ll TWO THE CfflOS gAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, IQIGEVENINEDITION JL-Z . -J tn n W tl o tf w. and Hhrs. JuMns LaWson were tt O WkUUWI UVUM WW w ""--" airriedl Fifty Years Ago Today .1 I'M US IiAltHON PACTS AUOl'T MKK OK Mlt AXI .MHH. laiWOX Mr. and Urn. JuIIuh Larson, plo neors of Coon county, Jmvo been mar ried CO years today. Tlio formal celebration of tliolr Golden Wedding will tako placo Saturday night when (in entertainment will bo given at tlio Moobo ball in tlilH city. All of the cblldron ana grand children wilt bo proHont, ub well aB quite a num ber of tlio old timo frlendH of the couple, to tako part In the obuorv uttou of tlio event. Mr. ltrson and IiIh wlfo havo lived imictlcally nil of tbolr murrlod life oh Cooa Hay. Thoy bavo eight children, nil of whom any living and married, and six grandchildren. Thoy will nil bo iiroHont at the (loldeu Wedding celobratlon and aro now In tlio city. Klght Children ' Tlio following are tho children in tlio order at their ages: Mrs. Jonnlo C. ItasmusBon, widow "of NoIb HaBiiiiiHHon of MurHliflohl. Herman Larson of Coiiullo. MrH. Lizzie Llghtncr. wifo of Cant. Clyde Llghtncr in charge of n gov eminent boat ut Han FrnnclBco. MrH. l'houbo Noiibnor, wlfo of (leorgo Doubnor, of llorholoy, Califor nia. MrH. Julia Utinter, wlfo of Harry lluntor, of Portland. Mru. Lena ltogoru, wlfo of Anuou O, Hogcrn, of Cooh rlvor. Fred Larson, of .Marnhflcld. , Mrs. Lottie- Kennedy, wife of Wll- Hh II. Konmidy of Marnhflold. Tho nix graudchlldron uro au fol io wh: Cordon ItiiHniiissoi), of Marshfiold; OIIh I), and Mario HogerH; Lucllo Hunter, Kvolyn Kennedy, JuIIuh Duubnor. Mru. Larson Iiiib u Hlfltcr who IIvoh in Norway and Mr. Larriou a brothor 'lit California who for forty-six yearn Ihih boon with tho Callforiilu TrniiH portutlon Company operating boatH on tlm Sacramento river. Itonini liable Couplo Mr. and Mrs. Larson aro remark nlilo poraoiiH. Mr. I .anion 1h past 73 youru of ago and Mrs. Larson lu five yearn younger, but one not acquaint d with their ago could Hcnrcoly be lluvo that either wa that old. They pioneered In Oregon, raised a largo family and lived lo hco nil of their childrou grown ami settled lu life, )mu had no deaths lu (ho im mediate family and have onjoyoil ex cellent health and havo prospered. ' Aro Yl'hero They Megan Mr. Larson has en rod for himself plnco bo wuh 13 yoars old when ho went to sea. Ho became one of the earlier Bottlers of Coos Hay, was n Hiiccessful farmer, accumulated a largo amount of land, saw the mem bers of his family grow up and now Julius Larson was bom at Ilorgan, Norway, Oct. 24, 1 S 1 2 . Mrs. Larson was horn flvo years later ut thd same placo Couple married .Fob. 1, 18GG, ut Hergon. Lived on Coos Hay sinco 1807. Mr. LaiBon wnB wreaked on brig Energy In Coos Hay In tho winter or 1862-3. Took tip preemption claim on Larson inlet In 18C8. Couple havo eight cblldron grown and mnrrlod and six grand children. Mr. Larson Is tho most eld erly member of Elkn lodgo In Oregon. When 13 years old Mr. Larson wont to aca and trav eled all over tho world. . MM IHIPPING MEWS 11111 GOMES BICPP SAILS EARLY CAPT. MAOKK A.VII CIIKW C1IVKX A 1IKAHTV WKI.COJ1K KILIJl'ILV MOIIT OFF I'Olt m:i TIIK OUK DAV-i NO 1 IT 1 1 Huh llcen fiolio Seven Months On Charter to Southern Sous Will Ttcsiinio Kegiihiv .Schedule For tho first time In almost seven ninths tho stoumsblp Nairn' Smith, 'Captain Will Mageo, tooted in the tipptr bay and swept In along sldo of tho Smith Terminal dock at noon to day. Back has sho come from a journoy Into South American l,ortVcl,paclv Ot.-Wos Good Passenger List With Most of C'uIiIiin Full To llflHK IttiMc .Much Freight SOMU XUTS 1 1 Kdltor F. P. Nutting, of tho Al Jibuiiy Democrat prints the following: ,'j Misfits doesn't mlid Jokes about other people; but when It conies to his own name, that's some dlfferonco. Hero Is the outburst of an eastern funny man: Yes, V. N. Nutt has boon ro-clect-o. president of tho National Nut Growers' Association. Added to this ,tho Mt. Pleasant (la.) Freo Pross says that Miss lluzel Nutt has accept ed a position at the Iowa State Hos- Heforo daylight this morning tho Bteamshlp F. A. .Kilburn, Captain McLollan, loft for tho Smlth-Tornii-iral dock bound for Portland, cross ing out about 7:10 a. m. for Port Iqiid. Aboard wa9 a good passenger list, "most of tho cabins being full to their . Dllnl. Then, Miss Hazel v7" a Btudont at NorthVe8tPf q!1l Chicago, and Mrs. T.ln "Bl, Nutty of Manmroneck v v 1 her name to X'nitn.. .. . g i crackers I ming 1 COOS 1LVV rni.v,.....'7 -"' U.HV tt i:!)r?3Xfe ary 0. 1010, at 10 o&i rrnna nm neitinttii.. - presont ns win como up especially ureM business M GEO. hovlng been away on a bIx month's rJQ 'fouowing passengers loft Coos Dozens or people nueu uio,-. ,, . Elliott. Kenneth Kit- tllO ... i.l t.t llllnlt l IX tfllll lUli. VIIUIICS r... Ulliukki .M. l-J, mi... ho and Mrs. Larson after having had a largo family aro whoro they start ed and In their new homo on Larson Inlet, which Is n handsome but much Binnllor house than thoy formorly oc cupied, nre continuing na they began. Their housohold consists of only tho two, tho eight children having an married and established their own homes. Divide Their Timo A happy foaturo however for Mr. tind Mrs. Larson la the fact that most of their children rcsldo in this com munity. Tho farm on Larson Inlet Is the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Larson but for tho past fourteen years thoy bavo maintained apartments on Front street whoro they stop when thoy como to tho city. They spent their timo In town and on tho ranch nH tliolr plcaauro bids. llotlt Horn In Norway Mr. Larson was born October 24, 184 2, ut Hergon, Norway nntl his wife Is a native of tho samo city and was bom there flvo yoars later than Iter husband. They wore married nt Hergon, Feb. I, 18CC, JtiBt fifty ycam ago today. When thirteen years of ago Mr. Larson ubh boy found It noc .'st)ury to make his own living and ho went to sea. That was tho most natural vocation to bo followed by n boy on tho coast of Norway. Traveled Ovur tho World Ho was olovon months away on his rirst voyngo and ho rccelvod tlio sum of $1 a month pay nn cabin boy. Ho wan on other sailing vessels and experienced many hardships which nttonded son life lu thoso times but he bad tho opportunity early In llfo to see much of tho world. Ho visit ed many of tho principal seaports of tho world, waa lu Fast India and JlltS. JULIUS IjAHSO.V He picked out his place as tho best location on tho waterway and IiIb suc cess with tho ranch proved that his Judgment was good. Twice Mr. anil Mrs. Larson woro burned out and their resldenco destroyed. When the children woro nt homo tho family was largo and a ton-room house was built and occupied. Tills houso and the buildings and most of tho farm Ib now rented and Mr. and Mtb. Lar son, at another point on tho placo built n now six room modern bunga low and barns and accompanying buildings. Mr. Larson rcntod the main placo so as to bo freo of the cares of dairying and tho largo house was no longer neoded as tho child ren had grown and married. chartor. dock to welcome the return of well known C. A. Smith carrier. : Its the samo crew aboard that left 'hero In July. All of them declare that thoy have had a great trip, but add thoy aro glad to bo back again. Mrs. Will Mageo and children boarded the vessol at North Hend and como up to Marshfiold. On tho last trip of tho steamship from Chile, South America, they met the Nann In San Pedro and stayed nboard until the return to San Francisco from Pugot Sound. This was two months or more ago. 11 nil No Mishaps Cnpt. Mageo declares thero has not been a mishap on tho entlro voy ngo. Tho trip from San Pedro to tlio Bouthorn wnters generally took about 20 days In good weather. The porta "mndo" In Chllo woro Coqulmbo, Huusco, Channrul and Vnlparlso. None of tho first throe, by tho way, aro pronounced tho way they aro spelled. Somcono suggest- Mrs. Hull, W. E. Orr, J. Longstnff, ( A P. Williams, Mrs. Williams, Ml38 M. Hurnett, Mrs. W. J. Elrod, Mrs.) K. E. Ognmborlttln nd child, A. K. Arkloy. Mrs Arkley and child, Nell "HolmeB, Miss K. Wurdcll, J. H. Sront . C. Mallory, A. A. Hale, A. Mntson, ' II. B. Donahoy, E. Doran, Norn Stnrns, Mrs. F. M. Wnsson, J. K. Lo gan, Mrs. Logan, Julius Tohl, W. D. Fostor, J. II, Clyde, Mrs. Clyde, Joso phlno Clyde, Lester Clyde, Marlon ' Clyde, D. E. Wood, Mrs. 13. J. Ed-1 sionds, Miss Edmonds, S. C. Shank-, llu nntl MIsb Mnbol King. K- & HHM&flKaLL J, jl m 4fl Watch This Paper Tomorrow! Tl icd turning thoni nbout, end for end. I n ml if (tit t lwi ittfiiiinlii (Inn flint couple now hnvo tbolr cozy homo and I ' b divide tliolr timo between thoro nnd i wn' ,. iiuiK ores, niOHiiy oi copper, woro Marshfiold aB the fancy strikes them. In tho early days of ranching thero was no market locally for pro ducts. Mr. Liirson would ralso 3, 000 and 4,000 sacks of potatoes. All tho ranchers rntscd potatoes then to gether with hay and Uicso wore ship ped to Sun Francisco and proved to bo n profitable crop. Saw Mai'hhricld Orow Mnrshfleld wuh Bcarcely a sottlo meht when Mr. Larson first cnmo. Ho says that Capt. Hamtltou lived In hero and kept a sort of stopping plnco. Tho old Gow Why grocory building wuh standing nt that timo but water, canio up to tho mud flats where the Hlauco hotel now stands mid thero wiib no boat landing In Marshfiold. From a sottlomont of a fow build ings Mr. and Mrs. Lnrsou havo seen the presont city of Mnrshfleld and other communities of Coos Hay grow. Thoy wero ioal pioneers, coming ns thoy did when but little had been ilono to tlovelop tho natural resourc es. Thoy lived their llfo hero and mnde tliolr successes on Coos Hay. takon nboard In Chile. About four days waa necessary to put nboard a full cargo as everything is .carried out from tho shoro to tho ships lu lighters, rowed by natives-who 'hold long swoops. Tho open coast lino docs not permit the landing of ves sels along side of wharves. .Made Two Trips Twlco tho Nairn Smith mndo tne trip from tho south to Puget Sound with oro cargoes, returning there, with general merchandise and ma chinery. 1 Tho Nnun Smith hereafter will bo on hor old schcdulo between Coos Day nntl San Francisco. This timo sho Ib to havo hor bollors cleaned out and will not leave hero for tho south until Wednesday. She will then carry passengers and lunibor. twlco wont around tho world, and Thoy havo lived hero longorUB a mar Mr. Larson says now that tlio oxpor- rlod couple than nnyono olso In tho Ic-uco of tho travel was of great bono fit to him in after llfo. Shlpwrt'ckiMl At Coos liny Tho fact that Mr. Larson locntod on Coos Hay was something of nn ac cident as ho wiib shipwrecked hero. Ho was on tho brig Energy which community. Hnvo (innil Fortuno No couplo Is hold in higher res pect or osteom by tbolr frlonds or stand bottor In tho community, and 1. Is probable that It would be hard to find In tho ontlro slate a counlo TITLE IS VALID was bound horo from San Francisco. ns young for tbolr ago as Mr. and for coal. Tho vessol after sailing in ovor tho bar stuck lu low wnter at Kocky Point. Tho crow had no dlf- Mrs. Larson. It Is rare ever to find who havo lived together n couple for fifty fkulty lu going nslioro nt low tide, j years In one community, who hnvo Mr. Larson wont to North Hend and i raised all of tbolr eight cblldron suc worked In tho mill thoro for a u-hllolmsfiilly, hnvo attained wordly mid then worked for John Hewlett in wealth and who havo nt an advanced Abstract foi Itndio Station In I'iinsisI Upon Uy the ( Jo v eminent After thorough scrutiny for sovoral months, much writing back and forth and much traveling of papers, tho deed to tho government radio alto In Reynold's Addition has been doclarod valid. It has passed tho add test of tho Attorney Oonornl's offlco, according to word recoivod hero today from Lloutennnt E. II. l)odd, suporlntendout of rndlo on tho Pacific. "The consummation of tho 'transfer of tho laud can bo mndo now without further preliminaries," writes tho nontenant. Nothing Is said in his lottor about tho timo con struction of tho station will bo Btarted. m ci I FREE I H One Tooth Hrush llracket H worth 2r.e with each 2.K- H H package of H I Tootb Paste 1 H Wo guarantee this Tooth H H Pusto to bo par excellciuo Ml H and a Hcteutlflc preji.t-.i B H tlon 'for whitening, clans. V H lug and purifying the txvth I H having deoldedly refresh- H; H lug after effects, Hi H The .Storo for Quality Hi H Clieiutcals HI I Brown Drug Co. I 71 Market Ave. I tho lattor's slilp yard at North Hend. .Man-led in Norway It was in the winter of 1SG2-G3 that Mr. Larson first cumo to Coos Hay when the vessol of which ho was one of tho crow wiib wrocKert. ho decided to go back to Norway to j visit his mother whom ho hud not i seen for houio years. Ho left hero in tSUCi with tho Intention of return ing and It was while ho wuh lu Nor way on u visit that he was married. With his wlfo ho leturned to Ameri ca lu 1807. Tho couplo first land ed at San Francisco und then came to Coos Hay. Owns Largo Itaucli In 1SC.S Mr. Larson took up n pieomptton claim of 1G0 acres on what Is known as Larson Inlet which la. ono of tho branches of lluynes In let and which was named for Mr, Larson. This Is tho ranch which ho wt til owns hut has been greatly en larged. From timo to timo more laud wus added until tho place now consists of about 1,000 acres, Includ ing bottom laud ami hill range laud. Some of tho land is timbered, For ninny years Mr. Larson raised pota toes and bay on tho ranch. These wero tho only crops for which thero was a market. Potatoes and hay wire both shipped from hero to Cal ifornia ami woro tho most lucrotlvo crops at that timo. When a croamery was started on 1 Coos Un a market was opened for the dairy business and Mr. Larson took up dairying. Tho ranch main tains a hord of fifty hoad or cuttle. Flrht White Family I Mr Iiison und his wife made up the first whlio family on (ho Inlet. ago In llfo presorved good health which would bo onvled by many who aro twenty yoars younger. r Pioinliient As KIk ' Mr. l.nrson enjoys tho distinction of being tho most elderly moinbor i. uio wruer oi isikb in mo stuto o uregon. Ho Is n member of tho .Marshfiold lodgo. Mr. and Mrs. Iirson nro bolng con gratulated by tliolr many friends on their good fortune lu roachlug tliolr Ooldon Wedding nnnlversary undor lircuinstauces which may bo said to be Ideal. Mr. Larson attributes tho present good health of himself nnd his wife to tho ract that thoy havo worked hard, have alwajs lived well, and, by no moans the least cause, havo al-1 ways boon good humored. NOTICE. Tho monthly mooting of tho Marshfiold Chamber of Commerco will he bold Friday ovoulng, Feb ruary 4th. at 8 o'clock. JOHN W. MOTLEY, Soc'y. VESSEL MOVE.M ENTS this Arrived Nann Smith, San Francisco, morning. A. M. Simpson, San Pedro, 9 a. m. Duo To Sail Hustler, Hoguo Hlvor, tomorrow. Hardy, San Francisco, tomorrow a m. Sugar t WATERFRONT NEWS J Tho Bteamshlp Nann Smith, Cap tain Will Magoo, arrlvod In early this morning from San Francisco, af ter a long absence. Tho vessel will not sail again until next Wednesday. About nluu o'clock this morning tho steam schooner A. M. Simpson ai rived In from Sail Pedro. Tomorrow Bomotlme tho steam schooner Hardy will sail 'for Sail Francisco. LAYS 11IO Ed'CSS Two nnd Three Yolks Foul lu Some. Tho following story Is told in tho Entorpriso: Tho barn yard flock of chlckous of Henry V. Flshor, dairyman who operates tho Lowls Strong ranch on the South Fork, has among Its number no hen that lays exceptionally largo eggs tho slnglo yolked ones nro largo and then thero nro occasional ones that havo two yolks, whllo one day recontly when one of tho Misses Fisher' was baking n cake alio tils-, covered nn egg that find thrco yolks In tho one shell, Tho hen' doos not lay an ogg ovory dny, and tho fent that sho performs Is so very much out of tho ordinary und not to any advantage to tho small poultry business, that Mrs. Flshor has stipulated that sho will not fol low tho advlco often glvon against killing tho gooso that lays tho gold-, on ogg, but that If sho can slnglo Does it make any difference to you whether yoJ r juoq is Kepi aosoimeiy ciean ana sannary 1 We think it does. For some time we have noticed that sutiar hasbi rather carelessly packed and handled. It is shipped in 100-lb sacks, tossed about in warehouses and on docks regardless of cleanliness and around where it has no protection from mice, rats, cats and other animals. Th sacks did not protect against the absoption of impurities, The sugar was discolored and often lumpy and stained ! Our Sugar is Pure White i get our Niigar shipped in bnmti, of the iiioM Naiiitary leflncrlcs In tfJ paper lined and put up by one most sanitary way. It. Is fiec from Impurities nntl is as wlilto on tho diiu'ii mioit. It costs us a llttlo umro than tho ordinary sugar but wo lime cl ranged to i-ctnll it ut tho samo prlco that you pay for tho oillnujl mi gar that is not. safegiini ded In a sanitary way. lust notice your uot pinch a so of sugar from us and sco licit I much cleaner nnd ulcer it is. Como in nnd wo will bhoir jm why. , This is ouo of the many steps wo hnvo taken to guarantee urit) in our foods. jWSTJTSiITMiBtru tilJBit'.'i'ii,mj iJIiC V Ollivant & Nasbum Tho flood Housekeeping Store HO.MK of rum: foods Second and Commercial, MnrthfleM Two Telephones, 199 and 171 Kmi n ii'iVJ YOU WANT GOOD MEAfl That's tho kind ou get when joii trado nt tho Union Market Our lino of fresh meat Is complete Woliuvosomocholcobwfito mid you ought to try our breakfast steaks If you want a reall;o llcloiis cut. Kvcrjbody who tries our homo-smoked fiauiH nnd baron, kwp oiderlng them. llettcr enjoy some yourself. PIIOXH US YOUU OltDKK the nx. J. E. Ford (8b Co. V Y II LJ 'tf;LSo.&!B'way union marnw Low Cost High Efficiency COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Have your IJETTEU heads, hill heads, etc., printed at THE TIMES office. j 4.49 S'lNI.1tl)..(i iitoci:i Til 11 SKty per cunt of tho goods Bold lu grocery Moios today aio t ratio-murk ed articles. In sonio of tho larger cities storcB aro springing up that deal in "packaged goods" exclusively, And tho packaged goods most popular with tho gro cers' customers aro thoso that aro newspaper udvertls ed. It Is natural that tho doal or should favor these news paper advertised brands, for thoy are the broad and butter or bis business. Tho public wants them. Thoy havo tho reQUislto quality and thoy. make friends tor ins store. h$ VV' IP? ' iiiirv:-jrT'.-Jir?wri-jriF-r-': wmiinini i , Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction CQNLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bav offinfi has nvnilnhlfi for Oreoon COIH work the Dredge "Seattle" mi tko most powerful, best equipped Mid most thoroughly twenty-imch hydraulic dredge In Paclfio water Hnnfi Rnu nWr.n Main office. Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. GRAVEL1 ntlt We aro now nrenarod to furnish GRAVEL In any lu from pilo In our yard or in carload lots, at following prlc! From pile on ground, J2.V6 per yard. Oanoad lots, taken from cars, Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. C? 12.00 per l"1 Opposite PosM)moe. pboa lit- OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. . . , initio .narsmieiu at 7 a. in., ana returning leaving ru -mana o ... t ....... . , ..... i-,. ive tw a m, hi. jwavo Aiursiiiieiti at xi n.m. nna reiurui , Blmich at 1 tl. m. Tavn lMarslifif-1.1 nt 5 n. ni. and retor! Icuvo South Slouch at O p, in. mmi&