Fall Suits .or. Overcoats in the Store, making the Cost of Two Only the Price of One, Plus $ 1 In other words you select a $25 Garment, pay us $26 and take two.$25 Garments, If you take a $20 Garment you pay us $21 and take two Garments, This will include all Suits that we will assemble on one side of the store ranging in price from $15 to $35 and will Inc'iiilo - .- f all small lots, and every Overcoat and Raincoat in the store, All other fancy Suits reduced 25 and 33 percent, Blue Serges reduced 20 per cent, Money Talks! Listen! M onev Talks! Men's, Ladies' and Children's Rubber Boots $8,50 Boots now $7.20 7,50 Boots now 6.35 6,50 Boots now 5.45 5,00 Boots now 4.25 4,o0 Boots now 3.80 3,25 Boots now 2.75 2,50 Ladies' Boots 2,10 2,00 Ladies' Boots 1.70 '1,50 Children's Boots 1.25 Men's Woolen Underwear $1,00 Garments, now 1,25 Garments, now 1,50 Garments, now 2,00 Garments, now . 2,50 Garments, now 3,00 Garments, now 4,00 Garments, now 5,00 Garmonts, now .$ .80 . 1.00 .; 1.20 . 1.60 . 1.90 . 2.25 . 2.75 . 3.65 This includes single garments or union suits,. Men's Shoes $8,00,Men's Shoes $6.80 7,00 Men's Shoes 5.95 6,00 Men's Shoes 5.10 5,00 Men's Shoes 4.25 4,50 Men's Shoes 3.85 4,00 Men's Shoes - 3.40 3,50 Men's Shoes 1 95 This includes all stylos of work or dress shoes, excepting Logging shoes, 50 Articles Enumerated below: " ' ' Mon's Work Shirts Mon's Suspenders Men's Underwear ' . Men's Ties Men's Extra Heavy Wool-Hose WOW ALL ONE PRICE 40 Men's Mackinaws $12,00 Mon's Mackinaws now $9.60 10,00 Mon's Mackinaws now 8.00 8,50 Men's Mackinaws now , 6.80 7,50 Mon's Mackinaws now 6.00 7,00 Men's Mackinaws now 5.60 6,00 Men's Mackinaws now , 4.80 5,00 Mon's Mackinaws now 4.00 Boys' Knickerbocker Suits $ 4,00 Suits $3.20 5,00 Suits 4.00 6,00 Suits 4.50 7,00 Suits 5.25 8,00 Suits 6.00 10,00 Suits .50 Men's Pants $3,00 Pants $2.25 3,50 Pants 2.65 4,00 Pants 3.00 4,50 Pants 3.35 5,00 Pants 3.75 6,00 Pants 4.50 7,00 Pants 5.25 25 Articles Enumerated below: Mon's, Ladies' and Children's Hose Men's Suspenders Men's Gloves ' Men's Ties NOW ALL AT ONCE PRICE 20 Suit Cases $12,00 Suitcases $9.00 10,00 Suitcases 7.50 8,00 Suitcases ' 6.00 6,00 Suitcases '. 4.50 5,00 Suitcases 4.00 3,00 Suitcases 2.25 2,00 Suitcases 1.50 Men's Hats $3,50 Mon's Hats . $2.85 3,00 Mon's Hats 2.35 2,o0 Men's Hats 1.85 2,00 Mon's Hats 1.35 1,50 Mon's Hats 1.15 1,00 Men's Caps ,80 ,50 Caps 40 Flannel Shirts $1,25 Flannel Shirts, now $ .90 1,50 Flannel. Shirts, now 1,15 1,75 Flannel Shirts, now 1.40 2,00 Flannel Shirts, now 1.65 2,50 Flannpl Shirts, now .' 1.90 3,00 Flannel Shirts, now 2.25 3,50 Flannel Shirts, now 2.45 Ladies', Shoes For About Half-price.1 $5,00 Ladies'-Shoes ... 4.nn I nrllfis' RhnfiQ . V iww taVIIWU WIIVVU .$2.35 . 2.15 3,50 Ladies' Shoes :-. 1.90 3,00- Ladies' Shoes 2,50 Ladies' Shoes 1.85 .1.65 Slippers Take your choice of any Mon's or Ladies' Slip ' pors for $1 ,00, These Slippers sold from $1 ,25 to $3,00, and include all styles, which wo will have laid out on tables for your s:-loction. Men's Oil Coats $4,00 Oil Coats $2.85 3,50 Oil Coats 2.35 2,50 Oil Coats I " 1.85 2,00 Oil Coats " 1.35 1,50 Oil Coats 1 1.20 Men's Sweaters f5,00 Sweaters $3.35 6,00 Sweaters 3.85 7,00 Sweaters 4.35 8,00 Sweaters 4.85 Boys' Shoes $3,50 Boys" Shoos ,' $2.60 3,00 Boys' Shoes 2.25 ' 2,o0 Boys' Shoes jl-1 1.90 2,00 Boys' Sjioes .-.- 1.50 During S; rf tables so that you can select and examine the goods by yourself, until we can give you proper attention and wait on you in the right way, tveiy convenience we have, including ample help, will be placed at your disposal during this, tho greatest of our Two For One Sales Th idf hi! & BilidoS yM v, tin Mm" ,!!f tem i8 h br,'i1 Si.f S f rST ?" of ?ur storeSl !is liave been shiPPd and ofcombled hero together for this Mo ney Saving Sale, 1 nis inciuuos goocis nom oui bancion, iviyitlo I oint and Poweis stoies, along with all small lots we have accumulated during the season, I Hub Clothing Shoe Front Street, Marshfield Marshfield, Powers, Bandon, Myrtle Point