m3umV" " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELfc, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1916 EVENING EDITION. FOUR EivlwTrfi COOS BAY TIMES H. O. MALONHY, Editor nntl Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Official Paper of Paper City Coon County of Mnrahflold. Entered at tho Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission thfcauch tho malls as second-class wall matter. An Independent Republican nows paper, published every evonlng ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAiLY. One year JC.00 Per month 50 WEEKLY. Ono year SI. GO When paid strictly In advance the subscription pike of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or S2.C0 for six months, fr Address nil communications to OOOfl HAY DAILY TIMES. I EUROPEAN WAR ONE I YEAR AGO TODAY $$ FER. 1, 10 IB. Gormany declares a blockado mi nil Drltlsh ships on and nftcr Fob. 18. Tho Germans capture French po sitions in Argonno with COS men and 18 guns. Tho Russian bombardment of Tarmw in Gallcla forces tho Auo triaiifl to evacuato tho town Tho Gcrmnns aro repulsed with heavy loBsen in a furious nssault on tho Warsaw defenso lines. THE RATTLE OF MFK Llfo can bo mado n suc cess. It Is not a question of climbing abovo poverty; It is a question of understanding llfo. So many of us havo boon lured nway and fas cinated by what turn out to bo phantoms and falso gods. Wo havo had to whcol back and boglu over again and fight along against tromon dous odds, and yet with nil that llfo can bo mado a suc cess, for success consists In doing right, In doing tho best you can with what you havo. Fight until tho end. Selected. WHERE Till STAR STILL HIIINEH EUROPE knows no law but tho law of tho sword. Tholr boast ed civilization Is a shattered dream. Ono after another tho llttlo nations hnvo to Join forces with tholr powerful neighbors. It Is n wild, In sano scramblo for oxlstonco. Men havo been killed by tho very million and tho work of destruction Is only fairly stnrtod. No ono known when it Will md hut whon It docH victor itud vanquished will both hu vIctlniB. 'Sorrow, ruin und debt, will encumber the whole continent. Thoro Is but ono country over which tho star of civilization really Hhlnos undlmmcd. AVo hnvo peace nnd plenty whllo Europo haa death und dismay. Tho situation will not bo changed bocauso tho man In tho whlto hoiiHO has tho foresight, tho ability und tho courngo to keep tho nation out of war. In tho great du ty ho has to muet hu Is entitled to the prayors of nil who hnvo hearts of humans. THE GRIPPE THE GItll'PE has not boon merely opldomlu this winter, the medical men say, but pan demic, which means not worsu; but more of it. GETTING ACQPAINTEI) fliVnni l'!llL'nnn lfniflutnr Tim nPiillnliilnnr.. will, ilin Sliiln-I mid Coos liny that was so ilonnntIy,Ul" t,on",1,J,p of tho llm calorca Kill, begun night boforo last will bo con-) 1'u'H"rl nm'nin," was tho nine tinned undor moro favorable clruum-! V0., Htnuccs and nt closer rungo within a short time. SAME HERE (From Salem Capital Journal) J, Ogdou Armour In Los Angeles yestordny predicted prosporlty for tho coast In tho noar future. Ev- cry thing looks roseate to such folks! ,. .v. '"'", B ," , Armnnr -., ... i. ,'tJt marry a man who could uudor- " ' .. nous, uui up mis way "iiopo 'infer red maketh tho hoart siok." OUR SHRINKING EARTH Profossor Hollln 1). Salisbury of tho Uiilvorslty of Chicago says a con tinuous process of contnicllon Is go ing on tnsldo tho ninth mid will con tinue, until all tho rhomicalti within it havo boon transformed Into tho densest compounds, mlllluus of yours liouco. Earthquakes aro a rusult of tho contracting procosg. Ono nice thing about being punct ual whon you keep an nppolntmont lo that you will hav H half hour in which lo sit down and rest while I waltlng for tho other fellow. J X WITH THE TOAST t X AND THE TEA $$ GOOD EVENING For all of us the road has to bo waked ovory Btop, and the uttormost farthing paid. The gato will open wido to wolcomo' us, but will not come to moot us. Nolther Is It nny use to turn nsldo: It only makes tho road longer nnd harder. Georgo Mnc donald. WORRY AND HURRY Thoro aro two llttlo demons wo havo to combat, And their names aro Worry and Hurry. They play tho douco with our nerves nnd all that, But still wo keep on with our flurry. Wo hurry through breakfast, then off like n shot, Wo worry through work till tho , end of tho day, Wo hurry through dinner, after which, llko as not, Wo hurry ngaln to bo off to a "play." Wo hurry tho baby as fast as wo can, Kindergarten nnd high school nnd collcgo, you hot, Aro raced through In our hurry to mnko him a man, Till his brain Is n jumble, his nerves all upset. Then wo wonder why hnlf of tho world's Inefficient, As wo rumpngo nlong In our flurry. I am suro this -very good reason's sufficient, It is duo to our Worry and Hurry. Do you think, after all, it is worth what wo pay. In nervous prostration and num borlcss Ills? Wiiy can't wo take tlmo to livo day by day, For truly nnd suroly, it's Hurry that kills. Nautilus. Theso dry days whon n Coos liny mnn's only cholco is to tnko It or lot It alone you can hot that ho will tnko It. Somehow or othor wo novor put off until tomorrow tho things wo shouldn't do nt nil. RING OUT WILD HELLS, AXI) TAME ONES TOO! HIXG OUT THE LOVER'S MOON! HIXG IX Till: LITTLE WORSTED SOCKS! RIXO IX THE Rill AXI) SPOOX! To effect a quick euro mix clioarfiiliiuHD with your modi- cluo. 4 Kvory Coos Hay husband hns ono not of rules for himself ond another for his wlfo. Sonio Coos liny men nro so simple Ions that If thoy soo an early bird they know thnt It was up nil night. If a Coos Hay woninn has faith in her doctor ho can euro hor. Hut If sho doesn't llko tho doctor all tho mcdlcluo In tho world will not holp l.or any. AlwuyK got n receipt from tho Coos Hay man who brags about hl lion oty. - STORV FOR 'III i: DA V "An wlmt ' J'OUr linme?" nskod jiiiiuisuiium.'" oxcmiiuod tho toach or. "How could you bo named Fer tiliser?" "It wag ills way. Pap. ho's named Ferdinand, and mammy's named Mia. So doy jes nnmed mo Fort II Uer nftuh both of 'om." Tho nvorajce Coos Day wlfo sponds stnnu hor. DIET .MARKS POET Plo nnd meat aro ood to oat, , PotHtnts are uot bad. nut n-md nnd milk's tho food for mo, Tho food for any lad. Tho old rod cow sho lvos tho mil;;, And Hurgult makoH tho bread. I put tho broad Into the milk And both Into my head. The abovo was rocontly composed by John fiosa, who will bo glad to loll you about his sick tummy. Ho hut the opinions of about a doion doctors and If Iip pets nnv moro nd- Me ho is l.ililt t0 starve to deam INJURED TEACHER ATTENDS TO DUTIES .Miss Unto Porter (Joes to School In Ambulance Formerly Taught In Multifield Schools A Portland paper gives nn Inter esting account of tho work of Miss Knto Porter who taught In the Mnrshflchl schools In 1898 and who Is now In Portland. Tho paper Bays: In spite of the fact that she suffer ed n sovero accident nbout four months ago and will bo unable to walk for perhaps several months more, Miss Knto Portor, a teacher In tho .Toslnh Falling School, who is still In St. Vlncont'B Hospital, has geno every day recently from tho hos pltal to tho nchool In nn ambulance to gtvo the pupils their final polish ing boforo graduation. Miss Porter hnd gone ahead with these samo boys and girls, advancing from class to class for several terms, nnd tho children hnd becomo deeply attached tc her. When she fell nnd fractured lior leg and was taken to tho hospital the children wcro grlovcd. Nearly ovory dny they havo tnken her floworB or sent her notes of cheer. And now sho is showing hor interest in their graduation by her dally devotion nnd solf-Bacrlflco. Miss Portor Is a sister of Miss Fnnnlo Portor, principal of tho school Llbby Coal, $5.00 ton. Phono 72. Dr. If. E. Kelly, Dentist, 201 Coko llldg. Phono 112-J- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hereby given that scaled bids will bo received by the Common Council of tho City of Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, until half past sovon o'clock P. M., Monday, tho 14th day of Fobruary, 10 1C, for tho construction of a sower extending nlong tho center Hue of Johnson avenue from a point 20 feet west of tho cast lino of Ilrondwny strcot South to a point -inn feet cast of tho cant lino ot Front street South pursuant to Ordinance No. 717, according to tho plans and specifications -on fllo In tho offlco of tho City Rocordor nnd open to tho Inspection of all persons Interested therein. All bids must bo In accordance with tho requirements accompany Ing snld specifications nnd upon blanks which will bo supplied upon request at tho offlco of tho City Engineer. A certified check of flvo per cuit of tho ninount bid must ac company tho bid, to oo forfeited lo ht.ld City of Marshfleld, In enso tho contract In awarded the contractor and ho falls to ontor in a. contract with said City within flvo days. Tho Common Council reserves tho right to reject any nnd all bids. Dated this 1th day of February, 101C. JOHN W. I1UTLER, Recorder of tho City of Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon. NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DOXDS. Notlco Is hereby given thnt pur suant to tho provisions ot chnptor V of tltlo XXVI, L. O. L. and In accordnuco with tho terms nnd con ditions of snld bonds, tho City of Marshflold will tnko up, redcom and cancel tho special improve ment bonds of snld City of Marsh fleld, Coos County, Oregon, Issued nn tho first dav of Sontombcr. 1010, and numborod 115 to MS Inclusive, of said Usuo respectively. , bond numbered 115 being for tho sum of $200,00 and bonds num bered 110 nnd 117 being each for tho sum of $500,00 and bond num bered IIS being far tho sum of $:t!)C.10, and nil of said bonds boar lug interest at C por cent per an num, and will on tho next semi annual coupon period of said bonds, to-wlt: On tho first day of March, 1910, pay to tho propor owners nnd holdeiH of snld bonds, fnco value of each thereof, with accrued Interest to said dato nnd tho own ers nnd holders of said abovo des eiibed bonds nro hereby notified to present the same for payment and cancellation to tho under signed, tho Trensuror of said City, at his offlco In said City ot Marsh flold. Coos County, Oregon, on said tlato for payment, cancellation and redemption, nnd nro further noti fied that interest thereon will conso at said Interest payment period, to wlt. On March 1st. 1910. Dated this 4th day of Fobruary, 1910. O. W. KAUFMAN, Treasurer of the City of Marshfleld. Coos County, Oregon. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP. EKTV FOR DELINQUENT STREET ASSESSMENTS Notlco Is hori'hy slvtn thnt acting' hy vlrtuo of a warrant duly Issued I hy tho Rocordor of tho City of! Marshfleld, County of Coo. State1 of OroRon. hy order of tho Common! Council of f.iid ittv dated tV .Vth NO TINE EORl TRIFLING ViaMiMT' ,.,mi Mm , ' ( ii nr S MET A.FELLOW BACK .THERE WHO OWES JlETOM jDOUARS:.; HERE'S YOUR MOttEY. BILL.". HE SAYS- HAMG ONTO IT UNTIL I CONE BACK". SAYS 'It V. IN A HURRY' TO GET A PACK OF PIEDMONTS '', ' IP 2 & VS day of December, 1915, to mo di rected, requiring mo, ns Marshal of said city to forthwith lovy upon tho lot or lots or parts thereof or tracts of laud upon which assessment was . mndo under nnd pursuant to Or-1 dtnauco No. 702 ot snld city for thoi Improvement of that portion of Horn-1 lock nvcuuo from the west lino of, Front strcot North to tho west lino t of Sixth street North, In tho city of' Marshfleld, Coos County, Orogon, ' and which assessment thou rcmnlnod ! unpaid and to sell tho samo In tho' tnnnnor provided by law, which said property Is In said warrant nnd hereinafter described, I have, In pur suance of enld warrant, levied upon, and will on tho 2lBt day of Fobru ury, 1010, at nlno o'clock In thoj foronoon of snld duy, ot tho Com-, mon Council Chamber door, in tho city hull on Front street of suld city, offer for snla and soil nt pub lic miction to tho highest bidder fori cash, each of tho following described lots nnd parts of lots, to-wlt: Lot 12 Ulock -10, nssossmont $20. 71, be longing to Helen D. Nnsburg, nlso tho following lot nnd parts of lots belonging to Nnsburg Land Com pany: Lot 7 Illock -11, nssossmont $2. GO, tho southwest half of lot S, block II, assessment $1,30, and tho southwest hnlf of lot 10, block -II, assessment ?l.:t0, nil of snld abovo described lots being sltuutod in Nag burg's Addition to Marshfleld, ac cording to tho pint thoreof on fllo and of record In tho offlco of tho County Clerk of Coos County, Oro gon. Dntcd at Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, this 21st day of January, 1910. j. W. CARTER, Marshal of tho City of Marshfleld, ,0llwty 'on ' Tho F.A. KILBURN sails for San Francisco Via Eureka FKIUUURV 8 at 1 p. in. From Smith Terminal Dock For Information call 130 1 G. CUSHIXG, Agent. SOUTH COOS RIVER nOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS Ienvea Marshfleld every day 8 a. in. Loaves head of river ut 3: IS p. in. STEAMER RAINROW leaves lien of river dally at 7 a. m. Leaves Marshfleld nt 2 p. in. For charter apply on hoard. ROGERS SMITH Proprietors v m z Oldest Ilaulc In Coos County 'M Flanagan (b Bennett Bank Mai'MiflcId, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEREST PAID OX TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. BENNETT, President; J AS. II. FLANAGAN, Vico Prosldont; R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. F. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan (8b BeneeLt Bank OF MVRTLE POINT Capital $25,00 Offlcors J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. H. FLANAGAN, VIco Prosldont; L. M, SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, Assistant CnshloV. Benne&fc Tnist Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J. W. DENNETT, President; TOM T. DENNETT, VIco Presldont; ARTIIl'R M'KEOWN, Secretary; DENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tho Only Trust Company lit (ho State, Outside of Portland, Which Orgaulcd Under tho New Law. w HAT if "born spoon in your mouth?" Many a man has built up a balance in this bank that would buy him moro silvor spoons than he could use even if he lived to be as old as Methuselah. 4 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on Time Certificates, First National Bank The Bank of Personal Service Marshfleld, Oregon candmaviaii- WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE YOUR BUSINESS, BE IT LARGE OR SMALL IS APPRECIATED BY US HOURS 9 TO 3 Abstracts Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshfleld and Coqulllo City, Orogon. General Agents Kustsldo nnd S eiiKstncken's Addition, Special attention paid to assessments nnd payment of tnves. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, -Malinger.. . . " THE CIGARETO FOR Abo packed 20 for 10a 20 far 10 VALUABLR", COUPON IN EACH PACKACIf , is- EstnbllNhctl J 881) you were not with a silver SATURDAY EVE7TO 9 For roliahlo Ahstrnrts of Tltlo and Information nhout COOS HAV REAL ESTATE, seo American Bank PROFESSIONAL DlRECXOBY Dr. A'. Li HousewortrT IMiyHlclnn and 8urgco uhjco: Irving Illock. Offlco hours: 11 to la n. .H, I nnd 7 to 8 p. in, Phonca: Offlco ll.'J-J; Hej., 4,- J. M. Wright Phne HJ.B IJUILDINa COXTRACTon EBtlmatca furnlahed on requett Dr. H. M. Shaw Kyo, Enr nnd Throat Specials ' GLASSES FITTED t Phono SU10-.T. Itoonm 200-201 Irving illock. OR. MATTIE 11. SHAW. Physician and Surgco I Phono HIIO-J. H. G. Butler , CIVIL ENGINEER Room 304 Colto Bldg. Phono Hj.j, Realdonqo Phono 3C3-L. W. G. Chandler ' ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Bnlldfni MarBhfleld, Oregon, TIME TAI1M.1 AVIXlLAMETTE PACIFIC MOTOfl r CAR Leave J MarBhfleld G: -45 ri.rh. - 7.4G a.m. 8:4C a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:4C a.m. 11:15 aimf' 12:cJ'p?Jnfr 1:45 p!rn',' 2:45 p.m. LtlT( North Bend 7:00 8,b. 8:00 .a, 0:00 &.m, 10:16 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:45 a.m, 1:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.n. 5:16 p.m, 3:-io p.m. , L CtOOm. b.40 p.m. 6:65 p.m. G:55 p.m. North city limits only. 7:30.'p.m( 7:45 p.m. THE LLOYI) FAMILY llOTKh llniihckecping Apartmcnta Two rooms, SH.(X) month Electricity and Gan. Frco batbi Sleeping rooms, 8I.K0 k., up ' . HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL ' Phone 3171 . FARE TEN CENTS City Limits North Rend, Cc. nn commutation nn CU TICKETS 91.715 (Si Mnrshtlcld-North Rend Auto Lino Cam ovtry ten minutes from O n. in. to 12 p. in.; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 ii. m.; to Empiro tlireo trlpf u dny. GORST & KING. Prop. WOOD GOOD WOOD AV. II. Lingo has it at Si.CO wid $'J rush per lond. Garhago rcmor. etl. Phono 227-X SAVE MONEY by ordering tho lnrooni HENRYVILLE C0ALM Nut coal, por ton f'w Lump coal, por ton t5-8' Or half ton of hoth " I). MUSSON, Prop. Phono 18-J or leave orders t Hllljer's Cigar Store. ' - a, DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono U70J . X WESTERN LOAN AND t RIIIL DING CO. Assets- $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings j X US. KAUFMAN & CO, I Local Treasurer T. J. HOAIFH tC A. n. nODOKil Marshfield gSJa. Pcllm.tna Vlirnlshdd Phoo lJO-It. Mwslifleld, Ottf DUNGAN IIMOPRTAK NG PARLORS will be kept OPEN TO THE PUBLIC A regulnr state licensed undertaker will he h charge , Phono 10S-J